/*++ Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: sgmcallback.c Abstract: Implements the callbacks that are queued in sgmqueue.c. Author: Jim Schmidt (jimschm) 12-Mar-2000 Revision History: --*/ // // Includes // #include "pch.h" #include "v1p.h" #define DBG_SCRIPT "Script" // // Strings // // None // // Constants // // None // // Macros // // None // // Types // // None // // Globals // // None // // Macro expansion list // // None // // Private function prototypes // // None // // Macro expansion definition // // None // // Code // MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE pSimpleTryHandle ( IN PCTSTR FullPath, IN BOOL Recursive ) { DWORD attribs; PCTSTR buffer; PTSTR leafPtr, leaf; MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE result = NULL; MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE longResult = NULL; PTSTR workingPath; PCTSTR sanitizedPath; PCTSTR longPath; PCTSTR objNode = NULL, objLeaf = NULL; sanitizedPath = SanitizePath (FullPath); if (!sanitizedPath) { return NULL; } if (IsmGetRealPlatform () == PLATFORM_SOURCE) { attribs = GetFileAttributes (sanitizedPath); } else { attribs = INVALID_ATTRIBUTES; } if (attribs != INVALID_ATTRIBUTES) { longPath = BfGetLongFileName (sanitizedPath); if (!longPath) { longPath = sanitizedPath; } if (attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (Recursive) { workingPath = DuplicatePathString (longPath, 0); RemoveWackAtEnd (workingPath); result = IsmCreateSimpleObjectPattern (workingPath, TRUE, NULL, TRUE); FreePathString (workingPath); } else { result = IsmCreateObjectHandle (longPath, NULL); } } else { buffer = DuplicatePathString (longPath, 0); leaf = _tcsrchr (buffer, TEXT('\\')); if (leaf) { leafPtr = leaf; leaf = _tcsinc (leaf); *leafPtr = 0; result = IsmCreateObjectHandle (buffer, leaf); } FreePathString (buffer); } if (longPath != sanitizedPath) { FreePathString (longPath); longPath = NULL; } } else { result = IsmCreateObjectHandle (sanitizedPath, NULL); if (result) { longResult = IsmGetLongName (MIG_FILE_TYPE|PLATFORM_SOURCE, result); if (!longResult) { longResult = result; } if (IsmGetObjectIdFromName (g_FileType, longResult, TRUE)) { if (Recursive) { if (IsmCreateObjectStringsFromHandle (longResult, &objNode, &objLeaf)) { if (longResult != result) { IsmDestroyObjectHandle (longResult); longResult = NULL; } IsmDestroyObjectHandle (result); result = IsmCreateSimpleObjectPattern (objNode, TRUE, NULL, TRUE); IsmDestroyObjectString (objNode); IsmDestroyObjectString (objLeaf); } } return result; } else { if (longResult != result) { IsmDestroyObjectHandle (longResult); longResult = NULL; } IsmDestroyObjectHandle (result); result = NULL; } } if (!result) { buffer = DuplicatePathString (sanitizedPath, 0); leaf = _tcsrchr (buffer, TEXT('\\')); if (leaf) { leafPtr = leaf; leaf = _tcsinc (leaf); *leafPtr = 0; result = IsmCreateObjectHandle (buffer, leaf); } if (result) { longResult = IsmGetLongName (MIG_FILE_TYPE|PLATFORM_SOURCE, result); if (!longResult) { longResult = result; } if (!IsmGetObjectIdFromName (g_FileType, longResult, TRUE)) { if (longResult != result) { IsmDestroyObjectHandle (longResult); longResult = NULL; } IsmDestroyObjectHandle (result); result = NULL; } } if (result != longResult) { IsmDestroyObjectHandle (result); result = longResult; } FreePathString (buffer); } } FreePathString (sanitizedPath); return result; } MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE pTryHandle ( IN PCTSTR FullPath, IN PCTSTR Hint, IN BOOL Recursive, OUT PBOOL HintUsed OPTIONAL ) { PATH_ENUM pathEnum; PCTSTR newPath; MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE result = NULL; if (HintUsed) { *HintUsed = FALSE; } if (!(*FullPath)) { // nothing to do, not even the hint can help us return NULL; } result = pSimpleTryHandle (FullPath, Recursive); if (result || (!Hint)) { return result; } if (EnumFirstPathEx (&pathEnum, Hint, NULL, NULL, FALSE)) { do { newPath = JoinPaths (pathEnum.PtrCurrPath, FullPath); result = pSimpleTryHandle (newPath, Recursive); if (result) { AbortPathEnum (&pathEnum); FreePathString (newPath); if (HintUsed) { *HintUsed = TRUE; } return result; } FreePathString (newPath); } while (EnumNextPath (&pathEnum)); } AbortPathEnum (&pathEnum); return NULL; } BOOL pOurFindFile ( IN PCTSTR FileName ) { DWORD attribs; PCTSTR buffer; PTSTR leafPtr, leaf; PTSTR workingPath; PCTSTR sanitizedPath; MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE test = NULL; BOOL result = FALSE; sanitizedPath = SanitizePath (FileName); if (sanitizedPath == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (IsmGetRealPlatform () == PLATFORM_SOURCE) { attribs = GetFileAttributes (sanitizedPath); } else { attribs = INVALID_ATTRIBUTES; } if (attribs != INVALID_ATTRIBUTES) { result = TRUE; } else { test = IsmCreateObjectHandle (sanitizedPath, NULL); if (IsmGetObjectIdFromName (g_FileType, test, TRUE)) { result = TRUE; } IsmDestroyObjectHandle (test); test = NULL; if (!result) { buffer = DuplicatePathString (sanitizedPath, 0); leaf = _tcsrchr (buffer, TEXT('\\')); if (leaf) { leafPtr = leaf; leaf = _tcsinc (leaf); *leafPtr = 0; test = IsmCreateObjectHandle (buffer, leaf); } if (test) { if (IsmGetObjectIdFromName (g_FileType, test, TRUE)) { result = TRUE; } IsmDestroyObjectHandle (test); test = NULL; } FreePathString (buffer); } } FreePathString (sanitizedPath); return result; } BOOL pOurSearchPath ( IN PCTSTR FileName, IN DWORD BufferLength, OUT PTSTR Buffer ) { TCHAR pathEnv[] = TEXT("%system%;%system16%;%windir%;%path%"); PCTSTR pathExp = NULL; PCTSTR fileName = NULL; PATH_ENUM pathEnum; BOOL result = FALSE; pathExp = IsmExpandEnvironmentString ( PLATFORM_SOURCE, S_SYSENVVAR_GROUP, pathEnv, NULL ); if (pathExp) { if (EnumFirstPathEx (&pathEnum, pathExp, NULL, NULL, FALSE)) { do { fileName = JoinPaths (pathEnum.PtrCurrPath, FileName); result = pOurFindFile (fileName); if (result) { StringCopyTcharCount (Buffer, fileName, BufferLength); FreePathString (fileName); AbortPathEnum (&pathEnum); break; } FreePathString (fileName); } while (EnumNextPath (&pathEnum)); } IsmReleaseMemory (pathExp); pathExp = NULL; } return result; } PCTSTR pGetObjectNameForDebug ( IN MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE ObjectName ) { static TCHAR debugBuffer[2048]; PCTSTR node, leaf; IsmCreateObjectStringsFromHandle (ObjectName, &node, &leaf); if (node && leaf) { wsprintf (debugBuffer, TEXT("[Node:%s Leaf:%s]"), node, leaf); } else if (node) { wsprintf (debugBuffer, TEXT("[Node:%s]"), node); } else if (leaf) { wsprintf (debugBuffer, TEXT("[Leaf:%s]"), leaf); } else { StringCopy (debugBuffer, TEXT("[nul]")); } return debugBuffer; } VOID pSaveObjectAndFileItReferences ( IN MIG_OBJECTTYPEID ObjectTypeId, IN MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE ObjectName, IN PACTION_STRUCT RegActionStruct, IN BOOL VcmMode, IN BOOL Recursive ) { MIG_CONTENT content; GROWBUFFER cmdLineBuffer = INIT_GROWBUFFER; PCMDLINE cmdLine; PTSTR pathData; PCTSTR p; PCTSTR end; PCTSTR expandPath = NULL; PCTSTR expandHint = NULL; UINT u; BOOL foundFile = FALSE; PDWORD valueType; MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE handle; MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE nodeHandle; BOOL parsable; BOOL firstPass = TRUE; ACTION_STRUCT actionStruct; DWORD actionFlags; BOOL hintUsed = FALSE; MIG_BLOB blob; PCTSTR node, leaf, filePattern; // // Obtain the object data // if (IsmAcquireObjectEx (ObjectTypeId, ObjectName, &content, CONTENTTYPE_MEMORY, 4096)) { // // Parse the data for a file // pathData = (PTSTR) content.MemoryContent.ContentBytes; parsable = FALSE; if ((ObjectTypeId & (~PLATFORM_MASK)) == g_RegType) { valueType = (PDWORD)(content.Details.DetailsData); if (valueType) { if (*valueType == REG_EXPAND_SZ || *valueType == REG_SZ ) { parsable = TRUE; } } else { MYASSERT (IsmIsObjectHandleNodeOnly (ObjectName)); } } if ((ObjectTypeId & (~PLATFORM_MASK)) == g_IniType) { parsable = TRUE; } if (parsable) { p = pathData; end = (PCTSTR) (content.MemoryContent.ContentBytes + content.MemoryContent.ContentSize); while (p < end) { if (*p == 0) { break; } p = _tcsinc (p); } if (p >= end) { pathData = NULL; } } else { pathData = NULL; } if (pathData) { // // Expand the data // expandPath = IsmExpandEnvironmentString ( PLATFORM_SOURCE, S_SYSENVVAR_GROUP, pathData, NULL ); pathData = (PTSTR)expandPath; if (RegActionStruct && RegActionStruct->ObjectHint) { expandHint = IsmExpandEnvironmentString ( PLATFORM_SOURCE, S_SYSENVVAR_GROUP, RegActionStruct->ObjectHint, NULL ); } // first we try it as is handle = pTryHandle (pathData, expandHint, Recursive, &hintUsed); if (handle) { ZeroMemory (&actionStruct, sizeof (ACTION_STRUCT)); actionStruct.ObjectBase = handle; actionFlags = ACTION_PERSIST; if (RegActionStruct) { actionStruct.ObjectDest = RegActionStruct->AddnlDest; } if (Recursive) { // let's build the base handle but not from pathData, // because we might have used the hint field. Let's just // build it from the handle itself if (IsmCreateObjectStringsFromHandle (handle, &node, &leaf)) { filePattern = JoinPathsInPoolEx ((NULL, node, leaf, NULL)); if (filePattern) { nodeHandle = TurnFileStringIntoHandle ( filePattern, PFF_COMPUTE_BASE| PFF_NO_SUBDIR_PATTERN| PFF_NO_LEAF_AT_ALL ); if (nodeHandle) { AddRule ( g_FileType, nodeHandle, handle, ACTIONGROUP_INCFOLDER, actionFlags, &actionStruct ); IsmQueueEnumeration ( g_FileType, nodeHandle, VcmMode ? GatherVirtualComputer : PrepareActions, 0, NULL ); IsmQueueEnumeration ( g_FileType, handle, VcmMode ? GatherVirtualComputer : PrepareActions, 0, NULL ); IsmDestroyObjectHandle (nodeHandle); } else { // Out of memory? LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR)MSG_UNEXPECTED_ERROR)); } FreePathString (filePattern); } else { // Out of memory? LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR)MSG_UNEXPECTED_ERROR)); } } else { // Out of memory? LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR)MSG_UNEXPECTED_ERROR)); } } else { AddRule ( g_FileType, handle, handle, ACTIONGROUP_INCFILE, actionFlags, &actionStruct ); IsmQueueEnumeration ( g_FileType, handle, VcmMode ? GatherVirtualComputer : PrepareActions, 0, NULL ); } foundFile = TRUE; IsmDestroyObjectHandle (handle); if (hintUsed && expandHint) { // we need to add extra data for the content fix operation blob.Type = BLOBTYPE_STRING; blob.String = expandHint; if ((ObjectTypeId & (~PLATFORM_MASK)) == g_RegType) { IsmSetOperationOnObject ( ObjectTypeId, ObjectName, g_RegAutoFilterOp, NULL, &blob ); } if ((ObjectTypeId & (~PLATFORM_MASK)) == g_IniType) { IsmSetOperationOnObject ( ObjectTypeId, ObjectName, g_IniAutoFilterOp, NULL, &blob ); } } } else { cmdLine = ParseCmdLineEx (pathData, NULL, pOurFindFile, pOurSearchPath, &cmdLineBuffer); if (cmdLine) { // // Find the file referenced in the list or command line // for (u = 0 ; u < cmdLine->ArgCount ; u++) { p = cmdLine->Args[u].CleanedUpArg; // first we try it as is handle = pTryHandle (p, expandHint, Recursive, &hintUsed); if (handle) { ZeroMemory (&actionStruct, sizeof (ACTION_STRUCT)); actionStruct.ObjectBase = handle; actionFlags = ACTION_PERSIST; if (RegActionStruct) { actionStruct.ObjectDest = RegActionStruct->AddnlDest; } AddRule ( g_FileType, handle, handle, ACTIONGROUP_INCFILE, actionFlags, &actionStruct ); IsmQueueEnumeration ( g_FileType, handle, VcmMode ? GatherVirtualComputer : PrepareActions, 0, NULL ); foundFile = TRUE; IsmDestroyObjectHandle (handle); if (hintUsed && expandHint) { // we need to add extra data for the content fix operation blob.Type = BLOBTYPE_STRING; blob.String = expandHint; if ((ObjectTypeId & (~PLATFORM_MASK)) == g_RegType) { IsmSetOperationOnObject ( ObjectTypeId, ObjectName, g_RegAutoFilterOp, NULL, &blob ); } if ((ObjectTypeId & (~PLATFORM_MASK)) == g_IniType) { IsmSetOperationOnObject ( ObjectTypeId, ObjectName, g_IniAutoFilterOp, NULL, &blob ); } } } else { // maybe we have something like /m:c:\foo.txt // we need to go forward until we find a sequence of // :\ if (p[0] && p[1]) { while (p[2]) { if (_istalpha ((CHARTYPE) _tcsnextc (p)) && p[1] == TEXT(':') && p[2] == TEXT('\\') ) { handle = pTryHandle (p, expandHint, Recursive, &hintUsed); if (handle) { ZeroMemory (&actionStruct, sizeof (ACTION_STRUCT)); actionStruct.ObjectBase = handle; actionFlags = ACTION_PERSIST; if (RegActionStruct) { actionStruct.ObjectDest = RegActionStruct->AddnlDest; } AddRule ( g_FileType, handle, handle, ACTIONGROUP_INCFILE, actionFlags, &actionStruct ); IsmQueueEnumeration ( g_FileType, handle, VcmMode ? GatherVirtualComputer : PrepareActions, 0, NULL ); foundFile = TRUE; IsmDestroyObjectHandle (handle); if (hintUsed && expandHint) { // we need to add extra data for the content fix operation blob.Type = BLOBTYPE_STRING; blob.String = expandHint; if ((ObjectTypeId & (~PLATFORM_MASK)) == g_RegType) { IsmSetOperationOnObject ( ObjectTypeId, ObjectName, g_RegAutoFilterOp, NULL, &blob ); } if ((ObjectTypeId & (~PLATFORM_MASK)) == g_IniType) { IsmSetOperationOnObject ( ObjectTypeId, ObjectName, g_IniAutoFilterOp, NULL, &blob ); } } break; } } p ++; } } } } } } } // // We persist the registry object at all times // if (VcmMode) { IsmMakePersistentObject (ObjectTypeId, ObjectName); } else { IsmMakeApplyObject (ObjectTypeId, ObjectName); } if (!foundFile && !expandHint && pathData && _tcschr (pathData, TEXT('.')) && !_tcschr (pathData, TEXT('\\'))) { // we assume that the value is a file name by itself // If we are in VcmMode we are going to persist this // key and all files that have the name equal with // the value of this key if (VcmMode && pathData) { handle = IsmCreateSimpleObjectPattern (NULL, FALSE, pathData, FALSE); AddRule ( g_FileType, handle, handle, ACTIONGROUP_INCFILE, ACTION_PERSIST, NULL ); DEBUGMSG (( DBG_SCRIPT, "RegFile %s triggered enumeration of entire file system because of %s", pGetObjectNameForDebug (ObjectName), pathData )); QueueAllFiles (VcmMode); IsmHookEnumeration ( g_FileType, handle, GatherVirtualComputer, 0, NULL ); IsmDestroyObjectHandle (handle); } } IsmReleaseObject (&content); if (expandPath) { IsmReleaseMemory (expandPath); expandPath = NULL; } if (expandHint) { IsmReleaseMemory (expandHint); expandHint = NULL; } } GbFree (&cmdLineBuffer); } VOID pSaveObjectAndIconItReferences ( IN MIG_OBJECTTYPEID ObjectTypeId, IN MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE ObjectName, IN PACTION_STRUCT RegActionStruct, IN BOOL VcmMode ) { MIG_CONTENT content; GROWBUFFER cmdLineBuffer = INIT_GROWBUFFER; PCMDLINE cmdLine; PTSTR pathData; BOOL parsable; PDWORD valueType; PCTSTR p; PCTSTR end; PCTSTR expandPath = NULL; PCTSTR expandHint = NULL; MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE handle; BOOL foundFile = FALSE; INT iconNumber = 0; PICON_GROUP iconGroup = NULL; ICON_SGROUP iconSGroup; PCTSTR iconResId = NULL; MIG_CONTENT iconContent; MIG_BLOB migBlob; // // Obtain the object data // if (IsmAcquireObjectEx (ObjectTypeId, ObjectName, &content, CONTENTTYPE_MEMORY, 4096)) { // // Parse the data for a file // pathData = (PTSTR) content.MemoryContent.ContentBytes; parsable = FALSE; if ((ObjectTypeId & (~PLATFORM_MASK)) == g_RegType) { valueType = (PDWORD)(content.Details.DetailsData); if (valueType) { if (*valueType == REG_EXPAND_SZ || *valueType == REG_SZ ) { parsable = TRUE; } } else { MYASSERT (IsmIsObjectHandleNodeOnly (ObjectName)); } } if ((ObjectTypeId & (~PLATFORM_MASK)) == g_IniType) { parsable = TRUE; } if (parsable) { p = pathData; end = (PCTSTR) (content.MemoryContent.ContentBytes + content.MemoryContent.ContentSize); while (p < end) { if (*p == 0) { break; } p = _tcsinc (p); } if (p >= end) { pathData = NULL; } } else { pathData = NULL; } if (pathData) { // // Expand the data // expandPath = IsmExpandEnvironmentString ( PLATFORM_SOURCE, S_SYSENVVAR_GROUP, pathData, NULL ); pathData = (PTSTR)expandPath; if (RegActionStruct && RegActionStruct->ObjectHint) { expandHint = IsmExpandEnvironmentString ( PLATFORM_SOURCE, S_SYSENVVAR_GROUP, RegActionStruct->ObjectHint, NULL ); } cmdLine = ParseCmdLineEx (pathData, TEXT(","), pOurFindFile, pOurSearchPath, &cmdLineBuffer); if (cmdLine) { // we only expect two args, the icon file name and the icon number if (cmdLine->ArgCount <= 2) { p = cmdLine->Args[0].CleanedUpArg; handle = pTryHandle (p, expandHint, FALSE, NULL); if (handle) { if (VcmMode) { // we are just going to persist the object so we can look at it later IsmMakePersistentObject (g_FileType, handle); } else { iconNumber = 0; if (cmdLine->ArgCount == 2) { // get the icon number iconNumber = _ttoi (cmdLine->Args[1].CleanedUpArg); } // now acquire the object and extract the icon if (IsmAcquireObjectEx ( MIG_FILE_TYPE, handle, &iconContent, CONTENTTYPE_FILE, 0 )) { if (iconNumber >= 0) { iconGroup = IcoExtractIconGroupByIndexFromFile ( iconContent.FileContent.ContentPath, iconNumber, NULL ); } else { iconResId = (PCTSTR) (LONG_PTR) (-iconNumber); iconGroup = IcoExtractIconGroupFromFile ( iconContent.FileContent.ContentPath, iconResId, NULL ); } if (iconGroup) { if (IcoSerializeIconGroup (iconGroup, &iconSGroup)) { // save the icon data as a property migBlob.Type = BLOBTYPE_BINARY; migBlob.BinaryData = (PCBYTE)(iconSGroup.Data); migBlob.BinarySize = iconSGroup.DataSize; IsmAddPropertyToObject (ObjectTypeId, ObjectName, g_DefaultIconData, &migBlob); IcoReleaseIconSGroup (&iconSGroup); // now add the appropriate operation IsmSetOperationOnObject ( ObjectTypeId, ObjectName, g_DefaultIconOp, NULL, NULL ); foundFile = TRUE; } IcoReleaseIconGroup (iconGroup); } IsmReleaseObject (&iconContent); } } IsmDestroyObjectHandle (handle); } } } GbFree (&cmdLineBuffer); if (expandPath) { IsmReleaseMemory (expandPath); expandPath = NULL; } if (expandHint) { IsmReleaseMemory (expandHint); expandHint = NULL; } } // // We persist the registry object at all times // if (VcmMode) { IsmMakePersistentObject (ObjectTypeId, ObjectName); } else { if (foundFile) { IsmMakeApplyObject (ObjectTypeId, ObjectName); } } IsmReleaseObject (&content); } } UINT GatherVirtualComputer ( IN PCMIG_OBJECTENUMDATA Data, IN ULONG_PTR CallerArg ) { ACTIONGROUP actionGroup; DWORD actionFlags; BOOL match; PCTSTR encodedNodeOnly; ACTION_STRUCT actionStruct; MIG_OBJECTID objectId = 0; // // Obtain the best rule for this object // match = QueryRule ( Data->ObjectTypeId, Data->ObjectName, Data->ObjectNode, &actionGroup, &actionFlags, &actionStruct ); if (!match && !Data->ObjectLeaf) { // // If this is a node only, try matching with an empty leaf // encodedNodeOnly = IsmCreateObjectHandle (Data->ObjectNode, TEXT("")); match = QueryRule ( Data->ObjectTypeId, encodedNodeOnly, Data->ObjectNode, &actionGroup, &actionFlags, &actionStruct ); IsmDestroyObjectHandle (encodedNodeOnly); } if (match) { // // Mark all objects necessary for the rule to be processed. We // will do the rule's action(s) on the right side. // if ((actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCLUDE) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCLUDEEX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAME) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAMEEX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCLUDERELEVANT) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCLUDERELEVANTEX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAMERELEVANT) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAMERELEVANTEX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCFILE) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCFILEEX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCFOLDER) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCFOLDEREX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCICON) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCICONEX) ) { objectId = IsmGetObjectIdFromName (Data->ObjectTypeId, Data->ObjectName, FALSE); if (objectId) { if (actionFlags & ACTION_PERSIST) { if (!IsmIsAttributeSetOnObjectId (objectId, g_OsFileAttribute)) { IsmMakePersistentObjectId (objectId); } } if ((actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCLUDERELEVANT) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAMERELEVANT) ) { IsmSetAttributeOnObjectId (objectId, g_CopyIfRelevantAttr); } if (actionFlags & ACTION_PERSIST_PATH_IN_DATA) { pSaveObjectAndFileItReferences (Data->ObjectTypeId, Data->ObjectName, &actionStruct, TRUE, actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCFOLDER); } if (actionFlags & ACTION_PERSIST_ICON_IN_DATA) { pSaveObjectAndIconItReferences (Data->ObjectTypeId, Data->ObjectName, &actionStruct, TRUE); } } } } return CALLBACK_ENUM_CONTINUE; } MIG_DATAHANDLE pGetDataHandleForSrc ( IN PCTSTR RenameSrc ) { MIG_DATAHANDLE dataHandle; MIG_BLOB blob; // // First check hash table to see if we have an ID // if (!HtFindStringEx (g_RenameSrcTable, RenameSrc, &dataHandle, FALSE)) { blob.Type = BLOBTYPE_STRING; blob.String = RenameSrc; dataHandle = IsmRegisterOperationData (&blob); HtAddStringEx (g_RenameSrcTable, RenameSrc, &dataHandle, FALSE); } return dataHandle; } MIG_DATAHANDLE pGetDataHandleForDest ( IN PCTSTR RenameDest ) { MIG_DATAHANDLE dataHandle; MIG_BLOB blob; // // First check hash table to see if we have an ID // if (!HtFindStringEx (g_RenameDestTable, RenameDest, &dataHandle, FALSE)) { blob.Type = BLOBTYPE_STRING; blob.String = RenameDest; dataHandle = IsmRegisterOperationData (&blob); HtAddStringEx (g_RenameDestTable, RenameDest, &dataHandle, FALSE); } return dataHandle; } UINT PrepareActions ( IN PCMIG_OBJECTENUMDATA Data, IN ULONG_PTR CallerArg ) { ACTIONGROUP actionGroup; DWORD actionFlags; BOOL match; PCTSTR encodedNodeOnly; MIG_DATAHANDLE srcDataHandle; MIG_DATAHANDLE destDataHandle; ACTION_STRUCT actionStruct; MIG_OBJECTID objectId = 0; // // Obtain the best rule for this object // match = QueryRule ( Data->ObjectTypeId, Data->ObjectName, Data->ObjectNode, &actionGroup, &actionFlags, &actionStruct ); if (!match && !Data->ObjectLeaf) { // // If this is a node only, try matching with an empty leaf // encodedNodeOnly = IsmCreateObjectHandle (Data->ObjectNode, TEXT("")); match = QueryRule ( Data->ObjectTypeId, encodedNodeOnly, Data->ObjectNode, &actionGroup, &actionFlags, &actionStruct ); IsmDestroyObjectHandle (encodedNodeOnly); } if (match) { // // Mark the objects for the designated operations. // if ((actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCLUDE) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCLUDEEX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAME) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAMEEX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCLUDERELEVANT) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCLUDERELEVANTEX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAMERELEVANT) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAMERELEVANTEX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCFILE) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCFILEEX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCFOLDER) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCFOLDEREX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCICON) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCICONEX) ) { objectId = IsmGetObjectIdFromName (Data->ObjectTypeId, Data->ObjectName, FALSE); if (objectId) { if (actionFlags & ACTION_PERSIST) { if (!IsmIsAttributeSetOnObjectId (objectId, g_OsFileAttribute)) { IsmMakeApplyObjectId (objectId); } } if ((actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCLUDERELEVANT) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAMERELEVANT) ) { IsmSetAttributeOnObjectId (objectId, g_CopyIfRelevantAttr); } if (actionFlags & ACTION_PERSIST_PATH_IN_DATA) { pSaveObjectAndFileItReferences (Data->ObjectTypeId, Data->ObjectName, &actionStruct, FALSE, actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCFOLDER); } if (actionFlags & ACTION_PERSIST_ICON_IN_DATA) { pSaveObjectAndIconItReferences (Data->ObjectTypeId, Data->ObjectName, &actionStruct, FALSE); } } } if ((actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAME) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAMEEX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAMERELEVANT) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAMERELEVANTEX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCFILE) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCFILEEX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCFOLDER) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCFOLDEREX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCICON) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCICONEX) ) { if (actionStruct.ObjectDest) { if (actionStruct.ObjectBase) { srcDataHandle = pGetDataHandleForSrc (actionStruct.ObjectBase); } else { srcDataHandle = 0; } destDataHandle = pGetDataHandleForDest (actionStruct.ObjectDest); if (!objectId) { objectId = IsmGetObjectIdFromName (Data->ObjectTypeId, Data->ObjectName, FALSE); } if (objectId) { if ((Data->ObjectTypeId & (~PLATFORM_MASK)) == g_FileType) { if ((actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAMERELEVANTEX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAMEEX) ) { IsmSetOperationOnObjectId2 ( objectId, g_RenameFileExOp, srcDataHandle, destDataHandle ); } else { IsmSetOperationOnObjectId2 ( objectId, g_RenameFileOp, srcDataHandle, destDataHandle ); } } else { if ((Data->ObjectTypeId & (~PLATFORM_MASK)) == g_IniType) { IsmSetOperationOnObjectId2 ( objectId, (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAMEEX ? g_RenameIniExOp : g_RenameIniOp), srcDataHandle, destDataHandle ); } else { if ((actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCFILEEX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCFOLDEREX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_INCICONEX) || (actionGroup == ACTIONGROUP_RENAMEEX) ) { IsmSetOperationOnObjectId2 ( objectId, g_RenameExOp, srcDataHandle, destDataHandle ); } else { IsmSetOperationOnObjectId2 ( objectId, g_RenameOp, srcDataHandle, destDataHandle ); } } } } } } } return CALLBACK_ENUM_CONTINUE; } UINT NulCallback ( IN PCMIG_OBJECTENUMDATA Data, IN ULONG_PTR CallerArg ) { return CALLBACK_ENUM_CONTINUE; } UINT ObjectPriority ( IN PCMIG_OBJECTENUMDATA Data, IN ULONG_PTR CallerArg ) { ACTIONGROUP actionGroup; DWORD actionFlags; BOOL match; match = QueryRuleEx ( Data->ObjectTypeId, Data->ObjectName, Data->ObjectNode, &actionGroup, &actionFlags, NULL, RULEGROUP_PRIORITY ); if (match) { MYASSERT ((actionFlags == ACTION_PRIORITYSRC) || (actionFlags == ACTION_PRIORITYDEST)); if (actionFlags == ACTION_PRIORITYSRC) { IsmClearAbandonObjectOnCollision ( (Data->ObjectTypeId & (~PLATFORM_MASK)) | PLATFORM_SOURCE, Data->ObjectName ); IsmAbandonObjectOnCollision ( (Data->ObjectTypeId & (~PLATFORM_MASK)) | PLATFORM_DESTINATION, Data->ObjectName ); } else { IsmAbandonObjectOnCollision ( (Data->ObjectTypeId & (~PLATFORM_MASK)) | PLATFORM_SOURCE, Data->ObjectName ); IsmClearAbandonObjectOnCollision ( (Data->ObjectTypeId & (~PLATFORM_MASK)) | PLATFORM_DESTINATION, Data->ObjectName ); } } return CALLBACK_ENUM_CONTINUE; } UINT FileCollPattern ( IN PCMIG_OBJECTENUMDATA Data, IN ULONG_PTR CallerArg ) { ACTIONGROUP actionGroup; DWORD actionFlags; ACTION_STRUCT actionStruct; BOOL match; MIG_BLOB migBlob; match = QueryRuleEx ( Data->ObjectTypeId, Data->ObjectName, Data->ObjectNode, &actionGroup, &actionFlags, &actionStruct, RULEGROUP_COLLPATTERN ); if (match && (!(IsmIsObjectHandleNodeOnly (Data->ObjectName)))) { // Let's set a property on this file (we don't need this for nodes) migBlob.Type = BLOBTYPE_STRING; migBlob.String = actionStruct.ObjectHint; IsmAddPropertyToObject (Data->ObjectTypeId, Data->ObjectName, g_FileCollPatternData, &migBlob); } return CALLBACK_ENUM_CONTINUE; } UINT LockPartition ( IN PCMIG_OBJECTENUMDATA Data, IN ULONG_PTR CallerArg ) { IsmSetAttributeOnObject (Data->ObjectTypeId, Data->ObjectName, g_LockPartitionAttr); return CALLBACK_ENUM_CONTINUE; } UINT ExcludeKeyIfValueExists ( IN PCMIG_OBJECTENUMDATA Data, IN ULONG_PTR CallerArg ) { PCTSTR srcNode = NULL; PCTSTR srcLeaf = NULL; // This function is only called for each registry key/value pair that // indicates we want to cause the exclusion of the entire key. IsmCreateObjectStringsFromHandle (Data->ObjectName, &srcNode, &srcLeaf); // This is also called for all keys (not including a value) so we need // to make sure a value is passed in if (srcLeaf && *srcLeaf) { // Exclude the srcNode HtAddString (g_DePersistTable, srcNode); } IsmDestroyObjectString (srcNode); IsmDestroyObjectString (srcLeaf); return CALLBACK_ENUM_CONTINUE; } BOOL PostDelregKeyCallback ( VOID ) { static BOOL called = FALSE; HASHTABLE_ENUM hashData; MIG_OBJECT_ENUM objectEnum; MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE pattern; if (called) { return TRUE; } // Enumerate all Excluded keys if (EnumFirstHashTableString (&hashData, g_DePersistTable)) { do { // Remove Persistence on the key pattern = IsmCreateObjectHandle (hashData.String, NULL); IsmClearPersistenceOnObject (g_RegType, pattern); IsmDestroyObjectHandle (pattern); // Enumerate each value in this key pattern = IsmCreateSimpleObjectPattern (hashData.String, TRUE, NULL, TRUE); if (IsmEnumFirstSourceObject (&objectEnum, g_RegType, pattern)) { do { // Remove Persistence on each value IsmClearPersistenceOnObject (objectEnum.ObjectTypeId, objectEnum.ObjectName); } while (IsmEnumNextObject (&objectEnum)); } IsmDestroyObjectHandle (pattern); } while (EnumNextHashTableString (&hashData)); } HtFree (g_DePersistTable); g_DePersistTable = NULL; called = TRUE; return TRUE; }