//+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992. // // File: expdf.hxx // // Contents: Exposed DocFile header // // Classes: CExposedDocFile // // History: 20-Jan-92 DrewB Created // //--------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __EXPDF_HXX__ #define __EXPDF_HXX__ #include <except.hxx> #include <dfmsp.hxx> #include <dfbasis.hxx> #include <psstream.hxx> #include <debug.hxx> #include <stgprops.hxx> #include <safedecl.hxx> #include <psetstg.hxx> #include "dfmem.hxx" #include <mrshlist.hxx> #include <bag.hxx> #ifdef ASYNC #include "astgconn.hxx" #endif // CopyDocFileToIStorage flags #define COPY_STORAGES 1 #define COPY_STREAMS 2 #define COPY_ALL (COPY_STORAGES | COPY_STREAMS) class CPubDocFile; class PDocFile; class CPerContext; //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: CExposedDocFile (df) // // Purpose: Exposed DocFile class // // Interface: See IStorage // // History: 20-Jan-92 DrewB Created // //--------------------------------------------------------------- interface CExposedDocFile : public IStorage, #ifdef NEWPROPS public CPropertySetStorage, #endif public IRootStorage, public IMarshal, #if WIN32 >= 300 public IAccessControl, #endif public CMallocBased #ifdef NEWPROPS , public IBlockingLock #endif #ifdef DIRECTWRITERLOCK , public IDirectWriterLock #endif #ifdef POINTER_IDENTITY , public CMarshalList #endif #ifdef ASYNC , public CAsyncConnectionContainer #endif { public: CExposedDocFile(CPubDocFile *pdf, CDFBasis *pdfb, CPerContext *ppc); #ifdef ASYNC SCODE InitMarshal(DWORD dwAsyncFlags, IDocfileAsyncConnectionPoint *pdacp); #endif ~CExposedDocFile(void); // From IUnknown STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, void **ppvObj); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef)(void); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(void); // IMarshal STDMETHOD(GetUnmarshalClass)(REFIID riid, LPVOID pv, DWORD dwDestContext, LPVOID pvDestContext, DWORD mshlflags, LPCLSID pCid); STDMETHOD(GetMarshalSizeMax)(REFIID riid, LPVOID pv, DWORD dwDestContext, LPVOID pvDestContext, DWORD mshlflags, LPDWORD pSize); STDMETHOD(MarshalInterface)(IStream *pStm, REFIID riid, LPVOID pv, DWORD dwDestContext, LPVOID pvDestContext, DWORD mshlflags); STDMETHOD(UnmarshalInterface)(IStream *pStm, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv); static SCODE StaticReleaseMarshalData(IStream *pstStm, DWORD mshlflags); STDMETHOD(ReleaseMarshalData)(IStream *pStm); STDMETHOD(DisconnectObject)(DWORD dwReserved); // IStorage STDMETHOD(CreateStream)(OLECHAR const *pwcsName, DWORD grfMode, DWORD reserved1, DWORD reserved2, IStream **ppstm); STDMETHOD(OpenStream)(OLECHAR const *pwcsName, void *reserved1, DWORD grfMode, DWORD reserved2, IStream **ppstm); STDMETHOD(CreateStorage)(OLECHAR const *pwcsName, DWORD grfMode, DWORD reserved1, LPSTGSECURITY reserved2, IStorage **ppstg); STDMETHOD(OpenStorage)(OLECHAR const *pwcsName, IStorage *pstgPriority, DWORD grfMode, SNB snbExclude, DWORD reserved, IStorage **ppstg); STDMETHOD(CopyTo)(DWORD ciidExclude, IID const *rgiidExclude, SNB snbExclude, IStorage *pstgDest); STDMETHOD(MoveElementTo)(OLECHAR const *lpszName, IStorage *pstgDest, OLECHAR const *lpszNewName, DWORD grfFlags); STDMETHOD(Commit)(DWORD grfCommitFlags); STDMETHOD(Revert)(void); STDMETHOD(EnumElements)(DWORD reserved1, void *reserved2, DWORD reserved3, IEnumSTATSTG **ppenm); STDMETHOD(DestroyElement)(OLECHAR const *pwcsName); STDMETHOD(RenameElement)(OLECHAR const *pwcsOldName, OLECHAR const *pwcsNewName); STDMETHOD(SetElementTimes)(const OLECHAR *lpszName, FILETIME const *pctime, FILETIME const *patime, FILETIME const *pmtime); STDMETHOD(SetClass)(REFCLSID clsid); STDMETHOD(SetStateBits)(DWORD grfStateBits, DWORD grfMask); STDMETHOD(Stat)(STATSTG *pstatstg, DWORD grfStatFlag); // IRootStorage STDMETHOD(SwitchToFile)(OLECHAR *ptcsFile); #ifdef NEWPROPS // IBlockingLock STDMETHOD(Lock)(DWORD dwTime); STDMETHOD(Unlock)(VOID); #endif #ifdef DIRECTWRITERLOCK // IDirectWriterLock STDMETHOD(WaitForWriteAccess)(DWORD dwTimeout); STDMETHOD(ReleaseWriteAccess)(); STDMETHOD(HaveWriteAccess)(); #endif // New methods inline SCODE Validate(void) const; inline CPubDocFile *GetPub(void) const; inline CPerContext *GetContext(void) const; static SCODE Unmarshal(IStream *pstm, void **ppv, DWORD mshlflags); #if WIN32 >= 300 // IAccessControl STDMETHOD(GrantAccessRights)(ULONG cCount, ACCESS_REQUEST pAccessRequestList[]); STDMETHOD(SetAccessRights)(ULONG cCount, ACCESS_REQUEST pAccessRequestList[]); STDMETHOD(ReplaceAllAccessRights)(ULONG cCount, ACCESS_REQUEST pAccessRequestList[]); STDMETHOD(DenyAccessRights)(ULONG cCount, ACCESS_REQUEST pAccessRequestList[]); STDMETHOD(RevokeExplicitAccessRights)(ULONG cCount, TRUSTEE Trustee[]); STDMETHOD(IsAccessPermitted)(TRUSTEE *Trustee, DWORD grfAccessPermissions); STDMETHOD(GetEffectiveAccessRights)(TRUSTEE *Trustee, DWORD *pgrfAccessPermissions ); STDMETHOD(GetExplicitAccessRights)(ULONG *pcCount, PEXPLICIT_ACCESS *pExplicitAccessList); STDMETHOD(CommitAccessRights)(DWORD grfCommitFlags); STDMETHOD(RevertAccessRights)(); #endif // if WIN32 >= 300 #ifdef COORD SCODE CommitPhase1(DWORD grfCommitFlags); SCODE CommitPhase2(DWORD grfCommitFlags, BOOL fCommit); #endif private: SCODE CreateEntry(CDfName const *pdfn, DWORD dwType, DWORD grfMode, void **ppv); SCODE OpenEntry(CDfName const *pdfn, DWORD dwType, DWORD grfMode, void **ppv); SCODE MoveElementWorker(WCHAR const *pwcsName, IStorage *pstgParent, OLECHAR const *ptcsNewName, DWORD grfFlags); static DWORD MakeCopyFlags(DWORD ciidExclude, IID const *rgiidExclude); SCODE CopyDocFileToIStorage(PDocFile *pdfFrom, IStorage *pstgTo, SNBW snbExclude, DWORD dwCopyFlags); SCODE CopySStreamToIStream(PSStream *psstFrom, IStream *pstTo); SCODE ConvertInternalStream(CExposedDocFile *pdfExp); inline SCODE CheckCopyTo(void); CBasedPubDocFilePtr _pdf; CBasedDFBasisPtr _pdfb; CPerContext *_ppc; ULONG _sig; LONG _cReferences; #if WIN32 >= 300 IAccessControl *_pIAC; #endif // WIN32 >= 300 #ifdef COORD //These are holder values for an exposed two-phase commit. ULONG _ulLock; DFSIGNATURE _sigMSF; ULONG _cbSizeBase; ULONG _cbSizeOrig; #endif #ifdef DIRECTWRITERLOCK HRESULT ValidateWriteAccess(); #endif // IPropertyBagEx interface. This object forwards all IUnknown calls // to this object (actually, to the IPropertySetStorage base class). CPropertyBagEx _PropertyBagEx; }; SAFE_INTERFACE_PTR(SafeCExposedDocFile, CExposedDocFile); #define CEXPOSEDDOCFILE_SIG LONGSIG('E', 'D', 'F', 'L') #define CEXPOSEDDOCFILE_SIGDEL LONGSIG('E', 'd', 'F', 'l') //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::Validate, public // // Synopsis: Validates the class signature // // Returns: Returns STG_E_INVALIDHANDLE for failure // // History: 20-Jan-92 DrewB Created // //--------------------------------------------------------------- inline SCODE CExposedDocFile::Validate(void) const { olChkBlocks((DBG_FAST)); return (this == NULL || _sig != CEXPOSEDDOCFILE_SIG) ? STG_E_INVALIDHANDLE : S_OK; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::GetPub, public // // Synopsis: Returns the public // // History: 26-Feb-92 DrewB Created // //--------------------------------------------------------------- inline CPubDocFile *CExposedDocFile::GetPub(void) const { #ifdef MULTIHEAP // The tree mutex must be taken before calling this routine // CSafeMultiHeap smh(_ppc); // optimzation #endif return BP_TO_P(CPubDocFile *, _pdf); } inline CPerContext * CExposedDocFile::GetContext(void) const { return _ppc; } #endif