/*++ Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1999 Module Name: secclnt.hxx Abstract: This file contains an abstraction to the security support for clients and that which is common to both servers and clients. Author: Michael Montague (mikemon) 10-Apr-1992 Revision History: --*/ #ifndef __SECCLNT_HXX__ #define __SECCLNT_HXX__ typedef SecBufferDesc SECURITY_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR; typedef SecBuffer SECURITY_BUFFER; #define MAXIMUM_SECURITY_BLOCK_SIZE 16 enum PACKAGE_LEG_COUNT { LegsUnknown, ThreeLegs, EvenNumberOfLegs }; typedef struct { #ifdef UNICODE SecPkgInfoW PackageInfo; #else SecPkgInfoA PackageInfo; #endif SECURITY_CREDENTIALS *ServerSecurityCredentials; PACKAGE_LEG_COUNT LegCount; } SECURITY_PACKAGE_INFO; typedef struct { unsigned long Count; SECURITY_PACKAGE_INFO * SecurityPackages; PSecurityFunctionTable RpcSecurityInterface; void * ProviderDll; RPC_CHAR *ProviderDllName; } SECURITY_PROVIDER_INFO; extern SECURITY_PROVIDER_INFO PAPI * ProviderList; extern unsigned long NumberOfProviders; extern unsigned long LoadedProviders; extern unsigned long AvailableProviders; extern int SecuritySupportLoaded; extern int FailedToLoad; extern PSecurityFunctionTable RpcSecurityInterface; extern SecPkgInfo PAPI * SecurityPackages; extern unsigned long NumberOfSecurityPackages; extern MUTEX * SecurityCritSect; extern RPC_STATUS InsureSecuritySupportLoaded ( ); extern RPC_STATUS IsAuthenticationServiceSupported ( IN unsigned long AuthenticationService ); extern RPC_STATUS FindServerCredentials ( IN RPC_AUTH_KEY_RETRIEVAL_FN GetKeyFn, IN void __RPC_FAR * Arg, IN unsigned long AuthenticationService, IN unsigned long AuthenticationLevel, IN RPC_CHAR __RPC_FAR * Principal, IN OUT SECURITY_CREDENTIALS ** SecurityCredentials ); extern RPC_STATUS RemoveCredentialsFromCache ( IN unsigned long AuthenticationService ); extern PACKAGE_LEG_COUNT GetPackageLegCount( DWORD id ); extern BOOL ReadPackageLegInfo(); extern DWORD * FourLeggedPackages; class SECURITY_CREDENTIALS /*++ Class Description: This class is an abstraction of the credential handle provided by the Security APIs. Fields: PackageIndex - Contains the index for this package in the array of packages pointed to by SecurityPackages. Credentials - Contains the credential handle used by the security package. --*/ { friend RPC_STATUS FindServerCredentials ( IN RPC_AUTH_KEY_RETRIEVAL_FN GetKeyFn, IN void __RPC_FAR * Arg, IN unsigned long AuthenticationService, IN unsigned long AuthenticationLevel, IN RPC_CHAR __RPC_FAR * Principal, IN OUT SECURITY_CREDENTIALS ** SecurityCredentials ); public: unsigned AuthenticationService; private: BOOL Valid; unsigned int ProviderIndex; unsigned int PackageIndex; CredHandle CredentialsHandle; unsigned int ReferenceCount; MUTEX CredentialsMutex; SEC_CHAR __SEC_FAR * DefaultPrincName; public: SECURITY_CREDENTIALS ( IN OUT RPC_STATUS PAPI * Status ); ~SECURITY_CREDENTIALS (); RPC_STATUS AcquireCredentialsForServer ( IN RPC_AUTH_KEY_RETRIEVAL_FN GetKeyFn, IN void __RPC_FAR * Arg, IN unsigned long AuthenticationService, IN unsigned long AuthenticationLevel, IN RPC_CHAR __RPC_FAR * Principal ); RPC_STATUS AcquireCredentialsForClient ( IN RPC_AUTH_IDENTITY_HANDLE AuthIdentity, IN unsigned long AuthenticationService, IN unsigned long AuthenticationLevel ); RPC_STATUS InquireDefaultPrincName ( OUT SEC_CHAR __SEC_FAR **MyDefaultPrincName ); void FreeCredentials ( ); unsigned int MaximumTokenLength ( ); PCredHandle InquireCredHandle ( ); void ReferenceCredentials( void ); void DereferenceCredentials( void ); PSecurityFunctionTable InquireProviderFunctionTable ( ); int CompareCredentials( SECURITY_CREDENTIALS PAPI * Creds ); }; inline int SECURITY_CREDENTIALS::CompareCredentials( SECURITY_CREDENTIALS PAPI * Creds ) { CredHandle * Cookie = Creds->InquireCredHandle(); if ( (CredentialsHandle.dwLower == Cookie->dwLower) &&(CredentialsHandle.dwUpper == Cookie->dwUpper) ) { return 0; } return 1; } inline unsigned int SECURITY_CREDENTIALS::MaximumTokenLength ( ) /*++ Return Value: The maximum size, in bytes, of the tokens passed around at security context initialization time. --*/ { return(ProviderList[ProviderIndex].SecurityPackages[PackageIndex].PackageInfo.cbMaxToken); } inline PSecurityFunctionTable SECURITY_CREDENTIALS::InquireProviderFunctionTable( ) /*++ Return Value: --*/ { return(ProviderList[ProviderIndex].RpcSecurityInterface); } inline PCredHandle SECURITY_CREDENTIALS::InquireCredHandle ( ) /*++ Return Value: The credential handle for this object will be returned. --*/ { return(&CredentialsHandle); } class SECURITY_CONTEXT : public CLIENT_AUTH_INFO /*++ Class Description: This is an abstraction of a security context. It allows you to use it to generate signatures and then verify them, as well as, sealing and unsealing messages. Fields: DontForgetToDelete - Contains a flag indicating whether or not there is a valid security context which needs to be deleted. A value of non-zero indicates there is a valid security context. SecurityContext - Contains a handle to the security context maintained by the security package on our behalf. MaxHeaderLength - Contains the maximum size of a header for this security context. MaxSignatureLength - Contains the maximum size of a signature for this security context. --*/ { public: unsigned AuthContextId; unsigned Flags; unsigned long ContextAttributes; PACKAGE_LEG_COUNT Legs; SECURITY_CONTEXT ( CLIENT_AUTH_INFO *myAuthInfo, unsigned myAuthContextId, BOOL fUseDatagram, RPC_STATUS __RPC_FAR * pStatus ); inline ~SECURITY_CONTEXT ( void ) { DeleteSecurityContext(); } RPC_STATUS SetMaximumLengths ( ); unsigned int MaximumHeaderLength ( ); unsigned int MaximumSignatureLength ( ); unsigned int BlockSize ( ); RPC_STATUS CompleteSecurityToken ( IN OUT SECURITY_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR PAPI * BufferDescriptor ); RPC_STATUS SignOrSeal ( IN unsigned long Sequence, IN unsigned int SignNotSealFlag, IN OUT SECURITY_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR PAPI * BufferDescriptor ); RPC_STATUS VerifyOrUnseal ( IN unsigned long Sequence, IN unsigned int VerifyNotUnsealFlag, IN OUT SECURITY_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR PAPI * BufferDescriptor ); BOOL FullyConstructed() { return fFullyConstructed; } // client-side calls RPC_STATUS InitializeFirstTime( IN SECURITY_CREDENTIALS * Credentials, IN RPC_CHAR * ServerPrincipal, IN unsigned long AuthenticationLevel, IN OUT SECURITY_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR * BufferDescriptor, IN OUT unsigned char *NewAuthType = NULL ); RPC_STATUS InitializeThirdLeg( IN SECURITY_CREDENTIALS * Credentials, IN unsigned long DataRep, IN SECURITY_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR * In, IN OUT SECURITY_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR * Out ); RPC_STATUS GetWireIdForSnego( OUT unsigned char *WireId ); RPC_STATUS InqMarshalledTargetInfo ( OUT unsigned long *MarshalledTargetInfoLength, OUT unsigned char **MarshalledTargetInfo ); // server-side calls void DeletePac ( void PAPI * Pac ); RPC_STATUS AcceptFirstTime ( IN SECURITY_CREDENTIALS * Credentials, IN SECURITY_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR PAPI * InputBufferDescriptor, IN OUT SECURITY_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR PAPI * OutputBufferDescriptor, IN unsigned long AuthenticationLevel, IN unsigned long DataRepresentation, IN unsigned long NewContextNeededFlag ); RPC_STATUS AcceptThirdLeg ( IN unsigned long DataRepresentation, IN SECURITY_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR PAPI * BufferDescriptor, OUT SECURITY_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR PAPI * OutBufferDescriptor ); unsigned long InquireAuthorizationService ( ); RPC_AUTHZ_HANDLE InquirePrivileges ( ); RPC_STATUS ImpersonateClient ( ); void RevertToSelf ( ); RPC_STATUS GetAccessToken ( OUT HANDLE *ImpersonationToken, OUT BOOL *fNeedToCloseToken ); inline AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE GetAuthzContext ( void ) { return AuthzClientContext; } inline PAUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE GetAuthzContextAddress ( void ) { return &AuthzClientContext; } RPC_STATUS GetDceInfo ( RPC_AUTHZ_HANDLE __RPC_FAR * PacHandle, unsigned long __RPC_FAR * AuthzSvc ); void DeleteSecurityContext ( void ); RPC_STATUS CheckForFailedThirdLeg ( void ); protected: unsigned char fFullyConstructed; unsigned char DontForgetToDelete; unsigned char fDatagram; CtxtHandle SecurityContext; unsigned int MaxHeaderLength; unsigned int MaxSignatureLength; unsigned int cbBlockSize; PSecurityFunctionTable RpcSecurityInterface; int FailedContext; ExtendedErrorInfo *FailedContextEEInfo; AUTHZ_CLIENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE AuthzClientContext; DWORD VerifyCertificate(); public: CtxtHandle * InqSecurityContext () { return &SecurityContext; } }; typedef SECURITY_CONTEXT * PSECURITY_CONTEXT; inline unsigned int SECURITY_CONTEXT::MaximumHeaderLength ( ) /*++ Return Value: The maximum size of the header used by SECURITY_CONTEXT::SealMessage will be returned. This is in bytes. --*/ { return(MaxHeaderLength); } inline unsigned int SECURITY_CONTEXT::BlockSize ( ) /*++ Return Value: For best effect, buffers to be signed or sealed should be a multiple of this length. --*/ { return(cbBlockSize); } inline unsigned int SECURITY_CONTEXT::MaximumSignatureLength ( ) /*++ Return Value: The maximum size, in bytes, of the signature used by SECURITY_CONTEXT::MakeSignature will be returned. --*/ { return(MaxSignatureLength); } #endif // __SECCLNT_HXX__