/*++ Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: file.c Abstract: General file-related functions. Author: Souren Aghajanyan 12-Jul-2001 Revision History: sourenag 12-Jul-2001 RenameOperation supports function --*/ #include "pch.h" #include "commonntp.h" #define UNDO_FILE_NAME L"UNDO_GUIMODE.TXT" BOOL pRenameOnRestartOfGuiMode ( IN OUT HANDLE *UndoHandlePtr, OPTIONAL IN PCWSTR PathName, IN PCWSTR PathNameNew OPTIONAL ) { DWORD dontCare; BOOL result; static WCHAR undoFilePath[MAX_PATH]; BYTE signUnicode[] = {0xff, 0xfe}; DWORD filePos; HANDLE undoHandle; if (!PathName) { MYASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } if (!UndoHandlePtr || !(*UndoHandlePtr)) { if (!undoFilePath[0]) { // // Create the path to the journal file // wsprintfW (undoFilePath, L"%s\\" UNDO_FILE_NAME, g_System32Dir); } // // Open the journal file // undoHandle = CreateFileW ( undoFilePath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if (undoHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Failed to open journal file %s", undoFilePath)); return FALSE; } MYASSERT (undoHandle); // never NULL } else { undoHandle = *UndoHandlePtr; } // // Move to the end of the journal, and if the journal is empty, write the UNICODE header // filePos = SetFilePointer (undoHandle, 0, NULL, FILE_END); if (!filePos) { result = WriteFile (undoHandle, signUnicode, sizeof(signUnicode), &dontCare, NULL); } else { result = TRUE; } // // Output the move or delete operation // result = result && WriteFile ( undoHandle, L"\\??\\", 8, &dontCare, NULL ); result = result && WriteFile ( undoHandle, PathName, ByteCountW (PathName), &dontCare, NULL ); result = result && WriteFile ( undoHandle, L"\r\n", 4, &dontCare, NULL ); if (PathNameNew) { result = result && WriteFile ( undoHandle, L"\\??\\", 8, &dontCare, NULL ); result = result && WriteFile ( undoHandle, PathNameNew, ByteCountW (PathNameNew), &dontCare, NULL ); } result = result && WriteFile ( undoHandle, L"\r\n", 4, &dontCare, NULL ); if (!result) { // // On failure, log an error and truncate the file // LOGW (( LOG_ERROR, "Failed to record move in restart journal: %s to %s", PathName, PathNameNew )); SetFilePointer (undoHandle, filePos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); SetEndOfFile (undoHandle); } if (UndoHandlePtr) { if (!(*UndoHandlePtr)) { // // If caller did not pass in handle, then we opened it. // if (result) { *UndoHandlePtr = undoHandle; // give ownership to caller } else { FlushFileBuffers (undoHandle); CloseHandle (undoHandle); // fail; don't leak handle } } } else { // // Caller wants to record just one move // FlushFileBuffers (undoHandle); CloseHandle (undoHandle); } return result; } BOOL RenameOnRestartOfGuiMode ( IN PCWSTR PathName, IN PCWSTR PathNameNew OPTIONAL ) { return pRenameOnRestartOfGuiMode (NULL, PathName, PathNameNew); } BOOL RenameListOnRestartOfGuiMode ( IN PGROWLIST SourceList, IN PGROWLIST DestList ) { UINT u; UINT count; PCWSTR source; PCWSTR dest; HANDLE journal = NULL; count = GrowListGetSize (SourceList); for (u = 0 ; u < count ; u++) { source = GrowListGetString (SourceList, u); if (!source) { continue; } dest = GrowListGetString (DestList, u); if (!pRenameOnRestartOfGuiMode (&journal, source, dest)) { break; } } if (journal) { FlushFileBuffers (journal); CloseHandle (journal); } return u == count; }