/*++ Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: migapp.c Abstract: Majority of functions for application migration on the Win95 side.. Everything in this source file called from MigApp_Main. Author: Mike Condra (mikeco) 28-Oct-1996 Revision History: jimschm 23-Sep-1998 Updated for new fileops code calinn 22-May-1998 Added code for broken CPLs processing. calinn 03-Feb-1998 ** Major cleanup ** More than 1500 line were deleted. jimschm 20-Jan-1998 Replaced migration DLL code marcw 03-Dec-1997 Suprressed the display of hidden directories. jimschm 02-Dec-1997 Turned off rename of system32 when it is a directory marcw 15-Jul-1997 Switched to common acc. drives/exclusion handling code. mikeco 08-Jul-1997 Format per NT common std mikeco 06-Jun-1997 Pass exclude.inf exclusions thru to migrate.infs. mikeco 17-Apr-1997 BadSoftwareDeferred_* functions. marcw 14-Apr-1997 Retrofitted new Progress Bar code into project. --*/ #include "pch.h" #include "migappp.h" #include "migdbp.h" #include #define DBG_MIGAPP "MigApp" HASHTABLE g_PerUserRegKeys; // // MigApp initialization and cleanup (not static) // BOOL WINAPI MigApp_Entry ( IN HINSTANCE hInstance, IN DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved ) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: g_RegKeyPresentIndex = MigDb_GetAttributeIdx ("REGKEYPRESENT"); g_PerUserRegKeys = HtAllocWithData (sizeof (BOOL)); break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: HtFree (g_PerUserRegKeys); break; } return TRUE; } BOOL pSearchCompatibleModule ( IN PCTSTR CommandLine, OUT PTSTR *FullFileName, // OPTIONAL IN PCTSTR Category95 ) { TCHAR key [MEMDB_MAX]; TCHAR module [MAX_TCHAR_PATH] = TEXT(""); TCHAR moduleLong [MAX_TCHAR_PATH] = TEXT(""); PATH_ENUM pathEnum; BOOL result = FALSE; if (FullFileName) { *FullFileName = NULL; } ExtractArgZeroEx (CommandLine, module, NULL, FALSE); if (OurGetLongPathName (module, moduleLong, MAX_TCHAR_PATH)) { MemDbBuildKey (key, Category95, moduleLong, NULL, NULL); result = MemDbGetValue (key, NULL); if (FullFileName) { *FullFileName = DuplicatePathString (moduleLong, 0); } } else { if (EnumFirstPath (&pathEnum, NULL, g_WinDir, g_SystemDir)) { do { MemDbBuildKey (key, pathEnum.PtrCurrPath, module, NULL, NULL); if (OurGetLongPathName (key, moduleLong, MAX_TCHAR_PATH)) { MemDbBuildKey (key, Category95, moduleLong, NULL, NULL); result = MemDbGetValue (key, NULL); if (FullFileName) { *FullFileName = DuplicatePathString (moduleLong, 0); } break; } } while (EnumNextPath (&pathEnum)); } EnumPathAbort (&pathEnum); MemDbBuildKey (key, Category95, module, NULL, NULL); result = MemDbGetValue (key, NULL); if (FullFileName) { *FullFileName = DuplicatePathString (module, 0); } } return result; } BOOL pReportBadShell ( VOID ) { PCTSTR object = NULL; PCTSTR message = NULL; BOOL result = TRUE; __try { object = BuildMessageGroup (MSG_INSTALL_NOTES_ROOT, MSG_REPORT_SHELL_SUBGROUP, NULL); message = GetStringResource (MSG_REPORT_SHELL_INCOMPATIBLE); if (object && message) { MsgMgr_ObjectMsg_Add (TEXT("*BadShell"), object, message); } else { result = FALSE; } } __finally { if (object != NULL) { FreeText (object); } if (message != NULL) { FreeStringResource (message); } } return result; } VOID pProcessAsRunKey ( IN HKEY RunKey ) { PCTSTR entryStr; REGVALUE_ENUM runKeyEnum; PTSTR fullFileName; DWORD Status; if (EnumFirstRegValue (&runKeyEnum, RunKey)) { do { entryStr = GetRegValueString (RunKey, runKeyEnum.ValueName); if (entryStr != NULL) { if (pSearchCompatibleModule (entryStr, &fullFileName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_COMPATIBLE_RUNKEY)) { MemDbSetValueEx ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_COMPATIBLE_RUNKEY_NT, runKeyEnum.ValueName, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL ); } else { if (fullFileName) { Status = GetFileStatusOnNt (fullFileName); if (!TreatAsGood (fullFileName)) { if (!(Status & FILESTATUS_REPLACED)) { if (!IsFileMarkedAsOsFile (fullFileName)) { if (!IsFileMarkedForAnnounce (fullFileName)) { // unknown AnnounceFileInReport (fullFileName, 0, ACT_INC_SAFETY); } else { // known bad MemDbSetValueEx ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_INCOMPATIBLE_RUNKEY_NT, runKeyEnum.ValueName, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL ); } } } } else { MemDbSetValueEx ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_COMPATIBLE_RUNKEY_NT, runKeyEnum.ValueName, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL ); } } } FreePathString (fullFileName); MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, entryStr); } } while (EnumNextRegValue (&runKeyEnum)); } } BOOL pProcessRunKey ( VOID ) { HKEY runKey; runKey = OpenRegKeyStr (S_RUNKEY); if (runKey != NULL) { pProcessAsRunKey (runKey); CloseRegKey (runKey); } return TRUE; } DWORD ProcessRunKey ( IN DWORD Request ) { switch (Request) { case REQUEST_QUERYTICKS: return TICKS_PROCESS_RUN_KEY; case REQUEST_RUN: if (!pProcessRunKey ()) { return GetLastError (); } else { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } default: LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Bad parameter while processing run key.")); } return 0; } VOID pProcessRunKey_User ( IN PUSERENUM EnumPtr ) { HKEY runKey; runKey = OpenRegKey (EnumPtr->UserRegKey, REGSTR_PATH_RUN); if (runKey != NULL) { pProcessAsRunKey (runKey); CloseRegKey (runKey); } } DWORD ProcessRunKey_User ( IN DWORD Request, IN PUSERENUM EnumPtr ) { switch (Request) { case REQUEST_QUERYTICKS: return TICKS_PROCESS_RUN_KEY; case REQUEST_BEGINUSERPROCESSING: // // No initialization needed. // break; case REQUEST_RUN: pProcessRunKey_User (EnumPtr); break; case REQUEST_ENDUSERPROCESSING: // // No cleanup needed. // break; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } PTSTR GetFullLongName ( PCTSTR FileName ) { PTSTR result = NULL; TCHAR longName [MAX_TCHAR_PATH]; PTSTR dontCare; if (DoesFileExist (FileName)) { if (!OurGetLongPathName (FileName, longName, MAX_TCHAR_PATH)) { _tcsncpy (longName, FileName, MAX_TCHAR_PATH); } result = DuplicatePathString (longName, 0); } else { if (SearchPath (NULL, FileName, NULL, MAX_TCHAR_PATH, longName, &dontCare)) { result = DuplicatePathString (longName, 0); } } return result; } BOOL pReportIncompatibleSCR ( IN PCTSTR FileName, IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context, IN WORD ActType ) { PTSTR friendlyName = NULL; PTSTR extPtr = NULL; PTSTR displayName = NULL; PCTSTR reportEntry = NULL; PTSTR component = NULL; PCTSTR temp1, temp2; BOOL reportEntryIsResource = TRUE; if ((Context != NULL) && (Context->SectLocalizedName != NULL) ) { friendlyName = DuplicatePathString (Context->SectLocalizedName, 0); } else { friendlyName = DuplicatePathString (GetFileNameFromPath (FileName), 0); extPtr = (PTSTR) GetFileExtensionFromPath (friendlyName); if (extPtr != NULL) { extPtr = _tcsdec (friendlyName, extPtr); if (extPtr != NULL) { *extPtr = 0; } } displayName = (PTSTR)ParseMessageID (MSG_NICE_PATH_SCREEN_SAVER, &friendlyName); FreePathString (friendlyName); friendlyName = NULL; } switch (ActType) { case ACT_REINSTALL: temp1 = GetStringResource (MSG_REINSTALL_ROOT); if (!temp1) { break; } temp2 = GetStringResource ( Context && Context->Message ? MSG_REINSTALL_DETAIL_SUBGROUP : MSG_REINSTALL_LIST_SUBGROUP ); if (!temp2) { break; } reportEntry = JoinPaths (temp1, temp2); reportEntryIsResource = FALSE; FreeStringResource (temp1); FreeStringResource (temp2); break; case ACT_REINSTALL_BLOCK: temp1 = GetStringResource (MSG_BLOCKING_ITEMS_ROOT); if (!temp1) { break; } temp2 = GetStringResource (MSG_REINSTALL_BLOCK_ROOT); if (!temp2) { break; } reportEntry = JoinPaths (temp1, temp2); reportEntryIsResource = FALSE; FreeStringResource (temp1); FreeStringResource (temp2); break; case ACT_MINORPROBLEMS: reportEntry = GetStringResource (MSG_MINOR_PROBLEM_ROOT); break; case ACT_INCOMPATIBLE: case ACT_INC_NOBADAPPS: temp1 = GetStringResource (MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_ROOT); if (!temp1) { break; } temp2 = GetStringResource ( Context && Context->Message ? MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_DETAIL_SUBGROUP : MSG_TOTALLY_INCOMPATIBLE_SUBGROUP ); if (!temp2) { break; } reportEntry = JoinPaths (temp1, temp2); reportEntryIsResource = FALSE; FreeStringResource (temp1); FreeStringResource (temp2); break; default: LOG((LOG_ERROR, "Bad parameter found while processing incompatible screen savers.")); return FALSE; } if (!reportEntry) { LOG((LOG_ERROR, "Cannot read resources while processing incompatible screen savers.")); } else { component = JoinPaths (reportEntry, displayName?displayName:friendlyName); MsgMgr_ObjectMsg_Add (FileName, component, Context ? Context->Message : NULL); FreePathString (component); if (reportEntryIsResource) { FreeStringResource (reportEntry); } else { FreePathString (reportEntry); } reportEntry = NULL; } if (displayName) { FreeStringResourcePtrA (&displayName); } if (friendlyName) { FreePathString (friendlyName); } return TRUE; } BOOL pProcessShellSettings ( VOID ) { HINF infHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PCTSTR infName = NULL; PCTSTR field = NULL; INFSTRUCT context = INITINFSTRUCT_POOLHANDLE; PCTSTR saverName = NULL; TCHAR key [MEMDB_MAX]; PMIGDB_CONTEXT migDbContext; DWORD actType; infName = JoinPaths (g_WinDir, TEXT("SYSTEM.INI")); __try { infHandle = InfOpenInfFile (infName); if (infHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { __leave; } if (InfFindFirstLine (infHandle, TEXT("boot"), TEXT("SCRNSAVE.EXE"), &context)) { field = InfGetStringField (&context, 1); if (field != NULL) { // see if this is a compatible module so far saverName = GetFullLongName (field); if (saverName) { MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFERREDANNOUNCE, saverName, NULL, NULL); if (MemDbGetValueAndFlags (key, (PDWORD)(&migDbContext), &actType)) { pReportIncompatibleSCR (saverName, migDbContext, (WORD) actType); } FreePathString (saverName); } } } if (InfFindFirstLine (infHandle, TEXT("boot"), TEXT("SHELL"), &context)) { field = InfGetStringField (&context, 1); if (field != NULL) { if (pSearchCompatibleModule (field, NULL, MEMDB_CATEGORY_COMPATIBLE_SHELL)) { MemDbSetValueEx ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_COMPATIBLE_SHELL_NT, field, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); } else { pReportBadShell (); } } } } __finally { if (infHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { InfCloseInfFile (infHandle); } if (infName != NULL) { FreePathString (infName); } InfCleanUpInfStruct(&context); } return TRUE; } DWORD ProcessShellSettings ( IN DWORD Request ) { switch (Request) { case REQUEST_QUERYTICKS: return TICKS_PROCESS_SHELL_SETTINGS; case REQUEST_RUN: if (!pProcessShellSettings ()) { return GetLastError (); } else { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } default: LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Bad parameter found while processing shell settings.")); } return 0; } BOOL pProcessCompatibleSection ( VOID ) { INFCONTEXT context; CHAR object [MEMDB_MAX]; MYASSERT (g_MigDbInf); if (SetupFindFirstLine (g_MigDbInf, S_COMPATIBLE, NULL, &context)) { do { if (SetupGetStringField (&context, 1, object, MEMDB_MAX, NULL)) { HandleReportObject (object); } } while (SetupFindNextLine (&context, &context)); } return TRUE; } DWORD ProcessCompatibleSection ( IN DWORD Request ) { switch (Request) { case REQUEST_QUERYTICKS: return TICKS_PROCESS_COMPATIBLE_SECTION; case REQUEST_RUN: if (!pProcessCompatibleSection ()) { return GetLastError (); } else { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } default: LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Bad parameter found while processing compatible files.")); } return 0; }