//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993. // // File: propstg.hxx // // Contents: Class that directly implements IPropertyStorage // // Classes: CCoTaskAllocator // CPropertyStorage // CEnumSTATPROPSTG // // Functions: // // // // History: 1-Mar-95 BillMo Created. // 25-Jan-96 MikeHill Added _fmtidSection. // 22-May-96 MikeHill Added _dwOSVersion to CPropertyStorage. // 06-Jun-96 MikeHill Added support for input validation. // 18-Aug-96 MikeHill - Added CDocFilePropertyStorage. // 07-Feb-97 Danl - Removed CDocFilePropertyStorage. // 18-Aug-98 MikeHill Probe stream in IsWriteable. // // Notes: // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: CCoTaskAllocator // // Purpose: Class used by PrQueryProperties to allocate memory. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CCoTaskAllocator : public PMemoryAllocator { public: virtual void *Allocate(ULONG cbSize); virtual void Free(void *pv); }; extern const OLECHAR g_oszPropertyContentsStreamName[]; //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: CPropertyStorage // // Purpose: Implements IPropertyStorage. // // Notes: This class uses the functionality provided by // PrCreatePropertySet, PrSetProperties, PrQueryProperties etc // to manipulate the property set stream. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define PROPERTYSTORAGE_SIG LONGSIG('P','R','P','S') #define PROPERTYSTORAGE_SIGDEL LONGSIG('P','R','P','s') #define PROPERTYSTORAGE_SIGZOMBIE LONGSIG('P','R','P','z') #define ENUMSTATPROPSTG_SIG LONGSIG('E','P','S','S') #define ENUMSTATPROPSTG_SIGDEL LONGSIG('E','P','S','s') // Prototype for test function WORD GetFormatVersion( IPropertyStorage *ppropstg ); class CPropertyStorage : public IPropertyStorage #if DBG , public IStorageTest #endif { friend WORD GetFormatVersion(IPropertyStorage *ppropstg); // Used for test only // ------------ // Constructors // ------------ public: // The destructor must be virtual so that derivative destructors // will execute. virtual ~CPropertyStorage(); CPropertyStorage(MAPPED_STREAM_OPTS fMSOpts) { _fInitCriticalSection = FALSE; _fMSOpts = fMSOpts; Initialize(); #ifndef _MAC __try { InitializeCriticalSection( &_CriticalSection ); _fInitCriticalSection = TRUE; } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { } #endif } // -------- // IUnknown // -------- public: STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, void **ppvObject); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(void); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(void); // ---------------- // IPropertyStorage // ---------------- public: STDMETHOD(ReadMultiple)( ULONG cpspec, const PROPSPEC rgpspec[], PROPVARIANT rgpropvar[]); STDMETHOD(WriteMultiple)( ULONG cpspec, const PROPSPEC rgpspec[], const PROPVARIANT rgpropvar[], PROPID propidNameFirst); STDMETHOD(DeleteMultiple)( ULONG cpspec, const PROPSPEC rgpspec[]); STDMETHOD(ReadPropertyNames)( ULONG cpropid, const PROPID rgpropid[], LPOLESTR rglpwstrName[]); STDMETHOD(WritePropertyNames)( ULONG cpropid, const PROPID rgpropid[], const LPOLESTR rglpwstrName[]); STDMETHOD(DeletePropertyNames)( ULONG cpropid, const PROPID rgpropid[]); STDMETHOD(Commit)(DWORD grfCommitFlags); STDMETHOD(Revert)(); STDMETHOD(Enum)(IEnumSTATPROPSTG ** ppenum); STDMETHOD(SetTimes)( FILETIME const * pctime, FILETIME const * patime, FILETIME const * pmtime); STDMETHOD(SetClass)(REFCLSID clsid); STDMETHOD(Stat)(STATPROPSETSTG * pstatpsstg); // ------------ // IStorageTest // ------------ public: #if DBG STDMETHOD(UseNTFS4Streams)( BOOL fUseNTFS4Streams ); STDMETHOD(GetFormatVersion)(WORD *pw); STDMETHOD(SimulateLowMemory)( BOOL fSimulate ); STDMETHOD(GetLockCount)(); STDMETHOD(IsDirty)(); #endif // ----------------------------- // Exposed non-interface methods // ----------------------------- public: HRESULT Create( IStream *stm, REFFMTID rfmtid, const CLSID *pclsid, DWORD grfFlags, DWORD grfMode ); HRESULT Create( IStorage *pstg, REFFMTID rfmtid, const CLSID *pclsid, DWORD grfFlags, DWORD grfMode ); HRESULT Open( IStorage *pstg, REFFMTID rfmtid, DWORD grfFlags, DWORD grfMode ); HRESULT Open( IStream *pstm, REFFMTID rfmtid, DWORD grfFlags, DWORD grfMode, BOOL fDelete ); // used by implementation helper classes inline NTPROP GetNtPropSetHandle(void) { return _np; } // ---------------- // Internal Methods // ---------------- private: void Initialize(); HRESULT InitializeOnCreateOrOpen( DWORD grfFlags, DWORD grfMode, REFFMTID rfmtid, BOOL fCreate ); VOID CleanupOpenedObjects( PROPVARIANT avar[], INDIRECTPROPERTY * pip, ULONG cpspec, ULONG iFailIndex); enum EInitializePropertyStream { OPEN_PROPSTREAM, CREATE_PROPSTREAM, DELETE_PROPSTREAM }; HRESULT InitializePropertyStream( const GUID * pguid, GUID const * pclsid, EInitializePropertyStream CreateOpenDelete ); HRESULT _WriteMultiple( ULONG cpspec, const PROPSPEC rgpspec[], const PROPVARIANT rgpropvar[], PROPID propidNameFirst); HRESULT _WritePropertyNames( ULONG cpropid, const PROPID rgpropid[], const LPOLESTR rglpwstrName[]); BOOL ProbeStreamToDetermineIfWriteable(); virtual HRESULT CreateMappedStream( ); virtual void DeleteMappedStream( ); HRESULT Lock(); HRESULT Unlock(); VOID AssertLocked(); inline HRESULT Validate(); inline HRESULT ValidateRef(); inline HRESULT ValidateRGPROPSPEC( ULONG cpspec, const PROPSPEC rgpropspec[] ); inline HRESULT ValidateRGPROPID( ULONG cpropid, const PROPID rgpropid[] ); HRESULT ValidateVTs( ULONG cprops, const PROPVARIANT rgpropvar[] ); enum EIsWriteable { PROBE_IF_NECESSARY, DO_NOT_PROBE }; inline BOOL IsNonSimple(); inline BOOL IsSimple(); inline BOOL IsWriteable( EIsWriteable ProbeEnum = PROBE_IF_NECESSARY ); inline BOOL IsReadable(); inline BOOL IsReverted(); inline DWORD GetChildCreateMode(); inline DWORD GetChildOpenMode(); // ------------- // Internal Data // ------------- private: ULONG _ulSig; LONG _cRefs; IStorage * _pstgPropSet; IStream * _pstmPropSet; NTPROP _np; IMappedStream * _ms; MAPPED_STREAM_OPTS _fMSOpts; #ifndef _MAC BOOL _fInitCriticalSection; CRITICAL_SECTION _CriticalSection; #endif #if DBG LONG _cLocks; #endif // We need to remember if the property set is the second section // of the DocumentSummaryInformation property set used by Office. This // is the only case where we support a multiple-section property set, and // requires special handling in ::Revert(). BOOL _fUserDefinedProperties:1; // If _grfMode is zero, maybe it's valid and really zero, or maybe // we're dealing with a stream that doesn't return the grfMode in the // Stat (such as is the case with CreateStreamFromHGlobal). So if we // get a zero _grfMode, we probe the stream to determine if it's writeable. // This flag ensures we only do it once. BOOL _fExplicitelyProbedForWriteAccess:1; USHORT _usCodePage; // Ansi Codepage or Mac Script // (disambiguate with _dwOSVersion) ULONG _dwOSVersion; // Shows the OS Kind, major/minor version DWORD _grfFlags; // PROPSETFLAG_NONSIMPLE and PROPSETFLAG_ANSI DWORD _grfMode; // STGM_ flags // The following is a PMemoryAllocator for the Rtl property // set routines. This instantiation was formerly a file-global // in propstg.cxx. However, on the Mac, the object was not // being instantiated. CCoTaskAllocator _cCoTaskAllocator; }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CPropertyStorage::Validate // // Synopsis: S_OK if signature valid and not zombie. // // Notes: If the Revert calls fails due to low memory, then // the object becomes a zombie. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- inline HRESULT CPropertyStorage::Validate() { if(!_fInitCriticalSection) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (_ulSig == PROPERTYSTORAGE_SIG) return S_OK; else if (_ulSig == PROPERTYSTORAGE_SIGZOMBIE) return STG_E_INSUFFICIENTMEMORY; else return STG_E_INVALIDHANDLE; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CPropertyStorage::ValidateRef // // Synopsis: S_OK if signature valid. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- inline HRESULT CPropertyStorage::ValidateRef() { if (_ulSig == PROPERTYSTORAGE_SIG || _ulSig == PROPERTYSTORAGE_SIGZOMBIE) return(S_OK); else return(STG_E_INVALIDHANDLE); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CPropertyStorage::AssertLocked // // Synopsis: Asserts if _cLocks is <= zero. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- inline VOID CPropertyStorage::AssertLocked() { DfpAssert( 0 < _cLocks ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CPropertyStorage::ValidateRGPROPSPEC // // Synopsis: S_OK if PROPSPEC[] is valid // E_INVALIDARG otherwise. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- inline HRESULT CPropertyStorage::ValidateRGPROPSPEC( ULONG cpspec, const PROPSPEC rgpropspec[] ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; // Validate the array itself. VDATESIZEREADPTRIN_LABEL(rgpropspec, cpspec * sizeof(PROPSPEC), errRet, hr); // Validate the elements of the array. for( ; cpspec > 0; cpspec-- ) { // Is this an LPWSTR? if( PRSPEC_LPWSTR == rgpropspec[cpspec-1].ulKind ) { // We better at least be able to read the first // character. VDATEREADPTRIN_LABEL(rgpropspec[cpspec-1].lpwstr, WCHAR, errRet, hr); } // Otherwise, this better be a PROPID. else if( PRSPEC_PROPID != rgpropspec[cpspec-1].ulKind ) { goto errRet; } } hr = S_OK; // ---- // Exit // ---- errRet: return( hr ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CPropertyStorage::ValidateRGPROPID // // Synopsis: S_OK if RGPROPID[] is valid for Read. // E_INVALIDARG otherwise. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- inline HRESULT CPropertyStorage::ValidateRGPROPID( ULONG cpropid, const PROPID rgpropid[] ) { HRESULT hr; VDATESIZEREADPTRIN_LABEL( rgpropid, cpropid * sizeof(PROPID), errRet, hr ); hr = S_OK; errRet: return( hr ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CPropertyStorage::IsNonSimple // // Synopsis: true if non-simple // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- inline BOOL CPropertyStorage::IsNonSimple() { AssertLocked(); return (_grfFlags & PROPSETFLAG_NONSIMPLE) != 0; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CPropertyStorage::IsSimple // // Synopsis: true if simple // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- inline BOOL CPropertyStorage::IsSimple() { AssertLocked(); return !IsNonSimple(); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CPropertyStorage::IsWriteable // // Synopsis: Returns TRUE if writeable, FALSE otherwise. // // If _grfMode is zero, we may actually have a writeable // stream, but _grfMode wasn't returned in IStream::Stat. // So unless explicitely told not to, we'll probe for // write access. If explicitely told not to // (by passing DO_NOT_PROBE), we'll assume that it's // read-only. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- inline BOOL CPropertyStorage::IsWriteable( EIsWriteable ProbeEnum ) { AssertLocked(); if( ::GrfModeIsWriteable(_grfMode) ) return( TRUE ); if( 0 != _grfMode || _fExplicitelyProbedForWriteAccess ) // It's explicitely not writeable return( FALSE ); else { // It's either STGM_READ|STGM_DENYNONE, or _grfMode // wasn't set. if( PROBE_IF_NECESSARY == ProbeEnum ) return( ProbeStreamToDetermineIfWriteable() ); else return( FALSE ); // Play it safe and assume read-only. } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CPropertyStorage::IsReadable // // Synopsis: S_OK if readable otherwise STG_E_ACCESSDENIED // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- inline BOOL CPropertyStorage::IsReadable() { AssertLocked(); return( ::GrfModeIsReadable(_grfMode) ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CPropertyStorage::IsReverted // // Synopsis: TRUE if reverted, FALSE otherwise. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- inline BOOL CPropertyStorage::IsReverted() { IUnknown *punk = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fReverted = FALSE; AssertLocked(); if( (NULL == _pstgPropSet) && (NULL == _pstmPropSet) ) return( TRUE ); hr = (IsNonSimple() ? (IUnknown*)_pstgPropSet : (IUnknown*)_pstmPropSet) -> QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)&punk); // Note: On older Mac implementations, memory-based streams will // return E_NOINTERFACE here, due to a bug in the QueryInterface // implementation. if( STG_E_REVERTED == hr ) fReverted = TRUE; else fReverted = FALSE;; if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) punk->Release(); return( fReverted ); } inline DWORD CPropertyStorage::GetChildCreateMode() { DWORD dwMode; AssertLocked(); dwMode = _grfMode & ~(STGM_SHARE_MASK|STGM_TRANSACTED); dwMode |= STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_CREATE; return( dwMode ); } inline DWORD CPropertyStorage::GetChildOpenMode() { AssertLocked(); return( GetChildCreateMode() & ~STGM_CREATE ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: IStatArray // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- interface IStatArray : public IUnknown { public: virtual NTSTATUS NextAt( ULONG ipropNext, STATPROPSTG *pspsDest, ULONG *pceltFetched )=0; }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: CStatArray // // Purpose: Class to allow sharing of enumeration STATPROPSTG state. // // Interface: CStatArray -- Enumerate entire NTPROP np. // NextAt -- Perform an OLE-type Next operation starting at // specified offset. // AddRef -- for sharing of this by CEnumSTATPROPSTG // Release -- ditto // // Notes: Each IEnumSTATPROPSTG instance has a reference to a // CStatArray. When IEnumSTATPROPSTG::Clone is called, a // new reference to the extant CStatArray is used: no copying. // // The CEnumSTATPROPSTG has a cursor into the CStatArray. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CStatArray : public IStatArray { public: CStatArray( NTPROP np, HRESULT *phr ); private: ~CStatArray(); public: STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface ( REFIID riid, void **ppvObject); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void); public: NTSTATUS NextAt(ULONG ipropNext, STATPROPSTG *pspsDest, ULONG *pceltFetched); private: LONG _cRefs; STATPROPSTG * _psps; ULONG _cpropActual; }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: CEnumSTATPROPSTG // // Purpose: Implement IEnumSTATPROPSTG // // Notes: Just holds a reference to a CStatArray that contains // a static copy of the enumeration when the original // Enum call was made. This object contains the cursor // into the CStatArray. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- NTSTATUS CopySTATPROPSTG( ULONG celt, STATPROPSTG * pspsDest, const STATPROPSTG * pspsSrc); class CEnumSTATPROPSTG : public IEnumSTATPROPSTG { // ------------ // Construction // ------------ public: CEnumSTATPROPSTG( IStatArray *psa ): _ulSig(ENUMSTATPROPSTG_SIG), _ipropNext(0), _psa(psa), _cRefs(1) { _psa->AddRef(); } CEnumSTATPROPSTG(const CEnumSTATPROPSTG &other ); // ----------- // Destruction // ----------- private: ~CEnumSTATPROPSTG(); // ---------------- // IUnknown Methods // ---------------- public: STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)( REFIID riid, void **ppvObject); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(void); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(void); // ------------- // IEnum Methods // ------------- public: STDMETHOD(Skip)(ULONG celt); STDMETHOD(Reset)(); STDMETHOD(Clone)(IEnumSTATPROPSTG ** ppenum); // We don't need RemoteNext. STDMETHOD(Next)(ULONG celt, STATPROPSTG * rgelt, ULONG * pceltFetched); // ---------------- // Internal Methods // ---------------- private: HRESULT Validate(); // -------------- // Internal State // -------------- private: ULONG _ulSig; LONG _cRefs; IStatArray * _psa; ULONG _ipropNext; }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CEnumSTATPROPSTG::Validate // // Synopsis: S_OK if signature is valid, otherwise error // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- inline HRESULT CEnumSTATPROPSTG::Validate() { return _ulSig == ENUMSTATPROPSTG_SIG ? S_OK : STG_E_INVALIDHANDLE; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CheckFlagsOnCreateOrOpen // // Synopsis: // // Notes: // // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- inline HRESULT CheckFlagsOnCreateOrOpen( BOOL fCreate, DWORD grfMode ) { // Check for any mode disallowed flags if (grfMode & ( (fCreate ? 0 : STGM_CREATE) | STGM_PRIORITY | STGM_CONVERT | STGM_DELETEONRELEASE )) { return (STG_E_INVALIDFLAG); } // Ensure that we'll have read/write access to any storage/stream we create. // If grfMode is zero, assume that it's uninitialized and that we'll have // read/write access. If we don't, the client will still get an error // at some point, just not in the open path. if( fCreate && (grfMode & STGM_READWRITE) != STGM_READWRITE && 0 != grfMode ) { return (STG_E_INVALIDFLAG); } return(S_OK); }