/*++ Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: pcmcia.c Abstract: WinDbg Extension Api to dump PCMCIA driver structures. This module references some routines & types defined in devnode.c Author: Ravisankar Pudipeddi (ravisp) 1-Dec-1997 Neil Sandlin (neilsa) 1-June-1999 Environment: User Mode. --*/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop #define FLAG_NAME(flag) {flag, #flag} // // Table of PCMCIA device extension flags // update them from pcmcia.h // FLAG_NAME PcmciaDeviceFlags[] = { FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_DEVICE_STARTED), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_DEVICE_LOGICALLY_REMOVED), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_DEVICE_PHYSICALLY_REMOVED), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_DEVICE_MULTIFUNCTION), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_DEVICE_WAKE_PENDING), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_DEVICE_LEGACY_DETECTED), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_DEVICE_DELETED), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_DEVICE_CARDBUS), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_FILTER_ADDED_MEMORY), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_MEMORY_24BIT), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_CARDBUS_NOT_SUPPORTED), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_USE_POLLED_CSC), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_ATTRIBUTE_MEMORY_MAPPED), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_SOCKET_REGISTER_BASE_MAPPED), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_INTMODE_COMPAQ), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_POWER_WORKER_POWERUP), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_SOCKET_POWER_REQUESTED), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_CONFIG_STATUS_DEFERRED), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_POWER_STATUS_DEFERRED), FLAG_NAME(PCMCIA_INT_ROUTE_INTERFACE), {0,0} }; // // Table of PCMCIA socket structure flags // update them from pcmcia.h // FLAG_NAME PcmciaSocketFlags[] = { FLAG_NAME(SOCKET_CARD_IN_SOCKET), FLAG_NAME(SOCKET_CARD_INITIALIZED), FLAG_NAME(SOCKET_CARD_POWERED_UP), FLAG_NAME(SOCKET_CARD_CONFIGURED), FLAG_NAME(SOCKET_CARD_MULTIFUNCTION), FLAG_NAME(SOCKET_CARD_CARDBUS), FLAG_NAME(SOCKET_CARD_MEMORY), FLAG_NAME(SOCKET_CHANGE_INTERRUPT), FLAG_NAME(SOCKET_CUSTOM_INTERFACE), FLAG_NAME(SOCKET_INSERTED_SOUND_PENDING), FLAG_NAME(SOCKET_REMOVED_SOUND_PENDING), FLAG_NAME(SOCKET_SUPPORT_MESSAGE_SENT), FLAG_NAME(SOCKET_MEMORY_WINDOW_ENABLED), FLAG_NAME(SOCKET_CARD_STATUS_CHANGE), FLAG_NAME(SOCKET_POWER_STATUS_DEFERRED), {0,0} }; ENUM_NAME PcmciaControllerTypeEnum[] = { ENUM_NAME(PcmciaIntelCompatible), ENUM_NAME(PcmciaCardBusCompatible), ENUM_NAME(PcmciaElcController), ENUM_NAME(PcmciaDatabook), ENUM_NAME(PcmciaPciPcmciaBridge), ENUM_NAME(PcmciaCirrusLogic), ENUM_NAME(PcmciaTI), ENUM_NAME(PcmciaTopic), ENUM_NAME(PcmciaRicoh), ENUM_NAME(PcmciaDatabookCB), ENUM_NAME(PcmciaOpti), ENUM_NAME(PcmciaTrid), ENUM_NAME(PcmciaO2Micro), ENUM_NAME(PcmciaNEC), ENUM_NAME(PcmciaNEC_98), ENUM_NAME(PcmciaInvalidControllerType), {0,0} }; ENUM_NAME PcmciaSocketPowerWorkerStates[] = { ENUM_NAME(SPW_Stopped), ENUM_NAME(SPW_Exit), ENUM_NAME(SPW_RequestPower), ENUM_NAME(SPW_ReleasePower), ENUM_NAME(SPW_SetPowerOn), ENUM_NAME(SPW_SetPowerOff), ENUM_NAME(SPW_ParentPowerUp), ENUM_NAME(SPW_ParentPowerUpComplete), {0,0} }; ENUM_NAME PcmciaPdoPowerWorkerStates[] = { ENUM_NAME(PPW_Stopped), ENUM_NAME(PPW_Exit), ENUM_NAME(PPW_InitialState), ENUM_NAME(PPW_PowerUp), ENUM_NAME(PPW_PowerUpComplete), ENUM_NAME(PPW_PowerDown), ENUM_NAME(PPW_PowerDownComplete), ENUM_NAME(PPW_SendIrpDown), ENUM_NAME(PPW_16BitConfigure), ENUM_NAME(PPW_Deconfigure), ENUM_NAME(PPW_VerifyCard), ENUM_NAME(PPW_CardBusRefresh), ENUM_NAME(PPW_CardBusDelay), {0,0} }; PUCHAR DeviceTypeTable[] = { "Multifunction", "Memory card", "Serial", "Parallel", "ATA", "Video", "Network controller", "AIMS", "Scsi controller", "Modem" }; VOID DumpEnum( ULONG EnumVal, PENUM_NAME EnumTable ) /*++ Routine Description: Prints the supplied enum value in a readable string format by looking it up in the supplied enum table Arguments: EnumVal - Enum to be printed EnumTable - Table in which the enum is looked up to find the string to be printed Return Value: None --*/ { ULONG i; for (i=0; EnumTable[i].Name != NULL; i++) { if (EnumTable[i].EnumVal == EnumVal) { break; } } if (EnumTable[i].Name != NULL) { dprintf("%s", EnumTable[i].Name); } else { dprintf("Unknown "); } return; } ULONG64 SocFld (ULONG64 Addr, PUCHAR Field) { ULONG64 Temp; GetFieldValue(Addr, "pcmcia!SOCKET", Field, Temp); return Temp; } VOID DumpSocket(ULONG64 Socket, ULONG Depth) /*++ Routine Description Dumps the socket structure Arguments Socket - Pointer to the socket structure Depth - Indentation at which to print Return Value None --*/ { ULONG64 tmp; dprintf("\n"); xdprintf(Depth,""); dprintf("NextSocket 0x%p\n", SocFld(Socket, "NextSocket")); xdprintf(Depth,""); dprintf("SocketFnPtr 0x%p\n", SocFld(Socket, "SocketFnPtr")); xdprintf(Depth,""); dprintf("Fdo devext 0x%p\n", SocFld(Socket, "DeviceExtension")); xdprintf(Depth,""); dprintf("PdoList 0x%p\n", SocFld(Socket, "PdoList")); DumpFlags(Depth, "Socket Flags", (ULONG) SocFld(Socket, "Flags"), PcmciaSocketFlags); xdprintf(Depth,"Revision 0x%x\n", (ULONG) SocFld(Socket, "Revision")); xdprintf(Depth,"SocketNumber 0x%x\n", (ULONG) SocFld(Socket, "SocketNumber")); xdprintf(Depth,"NumberOfFunctions %d\n", (ULONG) SocFld(Socket, "NumberOfFunctions")); xdprintf(Depth,"AddressPort 0x%x\n", (ULONG) SocFld(Socket, "AddressPort")); xdprintf(Depth,"RegisterOffset 0x%x\n", (ULONG) SocFld(Socket, "RegisterOffset")); xdprintf(Depth,"CBReg Base 0x%I64x size 0x%x\n", SocFld(Socket, "CardBusSocketRegisterBase"), SocFld(Socket, "CardBusSocketRegisterSize")); xdprintf(Depth,"CisCache 0x%x\n", (ULONG) SocFld(Socket, "CisCache")); if (tmp = SocFld(Socket, "PciDeviceRelations")) { xdprintf(Depth,"PciDeviceRelations 0x%p\n", tmp); } xdprintf(Depth,"PowerRequests %d\n", (ULONG) SocFld(Socket, "PowerRequests")); xdprintf(Depth,"PowerWorker State: "); DumpEnum((ULONG) SocFld(Socket, "WorkerState"), PcmciaSocketPowerWorkerStates); dprintf("\n"); if (SocFld(Socket, "WorkerState") != SPW_Stopped) { xdprintf(Depth," Worker Phase %d\n", (ULONG) SocFld(Socket, "WorkerPhase")); xdprintf(Depth," PowerData 0x%x\n", (ULONG) SocFld(Socket, "PowerData")); xdprintf(Depth,""); dprintf(" PowerCompletionRoutine 0x%p\n", SocFld(Socket, "PowerCompletionRoutine")); xdprintf(Depth,""); dprintf(" PowerCompletionContext 0x%p\n", SocFld(Socket, "PowerCompletionContext")); xdprintf(Depth," CallerStatus 0x%x\n", (ULONG) SocFld(Socket, "CallerStatus")); xdprintf(Depth," DeferredStatus 0x%x\n", (ULONG) SocFld(Socket, "DeferredStatus")); xdprintf(Depth," DeferredPowerRequests 0x%x\n", (ULONG) SocFld(Socket, "DeferredPowerRequests")); } dprintf("\n"); return; } VOID DumpDevicePowerState(IN DEVICE_POWER_STATE PowerState) /*++ Routine Description Converts the supplied enum device power state to a string & dumps it. Arguments PowerState - Device power state Return Value None --*/ { dprintf(" DevicePowerState: "); switch (PowerState) { case PowerDeviceUnspecified: { dprintf("PowerDeviceUnspecfied\n"); break; } case PowerDeviceD0: { dprintf("PowerDeviceD0\n"); break; } case PowerDeviceD1: { dprintf("PowerDeviceD1\n"); break; } case PowerDeviceD2: { dprintf("PowerDeviceD2\n"); break; } case PowerDeviceD3: { dprintf("PowerDeviceD3\n"); break; } default: dprintf("???\n"); } } VOID DumpSystemPowerState(IN SYSTEM_POWER_STATE PowerState) /*++ Routine Description Converts the supplied enum system power state to a string & dumps it. Arguments PowerState - System power state Return Value None --*/ { dprintf(" SystemPowerState: "); switch (PowerState) { case PowerSystemUnspecified: { dprintf("PowerSystemUnspecfied\n"); break; } case PowerSystemWorking:{ dprintf("PowerSystemWorking\n"); break; } case PowerSystemSleeping1: { dprintf("PowerSystemSleeping1\n"); break; } case PowerSystemSleeping2: { dprintf("PowerSystemSleeping2\n"); break; } case PowerSystemSleeping3: { dprintf("PowerSystemSleeping3\n"); break; } case PowerSystemHibernate: { dprintf("PowerSystemHibernate\n"); break; } case PowerSystemShutdown: { dprintf("PowerSystemShutdown\n"); break; } default: dprintf("???\n"); } } ULONG64 ConfigFld (ULONG64 Addr, PUCHAR Field) { ULONG64 Temp; GetFieldValue(Addr, "pcmcia!SOCKET_CONFIGURATION", Field, Temp); return Temp; } VOID DumpSocketConfiguration(ULONG64 Config, ULONG Depth) /*++ Routine Description Dumps the current configuration of the socket Arguments Config - Pointer to the current configuration for the socket Depth - Indentation at which to print Return Value None --*/ { ULONG i; ULONG NumberOfIoPortRanges, NumberOfMemoryRanges; CHAR Buffer[40], Buffer2[40], Buffer3[40]; xdprintf(Depth, "Irq 0x%x\n", (ULONG) ConfigFld(Config, "Irq")); xdprintf(Depth, "ReadyIrq 0x%x\n", (ULONG) ConfigFld(Config, "ReadyIrq")); if ((NumberOfIoPortRanges = (ULONG) ConfigFld(Config, "NumberOfIoPortRanges")) > 0) { xdprintf(Depth, "%x I/O range(s) configured, %s: ", NumberOfIoPortRanges, (ConfigFld(Config, "Io16BitAccess") ? "16-bit access" : "8-bit access")); for (i = 0; i < NumberOfIoPortRanges; i++) { if (CheckControlC()) { break; } sprintf(Buffer, "IoPortBase[%d]", i); sprintf(Buffer2, "IoPortLength[%d]", i); xdprintf(Depth+1, "Base 0x%x, length 0x%x\n", (ULONG) ConfigFld(Config, Buffer), (ULONG) ConfigFld(Config, Buffer2) +1); } } if ((NumberOfMemoryRanges = (ULONG) ConfigFld(Config, "NumberOfMemoryRanges")) > 0) { xdprintf(Depth, "%x memory range(s) configured", NumberOfMemoryRanges); if (ConfigFld(Config, "Mem16BitAccess")) { dprintf(", 16-bit access"); } else { dprintf(", 8-bit access"); } dprintf(":\n"); for (i = 0; i < NumberOfMemoryRanges; i++) { if (CheckControlC()) { break; } sprintf(Buffer, "MemoryHostBase[%d]", i); sprintf(Buffer2, "MemoryCardBase[%d]", i); sprintf(Buffer3, "MemoryLength[%d]", i); xdprintf(Depth+1,"Host base 0x%x, card base 0x%x, length 0x%x\n", (ULONG) ConfigFld(Config, Buffer), (ULONG) ConfigFld(Config, Buffer2), (ULONG) ConfigFld(Config, Buffer3)); } } } VOID DumpIrqMask(ULONG IrqMask) /*++ Routine Description Dumps IRQ values as specified by the supplied mask. Arguments IrqMask - Values correspoinging to bits set to 1 in this mask are dumped: the value of a bit is 0-based, counted from LSB to MSB Return Value None --*/ { ULONG temp, index, count; temp = 1; index = 0; count = 0; while (temp) { if (temp & IrqMask) { if (count > 0) { // // Print trailing comma // dprintf(","); } dprintf("%x", index); count++; } temp <<= 1; index++; } dprintf("\n"); } ULONG64 EntryFld (ULONG64 Addr, PUCHAR Field) { ULONG64 Temp; GetFieldValue(Addr, "pcmcia!CONFIG_ENTRY", Field, Temp); return Temp; } VOID DumpConfigEntry(ULONG64 Config, ULONG Depth) /*++ Routine Description Dumps a single "config entry", i.e. the encapsulation of a CISTPL_CONFIG_ENTRY tuple on a pc-card Arguments Config - Pointer to the config entry Depth - Indentation at which to print Return Value None --*/ { ULONG i; ULONG NumberOfIoPortRanges, NumberOfMemoryRanges, IrqMask; CHAR buffer[40], buffer2[40], buffer3[40]; if (EntryFld(Config, "Flags") & PCMCIA_INVALID_CONFIGURATION) { xdprintf(Depth, "**This is an invalid configuration**\n"); } xdprintf(Depth, "Index: 0x%x\n", (ULONG) EntryFld(Config, "IndexForThisConfiguration")); if ((NumberOfIoPortRanges = (ULONG) EntryFld(Config, "NumberOfIoPortRanges")) > 0) { for (i = 0; i < NumberOfIoPortRanges; i++) { ULONG IoPortBase; if (CheckControlC()) { break; } sprintf(buffer,"IoPortBase[%d]",i); sprintf(buffer2,"IoPortLength[%d]",i); sprintf(buffer3,"IoPortAlignment[%d]",i); if ((IoPortBase = (ULONG) EntryFld(Config, buffer)) == 0) { xdprintf(Depth,"I/O Any range of "); } else { xdprintf(Depth,"I/O Base 0x%x, ", IoPortBase); } dprintf("length 0x%x, alignment 0x%x, ", (ULONG) EntryFld(Config, buffer2)+1, (ULONG) EntryFld(Config, buffer3)); if (EntryFld(Config, "Io16BitAccess") && EntryFld(Config, "Io8BitAccess")) { dprintf("16/8-bit access"); } else if (EntryFld(Config, "Io16BitAccess")) { dprintf("16-bit access"); } else if (EntryFld(Config, "Io8BitAccess")) { dprintf("8-bit access"); } dprintf("\n"); } } if ((NumberOfMemoryRanges = (ULONG) EntryFld(Config, "NumberOfMemoryRanges")) > 0) { for (i = 0; i < NumberOfMemoryRanges; i++) { if (CheckControlC()) { break; } sprintf(buffer,"MemoryHostBase[%d]",i); sprintf(buffer2,"MemoryCardBase[%d]",i); sprintf(buffer3,"MemoryLength[%d]",i); xdprintf(Depth,"MEM Host base 0x%x, card base 0x%x, len 0x%x\n", (ULONG) EntryFld(Config, buffer), (ULONG) EntryFld(Config, buffer2), (ULONG) EntryFld(Config, buffer3)); } } if ((IrqMask = (ULONG) EntryFld(Config, "IrqMask")) != 0) { xdprintf(Depth,"IRQ - one of: ", IrqMask); DumpIrqMask(IrqMask); } // // Have to dump level/share disposition information some time.. // } VOID DumpPcCardType(UCHAR Type, ULONG Depth) /*++ Routine Description Prints the device type of the pc-card Arguments Type - Device type value Depth - Indentation Return value None --*/ { PUCHAR s; xdprintf(Depth,"Device type: "); // // Type should be <= number of DeviceTypeTable entries - 1 // if ((ULONG) Type >= sizeof(DeviceTypeTable)) { dprintf("Unknown\n"); } else { dprintf("%s\n", DeviceTypeTable[(ULONG) Type]); } } VOID DumpConfigEntryChain(ULONG64 ConfigEntryChain, ULONG Depth) /*++ Routine Description Dumps the chain of config entries Arguments ConfigEntryChain - pointer to head of config entry list Depth - indentation --*/ { ULONG64 ce; ce = ConfigEntryChain; while (ce != 0) { if (CheckControlC()) { break; } xdprintf(Depth, ""); dprintf("ConfigEntry: 0x%p\n", ce); if (!GetFieldValue(ce, "pcmcia!CONFIG_ENTRY", "NextEntry", ConfigEntryChain)) { DumpConfigEntry(ce, Depth+1); ce = ConfigEntryChain; } else { ce = 0; } } } ULONG64 SocDataFld (ULONG64 Addr, PUCHAR Field) { ULONG64 Temp; GetFieldValue(Addr, "pcmcia!SOCKET_DATA", Field, Temp); return Temp; } VOID DumpSocketData(ULONG64 SocketData, ULONG Depth) /*++ Routine Description Dumps the socket data structure hanging off the device extension for a pc-card pdo, which describes in entirety the pc-card, it's resource/power requirements etc. Arguments SocketData - Pointer to the socket data structure Depth - Indentation at which to print Return Value None --*/ { ULONG d; CHAR Mfg[80]={0}, Ident[80]={0}; ULONG64 DefaultConfiguration; xdprintf(Depth, ""); dprintf("NextSocketData 0x%p PrevSocketData 0x%p\n", SocDataFld(SocketData, "Next"), SocDataFld(SocketData, "Prev")); xdprintf(Depth, ""); dprintf("PdoExtension 0x%p\n", SocDataFld(SocketData, "PdoExtension")); GetFieldValue(SocketData, "pcmcia!SOCKET_DATA", "Mfg", Mfg); GetFieldValue(SocketData, "pcmcia!SOCKET_DATA", "Ident", Ident); xdprintf(Depth, "Manufacturer: %s Identifier: %s\n", Mfg, Ident); DumpPcCardType((UCHAR) SocDataFld(SocketData, "DeviceType"), Depth); xdprintf(Depth,"CisCrc: 0x%X LastEntryInCardConfig: 0x%x\n", (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "CisCrc"), (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "LastEntryInCardConfig")); xdprintf(Depth, "Manufacturer Code: 0x%x Info: 0x%x\n", (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "ManufacturerCode"), (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "ManufacturerInfo")); xdprintf(Depth, "Config Register Base: 0x%I64x\n", SocDataFld(SocketData, "ConfigRegisterBase")); // // Dump all the config entries hanging off this socket's pc-card // DumpConfigEntryChain(SocDataFld(SocketData, "ConfigEntryChain"), Depth); xdprintf(Depth, ""); dprintf("Default Configuration: 0x%p\n", (DefaultConfiguration = SocDataFld(SocketData, "DefaultConfiguration"))); if (DefaultConfiguration != 0) { DumpConfigEntry(DefaultConfiguration, Depth+1); } xdprintf(Depth,"Vcc: 0x%x Vpp1: 0x%x Vpp2 0x%x\n", (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "Vcc"), (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "Vpp1"), (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "Vpp2")); xdprintf(Depth,"Audio: 0x%x RegistersPresentMask 0x%x\n", (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "Audio"), (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "RegistersPresentMask")); xdprintf(Depth, "ConfigIndex used for current card configuration: 0x%x\n", (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "ConfigIndexUsed")); xdprintf(Depth, "Function number (in a multifunc. card): 0x%x\n", (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "Function")); xdprintf(Depth, "Instance number: 0x%x\n", (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "Instance")); xdprintf(Depth, "Mf ResourceMap: irq index %x.%x, i/o index %x.%x, mem index %x.%x\n", (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "MfIrqResourceMapIndex"), (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "MfNeedsIrq"), (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "MfIoPortResourceMapIndex"), (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "MfIoPortCount"), (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "MfMemoryResourceMapIndex"), (ULONG) SocDataFld(SocketData, "MfMemoryCount")); } ULONG64 PDOxFld (ULONG64 Addr, PUCHAR Field) { ULONG64 Temp; GetFieldValue(Addr, "pcmcia!PDO_EXTENSION", Field, Temp); return Temp; } ULONG64 FDOxFld (ULONG64 Addr, PUCHAR Field) { ULONG64 Temp; GetFieldValue(Addr, "pcmcia!FDO_EXTENSION", Field, Temp); return Temp; } VOID DevExtPcmcia( ULONG64 Extension ) /*++ Routine Description: Dump a PCMCIA Device extension. Arguments: Extension Address of the extension to be dumped. Return Value: None. --*/ { ULONG64 DeviceObject=0; ULONG64 socketDataPtr; ULONG Flags, depth; if (!ReadPointer(Extension, &DeviceObject)) { dprintf( "Failed to read PCMCIA extension at %08p, giving up.\n", Extension ); return; } if (GetFieldValue(DeviceObject, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "Flags", Flags)) { return; } if (Flags & DO_BUS_ENUMERATED_DEVICE) { // // This is the extension for a PC-Card PDO // ULONG64 socketPtr, Capabilities; ULONG64 DeviceId; UCHAR deviceId[PCMCIA_MAXIMUM_DEVICE_ID_LENGTH]; if (GetFieldValue(Extension, "pcmcia!PDO_EXTENSION", "DeviceId", DeviceId)) { return; } dprintf("PDO Extension, Device Object 0x%p\n",PDOxFld(Extension, "DeviceObject")); DumpFlags(0, " Device Flags", (ULONG) PDOxFld(Extension, "Flags"), PcmciaDeviceFlags); dprintf(" NextPdo 0x%p LowerDevice 0x%p PciPdo 0x%p\n", PDOxFld(Extension, "NextPdoInFdoChain"), PDOxFld(Extension, "LowerDevice"), PDOxFld(Extension, "PciPdo")); dprintf(" DeviceId 0x%p: ", DeviceId); if (DeviceId != 0) { ULONG status; ReadMemory(DeviceId, deviceId, PCMCIA_MAXIMUM_DEVICE_ID_LENGTH, &status); dprintf("%s", deviceId); } dprintf("\n"); dprintf(" Socket: 0x%x\n", PDOxFld(Extension, "Socket")); socketDataPtr = PDOxFld(Extension, "SocketData"); while (socketDataPtr != 0) { // // Dump socket data structure // dprintf(" SocketData 0x%x\n", socketDataPtr); DumpSocketData(socketDataPtr, 2); socketDataPtr = SocDataFld(socketDataPtr, "Next"); } DumpDevicePowerState((ULONG) PDOxFld(Extension, "DevicePowerState")); DumpSystemPowerState((ULONG) PDOxFld(Extension, "SystemPowerState")); dprintf(" WaitWakeIrp 0x%p\n", PDOxFld(Extension, "WaitWakeIrp")); dprintf(" PendingPowerIrp 0x%p\n", PDOxFld(Extension, "PendingPowerIrp")); dprintf(" DeviceCapabilities (at 0x%p): \n", (Capabilities = PDOxFld(Extension, "Capabilities"))); if (Capabilities != 0) { DumpDeviceCapabilities(Capabilities); } dprintf(" ConfigurationPhase: %d\n", (ULONG) PDOxFld(Extension, "ConfigurationPhase")); dprintf(" PowerWorker State: "); DumpEnum((ULONG) PDOxFld(Extension, "PowerWorkerState"), PcmciaPdoPowerWorkerStates); dprintf("\n"); if ((ULONG) PDOxFld(Extension, "PowerWorkerState") != PPW_Stopped) { dprintf(" Worker Phase %d\n", (ULONG) PDOxFld(Extension, "PowerWorkerPhase")); dprintf(" Worker Sequence 0x%x\n", (ULONG) PDOxFld(Extension, "PowerWorkerSequence")); } } else { // // This is the extension for the pcmcia controller FDO // ULONG64 addr, PdoList, NextFdo, Capabilities; ULONG model, revision; ULONG ControllerType, off; if (GetFieldValue(Extension, "pcmcia!FDO_EXTENSION", "PdoList", PdoList)) { return; } dprintf("FDO Extension, Device Object 0x%p\n", FDOxFld(Extension, "DeviceObject")); dprintf(" DriverObject 0x%p, RegistryPath 0x%p\n", FDOxFld(Extension, "DriverObject"), FDOxFld(Extension, "RegistryPath")); DumpFlags(0, " Device Flags", (ULONG) FDOxFld(Extension, "Flags"), PcmciaDeviceFlags); dprintf(" ControllerType (%x): ", (ControllerType = (ULONG) FDOxFld(Extension, "ControllerType"))); DumpEnum(PcmciaClassFromControllerType(ControllerType), PcmciaControllerTypeEnum); if (model = PcmciaModelFromControllerType(ControllerType)) { dprintf("%d", model); } if (revision = PcmciaRevisionFromControllerType(ControllerType)) { dprintf(", rev(%d)", revision); } dprintf("\n"); dprintf(" Child PdoList head 0x%p ", PdoList); GetFieldOffset("nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT","DeviceExtension", &off); if ((PdoList != 0) && ReadPointer( PdoList + off , &addr)) { dprintf("device extension 0x%p\n", addr); } else { dprintf("\n"); } dprintf(" LivePdoCount 0x%x\n", (ULONG) FDOxFld(Extension, "LivePdoCount")); dprintf(" NextFdo 0x%p ", (NextFdo = FDOxFld(Extension, "NextFdo"))); if ((NextFdo != 0) && ReadPointer(NextFdo + off, &addr)) { dprintf("device extension 0x%p\n", addr); } else { dprintf("\n"); } dprintf(" Pdo (for this fdo) 0x%p\n", FDOxFld(Extension, "Pdo")); dprintf(" LowerDevice 0x%p\n", FDOxFld(Extension, "LowerDevice")); dprintf(" SocketList 0x%p\n", FDOxFld(Extension, "SocketList")); dprintf(" IRQ mask 0x%x allows IRQs: ", (ULONG) FDOxFld(Extension, "AllocatedIrqMask")); DumpIrqMask((ULONG) FDOxFld(Extension, "AllocatedIrqMask")); dprintf(" Memory window physical address 0x%p\n", FDOxFld(Extension, "PhysicalBase")); dprintf(" Memory window virtual address 0x%p\n", FDOxFld(Extension, "AttributeMemoryBase")); dprintf(" Memory window size 0x%x\n", (ULONG) FDOxFld(Extension, "AttributeMemorySize")); dprintf(" DeviceDispatchIndex %x\n", (ULONG) FDOxFld(Extension, "DeviceDispatchIndex")); dprintf(" PCCard Ready Delay Iterations 0x%x (%d)\n", (ULONG) FDOxFld(Extension, "ReadyDelayIter"), (ULONG) FDOxFld(Extension, "ReadyDelayIter")); dprintf(" PCCard Ready Stall in usecs 0x%x (%d)\n", (ULONG) FDOxFld(Extension, "ReadyStall"), (ULONG) FDOxFld(Extension, "ReadyStall")); dprintf(" Number of sockets powered up %d\n", (ULONG) FDOxFld(Extension, "NumberOfSocketsPoweredUp")); DumpDevicePowerState((ULONG) FDOxFld(Extension, "DevicePowerState")); DumpSystemPowerState((ULONG) FDOxFld(Extension, "SystemPowerState")); // // Pending wait wake irp // dprintf(" WaitWakeIrp: %p\n", FDOxFld(Extension, "WaitWakeIrp")); // // Dump saved register context // dprintf(" PCI Context range, buffer: %p(%d), %p\n", FDOxFld(Extension, "PciContext.Range"), (ULONG) FDOxFld(Extension, "PciContext.RangeCount"), FDOxFld(Extension, "PciContextBuffer")); dprintf(" Cardbus Context range: %p(%d)\n", FDOxFld(Extension, "CardbusContext.Range"), (ULONG) FDOxFld(Extension, "CardbusContext.RangeCount")); dprintf(" Exca Context range: %p(%d)\n", FDOxFld(Extension, "ExcaContext.Range"), (ULONG) FDOxFld(Extension, "ExcaContext.RangeCount")); // // Dump capabilities // dprintf(" DeviceCapabilities (at 0x%p): \n", (Capabilities = FDOxFld(Extension, "Capabilities"))); if (Capabilities != 0) { DumpDeviceCapabilities(Capabilities); } } } DECLARE_API( socket ) /*++ Routine Description: Dump a socket Arguments: args - the location of the socket to dump Return Value: None --*/ { ULONG64 socketAddr=0; ULONG depth, status; socketAddr = GetExpression(args); if (ReadMemory(socketAddr, &depth, sizeof(depth), &status)) { dprintf("Socket at %p:\n", socketAddr); DumpSocket(socketAddr, 0); } else { dprintf("Could not read socket at %p\n", socketAddr); } return S_OK; } VOID DumpFlagsBrief(ULONG Flags) { if (Flags & PCMCIA_DEVICE_STARTED) { dprintf(" ST"); } else { dprintf(" NS"); } if (Flags & PCMCIA_DEVICE_LOGICALLY_REMOVED) { dprintf(" RM"); } if (Flags & PCMCIA_DEVICE_PHYSICALLY_REMOVED) { dprintf(" EJ"); } if (Flags & PCMCIA_DEVICE_DELETED) { dprintf(" DL"); } if (Flags & PCMCIA_DEVICE_MULTIFUNCTION) { dprintf(" MF"); } if (Flags & PCMCIA_DEVICE_WAKE_PENDING) { dprintf(" WP"); } if (Flags & PCMCIA_DEVICE_LEGACY_DETECTED) { dprintf(" LD"); } if (Flags & PCMCIA_DEVICE_CARDBUS) { dprintf(" CB"); } } DECLARE_API( pcmcia ) /*++ Routine Description: Dumps overview of pcmcia driver state Arguments: args - the location of the socket to dump Return Value: None --*/ { ULONG64 addr; ULONG64 fdoDevObj, pdoDevObj, pSocket; ULONG64 Extension; ULONG Count = 0, off; UCHAR deviceId[PCMCIA_MAXIMUM_DEVICE_ID_LENGTH]; if (args[0] != '\0') { dprintf("!pcmcia - dumps general pcmcia driver state\n\n"); dprintf("flag descriptions:\n"); dprintf(" ST - Started\n"); dprintf(" NS - Not Started\n"); dprintf(" RM - Logically Removed\n"); dprintf(" EJ - Physically Ejected\n"); dprintf(" DL - Deleted\n"); dprintf(" MF - MultiFunction\n"); dprintf(" WP - Wake Pending\n"); dprintf(" LD - Legacy Detected\n"); dprintf(" CB - CardBus\n"); } addr = GetExpression( "pcmcia!fdolist" ); if (addr == 0) { dprintf("Error retrieving address of pcmcia!fdolist\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; } if (!ReadPointer(addr, &fdoDevObj)) { dprintf("Failed to read fdolist at %08p, giving up.\n", addr); return E_INVALIDARG; } GetFieldOffset("nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "DeviceExtension", &off); while(fdoDevObj) { ULONG64 NextFdo; ULONG64 CbReg; if (CheckControlC()) { break; } if (!ReadPointer(fdoDevObj+off,&Extension)) { dprintf("Failed to read fdo extension address at %08p, giving up.\n", fdoDevObj+off); return E_INVALIDARG; } if (GetFieldValue(Extension, "pcmcia!FDO_EXTENSION", "NextFdo", NextFdo)) { dprintf("GetFieldValue failed for fdo extension at %08p, giving up.\n", Extension); return E_INVALIDARG; } dprintf("\nFDO %.8p ext %.8p\n", fdoDevObj, Extension); if (GetFieldValue(Extension, "pcmcia!FDO_EXTENSION", "CardBusSocketRegisterBase", CbReg)) { dprintf("GetFieldValue failed for fdo extension at %08p, giving up.\n", Extension); return E_INVALIDARG; } if (CbReg) { dprintf(" CbReg %.8p\n\n", CbReg); } else { dprintf("\n"); } // // Print list of PDOs enumerated by this FDO // pdoDevObj = FDOxFld(Extension, "PdoList"); pSocket = FDOxFld(Extension, "SocketList"); if (!pdoDevObj) { xdprintf(2, "*no PDO's enumerated*\n"); } else { xdprintf(2, "pdolist:"); } while(pdoDevObj) { if (CheckControlC()) { break; } if (!ReadPointer(pdoDevObj+off,&Extension)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } dprintf(" %.8p", pdoDevObj); pdoDevObj = PDOxFld(Extension, "NextPdoInFdoChain"); } dprintf("\n"); // // Print list of sockets // if (!pSocket) { xdprintf(2, "*no sockets!*\n"); } while(pSocket) { ULONG64 NextSocket; ULONG SocketNumber; if (CheckControlC()) { break; } if (GetFieldValue(pSocket, "pcmcia!SOCKET", "NextSocket", NextSocket)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } dprintf(" Socket %.8p\n", pSocket); dprintf(" base %.8p", SocFld(pSocket, "AddressPort")); if (SocketNumber = (ULONG) SocFld(pSocket, "SocketNumber")) { dprintf(".%d", SocketNumber); } dprintf("\n"); // // Dump pdo's in socket list // pdoDevObj = SocFld(pSocket, "PdoList"); if (!pdoDevObj) { xdprintf(3, "*empty*\n"); } while(pdoDevObj) { ULONG64 DeviceId; ULONG status; if (CheckControlC()) { break; } if (!ReadPointer(pdoDevObj + off,&Extension)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } if (GetFieldValue(Extension, "pcmcia!PDO_EXTENSION", "DeviceId", DeviceId)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } dprintf(" PDO %.8p ext %.8p", pdoDevObj, Extension); DumpFlagsBrief((ULONG) PDOxFld(Extension, "Flags")); dprintf("\n"); if (DeviceId != 0) { ReadMemory(DeviceId, deviceId, PCMCIA_MAXIMUM_DEVICE_ID_LENGTH, &status); dprintf(" %s\n", deviceId); } pdoDevObj = PDOxFld(Extension, "NextPdoInSocket"); } pSocket = NextSocket; } fdoDevObj = NextFdo; } return S_OK; }