#include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for shellexecuteex #include #define INITGUID #include // used in OnProgress(), copied from guids.c DEFINE_GUID( IID_IAssemblyManifestImport, 0x696fb37f,0xda64,0x4175,0x94,0xe7,0xfd,0xc8,0x23,0x45,0x39,0xc4); // Update services #include "server.h" DEFINE_GUID(IID_IAssemblyUpdate, 0x301b3415,0xf52d,0x4d40,0xbd,0xf7,0x31,0xd8,0x27,0x12,0xc2,0xdc); DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_CAssemblyUpdate, 0x37b088b8,0x70ef,0x4ecf,0xb1,0x1e,0x1f,0x3f,0x4d,0x10,0x5f,0xdd); extern HRESULT GetLastWin32Error(); #define WZ_TYPE_DOTNET L".NetAssembly" #define WZ_TYPE_WIN32 L"win32Executable" #define WZ_TYPE_AVALON L"avalon" #define WZ_TYPE_CONSOLE L"win32Console" #define TYPE_DOTNET 1 #define TYPE_WIN32 2 #define TYPE_AVALON 3 #define TYPE_CONSOLE 4 #if 1 #include "ndphostthunk.cpp" #else // old code // CLR Hosting #import "..\..\clrhost\asmexec.tlb" raw_interfaces_only using namespace asmexec; #endif // debug msg stuff void Msg(LPCWSTR pwz); void ShowError(LPCWSTR pwz); void ShowError(HRESULT hr, LPCWSTR pwz=NULL); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { LPCWSTR pwzTitle; LPCWSTR pwzText; } SHOWDIALOG_MSG; #define DIALOG_OK 1 #define DIALOG_CANCEL 2 #define DIALOG_CLOSE 3 //IDC_TEXT INT_PTR CALLBACK DialogBoxProc( HWND hwndDlg, // handle to dialog box UINT uMsg, // message WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter LPARAM lParam // second message parameter ) { // // Dialog proc for dialog window // switch( uMsg ) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { SHOWDIALOG_MSG* pMsg = (SHOWDIALOG_MSG*) lParam; if (pMsg->pwzTitle) SetWindowText( hwndDlg, (LPWSTR) pMsg->pwzTitle); if (pMsg->pwzText) { HWND hwndText = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_TEXT ); if (hwndText) SetWindowText( hwndText, (LPWSTR) pMsg->pwzText); } } return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: switch( LOWORD( wParam ) ) { #ifdef IDC_OK case IDC_OK: EndDialog( hwndDlg, DIALOG_OK ); return TRUE; #endif #ifdef IDC_CANCEL case IDC_CANCEL: EndDialog( hwndDlg, DIALOG_CANCEL ); return TRUE; #endif default: return FALSE; } case WM_NOTIFY: if ((IDC_TEXT == LOWORD(wParam) ) && ((NM_CLICK == ((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code) || (NM_RETURN == ((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code))) { PNMLINK pNMLink = (PNMLINK) lParam; // check szURL empty if (pNMLink->item.szUrl[0] == L'\0') return FALSE; SHELLEXECUTEINFO sei = { 0 }; sei.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO); sei.fMask = SEE_MASK_DOENVSUBST | SEE_MASK_NO_CONSOLE; //SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI | sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; // ISSUE-06/14/02-felixybc shellexecute should work as such // for some unknown reason it is failing with module not found //sei.lpFile = pNMLink->item.szUrl; sei.lpParameters=pNMLink->item.szUrl; sei.lpFile=L"iexplore.exe"; // sei.lpVerb = L"open"; // ISSUE: check return with IF_WIN32_FALSE_EXIT(), check hInstApp for detail error ShellExecuteEx(&sei); return TRUE; } else // WM_NOTIFY not handled. return FALSE; default: return FALSE; } } extern HINSTANCE g_DllInstance; HRESULT ShowDialog(HWND hWndParent, WORD wDlgId, LPCWSTR pwzText, LPCWSTR pwzTitle, DWORD& dwReturnValue) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; MAKE_ERROR_MACROS_STATIC(hr); INT_PTR iptrReturn = 0; SHOWDIALOG_MSG msg = {0}; /* INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX iccex; iccex.dwSize = sizeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX); iccex.dwICC = ICC_LINK_CLASS | ICC_WIN95_CLASSES | ICC_STANDARD_CLASSES; IF_FALSE_EXIT(InitCommonControlsEx(&iccex), E_FAIL);*/ msg.pwzTitle = pwzTitle; msg.pwzText = pwzText; IF_WIN32_FALSE_EXIT((iptrReturn = DialogBoxParam(g_DllInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(wDlgId), hWndParent, DialogBoxProc, (LPARAM) &msg) > 0)); dwReturnValue = PtrToLong((VOID *)iptrReturn); exit: return hr; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT RunCommand(LPCWSTR wzAppFileName, LPWSTR pwzCommandline, LPCWSTR wzCurrentDir, BOOL fWait) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; MAKE_ERROR_MACROS_STATIC(hr); STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi)); si.cb = sizeof(si); // wzCurrentDir: The string must be a full path and file name that includes a drive letter; or NULL // note: pwzCommandline is LPWSTR, NOT LPCWSTR IF_WIN32_FALSE_EXIT(CreateProcess(wzAppFileName, pwzCommandline, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, wzCurrentDir, &si, &pi)); if (fWait) { IF_FALSE_EXIT(!(WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, 180000L) == WAIT_TIMEOUT), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_TIMEOUT)); } exit: if(pi.hProcess) { BOOL bReturn = CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !bReturn) hr = GetLastWin32Error(); } if(pi.hThread) { BOOL bReturn = CloseHandle(pi.hThread); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !bReturn) hr = GetLastWin32Error(); } return hr; } HRESULT RunCommandConsole(LPCWSTR wzAppFileName, LPCWSTR wzCurrentDir, BOOL fWait) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; MAKE_ERROR_MACROS_STATIC(hr); LPWSTR pwzPath = NULL; LPWSTR pwzBuffer = NULL; DWORD ccPath = 0; CString sAppdir; CString sSystemDir; CString sCurrentDir; CString sCmdExe; CString sCommandLine; CString sPath; // App dir IF_FAILED_EXIT(sAppdir.Assign(wzCurrentDir)); // System directory. // bugbug - platforms; use GetRealWindowsDirectory instead? IF_WIN32_FALSE_EXIT((ccPath = GetSystemDirectory(NULL, 0))); IF_FALSE_EXIT(ccPath+1 > ccPath, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW)); // check overflow ccPath+=1; IF_ALLOC_FAILED_EXIT(pwzBuffer = new WCHAR[ccPath]); IF_WIN32_FALSE_EXIT(GetSystemDirectory(pwzBuffer, ccPath)); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sSystemDir.Assign(pwzBuffer)); // Current dir = root dir *(pwzBuffer+ sizeof("c:\\")-1) = L'\0'; IF_FAILED_EXIT(sCurrentDir.Assign(pwzBuffer)); // Path to cmd.exe IF_FAILED_EXIT(sCmdExe.Assign(sSystemDir)); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sCmdExe.Append(L"\\cmd.exe")); // command line IF_FAILED_EXIT(sCommandLine.Assign(L"/k \"")); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sCommandLine.Append(wzAppFileName)); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sCommandLine.Append(L"\"")); // Get current path. IF_WIN32_FALSE_EXIT((ccPath = GetEnvironmentVariable(L"PATH", NULL, 0))); IF_ALLOC_FAILED_EXIT(pwzPath = new WCHAR[ccPath]); IF_WIN32_FALSE_EXIT(GetEnvironmentVariable(L"PATH", pwzPath, ccPath)); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sPath.TakeOwnership(pwzPath, ccPath)); pwzPath = NULL; // Append app path to current path. IF_FAILED_EXIT(sPath.Append(sAppdir)); // set new path env variable. IF_WIN32_FALSE_EXIT(SetEnvironmentVariable(L"PATH", sPath._pwz)); IF_FAILED_EXIT(RunCommand(sCmdExe._pwz, sCommandLine._pwz, sCurrentDir._pwz,fWait)); exit: SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzPath); SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzBuffer); return hr; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // note: this append a '.manifest' file extension to the given pwzRealName HRESULT CopyToUSStartMenu(LPCWSTR pwzFilePath, LPCWSTR pwzRealName, BOOL bOverwrite, LPWSTR* ppwzResultFilePath) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; MAKE_ERROR_MACROS_STATIC(hr); LPWSTR pwz = NULL; CString sPath; IF_ALLOC_FAILED_EXIT(pwz = new WCHAR[MAX_PATH]); pwz[0] = L'\0'; // should it create the folder? C:\Documents and Settings\username\Start Menu\Programs // "Start Menu\Programs" is localized in non-english windows IF_FAILED_EXIT(SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_PROGRAMS | CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, pwz)); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sPath.TakeOwnership(pwz, 0)); pwz = NULL; // ISSUE-2002/03/27-felixybc Check returned path from SHGetFolderPath has no trailing '\' IF_FAILED_EXIT(sPath.Append(L"\\")); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sPath.Append(pwzRealName)); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sPath.Append(L".manifest")); if (!CopyFile(pwzFilePath, sPath._pwz, !bOverwrite)) { hr = GetLastWin32Error(); ASSERT(hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_EXISTS)); // do not assert if file already exists goto exit; } // return the file path IF_FAILED_EXIT(sPath.ReleaseOwnership(ppwzResultFilePath)); exit: SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwz); return hr; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ISSUE-2002/03/30-felixybc Temp wrapper code // wrapper for CAssemblyUpdate::RegisterAssemblySubscriptionEx HRESULT RegisterAssemblySubscriptionEx(IAssemblyUpdate *pAssemblyUpdate, LPWSTR pwzDisplayName, LPWSTR pwzUrl, IManifestInfo *pSubscriptionInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; MAKE_ERROR_MACROS_STATIC(hr); DWORD *pdw = NULL; BOOL *pb = NULL; DWORD dwInterval = 0, dwUnit = 0, dwEvent = 0; BOOL bDemandConnection = FALSE; DWORD dwCB = 0, dwFlag = 0; IF_FAILED_EXIT(pSubscriptionInfo->Get(MAN_INFO_SUBSCRIPTION_SYNCHRONIZE_INTERVAL, (LPVOID *)&pdw, &dwCB, &dwFlag)); IF_FALSE_EXIT(pdw != NULL, E_UNEXPECTED); dwInterval = *pdw; SAFEDELETEARRAY(pdw); IF_FAILED_EXIT(pSubscriptionInfo->Get(MAN_INFO_SUBSCRIPTION_INTERVAL_UNIT, (LPVOID *)&pdw, &dwCB, &dwFlag)); IF_FALSE_EXIT(pdw != NULL, E_UNEXPECTED); dwUnit = *pdw; SAFEDELETEARRAY(pdw); IF_FAILED_EXIT(pSubscriptionInfo->Get(MAN_INFO_SUBSCRIPTION_SYNCHRONIZE_EVENT, (LPVOID *)&pdw, &dwCB, &dwFlag)); IF_FALSE_EXIT(pdw != NULL, E_UNEXPECTED); dwEvent = *pdw; SAFEDELETEARRAY(pdw); IF_FAILED_EXIT(pSubscriptionInfo->Get(MAN_INFO_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_DEMAND_CONNECTION, (LPVOID *)&pb, &dwCB, &dwFlag)); IF_FALSE_EXIT(pb != NULL, E_UNEXPECTED); bDemandConnection = *pb; SAFEDELETEARRAY(pb); IF_FAILED_EXIT(pAssemblyUpdate->RegisterAssemblySubscriptionEx(pwzDisplayName, pwzUrl, dwInterval, dwUnit, dwEvent, bDemandConnection)); exit: return hr; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BUGBUG hacky should move this from extricon.cpp to util.cpp and declare in project.hpp extern LONG GetRegKeyValue(HKEY hkeyParent, PCWSTR pcwzSubKey, PCWSTR pcwzValue, PDWORD pdwValueType, PBYTE pbyteBuf, PDWORD pdwcbBufLen); // ISSUE-2002/03/30-felixybc Temp read subscription info code // note: replace this with generic subscription info stored -> IManifestInfo type == MAN_INFO_SUBSCRIPTION // return: S_OK - success // error - error or missing reg key or reg value type not DWORD HRESULT CheckSubscribedWithEventSync(LPASSEMBLY_IDENTITY pAsmId, DWORD* pdwEvent) { // copied from service\server\update.cpp #define WZ_SYNC_EVENT L"SyncEvent" #define REG_KEY_FUSION_SUBS L"Software\\Microsoft\\Fusion\\Installer\\\\Subscription" HRESULT hr = S_OK; MAKE_ERROR_MACROS_STATIC(hr); DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwValue = -1; DWORD dwSize = 0; CString sSubsKey; LPWSTR pwzName = NULL; IF_FAILED_EXIT(pAsmId->GetAttribute(SXS_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_STD_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_NAME, &pwzName, &dwSize)); IF_FALSE_EXIT(hr == S_OK, E_FAIL); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sSubsKey.Assign(REG_KEY_FUSION_SUBS)); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sSubsKey.Append(L"\\")); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sSubsKey.Append(pwzName)); dwSize = sizeof(dwValue); if (GetRegKeyValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sSubsKey._pwz, WZ_SYNC_EVENT, &dwType, (PBYTE) &dwValue, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *pdwEvent = dwValue; hr = S_OK; } else { hr = GetLastWin32Error(); } exit: SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzName); return hr; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CreateActivator // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDAPI CreateActivator( LPACTIVATOR *ppActivator, CDebugLog * pDbgLog, DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; MAKE_ERROR_MACROS_STATIC(hr); CActivator *pAct = NULL; pAct = new(CActivator) (pDbgLog); IF_ALLOC_FAILED_EXIT(pAct); exit: *ppActivator = pAct;//static_cast (pAct); return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ctor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CActivator::CActivator(CDebugLog * pDbgLog) : _dwSig('vtca'), _cRef(1), _hr(S_OK), _pManImport(NULL), _pAsmId(NULL), _pAppInfo(NULL), _pManEmit(NULL), _pwzAppRootDir(NULL), _pwzAppManifestPath(NULL), _pwzCodebase(NULL), _dwManifestType(MANIFEST_TYPE_UNKNOWN), _bIs1stTimeInstall(FALSE), _bIsCheckingRequiredUpdate(FALSE), #ifdef DEVMODE _bIsDevMode(FALSE), #endif _pSecurityMgr(NULL), _hrManEmit(S_OK), _ptPlatform(NULL), _dwMissingPlatform(0) { _pDbgLog = pDbgLog; if(_pDbgLog) _pDbgLog->AddRef(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dtor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CActivator::~CActivator() { if (_ptPlatform) { for (DWORD dw = 0; dw < _dwMissingPlatform; dw++) { SAFEDELETEARRAY((_ptPlatform[dw]).pwzName); SAFEDELETEARRAY((_ptPlatform[dw]).pwzURL); } SAFEDELETEARRAY(_ptPlatform); } SAFERELEASE(_pSecurityMgr); SAFERELEASE(_pManEmit); SAFERELEASE(_pAsmId); SAFERELEASE(_pAppInfo); SAFERELEASE(_pManImport); SAFERELEASE(_pDbgLog); SAFEDELETEARRAY(_pwzAppManifestPath); SAFEDELETEARRAY(_pwzAppRootDir); SAFEDELETEARRAY(_pwzCodebase); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CActivator::Initialize // // pwzFileURL can be NULL // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CActivator::Initialize(LPCWSTR pwzFilePath, LPCWSTR pwzFileURL) { IManifestInfo *pDependAsmInfo = NULL; DWORD dwCount, dwFlag = 0; IF_NULL_EXIT(pwzFilePath, E_INVALIDARG); if (pwzFileURL != NULL) IF_FAILED_EXIT(_sWebManifestURL.Assign((LPWSTR)pwzFileURL)); // valid start conditions to invoke this function, passing // 1. path to desktop manifest (install redirect to subscription manifest on server) // 2. path to desktop manifest (install redirect to applicaion manifest on server) // 3. path to application manifest (no install, run from source) // 4. URL to subscription manifest on server // 5. URL to application manifest on server if (FAILED(_hr=CreateAssemblyManifestImport(&_pManImport, pwzFilePath, _pDbgLog, 0))) { Msg(L"Error in loading and parsing the manifest file."); goto exit; } IF_FAILED_EXIT(_pManImport->ReportManifestType(&_dwManifestType)); if (_dwManifestType == MANIFEST_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { Msg(L"This manifest does not have a known format type."); _hr = E_ABORT; goto exit; } // allow only valid start conditions if (_sWebManifestURL._cc != 0 && _dwManifestType != MANIFEST_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION && _dwManifestType != MANIFEST_TYPE_APPLICATION) { Msg(L"Not supported: URL pointing to a desktop manifest."); _hr = E_ABORT; goto exit; } if (_sWebManifestURL._cc == 0 && _dwManifestType != MANIFEST_TYPE_DESKTOP && _dwManifestType != MANIFEST_TYPE_APPLICATION) { Msg(L"This manifest does not have the proper format and cannot be used to start an application."); _hr = E_ABORT; goto exit; } // get data from the manifest file if (_dwManifestType != MANIFEST_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION) { if (FAILED(_hr=_pManImport->GetAssemblyIdentity(&_pAsmId))) { Msg(L"This manifest does not have the proper format and contains no assembly identity."); goto exit; } } if (_dwManifestType != MANIFEST_TYPE_APPLICATION) { // BUGBUG: hardcoded index '0' IF_FAILED_EXIT(_pManImport->GetNextAssembly(0, &pDependAsmInfo)); if (pDependAsmInfo) { if (_dwManifestType == MANIFEST_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION) #ifdef DEVMODE { #endif pDependAsmInfo->Get(MAN_INFO_DEPENDENT_ASM_ID, (LPVOID *)&_pAsmId, &dwCount, &dwFlag); #ifdef DEVMODE DWORD *pdw = NULL; // is it devMode? IF_FAILED_EXIT(pDependAsmInfo->Get(MAN_INFO_DEPENDENT_ASM_TYPE, (LPVOID *)&pdw, &dwCount, &dwFlag)); IF_FALSE_EXIT(pdw != NULL, E_UNEXPECTED); if (*pdw == DEPENDENT_ASM_INSTALL_TYPE_DEVSYNC) _bIsDevMode = TRUE; SAFEDELETEARRAY(pdw); } #endif pDependAsmInfo->Get(MAN_INFO_DEPENDENT_ASM_CODEBASE, (LPVOID *)&_pwzCodebase, &dwCount, &dwFlag); } if (!_pAsmId || !_pwzCodebase) { Msg(L"This subscription manifest contains no dependent assembly identity or a subscription codebase."); _hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } } else { if (_sWebManifestURL._cc != 0) { // if URL->app manifest (case 5), codebase is that URL // note: if path->app manifest (case 3), this does NOT apply // BUGBUG: HACK: this implies re-download of the app manifest. pref? size_t ccCodebase = wcslen(pwzFileURL)+1; _pwzCodebase = new WCHAR[ccCodebase]; IF_ALLOC_FAILED_EXIT(_pwzCodebase); memcpy(_pwzCodebase, pwzFileURL, ccCodebase * sizeof(WCHAR)); } } if (_sWebManifestURL._cc == 0 && _dwManifestType == MANIFEST_TYPE_APPLICATION) { // run from source // set _pwzAppRootDir, _pwzAppManifestPath CString sManifestFilePath; CString sManifestFileDir; IF_FAILED_EXIT(sManifestFilePath.Assign(pwzFilePath)); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sManifestFileDir.Assign(sManifestFilePath)); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sManifestFileDir.RemoveLastElement()); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sManifestFileDir.Append(L"\\")); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sManifestFileDir.ReleaseOwnership(&_pwzAppRootDir)); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sManifestFilePath.ReleaseOwnership(&_pwzAppManifestPath)); } exit: SAFERELEASE(pDependAsmInfo) return _hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CActivator::Process // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CActivator::Process() { LPWSTR pwzDesktopManifestTempPath = NULL; DWORD dwCount = 0, dwFlag = 0; IF_NULL_EXIT(_pAsmId, E_UNEXPECTED); // not initialized if (_sWebManifestURL._cc == 0 && _dwManifestType == MANIFEST_TYPE_APPLICATION) { // run from source if (FAILED(_hr=_pManImport->GetManifestApplicationInfo(&_pAppInfo)) || _hr==S_FALSE) { // can't continue without this... _hr = E_ABORT; Msg(L"The application manifest does not have the shell information and cannot be used to start an application."); goto exit; } // bypass other processing // _pwzAppRootDir, _pwzAppManifestPath are already set in Initialize _hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; } // search cache, download/install if necessary // BUGBUG: UGLY - pManImport & pwzFileURL are needed only for desktop manifest stuff. // This and below subscription registration should be cleaned up once assemblydownload is restructured. /// (see checks for "_sWebManifestURL._cc != 0 && dwManifestType == MANIFEST_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION") IF_FAILED_EXIT(ResolveAndInstall(&pwzDesktopManifestTempPath)); // register for updates if (_bIs1stTimeInstall && _sWebManifestURL._cc != 0 && _dwManifestType == MANIFEST_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION) { // note: this code must be identical to what assemblydownload.cpp DoCacheUpdate() does! LPWSTR pwzName = NULL; if ((_hr = _pAsmId->GetAttribute(SXS_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_STD_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_NAME, &pwzName, &dwCount)) != S_OK) { ShowError(_hr, L"Error in retrieving assembly name. Cannot register subscription for updates."); // note: This- no asm name- should not be allowed! } else { IAssemblyUpdate *pAssemblyUpdate = NULL; // register for updates _hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CAssemblyUpdate, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IAssemblyUpdate, (void**)&pAssemblyUpdate); if (SUCCEEDED(_hr)) { IManifestInfo* pSubsInfo = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(_hr = _pManImport->GetSubscriptionInfo(&pSubsInfo))) { _hr = RegisterAssemblySubscriptionEx(pAssemblyUpdate, pwzName, _sWebManifestURL._pwz, pSubsInfo); pSubsInfo->Release(); } pAssemblyUpdate->Release(); } if (FAILED(_hr)) { ShowError(_hr, L"Error in update services. Cannot register subscription for updates."); //goto exit; do not terminate!fail gracefully } // BUGBUG: need a way to recover from this and register later delete[] pwzName; } } // CVersionManagement's RegisterInstall() below requires a manifest import to an application manifest if (_sWebManifestURL._cc != 0 || pwzDesktopManifestTempPath) { // if URL, crack the app manifest to get shell state info // BUGBUG: if URL->app manifest (case 5), pwzFilePath is a copy and is already cracked-so no need in that case? _pManImport->Release(); if (FAILED(_hr=CreateAssemblyManifestImport(&_pManImport, _pwzAppManifestPath, _pDbgLog, 0))) { Msg(L"Error in loading and parsing the application manifest file."); goto exit; } } if (FAILED(_hr=_pManImport->GetManifestApplicationInfo(&_pAppInfo)) || _hr==S_FALSE) { // can't continue without this... _hr = E_ABORT; Msg(L"This manifest does not have the shell information and cannot be used to start an application."); goto exit; } // copy desktop manifest, if present // even if the app deployment can possibly be broken and will not execute if (pwzDesktopManifestTempPath) { LPWSTR pwzFriendlyName = NULL; // BUGBUG: should get status on the desktop manifest generated, not copy in some cases, eg. file size == 0 or XMLDOM errors // use _hrManEmit to check if (FAILED(_hr = _pAppInfo->Get(MAN_INFO_APPLICATION_FRIENDLYNAME, (LPVOID *)&pwzFriendlyName, &dwCount, &dwFlag))) { Msg(L"This application does not have a friendly name specified, no desktop manifest is generated and the installation is not registered."); } else { // BUGBUG: should somehow continue even w/o a friendly name? name conflict? IF_FALSE_EXIT(pwzFriendlyName != NULL, E_UNEXPECTED); LPWSTR pwzDesktopManifestPath = NULL; _hr = CopyToUSStartMenu(pwzDesktopManifestTempPath, pwzFriendlyName, FALSE, &pwzDesktopManifestPath); delete[] pwzFriendlyName; // note: if a file with the same name already exists, the desktop manifest is not copied over // and so, this existing file will not be deleted when this app is uninstalled. // ISSUE-2002/03/27-felixybc finalize on what to do if file already exists - this could be a name squatting attack IF_FALSE_EXIT(!(FAILED(_hr) && _hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_EXISTS)), _hr); // _hr from CopyToUSStartMenu() above... LPVERSION_MANAGEMENT pVerMan = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(_hr = CreateVersionManagement(&pVerMan, 0))) { HRESULT hrVerMan = S_OK; if (FAILED(hrVerMan = pVerMan->RegisterInstall(_pManImport, pwzDesktopManifestPath))) { ShowError(hrVerMan, L"Error registering installation. Uninstall of this application cannot be done in Add/Remove Programs."); //goto exit; did not change _hr } } delete [] pwzDesktopManifestPath; if (pVerMan) pVerMan->Release(); // _hr from CreateVersionManagement() above... IF_FAILED_EXIT(_hr); } } exit: if (pwzDesktopManifestTempPath) { // delete the temp file for desktop manifest BOOL bReturn = DeleteFile(pwzDesktopManifestTempPath); if (SUCCEEDED(_hr) && !bReturn) _hr = GetLastWin32Error(); // else ignore return value delete[] pwzDesktopManifestTempPath; } return _hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CActivator::Execute // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CActivator::Execute() { LPWSTR pwzEntrypoint = NULL; LPWSTR pwzType = NULL; LPWSTR pwzAssemblyName = NULL; LPWSTR pwzAssemblyClass = NULL; LPWSTR pwzAssemblyMethod = NULL; LPWSTR pwzAssemblyArgs = NULL; LPWSTR pwzCmdLine = NULL; int iAppType = 0; DWORD dwCount, dwFlag = 0; IF_NULL_EXIT(_pAppInfo, E_UNEXPECTED); // not processed // execute the app IF_FAILED_EXIT(_pAppInfo->Get(MAN_INFO_APPLICATION_ENTRYPOINT, (LPVOID *)&pwzEntrypoint, &dwCount, &dwFlag)); if(pwzEntrypoint && *pwzEntrypoint == L'\0') SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzEntrypoint); if (FAILED(_hr = _pAppInfo->Get(MAN_INFO_APPLICATION_ENTRYIMAGETYPE, (LPVOID *)&pwzType, &dwCount, &dwFlag))) { Msg(L"Error in retrieving application type. Cannot continue."); goto exit; } IF_FALSE_EXIT(pwzType != NULL, E_UNEXPECTED); IF_FAILED_EXIT(FusionCompareString(pwzType, WZ_TYPE_DOTNET, 0)); if (_hr == S_OK) iAppType = TYPE_DOTNET; else { IF_FAILED_EXIT(FusionCompareString(pwzType, WZ_TYPE_WIN32, 0)); if (_hr == S_OK) iAppType = TYPE_WIN32; else { IF_FAILED_EXIT(FusionCompareString(pwzType, WZ_TYPE_AVALON, 0)); if (_hr == S_OK) iAppType = TYPE_AVALON; else { IF_FAILED_EXIT(FusionCompareString(pwzType, WZ_TYPE_CONSOLE, 0)); if (_hr == S_OK) iAppType = TYPE_CONSOLE; else { // unknown type Msg(L"Unsupported application type. Cannot continue."); _hr = E_ABORT; goto exit; } } } } if( (iAppType == TYPE_CONSOLE) || (iAppType == TYPE_WIN32) ) { if(!pwzEntrypoint) { Msg(L"Entry point not specified. Could not run this application."); goto exit; } size_t ccWorkingDir = wcslen(_pwzAppRootDir); size_t ccEntryPoint = wcslen(pwzEntrypoint)+1; pwzCmdLine = new WCHAR[ccWorkingDir+ccEntryPoint]; // 2 strings + '\0' IF_ALLOC_FAILED_EXIT(pwzCmdLine); memcpy(pwzCmdLine, _pwzAppRootDir, ccWorkingDir * sizeof(WCHAR)); memcpy(pwzCmdLine+ccWorkingDir, pwzEntrypoint, ccEntryPoint * sizeof(WCHAR)); // check if the entry point is in cache or not BOOL bExists = FALSE; IF_FAILED_EXIT(CheckFileExistence(pwzCmdLine, &bExists)); if (!bExists) { Msg(L"Entry point does not exist. Cannot continue."); _hr = E_ABORT; goto exit; } } if (iAppType == TYPE_DOTNET || iAppType == TYPE_AVALON) { #if 0 DWORD dwZone; #endif // ISSUE - note: ndphost should do the checking below instead IF_FAILED_EXIT(_pAppInfo->Get(MAN_INFO_APPLICATION_ASSEMBLYNAME, (LPVOID *)&pwzAssemblyName, &dwCount, &dwFlag)); if(pwzAssemblyName && *pwzAssemblyName == L'\0') SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzAssemblyName); IF_FAILED_EXIT(_pAppInfo->Get(MAN_INFO_APPLICATION_ASSEMBLYCLASS, (LPVOID *)&pwzAssemblyClass, &dwCount, &dwFlag)); if(pwzAssemblyClass && *pwzAssemblyClass == L'\0') SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzAssemblyClass); IF_FAILED_EXIT(_pAppInfo->Get(MAN_INFO_APPLICATION_ASSEMBLYMETHOD, (LPVOID *)&pwzAssemblyMethod, &dwCount, &dwFlag)); if(pwzAssemblyMethod && *pwzAssemblyMethod == L'\0') SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzAssemblyMethod); IF_FAILED_EXIT(_pAppInfo->Get(MAN_INFO_APPLICATION_ASSEMBLYARGS, (LPVOID *)&pwzAssemblyArgs, &dwCount, &dwFlag)); if(pwzAssemblyArgs && *pwzAssemblyArgs == L'\0') SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzAssemblyArgs); if(!pwzAssemblyName) { Msg(L"The application manifest does not have an activation assembly."); _hr = E_ABORT; goto exit; } if(pwzEntrypoint) { Msg(L"Entrypoint cannot be specified for managed code application types."); _hr = E_ABORT; goto exit; } if((pwzAssemblyClass && !pwzAssemblyMethod) || (!pwzAssemblyClass && pwzAssemblyMethod) || (pwzAssemblyArgs && !pwzAssemblyClass)) { Msg(L"Both AssemblyClass and AssemblyMethod must be specified."); _hr = E_ABORT; goto exit; } // note: at this point the codebase can be: URL to app manifest _or_ URL to subscription manifest // (depends on how 1st time install is started with) if ((_sWebManifestURL._cc != 0 || _dwManifestType != MANIFEST_TYPE_APPLICATION) && // run from source _pwzCodebase == NULL) { Msg(L"This application does not have a codebase specified. Cannot continue to execute .NetAssembly."); _hr = E_ABORT; goto exit; } #if 0 if (_pSecurityMgr == NULL) { // lazy init. _hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_InternetSecurityManager, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IInternetSecurityManager, (void**)&_pSecurityMgr); if (FAILED(_hr)) _pSecurityMgr = NULL; IF_FAILED_EXIT(_hr); } // BUGBUG?: shouldn't use codebase from ref manifest to set zone? IF_FAILED_EXIT(_pSecurityMgr->MapUrlToZone(_pwzCodebase, &dwZone, 0)); #endif #if 0 // old code // BUGBUG: hack for avalon (bug # 875) SetCurrentDirectory(_pwzAppRootDir); try { IAsmExecutePtr pIAsmExecute(__uuidof(AsmExecute)); long lRetVal = -1; long lFlag = 0x3; LPWSTR pwzArg = NULL; // BUGBUG: change AsmExec if it's no longer needed to send commandline argument // clean up interface if (iAppType == TYPE_AVALON) { // call with manifest file path as a parameter //pwzArg = pwzAppManifestPath; avalon arg hack // pass Avalon flag lFlag = 0x1003; // BUGBUG: a hack to show debug msg AllocConsole(); } //parameters: Codebase/filepath Flag Zone Url Arg // BUGBUG: DWORD is unsigned and long is signed _hr = pIAsmExecute->Execute(_bstr_t(pwzCmdLine), lFlag, dwZone, _bstr_t(_pwzCodebase), _bstr_t(pwzArg), &lRetVal); // BUGBUG: do something about lRetVal } catch (_com_error &e) { _hr = e.Error(); Msg((LPWSTR)e.ErrorMessage()); } // BUGBUG: get/display the actual error message // _hr from Execute() or inside catch(){} above if (FAILED(_hr)) goto exit; #else CString sHostPath; CString sCommandLine; // IF_FAILED_EXIT(MakeCommandLine(_pwzAppRootDir, pwzAssemblyName, pwzAssemblyClass, pwzAssemblyMethod, pwzAssemblyArgs, _pwzCodebase, dwZone, sHostPath, sCommandLine)); IF_FAILED_EXIT(MakeCommandLine(_pwzAppManifestPath, _pwzCodebase, sHostPath, sCommandLine)); IF_FAILED_EXIT(RunCommand(sHostPath._pwz, sCommandLine._pwz, _pwzAppRootDir, FALSE)); #endif } else if (iAppType == TYPE_WIN32) { // BUGBUG: Win32 app has no sandboxing... use SAFER? // BUGBUG: start directory: what if the exe is in a subdir of pwzAppRootDir? // CreateProcess dislike having the filename in the path for the start directory if (FAILED(_hr=RunCommand(pwzCmdLine, NULL, _pwzAppRootDir, FALSE))) { ShowError(_hr, L"Win32Executable: Create process error."); _hr = E_ABORT; goto exit; } } else if (iAppType == TYPE_CONSOLE) { // BUGBUG: Win32 app has no sandboxing... use SAFER? // BUGBUG: start directory: what if the exe is in a subdir of pwzAppRootDir? // CreateProcess dislike having the filename in the path for the start directory if (FAILED(_hr=RunCommandConsole(pwzCmdLine, _pwzAppRootDir, FALSE))) { ShowError(_hr, L"Win32Console: Create process error."); _hr = E_ABORT; goto exit; } } //else // unknown type.... exit: SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzEntrypoint); SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzType); SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzCmdLine); SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzAssemblyName); SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzAssemblyClass); SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzAssemblyMethod); SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzAssemblyArgs); return _hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CActivator::OnProgress // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CActivator::OnProgress(DWORD dwNotification, HRESULT hrNotification, LPCWSTR szNotification, DWORD dwProgress, DWORD dwProgressMax, IUnknown *pUnk) { LPASSEMBLY_MANIFEST_IMPORT pManifestImport = NULL; LPASSEMBLY_IDENTITY pAsmId = NULL; IManifestInfo *pDependAsmInfo = NULL; // only handles notification it cares if (dwNotification == ASM_NOTIFICATION_SUBSCRIPTION_MANIFEST || dwNotification == ASM_NOTIFICATION_APPLICATION_MANIFEST) { // szNotification == URL to manifest IF_NULL_EXIT(szNotification, E_INVALIDARG); // pUnk == manifest import of manifest IF_FAILED_EXIT(pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IAssemblyManifestImport, (LPVOID*) &pManifestImport)); if (dwNotification == ASM_NOTIFICATION_SUBSCRIPTION_MANIFEST) { LPWSTR pwzName = NULL; DWORD dwCount = 0; IF_FAILED_EXIT(_pAsmId->GetAttribute(SXS_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_STD_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_NAME, &pwzName, &dwCount)); { IAssemblyUpdate *pAssemblyUpdate = NULL; // register for updates _hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CAssemblyUpdate, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IAssemblyUpdate, (void**)&pAssemblyUpdate); if (SUCCEEDED(_hr)) { IManifestInfo* pSubsInfo = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(_hr = pManifestImport->GetSubscriptionInfo(&pSubsInfo))) { _hr = RegisterAssemblySubscriptionEx(pAssemblyUpdate, pwzName, (LPWSTR) szNotification, pSubsInfo); pSubsInfo->Release(); } pAssemblyUpdate->Release(); } delete[] pwzName; // do not fail... should show UI? if (FAILED(_hr)) _hr = S_OK; // goto exit; // BUGBUG: need a way to recover from this and register later } // export dependency/dependentassembly/assemblyIdentity & subscription if (_pManEmit) _hrManEmit = _pManEmit->SetDependencySubscription(pManifestImport, (LPWSTR)szNotification); else if (_bIsCheckingRequiredUpdate) { // if _bIsCheckingRequiredUpdate, _pManEmit == NULL, // and must be downloading subscription manifest // check if required update BOOL bIsToDownload = FALSE; // default is normal // BUGBUG: hardcoded index '0' IF_FAILED_EXIT(pManifestImport->GetNextAssembly(0, &pDependAsmInfo)); IF_FALSE_EXIT(_hr == S_OK, E_FAIL); if (pDependAsmInfo) { LPASSEMBLY_CACHE_IMPORT pCacheImport = NULL; DWORD dwFlag= 0; //already has it? IF_FAILED_EXIT(pDependAsmInfo->Get(MAN_INFO_DEPENDENT_ASM_ID, (LPVOID *)&pAsmId, &dwCount, &dwFlag)); IF_FALSE_EXIT(pAsmId != NULL, E_UNEXPECTED); IF_FAILED_EXIT(CreateAssemblyCacheImport(&pCacheImport, pAsmId, CACHEIMP_CREATE_RETRIEVE)); if (_hr == S_FALSE) { // no, does not have it DWORD *pdw = NULL; // is it required? IF_FAILED_EXIT(pDependAsmInfo->Get(MAN_INFO_DEPENDENT_ASM_TYPE, (LPVOID *)&pdw, &dwCount, &dwFlag)); IF_FALSE_EXIT(pdw != NULL, E_UNEXPECTED); if (*pdw == DEPENDENT_ASM_INSTALL_TYPE_REQUIRED) bIsToDownload = TRUE; // yes, it is required #ifdef DEVMODE else if (*pdw == DEPENDENT_ASM_INSTALL_TYPE_DEVSYNC) bIsToDownload = TRUE; // yes, it is devsync, assume required #endif SAFEDELETEARRAY(pdw); } SAFERELEASE(pCacheImport); } if (!bIsToDownload) _hr = E_ABORT; // signal abort the download } } else if (dwNotification == ASM_NOTIFICATION_APPLICATION_MANIFEST) { // check for dependent platforms IF_FAILED_EXIT(CheckPlatformRequirementsEx(pManifestImport, _pDbgLog, &_dwMissingPlatform, &_ptPlatform)); IF_TRUE_EXIT((_dwMissingPlatform > 0), E_ABORT); if (_pManEmit) { // export assemblyIdentity & application // ignore failure _hrManEmit = _pManEmit->ImportManifestInfo(pManifestImport); // export dependency/dependentassembly/assemblyIdentity & subscription // ignore failure, if already called once this is ignored _hrManEmit = _pManEmit->SetDependencySubscription(pManifestImport, (LPWSTR)szNotification); } } } else _hr = S_OK; exit: SAFERELEASE(pAsmId); SAFERELEASE(pDependAsmInfo); SAFERELEASE(pManifestImport); return _hr; } // IUnknown methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CActivator::QI // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CActivator::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObj) { if ( IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) // || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IActivator) ) { *ppvObj = this; //static_cast (this); AddRef(); return S_OK; } else { *ppvObj = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CActivator::AddRef // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CActivator::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement ((LONG*) &_cRef); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CActivator::Release // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CActivator::Release() { ULONG lRet = InterlockedDecrement ((LONG*) &_cRef); if (!lRet) delete this; return lRet; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CreateTempFile(LPCWSTR pcwzPrefix, LPWSTR *ppwzFilePath) { #define DEFAULT_PATH_LEN MAX_PATH #define TEMP_FILE_NAME_LEN sizeof("preuuuu.TMP") // from msdn HRESULT hr = S_OK; MAKE_ERROR_MACROS_STATIC(hr); LPWSTR pwzTempPath = NULL; LPWSTR pwzTempFilePath = NULL; IF_NULL_EXIT(pcwzPrefix, E_INVALIDARG); IF_NULL_EXIT(ppwzFilePath, E_INVALIDARG); *ppwzFilePath = NULL; IF_FALSE_EXIT(lstrlen(pcwzPrefix) == 3, E_INVALIDARG); // assemble temp file path IF_ALLOC_FAILED_EXIT(pwzTempPath = new WCHAR[DEFAULT_PATH_LEN]); // ISSUE-2002/03/31-felixybc GetTempPath can overrun the buffer? DWORD dwLen = GetTempPath(DEFAULT_PATH_LEN, pwzTempPath); IF_WIN32_FALSE_EXIT(dwLen); if (dwLen >= DEFAULT_PATH_LEN) { // resize, add 1 for terminating null IF_FALSE_EXIT(dwLen+1 > dwLen, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW)); // check overflow SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzTempPath); IF_ALLOC_FAILED_EXIT(pwzTempPath = new WCHAR[dwLen+1]); DWORD dwLenNew = GetTempPath(dwLen+1, pwzTempPath); IF_WIN32_FALSE_EXIT(dwLenNew); IF_FALSE_EXIT(dwLenNew < dwLen+1, E_FAIL); // why is it still not enough? } DWORD dwBufLen = lstrlen(pwzTempPath)+1; // note: can do a better check here IF_FALSE_EXIT(dwBufLen > 1, E_FAIL); // allocate buffer large enough for temp path and temp file name DWORD dwLenNew = (dwBufLen > DEFAULT_PATH_LEN)? dwBufLen : DEFAULT_PATH_LEN; dwLenNew += TEMP_FILE_NAME_LEN; // check for overflow IF_FALSE_EXIT(dwLenNew > dwBufLen, E_FAIL); IF_ALLOC_FAILED_EXIT(pwzTempFilePath = new WCHAR[dwLenNew]); // *pwzTempFilePath = L'\0'; // note: temp file to be deleted by the caller IF_WIN32_FALSE_EXIT(GetTempFileName(pwzTempPath, pcwzPrefix, 0, pwzTempFilePath)); *ppwzFilePath = pwzTempFilePath; pwzTempFilePath = NULL; exit: /* if (FAILED(hr) && pwzTempFilePath != NULL) { if (*pwzTempFilePath != L'\0') { // ignore if error deleting the file DeleteFile(pwzTempFilePath); } }*/ SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzTempFilePath); SAFEDELETEARRAY(pwzTempPath); return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CActivator::ResolveAndInstall // note: parameter _pwzCodebase can be NULL // must delete if *ppwzDesktopManifestPathName != NULL // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CActivator::ResolveAndInstall(LPWSTR *ppwzDesktopManifestPathName) { LPASSEMBLY_CACHE_IMPORT pCacheImport = NULL; DWORD dwCC = 0; _bIs1stTimeInstall = FALSE; // look into the cache IF_FAILED_EXIT(CreateAssemblyCacheImport(&pCacheImport, _pAsmId, CACHEIMP_CREATE_RESOLVE_REF)); // hr from CreateAssemblyCacheImport() above // Case 1, cached copy exist // _hr == S_OK if (_hr == S_OK && _dwManifestType == MANIFEST_TYPE_DESKTOP) { // BUGBUG: broken if subscribed then run with a desktop manifest generated with URL to app manifest // should check and ignore if desktop manifest redirect to applicaion manifest on server // as there is no way to check for update/changes in subscription manifest, even if subscribed so // correct fix is to use subscription manifest's URL stored // check if subscribed with event sync DWORD dwSyncEvent = MAN_INFO_SUBSCRIPTION_MAX; _hr = CheckSubscribedWithEventSync(_pAsmId, &dwSyncEvent); // ISSUE-2002/04/12-felixybc If the value is absent, ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES is returned. // Note that dwSyncEvent is unmodified. if (_hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)) IF_FAILED_EXIT(_hr); if (dwSyncEvent == SUBSCRIPTION_SYNC_EVENT_ON_APP_STARTUP) { LPASSEMBLY_DOWNLOAD pAsmDownload = NULL; // event sync onApplicationStartup == required update // _pwzCodebase != NULL // check policy before download IF_FAILED_EXIT(CheckZonePolicy(_pwzCodebase)); IF_FAILED_EXIT(CreateAssemblyDownload(&pAsmDownload, _pDbgLog, 0)); _bIsCheckingRequiredUpdate = TRUE; // (synchronous & ui & bindsink) download from codebase _hr=pAsmDownload->DownloadManifestAndDependencies(_pwzCodebase, this, DOWNLOAD_FLAGS_PROGRESS_UI | DOWNLOAD_FLAGS_NOTIFY_BINDSINK); pAsmDownload->Release(); _bIsCheckingRequiredUpdate = FALSE; // hr from DownloadManifestAndDependencies() above if (FAILED(_hr)) { if (_hr != E_ABORT) { HRESULT hrTemp; CString sErrMsg; if(SUCCEEDED(hrTemp = _pDbgLog->GetLoggedMsgs(0, sErrMsg))) { hrTemp = sErrMsg.Append(L"Error in file download while checking for required update. Cannot continue."); if(SUCCEEDED(hrTemp)) { ShowError(sErrMsg._pwz); _hr = E_ABORT; } } } goto exit; } IF_FAILED_EXIT(HandlePlatformCheckResult()); SAFERELEASE(pCacheImport); // either no required update needed, or another version have been completely downloaded at this time... // BUGBUG: Determine if abort done by our bindsink when no required update - thus no need to re-create cache import. // get cache dir again to ensure running the highest version IF_FAILED_EXIT(CreateAssemblyCacheImport(&pCacheImport, _pAsmId, CACHEIMP_CREATE_RESOLVE_REF)); if (_hr == S_FALSE) { // should never happen, at least 1 was found before Msg(L"No completed cached version found. Possible cache corruption. Cannot continue."); _hr = E_ABORT; goto exit; } } else // if _hr == error, ignore _hr = S_OK; } // Case 2, cached copy (of the referenced version) not exist else if (_hr == S_FALSE) { LPASSEMBLY_DOWNLOAD pAsmDownload = NULL; // BUGBUG?: what if it is not a partial ref but there's actually another version installed? if (_pwzCodebase == NULL) { Msg(L"No completed cached version of this application found and this manifest cannot be used to initiate an install. Cannot continue."); _hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } // create temp file name IF_FAILED_EXIT(CreateTempFile(L"DMA", ppwzDesktopManifestPathName)); // desktop manifest file _bIs1stTimeInstall = TRUE; // check policy before download IF_FAILED_EXIT(CheckZonePolicy(_pwzCodebase)); #ifdef DEVMODE IF_FAILED_EXIT(CreateAssemblyDownload(&pAsmDownload, _pDbgLog, (_bIsDevMode ? DOWNLOAD_DEVMODE : 0))); #else IF_FAILED_EXIT(CreateAssemblyDownload(&pAsmDownload, _pDbgLog, 0)); #endif // should generate the desktop manifest file if 1st time install (from mimehandler or not) // or even if it subsequently fails // ignore error _hrManEmit=CreateAssemblyManifestEmit(&_pManEmit, *ppwzDesktopManifestPathName, MANIFEST_TYPE_DESKTOP); // BUGBUG: UGLY - _pManImport & _sWebManifestURL._pwz are needed only for desktop manifest stuff. // ??? // This should be cleaned up once assemblydownload is restructured. // (see checks for "_sWebManifestURL._cc != 0 && dwManifestType == MANIFEST_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION") if (_sWebManifestURL._cc != 0 && _dwManifestType == MANIFEST_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION && _pManEmit) { // export dependency/dependentassembly/assemblyIdentity & subscription // ignore failure _hrManEmit = _pManEmit->SetDependencySubscription(_pManImport, _sWebManifestURL._pwz); } //BUGBUG: need ref def matching checks for desktop->subscription->app manifests' ids // (synchronous & ui & bindsink) download from codebase _hr=pAsmDownload->DownloadManifestAndDependencies(_pwzCodebase, this, DOWNLOAD_FLAGS_PROGRESS_UI | DOWNLOAD_FLAGS_NOTIFY_BINDSINK); pAsmDownload->Release(); if (_pManEmit) { // write out desktop manifest _hrManEmit = _pManEmit->Commit(); SAFERELEASE(_pManEmit); } // hr from DownloadManifestAndDependencies() above if (FAILED(_hr)) { if (_hr == E_ABORT) { // Msg(L"File download canceled."); } else { HRESULT hrTemp; CString sErrMsg; if(SUCCEEDED(hrTemp = _pDbgLog->GetLoggedMsgs(0, sErrMsg))) { hrTemp = sErrMsg.Append(L"Error in file download. Cannot continue."); if(SUCCEEDED(hrTemp)) { ShowError(sErrMsg._pwz); _hr = E_ABORT; } } } goto exit; } IF_FAILED_EXIT(HandlePlatformCheckResult()); // another version might have been completed at this time... // get cache dir again to ensure running the highest version IF_FAILED_EXIT(CreateAssemblyCacheImport(&pCacheImport, _pAsmId, CACHEIMP_CREATE_RESOLVE_REF)); if (_hr == S_FALSE) { Msg(L"No completed cached version found. Possible error in download cache commit. Cannot continue."); _hr = E_ABORT; goto exit; } } IF_FAILED_EXIT(pCacheImport->GetManifestFileDir(&_pwzAppRootDir, &dwCC)); IF_FALSE_EXIT(dwCC >= sizeof("c:\\"), E_FAIL); // this should never happen IF_FAILED_EXIT(pCacheImport->GetManifestFilePath(&_pwzAppManifestPath, &dwCC)); exit: SAFERELEASE(pCacheImport); if (FAILED(_hr)) { SAFEDELETEARRAY(_pwzAppRootDir); SAFEDELETEARRAY(_pwzAppManifestPath); } return _hr; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CActivator::HandlePlatformCheckResult() { if (_dwMissingPlatform > 0) { // L"Single link: link" DWORD dwReturn = 0; CString sText; IF_FAILED_EXIT(sText.Assign(L"The required version of ")); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sText.Append((_ptPlatform[0]).pwzName)); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sText.Append(L" is not available on this system.\n\nMore information about this platform can be found at \n")); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sText.Append((_ptPlatform[0]).pwzURL)); IF_FAILED_EXIT(sText.Append(L"")); IF_FAILED_EXIT(ShowDialog(NULL, IDD_LINKDIALOG, sText._pwz, L"Platform Update Required", dwReturn)); _hr = E_ABORT; goto exit; } else _hr = S_OK; exit: return _hr; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BUGBUG: this should be in-sync with what server does to register update #define REG_KEY_FUSION_SETTINGS L"Software\\Microsoft\\Fusion\\Installer\\\\Policy" #define REG_VAL_INTRANET_DISALLOW L"Download from Intranet Disallowed" #define REG_VAL_TRUSTED_DISALLOW L"Download from Trusted Zone Disallowed" #define REG_VAL_INTERNET_DISALLOW L"Download from Internet Disallowed" #define REG_VAL_UNTRUSTED_DISALLOW L"Download from Untrusted Zone Disallowed" // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CActivator::CheckZonePolicy // return: S_OK for yes/ok, E_ABORT for no/abort // default is allow all // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CActivator::CheckZonePolicy(LPWSTR pwzURL) { DWORD dwZone = 0; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwValue = -1; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(dwValue); if (_pSecurityMgr == NULL) { // lazy init. _hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_InternetSecurityManager, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IInternetSecurityManager, (void**)&_pSecurityMgr); if (FAILED(_hr)) _pSecurityMgr = NULL; IF_FAILED_EXIT(_hr); } IF_FAILED_EXIT(_pSecurityMgr->MapUrlToZone(pwzURL, &dwZone, 0)); // BUGBUG: hack up code here... not much error checking... switch(dwZone) { case 1: // Intranet Zone // Get registry entry if (GetRegKeyValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REG_KEY_FUSION_SETTINGS, REG_VAL_INTRANET_DISALLOW, &dwType, (PBYTE) &dwValue, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwValue == 1) { _hr = E_ABORT; Msg(L"Zone policy: Download from Intranet is disallowed. Aborting..."); } } break; case 2: // Trusted Zone // Get registry entry if (GetRegKeyValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REG_KEY_FUSION_SETTINGS, REG_VAL_TRUSTED_DISALLOW, &dwType, (PBYTE) &dwValue, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwValue == 1) { _hr = E_ABORT; Msg(L"Zone policy: Download from Trusted Zone is disallowed. Aborting..."); } } break; case 3: // Internet Zone // Get registry entry if (GetRegKeyValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REG_KEY_FUSION_SETTINGS, REG_VAL_INTERNET_DISALLOW, &dwType, (PBYTE) &dwValue, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwValue == 1) { _hr = E_ABORT; Msg(L"Zone policy: Download from Internet is disallowed. Aborting..."); } } break; default: case 4: // Untrusted Zone // Get registry entry if (GetRegKeyValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REG_KEY_FUSION_SETTINGS, REG_VAL_UNTRUSTED_DISALLOW, &dwType, (PBYTE) &dwValue, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwValue == 1) { _hr = E_ABORT; Msg(L"Zone policy: Download from Untrusted Zone is disallowed. Aborting..."); } } break; case 0: //Local machine break; } exit: return _hr; }