//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. // #include "resource.h" #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // #define APSTUDIO_HIDDEN_SYMBOLS #include "windows.h" #undef APSTUDIO_HIDDEN_SYMBOLS #include "winver.h" #include "ntverp.h" #include "winntbb.rcv" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (U.S.) resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US #pragma code_page(1252) #endif //_WIN32 #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TEXTINCLUDE // 1 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "resource.h\0" END 2 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "#define APSTUDIO_HIDDEN_SYMBOLS\r\n" "#include ""windows.h""\r\n" "#undef APSTUDIO_HIDDEN_SYMBOLS\r\n" "#include ""winver.h""\r\n" "#include ""ntverp.h""\r\n" "#include ""winntbb.rcv""\r\n" "\0" END 3 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "\r\n" "\0" END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Bitmap // IDB_LOGO640_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\WinLogo6x4.bmp" IDB_LOGO800_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\WinLogo8x6.bmp" IDB_LOGO1024_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\WinLogo10x7.bmp" IDB_BACKGROUND_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\Background.bmp" //IDB_RBACKGROUND_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\RBackground.bmp" //IDB_GBACKGROUND_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\GBackground.bmp" //IDB_BBACKGROUND_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\BBackground.bmp" IDB_SELECTEDBULLET_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\BulletSelect1.bmp" IDB_RELEASEDBULLET_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\Bullet1.bmp" IDB_CURRENTBULLET_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\BulletInProgress1.bmp" // Server SKU logos IDB_SRV_LOGO640_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\SrvLogo6x4.bmp" IDB_SRV_LOGO800_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\SrvLogo8x6.bmp" IDB_SRV_LOGO1024_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\SrvLogo10x7.bmp" IDB_SRV_BACKGROUND_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\SBackground.bmp" IDB_SRV_SELECTEDBULLET_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\SBulletSelect.bmp" IDB_SRV_RELEASEDBULLET_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\SBullet.bmp" IDB_SRV_CURRENTBULLET_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\SBulletInProgress.bmp" IDB_LOGO640_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\WinLogo6x4.bmp" IDB_LOGO800_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\WinLogo8x6.bmp" IDB_LOGO1024_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\WinLogo10x7.bmp" IDB_BACKGROUND_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\Background.bmp" IDB_SELECTEDBULLET_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\BulletSelect.bmp" IDB_RELEASEDBULLET_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\Bullet.bmp" IDB_CURRENTBULLET_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\BulletInProgress.bmp" // Server SKU logos IDB_SRV_LOGO640_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\SrvLogo6x4.bmp" IDB_SRV_LOGO800_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\SrvLogo8x6.bmp" IDB_SRV_LOGO1024_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\SrvLogo10x7.bmp" IDB_SRV_BACKGROUND_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\SBackground.bmp" IDB_SRV_SELECTEDBULLET_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\SBulletSelect.bmp" IDB_SRV_RELEASEDBULLET_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\SBullet.bmp" IDB_SRV_CURRENTBULLET_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\SBulletInProgress.bmp" IDB_BULLET_1 BITMAP DISCARDABLE "BULLET.BMP" IDB_INTENSITY1_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\Intensity1.bmp" IDB_INTENSITY2_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\Intensity2.bmp" IDB_INTENSITY3_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\Intensity3.bmp" IDB_INTENSITY4_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\Intensity4.bmp" IDB_INTENSITY1_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\Intensity1.bmp" IDB_INTENSITY2_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\Intensity2.bmp" IDB_INTENSITY3_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\Intensity3.bmp" IDB_INTENSITY4_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\Intensity4.bmp" IDB_SRV_INTENSITY1_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\sIntensity1.bmp" IDB_SRV_INTENSITY2_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\sIntensity2.bmp" IDB_SRV_INTENSITY3_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\sIntensity3.bmp" IDB_SRV_INTENSITY4_C16BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\16bitcolor\\sIntensity4.bmp" IDB_SRV_INTENSITY1_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\sIntensity1.bmp" IDB_SRV_INTENSITY2_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\sIntensity2.bmp" IDB_SRV_INTENSITY3_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\sIntensity3.bmp" IDB_SRV_INTENSITY4_C4BIT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\4bitcolor\\sIntensity4.bmp" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Icon // // Icon with lowest ID value placed first to ensure application icon // remains consistent on all systems. IDI_SETUP ICON DISCARDABLE "SETUP.ICO" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_INFOFONTNAME "Tahoma" IDS_INFOFONTSIZE_1024 "9" IDS_INFOFONTSIZE_800 "8" IDS_INFOFONTSIZE_640 "8" IDS_TITLEFONTNAME "Arial" IDD_TITLEFONTWEIGHT "700" IDS_TITLEFONTSIZE_1024 "24" IDS_TITLEFONTWIDTH_1024 "0" IDS_TITLEFONTSIZE_800 "18" IDS_TITLEFONTWIDTH_800 "0" IDS_TITLEFONTSIZE_640 "16" IDS_TITLEFONTWIDTH_640 "0" IDS_TEXTFONTNAME "Tahoma" IDD_TEXTFONTWEIGHT "400" IDS_TEXTFONTSIZE_1024 "11" IDS_TEXTFONTWIDTH_1024 "0" IDS_TEXTFONTSIZE_800 "9" IDS_TEXTFONTWIDTH_800 "0" IDS_TEXTFONTSIZE_640 "9" IDS_TEXTFONTWIDTH_640 "0" IDS_TEXTFONT_LINESPACING "0" IDD_PANELCOUNT "20" IDD_ANIMATION "0" IDS_STEP1 "Collecting |information" IDS_STEP2 "Dynamic |Update" IDS_STEP3 "Preparing |installation" IDS_WINNT_SETUP "Whistler Setup" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_STEP4 "Installing |Windows" IDS_STEP5 "Finalizing |installation" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDD_BIDI "0" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TITLE1 "An |exciting |new |look" IDS_TEXT1 "Windows® |XP |Professional |sports |a |brand-|new |visual |design |that |combines |a |sleek |look, |clean |lines, |and |appealing |colors |with |a |task-oriented |design |and |exceptionally |streamlined |navigation.\r\n\r\nThe |redesigned |Start |menu |makes |it |easier |to |find |important |information |and |to |access |the |programs |you |use |most |frequently.\r\n\r\nBy |automatically |cleaning |up |the |notification |area |of |the |taskbar |and |grouping |related |taskbar |items, |Windows |XP |makes |it |easier |to |switch |between |programs |and |to |open, |view, |or |close |multiple |items |at |the |same |time." IDS_TITLE2 "Try |the |easiest |Windows® |yet" IDS_TEXT2 "Windows |XP |makes |it |easy |to |manage |all |of |your |information. |We've |enhanced |the |My |Documents, |My |Pictures, |and |My |Music |folders |to |make |them |more |useful. |Now |whenever |you |open |these |folders, |you’ll |also |see |handy |shortcuts |to |the |most |common |tasks |for |documents, |pictures, |and |music.\r\n\r\nIntegrated |support |for |Web |publishing |means |that |you |can |put |your |documents |on |the |Internet |and |get |to |them |easily |from |any |location.\r\n\r\nWindows |XP |Professional |also |supports |integrated |CD |recording, |so |now |you |can |easily |save |files |to |a |CD-R |or |CD-RW |drive." IDS_TITLE3 "Stay |up |to |date" IDS_TEXT3 "Windows |Update |provides |you |with |critical |software |updates |and |hardware |support |files |for |Windows® |XP. |And |Setup |gives |you |the |opportunity |to |ensure |that |you |have |the |latest |software |to |install |Windows |quickly |and |successfully.\r\n\r\nFor |corporate |customers, |there |have |been |great |improvements |to |the |system |preparation |tool |as |well |as |unattended |setups." IDS_TITLE4 "Your |computer |will |be |faster |and |more |reliable" IDS_TEXT4 "Windows® |XP |Professional |not |only |starts |faster |than |any |previous |version |of |Windows, |but |it |also |runs |your |programs |more |quickly |and |reliably |than |ever. |If |a |program |becomes |unstable, |you |can |close |it |without |having |to |shut |down |Windows |or |lose |any |of |your |work." IDS_TITLE5 "Get |support |for |the |latest |hardware |and |software" IDS_TEXT5 "Windows® |XP |Professional |supports |a |large |number |of |programs |and |has |built-in |support |for |the |latest |hardware, |including |DirectX® |8 |for |great |multimedia |support.\r\n\r\nWhen |you |insert |a |floppy |disk, |ZIP® |disk, |CD, |or |memory |card |from |your |digital |camera, |Windows |XP |identifies |the |content |(such |as |pictures, |music, |or |video), |and |automatically |starts |the |appropriate |program. |Windows |XP |Professional |also |supports |DVD-RAM |drives." IDS_TITLE6 "Easily |move |documents |and |personal |settings |to |a |new |computer" IDS_TEXT6 "If |you’ve |had |a |computer |for |a |while, |you’ve |probably |gotten |it |set |up |the |way |you |like. |Files |are |organized |a |certain |way, |you |have |bookmarked |a |long |list |of |favorite |Web |sites, |and |you’ve |customized |your |desktop |just |the |way |you |want |it.\r\n\r\nThose |personal |settings |won’t |be |wiped |out |when |you |buy |a |new |computer |with |Windows® |XP. |With |the |Files |and |Settings |Transfer |Wizard, |it's |simple |to |move |your |files |and |settings |from |one |computer |to |another.\r\n\r\nThe |wizard |is |located |in |the |System |Tools |folder. |For |a |command-line |version |that |system |administrators |can |use |on |multiple |computers |at |once, |try |the |User |State |Migration |Tool |(USMT) |in |the |ValueAdd |folder." IDS_TITLE7 "Surfing |the |Internet: |safe, |fast, |and |flexible" IDS_TEXT7 "Windows® |XP |includes |Internet |Explorer |6, |the |next |major |update |to |the |award-winning |Internet |Explorer |technologies. |Internet |Explorer |6 |includes |many |new |and |enhanced |features |that |help |maintain |the |privacy |of |information |sent |and |received |over |the |Web, |while |simplifying |the |daily |tasks |that |you |perform. |And |new |innovative |browser |capabilities--|such |as |media |playback, |automatic |picture |resizing, |and |more--|let |you |experience |the |Web |exactly |the |way |that |you |want.\r\n\r\n.NET |Passport |integration |means |that |you |won't |have |to |type |a |user |name |and |password |to |access |participating |Web |sites |and |services |like |Windows |Messenger®.\r\n\r\nThere's |also |built-in |support |for |easy |publication |of |pictures, |video, |and |other |content |on |community |sites |that |support |.NET |passport." IDS_TITLE8 "Explore |your |creative |side |with |photos |and |videos" IDS_TEXT8 "Windows® |XP |enhances |your |ability |to |share |photos |and |videos |with |your |friends |and |family. |You |can |easily |download |pictures |from |your |digital |camera |into |the |My |Pictures |folder.\r\n\r\nThe |improved |My |Pictures |folder |shows |thumbnail |views |of |your |pictures, |so |it’s |easy |to |find |the |ones |you |want. |And |the |tasks |in |the |My |Pictures |folder |help |you |publish |your |favorite |pictures |to |the |Web |or |send |them |through |e-mail |to |quickly |share |with |friends |and |family. |You |can |even |use |the |Photo |Printing |Wizard |to |easily |print |photos |in |any |size |and |quantity." IDS_TITLE9 "Music |and |entertainment |just |got |better" IDS_TEXT9 "Windows® |XP |has |been |designed |from |the |ground |up |to |be |the |best |operating |system |for |digital |music |and |entertainment. |Now |it |is |easier |than |ever |for |you |to |find, |organize, |and |play |back |your |music |and |movies, |listen |to |Internet |radio, |and |even |transfer |files |to |your |portable |devices.\r\n\r\nWindows |Media™ |Player |delivers |new |Windows |XP |features |such |as |faster |audio |CD |burning, |DVD |playback |(when |configured |with |a |supported |third |party |DVD |decoder), |and |full-screen |video |controls. |The |new |My |Music |folder |makes |it |fast |and |fun |to |organize |your |Windows |Media |Audio |and |existing |MP3 |music |collections." IDS_TITLE18 "Windows® |Movie |Maker |makes |it |easy |and |fun |to |capture, |create, |and |share |home |movies" IDS_TEXT18 "Movie |Maker |helps |you |easily |create |great |home |movies |to |share |with |friends |and |family |and |preserve |your |memories. |With |Movie |Maker, |you |just |transfer |movies |from |your |analog |or |digital |video |camera |to |your |computer, |then |put |your |favorite |clips |together |(and |cut |out |the |ones |you |don’t |like), |add |music, |narration, |and |title |slides—|even |still |photographs. |With |superior |compression |technology, |movies |created |with |Movie |Maker |are |small |enough |to |easily |e-mail |or |post |to |a |Web |site." IDS_TITLE10 "Work |anytime, |anywhere" IDS_TEXT10 "Windows® |XP |Professional |features |great |improvements |for |the |mobile |professional. |Windows |XP |enables |you |to |connect |to |your |desktop |from |almost |anywhere.\r\n\r\nExceptional |power |management |features |have |increased |battery |life |so |that |you |can |work |longer, |and |Remote |Desktop |allows |you |to |access |your |programs |and |data |from |another |computer |connected |to |your |corporate |network." IDS_TITLE11 "Windows® |XP |is |great |for |notebook |computers" IDS_TEXT11 "Windows |XP |makes |wireless |networking |with |your |computer |easy |and |secure |so |you |can |work |where |you |want, |when |you |want. |And, |with |Windows |XP, |wireless |networking |configuration |is |seamless |and |automatic.\r\n\r\nAdditionally, |Microsoft |ClearType™ |technology |dramatically |improves |the |readability |of |LCD |screens. |And, |of |course, |Windows |XP |Professional |features |great |Plug |and |Play |support." IDS_TITLE12 "Stay |connected |with |colleagues, |customers, |friends, |and |family" IDS_TEXT12 "Your |computer |can |now |be |a |complete, |easy-to-use |communications |center |so |you |can |stay |connected |to |the |people |in |your |world.\r\n\r\nWindows® |XP |Professional |includes |new |real-time |communications |integration |so |you |can |communicate |with |others |through |instant |messaging, |voice, |and |video. |Plus |you |can |share |files, |share |programs, |and |work |together--|all |within |one |easy-to-use |location. |This |is |the |new |way |to |get |things |done |and |stay |in |touch!" IDS_TITLE13 "The |most |dependable |Windows® |for |business |computing" IDS_TEXT13 "Built |on |the |proven |reliability |of |Windows |2000, |Windows |XP |Professional |offers |features |that |improve |the |stability |of |your |computer.\r\n\r\nWe've |added |features |like |device |driver |rollback |and |an |improved |device |driver |verifier. |And |we've |enhanced |features |that |protect |important |system |files |within |the |operating |system |from |being |deleted |or |replaced, |which |makes |Windows |XP |Professional |the |most |reliable |Windows |ever." IDS_TITLE14 "Experience |the |ultimate |in |safety, |security, |and |privacy" IDS_TEXT14 "Building |on |the |security |of |Windows® |2000, |Windows |XP |Professional |provides |the |latest |technologies |to |keep |your |data |safe |from |unauthorized |access.\r\n\r\nThe |Internet |Connection |Firewall |protects |your |computer |from |hackers |when |it's |connected |to |the |Internet. |Built-in |policies |also |help |protect |your |computer |from |certain |types |of |e-mail |viruses.\r\n\r\nIf |you |need |to |encrypt |your |data, |Windows |XP |Professional |offers |an |encrypting |file |system, |which |has |been |improved |to |work |seamlessly |with |offline |data." IDS_TITLE15 "Be |assured |of |greater |accessibility" IDS_TEXT15 "Windows® |XP |Professional |provides |accessibility |features |that |make |it |easier |for |people |to |use |computers.\r\n\r\nThe |Accessibility |Wizard |helps |you |customize |your |computer |screen, |keyboard, |and |mouse |to |fit |your |needs.\r\n\r\nTo |make |items |on |the |screen |easier |to |see, |you |can |increase |the |contrast, |enlarge |the |text, |and |have |your |mouse |pointer |leave |a |trail. |You |can |customize |keyboard |options |and |replace |computer |sounds |with |visual |alerts.\r\n\r\nWindows |XP |also |includes |basic |utilities |that |allow |you |to |magnify |the |screen |or |use |an |on-screen |keyboard. |You |can |start |these |utilities |from |the |Utility |Manager–|even |when |logging |on |to |your |computer–|by |pressing |the |Windows |logo |key |+ |U." IDS_TITLE16 "Now |it's |easier |to |get |help--|and |to |help |others!" IDS_TEXT16 "If |you |need |to |find |your |way |around |Windows® |XP |or |troubleshoot |a |problem, |then |you'll |appreciate |the |ease |of |finding |answers |in |the |content-|rich |new |world |of |Help |and |Support |Center.\r\n\r\nFrom |one |central |location, |you |can |find |your |system |configuration, |keep |your |computer |up |to |date, |check |for |software |and |hardware |compatibility, |and |search |across |multiple |sources |of |help |and |troubleshooting |content |on |the |Web |as |well |as |on |your |computer--|quickly |and |easily!\r\n\r\nIf |you |prefer |to |ask |friends |or |co-workers |to |help |fix |a |problem |on |your |computer, |just |send |them |a |Remote |Assistance |request. |Then, |with |your |permission, |they |can |use |their |own |computer |to |view |your |desktop |and |help |you |just |as |easily |as |if |they |were |in |the |same |room." IDS_TITLE17 "Enjoy |using |Windows® |XP!" IDS_TEXT17 "If |you |would |like |more |details |on |the |new |features |built |into |Windows |XP, |the |Windows |Start |menu |can |point |you |to |several |options. |Click |Help |and |Support |to |find |articles, |overviews, |and |tutorials |on |specific |features.\r\n\r\nOr |click |Help |and |Support |and |type |“walkthroughs” |into |the |Search |box |to |find |articles |that |help |you |explore. |You |can |also |take |a |Tour |from |the |Start |menu |to |enjoy |a |visual |review |of |the |next |generation |of |Windows |for |home |and |business |computing.\r\n\r\nThank |you |for |purchasing |Windows |XP |Professional. |We |hope |that |you |enjoy |the |many |new |features |of |this |Windows |version." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TITLE1_S "The |Windows |Server |2003 |family |provides |the |most |productive |infrastructure |platform |for |powering |networks, |applications, |and |Web |services" IDS_TEXT1_S "" IDS_TITLE2_S "Greater |Productivity" IDS_TEXT2_S "The |Windows |Server |2003 |family |is |now |easier |to |deploy, |manage, |and |use.\r\n\r\nAdministrators |benefit |from |an |improved |management |experience, |including |new |Active |Directory |features |for |more |flexible |design |and |deployment.\r\n\r\nEnd-users |benefit |from |technologies |such |as |the |Volume |Shadow |Copy |service, |which |allows |them |to |recover |earlier |versions |of |their |own |files.\r\n\r\nWith |the |Windows |Server |2003 |family, |users |and |administrators |can |do |more, |with |less |time |and |effort." IDS_TITLE3_S "A |dependable |infrastructure" IDS_TEXT3_S "Built |on |the |proven |reliability |of |Windows |2000 |Server, |the |Windows |Server |2003 |family |provides |the |performance, |reliability, |and |manageability |required |to |support |a |dependable |information |technology |infrastructure." IDS_TITLE4_S "Improved |security" IDS_TEXT4_S "The |Windows |Server |2003 |family |delivers |enhanced |security |with |Internet |Information |Services |6.0, |which |offers |restricted, |safer |functionality |by |default, |SmartCard |authentication, |and |improved |security |technologies |to |protect |your |infrastructure." IDS_TITLE5_S "Increased |application |availability" IDS_TEXT5_S "New |and |improved |administrative |tools |make |it |easier |to |deploy |high-availability |technologies |to |increase |continuous |uptime |for |your |critical |applications." IDS_TITLE6_S "Native |support |of |Web |services" IDS_TEXT6_S "The |Windows |Server |2003 |family |delivers |a |revolutionary |new |application |server |architecture |that |makes |it |easier |to |build, |run, |and |administer |XML |Web-service |applications, |which |maximizes |the |performance, |reliability, |and |security |of |all |your |internal |and |external |Web |services." IDS_TITLE7_S "Scalability |to |meet |your |business |requirements" IDS_TEXT7_S "The |Windows |Server |2003 |family |includes |multi-dimensional |scalability |technologies |that |allow |businesses |to |implement |systems |to |meet |their |needs |today, |and |to |address |future |business |environment |changes |quickly |and |cost-effectively. | |Scalability |also |gives |administrators |the |option |to |consolidate |servers |more |effectively." IDS_TITLE8_S "Faster |development |of |applications" IDS_TEXT8_S "Using |technologies |such |as |the |Microsoft |.NET |Framework, |developers |can |employ |multiple |languages |in |single |applications, |quickly |create |scalable |applications |in |high-performance |computer |environments, |and |turn |existing |applications |into |Web |applications |with |fewer |resources |and |faster |time-to-market." IDS_TITLE9_S "Higher |performance" IDS_TEXT9_S "The |Windows |Server |2003 |family |delivers |greater |performance |to |handle |demanding |networking, |application |and |Web |workloads." IDS_TITLE10_S "The |highest |quality |Windows |server |operating |system" IDS_TEXT10_S "The |Windows |Server |2003 |family |includes |hundreds |of |customer-driven |improvements, |making |this |version |of |the |Windows |server |operating |system |the |best |ever." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TITLE1_PER "An |exciting |new |look" IDS_TEXT1_PER "Windows® |XP |Home |Edition |sports |a |brand-|new |visual |design |that |combines |a |sleek |look, |clean |lines, |and |appealing |colors |with |a |task-oriented |design |and |exceptionally |streamlined |navigation.\r\n\r\nThe |redesigned |Start |menu |makes |it |easier |to |find |important |information |and |to |access |the |programs |you |use |most |frequently.\r\n\r\nBy |automatically |cleaning |up |the |notification |area |of |the |taskbar |and |grouping |related |taskbar |items, |Windows |XP |makes |it |easier |to |switch |between |programs |and |to |open, |view, |or |close |multiple |items |at |the |same |time." IDS_TITLE2_PER "Get |up |and |running |with |the |latest |updates" IDS_TEXT2_PER "Windows |Update |provides |you |with |critical |software |updates |and |hardware |support |files |for |your |Windows® |XP |computer. |You |can |choose |to |have |Setup |check |the |Windows |Update |Web |site |to |ensure |that |you |have |the |latest |updates |to |make |your |Windows |installation |go |smoothly." IDS_TITLE3_PER "Stay |connected |with |friends |and |family" IDS_TEXT3_PER "Your |computer |can |now |be |a |complete, |easy-to-use |communications |center |so |you |can |stay |connected |to |your |friends |and |family.\r\n\r\nWindows® |XP |Home |Edition |includes |new |real-time |communications |integration |so |you |can |communicate |with |others |via |instant |messaging, |voice, |and |video. |Plus, |you |can |share |files |and |programs, |and |work |together--|all |within |one |easy-to-use |location.\r\n\r\nBuilt-in |fax |support |helps |you |send |faxes |directly |from |your |favorite |programs |and |receive |faxes |right |from |your |computer." IDS_TITLE4_PER "Explore |your |creative |side |with |photos |and |videos" IDS_TEXT4_PER "Windows® |XP |enhances |your |ability |to |share |photos |and |videos |with |your |friends |and |family. |You |can |easily |download |pictures |from |your |digital |camera |into |the |My |Pictures |folder.\r\n\r\nThe |improved |My |Pictures |folder |shows |thumbnail |views |of |your |pictures, |so |it’s |easy |to |find |the |ones |you |want. |And |the |tasks |in |the |My |Pictures |folder |help |you |publish |your |favorite |pictures |to |the |Web |or |send |them |through |e-mail |to |quickly |share |with |friends |and |family. |You |can |even |use |the |Photo |Printing |Wizard |to |easily |print |photos |in |any |size |and |quantity." IDS_TITLE5_PER "Music |and |entertainment |just |got |better" IDS_TEXT5_PER "Windows® |XP |has |been |designed |from |the |ground |up |to |be |the |best |operating |system |for |digital |music |and |entertainment. |Now |it |is |easier |than |ever |for |you |to |find, |organize, |and |play |back |your |music |and |movies, |listen |to |Internet |radio, |and |even |transfer |files |to |your |portable |devices.\r\n\r\nWindows |Media™ |Player |delivers |new |Windows |XP |features |such |as |faster |audio |CD |burning, |DVD |playback |(when |configured |with |a |supported |third |party |DVD |decoder), |and |full-screen |video |controls. |The |new |My |Music |folder |makes |it |fast |and |fun |to |organize |your |Windows |Media |Audio |and |existing |MP3 |music |collections." IDS_TITLE22_PER "Windows® |Movie |Maker |makes |it |easy |and |fun |to |capture, |create, |and |share |home |movies" IDS_TEXT22_PER "Movie |Maker |helps |you |easily |create |great |home |movies |to |share |with |friends |and |family |and |preserve |your |memories. |With |Movie |Maker, |you |just |transfer |movies |from |your |analog |or |digital |video |camera |to |your |computer, |then |put |your |favorite |clips |together |(and |cut |out |the |ones |you |don’t |like), |add |music, |narration, |and |title |slides—|even |still |photographs. |With |superior |compression |technology, |movies |created |with |Movie |Maker |are |small |enough |to |easily |e-mail |or |post |to |a |Web |site." IDS_TITLE6_PER "Try |the |easiest |Windows® |yet" IDS_TEXT6_PER "Windows |XP |makes |it |easy |to |manage |all |of |your |information. |We've |enhanced |the |My |Documents, |My |Pictures, |and |My |Music |folders |to |make |them |more |useful. |Now |whenever |you |open |these |folders, |you’ll |also |see |handy |shortcuts |to |the |most |common |tasks |for |documents, |pictures, |and |music.\r\n\r\nIntegrated |support |for |Web |publishing |means |that |you |can |put |your |documents |on |the |Internet |and |get |to |them |from |any |location." IDS_TITLE7_PER "Your |computer |will |be |faster |and |more |reliable" IDS_TEXT7_PER "Windows® |XP |Home |Edition |not |only |starts |faster |than |any |previous |version |of |Windows, |but |it |also |runs |your |programs |more |quickly |and |reliably |than |ever. |If |a |program |becomes |unstable, |you |can |close |it |without |having |to |shut |down |Windows |or |lose |any |of |your |work." IDS_TITLE8_PER "Easily |move |documents |and |personal |settings |to |a |new |computer" IDS_TEXT8_PER "If |you’ve |had |a |computer |for |a |while, |you’ve |probably |gotten |it |set |up |the |way |you |like. |Files |are |organized |a |certain |way, |you |have |bookmarked |a |long |list |of |favorite |Web |sites, |and |you’ve |customized |your |desktop |just |the |way |you |want |it.\r\n\r\nThose |personal |settings |won’t |be |wiped |out |when |you |buy |a |new |computer |with |Windows® |XP. |With |the |Files |and |Settings |Transfer |Wizard, |it's |simple |to |move |your |files |and |settings |from |one |computer |to |another |via |your |home |network, |a |shared |hard |drive, |or |even |floppy |disks." IDS_TITLE9_PER "Create |a |personal |computing |experience" IDS_TEXT9_PER "Windows® |XP |Home |Edition |makes |it |easy |to |create |individual |accounts |for |everyone |who |uses |your |computer. |This |means |that |each |user |who |logs |on |can |create |an |individualized |computing |environment, |allowing |him |or |her |to |keep |favorite |programs |and |desktop |settings.\r\n\r\nIf |your |family |shares |a |computer, |Windows |XP |Home |Edition |allows |each |user |to |quickly |switch |to |his |or |her |own |user |account |without |having |to |close |down |and |restart |the |previous |user's |programs |or |desktop |settings." IDS_TITLE10_PER "Connect |to |the |Web" IDS_TEXT10_PER "If |you |want |to |use |the |Internet, |it |has |never |been |easier |or |faster |to |get |started.\r\n\r\nThe |New |Connection |Wizard |helps |you |connect |to |the |Internet |and |sign |up |with |an |Internet |service |provider |of |your |choice. You'll |be |online |in |no |time!" IDS_TITLE11_PER "Surfing |the |Internet: |safe, |fast, |and |flexible" IDS_TEXT11_PER "Windows® |XP |includes |Internet |Explorer |6, |the |next |major |update |to |the |award-winning |Internet |Explorer |technologies. |Internet |Explorer |6 |includes |many |new |and |enhanced |features |that |help |maintain |the |privacy |of |information |sent |and |received |over |the |Web, |while |simplifying |the |daily |tasks |that |you |perform. |And |new |innovative |browser |capabilities--|such |as |media |playback, |automatic |picture |resizing, |and |more--|let |you |experience |the |Web |exactly |the |way |that |you |want.\r\n\r\n.NET |Passport |integration |means |that |you |won't |have |to |type |a |user |name |and |password |to |access |participating |Web |sites |and |services |like |Windows |Messenger®.\r\n\r\nThere's |also |built-in |support |for |easy |publication |of |pictures, |video, |and |other |content |on |community |sites |that |support |.NET |passport." IDS_TITLE12_PER "Have |more |fun |with |games" IDS_TEXT12_PER "DirectX® |8 |makes |a |computer |running |Windows® |XP |Home |Edition |the |ideal |platform |for |playing |the |latest |games, |as |well |as |running |other |programs |that |feature |full-color |graphics, |video, |3-D |animation, |or |surround |sound.\r\n\r\nWith |enhanced |network |support, |you |can |play |games |with |your |family |or |housemates |over |a |home |network, |or |challenge |an |anonymous |competitor |over |the |Internet." IDS_TITLE13_PER "Connect |your |computers |with |easy |home |networking" IDS_TEXT13_PER "As |more |families |come |to |own |more |than |one |computer, |it's |becoming |important |to |be |able |to |share |resources |such |as |files, |printers, |and |modems |among |multiple |computers. |With |Windows® |XP |Home |Edition, |you |can |set |up |a |home |network |to |share |software, |documents, |and |equipment |with |ease.\r\n\r\nThe |Network |Setup |Wizard |takes |you |step |by |step |through |the |process |of |networking |your |computers |and |peripheral |devices. |Create |a |network |with |confidence!\r\n\r\nInternet |Connection |Sharing |also |enables |all |the |networked |computers |in |your |home |to |share |a |single |Internet |connection |such |as |a |phone |line, |DSL, |or |cable |modem." IDS_TITLE14_PER "Record |a |CD |as |easily |as |saving |information |to |a |floppy |disk" IDS_TEXT14_PER "CD-Recordable |(CD-R) |drives |and |CD-Rewritable |(CD-RW) |drives |are |now |affordable |options |on |most |home |computers.\r\n\r\nWindows® |XP |Home |Edition |makes |it |easy |to |copy |photos, |movies, |or |music |to |a |CD. |It |also |supports |integrated |CD |recording, |so |that |you |can |easily |save |files |to |a |CD-R |or |CD-RW |drive." IDS_TITLE15_PER "Rely |on |Windows® |for |dependable |home |computing" IDS_TEXT15_PER "Built |on |the |proven |reliability |of |Windows |2000, |Windows |XP |Home |Edition |offers |features |that |improve |the |stability |of |your |computer.\r\n\r\nWindows |XP |Home |Edition |does |a |great |job |at |managing |important |files |within |the |operating |system |to |keep |them |from |being |deleted |or |replaced, |which |makes |it |the |most |reliable |Windows |ever." IDS_TITLE16_PER "Get |support |for |the |programs |and |devices |you |use |at |home" IDS_TEXT16_PER "Windows® |XP |Home |Edition |supports |a |large |number |of |programs |and |has |built-in |support |for |the |latest |computer |hardware, |including |DVD |devices, |digital |cameras, |and |scanners.\r\n\r\nYou'll |have |access |to |a |list |of |compatible |programs |and |hardware |support |files, |and |updates |to |your |computer |can |be |made |automatically |for |you |if |you |choose.\r\n\r\nWhen |you |insert |a |floppy |disk, |ZIP® |disk, |CD, |or |memory |card |from |your |digital |camera, |Windows |XP |identifies |the |content |(such |as |pictures, |music, |or |video), |and |automatically |starts |the |appropriate |program." IDS_TITLE17_PER "Stay |up |to |date" IDS_TEXT17_PER "With |Windows® |XP |Home |Edition |installed, |you |won't |have |to |search |computer |updates |online |or |rely |on |word |of |mouth |to |stay |up |to |date. |Windows |XP |helps |make |sure |your |computer |“just |works” |by |offering |you |the |latest |updates |to |help |you |troubleshoot |known |issues. |You |can |install |the |updates |immediately |or |ask |Windows |to |remind |you |at |a |more |convenient |time.\r\n\r\nMost |updates |can |be |made |automatically, |without |interfering |with |your |current |work |or |slowing |down |your |computer." IDS_TITLE18_PER "Experience |the |ultimate |in |safety, |security, |and |privacy" IDS_TEXT18_PER "Building |on |the |security |of |Windows® |2000, |Windows |XP |Home |Edition |provides |the |latest |technologies |to |keep |your |data |safe |from |unauthorized |access.\r\n\r\nHome |networking |is |enhanced |with |the |Internet |Connection |Firewall |to |help |protect |your |home |network |from |unauthorized |access |while |you're |connected |to |the |Internet." IDS_TITLE19_PER "Be |assured |of |greater |accessibility" IDS_TEXT19_PER "Windows® |XP |Home |Edition |provides |accessibility |features |that |make |it |easier |for |people |to |use |computers.\r\n\r\nThe |Accessibility |Wizard |helps |you |customize |your |computer |screen, |keyboard, |and |mouse |to |fit |your |needs.\r\n\r\nTo |make |items |on |the |screen |easier |to |see, |you |can |increase |the |contrast, |enlarge |the |text, |and |have |your |mouse |pointer |leave |a |trail. |You |can |customize |keyboard |options |and |replace |computer |sounds |with |visual |alerts.\r\n\r\nWindows |XP |also |includes |basic |utilities |that |allow |you |to |magnify |the |screen |or |use |an |on-screen |keyboard. |You |can |start |these |utilities |from |the |Utility |Manager–|even |when |logging |on |to |your |computer–|by |pressing |the |Windows |logo |key |+ |U." IDS_TITLE20_PER "Now |it's |easier |to |get |help--|and |to |help |others!" IDS_TEXT20_PER "If |you |need |to |find |your |way |around |Windows® |XP |or |troubleshoot |a |problem, |then |you'll |appreciate |the |ease |of |finding |answers |in |the |content-|rich |new |world |of |Help |and |Support |Center.\r\n\r\nFrom |one |central |location, |you |can |find |your |system |configuration, |keep |your |computer |up |to |date, |check |for |software |and |hardware |compatibility, |and |search |across |multiple |sources |of |help |and |troubleshooting |content |on |the |Web |as |well |as |on |your |computer--|quickly |and |easily!\r\n\r\nIf |you |prefer |to |ask |friends |or |co-workers |to |help |fix |a |problem |on |your |computer, |just |send |them |a |Remote |Assistance |request. |Then, |with |your |permission, |they |can |use |their |own |computer |to |view |your |desktop |and |help |you |just |as |easily |as |if |they |were |in |the |same |room." IDS_TITLE21_PER "Enjoy |using |Windows® |XP!" IDS_TEXT21_PER "If |you |would |like |more |details |on |the |new |features |built |into |Windows |XP, |the |Windows |Start |menu |can |point |you |to |several |options. |Click |Help |and |Support |to |find |articles, |overviews, |and |tutorials |on |specific |features.\r\n\r\nOr |click |Help |and |Support |and |type |“walkthroughs” |into |the |Search |box |to |find |articles |that |help |you |explore. |You |can |also |take |a |Tour |from |the |Start |menu |to |enjoy |a |visual |review |of |the |next |generation |of |Windows |for |home |computing.\r\n\r\nThank |you |for |purchasing |Windows |XP |Home |Edition. |We |hope |that |you |enjoy |the |many |new |features |of |this |Windows |version." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TITLE1_64PRO "Feel |the |power |of |high |performance |64-bit |architecture" #if defined(_AMD64_) IDS_TEXT1_64PRO "The |64-bit |Windows® |architecture |processes |extremely |large |amounts |of |data |more |efficiently.\r\n\r\nWith |Windows |XP |64-Bit |Edition, |programs |can |preload |substantially |more |data |into |virtual |memory, |to |enable |rapid |access |by |the |AMD® |AMD-64 |processor. |This |reduces |the |time |for |loading |data |into |virtual |memory |for |reading, |searching, |and |writing |to |storage |devices, |thus |making |programs |run |faster |and |more |efficiently." #else IDS_TEXT1_64PRO "The |64-bit |Windows® |architecture |processes |extremely |large |amounts |of |data |more |efficiently.\r\n\r\nWith |Windows |XP |64-Bit |Edition, |programs |can |preload |substantially |more |data |into |virtual |memory, |to |enable |rapid |access |by |the |Intel® |Itanium™ |processor. |This |reduces |the |time |for |loading |data |into |virtual |memory |for |reading, |searching, |and |writing |to |storage |devices, |thus |making |programs |run |faster |and |more |efficiently." #endif IDS_TITLE2_64PRO "Get |up |and |running |with |the |latest |updates" IDS_TEXT2_64PRO "Windows |Update |provides |you |with |critical |software |updates |and |hardware |support |files |for |your |Windows® |XP |computer. |You |can |choose |to |have |Setup |check |the |Windows |Update |Web |site |to |ensure |that |you |have |the |latest |updates |to |make |your |Windows |installation |go |smoothly.\r\n\r\nFor |corporate |customers |there |have |been |great |improvements |to |the |system |preparation |tool |as |well |as |unattended |setups." IDS_TITLE3_64PRO "Try |the |easiest |Windows® |yet" IDS_TEXT3_64PRO "Windows |XP |64-Bit |Edition |makes |it |easy |to |manage |all |of |your |information. |We've |enhanced |the |My |Documents, |My |Pictures, |and |My |Music |folders |to |make |them |more |useful.\r\n\r\nIntegrated |support |for |Web |publishing |means |that |you |can |put |your |documents |on |the |Internet |and |get |to |them |easily |from |any |location." IDS_TITLE4_64PRO "Surfing |the |Internet: |safe, |fast, |and |flexible" IDS_TEXT4_64PRO "Windows® |XP |includes |Internet |Explorer |6, |the |next |major |update |to |the |award-winning |Internet |Explorer |technologies. |Internet |Explorer |6 |includes |many |new |and |enhanced |features |that |help |maintain |the |privacy |of |information |sent |and |received |over |the |Web, |while |simplifying |the |daily |tasks |that |you |perform. |And |new |innovative |browser |capabilities--|such |as |media |playback, |automatic |picture |resizing, |and |more--|let |you |experience |the |Web |exactly |the |way |that |you |want." IDS_TITLE5_64PRO "Protect |your |investment |in |software" IDS_TEXT5_64PRO "We |understand |the |need |to |keep |existing |investments |in |Windows® |and |Windows-compatible |software. |So |Microsoft |has |provided |the |WoW64 |emulator, |allowing |many |32-bit |programs |to |run |unmodified |on |64-bit |Windows-based |computers." IDS_TITLE6_64PRO "Use |familiar |management |tools" IDS_TEXT6_64PRO "Customers |will |find |deploying, |managing, |and |administering |Windows® |XP |64-Bit |Edition |easy. |Existing |Windows |deployment |tools |and |familiar |management |tools |are |used, |so |you |will |not |need |to |relearn |or |change |your |current |infrastructure." IDS_TITLE7_64PRO "Scalability |and |support |for |new |technologies" IDS_TEXT7_64PRO "Windows® |XP |64-Bit |Edition |supports |new |technologies |and |provides |scalability |for |your |future |computing |needs." IDS_TITLE8_64PRO "Stay |up |to |date" IDS_TEXT8_64PRO "After |Windows® |XP |64-Bit |Edition |is |installed, |you |won't |have |to |search |for |updates |online |to |stay |up |to |date. |You |can |opt |to |receive |update |reminders |as |often |as |you |want |to |keep |your |computer |operating |at |peak |efficiency.\r\n\r\nMost |updates |can |be |made |automatically, |without |interrupting |your |current |work |or |slowing |down |your |computer." IDS_TITLE9_64PRO "Rely |on |the |most |dependable |Windows® |for |business |computing" IDS_TEXT9_64PRO "Built |on |the |proven |reliability |of |Windows |2000, |Windows |XP |64-Bit |Edition |offers |features |that |improve |the |stability |of |your |computer.\r\n\r\nWe've |added |features |such |as |device |driver |rollback |and |improved |device |driver |verifier. |And |we've |enhanced |features |that |protect |important |files |within |the |operating |system |from |being |deleted |or |replaced, |which |makes |Windows |XP |64-Bit |Edition |the |most |reliable |Windows |ever." IDS_TITLE10_64PRO "Experience |the |ultimate |in |safety, |security, |and |privacy" IDS_TEXT10_64PRO "Building |on |the |security |of |Windows® |2000, |Windows |XP |64-Bit |Edition |provides |the |latest |technologies |to |keep |your |data |safe |from |unauthorized |access.\r\n\r\nIf |you |need |to |encrypt |your |data, |take |advantage |of |the |Encrypting |File |System, |which |has |been |improved |to |work |seamlessly |with |offline |data." IDS_TITLE11_64PRO "Be |assured |of |greater |accessibility" IDS_TEXT11_64PRO "Windows® |XP |64-Bit |Edition |provides |accessibility |features |that |make |it |easier |for |people |to |use |computers.\r\n\r\nThe |Accessibility |Wizard |helps |you |customize |your |computer |screen, |keyboard, |and |mouse |to |fit |your |needs.\r\n\r\nTo |make |items |on |the |screen |easier |to |see, |you |can |increase |the |contrast, |enlarge |the |text, |and |have |your |mouse |pointer |leave |a |trail. |You |can |customize |keyboard |options |and |replace |computer |sounds |with |visual |alerts.\r\n\r\nWindows |XP |also |includes |basic |utilities |that |allow |you |to |magnify |the |screen |or |use |an |on-screen |keyboard. |You |can |start |these |utilities |from |the |Utility |Manager |– |even |when |logging |on |to |your |computer– |by |pressing |the |Windows |logo |key |+ |U." IDS_TITLE12_64PRO "Now |it's |easier |to |get |help--|and |to |help |others!" IDS_TEXT12_64PRO "If |you |need |to |find |your |way |around |Windows® |XP |or |troubleshoot |a |problem, |then |you'll |appreciate |the |ease |of |finding |answers |in |the |content-|rich |new |world |of |Help |and |Support |Center.\r\n\r\nFrom |one |central |location, |you |can |find |your |system |configuration, |keep |your |computer |up |to |date, |check |for |software |and |hardware |compatibility, |and |search |across |multiple |sources |of |help |and |troubleshooting |content |on |the |Web |as |well |as |on |your |computer--|quickly |and |easily!" IDS_TITLE13_64PRO "Enjoy |using |Windows® |XP!" IDS_TEXT13_64PRO "If |you |would |like |more |details |on |the |new |features |built |into |Windows |XP, |the |Windows |Start |menu |can |point |you |to |several |options. |Click |Help |and |Support |to |find |articles, |overviews, |and |tutorials |on |specific |features.\r\n\r\nThank |you |for |purchasing |Windows |XP |64-Bit |Edition. |We |hope |that |you |enjoy |the |many |new |features |of |this |Windows |version." END #endif // English (U.S.) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED