//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998. // // File: schedif.cpp // // Contents: interfaces for synchronization scheduling // // Interfaces: IEnumSyncSchedules // ISyncSchedule // IEnumSyncItems // // Classes: CEnumSyncSchedules // CSyncSchedule // CEnumSyncItems // // Notes: // // History: 27-Feb-98 Susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "precomp.h" #include extern UINT g_cRefThisDll; extern HINSTANCE g_hmodThisDll; // Handle to this DLL itself. DWORD StartScheduler(); BOOL IsFriendlyNameInUse(LPTSTR ptszScheduleGUIDName, UINT cchScheduleGUIDName, LPCTSTR ptstrFriendlyName); //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: CEnumSyncSchedules // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncSchedules::CEnumSyncSchedules() // // PURPOSE: Constructor // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEnumSyncSchedules::CEnumSyncSchedules(IEnumWorkItems *pIEnumWorkItems, ITaskScheduler *pITaskScheduler) { TRACE("CEnumSyncSchedules::CEnumSyncSchedules()\r\n"); m_cRef = 1; ++g_cRefThisDll; m_pIEnumWorkItems = pIEnumWorkItems; m_pITaskScheduler = pITaskScheduler; m_pITaskScheduler->AddRef(); m_pIEnumWorkItems->AddRef(); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: CEnumSyncSchedules // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncSchedules::~CEnumSyncSchedules() // // PURPOSE: Destructor // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEnumSyncSchedules::~CEnumSyncSchedules() { TRACE("CEnumSyncSchedules::~CEnumSyncSchedules()\r\n"); m_pITaskScheduler->Release(); m_pIEnumWorkItems->Release(); --g_cRefThisDll; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncSchedules::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR *ppv) // // PURPOSE: QI for the enumerator // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CEnumSyncSchedules::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR *ppv) { *ppv = NULL; if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) { TRACE("CEnumSyncSchedules::QueryInterface()==>IID_IUknown\r\n"); *ppv = (LPUNKNOWN)this; } else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IEnumSyncSchedules)) { TRACE("CSyncScheduleMgr::QueryInterface()==>IID_IEnumSyncSchedules\r\n"); *ppv = (LPENUMSYNCSCHEDULES) this; } if (*ppv) { AddRef(); return NOERROR; } TRACE("CEnumSyncSchedules::QueryInterface()==>Unknown Interface!\r\n"); return E_NOINTERFACE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncSchedules::AddRef() // // PURPOSE: Addref for the enumerator // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CEnumSyncSchedules::AddRef() { TRACE("CEnumSyncSchedules::AddRef()\r\n"); return ++m_cRef; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncSchedules::Release() // // PURPOSE: Release for the enumerator // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CEnumSyncSchedules::Release() { TRACE("CEnumSyncSchedules::Release()\r\n"); if (--m_cRef) return m_cRef; delete this; return 0L; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncSchedules::Next(ULONG celt, // SYNCSCHEDULECOOKIE *pSyncSchedCookie, // ULONG *pceltFetched) // // PURPOSE: Next sync Schedule // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CEnumSyncSchedules::Next(ULONG celt, SYNCSCHEDULECOOKIE *pSyncSchedCookie, ULONG *pceltFetched) { SCODE sc; LPWSTR *pwszSchedNames; ULONG ulSyncCount = 0, ulTaskCount = 0; ULONG ulFetched; Assert(m_pIEnumWorkItems); if ((0 == celt) || ((celt > 1) && (NULL == pceltFetched)) || (NULL == pSyncSchedCookie)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } //We may have to call Next multiple times, as we must filter out non-sync schedules. do { ulTaskCount = 0; if (FAILED (sc = m_pIEnumWorkItems->Next(celt - ulSyncCount, &pwszSchedNames, &ulFetched))) { return sc; } if (ulFetched == 0) { break; } while (ulTaskCount < ulFetched) { //IsSyncMgrSched will blow away turds if ( IsSyncMgrSched(pwszSchedNames[ulTaskCount]) ) { if (!IsSyncMgrSchedHidden(pwszSchedNames[ulTaskCount]) ) { pwszSchedNames[ulTaskCount][GUIDSTR_MAX] = NULL; GUIDFromString(pwszSchedNames[ulTaskCount], &(pSyncSchedCookie[ulSyncCount])); ulSyncCount++; } } //Free this TaskName, we are done with it. CoTaskMemFree(pwszSchedNames[ulTaskCount]); ulTaskCount++; } CoTaskMemFree(pwszSchedNames); } while (ulFetched && (ulSyncCount < celt)); if (pceltFetched) { *pceltFetched = ulSyncCount; } if (ulSyncCount == celt) { return S_OK; } return S_FALSE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncSchedules::Skip(ULONG celt) // // PURPOSE: skip celt sync schedules // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CEnumSyncSchedules::Skip(ULONG celt) { SCODE sc; LPWSTR *pwszSchedNames; ULONG ulSyncCount = 0, ulTaskCount = 0; ULONG ulFetched; Assert(m_pIEnumWorkItems); //We have to call Next, rather than wrap Skip, because we need the schedule name to //determine if it is ours or not. //We may have to call Next multiple times, as we must filter out non-sync schedules. do { ulTaskCount = 0; if (S_OK != (sc = m_pIEnumWorkItems->Next(celt - ulSyncCount, &pwszSchedNames, &ulFetched))) { return sc; } while (ulTaskCount < ulFetched) { //IsSyncMgrSched will blow away turds if ( IsSyncMgrSched(pwszSchedNames[ulTaskCount]) ) { if (!IsSyncMgrSchedHidden(pwszSchedNames[ulTaskCount]) ) { ulSyncCount++; } } //Free this TaskName, we are done with it. FREE(pwszSchedNames[ulTaskCount]); ulTaskCount++; } FREE(pwszSchedNames); } while (ulFetched && (ulSyncCount < celt)); return S_OK; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncSchedules::Reset(void) // // PURPOSE: reset the enumerator // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CEnumSyncSchedules::Reset(void) { Assert(m_pIEnumWorkItems); return m_pIEnumWorkItems->Reset(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncSchedules::Clone(IEnumSyncSchedules **ppEnumSyncSchedules) // // PURPOSE: Clone the enumerator // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CEnumSyncSchedules::Clone(IEnumSyncSchedules **ppEnumSyncSchedules) { SCODE sc; IEnumWorkItems *pIEnumWorkItems; if (!ppEnumSyncSchedules) { return E_INVALIDARG; } Assert(m_pIEnumWorkItems); if (FAILED(sc = m_pIEnumWorkItems->Clone(&pIEnumWorkItems))) { return sc; } *ppEnumSyncSchedules = new CEnumSyncSchedules(pIEnumWorkItems, m_pITaskScheduler); if (!ppEnumSyncSchedules) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } //Constructor AddRefed it, we release it here. pIEnumWorkItems->Release(); return S_OK; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: BOOL CEnumSyncSchedules::VerifyScheduleSID(LPCWSTR pwstrTaskName) // // PURPOSE: determine if this schedule SID matches the current user SID // !!!Warning - This functions deletes the .job file so make sure // if you call this function you validated the Task .job file // was created by SyncMgr. Should change this so caller needs to // delete // // History: 15-Oct-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CEnumSyncSchedules::VerifyScheduleSID(LPCWSTR pwstrTaskName) { TCHAR ptszTaskName[MAX_PATH + 1], ptszTextualSidUser[MAX_PATH + 1], ptszTextualSidSched[MAX_PATH + 1]; if (!GetUserTextualSid(ptszTextualSidUser, ARRAYSIZE(ptszTextualSidUser)) || FAILED(StringCchCopy(ptszTaskName, ARRAYSIZE(ptszTaskName), pwstrTaskName))) { return FALSE; } //Truncate off the .job extension of the schedule name int iTaskNameLen = lstrlen(ptszTaskName); if (iTaskNameLen < 4) { return FALSE; } ptszTaskName[iTaskNameLen -4] = TEXT('\0'); //Get the SID for this schedule from the registry //If this fails the key didn't exist if (!RegGetSIDForSchedule(ptszTextualSidSched, ARRAYSIZE(ptszTextualSidSched), ptszTaskName) || //If this fails the key exists but has the wrong SID lstrcmp(ptszTextualSidSched, ptszTextualSidUser)) { //Try to remove the schedule if (FAILED(m_pITaskScheduler->Delete(pwstrTaskName))) { //pwstrTaskName should have the .job extension for this function RemoveScheduledJobFile((TCHAR *)pwstrTaskName); } //Remove our Registry settings for this schedule //Note this should not have the .job extension RegRemoveScheduledTask(ptszTaskName); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: BOOL CEnumSyncSchedules::CheckForTaskNameKey(LPCWSTR pwstrTaskName) // // PURPOSE: check for a corresponging key for the .job // !!!Warning - This functions deletes the .job file so make sure // if you call this function you validated the Task .job file // was created by SyncMgr. Should change this so caller needs to // delete // // History: 21-Dec-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CEnumSyncSchedules::CheckForTaskNameKey(LPCWSTR pwstrTaskName) { HKEY hkeySchedSync,hkeyDomainUser,hkeySchedName; LONG lRegResult; TCHAR ptszTaskName[MAX_SCHEDULENAMESIZE + 5]; hkeySchedSync = hkeyDomainUser = hkeySchedName = NULL; if (!pwstrTaskName) { Assert(pwstrTaskName); return FALSE; } if (FAILED(StringCchCopy(ptszTaskName, ARRAYSIZE(ptszTaskName), pwstrTaskName))) { return FALSE; } int iTaskNameLen = lstrlen(ptszTaskName); if (iTaskNameLen < 4) { AssertSz (0, "Schedule name is too short"); return FALSE; } ptszTaskName[iTaskNameLen -4] = TEXT('\0'); // validate this is a valid schedule and if no registry data for // it then delete the .job file. // Get the UserName key from the TaskName itself since on NT schedules // can fire if User provided as Password as a different user thant the // current user. //Idle GUID is the same UNICODE lenght as all GUID strings. int OffsetToUserName = wcslen(WSZGUID_IDLESCHEDULE) + 1; // +1 for _ char between guid and user name. TCHAR *pszDomainAndUser = (TCHAR *) ptszTaskName + OffsetToUserName; // can't call standard function for getting since DomainName is from // the task, if fails its okay lRegResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,SCHEDSYNC_REGKEY,0,KEY_READ, &hkeySchedSync); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRegResult) { lRegResult = RegOpenKeyEx (hkeySchedSync,pszDomainAndUser,0,KEY_READ, &hkeyDomainUser); } if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRegResult) { lRegResult = RegOpenKeyEx (hkeyDomainUser,ptszTaskName,0,KEY_READ, &hkeySchedName); } // close up the keys if (hkeySchedName) RegCloseKey(hkeySchedName); if (hkeyDomainUser) RegCloseKey(hkeyDomainUser); if (hkeySchedSync) RegCloseKey(hkeySchedSync); // if any of the keys are bad then nix the TS file and return; if ( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == lRegResult) { //Try to remove the schedule if (FAILED(m_pITaskScheduler->Delete(pwstrTaskName))) { //pwstrTaskName should have the .job extension for this function RemoveScheduledJobFile((TCHAR *)pwstrTaskName); } return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: BOOL CEnumSyncSchedules::IsSyncMgrSched(LPCWSTR pwstrTaskName) // // PURPOSE: determine if this schedule is a SyncSched // // History: 03-Mar-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CEnumSyncSchedules::IsSyncMgrSched(LPCWSTR pwstrTaskName) { TCHAR pszDomainAndUser[MAX_DOMANDANDMACHINENAMESIZE]; WCHAR pwszDomainAndUser[MAX_DOMANDANDMACHINENAMESIZE]; Assert(m_pITaskScheduler); // First let's make sure our address arithmetic // doesn't push us off the string if (lstrlen(pwstrTaskName) <= GUIDSTR_MAX) { return FALSE; } //Now make sure this was created by CREATOR_SYNCMGR_TASK. ITask *pITask; LPWSTR pwszCreator; if (FAILED(m_pITaskScheduler->Activate(pwstrTaskName, IID_ITask, (IUnknown **)&pITask))) { return FALSE; } if (FAILED(pITask->GetCreator(&pwszCreator))) { pITask->Release(); return FALSE; } if (0 != lstrcmp(pwszCreator, CREATOR_SYNCMGR_TASK)) { CoTaskMemFree(pwszCreator); pITask->Release(); return FALSE; } CoTaskMemFree(pwszCreator); pITask->Release(); //Blow away the .job if there is no reg entry for it. // so remember to make sure this schedule was created by us before // calling if (!CheckForTaskNameKey(pwstrTaskName)) { return FALSE; } GetDefaultDomainAndUserName(pszDomainAndUser,TEXT("_"), ARRAYSIZE(pszDomainAndUser)); if (FAILED(StringCchCopy(pwszDomainAndUser, ARRAYSIZE(pwszDomainAndUser), pszDomainAndUser))) { return FALSE; } //Get the Domain and User name if (0 != wcsncmp(&(pwstrTaskName[GUIDSTR_MAX +1]),pwszDomainAndUser,lstrlen(pwszDomainAndUser))) { return FALSE; } //Ok the name looks right for this user. //Let's make sure the SID matches as well. //on Win9X the SID should be the empty string // !! this removes the .job file and regKeys if the sid doesn't match if (!VerifyScheduleSID(pwstrTaskName)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: BOOL CEnumSyncSchedules::IsSyncMgrSchedHidden(LPCWSTR pwstrTaskName) // // PURPOSE: determine if this schedule is a hidden // // History: 16-Mar-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CEnumSyncSchedules::IsSyncMgrSchedHidden(LPCWSTR pwstrTaskName) { SCODE sc; HKEY hKeyUser; DWORD dwHidden = FALSE; DWORD cbDataSize = sizeof(dwHidden); int iTaskNameLen; int i = 0; TCHAR ptstrRegName[MAX_PATH + 1]; TCHAR ptstrNewName[MAX_PATH + 1]; if (FAILED(StringCchCopy(ptstrNewName, ARRAYSIZE(ptstrNewName), pwstrTaskName))) { return FALSE; } //Truncate off the .job extension of the schedule name iTaskNameLen = lstrlen(ptstrNewName); if (iTaskNameLen < 4) { return FALSE; } ptstrNewName[iTaskNameLen -4] = TEXT('\0'); hKeyUser = RegGetCurrentUserKey(SYNCTYPE_SCHEDULED,KEY_READ,FALSE); if (NULL == hKeyUser) { return FALSE; } do { sc = RegEnumKey( hKeyUser, i++, ptstrRegName, MAX_PATH); //This is the schedule if (0 == lstrcmp(ptstrRegName,ptstrNewName)) { break; } } while (sc == S_OK); //we couldn't find the schedule if (sc != S_OK) { RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); return FALSE; } //schedule found, get the hidden flag if (ERROR_SUCCESS != SHRegGetValue(hKeyUser, ptstrRegName,TEXT("ScheduleHidden"), SRRF_RT_REG_DWORD, NULL, (LPBYTE) &dwHidden, &cbDataSize)) { dwHidden = 0; } RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); if (dwHidden) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Class: CSyncSchedule // // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::CSyncSchedule() // // PURPOSE: CSyncSchedule constructor // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSyncSchedule::CSyncSchedule(ITask *pITask) { TRACE("CSyncSchedule::CSyncSchedule()\r\n"); ++g_cRefThisDll; m_cRef = 1; m_HndlrQueue = NULL; m_fCleanReg = FALSE; m_pITask = pITask; m_pITask->AddRef(); m_iTrigger = 0; m_pITrigger = NULL; m_fNewSchedule = FALSE; m_pFirstCacheEntry = NULL; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Class: CSyncSchedule // // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::~CSyncSchedule() // // PURPOSE: CSyncSchedule destructor // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSyncSchedule::~CSyncSchedule() { TRACE("CSyncSchedule::~CSyncSchedule()\r\n"); if (m_pITask) { m_pITask->Release(); } if (m_pITrigger) { m_pITrigger->Release(); } --g_cRefThisDll; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Class: CSyncSchedule // // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::SetDefaultCredentials() // // PURPOSE: CSyncSchedule credential intialization // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CSyncSchedule::SetDefaultCredentials() { SCODE sc = S_OK; //Set the default credentials WCHAR pwszDomainAndUserName[MAX_DOMANDANDMACHINENAMESIZE]; GetDefaultDomainAndUserName(pwszDomainAndUserName, TEXT("\\"), ARRAYSIZE(pwszDomainAndUserName)); if (FAILED(sc = m_pITask->SetFlags(TASK_FLAG_RUN_ONLY_IF_LOGGED_ON))) { return sc; } if (FAILED(sc = m_pITask->SetAccountInformation(pwszDomainAndUserName,NULL))) { return sc; } return sc; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Class: CSyncSchedule // // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::Initialize(LPTSTR ptstrGUIDName, LPTSTR ptstrFriendlyName) // // PURPOSE: CSyncSchedule intialization // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CSyncSchedule::Initialize(LPTSTR ptstrGUIDName, LPTSTR ptstrFriendlyName) { SCODE sc; sc = StringCchCopy(m_ptstrGUIDName, ARRAYSIZE(m_ptstrGUIDName), ptstrGUIDName); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { sc = StringCchCopy(m_pwszFriendlyName, ARRAYSIZE(m_pwszFriendlyName), ptstrFriendlyName); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { TRACE("CSyncSchedule::Initialize()\r\n"); Assert(m_pITask); // Form the application name/path and command line params. //initialize the syncmgr application name TCHAR ptszFileName[MAX_PATH + 1]; WCHAR pwszAppName[MAX_PATH + 1]; WCHAR pwszSchedName[MAX_PATH + 1]; LoadString(g_hmodThisDll, IDS_SYNCMGR_EXE_NAME, ptszFileName, ARRAYSIZE(ptszFileName)); sc = StringCchCopy(pwszAppName, ARRAYSIZE(pwszAppName), ptszFileName); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { sc = StringCchCopy(pwszSchedName, ARRAYSIZE(pwszSchedName), m_ptstrGUIDName); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { m_pITask->SetApplicationName(pwszAppName); sc = StringCchPrintf(pwszAppName, ARRAYSIZE(pwszAppName), TEXT("%s\"%s\""), // put quotes to handle friendly names SCHED_COMMAND_LINE_ARG, pwszSchedName); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { sc = m_pITask->SetParameters(pwszAppName); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { // Specify the creator name. SyncMGr uses this to identify syncmgr tasks sc = m_pITask->SetCreator(CREATOR_SYNCMGR_TASK); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { //Set up the Trigger WORD wTriggerCount; sc = m_pITask->GetTriggerCount(&wTriggerCount); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { if (wTriggerCount == 0) { sc = m_pITask->CreateTrigger(&m_iTrigger, &m_pITrigger); } else { sc = m_pITask->GetTrigger(m_iTrigger, &m_pITrigger); } if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { //Create a new connectionSettings for this schedule and hand off to the handler queue // who will free it m_pConnectionSettings = (LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS) ALLOC(sizeof(*m_pConnectionSettings)); if (!m_pConnectionSettings) { sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { // If the connection name isn't in the registry, we know this is a new schedule. // We set the name to the default connection name and return FALSE if it wasn't there, // True if it was located in the registry if (!RegGetSchedConnectionName(m_ptstrGUIDName, m_pConnectionSettings->pszConnectionName, MAX_PATH)) { m_fNewSchedule = TRUE; } //this set defaults before quering registry, so if it can't read the reg, //we will just get defaults. RegGetSchedSyncSettings(m_pConnectionSettings, m_ptstrGUIDName); //Save the Connection name and type on this obj sc = StringCchCopy(m_pwszConnectionName, ARRAYSIZE(m_pwszConnectionName), m_pConnectionSettings->pszConnectionName); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { m_dwConnType = m_pConnectionSettings->dwConnType; if (!m_HndlrQueue) { m_HndlrQueue = new CHndlrQueue(QUEUETYPE_SETTINGS); if (!m_HndlrQueue) { sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { sc = m_HndlrQueue->Init(); if (FAILED(sc)) { m_HndlrQueue->Release(); m_HndlrQueue = NULL; } else { sc = m_HndlrQueue->InitSchedSyncSettings(m_pConnectionSettings); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } return sc; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::LoadOneHandler(REFCLSID pHandlerID) // // PURPOSE: Initialize and load this handler // // History: 9-Oct-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CSyncSchedule::LoadOneHandler(REFCLSID pHandlerID) { SCODE sc = NOERROR; WORD wHandlerID; Assert(m_HndlrQueue); if (NOERROR == (sc = m_HndlrQueue->AddHandler(pHandlerID, &wHandlerID))) { if (FAILED(sc = m_HndlrQueue->CreateServer(wHandlerID,&pHandlerID))) { return sc; } // Initialize the handlers. // If the Handler doesn't want to play on this schedule, remove him. if (S_FALSE == m_HndlrQueue->Initialize(wHandlerID,0,SYNCMGRFLAG_SETTINGS,0,NULL)) { m_HndlrQueue->RemoveHandler(wHandlerID); return SYNCMGR_E_HANDLER_NOT_LOADED; } if (FAILED(sc = m_HndlrQueue->AddHandlerItemsToQueue(wHandlerID))) { return sc; } //this set defaults before quering registry, so if it can't read the reg, //we will just get defaults. m_HndlrQueue->ReadSchedSyncSettingsOnConnection(wHandlerID, m_ptstrGUIDName); //Apply all the cached changed to the newly loaded handler ApplyCachedItemsCheckState(pHandlerID); //Clear out the list of changes to this handler's items PurgeCachedItemsCheckState(pHandlerID); } if (sc == S_FALSE) { return S_OK; } return sc; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::LoadAllHandlers() // // PURPOSE: Initialize and load all the handlers // // History: 6-Oct-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CSyncSchedule::LoadAllHandlers() { SCODE sc = NOERROR; TCHAR lpName[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hkSyncMgr; CLSID clsid; WORD wHandlerID; Assert(m_HndlrQueue); // loop through the reg getting the handlers and trying to // create them. hkSyncMgr = RegGetHandlerTopLevelKey(KEY_READ); if (hkSyncMgr) { DWORD dwIndex = 0; // if loading all handlers and got handler key open then can clean // up old reg entries for this schedule m_fCleanReg = TRUE; while ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumKey(hkSyncMgr,dwIndex, lpName,ARRAYSIZE(lpName)) ) { if (NOERROR == CLSIDFromString(lpName,&clsid) ) { if (NOERROR == m_HndlrQueue->AddHandler(clsid, &wHandlerID)) { HRESULT hrInit; // Initialize the handlers. // If the Handler fails to create or // doesn't want to play on this schedule, remove him. hrInit = m_HndlrQueue->CreateServer(wHandlerID,&clsid); if (NOERROR == hrInit) { hrInit = m_HndlrQueue->Initialize(wHandlerID,0 ,SYNCMGRFLAG_SETTINGS,0,NULL); } if (NOERROR != hrInit) { m_HndlrQueue->RemoveHandler(wHandlerID); } } } dwIndex++; } RegCloseKey(hkSyncMgr); } // loop through adding items sc = m_HndlrQueue->FindFirstHandlerInState (HANDLERSTATE_ADDHANDLERTEMS,&wHandlerID); while (sc == S_OK) { //ignore failures here and move on. Could be the handler just fails to addItems, //and we don't want to fail the whole load over that m_HndlrQueue->AddHandlerItemsToQueue(wHandlerID); //this set defaults before quering registry, so if it can't read the reg, //we will just get defaults. m_HndlrQueue->ReadSchedSyncSettingsOnConnection(wHandlerID, m_ptstrGUIDName); sc = m_HndlrQueue->FindNextHandlerInState(wHandlerID, HANDLERSTATE_ADDHANDLERTEMS, &wHandlerID); } //Apply all the chached changed to all the newly loaded handlers ApplyCachedItemsCheckState(GUID_NULL); //Clear out the list of changes to all handler items that occurred before loading PurgeCachedItemsCheckState(GUID_NULL); if (sc == S_FALSE) { return S_OK; } return sc; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::CacheItemCheckState(REFCLSID phandlerID, // SYNCMGRITEMID itemID, // DWORD dwCheckState) // // PURPOSE: Cache the check state of an item for a handler that is not yet loaded // // History: 12-02-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CSyncSchedule::CacheItemCheckState(REFCLSID phandlerID, SYNCMGRITEMID itemID, DWORD dwCheckState) { CACHELIST *pCurCacheEntry = m_pFirstCacheEntry; while (pCurCacheEntry) { if ( (phandlerID == pCurCacheEntry->phandlerID) && (itemID == pCurCacheEntry->itemID) ) { pCurCacheEntry->dwCheckState = dwCheckState; return S_OK; } pCurCacheEntry = pCurCacheEntry->pNext; } //Not found in the list, insert it now pCurCacheEntry = (CACHELIST *) ALLOC(sizeof(*pCurCacheEntry)); if (NULL == pCurCacheEntry) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } ZeroMemory(pCurCacheEntry,sizeof(*pCurCacheEntry)); pCurCacheEntry->phandlerID = phandlerID; pCurCacheEntry->itemID = itemID; pCurCacheEntry->dwCheckState = dwCheckState; pCurCacheEntry->pNext = m_pFirstCacheEntry; m_pFirstCacheEntry = pCurCacheEntry; return S_OK; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::RetreiveCachedItemCheckState(REFCLSID phandlerID, // SYNCMGRITEMID itemID, // DWORD *pdwCheckState) // // PURPOSE: Retreive the cached the check state (if any) of an item for // a handler that is not yet loaded // // History: 12-02-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CSyncSchedule::RetreiveCachedItemCheckState(REFCLSID phandlerID, SYNCMGRITEMID itemID, DWORD *pdwCheckState) { CACHELIST *pCurCacheEntry = m_pFirstCacheEntry; while (pCurCacheEntry) { if ( (phandlerID == pCurCacheEntry->phandlerID) && (itemID == pCurCacheEntry->itemID) ) { *pdwCheckState = pCurCacheEntry->dwCheckState; return S_OK; } pCurCacheEntry = pCurCacheEntry->pNext; } // no problem if we didn't find it, it has already been // set to either what was in the registry, or if it wasn't in the registry, // to the default check state return S_OK; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::ApplyCachedItemsCheckState(REFCLSID pHandlerID) // // PURPOSE: Apply any check state changes that occurred before the handler was loaded // // History: 12-02-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CSyncSchedule::ApplyCachedItemsCheckState(REFCLSID phandlerID) { CACHELIST *pCurCacheEntry = m_pFirstCacheEntry; while (pCurCacheEntry) { if ( (phandlerID == pCurCacheEntry->phandlerID) || (phandlerID == GUID_NULL) ) { SetItemCheck( pCurCacheEntry->phandlerID, &pCurCacheEntry->itemID, pCurCacheEntry->dwCheckState); } pCurCacheEntry = pCurCacheEntry->pNext; } // no problem if we didn't find it, it has already been // set to either what was in the registry, or if it wasn't in the registry, // to the default check state return S_OK; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::WriteOutAndPurgeCache() // // PURPOSE: If we never loaded the handlers before save, write the settings to the registry // // History: 12-02-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CSyncSchedule::WriteOutAndPurgeCache(void) { CACHELIST *pCurCacheEntry = m_pFirstCacheEntry; CACHELIST *pTemp; while (pCurCacheEntry) { RegSetSyncItemSettings(SYNCTYPE_SCHEDULED, pCurCacheEntry->phandlerID, pCurCacheEntry->itemID, m_pwszConnectionName, pCurCacheEntry->dwCheckState, m_ptstrGUIDName); pTemp = pCurCacheEntry; pCurCacheEntry= pCurCacheEntry->pNext; FREE(pTemp); pTemp = NULL; } m_pFirstCacheEntry = NULL; return S_OK; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::PurgeCachedItemsCheckState(REFCLSID pHandlerID) // // PURPOSE: Free from the list any check state changes that occurred before the handler was loaded // // History: 12-02-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CSyncSchedule::PurgeCachedItemsCheckState(REFCLSID phandlerID) { CACHELIST StartNode; CACHELIST *pCur = NULL, *pPrev = &StartNode; pPrev->pNext = m_pFirstCacheEntry; while (pPrev->pNext) { pCur = pPrev->pNext; if ( (phandlerID == pCur->phandlerID) || (phandlerID == GUID_NULL) ) { pPrev->pNext = pCur->pNext; FREE(pCur); } else { pPrev = pCur; } } m_pFirstCacheEntry = StartNode.pNext; return S_OK; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR *ppv) // // PURPOSE: QI // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR *ppv) { *ppv = NULL; if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) { TRACE("CSyncSchedule::QueryInterface()==>IID_IUknown\r\n"); *ppv = (LPUNKNOWN)this; } else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_ISyncSchedule)) { TRACE("CSyncSchedule::QueryInterface()==>IID_ISyncSchedule\r\n"); *ppv = (LPSYNCSCHEDULE) this; } else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_ISyncSchedulep)) { TRACE("CSyncSchedule::QueryInterface()==>IID_ISyncSchedulep\r\n"); *ppv = (LPSYNCSCHEDULEP) this; } if (*ppv) { AddRef(); return NOERROR; } TRACE("CSyncSchedule::QueryInterface()==>Unknown Interface!\r\n"); return E_NOINTERFACE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::AddRef() // // PURPOSE: AddRef // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSyncSchedule::AddRef() { TRACE("CSyncSchedule::AddRef()\r\n"); if (m_HndlrQueue) m_HndlrQueue->AddRef(); return ++m_cRef; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::Release() // // PURPOSE: Release // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSyncSchedule::Release() { TRACE("CSyncSchedule::Release()\r\n"); if (m_HndlrQueue) m_HndlrQueue->Release(); if (--m_cRef) return m_cRef; delete this; return 0L; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::GetFlags(DWORD *pdwFlags) // // PURPOSE: Get the flags for this schedule // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::GetFlags(DWORD *pdwFlags) { if (!pdwFlags) { return E_INVALIDARG; } *pdwFlags = 0; Assert(m_HndlrQueue); if (m_HndlrQueue->GetCheck(IDC_AUTOHIDDEN, 0)) { *pdwFlags |= SYNCSCHEDINFO_FLAGS_HIDDEN; } if (m_HndlrQueue->GetCheck(IDC_AUTOREADONLY, 0)) { *pdwFlags |= SYNCSCHEDINFO_FLAGS_READONLY; } if (m_HndlrQueue->GetCheck(IDC_AUTOCONNECT, 0)) { *pdwFlags |= SYNCSCHEDINFO_FLAGS_AUTOCONNECT; } return S_OK; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::SetFlags(DWORD dwFlags) // // PURPOSE: Set the flags for this schedule // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::SetFlags(DWORD dwFlags) { SCODE sc; Assert(m_HndlrQueue); if (FAILED(sc = m_HndlrQueue->SetConnectionCheck(IDC_AUTOREADONLY, (dwFlags & SYNCSCHEDINFO_FLAGS_READONLY) ? TRUE : FALSE, 0))) { return sc; } if (FAILED (sc = m_HndlrQueue->SetConnectionCheck(IDC_AUTOHIDDEN, (dwFlags & SYNCSCHEDINFO_FLAGS_HIDDEN) ? TRUE : FALSE, 0))) { return sc; } sc = m_HndlrQueue->SetConnectionCheck(IDC_AUTOCONNECT, (dwFlags & SYNCSCHEDINFO_FLAGS_AUTOCONNECT) ? TRUE : FALSE,0); return sc; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::GetConnection(DWORD *pcchConnectionName, // LPWSTR pwszConnectionName, // DWORD *pdwConnType) // // PURPOSE: Get the connection name for this schedule // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::GetConnection(DWORD *pcchConnectionName, LPWSTR pwszConnectionName, DWORD *pdwConnType) { HRESULT hr; if (!pcchConnectionName || !pwszConnectionName || !pdwConnType) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { hr = StringCchCopy(pwszConnectionName, *pcchConnectionName, m_pwszConnectionName); if (FAILED(hr)) { *pcchConnectionName = lstrlen(m_pwszConnectionName) + 1; } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *pdwConnType = m_dwConnType; } return hr; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::SetConnection(LPCWSTR pwszConnectionName, DWORD dwConnType) // // PURPOSE: Set the connection for this schedule // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::SetConnection(LPCWSTR pwszConnectionName, DWORD dwConnType) { SCODE sc; if (((dwConnType == SYNCSCHEDINFO_FLAGS_CONNECTION_WAN) && (!pwszConnectionName)) || ((dwConnType != SYNCSCHEDINFO_FLAGS_CONNECTION_WAN) && (dwConnType != SYNCSCHEDINFO_FLAGS_CONNECTION_LAN) ) ) { sc = E_INVALIDARG; } else { if (!m_fNewSchedule) { if (FAILED(sc = LoadAllHandlers())) return sc; } if (pwszConnectionName && (lstrlen(pwszConnectionName) > MAX_PATH)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } m_dwConnType = dwConnType; if (!pwszConnectionName) { LoadString(g_hmodThisDll, IDS_LAN_CONNECTION, m_pwszConnectionName,ARRAYSIZE(m_pwszConnectionName)); sc = S_OK; } else { sc = StringCchCopy(m_pwszConnectionName, ARRAYSIZE(m_pwszConnectionName), pwszConnectionName); } } return sc; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::GetScheduleName(DWORD *pcchScheduleName, // LPWSTR pwszScheduleName) // // PURPOSE: Get the friendly name for this schedule // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::GetScheduleName(DWORD *pcchScheduleName, LPWSTR pwszScheduleName) { HRESULT hr; if (!pcchScheduleName || !pwszScheduleName) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { hr = StringCchCopy(pwszScheduleName, *pcchScheduleName, m_pwszFriendlyName); if (FAILED(hr)) { *pcchScheduleName = lstrlen(m_pwszFriendlyName) + 1; } } return hr; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::SetScheduleName(LPCWSTR pwszScheduleName) // // PURPOSE: Set the friendly name for this schedule // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::SetScheduleName(LPCWSTR pwszScheduleName) { HRESULT hr; TCHAR ptszFriendlyName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR ptszScheduleName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR *ptszWorker = NULL; WCHAR *pwszWorker = NULL; int iName; DWORD dwSize = MAX_PATH; if (!pwszScheduleName || lstrlen(pwszScheduleName) > MAX_PATH) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { hr = StringCchCopy(ptszFriendlyName, ARRAYSIZE(ptszFriendlyName), pwszScheduleName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //strip trailing white space off name iName = lstrlen(ptszFriendlyName); if (iName) { ptszWorker = iName + ptszFriendlyName -1; } while (iName && (*ptszWorker == TEXT(' '))) { *ptszWorker = TEXT('\0'); --ptszWorker; iName--; } //don't allow empty string schedule names if (iName == 0) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_NAME); } else { hr = StringCchCopy(ptszScheduleName, ARRAYSIZE(ptszScheduleName), m_ptstrGUIDName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (IsFriendlyNameInUse(ptszScheduleName, ARRAYSIZE(ptszScheduleName), ptszFriendlyName) && 0 != lstrcmp(ptszScheduleName, m_ptstrGUIDName)) //make sure it is in use by this schedule { hr = SYNCMGR_E_NAME_IN_USE; } else { // only copy up to first leading space hr = StringCchCopy(m_pwszFriendlyName, __min(iName + 1, ARRAYSIZE(m_pwszFriendlyName)), pwszScheduleName); pwszWorker = m_pwszFriendlyName + iName; *pwszWorker = TEXT('\0'); hr = S_OK; } } } } } return hr; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::GetScheduleCookie(SYNCSCHEDULECOOKIE *pSyncSchedCookie) // // PURPOSE: Set the schedule cookie // // History: 14-Mar-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::GetScheduleCookie(SYNCSCHEDULECOOKIE *pSyncSchedCookie) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR pwszSchedName[MAX_PATH +1]; if (!pSyncSchedCookie) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { hr = StringCchCopy(pwszSchedName, ARRAYSIZE(pwszSchedName), m_ptstrGUIDName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pwszSchedName[GUIDSTR_MAX] = NULL; GUIDFromString(pwszSchedName, pSyncSchedCookie); hr = S_OK; } } return hr; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::SetAccountInformation(LPCWSTR pwszAccountName, // LPCWSTR pwszPassword) // // PURPOSE: Set the credentials for this schedule // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::SetAccountInformation(LPCWSTR pwszAccountName, LPCWSTR pwszPassword) { Assert(m_pITask); return m_pITask->SetAccountInformation(pwszAccountName, pwszPassword); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::GetAccountInformation(DWORD *pcchAccountName, // LPWSTR pwszAccountName) // // PURPOSE: Get the credentials for this schedule // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::GetAccountInformation(DWORD *pcchAccountName, LPWSTR pwszAccountName) { Assert(m_pITask); SCODE sc; WCHAR *pwszAccount; if (!pcchAccountName || !pwszAccountName) { sc = E_INVALIDARG; } else { sc = m_pITask->GetAccountInformation(&pwszAccount); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { sc = StringCchCopy(pwszAccountName, *pcchAccountName, pwszAccount); if (FAILED(sc)) { *pcchAccountName = lstrlen(pwszAccount) + 1; } CoTaskMemFree(pwszAccount); } } return sc; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::GetTrigger(ITaskTrigger ** ppTrigger) // // PURPOSE: Return the ITaskTrigger interface for this schedule // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::GetTrigger(ITaskTrigger ** ppTrigger) { SCODE sc = S_OK; Assert(m_pITask); Assert (m_pITrigger); if (!ppTrigger) { return E_INVALIDARG; } *ppTrigger = m_pITrigger; m_pITrigger->AddRef(); return sc; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::GetNextRunTime(SYSTEMTIME * pstNextRun) // // PURPOSE: return the next time this schedule will run // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::GetNextRunTime(SYSTEMTIME * pstNextRun) { Assert(m_pITask); return m_pITask->GetNextRunTime(pstNextRun); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::GetMostRecentRunTime(SYSTEMTIME * pstRecentRun) // // PURPOSE: return the last time this schedule ran // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::GetMostRecentRunTime(SYSTEMTIME * pstRecentRun) { Assert(m_pITask); return m_pITask->GetMostRecentRunTime(pstRecentRun); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::EditSyncSchedule(HWND hParent, // DWORD dwReserved) // // PURPOSE: Launch the propery sheets for this schedule // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::EditSyncSchedule(HWND hParent, DWORD dwReserved) { SCODE sc; IProvideTaskPage * pIProvideTaskPage; PROPSHEETHEADER PropSheetHdr; HPROPSHEETPAGE *psp; int iCurPage = 0; int iNumPages = 2; INT_PTR iRet; BOOL fReadOnlySchedule; BOOL fSavedItems = FALSE; BOOL fSavedCredentials = FALSE; WCHAR pwszScheduleName[MAX_PATH + 1]; TCHAR ptszScheduleName[MAX_PATH + 1]; DWORD dwSize = MAX_PATH; CSelectItemsPage *pItemsPage = NULL; #ifdef _CREDENTIALS CCredentialsPage *pCredentialsPage = NULL; #endif // _CREDENTIALS CWizPage *pSchedPage = NULL; Assert (m_HndlrQueue); if (FAILED(sc = StartScheduler())) { return sc; } fReadOnlySchedule = m_HndlrQueue->GetCheck(IDC_AUTOREADONLY, 0); if (!fReadOnlySchedule) { //AutoAdd new items if the schedule is not ReadOnly iNumPages = 4; } #ifdef _CREDENTIALS iNumPages++; #endif // #ifdef _CREDENTIALS psp = (HPROPSHEETPAGE *) ALLOC(iNumPages*sizeof(*psp)); if (!psp) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } ZeroMemory(psp,iNumPages*sizeof(*psp)); ZeroMemory(&PropSheetHdr,sizeof(PropSheetHdr)); smMemTo(EH_Err1, pSchedPage = new CEditSchedPage(g_hmodThisDll, this, &psp[iCurPage])); smMemTo(EH_Err2, pItemsPage = new CSelectItemsPage(g_hmodThisDll, &fSavedItems, this, &psp[++iCurPage], IDD_SCHEDPAGE_ITEMS)); if (!fReadOnlySchedule) { // Obtain the IProvideTaskPage interface from the task object. smChkTo(EH_Err3, m_pITask->QueryInterface( IID_IProvideTaskPage, (VOID **)&pIProvideTaskPage)); smChkTo(EH_Err4, pIProvideTaskPage->GetPage(TASKPAGE_SCHEDULE, TRUE, &psp[++iCurPage])); smChkTo(EH_Err4, pIProvideTaskPage->GetPage(TASKPAGE_SETTINGS, TRUE, &psp[++iCurPage])); } #ifdef _CREDENTIALS smMemTo(EH_Err4, pCredentialsPage = new CCredentialsPage(g_hmodThisDll, &fSavedCredentials, this, &psp[++iCurPage])); #endif // #ifdef _CREDENTIALS GetScheduleName(&dwSize, pwszScheduleName); smChkTo(EH_Err5, StringCchCopy(ptszScheduleName,ARRAYSIZE(ptszScheduleName), pwszScheduleName)); PropSheetHdr.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETHEADER); PropSheetHdr.dwFlags = PSH_DEFAULT; PropSheetHdr.hwndParent = hParent; PropSheetHdr.hInstance = NULL; PropSheetHdr.pszCaption = ptszScheduleName; PropSheetHdr.phpage = psp; PropSheetHdr.nPages = iNumPages; PropSheetHdr.nStartPage = 0; iRet = PropertySheet(&PropSheetHdr); if ((iRet > 0) && (fSavedItems || fSavedCredentials)) { // Changes were made sc = S_OK; } else if (iRet >= 0) { // The user hit OK or Cancel but // nothing was changed sc = S_FALSE; } else { // play taps... sc = E_FAIL; } EH_Err5: #ifdef _CREDENTIALS if (pCredentialsPage) { delete pCredentialsPage; } #endif // #ifdef _CREDENTIALS EH_Err4: if (!fReadOnlySchedule) { pIProvideTaskPage->Release(); } EH_Err3: delete pItemsPage; EH_Err2: delete pSchedPage; EH_Err1: FREE(psp); return sc; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::AddItem(LPSYNC_HANDLER_ITEM_INFO pHandlerItemInfo); // // PURPOSE: Add a handler item to the schedule // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // 9-Oct-98 susia Added delay loading of handler // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::AddItem(LPSYNC_HANDLER_ITEM_INFO pHandlerItemInfo) { SCODE sc = NOERROR; if (!pHandlerItemInfo) { return E_INVALIDARG; } sc = m_HndlrQueue->AddHandlerItem(pHandlerItemInfo); //if the handler is not yet loaded, just write through to the registry if (sc == SYNCMGR_E_HANDLER_NOT_LOADED) { sc = CacheItemCheckState(pHandlerItemInfo->handlerID, pHandlerItemInfo->itemID, pHandlerItemInfo->dwCheckState); } return sc; } STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::RegisterItems( REFCLSID pHandlerID, SYNCMGRITEMID *pItemID) { //eliminated because unused and overly complicated return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::UnregisterItems( REFCLSID pHandlerID, SYNCMGRITEMID *pItemID) { //eliminated because unused and overly complicated return E_NOTIMPL; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::SetItemCheck(REFGUID pHandlerID, // SYNCMGRITEMID *pItemID, DWORD dwCheckState) // // PURPOSE: Set the Item CheckState // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::SetItemCheck(REFCLSID pHandlerID, SYNCMGRITEMID *pItemID, DWORD dwCheckState) { SCODE sc = NOERROR; if ((!pItemID) || (pHandlerID == GUID_NULL)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } sc = m_HndlrQueue->SetItemCheck(pHandlerID,pItemID, dwCheckState); if (sc == SYNCMGR_E_HANDLER_NOT_LOADED) { sc = CacheItemCheckState(pHandlerID, *pItemID, dwCheckState); } return sc; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::GetItemCheck(REFCLSID pHandlerID, // SYNCMGRITEMID *pItemID, DWORD *pdwCheckState); // // PURPOSE: Set the Item CheckState // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::GetItemCheck(REFCLSID pHandlerID, SYNCMGRITEMID *pItemID, DWORD *pdwCheckState) { SCODE sc = NOERROR; if ((!pItemID) || (pHandlerID == GUID_NULL) || (!pdwCheckState)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } sc = m_HndlrQueue->GetItemCheck(pHandlerID, pItemID, pdwCheckState); if (sc == SYNCMGR_E_HANDLER_NOT_LOADED) { TCHAR pszConnectionName[RAS_MaxEntryName + 1]; sc = StringCchCopy(pszConnectionName, ARRAYSIZE(pszConnectionName), m_pwszConnectionName); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { //if we fail setting this in the registry, ignore it and move on. // we will lose this item settings. RegGetSyncItemSettings(SYNCTYPE_SCHEDULED, pHandlerID, *pItemID, pszConnectionName, pdwCheckState, FALSE, m_ptstrGUIDName); //Now check if there have been any changes to the check state sc = RetreiveCachedItemCheckState(pHandlerID, *pItemID, pdwCheckState); } } return sc; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::Save() // // PURPOSE: CSyncSchedule save, commits the sync schedule. // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::Save() { HRESULT hr; TRACE("CSyncSchedule::Save()\r\n"); TCHAR ptszConnectionName[RAS_MaxEntryName + 1]; TCHAR ptszScheduleName[MAX_PATH + 1]; TCHAR ptszFriendlyName[MAX_PATH + 1]; WCHAR *pwszScheduleName; Assert(m_pITask); //protect the Save path in a mutex CMutex CMutexSchedule(NULL, FALSE,SZ_SCHEDULEMUTEXNAME); CMutexSchedule.Enter(); hr = StringCchCopy(ptszFriendlyName, ARRAYSIZE(ptszFriendlyName), m_pwszFriendlyName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = StringCchCopy(ptszScheduleName, ARRAYSIZE(ptszScheduleName), m_ptstrGUIDName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (IsFriendlyNameInUse(ptszScheduleName, ARRAYSIZE(ptszScheduleName), ptszFriendlyName) && 0 != lstrcmp(ptszScheduleName, m_ptstrGUIDName)) //make sure it is in use by this schedule { hr = SYNCMGR_E_NAME_IN_USE; } else { //Save the schedule to a file IPersistFile *pIPersistFile; hr = m_pITask->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (VOID **)&pIPersistFile); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //Save the settings for this schedule in the registry // todo: ADD code to back out the reg writing if for // some reason TS fails. hr = StringCchCopy(ptszConnectionName, ARRAYSIZE(ptszConnectionName), m_pwszConnectionName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (m_HndlrQueue) { hr = m_HndlrQueue->CommitSchedSyncChanges(m_ptstrGUIDName, ptszFriendlyName, ptszConnectionName, m_dwConnType, m_fCleanReg); } //if we never loaded the handler, then save the cached info to the reg. WriteOutAndPurgeCache(); RegRegisterForScheduledTasks(TRUE); if (FAILED(hr) || (FAILED(hr = pIPersistFile->Save(NULL, FALSE)))) { // if failed save clear out the registry. RegRemoveScheduledTask(m_ptstrGUIDName); } else { //Now set the file attributes to hidden so we won't show up in the normal TS UI. hr = pIPersistFile->GetCurFile(&pwszScheduleName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (!SetFileAttributes(pwszScheduleName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); } else { hr = S_OK; } CoTaskMemFree(pwszScheduleName); } } } pIPersistFile->Release(); } } } } CMutexSchedule.Leave(); return hr; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::EnumItems(REFGUID pHandlerID, // IEnumSyncItems **ppEnumItems) // // PURPOSE: Enumerate the handler items on this sync schedule // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::EnumItems(REFGUID pHandlerID, IEnumSyncItems **ppEnumItems) { SCODE sc = S_OK; if (!ppEnumItems) { return E_INVALIDARG; } if (pHandlerID != GUID_NULL) { if (FAILED(sc = LoadOneHandler(pHandlerID))) { return sc; } } else if (FAILED(sc = LoadAllHandlers())) { return sc; } *ppEnumItems = new CEnumSyncItems(pHandlerID, m_HndlrQueue); if (*ppEnumItems) { return S_OK; } return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::GetITask(ITask ** ppITask) // // PURPOSE: Return the ITask interface for this schedule // // Notes: We really should have this private. // // History: 15-Mar-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::GetITask(ITask ** ppITask) { Assert(m_pITask); *ppITask = m_pITask; m_pITask->AddRef(); return S_OK; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // member: CSyncSchedule::GetHandlerInfo, private // // PURPOSE: returns handler infor for the item. Used so can display UI, // // // History: 11-Aug-98 rogerg Created. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CSyncSchedule::GetHandlerInfo(REFCLSID pHandlerID,LPSYNCMGRHANDLERINFO *ppSyncMgrHandlerInfo) { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; LPSYNCMGRHANDLERINFO pHandlerInfo = NULL; if (!ppSyncMgrHandlerInfo) { Assert(ppSyncMgrHandlerInfo); return E_INVALIDARG; } if (FAILED(hr = LoadOneHandler(pHandlerID))) { return hr; } if (pHandlerInfo = (LPSYNCMGRHANDLERINFO) CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(*pHandlerInfo))) { hr = m_HndlrQueue->GetHandlerInfo(pHandlerID,pHandlerInfo); } *ppSyncMgrHandlerInfo = (NOERROR == hr) ? pHandlerInfo : NULL; return hr; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CSyncSchedule::GetScheduleGUIDName(DWORD *pcchScheduleName, // LPTSTR ptszScheduleName) // // PURPOSE: Get the GUID name for this schedule // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CSyncSchedule::GetScheduleGUIDName(DWORD *pcchScheduleName, LPTSTR ptszScheduleName) { HRESULT hr; if (!pcchScheduleName || !ptszScheduleName) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { hr = StringCchCopy(ptszScheduleName, *pcchScheduleName, m_ptstrGUIDName); if (FAILED(hr)) { *pcchScheduleName = lstrlen(m_ptstrGUIDName) + 1; } } return hr; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Class: CEnumSyncItems // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncItems::CEnumSyncItems() // // PURPOSE: Constructor // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEnumSyncItems::CEnumSyncItems(REFCLSID pHandlerId, CHndlrQueue *pHndlrQueue) { TRACE("CEnumSyncItems::CEnumSyncItems()\r\n"); ++g_cRefThisDll; Assert(pHndlrQueue); m_HndlrQueue = pHndlrQueue; m_HndlrQueue->AddRef(); if (pHandlerId == GUID_NULL) { m_fAllHandlers = TRUE; } else { m_fAllHandlers = FALSE; } m_HndlrQueue->GetHandlerIDFromClsid(pHandlerId, &m_wHandlerId); m_HandlerId = pHandlerId; m_wItemId = 0; m_cRef = 1; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Class: CEnumSyncItems // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncItems::~CEnumSyncItems() // // PURPOSE: Destructor // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEnumSyncItems::~CEnumSyncItems() { --g_cRefThisDll; Assert(0 == m_cRef); TRACE("CEnumSyncItems::CEnumSyncItems()\r\n"); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncItems::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR *ppv) // // PURPOSE: QI for the enumerator // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CEnumSyncItems::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR *ppv) { *ppv = NULL; if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) { TRACE("CEnumSyncItems::QueryInterface()==>IID_IUknown\r\n"); *ppv = (LPUNKNOWN)this; } else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IEnumSyncItems)) { TRACE("CSyncScheduleMgr::QueryInterface()==>IID_IEnumSyncItems\r\n"); *ppv = (LPENUMSYNCITEMS) this; } if (*ppv) { AddRef(); return NOERROR; } TRACE("CEnumSyncItems::QueryInterface()==>Unknown Interface!\r\n"); return E_NOINTERFACE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncItems::AddRef() // // PURPOSE: Addref the enumerator // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CEnumSyncItems::AddRef() { TRACE("CEnumSyncItems::AddRef()\r\n"); m_HndlrQueue->AddRef(); return ++m_cRef; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncItems::Release() // // PURPOSE: Release the enumerator // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CEnumSyncItems::Release() { TRACE("CEnumSyncItems::Release()\r\n"); m_HndlrQueue->Release(); if (--m_cRef) return m_cRef; delete this; return 0L; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncItems::Next(ULONG celt, // LPSYNC_HANDLER_ITEM_INFO rgelt, // ULONG * pceltFetched) // // PURPOSE: Next handler item on this schedule // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CEnumSyncItems::Next(ULONG celt, LPSYNC_HANDLER_ITEM_INFO rgelt, ULONG * pceltFetched) { SCODE sc; UINT i; GUID handlerID; SYNCMGRITEMID itemID; DWORD dwCheckState; Assert(m_HndlrQueue); if ((0 == celt) || ((celt > 1) && (NULL == pceltFetched)) || (NULL == rgelt)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } if (pceltFetched) { *pceltFetched = 0; } i = 0; while (i < celt) { sc = m_HndlrQueue->FindNextItemOnConnection (NULL,m_wHandlerId,m_wItemId, &handlerID,&itemID,&m_wHandlerId,&m_wItemId, m_fAllHandlers, &dwCheckState); if (sc != S_OK) { break; } rgelt[i].handlerID = handlerID; rgelt[i].itemID = itemID; rgelt[i].dwCheckState = dwCheckState; m_HndlrQueue->GetItemIcon(m_wHandlerId, m_wItemId, &(rgelt[i].hIcon)); sc = m_HndlrQueue->GetItemName(m_wHandlerId, m_wItemId, rgelt[i].wszItemName, ARRAYSIZE(rgelt[i].wszItemName)); if (FAILED(sc)) { break; } i++; } if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { if (pceltFetched) { *pceltFetched = i; } if (i == celt) { return S_OK; } else { return S_FALSE; } } else { return sc; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncItems::Skip(ULONG celt) // // PURPOSE: Skip celt items on this schedule // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CEnumSyncItems::Skip(ULONG celt) { SCODE sc = S_OK; // (celt == 0) results in Success. UINT i; GUID handlerID; SYNCMGRITEMID itemID; DWORD dwCheckState; Assert(m_HndlrQueue); i = 0; while (i< celt) { sc = m_HndlrQueue->FindNextItemOnConnection (NULL,m_wHandlerId,m_wItemId, &handlerID,&itemID,&m_wHandlerId,&m_wItemId, m_fAllHandlers, &dwCheckState); if (sc != S_OK) { break; } i++; } if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { return S_OK; } else { return sc; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncItems::Reset(void) // // PURPOSE: Reset the enumerator // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CEnumSyncItems::Reset(void) { TRACE("CEnumSyncItems::Reset()\r\n"); m_wItemId = 0; return m_HndlrQueue->GetHandlerIDFromClsid(m_HandlerId, &m_wHandlerId); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncItems::Clone(IEnumSyncItems ** ppEnumSyncItems) // // PURPOSE: Clone the enumerator // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CEnumSyncItems::Clone(IEnumSyncItems ** ppEnumSyncItems) { if (!ppEnumSyncItems) { return E_INVALIDARG; } *ppEnumSyncItems = new CEnumSyncItems(m_HandlerId, m_HndlrQueue); if (!(*ppEnumSyncItems)) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return ((LPENUMSYNCITEMS) (*ppEnumSyncItems))->SetHandlerAndItem (m_wHandlerId, m_wItemId); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNCTION: CEnumSyncItems::SetHandlerAndItem(WORD wHandlerID, WORD wItemID) // // PURPOSE: Used when Cloning the enumerator // // History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CEnumSyncItems::SetHandlerAndItem(WORD wHandlerID, WORD wItemID) { m_wHandlerId = wHandlerID; m_wItemId = wItemID; return S_OK; }