#include "pch.cxx" #include #include #include "PStgServ.h" #include "PStgServ.hxx" #include "global.hxx" // PropTest global information const IID IID_IPropertyStorageServer = {0xaf4ae0d0,0xa37f,0x11cf,{0x8d,0x73,0x00,0xaa,0x00,0x4c,0xd0,0x1a}}; const IID IID_IPropertyStorageServer2= {0xaf4ae0d0,0xa37f,0x11cf,{0x8d,0x73,0x00,0xaa,0x00,0x4c,0xd0,0x1b}}; EnumImplementation g_enumImplementation; DWORD g_Restrictions; HINSTANCE g_hinstDLL = NULL; FNSTGCREATEPROPSTG *g_pfnStgCreatePropStg = NULL; FNSTGOPENPROPSTG *g_pfnStgOpenPropStg = NULL; FNSTGCREATEPROPSETSTG *g_pfnStgCreatePropSetStg = NULL; FNFMTIDTOPROPSTGNAME *g_pfnFmtIdToPropStgName = NULL; FNPROPSTGNAMETOFMTID *g_pfnPropStgNameToFmtId = NULL; FNPROPVARIANTCLEAR *g_pfnPropVariantClear = NULL; FNPROPVARIANTCOPY *g_pfnPropVariantCopy = NULL; FNFREEPROPVARIANTARRAY *g_pfnFreePropVariantArray = NULL; STDMETHODIMP CClassFactory::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void **ppvObject ) { IUnknown *pUnk = NULL; if( riid == IID_IUnknown || riid == IID_IClassFactory ) { pUnk = this; } if( pUnk != NULL ) { pUnk->AddRef(); *ppvObject = pUnk; return S_OK; } *ppvObject = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CClassFactory::AddRef( void ) { return( ++m_cRefs ); } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CClassFactory::Release( void ) { m_cRefs--; if( m_cRefs == 0 ) { delete this; return( 0 ); } return( m_cRefs ); } STDMETHODIMP CClassFactory::CreateInstance( IUnknown *pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, void **ppvObject ) { CPropertyStorageServer *pObj = NULL; if( pUnkOuter != NULL ) { return( CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION ); } pObj = new CPropertyStorageServer( this ); if( pObj == NULL ) { return( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); } return pObj->QueryInterface( riid, ppvObject ); } STDMETHODIMP CClassFactory::LockServer( BOOL fLock ) { if( fLock ) { m_cLocks++; } else { m_cLocks--; } if( m_cLocks == 0 ) { PostMessage( m_hWnd, WM_USER, 0, 0 ); } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CPropertyStorageServer::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void **ppvObject ) { *ppvObject = NULL; IUnknown *pUnk = NULL; if( riid == IID_IUnknown || riid == IID_IPropertyStorageServer ) { pUnk = this; } if( pUnk != NULL ) { pUnk->AddRef(); *ppvObject = pUnk; return S_OK; } *ppvObject = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPropertyStorageServer::AddRef( void ) { return( ++m_cRefs ); } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPropertyStorageServer::Release( void ) { if( --m_cRefs == 0 ) { delete this; return( 0 ); } return( m_cRefs ); } STDMETHODIMP CPropertyStorageServer::StgOpenPropStg( const OLECHAR *pwcsName, REFFMTID fmtid, DWORD grfMode, IPropertyStorage **pppstg ) { HRESULT hr; IPropertySetStorage *ppsstg = NULL; if( m_pstg ) { m_pstg->Release(); m_pstg = NULL; } hr = ::StgOpenStorageEx ( pwcsName, grfMode, DetermineStgFmt( g_enumImplementation ), 0, NULL, NULL, PROPIMP_NTFS == g_enumImplementation ? IID_IFlatStorage : IID_IStorage, (void**) &m_pstg ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit; hr = m_pstg->QueryInterface( IID_IPropertySetStorage, (void**) &ppsstg ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit; hr = ppsstg->Open( fmtid, grfMode, pppstg ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit; Exit: if( FAILED(hr) && m_pstg != NULL ) { m_pstg->Release(); m_pstg = NULL; } if( ppsstg ) ppsstg->Release(); return( hr ); } STDMETHODIMP CPropertyStorageServer::StgOpenPropSetStg( const OLECHAR *pwcsName, DWORD grfMode, IPropertySetStorage **pppsstg ) { HRESULT hr; if( m_pstg ) { m_pstg->Release(); m_pstg = NULL; } hr = ::StgOpenStorageEx ( pwcsName, grfMode, DetermineStgFmt( g_enumImplementation ), 0, NULL, NULL, PROPIMP_NTFS == g_enumImplementation ? IID_IFlatStorage : IID_IStorage, (void**) &m_pstg ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit; hr = m_pstg->QueryInterface( IID_IPropertySetStorage, (void**) pppsstg ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit; Exit: if( FAILED(hr) && m_pstg != NULL ) { m_pstg->Release(); m_pstg = NULL; } return( hr ); } STDMETHODIMP CPropertyStorageServer::MarshalUnknown( IUnknown *punk ) { punk->AddRef(); punk->Release(); return( S_OK ); } STDMETHODIMP CPropertyStorageServer::Initialize( EnumImplementation enumImplementation, ULONG Restrictions ) { HRESULT hr; g_enumImplementation = enumImplementation; g_Restrictions = Restrictions; if( PROPIMP_DOCFILE_IPROP == g_enumImplementation ) { // We're to use the propset APIs from IProp g_hinstDLL = LoadLibraryA( "iprop.dll" ); } else { // We're to use the propset APIs from OLE32 g_hinstDLL = LoadLibraryA( "ole32.dll" ); } if( NULL == g_hinstDLL ) { hr = ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND; goto Exit; } // Get pointers to the functions that we always use // (e.g., PropVariantCopy, but not StgCreatePropSetStg) hr = ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; g_pfnPropVariantCopy = (FNPROPVARIANTCOPY*) GetProcAddress( g_hinstDLL, "PropVariantCopy" ); if( NULL == g_pfnPropVariantCopy ) goto Exit; g_pfnPropVariantClear = (FNPROPVARIANTCLEAR*) GetProcAddress( g_hinstDLL, "PropVariantClear" ); if( NULL == g_pfnPropVariantClear ) goto Exit; g_pfnFreePropVariantArray = (FNFREEPROPVARIANTARRAY*) GetProcAddress( g_hinstDLL, "FreePropVariantArray" ); if( NULL == g_pfnFreePropVariantArray ) goto Exit; g_pfnStgCreatePropSetStg = (FNSTGCREATEPROPSETSTG*) GetProcAddress( g_hinstDLL, "StgCreatePropSetStg" ); if( NULL == g_pfnStgCreatePropSetStg ) goto Exit; g_pfnStgCreatePropStg = (FNSTGCREATEPROPSTG*) GetProcAddress( g_hinstDLL, "StgCreatePropStg" ); if( NULL == g_pfnStgCreatePropStg ) goto Exit; g_pfnStgOpenPropStg = (FNSTGOPENPROPSTG*) GetProcAddress( g_hinstDLL, "StgOpenPropStg" ); if( NULL == g_pfnStgOpenPropStg ) goto Exit; g_pfnFmtIdToPropStgName = (FNFMTIDTOPROPSTGNAME*) GetProcAddress( g_hinstDLL, "FmtIdToPropStgName" ); if( NULL == g_pfnFmtIdToPropStgName ) goto Exit; g_pfnPropStgNameToFmtId = (FNPROPSTGNAMETOFMTID*) GetProcAddress( g_hinstDLL, "PropStgNameToFmtId" ); if( NULL == g_pfnPropStgNameToFmtId ) goto Exit; hr = S_OK; Exit: return( hr ); }