/*++ Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: pic.c Abstract: WinDbg Extension Api Author: Santosh Jodh (santoshj) 29-June-1998 Environment: User Mode. Revision History: --*/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop #define PIC_MASTER_PORT0 0x20 #define PIC_MASTER_PORT1 0x21 #define PIC_SLAVE_PORT0 0xA0 #define PIC_SLAVE_PORT1 0xA1 #define ELCR_PORT0 0x4D0 #define ELCR_PORT1 0x4D1 VOID ShowMask ( ULONG Mask ) { ULONG interrupt; for ( interrupt = 0; interrupt <= 0x0F; interrupt++) { if (Mask & (1 << interrupt)) dprintf(" Y"); else dprintf(" ."); } dprintf("\n"); } BOOLEAN GetPICStatus ( UCHAR Type, PULONG Status ) { ULONG size; ULONG data; ULONG mask; // // Send OCW3 to master. // size = 1; WriteIoSpace64(PIC_MASTER_PORT0, Type, &size); // // Read master's status. // data = 0; size = 1; ReadIoSpace64(PIC_MASTER_PORT0, &data, &size); if (size == 1) { // // Send OCW3 to slave. // mask = data; size = 1; WriteIoSpace64(PIC_SLAVE_PORT0, Type, &size); // // Get the slave's status. // data = 0; size = 1; ReadIoSpace64(PIC_SLAVE_PORT0, &data, &size); if (size == 1) { mask |= (data << 8); *Status = mask; return (TRUE); } } *Status = 0; return (FALSE); } BOOLEAN GetELCRStatus( OUT PULONG Status ) { ULONG data = 0; ULONG size = 1; ULONG mask = 0; *Status = 0; ReadIoSpace64(ELCR_PORT0, &data, &size); if (size == 1) { mask = data; ReadIoSpace64(ELCR_PORT1, &data, &size); if (size == 1) { mask |= (data << 8); *Status = mask; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } DECLARE_API(pic) /*++ Routine Description: Dumps PIC information. Input Parameters: args - Supplies the options. Return Value: None --*/ { ULONG data; ULONG size; ULONG mask; ULONG64 addr; UCHAR halName[32]; BOOL dumpElcr=FALSE; // X86_ONLY_API if (TargetMachine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) { dprintf("!pic is for X86 targets only.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; } if (strcmp(args, "-e")==0) { // // Here we trust that the user knows this machine architecture // such that the ELCR exists at these ports. // dumpElcr = TRUE; }else{ // // Now lets see what HAL we are running. Currently // we can only dump the ELCR mask safely on ACPI (non-apic) machines // as ACPI has defined static ports for this. // addr = GetExpression("hal!HalName"); if (addr == 0) { dprintf("Unable to use HAL symbols (hal!HalName), please verify symbols.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; } if (!xReadMemory(addr, halName, sizeof(halName))) { dprintf("Failed to read HalName from host memory, quitting.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; } halName[sizeof(halName)-1] = '\0'; if (strcmp(halName, "ACPI Compatible Eisa/Isa HAL")==0) { dumpElcr = TRUE; } } // // Display the title. // dprintf("----- IRQ Number ----- 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F\n"); // // Dump the Interrupt Service Register information. // dprintf("Physically in service:"); if (GetPICStatus(0x0B, &mask)) { ShowMask(mask); } else { dprintf("Error reading PIC!\n"); } // // Dump the Interrupt Mask Register information. // dprintf("Physically masked: "); data = 0; size = 1; ReadIoSpace64(PIC_MASTER_PORT1, &data, &size); if (size == 1) { mask = data; data = 0; size = 1; ReadIoSpace64(PIC_SLAVE_PORT1, &data, &size); if (size == 1) { mask |= (data << 8); ShowMask(mask); } else { dprintf("Error reading PIC!\n"); } } else { dprintf("Error reading PIC!\n"); } // // Dump the Interrupt Request Register information. // dprintf("Physically requested: "); if (GetPICStatus(0x0A, &mask)) { ShowMask(mask); } else { dprintf("Error reading PIC!\n"); } if (dumpElcr) { // // Dump the Edge/Level Control Register information. // dprintf("Level Triggered: "); if (GetELCRStatus(&mask)) { ShowMask(mask); }else{ dprintf("Error reading ELCR!\n"); } } return S_OK; }