/*++ Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: caller.c Abstract: Calls the entry points for a specific DLL. Author: Jim Schmidt (jimschm) 14-Jan-1998 Revision History: jimschm 23-Sep-1998 Updated for new IPC mechanism --*/ #include "pch.h" #include "migdllp.h" #include "plugin.h" #define DBG_MIGDLLS "MigDLLs" // // Globals // PBYTE g_Data; DWORD g_DataSize; BOOL g_UseMigIsol = TRUE; TCHAR g_OldDirectory[MAX_TCHAR_PATH]; HINSTANCE g_MigDllLib; P_QUERY_VERSION TestQueryVersion; P_INITIALIZE_9X TestInitialize9x; P_MIGRATE_USER_9X TestMigrateUser9x; P_MIGRATE_SYSTEM_9X TestMigrateSystem9x; P_INITIALIZE_NT TestInitializeNT; P_MIGRATE_USER_NT TestMigrateUserNT; P_MIGRATE_SYSTEM_NT TestMigrateSystemNT; PCSTR g_DllName; CHAR g_DllPath[MAX_MBCHAR_PATH]; // // Local prototypes // VOID pFreeGlobalIpcBuffer ( VOID ); DWORD pFinishHandshake9x( VOID ); // // Implementation // BOOL OpenMigrationDll ( IN PCSTR MigrationDllPath, IN PCSTR WorkingDir ) { CHAR MigIsolPath[MAX_MBCHAR_PATH]; PCSTR TempDir; StringCopyA (g_DllPath, MigrationDllPath); if (!g_DllName) { g_DllName = g_DllPath; } GetCurrentDirectory (MAX_TCHAR_PATH, g_OldDirectory); if (!g_UseMigIsol) { // // Load the library and verify that all required functions exist // g_MigDllLib = LoadLibrary (MigrationDllPath); if (!g_MigDllLib) { return FALSE; } TestQueryVersion = (P_QUERY_VERSION) GetProcAddress (g_MigDllLib, PLUGIN_QUERY_VERSION); TestInitialize9x = (P_INITIALIZE_9X) GetProcAddress (g_MigDllLib, PLUGIN_INITIALIZE_9X); TestMigrateUser9x = (P_MIGRATE_USER_9X) GetProcAddress (g_MigDllLib, PLUGIN_MIGRATE_USER_9X); TestMigrateSystem9x = (P_MIGRATE_SYSTEM_9X) GetProcAddress (g_MigDllLib, PLUGIN_MIGRATE_SYSTEM_9X); TestInitializeNT = (P_INITIALIZE_NT) GetProcAddress (g_MigDllLib, PLUGIN_INITIALIZE_NT); TestMigrateUserNT = (P_MIGRATE_USER_NT) GetProcAddress (g_MigDllLib, PLUGIN_MIGRATE_USER_NT); TestMigrateSystemNT = (P_MIGRATE_SYSTEM_NT) GetProcAddress (g_MigDllLib, PLUGIN_MIGRATE_SYSTEM_NT); if (!TestQueryVersion || !TestInitialize9x || !TestMigrateUser9x || !TestMigrateSystem9x || !TestInitializeNT || !TestMigrateUserNT || !TestMigrateSystemNT ) { FreeLibrary (g_MigDllLib); g_MigDllLib = NULL; return FALSE; } } else { // // Generate path to migisol.exe, installed by the copy thread in UI // TempDir = ConvertAtoT (g_TempDir); MYASSERT (TempDir); wsprintfA (MigIsolPath, "%s\\%s", TempDir, S_MIGISOL_EXE); FreeAtoT (TempDir); if (!OpenIpc ( TRUE, // TRUE: Win95 side MigIsolPath, MigrationDllPath, WorkingDir )) { LOG (( LOG_WARNING, "Can't establish IPC connection for %s", MigrationDllPath )); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } VOID CloseMigrationDll ( VOID ) { if (!g_UseMigIsol) { if (g_MigDllLib) { FreeLibrary (g_MigDllLib); g_MigDllLib = NULL; } SetCurrentDirectory (g_OldDirectory); } else { CloseIpc(); } pFreeGlobalIpcBuffer(); } BOOL pValidateBinary ( IN PBYTE Data, IN UINT Size ) { BYTE Remember; if (!Data || !Size) { return TRUE; } __try { Remember = Data[0]; Data[0] = Remember; Remember = Data[Size - 1]; Data[Size - 1] = Remember; } __except (TRUE) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_MIGDLLS, "pValidateBinary failed for %u bytes", Size)); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL pValidateNonNullString ( IN PCSTR String ) { __try { SizeOfStringA (String); if (*String == 0) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_MIGDLLS, "pValidateNonNullString found zero-length string")); return FALSE; } } __except (TRUE) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_MIGDLLS, "pValidateNonNullString failed")); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL pValidateIntArray ( IN PINT Array ) { PINT End; if (!Array) { return TRUE; } __try { End = Array; while (*End != -1) { End++; } } __except (TRUE) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_MIGDLLS, "Int Array is invalid (or not terminated with -1)")); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL pValidateMultiString ( IN PCSTR Strings ) { if (!Strings) { return TRUE; } __try { while (*Strings) { Strings = GetEndOfStringA (Strings) + 1; } } __except (TRUE) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_MIGDLLS, "pValidateMultiString failed")); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } DWORD pRemoteQueryVersion( OUT PCSTR *ProductId, OUT PUINT DllVersion, OUT PDWORD *CodePageArray, OUT PCSTR *ExeNamesBuf, IN PCSTR WorkingDir, OUT PVENDORINFO *VendorInfo ) { PBYTE DataPtr; INT ReturnArraySize; PDWORD ReturnArray; DWORD rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; GROWBUFFER GrowBuf = GROWBUF_INIT; PCTSTR p; DWORD DataSize; // // Free any previous data... but do not free before we return, because the // new data buffer will be used directly by the caller. (The caller will // make copies of all the settings.) // pFreeGlobalIpcBuffer(); __try { // // Send the working directory, since migisol will need to set this before // calling QueryVersion. // MultiSzAppendA (&GrowBuf, WorkingDir); DEBUGMSG ((DBG_MIGDLLS, "Calling QueryVersion via migisol.exe")); if (!SendIpcCommand ( IPC_QUERY, GrowBuf.Buf, GrowBuf.End )) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR,"pRemoteQueryVersion failed to send command")); rc = GetLastError(); __leave; } // // Finish transaction. Caller will interpret return code. // DEBUGMSG ((DBG_MIGDLLS, "Getting results from migisol.exe")); rc = pFinishHandshake9x(); // // Unpack the buffer, if received. // if (g_Data) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_MIGDLLS, "Parsing QueryVersion return data")); __try { DataPtr = g_Data; // // Unpack product ID // *ProductId = DataPtr; DataPtr = GetEndOfStringA ((PCSTR) DataPtr) + 1; // // Unpack DLL version // *DllVersion = *((PINT) DataPtr); DataPtr += sizeof(INT); // // Unpack the CP array // ReturnArraySize = *((PINT) DataPtr); DataPtr += sizeof(INT); if (ReturnArraySize) { ReturnArray = (PDWORD) DataPtr; DataPtr += ReturnArraySize * sizeof (DWORD); } else { ReturnArray = NULL; } *CodePageArray = ReturnArray; // // Unpack Exe name buffer // *ExeNamesBuf = (PCSTR) DataPtr; p = *ExeNamesBuf; while (*p) { p = GetEndOfStringA (p) + 1; } DataPtr = (PBYTE) (p + 1); *VendorInfo = *((PVENDORINFO *) DataPtr); DataPtr += sizeof (PVENDORINFO); DEBUGMSG ((DBG_MIGDLLS, "Unpacked VendorInfo pointer is 0x%X", *VendorInfo)); if (*VendorInfo) { DataSize = *((PDWORD) DataPtr); DataPtr += sizeof (DWORD); MYASSERT (DataSize == sizeof (VENDORINFO)); *VendorInfo = (PVENDORINFO) PoolMemDuplicateMemory (g_MigDllPool, DataPtr, sizeof (VENDORINFO)); DataPtr += sizeof (VENDORINFO); } DEBUGMSG ((DBG_MIGDLLS, "QueryVersion is complete, rc=%u", rc)); } __except(TRUE) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "An error occurred while unpacking params")); rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "pRemoteQueryVersion: No OUT params received")); // // We should never return ERROR_SUCCESS if no buffer is received. // if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } } __finally { FreeGrowBuffer (&GrowBuf); } return rc; } DWORD pRemoteInitialize9x( IN PCSTR WorkingDir, IN PCSTR SourceDirs, PVOID *Reserved, DWORD SizeOfReserved ) { DWORD rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; GROWBUFFER GrowBuf = GROWBUF_INIT; PCSTR p; PBYTE Data; DWORD ReturnSize; pFreeGlobalIpcBuffer(); __try { // // Send working dir and source dirs // MultiSzAppendA (&GrowBuf, WorkingDir); for (p = SourceDirs ; *p ; p = GetEndOfStringA (p) + 1) { MultiSzAppendA (&GrowBuf, p); } MultiSzAppendA (&GrowBuf, p); GrowBufAppendDword (&GrowBuf, SizeOfReserved); if (SizeOfReserved) { Data = GrowBuffer (&GrowBuf, SizeOfReserved); CopyMemory (Data, *Reserved, SizeOfReserved); } // // Send command to migisol // if (!SendIpcCommand ( IPC_INITIALIZE, GrowBuf.Buf, GrowBuf.End )) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR,"pRemoteInitialize9x failed to send command")); rc = GetLastError(); __leave; } // // Finish transaction. Caller will interpret return code. // rc = pFinishHandshake9x(); // // The reserved parameter may come back // if (g_Data) { Data = g_Data; ReturnSize = *((PDWORD) Data); if (ReturnSize) { Data += sizeof (DWORD); CopyMemory (*Reserved, Data, ReturnSize); } else if (SizeOfReserved) { ZeroMemory (*Reserved, SizeOfReserved); } } } __finally { FreeGrowBuffer (&GrowBuf); } return rc; } VOID pGetParentWindowTitleAndId ( IN HWND ParentWnd, OUT PSTR TitleBuf, OUT PDWORD IdPtr ) { *IdPtr = 0; if (ParentWnd) { GetWindowTextA (ParentWnd, TitleBuf, MAX_PATH); GetWindowThreadProcessId (ParentWnd, IdPtr); } else { TitleBuf[0] = 0; } } DWORD pRemoteMigrateUser9x ( IN HWND ParentWnd, OPTIONAL IN PCSTR UnattendFile, IN PCSTR RootKey, IN PCSTR User OPTIONAL ) { DWORD rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; GROWBUFFER GrowBuf = GROWBUF_INIT; CHAR ParentWindowTitle[MAX_PATH]; DWORD ProcessId; pGetParentWindowTitleAndId (ParentWnd, ParentWindowTitle, &ProcessId); pFreeGlobalIpcBuffer(); __try { MultiSzAppendA (&GrowBuf, ParentWindowTitle); GrowBufAppendDword (&GrowBuf, ProcessId); MultiSzAppendA (&GrowBuf, UnattendFile); MultiSzAppendA (&GrowBuf, RootKey); MultiSzAppendA (&GrowBuf, (NULL == User ? S_EMPTY : User)); if (!SendIpcCommand ( IPC_MIGRATEUSER, GrowBuf.Buf, GrowBuf.End )) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "pRemoteMigrateUser9x failed to send command")); rc = GetLastError(); __leave; } // // Complete the transaction. The caller will interpret the return // value. // rc = pFinishHandshake9x(); // // No data buffer is coming back at this time // } __finally { FreeGrowBuffer (&GrowBuf); } return rc; } DWORD pRemoteMigrateSystem9x ( IN HWND ParentWnd, OPTIONAL IN PCSTR UnattendFile ) { DWORD rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; GROWBUFFER GrowBuf = GROWBUF_INIT; CHAR ParentWindowTitle[MAX_PATH]; DWORD ProcessId; pGetParentWindowTitleAndId (ParentWnd, ParentWindowTitle, &ProcessId); pFreeGlobalIpcBuffer(); __try { MultiSzAppendA (&GrowBuf, ParentWindowTitle); GrowBufAppendDword (&GrowBuf, ProcessId); MultiSzAppendA (&GrowBuf, UnattendFile); if (!SendIpcCommand ( IPC_MIGRATESYSTEM, GrowBuf.Buf, GrowBuf.End )) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR,"pRemoteMigrateSystem9x failed to send command")); rc = GetLastError(); __leave; } // // Finish transaction. Caller will interpret return value. // rc = pFinishHandshake9x(); // // No data buffer is coming back at this time // } __finally { FreeGrowBuffer (&GrowBuf); } return rc; } VOID pFreeGlobalIpcBuffer ( VOID ) { // // Free old return param buffer // if (g_Data) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, g_Data); g_Data = NULL; } g_DataSize = 0; } DWORD pFinishHandshake9x( VOID ) { DWORD TechnicalLogId; DWORD GuiLogId; DWORD rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD DataSize = 0; PBYTE Data = NULL; BOOL b; pFreeGlobalIpcBuffer(); do { b = GetIpcCommandResults ( IPC_GET_RESULTS_WIN9X, &Data, &DataSize, &rc, &TechnicalLogId, &GuiLogId ); if (g_AbortDllEvent) { if (WaitForSingleObject (g_AbortDllEvent, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { rc = ERROR_CANCELLED; break; } } // // Loop if no data received, but process is alive // if (!b) { if (!IsIpcProcessAlive()) { rc = ERROR_NOACCESS; break; } if (*g_CancelFlagPtr) { rc = ERROR_CANCELLED; break; } } } while (!b); if (b) { // // Save return param block and loop back for IPC_LOG or IPC_DONE // g_DataSize = DataSize; g_Data = Data; // // Recognize log messages // if (!CANCELLED()) { if (TechnicalLogId) { // // LOG message with three args: DllDesc, DllPath, User // LOG (( LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR) TechnicalLogId, g_DllPath, g_DllName, S_EMPTY, S_EMPTY )); } if (GuiLogId) { LOG (( LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR) GuiLogId, g_DllPath, g_DllName, S_EMPTY, S_EMPTY )); } } } return rc; } BOOL pIsCodePageArrayValid ( IN PDWORD CodePageArray ) { DWORD CodePage; UINT u; if (!CodePageArray) { return TRUE; } // // Scan system's code pages // CodePage = GetACP(); __try { for (u = 0 ; CodePageArray[u] != -1 ; u++) { if (CodePage == CodePageArray[u]) { return TRUE; } } } __except (TRUE) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Caugh an exception while validating array of code pages.")); } return FALSE; } LONG CallQueryVersion ( IN PCSTR WorkingDir, OUT PCSTR *ProductId, OUT PUINT DllVersion, OUT PCSTR *ExeNamesBuf, OUT PVENDORINFO *VendorInfo ) { PDWORD CodePageArray = NULL; LONG rc; if (!g_UseMigIsol) { // // Call the entry point directly // MYASSERT (TestQueryVersion); *ProductId = NULL; *DllVersion = 1; *ExeNamesBuf = NULL; *VendorInfo = NULL; SetCurrentDirectory (WorkingDir); rc = TestQueryVersion ( ProductId, DllVersion, &CodePageArray, ExeNamesBuf, VendorInfo ); } else { rc = pRemoteQueryVersion ( ProductId, DllVersion, &CodePageArray, ExeNamesBuf, WorkingDir, VendorInfo ); } DEBUGMSG ((DBG_MIGDLLS, "VendorInfo pointer is 0x%X", *VendorInfo)); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // // Trim whitespace off of product ID // if (pValidateNonNullString (*ProductId)) { *ProductId = SkipSpace (*ProductId); if (pValidateBinary ((PBYTE) (*ProductId), SizeOfStringA (*ProductId))) { TruncateTrailingSpace ((PSTR) (*ProductId)); } } // // Validate inbound parameters // if (!pValidateNonNullString (*ProductId) || !pValidateIntArray (CodePageArray) || !pValidateMultiString (*ExeNamesBuf) || !pValidateBinary ((PBYTE) (*VendorInfo), sizeof (VENDORINFO)) ) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "One or more parameters from the DLL are invalid.")); return ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; } if (!pIsCodePageArrayValid (CodePageArray)) { return ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; } // // Trim the product ID // if (ByteCountA (*ProductId) > MAX_PATH) { ((PSTR) (*ProductId)) [MAX_PATH - 1] = 0; } // // Make sure VENDORINFO is valid // if (!(*VendorInfo)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "DLL %s did not provide a VENDORINFO struct", *ProductId)); return ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; } g_DllName = *ProductId; } return rc; } LONG CallInitialize9x ( IN PCSTR WorkingDir, IN PCSTR SourceDirList, IN OUT PVOID Reserved, IN DWORD ReservedSize ) { LONG rc; CHAR WorkingDirCopy[MAX_MBCHAR_PATH]; PSTR SourceDirListCopy = NULL; PCSTR p; PVOID CopyOfReserved; if (!g_UseMigIsol) { // // Call the entry point directly // MYASSERT (TestInitialize9x); SetCurrentDirectory (WorkingDir); // // Make a copy of all the supplied params, so if the migration DLL changes // them, the rest of the upgrade isn't changed. // StringCopyA (WorkingDirCopy, WorkingDir); p = SourceDirList; while (*p) { p = GetEndOfStringA (p) + 1; } p++; SourceDirListCopy = AllocText (p - SourceDirList); MYASSERT (SourceDirListCopy); if (SourceDirListCopy) { CopyMemory (SourceDirListCopy, SourceDirList, p - SourceDirList); } // // Call the entry point // rc = TestInitialize9x ( WorkingDirCopy, SourceDirListCopy, Reserved ); FreeText (SourceDirListCopy); } else { // // Call the entry point via migisol.exe. Make a copy of the // reserved because currently reserved is only an IN (an // undocumented feature actually). // CopyOfReserved = MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, ReservedSize); CopyMemory (CopyOfReserved, Reserved, ReservedSize); rc = pRemoteInitialize9x ( WorkingDir, SourceDirList, &CopyOfReserved, ReservedSize ); // // CopyOfReserved now has the return value. We don't // use it currently. // MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, CopyOfReserved); } return rc; } LONG CallMigrateUser9x ( IN HWND ParentWnd, IN PCSTR UserName, IN PCSTR UnattendTxt, IN OUT PVOID Reserved, IN DWORD ReservedSize ) { LONG rc; CHAR UserNameBuf[MAX_USER_NAME]; CHAR UnattendTxtCopy[MAX_USER_NAME]; PSTR UserNameCopy = NULL; HKEY UserHandle; if (!g_UseMigIsol) { // // Call the entry point directly // MYASSERT (TestMigrateUser9x); // // Prepare copies of params // if (UserName && *UserName) { StackStringCopyA (UserNameBuf, UserName); UserNameCopy = UserNameBuf; } StackStringCopyA (UnattendTxtCopy, UnattendTxt); MYASSERT(g_UserKey); if (!g_UserKey) { g_UserKey = S_EMPTY; } UserHandle = OpenRegKeyStr (g_UserKey); if (!UserHandle) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Cannot open %s", g_UserKey)); return FALSE; } // // Call the migration DLL // rc = TestMigrateUser9x ( ParentWnd, UnattendTxtCopy, UserHandle, UserNameCopy, Reserved ); } else { // // Call the entry point via migisol.exe // rc = pRemoteMigrateUser9x ( ParentWnd, UnattendTxt, g_UserKey, UserName ); } return rc; } LONG CallMigrateSystem9x ( IN HWND ParentWnd, IN PCSTR UnattendTxt, IN PVOID Reserved, IN DWORD ReservedSize ) { LONG rc; CHAR UnattendTxtCopy[MAX_MBCHAR_PATH]; if (!g_UseMigIsol) { // // Call the entry point directly // MYASSERT (TestMigrateSystem9x); StackStringCopyA (UnattendTxtCopy, UnattendTxt); rc = TestMigrateSystem9x ( ParentWnd, UnattendTxtCopy, Reserved ); } else { rc = pRemoteMigrateSystem9x ( ParentWnd, UnattendTxt ); } g_DllName = NULL; return rc; }