;This is a sample unattended installation file that installs a Web server ;running Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 - Enterprise Edition, or Windows XP Professional. ;IIS components are not installed on Windows XP Home Edition. ;USING THIS SAMPLE FILE WILL ENABLE IIS, WHICH MIGHT NOT BE THE DEFAULT BEHAVIOR. ;IIS, MTS, and Index Server are ON. ;Target Path should be the default directory or . ;The Administrator password is blank. [Unattended] Unattendmode = FullUnattended OemPreinstall = NO TargetPath = * Filesystem = ConvertNtfs [UserData] FullName = "Pat Coleman" OrgName = "Woodgrove Bank" ComputerName = "Coleman01" [GuiUnattended] TimeZone = "004" AdminPassword = * AutoLogon = Yes [LicenseFilePrintData] AutoMode = "PerServer" AutoUsers = "5" [Display] BitsPerPel = 16 XResolution = 1024 YResolution = 768 VRefresh = 70 [Networking] [Identification] JoinWorkgroup = Workgroup ;Installs the necessary files for the designated optional components. ;These options are not the default settings for installed components on all versions. [Components] iis_common = on iis_inetmgr = on iis_www = on iis_ftp = on iis_htmla = on iis_doc = on iis_pwmgr = on iis_smtp = on iis_smtp_docs = on mts_core = on msmq = off terminalservices = off reminst = off certsrv = off rstorage = off indexsrv_system = on certsrv_client = off certsrv_server = off certsrv_doc = off [InternetServer] ;Without these keys, the specified IIS will use the default settings. ;PathFTPRoot = "%systemdrive%\Custom\FTPRoot" ;PathWWWRoot = "%systemdrive%\Custom\WWWRoot"