//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993. // // File: inplace.h // // Contents: Private API's and classes for the inplace OLE API's // // Classes: CFrameFilter // // Functions: // // History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment // 24-Jan-94 alexgo first pass converting to Cairo style // memory allocation // 07-Dec-93 alexgo removed inlining // 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if !defined( _INPLACE_H_ ) #define _INPLACE_H_ // This ACCEL structure and the related constants definitions come with WIN32. // Win31 also uses the same stuff internally but it's not exposed in the // header files. #ifndef FVIRTKEY #define FVIRTKEY TRUE // Assumed to be == TRUE #define FLASTKEY 0x80 // Indicates last key in the table #define FNOINVERT 0x02 #define FSHIFT 0x04 #define FCONTROL 0x08 #define FALT 0x10 #pragma pack(1) typedef struct tagACCEL { // Accelerator Table structure BYTE fVirt; WORD key; WORD cmd; } ACCEL, FAR* LPACCEL; #pragma pack() #endif // FVIRTKEY // private structures typedef struct tagOLEMENUITEM { UINT item; // index or hwnd WORD fwPopup; BOOL fObjectMenu; } OLEMENUITEM; typedef OLEMENUITEM FAR* LPOLEMENUITEM; typedef struct tagOLEMENU { WORD wSignature; DWORD hwndFrame; // Really a hwnd DWORD hmenuCombined; // Really a hmenu OLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS MenuWidths; LONG lMenuCnt; OLEMENUITEM menuitem[1]; } OLEMENU; typedef OLEMENU FAR* LPOLEMENU; //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: CFrameFilter // // Purpose: Gets attached to an apps window so we can store various // bits of relevant info // // Interface: // // History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment // 01-Dec-93 alexgo 32bit port // // Notes: CSafeRefCount inherits CPrivAlloc // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class FAR CFrameFilter : public CSafeRefCount { public: static HRESULT Create(LPOLEMENU lpOleMenu, HMENU hmenuCombined, HWND hwndFrame, HWND hwndActiveObj, LPOLEINPLACEFRAME lpFrame, LPOLEINPLACEACTIVEOBJECT lpActiveObj); CFrameFilter (HWND hwndFrame, HWND hwndActiveObj); ~CFrameFilter(void); LRESULT OnSysCommand(WPARAM uParam, LPARAM lParam); void OnEnterMenuMode(void); void OnExitMenuMode(void); void OnEnterAltTabMode(void); void OnExitAltTabMode(void); LRESULT OnMessage(UINT msg, WPARAM uParam, LPARAM lParam); void IsObjectMenu (UINT uMenuItem, UINT fwMenu); BOOL IsMenuCollision(WPARAM uParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL DoContextSensitiveHelp(); STDMETHOD(GetActiveObject) ( LPOLEINPLACEACTIVEOBJECT *lplpActiveObj); void RemoveWndProc(); private: HWND m_hwndObject; HWND m_hwndFrame; LPOLEINPLACEFRAME m_lpFrame; LPOLEINPLACEACTIVEOBJECT m_lpObject; WNDPROC m_lpfnPrevWndProc; BOOL m_fObjectMenu; BOOL m_fCurItemPopup; BOOL m_fInMenuMode; BOOL m_fDiscardWmCommand; BOOL m_fGotMenuCloseEvent; BOOL m_fRemovedWndProc; UINT m_cmdId; UINT_PTR m_uCurItemID; LPOLEMENU m_lpOleMenu; HMENU m_hmenuCombined; HWND m_hwndFocusOnEnter; int m_cAltTab; }; typedef CFrameFilter FAR* PCFRAMEFILTER; STDAPI_(LRESULT) FrameWndFilterProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM uParam, LPARAM lParam); STDAPI_(LRESULT) MessageFilterProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL IsMDIAccelerator(LPMSG lpMsg, WORD FAR* cmd); inline PCFRAMEFILTER wGetFrameFilterPtr(HWND hwndFrame); LPOLEMENU wGetOleMenuPtr(HOLEMENU holemenu); inline void wReleaseOleMenuPtr(HOLEMENU holemenu); #endif // _INPLACE_H