/*++ Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: dbaction.c Abstract: This source implements action functions used by MigDb. There are two types of action functions here as the third parameter of the macro list is TRUE or FALSE. First type of action function is called whenever an action is triggered during file scanning. The second type of action function is called at the end of file scanning if the associated action was not triggered during file scanning phase. Author: Calin Negreanu (calinn) 07-Jan-1998 Revision History: jimschm 20-Nov-2000 Added MarkForBackup marcw 31-Aug-1999 Added BlockingHardware ovidiut 20-Jul-1999 Added Ignore ovidiut 28-May-1999 Added IniFileMappings marcw 23-Sep-1998 Added BlockingVirusScanner jimschm 13-Aug-1998 Added CompatibleFiles jimschm 19-May-1998 Added MinorProblems_NoLinkRequired jimschm 27-Feb-1998 Added UninstallSections calinn 18-Jan-1998 Added CompatibleModules action --*/ #include "pch.h" #include "migappp.h" #include "migdbp.h" /*++ Macro Expansion List Description: GATHER_DATA_FUNCTIONS and ACTION_FUNCTIONS lists all valid actions to be performed by migdb when a context is met. Meeting a context means that all the sections associated with the context are satisfied (usually there is only one section). The difference is that GATHER_DATA_FUNCTIONS are called even if some function already handles a file. Line Syntax: DEFMAC(ActionFn, ActionName, CallWhenTriggered, CanHandleVirtualFiles) Arguments: ActionFn - This is a boolean function that returnes TRUE if the specified action could be performed. It should return FALSE only if a serious error occures. You must implement a function with this name and required parameters. ActionName - This is the string that identifies the action function. It should have the same value as listed in migdb.inf. This arg is declared as both a macro and the migdb.inf section name string. CallWhenTriggered - If the MigDbContext this action is associated with is triggered the action will be called if this field is TRUE, otherwise we will call the action at the end of file scan if the context was not triggered. CanHandleVirtualFiles - This is for treating files that are supposed to be in a fixed place but are not there (not installed or deleted). We need this in order to fix registry or links that point to this kind of files. A good example is backup.exe which is located in %ProgramFiles%\Accessories. The rules say that we should use ntbackup.exe instead but since this file is not existent we don't normally fix registry settings pointing to this file. We do now, with this new variable. Variables Generated From List: g_ActionFunctions - do not touch! For accessing the array there are the following functions: MigDb_GetActionAddr MigDb_GetActionIdx MigDb_GetActionName --*/ /* Declare the macro list of action functions. If you need to add a new action just add a line in this list and implement the function. */ #define GATHER_DATA_FUNCTIONS \ DEFMAC1(CompatibleFiles, COMPATIBLEFILES, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC1(CompatibleShellModules, COMPATIBLESHELLMODULES, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC1(CompatibleRunKeyModules, COMPATIBLERUNKEYMODULES, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC1(CompatibleDosModules, COMPATIBLEDOSMODULES, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC1(CompatibleHlpFiles, COMPATIBLEHLPFILES, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC1(StoreMapi32Locations, MAPI32, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC1(IniFileMappings, INIFILEMAPPINGS, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC1(SilentUninstall, SILENTUNINSTALL, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC1(FileEdit, FILEEDIT, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC1(IgnoreInReport, IGNORE, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC1(MarkForBackup, MARKFORBACKUP, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC1(ShowInSimplifiedView, SHOWINSIMPLIFIEDVIEW, TRUE, FALSE) \ #define ACTION_FUNCTIONS \ DEFMAC2(UseNtFiles, USENTFILES, TRUE, TRUE ) \ DEFMAC2(ProductCollisions, PRODUCTCOLLISIONS, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(MinorProblems, MINORPROBLEMS, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(MinorProblems_NoLinkRequired, MINORPROBLEMS_NOLINKREQUIRED, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(Reinstall_AutoUninstall, REINSTALL_AUTOUNINSTALL, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(Reinstall, REINSTALL, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(Reinstall_NoLinkRequired, REINSTALL_NOLINKREQUIRED, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(Reinstall_SoftBlock, REINSTALL_SOFTBLOCK, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(Incompatible_AutoUninstall, INCOMPATIBLE_AUTOUNINSTALL, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(Incompatible, INCOMPATIBLE, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(Incompatible_NoLinkRequired, INCOMPATIBLE_NOLINKREQUIRED, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(Incompatible_PreinstalledUtilities, INCOMPATIBLE_PREINSTALLEDUTILITIES, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(Incompatible_SimilarOsFunctionality,INCOMPATIBLE_SIMILAROSFUNCTIONALITY,TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(Incompatible_HardwareUtility, INCOMPATIBLE_HARDWAREUTILITY, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC1(BadFusion, BADFUSION, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(OsFiles, OSFILES, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(DosApps, DOSAPPS, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(NonPnpDrivers, NONPNPDRIVERS, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(NonPnpDrivers_NoMessage, NONPNPDRIVERS_NOMESSAGE, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(MigrationProcessing, MIGRATIONPROCESSING, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(BlockingVirusScanner, BLOCKINGVIRUSSCANNERS, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(BlockingFile, BLOCKINGFILES, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(BlockingHardware, BLOCKINGHARDWARE, TRUE, FALSE) \ DEFMAC2(RequiredOSFiles, REQUIREDOSFILES, FALSE,FALSE) \ /* Declare the action functions */ #define DEFMAC1(fn,id,call,can) ACTION_PROTOTYPE fn; #define DEFMAC2(fn,id,call,can) ACTION_PROTOTYPE fn; GATHER_DATA_FUNCTIONS ACTION_FUNCTIONS #undef DEFMAC1 #undef DEFMAC2 /* This is the structure used for handling action functions */ typedef struct { PCSTR ActionName; PACTION_PROTOTYPE ActionFunction; BOOL CallWhenTriggered; BOOL CanHandleVirtualFiles; BOOL CallAlways; } ACTION_STRUCT, *PACTION_STRUCT; /* Declare a global array of functions and name identifiers for action functions */ #define DEFMAC1(fn,id,call,can) {#id,fn,call,can,TRUE}, #define DEFMAC2(fn,id,call,can) {#id,fn,call,can,FALSE}, static ACTION_STRUCT g_ActionFunctions[] = { GATHER_DATA_FUNCTIONS ACTION_FUNCTIONS {NULL, NULL, FALSE} }; #undef DEFMAC1 #undef DEFMAC2 BOOL g_BadVirusScannerFound = FALSE; BOOL g_BlockingFileFound = FALSE; BOOL g_BlockingHardwareFound = FALSE; BOOL g_UnknownOs = FALSE; GROWLIST g_BadVirusScannerGrowList = GROWLIST_INIT; DWORD g_BackupDirCount = 0; extern BOOL g_IsFusionDir; BOOL pNoLinkRequiredWorker ( IN UINT GroupId, IN UINT SubGroupId, OPTIONAL IN DWORD ActionType, IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ); PACTION_PROTOTYPE MigDb_GetActionAddr ( IN INT ActionIdx ) /*++ Routine Description: MigDb_GetActionAddr returns the address of the action function based on the action index Arguments: ActionIdx - Action index. Return value: Action function address. Note that no checking is made so the address returned could be invalid. This is not a problem since the parsing code did the right job. --*/ { return g_ActionFunctions[ActionIdx].ActionFunction; } INT MigDb_GetActionIdx ( IN PCSTR ActionName ) /*++ Routine Description: MigDb_GetActionIdx returns the action index based on the action name Arguments: ActionName - Action name. Return value: Action index. If the name is not found, the index returned is -1. --*/ { PACTION_STRUCT p = g_ActionFunctions; INT i = 0; while (p->ActionName != NULL) { if (StringIMatch (p->ActionName, ActionName)) { return i; } p++; i++; } return -1; } PCSTR MigDb_GetActionName ( IN INT ActionIdx ) /*++ Routine Description: MigDb_GetActionName returns the name of an action based on the action index Arguments: ActionIdx - Action index. Return value: Action name. Note that no checking is made so the returned pointer could be invalid. This is not a problem since the parsing code did the right job. --*/ { return g_ActionFunctions[ActionIdx].ActionName; } BOOL MigDb_CallWhenTriggered ( IN INT ActionIdx ) /*++ Routine Description: MigDb_CallWhenTriggered is called every time when an action is triggered. Will return TRUE is the associated action function needs to be called, FALSE otherwise. Arguments: ActionIdx - Action index. Return value: TRUE if the associated action function needs to be called, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { return g_ActionFunctions[ActionIdx].CallWhenTriggered; } BOOL MigDb_CanHandleVirtualFiles ( IN INT ActionIdx ) /*++ Routine Description: MigDb_CanHandleVirtualFiles is called if a virtual file is passed to migdb Arguments: ActionIdx - Action index. Return value: TRUE if the associated action can handle virtual files, false if not. --*/ { return g_ActionFunctions[ActionIdx].CanHandleVirtualFiles; } BOOL MigDb_CallAlways ( IN INT ActionIdx ) /*++ Routine Description: MigDb_CallAlways returnes if an action should be called regardless of handled state. Arguments: ActionIdx - Action index. Return value: TRUE if the associated action should be called every time. --*/ { return g_ActionFunctions[ActionIdx].CallAlways; } BOOL IsMigrationPathEx ( IN PCTSTR Path, OUT PBOOL IsWin9xOsPath OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: IsMigrationPath checks to see if the given path is a "MigrationPath" (meaning that the path belongs to the OS that we are currently upgrading). The MigrationPaths category was previously created in filescan.c by pBuildMigrationPaths Arguments: Path - Specifies the path to be checked. IsWin9xOsPath - Receives a BOOL indicating if this path is a Win9x OS migration path Return value: TRUE if the path is part of "Migration Paths", FALSE otherwise. --*/ { TCHAR key [MEMDB_MAX]; PTSTR pathPtr; DWORD depth = 0; DWORD pathValue; TCHAR path[MAX_TCHAR_PATH]; DWORD bIsWin9xOsPath; StringCopyTcharCount (path, Path, MAX_TCHAR_PATH); RemoveWackAtEnd (path); MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_MIGRATION_PATHS, path, NULL, NULL); pathPtr = GetEndOfString (key); if (IsWin9xOsPath) { *IsWin9xOsPath = FALSE; } while (pathPtr) { *pathPtr = 0; if ((MemDbGetValueAndFlags (key, &pathValue, &bIsWin9xOsPath)) && (pathValue >= depth) ) { if (IsWin9xOsPath) { *IsWin9xOsPath = bIsWin9xOsPath; } return TRUE; } depth ++; pathPtr = GetPrevChar (key, pathPtr, TEXT('\\')); } return FALSE; } BOOL DeleteFileWithWarning ( IN PCTSTR FileName ) /*++ Routine Description: DeleteFileWithWarning marks a file for deletion but checks to see if a warning should be added in user report. We will generate a "backup files found" warning if the file that's going to be deleted is outside "Migration Paths", but not under %ProgramFiles%. Arguments: FileName - file to be deleted. Return value: TRUE if the file was deleted successfully, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { PCTSTR filePtr; TCHAR filePath [MEMDB_MAX]; TCHAR key [MEMDB_MAX]; INFCONTEXT ic; RemoveOperationsFromPath (FileName, ALL_DEST_CHANGE_OPERATIONS); filePtr = (PTSTR)GetFileNameFromPath (FileName); if (!filePtr) { return FALSE; } filePtr = _tcsdec (FileName, filePtr); if (!filePtr) { return FALSE; } StringCopyABA (filePath, FileName, filePtr); if (!StringIMatchTcharCount (filePath, g_ProgramFilesDirWack, g_ProgramFilesDirWackChars) && !IsMigrationPath (filePath) ) { // // exclude certain files from user's report, // even if they are not in migration directories // if (!SetupFindFirstLine (g_Win95UpgInf, S_BACKUPFILESIGNORE, filePtr + 1, &ic)) { // // this file is not excluded; show it's dir in the report // MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_BACKUPDIRS, filePath, NULL, NULL); if (!MemDbGetValue (key, NULL)) { // // write it in the log // DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "BACKUPDIR: %s is considered a backup directory.", filePath)); MemDbSetValueEx (MEMDB_CATEGORY_BACKUPDIRS, filePath, NULL, NULL, 0 , NULL); g_BackupDirCount++; } } } if (CanSetOperation (FileName, OPERATION_FILE_DELETE)) { MarkFileForDelete (FileName); } return TRUE; } BOOL OsFiles ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when an OS file is found. Basically the file gets deleted to make room for NT version. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: TRUE - if operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { PCSTR newFileName; DWORD fileStatus; MULTISZ_ENUM fileEnum; BOOL b = FALSE; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&fileEnum, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { if (!g_IsFusionDir || !IsNtCompatibleModule (fileEnum.CurrentString)) { // // If this file is marked with any MOVE operations, remove those operations. // we want this deletion to take precedence. // RemoveOperationsFromPath ( fileEnum.CurrentString, ALL_MOVE_OPERATIONS ); DeleteFileWithWarning (fileEnum.CurrentString); MarkFileAsOsFile (fileEnum.CurrentString); fileStatus = GetFileStatusOnNt (fileEnum.CurrentString); if ((fileStatus & FILESTATUS_REPLACED) != 0) { newFileName = GetPathStringOnNt (fileEnum.CurrentString); if (StringIMatch (newFileName, fileEnum.CurrentString)) { MarkFileForCreation (newFileName); } else { MarkFileForMoveByNt (fileEnum.CurrentString, newFileName); } FreePathString (newFileName); } b = TRUE; } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&fileEnum)); } return b; } BOOL UseNtFiles ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when NT uses another file for same functionality. We will mark the file as deleted, moved and we will add it in RenameFile category Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: TRUE - if operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { CHAR ntFilePath [MAX_MBCHAR_PATH]; MULTISZ_ENUM fileEnum; TCHAR key [MEMDB_MAX]; DWORD set; PCTSTR name; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&fileEnum, Context->FileList.Buf)) { if (!GetNtFilePath (Context->Arguments, ntFilePath)) { LOG((LOG_ERROR, "Cannot UseNTFile for %s", Context->Arguments)); return FALSE; } else { do { if (Context->VirtualFile) { MarkFileForExternalDelete (fileEnum.CurrentString); } else { DeleteFileWithWarning (fileEnum.CurrentString); } MarkFileForMoveByNt (fileEnum.CurrentString, ntFilePath); MarkFileAsOsFile (fileEnum.CurrentString); if (Context->VirtualFile) { continue; } // // add this info to memdb to update commands that use these files // name = GetFileNameFromPath (fileEnum.CurrentString); if (!g_UseNtFileHashTable) { continue; } if (!HtFindStringAndData (g_UseNtFileHashTable, name, &set)) { MYASSERT (FALSE); continue; } // // check if a file with this name, but not handled, was previously found // if (!set) { MemDbBuildKey ( key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_USE_NT_FILES, name, GetFileNameFromPath (ntFilePath), NULL ); if (!MemDbGetValue (key, NULL)) { MemDbSetValue (key, 0); } } else { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_VERBOSE, "Found [UseNtFiles] file %s, but there's already one that was not handled", name )); } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&fileEnum)); } } return TRUE; } BOOL Incompatible ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when a known incompatible file is found. The file gets marked for external deletion (it will not be deleted but in all subsequent operation will be considered as deleted) and if there is a link pointing to it an announcement is made in LinkProcessing phase. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: TRUE - if operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM fileEnum; PCTSTR extPtr; BOOL result = FALSE; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&fileEnum, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { if (!IsFileMarkedAsKnownGood (fileEnum.CurrentString)) { result = TRUE; extPtr = GetFileExtensionFromPath (fileEnum.CurrentString); if (extPtr) { if (StringIMatch (extPtr, TEXT("SCR"))) { DisableFile (fileEnum.CurrentString); } } MarkFileForExternalDelete (fileEnum.CurrentString); if (!IsFileMarkedForAnnounce (fileEnum.CurrentString)) { AnnounceFileInReport (fileEnum.CurrentString, (DWORD)Context, ACT_INC_NOBADAPPS); } } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&fileEnum)); } return result; } BOOL Incompatible_PreinstalledUtilities ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when a known incompatible preinstalled utility is found. The file gets marked for external deletion (it will not be deleted but in all subsequent operation will be considered as deleted) and if there is a link pointing to it an announcement is made in LinkProcessing phase. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: TRUE - if operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM fileEnum; BOOL result = FALSE; if (!Context->Arguments) { if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&fileEnum, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { if (!IsFileMarkedAsKnownGood (fileEnum.CurrentString)) { result = TRUE; MarkFileForExternalDelete (fileEnum.CurrentString); if (!IsFileMarkedForAnnounce (fileEnum.CurrentString)) { AnnounceFileInReport (fileEnum.CurrentString, (DWORD)Context, ACT_INC_PREINSTUTIL); } } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&fileEnum)); } } else { return pNoLinkRequiredWorker ( MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_ROOT, MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_PREINSTALLED_UTIL_SUBGROUP, ACT_INC_PREINSTUTIL, Context ); } return result; } BOOL Incompatible_SimilarOsFunctionality ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when a known incompatible preinstalled utility is found. The file gets marked for external deletion (it will not be deleted but in all subsequent operation will be considered as deleted) and if there is a link pointing to it an announcement is made in LinkProcessing phase. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: TRUE - if operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM fileEnum; BOOL result = FALSE; if (!Context->Arguments) { if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&fileEnum, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { if (!IsFileMarkedAsKnownGood (fileEnum.CurrentString)) { result = TRUE; MarkFileForExternalDelete (fileEnum.CurrentString); if (!IsFileMarkedForAnnounce (fileEnum.CurrentString)) { AnnounceFileInReport (fileEnum.CurrentString, (DWORD)Context, ACT_INC_SIMILAROSFUNC); } } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&fileEnum)); } } else { return pNoLinkRequiredWorker ( MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_ROOT, MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_UTIL_SIMILAR_FEATURE_SUBGROUP, ACT_INC_SIMILAROSFUNC, Context ); } return result; } BOOL Incompatible_HardwareUtility ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when a known incompatible hardware utility is found. The file gets marked for external deletion (it will not be deleted but in all subsequent operation will be considered as deleted) and if there is a link pointing to it an announcement is made in LinkProcessing phase. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: TRUE - if operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM fileEnum; BOOL result = FALSE; if (!Context->Arguments) { if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&fileEnum, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { if (!IsFileMarkedAsKnownGood (fileEnum.CurrentString)) { result = TRUE; MarkFileForExternalDelete (fileEnum.CurrentString); if (!IsFileMarkedForAnnounce (fileEnum.CurrentString)) { AnnounceFileInReport (fileEnum.CurrentString, (DWORD)Context, ACT_INC_IHVUTIL); } } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&fileEnum)); } } else { return pNoLinkRequiredWorker ( MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_ROOT, MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_HW_UTIL_SUBGROUP, ACT_INC_IHVUTIL, Context ); } return result; } BOOL MinorProblems ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when we found an app with known minor problems. If there is a link pointing to one of these files an announcement is made in LinkProcessing phase. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: TRUE - if operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM fileEnum; BOOL result = FALSE; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&fileEnum, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { if (!IsFileMarkedAsKnownGood (fileEnum.CurrentString)) { result = TRUE; if (!IsFileMarkedForAnnounce (fileEnum.CurrentString)) { AnnounceFileInReport (fileEnum.CurrentString, (DWORD)Context, ACT_MINORPROBLEMS); } } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&fileEnum)); } return result; } BOOL Reinstall ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when we found an app that should be reinstalled on NT. If there is a link pointing to one of these files an announcement is made in LinkProcessing phase. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: TRUE - if operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM fileEnum; BOOL result = FALSE; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&fileEnum, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { if (!IsFileMarkedAsKnownGood (fileEnum.CurrentString)) { result = TRUE; MarkFileForExternalDelete (fileEnum.CurrentString); if (!IsFileMarkedForAnnounce (fileEnum.CurrentString)) { AnnounceFileInReport (fileEnum.CurrentString, (DWORD)Context, ACT_REINSTALL); } } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&fileEnum)); } return result; } BOOL DosApps ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when we found an DOS app that's either incompatible or has minor problems (it's incompatible if Context has Message field NULL). We are forced to add this now in the user report since DOS apps usually don't have PIF files associated. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: TRUE - at least one file was announced FALSE - no files were announced --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM fileEnum; BOOL AtLeastOneFile; AtLeastOneFile = FALSE; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&fileEnum, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { if (!IsFileMarkedAsKnownGood (fileEnum.CurrentString)) { if (Context->Message != NULL) { if (!IsFileMarkedForAnnounce (fileEnum.CurrentString)) { AnnounceFileInReport (fileEnum.CurrentString, (DWORD)Context, ACT_MINORPROBLEMS); } } else { MarkFileForExternalDelete (fileEnum.CurrentString); if (!IsFileMarkedForAnnounce (fileEnum.CurrentString)) { AnnounceFileInReport (fileEnum.CurrentString, (DWORD)Context, ACT_INCOMPATIBLE); } } HandleDeferredAnnounce (NULL, fileEnum.CurrentString, TRUE); AtLeastOneFile = TRUE; if (*g_Boot16 == BOOT16_AUTOMATIC) { *g_Boot16 = BOOT16_YES; } } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&fileEnum)); } return AtLeastOneFile; } BOOL pNoLinkRequiredWorker ( IN UINT GroupId, IN UINT SubGroupId, OPTIONAL IN DWORD ActionType, IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) { MULTISZ_ENUM e; PCTSTR Group; PCTSTR RootGroup; PCTSTR SubGroup; PCTSTR GroupTemp; BOOL result = FALSE; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { if (!IsFileMarkedAsKnownGood (e.CurrentString)) { result = TRUE; } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } if (!result) { return FALSE; } // // Add the message using section name as the context // if (!Context->SectNameForDisplay) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Rule for %s needs a localized app title", Context->SectName)); return TRUE; } RootGroup = GetStringResource (GroupId); if (!RootGroup) { LOG((LOG_ERROR, "Cannot get resources while processing section %s", Context->SectNameForDisplay)); return TRUE; } // // Now fetch the group string, and optional subgroup string, // and join them together // if (SubGroupId) { SubGroup = GetStringResource (SubGroupId); MYASSERT (SubGroup); GroupTemp = JoinPaths (RootGroup, SubGroup); Group = JoinPaths (GroupTemp, Context->SectNameForDisplay); FreePathString (GroupTemp); } else { Group = JoinPaths (RootGroup, Context->SectNameForDisplay); } FreeStringResource (RootGroup); // // Put the message in msgmgr // MsgMgr_ContextMsg_Add ( Context->SectName, Group, Context->Message ); FreePathString (Group); // // Associate all files with the context // if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { if (ActionType != ACT_MINORPROBLEMS) { MarkFileForExternalDelete (e.CurrentString); } if (!IsFileMarkedForAnnounce (e.CurrentString)) { AnnounceFileInReport (e.CurrentString, (DWORD)Context, ActionType); } MsgMgr_LinkObjectWithContext ( Context->SectName, e.CurrentString ); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } return TRUE; } BOOL Reinstall_NoLinkRequired ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when we found an app that should be reinstalled on NT. The message is added to the report whenever the action is triggered; no link is required. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: TRUE - if operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { return pNoLinkRequiredWorker ( MSG_REINSTALL_ROOT, Context->Message ? MSG_REINSTALL_DETAIL_SUBGROUP : MSG_REINSTALL_LIST_SUBGROUP, ACT_REINSTALL, Context ); } BOOL Reinstall_SoftBlock ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when we found an app that should be reinstalled on NT. The message is added to the report whenever the action is triggered; no link is required. In addition, the user must uninstall the app before proceeding. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: TRUE - if operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM e; // // Add all files to blocking hash table in msgmgr // if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { if (!IsFileMarkedAsKnownGood (e.CurrentString)) { AddBlockingObject (e.CurrentString); } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } return pNoLinkRequiredWorker (MSG_BLOCKING_ITEMS_ROOT, MSG_REINSTALL_BLOCK_ROOT, ACT_REINSTALL_BLOCK, Context); } BOOL Incompatible_NoLinkRequired ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when we found an app that is incompatible with NT. The message is added to the report whenever the action is triggered; no link is required. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: TRUE - if operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { return pNoLinkRequiredWorker ( MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_ROOT, Context->Message ? MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_DETAIL_SUBGROUP : MSG_TOTALLY_INCOMPATIBLE_SUBGROUP, ACT_INC_NOBADAPPS, Context ); } BOOL MinorProblems_NoLinkRequired ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when we found an app that is incompatible with NT. The message is added to the report whenever the action is triggered; no link is required. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: TRUE - if operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { return pNoLinkRequiredWorker ( MSG_MINOR_PROBLEM_ROOT, 0, ACT_MINORPROBLEMS, Context ); } BOOL CompatibleShellModules ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when we found an "known good" shell module. Those modules are therefore approved to be listed in SHELL= line in SYSTEM.INI. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: FALSE - this will allow other actions to handle this file --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM fileEnum; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&fileEnum, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { AddCompatibleShell (fileEnum.CurrentString, (DWORD)Context); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&fileEnum)); } return FALSE; } BOOL CompatibleRunKeyModules ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when we found an "known good" RunKey module. Those modules are therefore approved to be listed in Run key. Arguments: Context - Specifies a pointer to the migdb context Return value: FALSE - this will allow other actions to handle this file --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM fileEnum; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&fileEnum, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { AddCompatibleRunKey (fileEnum.CurrentString, (DWORD)Context); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&fileEnum)); } return FALSE; } BOOL CompatibleDosModules ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when we found an "known good" Dos module. Those modules are therefore approved to be loaded in autoexec and config files. Arguments: Context - Specifies a pointer to the migdb context Return value: FALSE - this will allow other actions to handle this file --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM fileEnum; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&fileEnum, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { AddCompatibleDos (fileEnum.CurrentString, (DWORD)Context); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&fileEnum)); } return FALSE; } VOID pCommonSectionProcess ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context, IN BOOL MsgLink ) { MULTISZ_ENUM e; TCHAR Path[MAX_TCHAR_PATH]; PTSTR p; // // Defer processing: add the section to memdb so the section is processed only once. // if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { // // Construct just the path // StringCopy (Path, e.CurrentString); p = (PTSTR) GetFileNameFromPath (Path); // Path is a full path so GetFileNameFromPath will always return something if (p) { p = _tcsdec2 (Path, p); // p will always be not NULL and will point to the last wack if (p && (*p == '\\')) { *p = 0; MemDbSetValueExA ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_MIGRATION_SECTION, Context->Arguments, Path, NULL, 0, NULL ); if (MsgLink) { MsgMgr_LinkObjectWithContext ( Context->Arguments, e.CurrentString ); } } } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } } BOOL Incompatible_AutoUninstall ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: Incompatible_AutoUninstall implements the action taken when we find a particular app and need to process an uninstall section. The uninstall section removes files or registry entries. This application will also be announced in the report as incompatible. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: TRUE - if operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { PCTSTR Group; if (!Context->Arguments) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Incompatible_AutoUninstall: ARG is required")); return TRUE; } Group = BuildMessageGroup ( MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_ROOT, MSG_AUTO_UNINSTALL_SUBGROUP, Context->SectNameForDisplay ); if (Group) { MsgMgr_ContextMsg_Add ( Context->Arguments, Group, S_EMPTY ); FreeText (Group); } pCommonSectionProcess (Context, TRUE); return TRUE; } BOOL Reinstall_AutoUninstall ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: Reinstall_AutoUninstall implements the action taken when we find a particular app and need to process an uninstall section. The uninstall section removes files or registry entries. This application will also be announced in the report as reinstall. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: TRUE - if operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { PCTSTR Group; if (!Context->Arguments) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Reinstall_AutoUninstall: ARG is required")); return TRUE; } Group = BuildMessageGroup ( MSG_REINSTALL_ROOT, Context->Message ? MSG_REINSTALL_DETAIL_SUBGROUP : MSG_REINSTALL_LIST_SUBGROUP, Context->SectNameForDisplay ); if (Group) { MsgMgr_ContextMsg_Add ( Context->Arguments, Group, S_EMPTY ); FreeText (Group); } pCommonSectionProcess (Context, TRUE); return TRUE; } BOOL SilentUninstall ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: SilentUninstall implements the action taken when we find a particular app and need to process an uninstall section. The uninstall section removes files or registry entries. No message goes in the report. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: Always FALSE - other actions should be processed --*/ { if (!Context->Arguments) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "SilentUninstall: ARG is required")); return FALSE; } // // Defer processing: add the section to memdb so the section is processed only once. // pCommonSectionProcess (Context, FALSE); return FALSE; } BOOL FileEdit ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: FileEdit triggers a file edit operation, allowing search/replace and path updates. Arguments: Context - Specifies the context of the migdb.inf entry that triggered this action Return Value: Always FALSE - allow other actions to be called --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM e; INFSTRUCT is = INITINFSTRUCT_GROWBUFFER; PCSTR Data; GROWBUFFER SearchList = GROWBUF_INIT; GROWBUFFER ReplaceList = GROWBUF_INIT; GROWBUFFER TokenArgBuf = GROWBUF_INIT; GROWBUFFER TokenSetBuf = GROWBUF_INIT; GROWBUFFER DataBuf = GROWBUF_INIT; UINT u; PTOKENARG TokenArg; PBYTE Dest; PTOKENSET TokenSet; PCSTR editSection = NULL; PCSTR CharsToIgnore = NULL; BOOL urlMode = FALSE; BOOL result = FALSE; __try { // // If no args, then this file is just supposed to get its paths updated // if (!Context->Arguments) { if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { MemDbSetValueEx ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_FILEEDIT, e.CurrentString, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL ); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } __leave; } // // Scan the args for EnableUrlMode // if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->Arguments)) { do { if (StringIMatch (e.CurrentString, TEXT("EnableUrlMode"))) { urlMode = TRUE; } else if (!editSection) { editSection = e.CurrentString; DEBUGMSG ((DBG_NAUSEA, "FileEdit: EditSection is %s", editSection)); } else if (!CharsToIgnore) { CharsToIgnore = e.CurrentString; DEBUGMSG ((DBG_NAUSEA, "FileEdit: CharsToIgnore is %s", CharsToIgnore)); } else { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Ignoring extra file edit arg %s", e.CurrentString)); } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } // // Parse the edit section // if (editSection) { if (InfFindFirstLine (g_MigDbInf, editSection, NULL, &is)) { do { ReplaceList.End = 0; SearchList.End = 0; // // Get the search/replace strings // for (u = 3 ; ; u += 2) { Data = InfGetStringField (&is, u + 1); if (!Data) { break; } MYASSERT (*Data); if (*Data == 0) { continue; } MultiSzAppend (&ReplaceList, Data); Data = InfGetStringField (&is, u); MYASSERT (Data && *Data); if (!Data || *Data == 0) { __leave; } MultiSzAppend (&SearchList, Data); } // // Get the detection string // Data = InfGetStringField (&is, 1); if (Data && *Data) { // // Save the token arg into an array // TokenArg = (PTOKENARG) GrowBuffer (&TokenArgBuf, sizeof (TOKENARG)); TokenArg->DetectPattern = (PCSTR) (DataBuf.End + TOKEN_BASE_OFFSET); GrowBufCopyString (&DataBuf, Data); if (SearchList.End) { MultiSzAppend (&SearchList, TEXT("")); TokenArg->SearchList = (PCSTR) (DataBuf.End + TOKEN_BASE_OFFSET); Dest = GrowBuffer (&DataBuf, SearchList.End); CopyMemory (Dest, SearchList.Buf, SearchList.End); MultiSzAppend (&ReplaceList, TEXT("")); TokenArg->ReplaceWith = (PCSTR) (DataBuf.End + TOKEN_BASE_OFFSET); Dest = GrowBuffer (&DataBuf, ReplaceList.End); CopyMemory (Dest, ReplaceList.Buf, ReplaceList.End); } else { TokenArg->SearchList = 0; TokenArg->ReplaceWith = 0; } Data = InfGetStringField (&is, 2); if (_tcstoul (Data, NULL, 10)) { TokenArg->UpdatePath = TRUE; } else { TokenArg->UpdatePath = FALSE; } } } while (InfFindNextLine (&is)); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "FileEdit action's section %s does not exist", editSection)); } else if (urlMode) { // // Create an argument that has a detect pattern of * // TokenArg = (PTOKENARG) GrowBuffer (&TokenArgBuf, sizeof (TOKENARG)); TokenArg->DetectPattern = (PCSTR) (DataBuf.End + TOKEN_BASE_OFFSET); GrowBufCopyString (&DataBuf, TEXT("*")); TokenArg->SearchList = NULL; TokenArg->ReplaceWith = NULL; TokenArg->UpdatePath = TRUE; } // // Build a token set out of the token args // if (TokenArgBuf.End) { TokenSet = (PTOKENSET) GrowBuffer ( &TokenSetBuf, sizeof (TOKENSET) + TokenArgBuf.End + DataBuf.End ); TokenSet->ArgCount = TokenArgBuf.End / sizeof (TOKENARG); TokenSet->SelfRelative = TRUE; TokenSet->UrlMode = urlMode; if (CharsToIgnore) { TokenSet->CharsToIgnore = (PCSTR) (DataBuf.End + TOKEN_BASE_OFFSET); GrowBufCopyString (&TokenSetBuf, CharsToIgnore); } else { TokenSet->CharsToIgnore = NULL; } CopyMemory (TokenSet->Args, TokenArgBuf.Buf, TokenArgBuf.End); CopyMemory ( (PBYTE) (TokenSet->Args) + TokenArgBuf.End, DataBuf.Buf, DataBuf.End ); // // Save TokenSet to memdb // if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { MemDbSetBinaryValueEx ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_FILEEDIT, e.CurrentString, NULL, TokenSetBuf.Buf, TokenSetBuf.End, NULL ); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } } result = TRUE; } __finally { InfCleanUpInfStruct (&is); FreeGrowBuffer (&SearchList); FreeGrowBuffer (&ReplaceList); FreeGrowBuffer (&TokenArgBuf); FreeGrowBuffer (&TokenSetBuf); FreeGrowBuffer (&DataBuf); } return result; } BOOL MigrationProcessing ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: MigrationProcessing implements the action taken when we find a particular app and we need some migration DLL like processing to go on. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: TRUE - if operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { if (!Context->Arguments) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "MigrationProcessing: ARG is required")); return TRUE; } // // Defer processing: add the section to memdb so the section is processed only once. // pCommonSectionProcess (Context, FALSE); return TRUE; } BOOL NonPnpDrivers ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: NonPnpDrivers adds hardware incompatibility messages for incompatible devices found by identifying drivers. Arguments: Context - Specifies the context of the file found. Return Value: Always TRUE. --*/ { PCTSTR Group; PCTSTR GroupRoot; MULTISZ_ENUM e; TCHAR MsgMgrContext[256]; PCTSTR OtherDevices; MYASSERT (Context->SectNameForDisplay); // // Add MemDb entry, so .386 check code knows about this file // NonPnpDrivers_NoMessage (Context); // // Add incompatibility message to Hardware. This involves decorating // the device driver name and using a context prefix of NonPnpDrv. // OtherDevices = GetStringResource (MSG_UNKNOWN_DEVICE_CLASS); if (!OtherDevices) { MYASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } GroupRoot = BuildMessageGroup ( MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_HARDWARE_ROOT, MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_HARDWARE_PNP_SUBGROUP, OtherDevices ); FreeStringResource (OtherDevices); if (!GroupRoot) { MYASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } Group = JoinPaths (GroupRoot, Context->SectNameForDisplay); FreeText (GroupRoot); MYASSERT (TcharCount (Context->SectName) < 240); StringCopy (MsgMgrContext, TEXT("*NonPnpDrv")); StringCat (MsgMgrContext, Context->SectName); MsgMgr_ContextMsg_Add (MsgMgrContext, Group, NULL); FreePathString (Group); if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { MsgMgr_LinkObjectWithContext ( MsgMgrContext, e.CurrentString ); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } return TRUE; } BOOL NonPnpDrivers_NoMessage ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: NonPnpDrivers_NoMessage marks a device driver file as known, so the .386 warning does not appear because of it. Arguments: Context - Specifies the context of the file found. Return Value: Always TRUE. --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM e; MYASSERT (Context->SectNameForDisplay); // // Add MemDb entry, so .386 check code knows about this file // if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { DeleteFileWithWarning (e.CurrentString); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } return TRUE; } extern HWND g_Winnt32Wnd; BOOL RequiredOSFiles ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is for now the only action function that's called when the associated action was not triggered during the file scan. We need to know that we are upgrading a known OS so this function is called when none of the required files were found. The action taken is warning the user and terminating the upgrade. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: TRUE - Always --*/ { PCTSTR group = NULL; PCTSTR message = NULL; if ((!g_ConfigOptions.AnyVersion) && (!CANCELLED ())) { // // Add a message to the Incompatibility Report. // g_UnknownOs = TRUE; group = BuildMessageGroup (MSG_BLOCKING_ITEMS_ROOT, MSG_UNKNOWN_OS_WARNING_SUBGROUP, NULL); message = GetStringResource (MSG_UNKNOWN_OS); if (message && group) { MsgMgr_ObjectMsg_Add (TEXT("*UnknownOs"), group, message); } FreeText (group); FreeStringResource (message); } return TRUE; } BOOL CompatibleHlpFiles ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when we found an "known good" HLP file. We do this to prevent help file checking routines from announcing it as incompatible. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: FALSE - this will allow other actions to handle this file --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM fileEnum; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&fileEnum, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { AddCompatibleHlp (fileEnum.CurrentString, (DWORD)Context); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&fileEnum)); } return FALSE; } BOOL BlockingVirusScanner ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) { MULTISZ_ENUM fileEnum; PCTSTR message = NULL; PCTSTR button1 = NULL; PCTSTR button2 = NULL; PCSTR args[1]; BOOL bStop; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&fileEnum, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { // // Inform the user of the problem. // args[0] = Context -> Message; bStop = (Context->Arguments && StringIMatch (Context->Arguments, TEXT("1"))); if (bStop) { ResourceMessageBox ( g_ParentWnd, MSG_BAD_VIRUS_SCANNER_STOP, MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP|MB_SETFOREGROUND, args ); g_BadVirusScannerFound = TRUE; } else { message = ParseMessageID (MSG_BAD_VIRUS_SCANNER, args); button1 = GetStringResource (MSG_KILL_APPLICATION); button2 = GetStringResource (MSG_QUIT_SETUP); if (!UNATTENDED() && IDBUTTON1 != TwoButtonBox (g_ParentWnd, message, button1, button2)) { g_BadVirusScannerFound = TRUE; } else { // // Add the string to the list of files to be // to be terminated. // GrowListAppendString ( &g_BadVirusScannerGrowList, Context->FileList.Buf ); } FreeStringResource (message); FreeStringResource (button1); FreeStringResource (button2); } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&fileEnum)); } return TRUE; } BOOL BlockingFile ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) { MULTISZ_ENUM e; PCTSTR group; BOOL result = FALSE; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { if (!IsFileMarkedAsKnownGood (e.CurrentString)) { result = TRUE; DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "BLOCKINGFILE: Found file %s which blocks upgrade.", e.CurrentString)); group = BuildMessageGroup (MSG_BLOCKING_ITEMS_ROOT, MSG_MUST_UNINSTALL_ROOT, Context->SectNameForDisplay); MsgMgr_ObjectMsg_Add (e.CurrentString, group, Context->Message); FreeText (group); g_BlockingFileFound = TRUE; } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } return result; } BOOL BlockingHardware ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) { MULTISZ_ENUM e; PCTSTR group; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "BLOCKINGHARDWARE: Found file %s which blocks upgrade.", e.CurrentString)); group = BuildMessageGroup (MSG_BLOCKING_ITEMS_ROOT, MSG_BLOCKING_HARDWARE_SUBGROUP, Context->SectNameForDisplay); MsgMgr_ObjectMsg_Add (e.CurrentString, group, Context->Message); FreeText (group); g_BlockingHardwareFound = TRUE; } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } return TRUE; } BOOL CompatibleFiles ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken when an application file is considered good. Later, if we find a link that points to a file that's not in this section, we will announce the link as "unknown". Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: FALSE - this will allow other actions to handle this file --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM e; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { MarkFileAsKnownGood (e.CurrentString); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } return FALSE; } BOOL StoreMapi32Locations ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the action taken for files related to MAPI32. We keep the locations in a list, so we can later detect whether MAPI is handled or not. If it is not handled, then we must tell the user they will lose e-mail functionality. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: FALSE - this will allow other actions to handle this file --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM e; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { MemDbSetValueEx ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_MAPI32_LOCATIONS, e.CurrentString, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL ); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } return FALSE; } BOOL ProductCollisions ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: ProductCollisions identifies files that are known good but match an NT system file name. In this case, we want one file to be treated as an OS file (the one in %windir% for example), while another file needs to be treated as an application file (the one in the app dir for example). Here we get called only when the application files are found. Arguments: Context - Specifies the current file context Return Value: Always TRUE. --*/ { return TRUE; } BOOL MarkForBackup ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: MarkForBackup puts a backup operation on the file, unless backup is turned off. Arguments: Context - Specifies the current file context Return Value: Always TRUE. --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM e; if (g_ConfigOptions.EnableBackup) { if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { MarkFileForBackup (e.CurrentString); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } } return TRUE; } BOOL ShowInSimplifiedView ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: ShowInSimplifiedView records the file with message manager, so that the list view will show the incompatibility. Arguments: Context - Specifies the current file context Return Value: Always FALSE, so other actions can process the file. --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM e; if (g_ConfigOptions.ShowReport == TRISTATE_PARTIAL) { if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { ElevateObject (e.CurrentString); DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE, "Elevated %s to the short view", e.CurrentString)); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } } return FALSE; } BOOL IniFileMappings ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: IniFileMappings records the locations of all INI files, so they can be processed during GUI mode. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: FALSE - this will allow other actions to handle this file --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM e; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { MemDbSetValueEx ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_INIFILES_CONVERT, e.CurrentString, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL ); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } return FALSE; } BOOL IgnoreInReport ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: IgnoreInReport handles a file so that it will not appear in the upgrade report. Currently this action is only for Office FindFast version 9 and higher. Random results are likely with any other type of file. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: FALSE - this will allow other actions to handle this file --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM e; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { HandleObject (e.CurrentString, TEXT("Report")); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } return FALSE; } BOOL BadFusion ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description: BadFusion removes known bad library files found in fusion dirs. Arguments: Context - See definition. Return value: FALSE - this will allow other actions to handle this file --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM e; TCHAR exeName[MAX_TCHAR_PATH * 2]; TCHAR localFile[MAX_TCHAR_PATH * 2]; PTSTR filePtr; HANDLE h; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; DWORD type; BOOL b = FALSE; if (g_IsFusionDir) { if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, Context->FileList.Buf)) { do { if (IsFileMarkedForDelete (e.CurrentString)) { continue; } if (SizeOfString (e.CurrentString) > sizeof (exeName)) { MYASSERT (FALSE); continue; } StringCopy (exeName, e.CurrentString); filePtr = (PTSTR)GetFileNameFromPath (exeName); if (!filePtr) { MYASSERT (FALSE); continue; } // // make full path to app // StringCopy (filePtr, Context->Arguments); // // and to .local // StringCopyAB (localFile, exeName, filePtr); filePtr = GetEndOfString (localFile); // // check if this is really a fusion case; // both a file "exeName" and a file or dir (bug?) "exeName.local" // must be present // h = FindFirstFile (exeName, &fd); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { continue; } do { if (fd.cFileName[0] == TEXT('.') && (fd.cFileName[1] == 0 || fd.cFileName[1] == TEXT('.') && fd.cFileName[2] == 0) ) { continue; } *filePtr = 0; StringCopy (StringCat (filePtr, fd.cFileName), TEXT(".local")); if (DoesFileExist (localFile)) { type = GetExeType (localFile); if ((type == EXE_WIN32_APP) || (type == EXE_WIN16_APP)) { b = TRUE; break; } } } while (FindNextFile (h, &fd)); FindClose (h); if (b) { RemoveOperationsFromPath (e.CurrentString, ALL_OPERATIONS); MarkFileForDelete (e.CurrentString); LOG (( LOG_WARNING, "BadFusion: removed known bad component %s in fusion dir", e.CurrentString )); } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } } return b; }