//********************************************************************* //* Microsoft Windows ** //* Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1999 ** //********************************************************************* // // OBCOMM_C.IDL - // Component description and Type Library for // ObCommunicationManager (MSOBCOMM) // // HISTORY: // // 1/27/99 a-jaswed Created. import "unknwn.idl"; import "oaidl.idl"; // Definitions of IConnectionPoint import "ocidl.idl" ; #include "dispids.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Component descriptions // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Interface IObCommunicationManager // [ object, uuid(B9B3DB10-BD64-11D2-9D65-00C04F7F8935), helpstring("IObCommunicationManager Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IObCommunicationManager : IUnknown { HRESULT CheckDialReady ([out] DWORD* pdwRetVal); HRESULT ListenToCommunicationEvents ([in] IUnknown* pUnk); HRESULT SetupForDialing ([in] UINT nType, [in] BSTR bstrISPFile, [in] DWORD dwCountry, [in] BSTR bstrAreaCode, [in] DWORD dwFlag, [in] DWORD dwAppMode, [in] DWORD dwMigISPIdx); HRESULT DoConnect ([out] BOOL* pbRetVal); HRESULT DoHangup (); HRESULT GetDialPhoneNumber ([out] BSTR* pVal); HRESULT PutDialPhoneNumber ([in] BSTR newVal); HRESULT GetDialErrorMsg ([out] BSTR* pVal); HRESULT GetSupportNumber ([out] BSTR* pVal); HRESULT RemoveConnectoid ([out] BOOL* pbRetVal); HRESULT FetchPage ([in] BSTR szURL, [out] BSTR* szLocalFile); HRESULT DownloadFileBuffer ([out] BSTR* pVal); HRESULT ProcessINS ([in] BSTR bstrINSFilePath, [out] BOOL *pbRetVal); HRESULT SetRASCallbackHwnd ([in] HWND hwndCallback); HRESULT GetSignupURL ([out] BSTR *pVal); HRESULT GetReconnectURL ([out] BSTR *pVal); HRESULT GetFile ([in] BSTR szUTL, [in] BSTR ); HRESULT CheckPhoneBook ([in] BSTR bstrISPFile, [in] DWORD dwCountry, [in] BSTR bstrAreaCode, [in] DWORD dwFlag, [out] BOOL *pbRetVal); HRESULT RestoreConnectoidInfo (); HRESULT SetPreloginMode ([in] BOOL bVal); HRESULT GetConnectionType ([out] DWORD *pdwVal); HRESULT CheckKbdMouse ([out] DWORD* pdwRetVal); HRESULT OnDownloadEvent ([in] UINT uMsg, [in] WPARAM wParam, [in] LPARAM lParam, [in] BOOL* bHandled); HRESULT GetISPList ([out] BSTR* pVal); HRESULT Set_SelectISP ([in] UINT nVal); HRESULT Set_ConnectionMode ([in] UINT nVal); HRESULT Get_ConnectionMode ([out] UINT *pnVal); HRESULT DownloadReferralOffer ([out] BOOL *pbVal); HRESULT DownloadISPOffer ([out] BOOL *pbVal, [out] BSTR *pVal); HRESULT Get_ISPName ([out] BSTR* pVal); HRESULT RemoveDownloadDir (); HRESULT PostRegData ([in] DWORD dwSrvType, [in] BSTR bstrRegUrl); HRESULT CheckOnlineStatus ([out] BOOL *pbVal); HRESULT Connect ([in] UINT nType, [in] BSTR bstrISPFile, [in] DWORD dwCountry, [in] BSTR bstrAreaCode, [in] DWORD dwFlag, [in] DWORD dwAppMode); HRESULT CheckStayConnected ([in] BSTR bstrISPFile, [out] BOOL *pbVal); HRESULT CreateIcsBot ([out] DWORD *pdwRetVal); HRESULT IsIcsAvailable ([out] BOOL *bRetVal); HRESULT IsCallbackUsed ([out] BOOL *bRetVal); HRESULT NotifyIcsMgr ([in] UINT msg, [in] WPARAM wParam, [in] LPARAM lParam); HRESULT NotifyIcsUsage ([in] BOOL bParam); HRESULT GetPhoneBookNumber ([out] BSTR* pVal); HRESULT TriggerIcsCallback ([in] BOOL bParam); HRESULT IsIcsHostReachable ([out] BOOL *bRetVal); }; cpp_quote("// Connection type bitmasks") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// No attempt has been made at detecting connections or an") cpp_quote("// attempt was made but failed. This is different from") cpp_quote("// CONNECTIONTYPE_NONE in that it indicates that another attempt") cpp_quote("// should be made to determine if connections exist.") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("#define CONNECTIONTYPE_INVALID 0x00000000") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// No connection devices exist") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("#define CONNECTIONTYPE_NONE 0x00000001") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// A modem is installed") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("#define CONNECTIONTYPE_MODEM 0x00000002") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// A network card is present and the ICS beacon was detected") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("#define CONNECTIONTYPE_LAN_ICS 0x00000004") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// A network card is present but ICS was not detected") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("#define CONNECTIONTYPE_LAN_BROADBAND 0x00000008") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// Multiple network cards were present and ICS was not detected. It is not") cpp_quote("// possible to determine which card to use.") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("#define CONNECTIONTYPE_LAN_INDETERMINATE 0x00000010") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// An ISDN, PPPoE connection is present") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("#define CONNECTIONTYPE_OTHER 0x00000020") cpp_quote("") /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Interface IObCommunicationManager2 // [ object, uuid(B9B3DB14-BD64-11D2-9D65-00C04F7F8935), helpstring("IObCommunicationManager2 Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IObCommunicationManager2 : IObCommunicationManager { HRESULT CreateModemConnectoid ([in] BSTR bstrPhoneBook, [in] BSTR bstrConnectionName, [in] DWORD dwCountryID, [in] DWORD dwCountryCode, [in] BSTR bstrAreaCode, [in] BSTR bstrPhoneNumber, [in] BOOL fAutoIPAddress, [in] DWORD ipaddr_A, [in] DWORD ipaddr_B, [in] DWORD ipaddr_C, [in] DWORD ipaddr_D, [in] BOOL fAutoDNS, [in] DWORD ipaddrDns_A, [in] DWORD ipaddrDns_B, [in] DWORD ipaddrDns_C, [in] DWORD ipaddrDns_D, [in] DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_A, [in] DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_B, [in] DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_C, [in] DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_D, [in] BSTR bstrUserName, [in] BSTR bstrPassword); HRESULT CreatePppoeConnectoid ([in] BSTR bstrPhoneBook, [in] BSTR bstrConnectionName, [in] BSTR bstrBroadbandService, [in] BOOL fAutoIPAddress, [in] DWORD ipaddr_A, [in] DWORD ipaddr_B, [in] DWORD ipaddr_C, [in] DWORD ipaddr_D, [in] BOOL fAutoDNS, [in] DWORD ipaddrDns_A, [in] DWORD ipaddrDns_B, [in] DWORD ipaddrDns_C, [in] DWORD ipaddrDns_D, [in] DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_A, [in] DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_B, [in] DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_C, [in] DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_D, [in] BSTR bstrUserName, [in] BSTR bstrPassword); HRESULT SetPreferredConnectionTcpipProperties ([in] BOOL fAutoIPAddress, [in] DWORD StaticIp_A, [in] DWORD StaticIp_B, [in] DWORD StaticIp_C, [in] DWORD StaticIp_D, [in] DWORD SubnetMask_A, [in] DWORD SubnetMask_B, [in] DWORD SubnetMask_C, [in] DWORD SubnetMask_D, [in] DWORD DefGateway_A, [in] DWORD DefGateway_B, [in] DWORD DefGateway_C, [in] DWORD DefGateway_D, [in] BOOL fAutoDNS, [in] DWORD DnsPref_A, [in] DWORD DnsPref_B, [in] DWORD DnsPref_C, [in] DWORD DnsPref_D, [in] DWORD DnsAlt_A, [in] DWORD DnsAlt_B, [in] DWORD DnsAlt_C, [in] DWORD DnsAlt_D, [in] BOOL fFirewallRequired ); HRESULT DoFinalTasks ([out] BOOL* pfRebootRequired); HRESULT GetConnectionCapabilities ([out] DWORD* pdwConnectionCapabilities); HRESULT GetPreferredConnection ([out] DWORD* pdwPreferredConnection ); HRESULT SetPreferredConnection ([in] const DWORD dwPreferredConnection, [out, retval] BOOL* pfSupportedType); HRESULT SetDialAlternative ([in] BOOL fDialAlternative); HRESULT ConnectedToInternet ([out, retval] BOOL* pfConnected); HRESULT ConnectedToInternetEx ([out, retval] BOOL* pfConnected); HRESULT AsyncConnectedToInternetEx ([in] const HWND hwnd); HRESULT OobeAutodial (); HRESULT OobeAutodialHangup (); HRESULT FirewallPreferredConnection ([in] BOOL fFirewall); HRESULT UseWinntProxySettings (); HRESULT DisableWinntProxySettings (); HRESULT GetProxySettings ([out] BOOL* pbUseAuto, [out] BOOL* pbUseScript, [out] BSTR* pszScriptUrl, [out] BOOL* pbUseProxy, [out] BSTR* pszProxy ); HRESULT SetProxySettings ([in] BOOL bUseAuto, [in] BOOL bUseScript, [in] BSTR szScriptUrl, [in] BOOL bUseProxy, [in] BSTR szProxy ); HRESULT SetICWCompleted ([in] BOOL bMultiUser); HRESULT GetPublicLanCount ([out, retval] int* pcPublicLan); HRESULT SetExclude1394 ([in] BOOL bExclude); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ObCommunicationManager Type Library // [ uuid(B9B3DB11-BD64-11D2-9D65-00C04F7F8935), version(1.0), helpstring("ObCommunicationManager 1.0 Type Library") ] library ObCommunicationManagerLib { importlib("stdole32.tlb"); [ uuid(B9B3DB13-BD64-11D2-9D65-00C04F7F8935), helpstring("Event interface for ObCommunicationManager") ] dispinterface DObCommunicationEvents { properties: methods: [id(DISPID_DIALING)] HRESULT Fire_Dialing (); [id(DISPID_CONNECTING)] HRESULT Fire_Connecting (); [id(DISPID_DIALINGERROR)] HRESULT Fire_DialError ([in] DWORD dwErrorCode); [id(DISPIP_CONNECTIONCOMPLETE)] HRESULT Fire_ConnectionComplete (); [id(DISPIP_DOWNLOADCOMPLETE)] HRESULT Fire_DownloadComplete (); }; // // ObCommunicationManager // [ uuid(B9B3DB12-BD64-11D2-9D65-00C04F7F8935), helpstring("ObCommunicationManager Class") ] coclass ObCommunicationManager { [default] interface IObCommunicationManager2; interface IConnectionPointContainer ; [default, source] dispinterface DObCommunicationEvents; }; };