/*++ Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: migdb.c Abstract: This source implements old AppDb functionality Author: Calin Negreanu (calinn) 07-Jan-1998 Revision History: jimschm 23-Sep-1998 Updated for new fileops code jimschm 25-Feb-1998 Added UninstallSection support calinn 19-Jan-1998 Added CANCELLED response --*/ #include "pch.h" #include "migappp.h" #include "migdbp.h" // #define _OLDAPPDB #define DBG_MIGDB "MigDb" // // Globals // POOLHANDLE g_MigDbPool; PMIGDB_CONTEXT g_ContextList; HASHTABLE g_FileTable; HINF g_MigDbInf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; INT g_RegKeyPresentIndex; static PINFCONTEXT g_Line; PMIGDB_HOOK_PROTOTYPE g_MigDbHook; typedef LONG (CPL_PROTOTYPE) (HWND hwndCPl, UINT uMsg, LONG lParam1, LONG lParam2); typedef CPL_PROTOTYPE * PCPL_PROTOTYPE; #define ARGFUNCTION TEXT("ARG") #define ARGFUNCTIONLEN 3 BOOL pCallAction ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT MigDbContext ); PMIGDB_HOOK_PROTOTYPE SetMigDbHook ( PMIGDB_HOOK_PROTOTYPE HookFunction ) { PMIGDB_HOOK_PROTOTYPE savedHook; savedHook = g_MigDbHook; g_MigDbHook = HookFunction; return savedHook; } INT pGetAttribIndex ( IN PCSTR AttribName ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns the index in attribute functions array for a specified attribute. Arguments: AttribName - Attribute name Return value: -1 - no such attribute in attribute table --*/ { INT attribIndex; INT rc = 0; PSTR attrEnd = NULL; CHAR savedChar = 0; attrEnd = (PSTR)SkipSpaceR (AttribName, GetEndOfStringA (AttribName)); if (attrEnd != NULL) { attrEnd = _mbsinc (attrEnd); savedChar = attrEnd [0]; attrEnd [0] = 0; } __try { attribIndex = MigDb_GetAttributeIdx (AttribName); if (attribIndex == -1) { LOG((LOG_ERROR, "Attribute not found: %s", AttribName)); } rc = attribIndex; } __finally { if (attrEnd != NULL) { attrEnd [0] = savedChar; } } return rc; } PMIGDB_REQ_FILE pReadReqFiles ( IN PCSTR SectionName ) { INFCONTEXT context; CHAR fileName [MEMDB_MAX]; CHAR tempField [MEMDB_MAX]; PMIGDB_REQ_FILE result = NULL; PMIGDB_REQ_FILE tmpResult = NULL; MYASSERT (g_MigDbInf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if (SetupFindFirstLine (g_MigDbInf, SectionName, NULL, &context)) { do { if (!SetupGetStringField (&context, 1, fileName, MEMDB_MAX, NULL)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Error while loading file name.")); break; } tmpResult = (PMIGDB_REQ_FILE) PoolMemGetMemory (g_MigDbPool, sizeof (MIGDB_REQ_FILE)); ZeroMemory (tmpResult, sizeof (MIGDB_REQ_FILE)); tmpResult->Next = result; result = tmpResult; result->ReqFilePath = PoolMemDuplicateString (g_MigDbPool, fileName); if (SetupGetMultiSzField (&context, 2, tempField, MEMDB_MAX, NULL)) { result->FileAttribs = LoadAttribData (tempField, g_MigDbPool); } } while (SetupFindNextLine (&context, &context)); } return result; } BOOL pValidateArg ( IN OUT PMIGDB_ATTRIB AttribStruct ) { BOOL b; INT Index; PCSTR p; BOOL IsHkr; MYASSERT (AttribStruct); if (AttribStruct->ArgCount != MigDb_GetReqArgCount (AttribStruct->AttribIndex)) { #ifdef DEBUG if (AttribStruct->AttribIndex != -1) { CHAR Buffer[16384]; SetupGetLineText (g_Line, NULL, NULL, NULL, Buffer, ARRAYSIZE(Buffer), NULL); DEBUGMSG (( DBG_WHOOPS, "Discarding attribute %s because of too few arguments.\n" " Line: %s\n", MigDb_GetAttributeName (AttribStruct->AttribIndex), Buffer )); } #endif AttribStruct->AttribIndex = -1; return FALSE; } // // HACK: If REGKEYPRESENT attrib with HKR, put in a special // global list. // if (AttribStruct->AttribIndex == g_RegKeyPresentIndex) { // // Is this HKR? // Index = GetOffsetOfRootString (AttribStruct->Arguments, NULL); p = GetRootStringFromOffset (Index); if (!p) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "RegKeyPresent: %s is not a valid key", AttribStruct->Arguments)); } else { IsHkr = StringICompare (p, "HKR") || StringICompare (p, "HKEY_ROOT"); if (IsHkr) { // // Yes, add full arg to the hash table // b = FALSE; HtAddStringAndData ( g_PerUserRegKeys, AttribStruct->Arguments, &b ); } } } return TRUE; } #define STATE_ATTRNAME 1 #define STATE_ATTRARG 2 PMIGDB_ATTRIB LoadAttribData ( IN PCSTR MultiSzStr, IN POOLHANDLE hPool ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine creates a list of MIGDB_ATTRIBs from a multisz. Arguments: MultiSzStr - multisz to be processed Return value: MIGDB_ATTRIB nodes --*/ { MULTISZ_ENUM multiSzEnum; PMIGDB_ATTRIB result = NULL; PMIGDB_ATTRIB tmpAttr = NULL; INT state = STATE_ATTRNAME; PSTR currStrPtr = NULL; PSTR currArgPtr = NULL; PSTR endArgPtr = NULL; CHAR savedChar = 0; GROWBUFFER argList = GROWBUF_INIT; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&multiSzEnum, MultiSzStr)) { do { currStrPtr = (PSTR) SkipSpace (multiSzEnum.CurrentString); if (state == STATE_ATTRNAME) { tmpAttr = (PMIGDB_ATTRIB) PoolMemGetMemory (hPool, sizeof (MIGDB_ATTRIB)); ZeroMemory (tmpAttr, sizeof (MIGDB_ATTRIB)); if (_mbsnextc (currStrPtr) == '!') { currStrPtr = _mbsinc (currStrPtr); currStrPtr = (PSTR) SkipSpace (currStrPtr); tmpAttr->NotOperator = TRUE; } currArgPtr = _mbschr (currStrPtr, '('); if (currArgPtr) { endArgPtr = _mbsdec (currStrPtr, currArgPtr); if (endArgPtr) { endArgPtr = (PSTR) SkipSpaceR (currStrPtr, endArgPtr); endArgPtr = _mbsinc (endArgPtr); } else { endArgPtr = currStrPtr; } savedChar = *endArgPtr; *endArgPtr = 0; tmpAttr->AttribIndex = pGetAttribIndex (currStrPtr); *endArgPtr = savedChar; currStrPtr = _mbsinc (currArgPtr); state = STATE_ATTRARG; } else { // this attribute has no arguments. tmpAttr->AttribIndex = pGetAttribIndex (currStrPtr); tmpAttr->Next = result; result = tmpAttr; pValidateArg (result); continue; } } if (state == STATE_ATTRARG) { currStrPtr = (PSTR) SkipSpace (currStrPtr); endArgPtr = _mbsrchr (currStrPtr, ')'); if (endArgPtr) { endArgPtr = _mbsdec (currStrPtr, endArgPtr); if (endArgPtr) { endArgPtr = (PSTR) SkipSpaceR (currStrPtr, endArgPtr); endArgPtr = _mbsinc (endArgPtr); } else { endArgPtr = currStrPtr; } savedChar = *endArgPtr; *endArgPtr = 0; } MultiSzAppend (&argList, currStrPtr); tmpAttr->ArgCount++; if (endArgPtr) { *endArgPtr = savedChar; tmpAttr->Arguments = PoolMemDuplicateMultiSz (hPool, (PSTR)argList.Buf); FreeGrowBuffer (&argList); state = STATE_ATTRNAME; tmpAttr->Next = result; result = tmpAttr; pValidateArg (result); } } if (state == STATE_ATTRNAME) { // we successfully parsed one attribute // we have a special case here (REQFILE attribute) if (StringIMatch (MigDb_GetAttributeName (result->AttribIndex), TEXT("ReqFile"))) { // we found ReqFile attribute. For this attribute a field will point to a special structure // of PMIGDB_REQ_FILE type result->ExtraData = pReadReqFiles (result->Arguments); } } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&multiSzEnum)); } return result; } VOID FreeAttribData( IN POOLHANDLE hPool, IN PMIGDB_ATTRIB pData ) { while(pData){ if(pData->Arguments){ PoolMemReleaseMemory(hPool, (PVOID)pData->Arguments); } PoolMemReleaseMemory(hPool, pData); pData = pData->Next; } } BOOL AddFileToMigDbLinkage ( IN PCTSTR FileName, IN PINFCONTEXT Context, OPTIONAL IN DWORD FieldIndex OPTIONAL ) { CHAR tempField [MEMDB_MAX]; DWORD fieldIndex = FieldIndex; PMIGDB_FILE migDbFile = NULL; PMIGDB_ATTRIB migDbAttrib = NULL; HASHITEM stringId; FILE_LIST_STRUCT fileList; //creating MIGDB_FILE structure for current file migDbFile = (PMIGDB_FILE) PoolMemGetMemory (g_MigDbPool, sizeof (MIGDB_FILE)); if (migDbFile != NULL) { ZeroMemory (migDbFile, sizeof (MIGDB_FILE)); migDbFile->Section = g_ContextList->Sections; if (Context) { fieldIndex ++; if (SetupGetMultiSzField (Context, fieldIndex, tempField, MEMDB_MAX, NULL)) { g_Line = Context; migDbFile->Attributes = LoadAttribData (tempField, g_MigDbPool); if (g_MigDbHook != NULL) { migDbAttrib = migDbFile->Attributes; while (migDbAttrib) { g_MigDbHook (FileName, g_ContextList, g_ContextList->Sections, migDbFile, migDbAttrib); migDbAttrib = migDbAttrib->Next; } } } } //adding this file into string table and create a MIGDB_FILE node. If file //already exists in string table then just create another MIGDB_FILE node //chained with already existing ones. stringId = HtFindString (g_FileTable, FileName); if (stringId) { HtCopyStringData (g_FileTable, stringId, &fileList); fileList.Last->Next = migDbFile; fileList.Last = migDbFile; HtSetStringData (g_FileTable, stringId, &fileList); } else { fileList.First = fileList.Last = migDbFile; HtAddStringAndData (g_FileTable, FileName, &fileList); } } return TRUE; } BOOL pScanForFile ( IN PINFCONTEXT Context, IN DWORD FieldIndex ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine updates migdb data structures loading a specified file info from inf file. Creates a migdb file node and the file is added in a string table for fast query. Arguments: SectionStr - section to process Return value: TRUE - the operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { CHAR fileName [MEMDB_MAX]; if (CANCELLED()) { SetLastError (ERROR_CANCELLED); return FALSE; } //scanning for file name if (!SetupGetStringField (Context, FieldIndex, fileName, MEMDB_MAX, NULL)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Error while loading file name.")); return FALSE; } return AddFileToMigDbLinkage (fileName, Context, FieldIndex); } /*++ Routine Description: The subsequent two routines enumerate the sections with a particular name and with .999 extension from an inf file. Arguments: SectEnum - enumeration structure Return value: TRUE - enumeration continues FALSE - enumeration ended --*/ typedef struct _SECT_ENUM { HINF InfHandle; INT SectIndex; PSTR SectNameEnd; CHAR SectName [MAX_PATH]; } SECT_ENUM, *PSECT_ENUM; BOOL pEnumNextSection ( IN OUT PSECT_ENUM SectEnum ) { INFCONTEXT context; if (SectEnum->SectIndex == -1) { return FALSE; } SectEnum->SectIndex ++; sprintf (SectEnum->SectNameEnd, ".%d", SectEnum->SectIndex); return SetupFindFirstLine (SectEnum->InfHandle, SectEnum->SectName, NULL, &context); } BOOL pEnumFirstSection ( OUT PSECT_ENUM SectEnum, IN PCSTR SectionStr, IN HINF InfHandle ) { INFCONTEXT context; SectEnum->SectIndex = -1; SectEnum->InfHandle = InfHandle; StringCopyA (SectEnum->SectName, SectionStr); SectEnum->SectNameEnd = GetEndOfStringA (SectEnum->SectName); if (SetupFindFirstLine (SectEnum->InfHandle, SectEnum->SectName, NULL, &context)) { //good, only one section return TRUE; } else { //more than one section SectEnum->SectIndex = 0; return pEnumNextSection (SectEnum); } } BOOL pLoadSectionData ( IN PCSTR SectionStr ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine updates migdb data structures loading a specified section from inf file. For every line in the section there is a migdb file node created. Also the file is added in a string table for fast query. Arguments: SectionStr - section to process Return value: TRUE - the operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { INFCONTEXT context; SECT_ENUM sectEnum; PMIGDB_SECTION migDbSection; BOOL result = TRUE; if (CANCELLED()) { SetLastError (ERROR_CANCELLED); return FALSE; } MYASSERT (g_MigDbInf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if (pEnumFirstSection (§Enum, SectionStr, g_MigDbInf)) { do { //initialize the section (this context can have multiple sections) //and parse the file info migDbSection = (PMIGDB_SECTION) PoolMemGetMemory (g_MigDbPool, sizeof (MIGDB_SECTION)); if (migDbSection != NULL) { ZeroMemory (migDbSection, sizeof (MIGDB_SECTION)); migDbSection->Context = g_ContextList; migDbSection->Next = g_ContextList->Sections; g_ContextList->Sections = migDbSection; if (SetupFindFirstLine (g_MigDbInf, sectEnum.SectName, NULL, &context)) { do { if (!pScanForFile (&context, 1)) { return FALSE; } } while (SetupFindNextLine (&context, &context)); } } else { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create section for %s", SectionStr)); } } while (pEnumNextSection (§Enum)); } return result; } BOOL pLoadTypeData ( IN PCSTR TypeStr ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine updates migdb data structures loading a specified type data from inf file. For every line in type section there is a migdb context created. Also for every migdb context the coresponding section(s) is processed. Arguments: TypeStr - file type to process Return value: TRUE - the operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { CHAR section [MEMDB_MAX]; CHAR locSection [MEMDB_MAX]; CHAR message [MEMDB_MAX]; CHAR tempField [MEMDB_MAX]; PSTR tempFieldPtr; PSTR endOfArg = NULL; DWORD fieldIndex; PMIGDB_CONTEXT migDbContext = NULL; INFCONTEXT context, context1; BOOL result = TRUE; INT actionIndex; GROWBUFFER argList = GROWBUF_INIT; if (CANCELLED()) { SetLastError (ERROR_CANCELLED); return FALSE; } MYASSERT (g_MigDbInf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if (SetupFindFirstLine (g_MigDbInf, TypeStr, NULL, &context)) { //let's identify the action function index to update MIGDB_CONTEXT structure actionIndex = MigDb_GetActionIdx (TypeStr); if (actionIndex == -1) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Unable to identify action index for %s", TypeStr)); } do { if (!SetupGetStringField (&context, 1, section, MEMDB_MAX, NULL)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Unable to load section for %s", TypeStr)); return FALSE; } if (!SetupGetStringField (&context, 2, message, MEMDB_MAX, NULL)) { message [0] = 0; } migDbContext = (PMIGDB_CONTEXT) PoolMemGetMemory (g_MigDbPool, sizeof (MIGDB_CONTEXT)); if (migDbContext == NULL) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create context for %s.", TypeStr)); return FALSE; } ZeroMemory (migDbContext, sizeof (MIGDB_CONTEXT)); migDbContext->Next = g_ContextList; g_ContextList = migDbContext; // update ActionIndex with known value migDbContext->ActionIndex = actionIndex; // update SectName field migDbContext->SectName = PoolMemDuplicateString (g_MigDbPool, section); // update SectLocalizedName field if (SetupFindFirstLine (g_MigDbInf, S_STRINGS, section, &context1)) { if (SetupGetStringField (&context1, 1, locSection, MEMDB_MAX, NULL)) { migDbContext->SectLocalizedName = PoolMemDuplicateString (g_MigDbPool, locSection); } } // set SectNameForDisplay to localized name, or sect name if no localized name if (migDbContext->SectLocalizedName) { migDbContext->SectNameForDisplay = migDbContext->SectLocalizedName; } else { migDbContext->SectNameForDisplay = migDbContext->SectName; } // update Message field if (message[0] != 0) { migDbContext->Message = PoolMemDuplicateString (g_MigDbPool, message); } // OK, now let's scan all the remaining fields fieldIndex = 3; do { if (!TickProgressBar()) { return FALSE; } tempField [0] = 0; if (SetupGetStringField (&context, fieldIndex, tempField, MEMDB_MAX, NULL)) { if (StringIMatchTcharCountA (tempField, ARGFUNCTION, ARGFUNCTIONLEN)) { //we have an additional argument for action function tempFieldPtr = _mbschr (tempField, '('); if (tempFieldPtr != NULL) { tempFieldPtr = (PSTR) SkipSpaceA (_mbsinc (tempFieldPtr)); if (tempFieldPtr != NULL) { endOfArg = _mbschr (tempFieldPtr, ')'); if (endOfArg != NULL) { *endOfArg = 0; endOfArg = (PSTR) SkipSpaceRA (tempFieldPtr, endOfArg); } if (endOfArg != NULL) { *_mbsinc (endOfArg) = 0; MultiSzAppend (&argList, tempFieldPtr); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG (( DBG_WHOOPS, "Improperly formatted arg: %s in %s", tempField, TypeStr )); } } } else { //we have something else, probably file name and attributes if (_tcschr (tempField, TEXT('.')) == NULL) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Dot not found in %s\\%s", TypeStr, section)); } //therefore we initialize the section (this context will have //only one section) and parse the file info migDbContext->Sections = (PMIGDB_SECTION) PoolMemGetMemory ( g_MigDbPool, sizeof (MIGDB_SECTION) ); if (migDbContext->Sections != NULL) { ZeroMemory (migDbContext->Sections, sizeof (MIGDB_SECTION)); migDbContext->Sections->Context = migDbContext; migDbContext->Arguments = PoolMemDuplicateMultiSz (g_MigDbPool, (PSTR)argList.Buf); FreeGrowBuffer (&argList); if (!pScanForFile (&context, fieldIndex)) { return FALSE; } tempField [0] = 0; } else { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create section for %s/%s", TypeStr, section)); return FALSE; } } } fieldIndex ++; } while (tempField [0] != 0); if (migDbContext->Sections == NULL) { //now let's add action function arguments in MIGDB_CONTEXT structure migDbContext->Arguments = PoolMemDuplicateMultiSz (g_MigDbPool, (PSTR)argList.Buf); FreeGrowBuffer (&argList); //let's go to the sections and scan all files if (!pLoadSectionData (section)) { return FALSE; } } } while (SetupFindNextLine (&context, &context)); } return result; } #define szMigDbFile TEXT("MIGDB.INF") #define szMigDbFile2 TEXT("MIGDB2.INF") #define szExtraMigDbDir TEXT("INF\\NTUPG") BOOL InitMigDbEx ( PCSTR MigDbFile ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine initialize memory and data structures used by MigDb. Arguments: NONE Return value: TRUE - the operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { PCSTR migDbFile = NULL; PCSTR migDbFile2 = NULL; PCSTR extraMigDbDir = NULL; PCSTR pattern = NULL; PCSTR extraMigDbFile = NULL; WIN32_FIND_DATA migDbFiles; HANDLE findHandle; BOOL result = TRUE; INT i; PCSTR typeStr; TCHAR fileName [MAX_TCHAR_PATH] = ""; PTSTR dontCare; if (CANCELLED()) { SetLastError (ERROR_CANCELLED); return FALSE; } MYASSERT (g_MigDbInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); __try { if (MigDbFile != NULL) { g_MigDbInf = InfOpenInfFile (MigDbFile); if (g_MigDbInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SearchPath (NULL, MigDbFile, NULL, MAX_TCHAR_PATH, fileName, &dontCare); g_MigDbInf = InfOpenInfFile (fileName); if (g_MigDbInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LOG((LOG_ERROR, "Cannot open migration database : %s", MigDbFile)); result = FALSE; __leave; } } } else { migDbFile = JoinPaths (g_UpgradeSources, szMigDbFile); g_MigDbInf = InfOpenInfFile (migDbFile); if (g_MigDbInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LOG((LOG_ERROR, "Cannot open migration database : %s", migDbFile)); result = FALSE; __leave; } TickProgressBar (); migDbFile2 = JoinPaths (g_UpgradeSources, szMigDbFile2); if (!SetupOpenAppendInfFile (migDbFile2, g_MigDbInf, NULL)) { DEBUGMSG((DBG_WARNING, "Cannot append second migration database : %s", migDbFile2)); } extraMigDbDir = JoinPaths (g_WinDir, szExtraMigDbDir); pattern = JoinPaths (extraMigDbDir, TEXT("*.INF")); findHandle = FindFirstFile (pattern, &migDbFiles); FreePathString (pattern); if (findHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { extraMigDbFile = JoinPaths (extraMigDbDir, migDbFiles.cFileName); if (!SetupOpenAppendInfFile (extraMigDbFile, g_MigDbInf, NULL)) { DEBUGMSG((DBG_WARNING, "Cannot append external migration database : %s", extraMigDbFile)); } FreePathString (extraMigDbFile); } while (FindNextFile (findHandle, &migDbFiles)); FindClose (findHandle); } // // need to read [UseNtFiles] section to decide exclusion of some // file names replacement // InitUseNtFilesMap (); } g_MigDbPool = PoolMemInitNamedPool ("MigDb Pool"); PoolMemDisableTracking (g_MigDbPool); g_FileTable = HtAllocWithData (sizeof (FILE_LIST_STRUCT)); if (g_FileTable == NULL) { LOG((LOG_ERROR, "Cannot initialize memory for migdb operations")); result = FALSE; __leave; } //load known types from migdb i = 0; do { typeStr = MigDb_GetActionName (i); if (typeStr != NULL) { if (!pLoadTypeData (typeStr)) { result = FALSE; __leave; } } i++; } while (typeStr != NULL); } __finally { if (extraMigDbDir != NULL) { FreePathString (extraMigDbDir); } if (migDbFile2 != NULL) { FreePathString (migDbFile2); } if (migDbFile != NULL) { FreePathString (migDbFile); } } return result; } VOID pCheckForPerUserKeys ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: pCheckForPerUserKeys scans all users for the keys or values specified in the g_PerUserRegKeys hash table. The values of the hash table are updated, so the RegKeyExists attribute is fast. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { BOOL b = FALSE; CHAR RegKey[MAX_REGISTRY_KEY]; CHAR RegValue[MAX_REGISTRY_VALUE_NAME]; BOOL HasValue; USERENUM ue; HASHTABLE_ENUM he; HKEY Key; PBYTE Data; HKEY OldRoot; if (!EnumFirstHashTableString (&he, g_PerUserRegKeys)) { return; } // // Enumerate each user, then enumerate the g_PerUserRegKeys hash // table and test the registry // if (EnumFirstUser (&ue, 0)) { do { // // Skip users we don't care about // if (!ue.UserRegKey || ue.CreateAccountOnly || (ue.AccountType & INVALID_ACCOUNT)) { continue; } // // Set HKR to this user // OldRoot = GetRegRoot(); SetRegRoot (ue.UserRegKey); // // Process the hash table // if (EnumFirstHashTableString (&he, g_PerUserRegKeys)) { do { // // Skip this entry if we already know it exists for // one user. // if (*((PBOOL) he.ExtraData)) { continue; } // // Decode registry string using hash table entry // HasValue = DecodeRegistryString ( he.String, RegKey, RegValue, NULL ); // // Ping the registry. RegKey always starts with HKR. // b = FALSE; Key = OpenRegKeyStr (RegKey); if (Key) { if (HasValue) { Data = GetRegValueData (Key, RegValue); if (Data) { b = TRUE; MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, Data); } } else { b = TRUE; } CloseRegKey (Key); } // // Update hash table if the key or value exists // if (b) { HtAddStringAndData (g_PerUserRegKeys, he.String, &b); } } while (EnumNextHashTableString (&he)); } // // Restore HKR // SetRegRoot (OldRoot); } while (EnumNextUser (&ue)); } } DWORD InitMigDb ( IN DWORD Request ) { switch (Request) { case REQUEST_QUERYTICKS: return TICKS_INIT_MIGDB; case REQUEST_RUN: if (!InitMigDbEx (NULL)) { return GetLastError (); } pCheckForPerUserKeys(); return ERROR_SUCCESS; default: DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Bad parameter in InitMigDb")); } return 0; } BOOL CleanupMigDb ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine cleans up all memory used by MigDb. Arguments: NONE Return value: always TRUE --*/ { PMIGDB_CONTEXT migDbContext = NULL; // first, let's walk through any context and check if it's a required one migDbContext = g_ContextList; while (migDbContext) { if ((!MigDb_CallWhenTriggered (migDbContext->ActionIndex)) && (migDbContext->TriggerCount == 0) ) { pCallAction (migDbContext); } migDbContext = migDbContext->Next; } if (g_FileTable != NULL) { HtFree (g_FileTable); g_FileTable = NULL; } if (g_MigDbPool != NULL) { PoolMemDestroyPool (g_MigDbPool); g_MigDbPool = NULL; } if (g_MigDbInf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { InfCloseInfFile (g_MigDbInf); g_MigDbInf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } g_ContextList = NULL; return TRUE; } DWORD DoneMigDb ( IN DWORD Request ) { switch (Request) { case REQUEST_QUERYTICKS: return TICKS_DONE_MIGDB; case REQUEST_RUN: if (!CleanupMigDb ()) { return GetLastError (); } else { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } default: DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Bad parameter in DoneMigDb")); } return 0; } BOOL IsKnownMigDbFile ( IN PCTSTR FileName ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine looks if the file given as argument is in MigDb string table. Arguments: FileName - file name Return value: TRUE - the file is in MigDb string table FALSE - otherwise --*/ { return (HtFindString (g_FileTable, FileName) != 0); } BOOL CallAttribute ( IN PMIGDB_ATTRIB MigDbAttrib, IN PDBATTRIB_PARAMS AttribParams ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine calls a specified attribute function for a specified file. Arguments: MigDbAttrib - See definition. AttribParams - See definition Return value: TRUE - if attribute function succeded FALSE - otherwise --*/ { PATTRIBUTE_PROTOTYPE p; BOOL b; #ifdef DEBUG TCHAR DbgBuf[32]; BOOL InterestingFile; #endif if (MigDbAttrib->AttribIndex == -1) { //invalid index for attribute function return FALSE; } #ifdef DEBUG if (!g_ConfigOptions.Fast) { // // Check if this file is in [FilesToTrack] inside debug.inf // GetPrivateProfileString ("FilesToTrack", AttribParams->FileParams->FullFileSpec, "", DbgBuf, ARRAYSIZE(DbgBuf), g_DebugInfPath); if (!(*DbgBuf)) { GetPrivateProfileString ("FilesToTrack", AttribParams->FileParams->FindData->cFileName, "", DbgBuf, ARRAYSIZE(DbgBuf), g_DebugInfPath); } InterestingFile = (*DbgBuf != 0); if (InterestingFile) { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_TRACK, "Calling %s for %s", MigDb_GetAttributeName (MigDbAttrib->AttribIndex), AttribParams->FileParams->FindData->cFileName )); } } #endif p = MigDb_GetAttributeAddr (MigDbAttrib->AttribIndex); MYASSERT (p); if (MigDbAttrib->NotOperator) { b = !(p (AttribParams, MigDbAttrib->Arguments)); } else { b = p (AttribParams, MigDbAttrib->Arguments); } #ifdef DEBUG if (!g_ConfigOptions.Fast && InterestingFile) { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_TRACK, "Result of %s is %s", MigDb_GetAttributeName (MigDbAttrib->AttribIndex), b ? TEXT("TRUE") : TEXT("FALSE") )); } #endif return b; } BOOL pCallAction ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT MigDbContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine calls an appropriate action for a specified migdb context. Arguments: MigDbContext - See definition. Return value: TRUE - if action function succeded FALSE - otherwise --*/ { PACTION_PROTOTYPE p; BOOL b; #ifdef DEBUG TCHAR DbgBuf[512]; BOOL InterestingFile = FALSE; MULTISZ_ENUM e; PCTSTR FileName; UINT FileCount = 0; if (!g_ConfigOptions.Fast) { // // Dump out action information if this file is being tracked // if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, (PCTSTR) MigDbContext->FileList.Buf)) { do { // // Check if this file is in [FilesToTrack] inside debug.inf // FileName = GetFileNameFromPath (e.CurrentString); *DbgBuf = 0; if (FileName) { GetPrivateProfileString ("FilesToTrack", FileName, "", DbgBuf, ARRAYSIZE(DbgBuf), g_DebugInfPath); } if (!(*DbgBuf)) { GetPrivateProfileString ("FilesToTrack", e.CurrentString, "", DbgBuf, ARRAYSIZE(DbgBuf), g_DebugInfPath); } FileCount++; InterestingFile |= (*DbgBuf != 0); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); if (InterestingFile) { if (FileCount == 1) { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_TRACK, "Calling action %s for %s", MigDb_GetActionName (MigDbContext->ActionIndex), (PCTSTR) MigDbContext->FileList.Buf )); } else { wsprintf (DbgBuf, "Calling %s for:", MigDb_GetActionName (MigDbContext->ActionIndex)); LOGTITLE (DBG_TRACK, DbgBuf); if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, (PCTSTR) MigDbContext->FileList.Buf)) { do { wsprintf (DbgBuf, " %s", e.CurrentString); LOGLINE ((DbgBuf)); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } } } } else { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_TRACK, "Calling action %s", MigDb_GetActionName (MigDbContext->ActionIndex) )); } } #endif p = MigDb_GetActionAddr (MigDbContext->ActionIndex); MYASSERT (p); b = p (MigDbContext); #ifdef DEBUG if (!g_ConfigOptions.Fast && InterestingFile) { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_TRACK, "%s returned %s", MigDb_GetActionName (MigDbContext->ActionIndex), b ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" )); } #endif return b; } BOOL pCheckContext ( IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT MigDbContext, IN BOOL Handled ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine checkes to see if a migdb context is met, that is if all sections have Satisfied field TRUE. Arguments: MigDbContext - See definition. Return value: always TRUE --*/ { PMIGDB_SECTION migDbSection; BOOL contextSelected; BOOL result = FALSE; migDbSection = MigDbContext->Sections; contextSelected = TRUE; while (migDbSection) { if (!migDbSection->Satisfied) { contextSelected = FALSE; break; } migDbSection = migDbSection->Next; } if (contextSelected) { MigDbContext->TriggerCount ++; if (MigDbContext->ActionIndex == -1) { // // invalid index for action function // DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "MigDb: Invalid action index")); return FALSE; } // // if appropriate call the action // if (MigDb_CallWhenTriggered (MigDbContext->ActionIndex)) { if ((!Handled) || (MigDb_CallAlways (MigDbContext->ActionIndex)) ) { if ((!MigDbContext->VirtualFile) || (MigDb_CanHandleVirtualFiles (MigDbContext->ActionIndex)) ) { result = pCallAction (MigDbContext); } } } //clean up the grow buffer with file list FreeGrowBuffer (&MigDbContext->FileList); } return result; } BOOL MigDbTestFile ( IN OUT PFILE_HELPER_PARAMS Params ) /*++ Routine Description: This is a callback function called for every file scanned. If the file is not handled we try to see if we have this file in database. If so then we check for attributes, update the migdb context and if necessarry call the appropriate action. Arguments: Params - See definition. Return value: TRUE - if operation was successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { HASHITEM stringId; PMIGDB_FILE migDbFile; PMIGDB_ATTRIB migDbAttrib; DBATTRIB_PARAMS attribParams; BOOL fileSelected; PCTSTR fileName; PCTSTR fileExt; FILE_LIST_STRUCT fileList; // we don't check the Handled field here because the code will be carefull enough not // to call actions that are not gathering informations if the Handled field is not 0. fileName = GetFileNameFromPath (Params->FullFileSpec); fileExt = GetFileExtensionFromPath (fileName); #ifdef DEBUG { TCHAR DbgBuf[256]; if (GetPrivateProfileString ("MigDb", fileName, "", DbgBuf, 256, g_DebugInfPath) || GetPrivateProfileString ("MigDb", Params->FullFileSpec, "", DbgBuf, 256, g_DebugInfPath) ) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Ready to process %s", Params->FullFileSpec)); } } #endif stringId = HtFindString (g_FileTable, fileName); if (stringId) { //The string table has extra data (a pointer to a MigDbFile node) HtCopyStringData (g_FileTable, stringId, &fileList); migDbFile = fileList.First; while (migDbFile) { //check all attributes for this file migDbAttrib = migDbFile->Attributes; fileSelected = TRUE; if (!Params->VirtualFile) { while (migDbAttrib != NULL) { attribParams.FileParams = Params; attribParams.ExtraData = migDbAttrib->ExtraData; if (!CallAttribute (migDbAttrib, &attribParams)) { fileSelected = FALSE; break; } migDbAttrib = migDbAttrib->Next; } } if (fileSelected) { MYASSERT (migDbFile->Section); //go to section and mark it as satisfied migDbFile->Section->Satisfied = TRUE; //go to context and mark there if this is a virtual file or not migDbFile->Section->Context->VirtualFile = Params->VirtualFile; //go to context and add there the file we found in file list MultiSzAppend (&migDbFile->Section->Context->FileList, Params->FullFileSpec); //check if context is satisfied and if so then call the appropriate action if (pCheckContext (migDbFile->Section->Context, Params->Handled)) { Params->Handled = TRUE; } } migDbFile = migDbFile->Next; } } if ((!Params->Handled) && (fileExt) && ((StringIMatch (fileExt, TEXT("VXD"))) || (StringIMatch (fileExt, TEXT("DRV"))) || (StringIMatch (fileExt, TEXT("SPD"))) || (StringIMatch (fileExt, TEXT("386")))) && (StringIMatchTcharCount (g_WinDirWack, Params->FullFileSpec, g_WinDirWackChars)) ) { DeleteFileWithWarning (Params->FullFileSpec); Params->Handled = TRUE; return TRUE; } return TRUE; } BOOL pProcessMigrationLine ( IN PCTSTR Source, IN PCTSTR Destination, IN PCTSTR AppDir ) /*++ Routine Description: pProcessMigrationLine processes one line and adds the appropriate operations for files or registry Arguments: Source - Specifies the source registry key/value or file. Destination - Specifies the destination registry key/value or file. If destination is same as source => handled If destination is null => delete Otherwise add a move operation AppDir - Specifies the application directory, which is put in front of Line when Line does not specify the drive but points to a file. Return Value: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. --*/ { PCTSTR LocalSource = NULL; PCTSTR LocalDestination = NULL; DWORD Attribs; PTSTR PathCopy; PTSTR p; BOOL Excluded; TREE_ENUM TreeEnum; CHAR NewDest[MEMDB_MAX]; // // Is this HKLM or HKR? If so, go directly to MemDb. // if (StringIMatchTcharCount (Source, TEXT("HKLM"), 4) || StringIMatchTcharCount (Source, TEXT("HKR"), 3) ) { if (Destination) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Handling and moving registry is not implemented. Do it yourself!")); } else { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_MIGDB, "Will uninstall %s", Source)); Suppress95Object (Source); } } // // Else this is a file/dir spec. // else { if (_tcsnextc (_tcsinc (Source)) != ':') { LocalSource = JoinPaths (AppDir, Source); } else { LocalSource = Source; } if ((Destination) && (_tcsnextc (_tcsinc (Destination)) != ':')) { LocalDestination = JoinPaths (AppDir, Destination); } else { LocalDestination = Destination; } // // Is this path excluded? // Excluded = FALSE; if (!Excluded && LocalSource) { PathCopy = DuplicatePathString (LocalSource, 0); p = GetEndOfString (PathCopy); do { *p = 0; if (IsPathExcluded (g_ExclusionValue, PathCopy)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_MIGDB, "%s is excluded and will not be processed", LocalSource)); Excluded = TRUE; break; } p = _tcsrchr (PathCopy, TEXT('\\')); } while (p); FreePathString (PathCopy); } if (!Excluded && LocalDestination) { PathCopy = DuplicatePathString (LocalDestination, 0); p = GetEndOfString (PathCopy); do { *p = 0; if (IsPathExcluded (g_ExclusionValue, PathCopy)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_MIGDB, "%s is excluded and will not be processed", LocalDestination)); Excluded = TRUE; break; } p = _tcsrchr (PathCopy, TEXT('\\')); } while (p); FreePathString (PathCopy); } if (!Excluded) { Attribs = QuietGetFileAttributes (LocalSource); if (Attribs != 0xffffffff) { if (LocalDestination) { if (StringIMatch (LocalSource, LocalDestination)) { // // This object is handled // if (Attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { HandleObject (LocalSource, S_DIRECTORY); } else { HandleObject (LocalSource, S_FILE); } } else { // // This object is moved // if (Attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (EnumFirstFileInTree (&TreeEnum, LocalSource, NULL, TRUE)) { StringCopy (NewDest, LocalDestination); p = AppendWack (NewDest); do { DontTouchThisFile (TreeEnum.FullPath); MYASSERT (*TreeEnum.SubPath != '\\'); StringCopy (p, TreeEnum.SubPath); MarkFileForMove (TreeEnum.FullPath, NewDest); } while (EnumNextFileInTree (&TreeEnum)); } } else { DontTouchThisFile (LocalSource); MarkFileForMove (LocalSource, LocalDestination); } } } else { if (Attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { MemDbSetValueEx ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_CLEAN_UP_DIR, LocalSource, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL ); } else { DontTouchThisFile (LocalSource); MarkFileForDelete (LocalSource); } } } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_MIGDB, "pProcessMigrationLine: source %s not found", LocalSource)); } if (LocalSource != Source) { FreePathString (LocalSource); } if (LocalDestination != Destination) { FreePathString (LocalDestination); } } return TRUE; // add this /* // // Add the app dir to CleanUpDirs // MemDbSetValueEx ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_CLEAN_UP_DIR, p, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL ); */ } BOOL pProcessMigrationSection ( IN PCTSTR SectionName, IN PCTSTR AppDir ) /*++ Routine Description: pProcessMigrationSection enumerates the caller-specified section and adds appropriate operations for files and/or registry. This routine supports the following environment variable replacement: %WINDIR% %SYSTEMDIR% %SYSTEM32DIR% %SYSTEMDRIVE% %USERPROFILE% %APPDIR% Arguments: SectionName - Specifies the uninstall section name in migdb.inf. AppDir - Specifies the directory where the installed app was found Return Value: TRUE if successful, or FALSE if an error occurrs. GetLastError provides failure code. --*/ { INFSTRUCT is = INITINFSTRUCT_POOLHANDLE; PCTSTR Source = NULL; PCTSTR Destination = NULL; PCTSTR NewSource = NULL; PCTSTR NewDestination = NULL; PCTSTR UserSource = NULL; PCTSTR UserDestination = NULL; TCHAR Drive[3]; USERENUM e; MYASSERT (g_MigDbInf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); Drive[0] = g_SystemDir[0]; Drive[1] = g_SystemDir[1]; Drive[2] = 0; if (InfFindFirstLine (g_MigDbInf, SectionName, NULL, &is)) { do { // // Get INF line // Source = InfGetStringField (&is, 1); Destination = InfGetStringField (&is, 2); // // Expand system environment variables // if (Source) { ReplaceOneEnvVar (&NewSource, Source, S_WINDIR_ENV, g_WinDir); ReplaceOneEnvVar (&NewSource, Source, S_SYSTEMDIR_ENV, g_SystemDir); ReplaceOneEnvVar (&NewSource, Source, S_SYSTEM32DIR_ENV, g_System32Dir); ReplaceOneEnvVar (&NewSource, Source, S_SYSTEMDRIVE_ENV, Drive); ReplaceOneEnvVar (&NewSource, Source, S_APPDIR_ENV, AppDir); ReplaceOneEnvVar (&NewSource, Source, S_PROGRAMFILES_ENV, g_ProgramFilesDir); ReplaceOneEnvVar (&NewSource, Source, S_COMMONPROGRAMFILES_ENV, g_ProgramFilesCommonDir); } if (Destination) { ReplaceOneEnvVar (&NewDestination, Destination, S_WINDIR_ENV, g_WinDir); ReplaceOneEnvVar (&NewDestination, Destination, S_SYSTEMDIR_ENV, g_SystemDir); ReplaceOneEnvVar (&NewDestination, Destination, S_SYSTEM32DIR_ENV, g_System32Dir); ReplaceOneEnvVar (&NewDestination, Destination, S_SYSTEMDRIVE_ENV, Drive); ReplaceOneEnvVar (&NewDestination, Destination, S_APPDIR_ENV, AppDir); ReplaceOneEnvVar (&NewDestination, Destination, S_PROGRAMFILES_ENV, g_ProgramFilesDir); ReplaceOneEnvVar (&NewDestination, Destination, S_COMMONPROGRAMFILES_ENV, g_ProgramFilesCommonDir); } if (NewSource) { Source = NewSource; } if (NewDestination) { Destination = NewDestination; } // // If %USERPROFILE% exists in the string, then expand for all users // if (((Source) && (_tcsistr (Source, S_USERPROFILE_ENV))) || ((Destination) && (_tcsistr (Destination, S_USERPROFILE_ENV))) ) { if (EnumFirstUser (&e, ENUMUSER_ENABLE_NAME_FIX|ENUMUSER_DO_NOT_MAP_HIVE)) { do { // // Skip invalid users and logon account // if (e.AccountType & (INVALID_ACCOUNT|DEFAULT_USER)) { continue; } if (Source) { UserSource = DuplicatePathString (Source, 0); MYASSERT (UserSource); ReplaceOneEnvVar ( &UserSource, UserSource, S_USERPROFILE_ENV, e.OrgProfilePath ); } if (Destination) { UserDestination = DuplicatePathString (Destination, 0); MYASSERT (UserDestination); ReplaceOneEnvVar ( &UserDestination, UserDestination, S_USERPROFILE_ENV, e.OrgProfilePath ); } // // Add the uninstall line for the user // pProcessMigrationLine (UserSource, UserDestination, AppDir); if (UserSource) { FreePathString (UserSource); UserSource = NULL; } if (UserDestination) { FreePathString (UserDestination); UserDestination = NULL; } } while (EnumNextUser (&e)); } } else { // // When %USERPROFILE% is not in the string, add the uninstall line // for the system // pProcessMigrationLine (Source, Destination, AppDir); } // // Free the expanded string // if (NewSource) { FreePathString (NewSource); NewSource = NULL; } if (NewDestination) { FreePathString (NewDestination); NewDestination = NULL; } } while (InfFindNextLine (&is)); } InfCleanUpInfStruct (&is); return TRUE; } DWORD ProcessMigrationSections ( IN DWORD Request ) /*++ Routine Description: ProcessMigrationSections processes all sections in the memdb category MigrationSections, generating memdb operations for files and registry Arguments: Request - Specifies weather the progress bar is being computed (REQUEST_QUERYTICKS), or if the actual operation should be performed (REQUEST_RUN). This routine estimates 1 tick for all of its operations. (It's pretty fast.) Return Value: Win32 status code. --*/ { MEMDB_ENUM e; PCTSTR p; TCHAR SectionName[MEMDB_MAX]; switch (Request) { case REQUEST_QUERYTICKS: return TICKS_PROCESSMIGRATIONSECTIONS; case REQUEST_RUN: if (MemDbGetValueEx (&e, MEMDB_CATEGORY_MIGRATION_SECTION, NULL, NULL)) { do { p = _tcschr (e.szName, TEXT('\\')); MYASSERT (p); StringCopyAB (SectionName, e.szName, p); p = _tcsinc (p); if (LcharCount (p) < 3) { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_WARNING, "Ignoring migration section %s: Application detected in the root directory", SectionName )); continue; } if (!pProcessMigrationSection (SectionName, p)) { return GetLastError(); } } while (MemDbEnumNextValue (&e)); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } MYASSERT (FALSE); return 0; } BOOL IsDisplayableCPL ( IN PCTSTR FileName ) { PCTSTR filePtr; HINF infHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PCTSTR infName = NULL; PCTSTR field = NULL; INFSTRUCT context = INITINFSTRUCT_POOLHANDLE; BOOL result; filePtr = GetFileNameFromPath (FileName); if (!filePtr) { return FALSE; } result = TRUE; infName = JoinPaths (g_WinDir, TEXT("CONTROL.INI")); __try { infHandle = InfOpenInfFile (infName); if (infHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { __leave; } if (InfFindFirstLine (infHandle, TEXT("don't load"), NULL, &context)) { do { field = InfGetStringField (&context, 0); if ((field != NULL) && ((StringIMatch (field, filePtr )) || (StringIMatch (field, FileName)) )) { result = FALSE; __leave; } } while (InfFindNextLine (&context)); } } __finally { if (infHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { InfCloseInfFile (infHandle); } if (infName != NULL) { FreePathString (infName); } InfCleanUpInfStruct(&context); } if (!result) { return FALSE; } result = FALSE; infName = JoinPaths (g_WinDir, TEXT("CONTROL.INI")); __try { infHandle = InfOpenInfFile (infName); if (infHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { __leave; } if (InfFindFirstLine (infHandle, TEXT("MMCPL"), NULL, &context)) { do { field = InfGetStringField (&context, 1); if ((field != NULL) && ((StringIMatch (field, filePtr )) || (StringIMatch (field, FileName)) )) { result = TRUE; __leave; } } while (InfFindNextLine (&context)); } } __finally { if (infHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { InfCloseInfFile (infHandle); } if (infName != NULL) { FreePathString (infName); } InfCleanUpInfStruct(&context); } if (result) { return TRUE; } if (StringIMatchAB (g_SystemDirWack, FileName, filePtr)) { return TRUE; } if (StringIMatchAB (g_System32DirWack, FileName, filePtr)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL pGetCPLFriendlyName ( IN PCTSTR FileName, IN OUT PGROWBUFFER FriendlyName ) { HANDLE cplInstance; PCPL_PROTOTYPE cplMain; LONG numEntries,i; TCHAR localName[MEMDB_MAX]; UINT oldErrorMode; PTSTR p, q; LPCPLINFO info; LPNEWCPLINFO newInfo; UINT u; oldErrorMode = SetErrorMode (SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); cplInstance = LoadLibrary (FileName); if (!cplInstance) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Cannot load %s. Error:%ld", FileName, GetLastError())); SetErrorMode (oldErrorMode); return FALSE; } cplMain = (PCPL_PROTOTYPE)GetProcAddress (cplInstance, TEXT("CPlApplet")); if (!cplMain) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Cannot get main entry point for %s. Error:%ld", FileName, GetLastError())); FreeLibrary (cplInstance); SetErrorMode (oldErrorMode); return FALSE; } if ((*cplMain) (NULL, CPL_INIT, 0, 0) == 0) { (*cplMain) (NULL, CPL_EXIT, 0, 0); LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "%s failed unexpectedly. Error:%ld", FileName, GetLastError())); FreeLibrary (cplInstance); SetErrorMode (oldErrorMode); return FALSE; } numEntries = (*cplMain) (NULL, CPL_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); if (numEntries == 0) { (*cplMain) (NULL, CPL_EXIT, 0, 0); FreeLibrary (cplInstance); SetErrorMode (oldErrorMode); DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "CPL: No display info available for %s.", FileName)); return FALSE; } info = MemAlloc (g_hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof (CPLINFO) * numEntries); newInfo = MemAlloc (g_hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof (NEWCPLINFO) * numEntries); for (i=0;iEnd; if (newInfo[i].szName[0]) { MultiSzAppend (FriendlyName, newInfo[i].szName); } else if (LoadString (cplInstance, info[i].idName, localName, MEMDB_MAX)) { MultiSzAppend (FriendlyName, localName); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "CPL: Can't get string id %u", info[i].idName)); // // Remove ampersands from the name // if (FriendlyName->End > u) { q = p = (PTSTR) (FriendlyName->Buf + u); while (*p) { if (_tcsnextc (p) != TEXT('&')) { _copytchar (q, p); q = _tcsinc (q); } else { if (_tcsnextc (p + 1) == TEXT('&')) { p++; _copytchar (q, p); q = _tcsinc (q); } } p = _tcsinc (p); } *q = 0; } } for (i=0;iBuf != NULL); } BOOL ReportControlPanelApplet ( IN PCTSTR FileName, IN PMIGDB_CONTEXT Context, OPTIONAL IN DWORD ActType ) { GROWBUFFER friendlyName = GROWBUF_INIT; MULTISZ_ENUM namesEnum; PTSTR displayName = NULL; PCTSTR reportEntry = NULL; PTSTR component = NULL; BOOL reportEntryIsResource = TRUE; BOOL padName = FALSE; PCTSTR temp1, temp2; if ((Context != NULL) && (Context->SectLocalizedName != NULL) ) { MultiSzAppend (&friendlyName, Context->SectLocalizedName); } if (friendlyName.Buf == NULL) { if (!pGetCPLFriendlyName (FileName, &friendlyName)) { FreeGrowBuffer (&friendlyName); return FALSE; } padName = TRUE; } MYASSERT (friendlyName.Buf); if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&namesEnum, friendlyName.Buf)) { do { if (padName) { displayName = (PTSTR)ParseMessageID (MSG_NICE_PATH_CONTROL_PANEL, &namesEnum.CurrentString); } else { displayName = DuplicatePathString (namesEnum.CurrentString, 0); } MYASSERT (displayName); switch (ActType) { case ACT_MINORPROBLEMS: reportEntry = GetStringResource (MSG_MINOR_PROBLEM_ROOT); break; case ACT_INCOMPATIBLE: case ACT_INC_NOBADAPPS: case ACT_INC_IHVUTIL: case ACT_INC_PREINSTUTIL: case ACT_INC_SIMILAROSFUNC: temp1 = GetStringResource (MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_ROOT); if (!temp1) { break; } switch (ActType) { case ACT_INC_SIMILAROSFUNC: temp2 = GetStringResource (MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_UTIL_SIMILAR_FEATURE_SUBGROUP); break; case ACT_INC_PREINSTUTIL: temp2 = GetStringResource (MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_PREINSTALLED_UTIL_SUBGROUP); break; case ACT_INC_IHVUTIL: temp2 = GetStringResource (MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_HW_UTIL_SUBGROUP); break; default: temp2 = GetStringResource ( Context && Context->Message ? MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_DETAIL_SUBGROUP : MSG_TOTALLY_INCOMPATIBLE_SUBGROUP ); break; } if (!temp2) { break; } reportEntry = JoinPaths (temp1, temp2); reportEntryIsResource = FALSE; FreeStringResource (temp1); FreeStringResource (temp2); break; case ACT_INC_SAFETY: temp1 = GetStringResource (MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_ROOT); if (!temp1) { break; } temp2 = GetStringResource (MSG_REMOVED_FOR_SAFETY_SUBGROUP); if (!temp2) { break; } reportEntry = JoinPaths (temp1, temp2); reportEntryIsResource = FALSE; FreeStringResource (temp1); FreeStringResource (temp2); break; case ACT_REINSTALL: temp1 = GetStringResource (MSG_REINSTALL_ROOT); if (!temp1) { break; } temp2 = GetStringResource ( Context && Context->Message ? MSG_REINSTALL_DETAIL_SUBGROUP : MSG_REINSTALL_LIST_SUBGROUP ); if (!temp2) { break; } reportEntry = JoinPaths (temp1, temp2); reportEntryIsResource = FALSE; FreeStringResource (temp1); FreeStringResource (temp2); break; case ACT_REINSTALL_BLOCK: temp1 = GetStringResource (MSG_BLOCKING_ITEMS_ROOT); if (!temp1) { break; } temp2 = GetStringResource (MSG_REINSTALL_BLOCK_ROOT); if (!temp2) { break; } reportEntry = JoinPaths (temp1, temp2); reportEntryIsResource = FALSE; FreeStringResource (temp1); FreeStringResource (temp2); break; default: LOG((LOG_ERROR, "Bad parameter found while processing control panel applets: %u", ActType)); return FALSE; } if (!reportEntry) { LOG((LOG_ERROR, "Could not read resources while processing control panel applets: %u", ActType)); break; } else { component = JoinPaths (reportEntry, displayName); MsgMgr_ObjectMsg_Add (FileName, component, Context ? Context->Message : NULL); FreePathString (component); if (reportEntryIsResource) { FreeStringResource (reportEntry); } else { FreePathString (reportEntry); reportEntryIsResource = TRUE; } reportEntry = NULL; } if (padName) { FreeStringResourcePtrA (&displayName); } else { FreePathString (displayName); } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&namesEnum)); } FreeGrowBuffer (&friendlyName); return TRUE; }