/*++ Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: photosII.c Abstract: This source file implements the operations needed to properly migrate MGI PhotoSuite II 1.0 from Windows 9x to Windows NT. This is part of the Setup Migration DLL. Author: Calin Negreanu (calinn) 15-Jul-1999 Revision History: --*/ #include "pch.h" #include "setupmigp.h" #define S_MIGRATION_PATHS "Migration Paths" #define S_PHOTOSII_FILE1 "PhotoSuite.EXE" #define S_PHOTOSII_FILE2 "W_Welcome.html" #define S_PHOTOSII_RELPATH1 "\\TempPSII\\Common\\" #define S_PHOTOSII_RELPATH2 "\\TempPSII\\Photos\\" #define MEMDB_CATEGORY_PHOTOSII "PhotoSuiteII" #define S_COMPANYNAME "CompanyName" #define S_PRODUCTVER "ProductVersion" #define S_PHOTOSII_COMPANYNAME "MGI Software*" #define S_PHOTOSII_PRODUCTVER "1.0*" static GROWBUFFER g_FilesBuff = GROWBUF_INIT; BOOL PhotoSuiteII_Attach ( IN HINSTANCE DllInstance ) { return TRUE; } BOOL PhotoSuiteII_Detach ( IN HINSTANCE DllInstance ) { FreeGrowBuffer (&g_FilesBuff); return TRUE; } LONG PhotoSuiteII_QueryVersion ( IN PCSTR *ExeNamesBuf ) { HKEY key = NULL; PCTSTR fullFileName = NULL; PCTSTR fileName = NULL; DWORD result = ERROR_SUCCESS; MultiSzAppendA (&g_FilesBuff, S_PHOTOSII_FILE1); *ExeNamesBuf = g_FilesBuff.Buf; return result; } LONG PhotoSuiteII_Initialize9x ( IN PCSTR WorkingDirectory, IN PCSTR SourceDirectories ) { INFSTRUCT context = INITINFSTRUCT_GROWBUFFER; PCSTR fullFileName = NULL; PCSTR fileName = NULL; PCSTR companyName = NULL; PCSTR productVer = NULL; LONG result = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; // // Let's find out where are our files located // if (g_MigrateInf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (InfFindFirstLineA (g_MigrateInf, S_MIGRATION_PATHS, NULL, &context)) { do { fullFileName = InfGetStringFieldA (&context, 1); if (fullFileName) { __try { fileName = GetFileNameFromPathA (fullFileName); if (StringIMatchA (fileName, S_PHOTOSII_FILE1)) { companyName = QueryVersionEntry (fullFileName, S_COMPANYNAME); if ((!companyName) || (!IsPatternMatchA (S_PHOTOSII_COMPANYNAME, companyName)) ) { #pragma prefast(suppress:242, "Don't care about perf of try/finally here") continue; } productVer = QueryVersionEntry (fullFileName, S_PRODUCTVER); if ((!productVer) || (!IsPatternMatchA (S_PHOTOSII_PRODUCTVER, productVer)) ) { #pragma prefast(suppress:242, "Don't care about perf of try/finally here") continue; } result = ERROR_SUCCESS; MemDbSetValueExA (MEMDB_CATEGORY_PHOTOSII, fullFileName, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); FreePathStringA (productVer); productVer = NULL; FreePathStringA (companyName); companyName = NULL; } } __finally { if (productVer) { FreePathStringA (productVer); productVer = NULL; } if (companyName) { FreePathStringA (companyName); companyName = NULL; } } } } while (InfFindNextLine (&context)); InfCleanUpInfStruct (&context); } if (result == ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_VERBOSE, "MGI PhotoSuite II migration DLL: Could not find needed files.")); } } else { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "MGI PhotoSuite II migration DLL: Could not open MIGRATE.INF.")); } return result; } LONG PhotoSuiteII_MigrateUser9x ( IN HWND ParentWnd, IN PCSTR UnattendFile, IN HKEY UserRegKey, IN PCSTR UserName ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } LONG PhotoSuiteII_MigrateSystem9x ( IN HWND ParentWnd, IN PCSTR UnattendFile ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } LONG PhotoSuiteII_InitializeNT ( IN PCWSTR WorkingDirectory, IN PCWSTR SourceDirectories ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } LONG PhotoSuiteII_MigrateUserNT ( IN HINF UnattendFile, IN HKEY UserRegKey, IN PCWSTR UserName ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } LONG PhotoSuiteII_MigrateSystemNT ( IN HINF UnattendFile ) { MEMDB_ENUMA e; CHAR pattern[MEMDB_MAX]; CHAR file1[MEMDB_MAX]; CHAR file2[MEMDB_MAX]; PSTR filePtr; UINT uiCharNum; MemDbBuildKeyA (pattern, MEMDB_CATEGORY_PHOTOSII, "*", NULL, NULL); if (MemDbEnumFirstValueA (&e, pattern, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { do { // // we want to copy a file that is relative to this one // filePtr = _mbsrchr (e.szName, '\\'); if (filePtr) { if((filePtr - e.szName + 1) >= ARRAYSIZE(file1)){ MYASSERT(FALSE); LOG((LOG_WARNING, "PhotoSuiteII_MigrateSystemNT does not provide enough buffer for string copy %s -- skipping CopyFile", e.szName)); continue; } StringCopyABA (file1, e.szName, filePtr); uiCharNum = strlen(file1); } else { uiCharNum = strlen(e.szName); if(uiCharNum >= ARRAYSIZE(file1)){ MYASSERT(FALSE); LOG((LOG_WARNING, "PhotoSuiteII_MigrateSystemNT does not provide enough buffer for string copy %s -- skipping CopyFile", e.szName)); #pragma prefast(suppress:242, "Don't care about perf of try/finally here") continue; } StackStringCopyA (file1, e.szName); } StringCopyA (file2, file1); if((uiCharNum + ARRAYSIZE(S_PHOTOSII_RELPATH1) + ARRAYSIZE(S_PHOTOSII_FILE2) - 2) >= ARRAYSIZE(file1) || (uiCharNum + ARRAYSIZE(S_PHOTOSII_RELPATH2) + ARRAYSIZE(S_PHOTOSII_FILE2) - 2) >= ARRAYSIZE(file2)){ MYASSERT(FALSE); LOG((LOG_WARNING, "PhotoSuiteII_MigrateSystemNT does not provide enough buffer for string copy %s -- skipping CopyFile", e.szName)); continue; } StringCatA (file1, S_PHOTOSII_RELPATH1); StringCatA (file2, S_PHOTOSII_RELPATH2); StringCatA (file1, S_PHOTOSII_FILE2); StringCatA (file2, S_PHOTOSII_FILE2); if (!CopyFile (file1, file2, TRUE)) { DEBUGMSGA (( DBG_ERROR, "MGI PhotoSuite II migration DLL: Could not copy %s to %s. Error:%d", file1, file2, GetLastError () )); } } while (MemDbEnumNextValueA (&e)); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }