/*++ Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: object.c Abstract: WinDbg Extension Api Author: Ramon J San Andres (ramonsa) 5-Nov-1993 Environment: User Mode. Revision History: Kshitiz K. Sharma (kksharma) Using debugger type info. Daniel Mihai (DMihai) Add !htrace - for dumping handle tracing information. --*/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop typedef struct _SEGMENT_OBJECT { PVOID BaseAddress; ULONG TotalNumberOfPtes; LARGE_INTEGER SizeOfSegment; ULONG NonExtendedPtes; ULONG ImageCommitment; PVOID ControlArea; } SEGMENT_OBJECT, *PSEGMENT_OBJECT; typedef struct _SECTION_OBJECT { PVOID StartingVa; PVOID EndingVa; PVOID Parent; PVOID LeftChild; PVOID RightChild; PSEGMENT_OBJECT Segment; } SECTION_OBJECT; typedef ULONG64 (*ENUM_LIST_ROUTINE)( IN ULONG64 ListEntry, IN PVOID Parameter ); static ULONG64 ObpTypeObjectType = 0; static ULONG64 ObpRootDirectoryObject = 0; static WCHAR ObjectNameBuffer[ MAX_PATH ]; // // Object Type Structure // typedef struct _OBJECT_TYPE_READ { LIST_ENTRY64 TypeList; UNICODE_STRING64 Name; ULONG64 DefaultObject; ULONG Index; ULONG TotalNumberOfObjects; ULONG TotalNumberOfHandles; ULONG HighWaterNumberOfObjects; ULONG HighWaterNumberOfHandles; ULONG Key; } OBJECT_TYPE_READ, *POBJECT_TYPE_READ; BOOLEAN DumpObjectsForType( IN ULONG64 pObjectHeader, IN PVOID Parameter ); ULONG64 WalkRemoteList( IN ULONG64 Head, IN ENUM_LIST_ROUTINE EnumRoutine, IN PVOID Parameter ); ULONG64 CompareObjectTypeName( IN ULONG64 ListEntry, IN PVOID Parameter ); PWSTR GetObjectName( ULONG64 Object ); BOOLEAN GetObjectTypeName( IN UNICODE_STRING64 ustrTypeName, IN ULONG64 lpType, IN OUT WCHAR * wszTypeName ); ULONG64 HighestUserAddress; DECLARE_API( obtrace ) /*++ Routine Description: Dump the object trace information for an object. Arguments: args - [object (pointer/path)] Return Value: None --*/ { ULONG64 ObpObjectTable, ObpStackTable, ObpObjectBuckets, ObpTraceDepth, ObpStacksPerObject, ObjectToTrace, ObjectHash, ObjectHeader, ObRefInfoPtr, ObRefInfoPtrLoc, BaseStackInfoAddr, Offset, TraceAddr, Trace; ULONG ObjectHeaderBodyOffset, ObStackInfoTypeSize, PVoidTypeSize, Lupe, TraceNumber, NextPos, CountRef, CountDeref, BytesRead; USHORT Sequence, Index; UCHAR ImageFileName[16], FunctionName[256]; FIELD_INFO ObRefInfoFields[] = { {"ObjectHeader", NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_COPY_FIELD_DATA, 0, &ObjectHeader}, {"NextRef", NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_COPY_FIELD_DATA, 0, &ObRefInfoPtr}, {"ImageFileName", NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_COPY_FIELD_DATA, 0, ImageFileName}, {"StackInfo", NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_RETURN_ADDRESS, 0, NULL}, {"NextPos", NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_COPY_FIELD_DATA, 0, &NextPos} }, ObStackInfoFields[] = { {"Sequence", NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_COPY_FIELD_DATA, 0, &Sequence}, {"Index" , NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_COPY_FIELD_DATA, 0, &Index} }; SYM_DUMP_PARAM ObRefInfo = { sizeof (SYM_DUMP_PARAM), "nt!_OBJECT_REF_INFO", DBG_DUMP_NO_PRINT, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, &ObRefInfoFields[0] }, ObStackInfo = { sizeof (SYM_DUMP_PARAM), "nt!_OBJECT_REF_STACK_INFO", DBG_DUMP_NO_PRINT, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, &ObStackInfoFields[0] }; ObpObjectTable = GetUlongValue("ObpObjectTable"); ObpStackTable = GetUlongValue("ObpStackTable"); ObpObjectBuckets = GetUlongValue("ObpObjectBuckets"); ObpTraceDepth = GetUlongValue("ObpTraceDepth"); ObpStacksPerObject = GetUlongValue("ObpStacksPerObject"); if (GetFieldOffset("nt!_OBJECT_HEADER", "Body", &ObjectHeaderBodyOffset)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } ObStackInfoTypeSize = GetTypeSize("nt!_OBJECT_REF_STACK_INFO"); PVoidTypeSize = IsPtr64() ? 8 : 4; if (strlen(args) < 1) { return E_INVALIDARG; } if (args[0] == '\\') { ObjectToTrace = FindObjectByName((PUCHAR)args, 0); } else { ObjectToTrace = GetExpression(args); } if (ObjectToTrace == 0) { dprintf("Object %s not found.\n", args); return E_INVALIDARG; } // ObjectRefChain <= ObpObjectTable[OBTRACE_HASHOBJECT(ObjectToTrace)] ObjectHash = ((ObjectToTrace >> 4) & 0xfffff) % (ObpObjectBuckets ? ObpObjectBuckets : 1); ObRefInfoPtrLoc = ObpObjectTable + GetTypeSize("nt!POBJECT_REF_INFO") * ObjectHash; for (ObRefInfo.addr = GetPointerFromAddress(ObRefInfoPtrLoc); ObRefInfo.addr; ObRefInfo.addr = ObRefInfoPtr) { if (Ioctl(IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO, &ObRefInfo, ObRefInfo.size)) { dprintf("Unable to read ObRefInfo %x\n", ObRefInfo.addr); return E_INVALIDARG; } if (ObjectHeader == ObjectToTrace - ObjectHeaderBodyOffset) { break; } if (CheckControlC()) { dprintf("Aborting object lookup\n"); return S_OK; } } if (! ObRefInfo.addr) { dprintf("Unable to find object in table.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; } // We need the rest of the fields now ObRefInfo.nFields = sizeof(ObRefInfoFields) / sizeof(ObRefInfoFields[0]); if (Ioctl(IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO, &ObRefInfo, ObRefInfo.size)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } BaseStackInfoAddr = ObRefInfoFields[3].address; dprintf("Object: %x\n", ObjectToTrace); dprintf(" Image: %s\n", ImageFileName); dprintf("Seq. Stack\n"); dprintf("---- ----------------------------------------------------------\n"); CountRef = 0; CountDeref = 0; for (Lupe = 0; Lupe < NextPos; Lupe++) { if (CheckControlC()) { return S_OK; } ObStackInfo.addr = BaseStackInfoAddr + Lupe * ObStackInfoTypeSize; if (Ioctl(IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO, &ObStackInfo, ObStackInfo.size)) { dprintf("Unable to read ObStackInfo %x\n", ObStackInfo.addr); return E_INVALIDARG; } if (Index & 0x8000) { CountRef++; } else { CountDeref++; } for (TraceNumber = 0; TraceNumber < ObpTraceDepth; TraceNumber++) { TraceAddr = ObpStackTable + (PVoidTypeSize * (ObpTraceDepth * (Index & 0x7fff) + TraceNumber)); Trace = GetPointerFromAddress(TraceAddr); if (Trace) { GetSymbol(Trace, FunctionName, &Offset); if (TraceNumber == 0) { dprintf("%04x %c", Sequence, Index & 0x8000 ? '+' : ' '); } else { dprintf(" "); /* six spaces */ } dprintf("%s+%x\n", FunctionName, Offset); } if (CheckControlC()) { return S_OK; } } dprintf("\n"); } dprintf("---- ----------------------------------------------------------\n"); dprintf("References: %d, Dereferences %d", CountRef, CountDeref); if(CountDeref + CountRef == ObpStacksPerObject) { dprintf(" (maximum stacks reached)"); } dprintf("\n"); return S_OK; } DECLARE_API( object ) /*++ Routine Description: Dump an object manager object. Arguments: args - 0 | |
| -r Return Value: None --*/ { ULONG64 ObjectToDump = 0; char NameBuffer[ MAX_PATH+1 ]; ULONG NumberOfObjects; ULONG ObjectDumpFlags = 0xFFFFFFFF; HighestUserAddress = GetNtDebuggerDataValue(MmHighestUserAddress); if (!FetchObjectManagerVariables(FALSE)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } ObjectToDump = EXPRLastDump; ZeroMemory(NameBuffer, sizeof(NameBuffer)); // Skip leading whitespace while (args && (*args == ' ')) { ++args; } // // If the argument looks like a path, try to chase it. // if (args[0] == '\\') { ULONG64 object; object = FindObjectByName((PUCHAR) args, 0); if (object != 0) { DumpObject("", object, ObjectDumpFlags); } else { dprintf("Object %s not found\n", args); } return S_OK; } // // If the argument is -r or -R, reload the cached symbol information // if ( !strcmp(args, "-r") ) { FetchObjectManagerVariables(TRUE); return S_OK; } if ( !strcmp(args, "-h") || !strcmp(args, "-?") || (strlen(args) == 0) ) { dprintf("Usage: !object [[-r] | [] | [
] | [0 ]]\n"); return S_OK; } // // If the argument looks like 0 , get TypeName // if ((args[0] == '0') && (args[1] == ' ')) { args += 2; while (args && (*args == ' ')) { ++args; } strncpy(NameBuffer, args, sizeof(NameBuffer)/sizeof(char) - 1); ObjectToDump = 0; } else { // // Argument must be in form of address or expression // if (GetExpressionEx(args,&ObjectToDump, &args)) { DumpObject("", ObjectToDump, ObjectDumpFlags); return S_OK; } else { dprintf("*** Invalid address argument specified\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; } if (!args || !*args) { dprintf("*** Unrecognized argument(s) specified: '%s'\n", args); return E_INVALIDARG; } } if ( (ObjectToDump == 0) && (strlen( NameBuffer ) > 0) ) { NumberOfObjects = 0; if (WalkObjectsByType( NameBuffer, DumpObjectsForType, &NumberOfObjects )) { dprintf( "Total of %u objects of type '%s'\n", NumberOfObjects, NameBuffer ); return S_OK; } return E_INVALIDARG; } dprintf( "*** invalid syntax.\n" ); return E_INVALIDARG; } BOOLEAN DumpObjectsForType( IN ULONG64 pObjectHeader, IN PVOID Parameter ) { ULONG64 Object; ULONG BodyOffset; PULONG NumberOfObjects = (PULONG)Parameter; if (GetFieldOffset("nt!_OBJECT_HEADER", "Body", &BodyOffset)) { return FALSE; } *NumberOfObjects += 1; Object = pObjectHeader + BodyOffset; DumpObject( "", Object, 0xFFFFFFFF ); return TRUE; } BOOLEAN FetchObjectManagerVariables( BOOLEAN ForceReload ) { ULONG Result; ULONG64 Addr; static BOOL HaveObpVariables = FALSE; if (HaveObpVariables && !ForceReload) { return TRUE; } Addr = GetNtDebuggerData( ObpTypeObjectType ); if ( !Addr || !ReadPointer( Addr, &ObpTypeObjectType) ) { dprintf("%08p: Unable to get value of ObpTypeObjectType\n", Addr ); return FALSE; } Addr = GetNtDebuggerData( ObpRootDirectoryObject ); if ( !Addr || !ReadPointer( Addr, &ObpRootDirectoryObject) ) { dprintf("%08p: Unable to get value of ObpRootDirectoryObject\n",Addr ); return FALSE; } HaveObpVariables = TRUE; return TRUE; } ULONG64 FindObjectType( IN PUCHAR TypeName ) { WCHAR NameBuffer[ 64 ] = {0}; FIELD_INFO offField = {"TypeList", NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_RETURN_ADDRESS, 0, NULL}; SYM_DUMP_PARAM TypeSym ={ sizeof (SYM_DUMP_PARAM), "nt!_OBJECT_TYPE", DBG_DUMP_NO_PRINT, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, &offField }; // Get The offset if (Ioctl(IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO, &TypeSym, TypeSym.size)) { return 0; } _snwprintf( NameBuffer, sizeof( NameBuffer ) / sizeof( WCHAR ) - sizeof(WCHAR), L"%hs", TypeName ); return WalkRemoteList( ObpTypeObjectType + offField.address, CompareObjectTypeName, NameBuffer ); } ULONG64 WalkRemoteList( IN ULONG64 Head, IN ENUM_LIST_ROUTINE EnumRoutine, IN PVOID Parameter ) { ULONG Result; ULONG64 Element; ULONG64 Flink; ULONG64 Next; if ( GetFieldValue(Head, "nt!_LIST_ENTRY", "Flink", Next)) { dprintf( "%08lx: Unable to read list\n", Head ); return 0; } while (Next != Head) { Element = (EnumRoutine)( Next, Parameter ); if (Element != 0) { return Element; } if ( CheckControlC() ) { return 0; } if ( GetFieldValue(Next, "nt!_LIST_ENTRY", "Flink", Flink)) { dprintf( "%08lx: Unable to read list\n", Next ); return 0; } Next = Flink; } return 0; } ULONG64 CompareObjectTypeName( IN ULONG64 ListEntry, IN PVOID Parameter ) { ULONG Result; ULONG64 pObjectTypeObjectHeader; WCHAR NameBuffer[ 64 ]; UNICODE_STRING64 Name64={0}; ULONG64 pCreatorInfo; ULONG64 pNameInfo; ULONG BodyOffset, TypeListOffset; // Get The offset if (GetFieldOffset("nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_CREATOR_INFO", "TypeList", &TypeListOffset)) { dprintf("Type nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_CREATOR_INFO, field TypeList not found\n"); return FALSE; } pCreatorInfo = ListEntry - TypeListOffset; pObjectTypeObjectHeader = (pCreatorInfo + GetTypeSize("nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_CREATOR_INFO")); KD_OBJECT_HEADER_TO_NAME_INFO( pObjectTypeObjectHeader, &pNameInfo); GetFieldValue(pNameInfo, "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO", "Name.Length", Name64.Length); GetFieldValue(pNameInfo, "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO", "Name.MaximumLength", Name64.MaximumLength); GetFieldValue(pNameInfo, "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO", "Name.Buffer", Name64.Buffer); if (Name64.Length > sizeof( NameBuffer )) { Name64.Length = sizeof( NameBuffer ) - sizeof( UNICODE_NULL ); } if (GetFieldOffset("nt!_OBJECT_HEADER", "Body", &BodyOffset)) { dprintf("Type nt!_OBJECT_HEADER, field Body not found\n"); return FALSE; } if (!GetObjectTypeName(Name64, (pObjectTypeObjectHeader + BodyOffset) , NameBuffer)) { dprintf( "%08p: Unable to read object type name.\n", pObjectTypeObjectHeader ); return 0; } NameBuffer[ Name64.Length / sizeof( WCHAR ) ] = UNICODE_NULL; if (!_wcsicmp( NameBuffer, (PWSTR)Parameter )) { return (pObjectTypeObjectHeader + BodyOffset); } return 0; } typedef struct _OBJECT_HEADER_READ { LONG PointerCount; LONG HandleCount; ULONG64 SEntry; ULONG64 Type; UCHAR NameInfoOffset; UCHAR HandleInfoOffset; UCHAR QuotaInfoOffset; UCHAR Flags; ULONG64 ObjectCreateInfo; ULONG64 SecurityDescriptor; QUAD Body; } OBJECT_HEADER_READ, *POBJECT_HEADER_READ; typedef struct OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO_READ { ULONG64 Directory; UNICODE_STRING64 Name; } OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO_READ; typedef struct _OBJECT_INFO { ULONG64 pObjectHeader; OBJECT_HEADER_READ ObjectHeader; OBJECT_TYPE_READ ObjectType; OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO_READ NameInfo; WCHAR TypeName[ 32 ]; WCHAR ObjectName[ 256 ]; WCHAR FileSystemName[ 32 ]; CHAR Message[ 256 ]; } OBJECT_INFO, *POBJECT_INFO; //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: GetObjectTypeName // // Synopsis: Fill in the ObjectTypeName in the ObjectInfo struct // // Arguments: [Object] -- object examined used only in an error message // [ObjectInfo] -- struct containing object type info that is // modified to include the object type name // // Returns: TRUE if successful // // History: 12-05-1997 benl Created // // Notes: If the name is paged out we try a direct comparison against // known object types, this known list is not comprehensive // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOLEAN GetObjectTypeName(IN UNICODE_STRING64 ustrTypeName, IN ULONG64 lpType, IN OUT WCHAR * wszTypeName) { DWORD dwResult; BOOLEAN fRet = TRUE; ULONG64 dwIoFileObjectType = 0; ULONG64 dwCmpKeyObjectType = 0; ULONG64 dwMmSectionObjectType = 0; ULONG64 dwObpDirectoryObjectType = 0; ULONG64 dwObpSymbolicLinkObjectType = 0; __try { if (ReadMemory( ustrTypeName.Buffer, wszTypeName, ustrTypeName.Length, &dwResult )){ fRet = TRUE; __leave; } // // Unable to directly read object type name so try to load the known // types directly and compare addresses // This is not comprehensive for all object types, if we don't find // a match this way - revert to old behavior and fail with a message // if (!ReadPointer( GetExpression("NT!IoFileObjectType"), &dwIoFileObjectType)) { dprintf("Unable to load NT!IoFileObjectType\n"); } else if (dwIoFileObjectType == lpType) { wcscpy(wszTypeName, L"File"); __leave; } if (!ReadPointer( GetExpression("NT!CmpKeyObjectType"), &dwCmpKeyObjectType)) { dprintf("Unable to load NT!CmpKeyObjectType\n"); } else if (dwCmpKeyObjectType == lpType) { wcscpy(wszTypeName, L"Key"); __leave; } if (!ReadPointer( GetExpression("NT!MmSectionObjectType"), &dwMmSectionObjectType)) { dprintf("Unable to load NT!MmSectionObjectType\n"); } else if (dwMmSectionObjectType == lpType) { wcscpy(wszTypeName, L"Section"); __leave; } if (!ReadPointer( GetExpression("NT!ObpDirectoryObjectType"), &dwObpDirectoryObjectType)) { dprintf("Unable to load NT!ObpDirectoryObjectType\n"); } else if (dwObpDirectoryObjectType == lpType) { wcscpy(wszTypeName, L"Directory"); __leave; } if (!ReadPointer( GetExpression("NT!ObpSymbolicLinkObjectType"), &dwObpDirectoryObjectType)) { dprintf("Unable to load NT!ObpSymbolicLinkObjectType\n"); } else if (dwObpSymbolicLinkObjectType == lpType) { wcscpy(wszTypeName, L"SymbolicLink"); __leave; } // //Fallthrough if type not found // wszTypeName[0] = L'\0'; fRet = FALSE; } __finally { } return fRet; } // GetObjectTypeName BOOLEAN GetObjectInfo( ULONG64 Object, POBJECT_INFO ObjectInfo ) { ULONG Result; ULONG64 pNameInfo; BOOLEAN PagedOut; UNICODE_STRING64 ObjectName; PWSTR FileSystemName; SECTION_OBJECT SectionObject; SEGMENT_OBJECT SegmentObject; ULONG BodyOffset; #define Hdr ObjectInfo->ObjectHeader FIELD_INFO ObjHdrFields[] = { {"PointerCount" , "", 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_COPY_FIELD_DATA, 0, (PVOID) &Hdr.PointerCount}, {"HandleCount" , "", 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_COPY_FIELD_DATA, 0, (PVOID) &Hdr.HandleCount}, {"SEntry" , "", 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_COPY_FIELD_DATA, 0, (PVOID) &Hdr.SEntry}, {"Type" , "", 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_COPY_FIELD_DATA | DBG_DUMP_FIELD_RECUR_ON_THIS, 0, (PVOID) &Hdr.Type}, {"NameInfoOffset" , "", 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_COPY_FIELD_DATA, 0, (PVOID) &Hdr.NameInfoOffset}, {"HandleInfoOffset" , "", 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_COPY_FIELD_DATA, 0, (PVOID) &Hdr.HandleInfoOffset}, {"QuotaInfoOffset" , "", 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_COPY_FIELD_DATA, 0, (PVOID) &Hdr.QuotaInfoOffset}, {"Flags" , "", 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_COPY_FIELD_DATA, 0, (PVOID) &Hdr.Flags}, {"ObjectCreateInfo" , "", 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_COPY_FIELD_DATA, 0, (PVOID) &Hdr.ObjectCreateInfo}, {"SecurityDescriptor","", 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_COPY_FIELD_DATA, 0, (PVOID) &Hdr.SecurityDescriptor}, }; #undef Hdr SYM_DUMP_PARAM ObjSym ={ sizeof (SYM_DUMP_PARAM), "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER", DBG_DUMP_NO_PRINT, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, sizeof (ObjHdrFields) / sizeof (FIELD_INFO), &ObjHdrFields[0] }; PagedOut = FALSE; memset( ObjectInfo, 0, sizeof( *ObjectInfo ) ); GetFieldOffset("nt!_OBJECT_HEADER", "Body", &BodyOffset); ObjectInfo->pObjectHeader = (Object - BodyOffset); // (OBJECT_TO_OBJECT_HEADER( Object ); ObjSym.addr = ObjectInfo->pObjectHeader; if (Ioctl(IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO, &ObjSym, ObjSym.size)) { if (Object >= HighestUserAddress && (ULONG)Object < 0xF0000000) { PagedOut = TRUE; return FALSE; // Not using Opt Value /* sprintf( ObjectInfo->Message, "%08lx: object is paged out.", Object ); if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT( OptObjectHeader )) { return FALSE; } ObjectInfo->ObjectHeader.Flags = OptObjectHeader->Flags; ObjectInfo->ObjectHeader.HandleCount = OptObjectHeader->HandleCount; ObjectInfo->ObjectHeader.NameInfoOffset = OptObjectHeader->NameInfoOffset; ObjectInfo->ObjectHeader.ObjectCreateInfo = (ULONG64) OptObjectHeader->ObjectCreateInfo; ObjectInfo->ObjectHeader.PointerCount = OptObjectHeader->PointerCount; ObjectInfo->ObjectHeader.QuotaInfoOffset = OptObjectHeader->QuotaInfoOffset; ObjectInfo->ObjectHeader.SecurityDescriptor = (ULONG64) OptObjectHeader->SecurityDescriptor; ObjectInfo->ObjectHeader.SEntry = (ULONG64) OptObjectHeader->SEntry; ObjectInfo->ObjectHeader.Type = (ULONG64) OptObjectHeader->Type;*/ } else { sprintf( ObjectInfo->Message, "%I64lx: not a valid object (ObjectHeader invalid @ -offset %x)", UNEXTEND64(Object), BodyOffset ); return FALSE; } } if (!ObjectInfo->ObjectHeader.Type) { sprintf( ObjectInfo->Message, "%08I64lx: Not a valid object (ObjectType invalid)", UNEXTEND64(Object) ); return FALSE; } GetFieldValue(ObjectInfo->ObjectHeader.Type, "nt!_OBJECT_TYPE", "Name.Length", ObjectInfo->ObjectType.Name.Length); GetFieldValue(ObjectInfo->ObjectHeader.Type, "nt!_OBJECT_TYPE", "Name.MaximumLength", ObjectInfo->ObjectType.Name.MaximumLength); GetFieldValue(ObjectInfo->ObjectHeader.Type, "nt!_OBJECT_TYPE", "Name.Buffer", ObjectInfo->ObjectType.Name.Buffer); if (ObjectInfo->ObjectType.Name.Length >= sizeof( ObjectInfo->TypeName )) { ObjectInfo->ObjectType.Name.Length = sizeof( ObjectInfo->TypeName ) - sizeof( UNICODE_NULL ); } if (!GetObjectTypeName(ObjectInfo->ObjectType.Name, ObjectInfo->ObjectHeader.Type, ObjectInfo->TypeName)) { sprintf( ObjectInfo->Message, "%I64lx: Not a valid object " "(ObjectType.Name at 0x%I64lx invalid)", UNEXTEND64(Object), ObjectInfo->ObjectType.Name.Buffer); return FALSE; } ObjectInfo->TypeName[ ObjectInfo->ObjectType.Name.Length / sizeof( WCHAR ) ] = UNICODE_NULL; if (PagedOut) { return TRUE; } if (!wcscmp( ObjectInfo->TypeName, L"File" )) { ULONG64 DeviceObject=0; if (GetFieldValue(Object, "nt!_FILE_OBJECT", "FileName.Buffer", ObjectName.Buffer)) { sprintf( ObjectInfo->Message, "%08I64lx: unable to read _FILE_OBJECT for name\n", UNEXTEND64(Object) ); } else { GetFieldValue(Object, "nt!_FILE_OBJECT", "DeviceObject", DeviceObject); GetFieldValue(Object, "nt!_FILE_OBJECT", "FileName.Length", ObjectName.Length); GetFieldValue(Object, "nt!_FILE_OBJECT", "FileName.MaximumLength", ObjectName.MaximumLength); FileSystemName = GetObjectName( DeviceObject ); if (FileSystemName != NULL) { wcscpy( ObjectInfo->FileSystemName, FileSystemName ); } } } else if (!wcscmp( ObjectInfo->TypeName, L"Key" )) { ULONG64 pKeyControlBlock=0; if (GetFieldValue(Object, "nt!_CM_KEY_BODY", "KeyControlBlock", pKeyControlBlock)) { sprintf( ObjectInfo->Message, "%08I64lx: unable to read key object for name\n", UNEXTEND64(Object) ); } else if (!pKeyControlBlock) { sprintf( ObjectInfo->Message, "%08I64lx: unable to read key control block for name\n", UNEXTEND64(pKeyControlBlock) ); } else { ObjectName.Length = GetKcbName( pKeyControlBlock, ObjectInfo->ObjectName, sizeof( ObjectInfo->ObjectName)); return TRUE; } } else { if (ObjectInfo->ObjectHeader.NameInfoOffset) { pNameInfo = ObjectInfo->pObjectHeader - ObjectInfo->ObjectHeader.NameInfoOffset; } else { return TRUE; } if ( InitTypeRead(pNameInfo, nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO) ) { dprintf( ObjectInfo->Message, "*** unable to read _OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO at %08p\n", pNameInfo ); return FALSE; } ObjectInfo->NameInfo.Name.Length = (USHORT) ReadField(Name.Length); ObjectInfo->NameInfo.Name.MaximumLength = (USHORT) ReadField(Name.MaximumLength); ObjectInfo->NameInfo.Name.Buffer = ReadField(Name.Buffer); ObjectInfo->NameInfo.Directory = ReadField(Directory); ObjectName = ObjectInfo->NameInfo.Name; } if (ObjectName.Length == 0 && !wcscmp( ObjectInfo->TypeName, L"Section" )) { ULONG PtrSize = GetTypeSize("nt!PVOID"); ULONG64 Segment=0; // // Get Types of SectionObject etc // // // Assumption ptr to section object is 6th pointer value from Object // if (!GetFieldValue( Object, "nt!_SECTION_OBJECT", "Segment", Segment)) { ULONG64 ControlArea=0; if (Segment && !GetFieldValue( Segment, "nt!_SEGMENT_OBJECT", "ControlArea", ControlArea)) { ULONG64 FilePointer=0; if (ControlArea && !GetFieldValue( Segment, "nt!_CONTROL_AREA", "FilePointer", FilePointer)) { if (FilePointer) { GetFieldValue(FilePointer, "nt!_FILE_OBJECT", "FileName.Length", ObjectName.Length); GetFieldValue(FilePointer, "nt!_FILE_OBJECT", "FileName.Buffer", ObjectName.Buffer); ObjectName.MaximumLength = ObjectName.Length; } else { sprintf( ObjectInfo->Message, "unable to read file object at %08I64lx for section %08I64lx\n", UNEXTEND64(FilePointer), UNEXTEND64(Object) ); } } else { sprintf( ObjectInfo->Message, "unable to read segment object at %08I64lx for section %08I64lx\n", UNEXTEND64(ControlArea), UNEXTEND64(Object) ); } } else { sprintf( ObjectInfo->Message, "unable to read segment object at %08I64lx for section %08I64lx\n", UNEXTEND64(Segment), UNEXTEND64(Object) ); } } else { sprintf( ObjectInfo->Message, "unable to read section object at %08lx\n", Object ); } } if (ObjectName.Length >= sizeof( ObjectInfo->ObjectName )) { ObjectName.Length = sizeof( ObjectInfo->ObjectName ) - sizeof( UNICODE_NULL ); } if (ObjectName.Length != 0) { if (!ReadMemory( ObjectName.Buffer, ObjectInfo->ObjectName, ObjectName.Length, &Result ) ) { wcscpy( ObjectInfo->ObjectName, L"(*** Name not accessable ***)" ); } else { ObjectInfo->ObjectName[ ObjectName.Length / sizeof( WCHAR ) ] = UNICODE_NULL; } } return TRUE; } ULONG64 FindObjectByName( IN PUCHAR Path, IN ULONG64 RootObject ) { ULONG Result, i, j; ULONG64 pDirectoryObject; ULONG64 pDirectoryEntry; ULONG64 HashBucketsAddress; ULONG HashBucketSz; OBJECT_INFO ObjectInfo; BOOLEAN foundMatch = FALSE; ULONG HashOffset; PUCHAR nextPath; if (RootObject == 0) { if (!FetchObjectManagerVariables(FALSE)) { return 0; } RootObject = ObpRootDirectoryObject; } pDirectoryObject = RootObject; // // See if we've reached the end of the path, at which point we know // that RootObject is the object to be dumped. // if (*Path == '\0') { return RootObject; } // // Scan the path looking for another delimiter or for the end of the // string. nextPath = Path; while ((*nextPath != '\0') && (*nextPath != '\\')) { nextPath++; } // // if we found a delimeter remove it from the next path and use it to // truncate the current path. // if (*nextPath == '\\') { *nextPath = '\0'; nextPath++; } // // Make sure there's a path node here. If not, recursively call ourself // with the remainder of the path. // if (*Path == '\0') { return FindObjectByName(nextPath, RootObject); } // // Get the address of hashbuckets array and size of the pointer to scan the array // if (GetFieldOffset("nt!_OBJECT_DIRECTORY", "HashBuckets", &HashOffset)) { dprintf("Cannot find _OBJECT_DIRECTORY type.\n"); return FALSE; } HashBucketsAddress = pDirectoryObject + HashOffset; HashBucketSz = IsPtr64() ? 8 : 4; // From ob.h #define NUMBER_HASH_BUCKETS 37 for (i=0; i 0x1000) // sanity check { Length = 0x1000; } GetFieldValue(pSymbolicLinkObject, "nt!_OBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK", "LinkTarget.Buffer", TargetBuffer); GetFieldValue(pSymbolicLinkObject, "nt!_OBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK", "DosDeviceDriveIndex" , DosDeviceDriveIndex); GetFieldValue(pSymbolicLinkObject, "nt!_OBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK", "LinkTargetObject", LinkTargetObject); FreeBuffer = s = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, Length + sizeof( UNICODE_NULL ) ); if (s == NULL || !ReadMemory( TargetBuffer, s, Length, &Result ) ) { s = L"*** target string unavailable ***"; } dprintf( "%s Target String is '%ws'\n", Pad, s ); if (TargetString && (TargetStringSize > wcslen(s))) { sprintf(TargetString, "%ws", s); } if (FreeBuffer != NULL) { HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, FreeBuffer ); } if (DosDeviceDriveIndex != 0) { dprintf( "%s Drive Letter Index is %I64u (%c:)\n", Pad, DosDeviceDriveIndex, 'A' + DosDeviceDriveIndex - 1 ); } if (LinkTargetObject != 0) { GetFieldValue(pSymbolicLinkObject, "_OBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK", "LinkTargetRemaining.Length", Length); if (Length > 0x1000) // sanity check { Length = 0x1000; } FreeBuffer = s = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, Length + sizeof( UNICODE_NULL ) ); GetFieldValue(pSymbolicLinkObject, "_OBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK", "LinkTargetRemaining.Buffer", TargetBuffer); if (s == NULL || !ReadMemory( TargetBuffer, s, Length, &Result ) ) { s = L"*** remaining name unavailable ***"; } dprintf( "%s Snapped to Object %p '%ws'\n", Pad, LinkTargetObject, s ); if (FreeBuffer != NULL) { HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, FreeBuffer ); } } return; } BOOLEAN DumpObject( IN char *Pad, IN ULONG64 Object, IN ULONG Flags ) { OBJECT_INFO ObjectInfo; if (!GetObjectInfo(Object, &ObjectInfo)) { dprintf( "%s\n", ObjectInfo.Message ); return FALSE; } dprintf( "Object: %08p Type: (%08p) %ws\n", Object, ObjectInfo.ObjectHeader.Type, ObjectInfo.TypeName ); dprintf( " ObjectHeader: %08p\n", ObjectInfo.pObjectHeader ); if (!(Flags & 0x1)) { return TRUE; } dprintf( "%s HandleCount: %u PointerCount: %u\n", Pad, ObjectInfo.ObjectHeader.HandleCount, ObjectInfo.ObjectHeader.PointerCount ); if (ObjectInfo.ObjectName[ 0 ] != UNICODE_NULL || ObjectInfo.NameInfo.Directory != 0 ) { dprintf( "%s Directory Object: %08p Name: %ws", Pad, ObjectInfo.NameInfo.Directory, ObjectInfo.ObjectName ); if (ObjectInfo.FileSystemName[0] != UNICODE_NULL) { dprintf( " {%ws}\n", ObjectInfo.FileSystemName ); } else { dprintf( "\n" ); } } if ((Flags & 0x8)) { if (!wcscmp( ObjectInfo.TypeName, L"Directory" )) { DumpDirectoryObject( Pad, Object ); } else if (!wcscmp( ObjectInfo.TypeName, L"SymbolicLink" )) { DumpSymbolicLinkObject( Pad, Object, NULL, 0 ); } } return TRUE; } PWSTR GetObjectName( ULONG64 Object ) { ULONG Result; ULONG64 pObjectHeader; UNICODE_STRING64 ObjectName={0}; ULONG64 pNameInfo; ULONG NameInfoOffset=0; ULONG64 Type=0; ULONG BodyOffset; if (GetFieldOffset("nt!_OBJECT_HEADER", "Body", &BodyOffset)) { return NULL; } pObjectHeader = Object - BodyOffset; if (GetFieldValue(pObjectHeader, "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER", "Type", Type) || GetFieldValue(pObjectHeader, "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER", "NameInfoOffset", NameInfoOffset)) { if (Object >= HighestUserAddress && (ULONG)Object < 0xF0000000) { swprintf( ObjectNameBuffer, L"(%08I64lx: object is paged out)", UNEXTEND64(Object) ); return ObjectNameBuffer; } else { swprintf( ObjectNameBuffer, L"(%08I64lx: invalid object header)", UNEXTEND64(Object) ); return ObjectNameBuffer; } } pNameInfo = NameInfoOffset ? (pObjectHeader - NameInfoOffset) : 0; if (pNameInfo == 0) { dprintf("NameInfoOffset not found for _OBJECT_HEADER at %p\n", pObjectHeader); return NULL; } if (GetFieldValue(pNameInfo, "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO", "Name.Length", ObjectName.Length) || GetFieldValue(pNameInfo, "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO", "Name.Buffer", ObjectName.Buffer) || GetFieldValue(pNameInfo, "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO", "Name.MaximumLength", ObjectName.MaximumLength)) { dprintf( "%08p: Unable to read object name info\n", pNameInfo ); return NULL; } if (ObjectName.Length == 0 || ObjectName.Buffer == 0) { return NULL; } if (ObjectName.Length >= sizeof(ObjectNameBuffer) ) { ObjectName.Length = sizeof(ObjectNameBuffer) - sizeof(WCHAR); } if ( !ReadMemory( ObjectName.Buffer, ObjectNameBuffer, ObjectName.Length, &Result) ) { swprintf( ObjectNameBuffer, L"(%08lx: name not accessable)", ObjectName.Buffer ); } else { ObjectNameBuffer[ ( ObjectName.Length / sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ] = UNICODE_NULL; } return ObjectNameBuffer; } BOOLEAN WalkObjectsByType( IN PUCHAR ObjectTypeName, IN ENUM_TYPE_ROUTINE EnumRoutine, IN PVOID Parameter ) { ULONG Result; LIST_ENTRY64 ListEntry; ULONG64 Head, Next; ULONG64 pObjectHeader; ULONG64 pObjectType; BOOLEAN WalkingBackwards; ULONG64 pCreatorInfo; ULONG TotalNumberOfObjects=0; ULONG TypeListOffset=0; ULONG CreatorTypeListOffset=0, CreatorTypeSizeHeader = 0; ULONG64 Flink=0, TypeList_Flink=0, TypeList_Blink=0; if (GetFieldOffset("nt!_OBJECT_TYPE", "TypeList", &TypeListOffset)) { return FALSE; } pObjectType = FindObjectType( ObjectTypeName ); if (pObjectType == 0) { dprintf( "*** unable to find '%s' object type.\n", ObjectTypeName ); return FALSE; } if (GetFieldValue(pObjectType, "nt!_OBJECT_TYPE", "TypeList.Flink", Flink)) { dprintf( "%08lx: Unable to read object type\n", pObjectType ); return FALSE; } GetFieldValue(pObjectType, "nt!_OBJECT_TYPE", "TypeList.Blink", TypeList_Blink); GetFieldValue(pObjectType, "nt!_OBJECT_TYPE", "TypeList.Flink", TypeList_Flink); GetFieldValue(pObjectType, "nt!_OBJECT_TYPE", "TotalNumberOfObjects", TotalNumberOfObjects); dprintf( "Scanning %u objects of type '%s'\n", TotalNumberOfObjects & 0x00FFFFFF, ObjectTypeName ); Head = pObjectType + TypeListOffset; ListEntry.Flink = TypeList_Flink; ListEntry.Blink = TypeList_Blink; Next = Flink; WalkingBackwards = FALSE; if ((TotalNumberOfObjects & 0x00FFFFFF) != 0 && Next == Head) { dprintf( "*** objects of the same type are only linked together if the %x flag is set in NtGlobalFlags\n", FLG_MAINTAIN_OBJECT_TYPELIST ); return TRUE; } if (GetFieldOffset("nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_CREATOR_INFO", "TypeList", &CreatorTypeListOffset)) { return FALSE; } CreatorTypeSizeHeader = GetTypeSize("nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_CREATOR_INFO"); while (Next != Head) { if ( GetFieldValue(Next, "nt!_LIST_ENTRY", "Blink", ListEntry.Blink) || GetFieldValue(Next, "nt!_LIST_ENTRY", "Flink", ListEntry.Flink)) { if (WalkingBackwards) { dprintf( "%08p: Unable to read object type list\n", Next ); return FALSE; } // // Switch to walk in reverse direction // WalkingBackwards = TRUE ; Next = TypeList_Blink; dprintf( "%08p: Switch to walking backwards\n", Next ); continue; } pCreatorInfo = Next - CreatorTypeListOffset; // CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, OBJECT_HEADER_CREATOR_INFO, TypeList ); pObjectHeader = pCreatorInfo + CreatorTypeSizeHeader; if ( GetFieldValue( pObjectHeader,"nt!OBJECT_HEADER","Flags", Result) ) { dprintf( "%08p: Not a valid object header\n", pObjectHeader ); return FALSE; } if ( !(Result & OB_FLAG_CREATOR_INFO) ) { dprintf("WARNING: Object header %p flag (%hx) does not have OB_FLAG_CREATOR_INFO (%hx) set\n", pObjectHeader, Result, OB_FLAG_CREATOR_INFO); return FALSE; } // // Not reading the objectheader as before, just pass the address // if (!(EnumRoutine)( pObjectHeader, Parameter )) { return FALSE; } if ( CheckControlC() ) { return FALSE; } if (WalkingBackwards) { Next = ListEntry.Blink; } else { Next = ListEntry.Flink; } } return TRUE; } BOOLEAN CaptureObjectName( IN ULONG64 pObjectHeader, IN PWSTR Buffer, IN ULONG BufferSize ) { ULONG Result; PWSTR s1 = L"*** unable to get object name"; PWSTR s = &Buffer[ BufferSize ]; ULONG n = BufferSize * sizeof( WCHAR ); ULONG64 pNameInfo; ULONG64 pObjectDirectoryHeader = 0; ULONG64 ObjectDirectory; UNICODE_STRING64 Name; ULONG BodyOffset; Buffer[ 0 ] = UNICODE_NULL; KD_OBJECT_HEADER_TO_NAME_INFO( pObjectHeader, &pNameInfo ); if (pNameInfo == 0) { return TRUE; } if ( GetFieldValue(pNameInfo, "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO", "Name.Buffer", Name.Buffer)) { wcscpy( Buffer, s1 ); return FALSE; } GetFieldValue(pNameInfo, "_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO", "Name.Length", Name.Length); GetFieldValue(pNameInfo, "_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO", "Name.MaximumLength", Name.MaximumLength); if (Name.Length == 0) { return TRUE; } if (Name.Length > (ULONG64) (s - Buffer)) { if (Name.Length > 1024) { wsprintfW(Buffer, L"*** Bad object Name length for ObjHdr at %I64lx", UNEXTEND64(pObjectHeader)); return FALSE; } Name.Length = (USHORT) (ULONG64) (s - Buffer); } *--s = UNICODE_NULL; s = (PWCH)((PCH)s - Name.Length); if ( !ReadMemory( Name.Buffer, s, Name.Length, &Result) ) { wcscpy( Buffer, s1 ); return FALSE; } GetFieldValue(pNameInfo, "_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO", "Directory", ObjectDirectory); while ((ObjectDirectory != ObpRootDirectoryObject) && (ObjectDirectory)) { pObjectDirectoryHeader = KD_OBJECT_TO_OBJECT_HEADER(ObjectDirectory); KD_OBJECT_HEADER_TO_NAME_INFO( pObjectDirectoryHeader, &pNameInfo ); if ( GetFieldValue(pNameInfo, "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO", "Name.Buffer", Name.Buffer)) { wcscpy( Buffer, s1 ); return FALSE; } GetFieldValue(pNameInfo, "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO", "Name.Length", Name.Length); GetFieldValue(pNameInfo, "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO", "Name.MaximumLength", Name.MaximumLength); if (Name.Length > (ULONG64) (s - Buffer)) { if (Name.Length > 1024) { wsprintfW(Buffer, L"*** Bad object Name length for ObjHdr at %I64lx", UNEXTEND64(pObjectDirectoryHeader)); return FALSE; } Name.Length = (USHORT) (ULONG64) (s - Buffer); } *--s = OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR; s = (PWCH)((PCH)s - Name.Length); if ( !ReadMemory( Name.Buffer, s, Name.Length, &Result) ) { wcscpy( Buffer, s1 ); return FALSE; } ObjectDirectory = 0; GetFieldValue(pNameInfo, "nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO", "Directory", ObjectDirectory); if ( CheckControlC() ) { return FALSE; } } *--s = OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR; wcscpy( Buffer, s ); return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static BOOL ReadStructFieldVerbose( ULONG64 AddrStructBase, PCHAR StructTypeName, PCHAR StructFieldName, PVOID Buffer, ULONG BufferSize ) { ULONG FieldOffset; ULONG ErrorCode; BOOL Success; Success = FALSE; // // Get the field offset // ErrorCode = GetFieldOffset (StructTypeName, StructFieldName, &FieldOffset ); if (ErrorCode == S_OK) { // // Read the data // Success = ReadMemory (AddrStructBase + FieldOffset, Buffer, BufferSize, NULL ); if (Success != TRUE) { dprintf ("ERROR: Cannot read structure field value at 0x%p, error %u\n", AddrStructBase + FieldOffset, ErrorCode ); } } else { dprintf ("ERROR: Cannot get field offset of %s in %s, error %u\n", StructFieldName, StructTypeName, ErrorCode ); } return Success; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static BOOL ReadPtrStructFieldVerbose( ULONG64 AddrStructBase, PCHAR StructTypeName, PCHAR StructFieldName, PULONG64 Buffer ) { ULONG FieldOffset; ULONG ErrorCode; BOOL Success; Success = FALSE; // // Get the field offset inside the structure // ErrorCode = GetFieldOffset (StructTypeName, StructFieldName, &FieldOffset ); if (ErrorCode == S_OK) { // // Read the data // ErrorCode = ReadPtr (AddrStructBase + FieldOffset, Buffer ); if (ErrorCode != S_OK) { dprintf ("ERROR: Cannot read structure field value at 0x%p, error %u\n", AddrStructBase + FieldOffset, ErrorCode ); } else { Success = TRUE; } } else { dprintf ("ERROR: Cannot get field offset of %s in structure %s, error %u\n", StructFieldName, StructTypeName, ErrorCode ); } return Success; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static BOOL DumpStackTrace (ULONG64 PointerAddress, ULONG MaxStackTraceDepth, ULONG PointerSize) { ULONG64 CodePointer; ULONG64 Displacement; ULONG StackTraceDepth; ULONG ErrorCode; BOOL Continue; char Symbol[ 1024 ]; Continue = TRUE; for (StackTraceDepth = 0; StackTraceDepth < MaxStackTraceDepth; StackTraceDepth += 1) { if (CheckControlC()) { Continue = FALSE; goto Done; } ErrorCode = ReadPtr (PointerAddress, &CodePointer ); if (ErrorCode != S_OK) { dprintf ("ERROR: Cannot read address at 0x%p, error %u\n", PointerAddress, ErrorCode ); } else { if( CodePointer == 0 ) { // // End of stack trace // goto Done; } GetSymbol (CodePointer, Symbol, &Displacement); dprintf ("0x%p: %s+0x%I64X\n", CodePointer, Symbol, Displacement ); } PointerAddress += PointerSize; } Done: return Continue; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static BOOL DumpHandleTraceEntry (ULONG64 TraceDbEntry, ULONG64 Handle, ULONG64 NullHandleEntry, ULONG StackTraceFieldOffset, ULONG MaxStackTraceDepth, ULONG PointerSize, PULONG EntriesDisplayed) { ULONG64 EntryHandle; ULONG Type; BOOL Success; BOOL Continue; #ifndef HANDLE_TRACE_DB_OPEN #define HANDLE_TRACE_DB_OPEN 1 #endif #ifndef HANDLE_TRACE_DB_CLOSE #define HANDLE_TRACE_DB_CLOSE 2 #endif #ifndef HANDLE_TRACE_DB_BADREF #define HANDLE_TRACE_DB_BADREF 3 #endif Continue = TRUE; // // Read the handle of this entry // Success = ReadPtrStructFieldVerbose (TraceDbEntry, "nt!_HANDLE_TRACE_DB_ENTRY", "Handle", &EntryHandle ); if (Success == FALSE) { dprintf ("ERROR: Cannot read handle for trace database entry at 0x%p.\n", TraceDbEntry ); goto Done; } // // Read the operation type // Success = ReadStructFieldVerbose (TraceDbEntry, "nt!_HANDLE_TRACE_DB_ENTRY", "Type", &Type, sizeof( Type ) ); if (Success == FALSE) { dprintf ("ERROR: Cannot read operation type for trace database entry at 0x%p.\n", TraceDbEntry ); goto Done; } if (EntryHandle == 0 && Type == 0 && TraceDbEntry != NullHandleEntry) { // // We are done parsing the database. // Continue = FALSE; goto Done; } // // Check if we need to dump this entry. // if (Handle == 0 || Handle == EntryHandle) { *EntriesDisplayed += 1; dprintf( "--------------------------------------\n" "Handle 0x%I64X - ", EntryHandle ); switch( Type ) { case HANDLE_TRACE_DB_OPEN: dprintf( "OPEN:\n" ); break; case HANDLE_TRACE_DB_CLOSE: dprintf( "CLOSE:\n" ); break; case HANDLE_TRACE_DB_BADREF: dprintf( "*** BAD REFERENCE ***:\n" ); break; default: dprintf( "ERROR: Invalid operation type for database entry at 0x%p\n", TraceDbEntry ); Continue = FALSE; goto Done; } Continue = DumpStackTrace (TraceDbEntry + StackTraceFieldOffset, MaxStackTraceDepth, PointerSize ); } Done: return Continue; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static VOID DumpHandleTraces (ULONG64 Process, ULONG64 Handle) { ULONG64 ObjectTable; ULONG64 DebugInfo; ULONG64 TraceDbEntry; ULONG64 FirstDbEntry; ULONG SizeofDbEntry; ULONG CurrentStackIndex; ULONG SizeofDebugInfo; ULONG TraceDbFieldOffset; ULONG EntriesInTraceDb; ULONG EntriesParsed; ULONG StackTraceFieldOffset; ULONG MaxStackTraceDepth; ULONG PointerTypeSize; ULONG ErrorCode; ULONG EntriesDisplayed; BOOL Success; BOOL Continue; EntriesParsed = 0; EntriesDisplayed = 0; // // Get the pointer type size // PointerTypeSize = GetTypeSize ("nt!PVOID"); if (PointerTypeSize == 0) { dprintf ("ERROR: Cannot get the pointer size.\n"); goto Done; } // // Read the address of the object table structure // Success = ReadPtrStructFieldVerbose (Process, "nt!_EPROCESS", "ObjectTable", &ObjectTable); if (Success == FALSE) { dprintf ("ERROR: Cannot read process object table address.\n"); goto Done; } else { dprintf ("ObjectTable 0x%p\n\n", ObjectTable ); } // // Read the DebugInfo from the handle table structure // Success = ReadPtrStructFieldVerbose (ObjectTable, "nt!_HANDLE_TABLE", "DebugInfo", &DebugInfo ); if (Success == FALSE) { dprintf( "ERROR: Cannot read object table debug information.\n" ); goto Done; } if (DebugInfo == 0) { dprintf( "Trace information is not enabled for this process.\n" ); goto Done; } // // Get the current index in the trace database // Success = ReadStructFieldVerbose (DebugInfo, "nt!_HANDLE_TRACE_DEBUG_INFO", "CurrentStackIndex", &CurrentStackIndex, sizeof( CurrentStackIndex ) ); if (Success == FALSE) { dprintf( "ERROR: Cannot read the current index of the trace database.\n" ); goto Done; } // // Get the size of the HANDLE_TRACE_DB_ENTRY type // SizeofDbEntry = GetTypeSize ("nt!HANDLE_TRACE_DB_ENTRY"); if (SizeofDbEntry == 0) { dprintf ("Cannot get the size of the trace database entry structure\n"); goto Done; } // // Get the max number of entries in the StackTrace array inside HANDLE_TRACE_DB_ENTRY // ErrorCode = GetFieldOffset ("nt!_HANDLE_TRACE_DB_ENTRY", "StackTrace", &StackTraceFieldOffset); if (ErrorCode != S_OK) { dprintf ("Cannot get StackTrace field offset.\n"); goto Done; } MaxStackTraceDepth = (SizeofDbEntry - StackTraceFieldOffset) / PointerTypeSize; // // Get the size of the HANDLE_TRACE_DEBUG_INFO type // SizeofDebugInfo = GetTypeSize ("nt!HANDLE_TRACE_DEBUG_INFO"); if (SizeofDebugInfo == 0) { dprintf ("ERROR: Cannot get the size of the debug info structure\n"); goto Done; } // // Get the offset of TraceDb inside the _HANDLE_TRACE_DEBUG_INFO structure // ErrorCode = GetFieldOffset ("nt!_HANDLE_TRACE_DEBUG_INFO", "TraceDb", &TraceDbFieldOffset); if (ErrorCode != S_OK) { dprintf ("ERROR: Cannot get TraceDb field offset.\n"); goto Done; } // // Compute the number of entries in the TraceDb array // EntriesInTraceDb = (SizeofDebugInfo - TraceDbFieldOffset) / SizeofDbEntry; if (EntriesInTraceDb == 0) { dprintf ("ERROR: zero entries in the trace database.\n"); goto Done; } CurrentStackIndex = CurrentStackIndex % EntriesInTraceDb; // // Compute a pointer to the current stack trace database entry // FirstDbEntry = DebugInfo + TraceDbFieldOffset; TraceDbEntry = FirstDbEntry + CurrentStackIndex * SizeofDbEntry; // // Dump all the valid entries in the array // EntriesDisplayed = 0; for (EntriesParsed = 0; EntriesParsed < EntriesInTraceDb; EntriesParsed += 1) { if (CheckControlC()) { goto Done; } // // The first entry in the array is never used so skip it // if (EntriesParsed != CurrentStackIndex) { Continue = DumpHandleTraceEntry( TraceDbEntry, Handle, FirstDbEntry, StackTraceFieldOffset, MaxStackTraceDepth, PointerTypeSize, &EntriesDisplayed ); if (Continue == FALSE) { // // This current entry is free or the user pressed Ctrl-C // so we don't have any entries left to dump. // EntriesParsed += 1; break; } // // Go backward // TraceDbEntry -= SizeofDbEntry; } else { // // We should be at the beginning of the array // if( TraceDbEntry != FirstDbEntry ) { dprintf ("ERROR: 0x%p should be the beginning of the traces array 0x%p\n", TraceDbEntry, FirstDbEntry); goto Done; } // // Start over again with the last entry in the array // TraceDbEntry = DebugInfo + TraceDbFieldOffset + ( EntriesInTraceDb - 1 ) * SizeofDbEntry; } } Done: dprintf ("\n--------------------------------------\n" "Parsed 0x%X stack traces.\n" "Dumped 0x%X stack traces.\n", EntriesParsed, EntriesDisplayed); NOTHING; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DECLARE_API( htrace ) /*++ Routine Description: Dump the trace information for a handle Arguments: args - [process] [handle] Return Value: None --*/ { ULONG64 Handle; ULONG64 Process; ULONG CurrentProcessor; // // Did the user ask for help? // if(strcmp( args, "-?" ) == 0 || strcmp( args, "?" ) == 0 || strcmp( args, "-h" ) == 0) { dprintf( "\n!htrace [ handle [process] ] - dump handle tracing information.\n" ); goto Done; } Handle = 0; Process = 0; // // Get the current processor number // if (!GetCurrentProcessor(Client, &CurrentProcessor, NULL)) { CurrentProcessor = 0; } // // Did the user specify a process and a handle? // GetExpressionEx(args, &Handle, &args); if (args && *args) { GetExpressionEx(args, &Process, &args); } if (Process == 0) { GetCurrentProcessAddr( CurrentProcessor, 0, &Process ); if (Process == 0) { dprintf ("Cannot get current process address\n"); goto Done; } else { dprintf( "Process 0x%p\n", Process ); } } else { dprintf ("Process 0x%p\n", Process ); } DumpHandleTraces (Process, Handle); Done: return S_OK; } DECLARE_API( driveinfo ) { CHAR VolumeName[100]; CHAR ObjectName[100]; ULONG i=0; ULONG64 Object; CHAR targetVolume[100]={0}; ULONG64 DevObjVPB; ULONG64 VpbDevice; ULONG64 DriverObject; ULONG64 DrvNameAddr; OBJECT_INFO ObjectInfo; WCHAR FileSystem[100]={0}; PWSTR FsType; ULONG NameLen; ULONG result; while (*args == ' ') ++args; while (*args && *args != ' ' && i < sizeof(VolumeName)) { VolumeName[i++] = *args++; } if (!i) { dprintf("Usage : !driveinfo [:]\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; } if (VolumeName[i-1] == ':') { --i; } VolumeName[i]=0; // Build Object name strcpy(ObjectName, "\\global\?\?\\"); if ((StringCchCat(ObjectName, sizeof(ObjectName), VolumeName) != S_OK) || (StringCchCat(ObjectName, sizeof(ObjectName), ":") != S_OK)) { Object = 0; } else { // GetObject info Object = FindObjectByName((PUCHAR) ObjectName, 0); } if (!Object) { dprintf("Drive object not found for %s\n", ObjectName); return E_FAIL; } dprintf("Drive %s:, DriveObject %p\n", VolumeName, Object); if (!GetObjectInfo(Object, &ObjectInfo)) { dprintf( "%s\n", ObjectInfo.Message ); return E_FAIL; } if (ObjectInfo.ObjectName[ 0 ] != UNICODE_NULL || ObjectInfo.NameInfo.Directory != 0 ) { dprintf( " Directory Object: %08p Name: %ws", ObjectInfo.NameInfo.Directory, ObjectInfo.ObjectName ); if (ObjectInfo.FileSystemName[0] != UNICODE_NULL) { dprintf( " {%ws}\n", ObjectInfo.FileSystemName ); } else { dprintf( "\n" ); } } if (!wcscmp( ObjectInfo.TypeName, L"SymbolicLink" )) { DumpSymbolicLinkObject( " ", Object, targetVolume, sizeof(targetVolume) ); } // devobj for volume Object = FindObjectByName((PUCHAR) targetVolume, 0); if (!Object) { dprintf("Object not found for %s\n", targetVolume); return E_FAIL; } dprintf(" Volume DevObj: %p\n", Object); // Now get the vpb (volume parameter block) for devobj if (GetFieldValue(Object, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "Vpb", DevObjVPB)) { dprintf("Cannot get nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT.Vpb @ %p\n", DevObjVPB); return E_FAIL; } // Now find device object of VPB if (GetFieldValue(DevObjVPB, "nt!_VPB", "DeviceObject", VpbDevice)) { dprintf("Cannot get nt!_VPB.DeviceObject @ %p\n", VpbDevice); return E_FAIL; } dprintf(" Vpb: %p DeviceObject: %p\n", DevObjVPB, VpbDevice); // Get fielsystem for VPB Device if (GetFieldValue(VpbDevice, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "DriverObject", DriverObject)) { dprintf("Error in getting _DEVICE_OBJECT.DriverObject @ %p\n", VpbDevice); return E_FAIL; } if (GetFieldValue(DriverObject, "nt!_DRIVER_OBJECT", "DriverName.MaximumLength", NameLen)) { dprintf("Cannot get driver name for %p\n", DriverObject); return E_FAIL; } GetFieldValue(DriverObject, "nt!_DRIVER_OBJECT", "DriverName.Buffer", DrvNameAddr); if (NameLen >= sizeof(FileSystem)/sizeof(WCHAR)) { NameLen = sizeof(FileSystem)/sizeof(WCHAR)-1; } if (!ReadMemory( DrvNameAddr,FileSystem,NameLen,&result)) { dprintf("Filesystem driver name paged out"); return E_FAIL; } dprintf(" FileSystem: %ws\n", FileSystem); FsType = FileSystem + wcslen(L"\\FileSystem")+1; if (!wcscmp(FsType, L"Fastfat")) { ULONG NumberOfClusters, NumberOfFreeClusters, LogOfBytesPerSector, LogOfBytesPerCluster, FatIndexBitSize; ULONG64 ClusterSize; // Its a FAT system if (GetFieldValue(VpbDevice, "fastfat!VOLUME_DEVICE_OBJECT", "Vcb.AllocationSupport.NumberOfClusters", NumberOfClusters)) { dprintf("Cannot get fastfat!VOLUME_DEVICE_OBJECT.Vcb @ %p\n", VpbDevice); return E_FAIL; } InitTypeRead(VpbDevice, fastfat!VOLUME_DEVICE_OBJECT); NumberOfFreeClusters = (ULONG) ReadField(Vcb.AllocationSupport.NumberOfFreeClusters); LogOfBytesPerSector = (ULONG) ReadField(Vcb.AllocationSupport.LogOfBytesPerSector); LogOfBytesPerCluster = (ULONG) ReadField(Vcb.AllocationSupport.LogOfBytesPerCluster); FatIndexBitSize = (ULONG) ReadField(Vcb.AllocationSupport.FatIndexBitSize); ClusterSize = (ULONG64) 1 << LogOfBytesPerCluster; dprintf(" Volume has 0x%lx (free) / 0x%lx (total) clusters of size 0x%I64lx\n", NumberOfFreeClusters, NumberOfClusters, ClusterSize); #define _MB( Bytes ) ((double)(Bytes)/(((ULONG64)1) << 20)) dprintf(" %I64g of %I64g MB free\n", _MB(NumberOfFreeClusters*ClusterSize), _MB(NumberOfClusters*ClusterSize)); } else if (!wcscmp(FsType, L"Ntfs")) { // Ntfs filesystem ULONG64 TotalClusters, FreeClusters, BytesPerCluster; if (GetFieldValue(VpbDevice, "ntfs!VOLUME_DEVICE_OBJECT", "Vcb.TotalClusters", TotalClusters)) { dprintf("Cannot get ntfs!VOLUME_DEVICE_OBJECT.Vcb @ %p\n", VpbDevice); return E_FAIL; } InitTypeRead(VpbDevice, ntfs!VOLUME_DEVICE_OBJECT); FreeClusters = ReadField(Vcb.FreeClusters); BytesPerCluster = ReadField(Vcb.BytesPerCluster); dprintf(" Volume has 0x%I64lx (free) / 0x%I64lx (total) clusters of size 0x%I64lx\n", FreeClusters, TotalClusters, BytesPerCluster); dprintf(" %I64g of %I64g MB free\n", _MB(FreeClusters*BytesPerCluster), _MB(TotalClusters*BytesPerCluster)); } return S_OK; }