// Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation //+============================================================================ // // trklib.hxx // // Private classes and declarations shared between // Tracking (Workstation) Service and // Tracking (Server) Service. // // //+============================================================================ #pragma once #include #define ELEMENTS(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0])) #define HIGH_WORD(dword) ( (WORD) (dword >> 16) ) #define LO_WORD(dword) ( (WORD) (dword & 0xFFFF) ) #define HIGH_BYTE(word) ( (BYTE) (word >> 8) ) #define LO_BYTE(word) ( (BYTE) (word & 0xFF) ) #define LINKDATA_AS_CLASS #include #include #include #include #include <..\\common\\config.hxx> #include #include "debug.hxx" struct CDomainRelativeObjId; #if !DBG || defined(lint) || defined(_lint) #define DBGSTATIC static // hidden function #else #define DBGSTATIC // visible for use in debugger. #endif #ifdef TRKDATA_ALLOCATE #define EXTERN #define INIT( _x) = _x #else #define EXTERN extern #define INIT( _x) #endif const extern TCHAR s_tszKeyNameLinkTrack[]; // RTL_SYSTEM_VOLUME_INFORMATION_FOLDER is "System Volume Information" const extern TCHAR s_tszSystemVolumeInformation[] INIT( RTL_SYSTEM_VOLUME_INFORMATION_FOLDER ); const extern TCHAR s_tszLogFileName[] INIT( L"\\" RTL_SYSTEM_VOLUME_INFORMATION_FOLDER L"\\tracking.log" ); const extern TCHAR s_tszOldLogFileName[] INIT(TEXT("\\~secure.nt\\tracking.log")); // ------------ // Debug Levels // ------------ // // The following defines are used to describe debug messages. // Each TrkLog call is categorized in one of three ways: // error - TRKDBG_ERROR // scenario - e.g. TRKDBG_MOVE // component - e.g. TRKDBG_SVR // // // Tracing based on classes: // #define TRKDBG_TIMER 0x10000000 #define TRKDBG_IDT 0x08000000 // CIntraDomainTable #define TRKDBG_SVR 0x04000000 // CTrkSvrSvc #define TRKDBG_LOG 0x02000000 // CLog, CVolumeList #define TRKDBG_PORT 0x01000000 // CPort #define TRKDBG_WORKMAN 0x00800000 // CWorkMan #define TRKDBG_VOLTAB 0x00400000 // CVolumeTable #define TRKDBG_LDAP 0x00200000 // ldap_ calls #define TRKDBG_WKS 0x00100000 // CTrkWksSvc #define TRKDBG_VOLMAP 0x00080000 // CPersistentVolumeMap #define TRKDBG_ADMIN 0x00040000 #define TRKDBG_RPC 0x00020000 #define TRKDBG_VOL_REFCNT 0x00010000 #define TRKDBG_DENIAL 0x00008000 // CDenialChecker #define TRKDBG_VOLCACHE 0x00004000 #define TRKDBG_OBJID_DELETIONS 0x00002000 #define TRKDBG_TUNNEL 0x00001000 #define TRKDBG_QUOTA 0x00000800 // CQuotaTable #define TRKDBG_MISC 0x00000400 // Miscellaneous #define TRKDBG_VOLUME 0x00000200 // // Tracing based on scenarios: // #define TRKDBG_MOVE 0x00000800 // move, volume synchronization #define TRKDBG_MEND 0x00000400 // mend #define TRKDBG_GARBAGE_COLLECT 0x00000200 // all garbage collection #define TRKDBG_VOLTAB_RESTORE 0x00000100 // volume table restore #define TRKDBG_CREATE 0x00000080 // create link // Composite debug messages #define TRKDBG_ERROR 0x80000000 #define TRKDBG_WARNING 0x40000000 // // Internal error codes (those that are used across // and RPC boundary are in trk.idl). // #define TRK_E_CORRUPT_LOG 0x8dead001 #define TRK_E_TIMER_REGISTRY_CORRUPT 0x8dead002 #define TRK_E_REGISTRY_REFRESH_CORRUPT 0x8dead003 #define TRK_E_CORRUPT_IDT 0x8dead004 #define TRK_E_DB_CONNECT_ERROR 0x8dead005 #define TRK_E_DN_TOO_LONG 0x8dead006 #define TRK_E_DOMAIN_COMPUTER_NAMES_TOO_LONG 0x8dead007 #define TRK_E_BAD_USERNAME_NO_SLASH 0x8dead008 #define TRK_E_UNKNOWN_SID 0x8dead009 #define TRK_E_IMPERSONATED_COMPUTERNAME_TOO_LONG 0x8dead00a #define TRK_E_UNKNOWN_SVR_MESSAGE_TYPE 0x8dead00b #define TRK_E_FAIL_TEST 0x8dead00c #define TRK_E_DENIAL_OF_SERVICE_ATTACK 0x8dead00d #define TRK_E_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING 0x8dead00e #define TRK_E_TOO_MANY_UNSHORTENED_NOTIFICATIONS 0x8dead00f #define TRK_E_CORRUPT_CLNTSYNC 0x8dead010 #define TRK_E_COMPUTER_NAME_TOO_LONG 0x8dead011 #define TRK_E_SERVICE_STOPPING 0x8dead012 #define TRK_E_BIRTHIDS_DONT_MATCH 0x8dead013 #define TRK_E_CORRUPT_VOLTAB 0x8dead014 #define TRK_E_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x8dead015 #define TRK_E_PATH_TOO_LONG 0x8dead016 #define TRK_E_GET_MACHINE_NAME_FAIL 0x8dead017 #define TRK_E_SET_VOLUME_STATE_FAIL 0x8dead018 #define TRK_E_VOLUME_ACCESS_DENIED 0x8dead019 #define TRK_E_NOT_FOUND 0x8dead01b #define TRK_E_VOLUME_QUOTA_EXCEEDED 0x8dead01c #define TRK_E_SERVER_TOO_BUSY 0x8dead01e #define TRK_E_INVALID_VOLUME_ID 0x8dead01f #define TRK_E_CALLER_NOT_MACHINE_ACCOUNT 0x8dead020 #define TRK_E_VOLUME_NOT_DRIVE 0x8dead021 #if DBG TCHAR * StringizeServiceControl( DWORD dwControl ); const TCHAR * GetErrorString(HRESULT hr); #endif HRESULT MapTR2HR( HRESULT tr ); // ------ // Macros // ------ #if DBG #define IFDBG(x) x #else #define IFDBG(x) #endif #define SECONDS_IN_DAY (60 * 60 * 24) // Num characters in a string-ized GUID, not including the null terminator. // E.g. "{48dad90c-51fb-11d0-8c59-00c04fd90f85}" #define CCH_GUID_STRING 38 // Verify that TCHARs are WCHARs #define ASSERT_TCHAR_IS_WCHAR TrkAssert( sizeof(TCHAR) == sizeof(WCHAR) ) #define TRK_MAX_DOMAINNAME 15 #define TRK_MAX_USERNAME 15 #define RELEASE_INTERFACE(punk) if( NULL != punk ) { punk->Release(); punk = NULL; } // This structure is used to map TRK_E error codes to HRESULTs, and // to strings for debug use. struct TrkEMap { HRESULT tr; // TRK_E_* codes HRESULT hr; #if DBG TCHAR *ptszDescription; #endif }; // ------------------- // Function Prototypes // ------------------- FILETIME GetFileTimeNow(); BOOL EnablePrivilege( const TCHAR *ptszPrivilegeName ); extern BOOL g_fRestorePrivilegeEnabled INIT(FALSE); inline void EnableRestorePrivilege() { if( !g_fRestorePrivilegeEnabled ) { g_fRestorePrivilegeEnabled = TRUE; EnablePrivilege( SE_RESTORE_NAME ); } } BOOL RunningAsAdministratorHack(); #if DBG typedef VOID (*PFNRtlCheckForOrphanedCriticalSections)( HANDLE hThread ); inline void TrkRtlCheckForOrphanedCriticalSections( HANDLE hThread ) { static PFNRtlCheckForOrphanedCriticalSections pfnRtlCheckForOrphanedCriticalSections = NULL; static BOOL fGetProcAddress = FALSE; if( !fGetProcAddress ) { fGetProcAddress = TRUE; pfnRtlCheckForOrphanedCriticalSections = (PFNRtlCheckForOrphanedCriticalSections) GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle(TEXT("ntdll.dll")), "RtlCheckForOrphanedCriticalSections" ); } if( NULL != pfnRtlCheckForOrphanedCriticalSections ) pfnRtlCheckForOrphanedCriticalSections( hThread ); } #endif LONG _BreakOnDebuggableException(DWORD dwException, EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pException ); #define BreakOnDebuggableException() \ ( (GetExceptionCode() == STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION) || (GetExceptionCode() == STATUS_POSSIBLE_DEADLOCK) \ ? _BreakThenReturn( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation() ) \ : EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) // Break to debugger within an exception handler #define BREAK_THEN_RETURN( i ) \ _BreakThenReturn( i, GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation() ) inline int _BreakThenReturn( int i, DWORD dwException, EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pException ) { #if DBG if( NULL != pException ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("!cxr %p;!exr %p"), pException->ContextRecord, pException->ExceptionRecord )); } DebugBreak(); #endif return( i ); } TCHAR * wcstotcs(TCHAR *ptszBuf, const WCHAR *pwsz); CHAR * tcstombs(CHAR *pszBuf, const TCHAR *ptsz); WCHAR * tcstowcs(WCHAR *pwszBuf, const TCHAR *ptsz); TCHAR * mbstotcs(TCHAR *ptszBuf, const CHAR *psz); BOOL IsLocalObjectVolume(const TCHAR *pwszPath); BOOL IsLocalObjectVolume( ULONG iVolume ); DWORD TrkTimeUnits(const SYSTEMTIME &st ); DWORD TrkTimeUnits(const CFILETIME &cft ); extern VOID SZToCLSID( LPCSTR szCLSID, CLSID *pclsid ); #include //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Inline routines to raise exceptions // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if DBG #define TrkRaiseException(e) dbgRaiseException(e, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define TrkRaiseWin32Error(e) dbgRaiseWin32Error(e, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define TrkRaiseLastError() dbgRaiseLastError( __FILE__, __LINE__) #define TrkRaiseNtStatus(e) dbgRaiseNtStatus(e, __FILE__, __LINE__) inline void dbgRaiseException( HRESULT hr, const char * pszFile, int line ) { TrkLog((TRKDBG_WARNING, TEXT("Exception %08x at %hs:%d"), hr, pszFile, line)); RaiseException( hr, 0, 0, NULL ); } inline void dbgRaiseWin32Error( long lError, const char * pszFile, int line ) { dbgRaiseException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( lError ), pszFile, line ); } inline void dbgRaiseLastError( const char * pszFile, int line ) { dbgRaiseWin32Error( GetLastError(), pszFile, line ); } inline void dbgRaiseNtStatus( NTSTATUS ntstatus, const char * pszFile, int line ) { dbgRaiseException( ntstatus, pszFile, line ); } #else inline void TrkRaiseException( HRESULT hr ) { RaiseException( hr, 0, 0, NULL ); } inline void TrkRaiseWin32Error( long lError ) { TrkRaiseException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( lError ) ); } inline void TrkRaiseLastError( ) { TrkRaiseWin32Error( GetLastError() ); } inline void TrkRaiseNtStatus( NTSTATUS ntstatus ) { TrkRaiseException( ntstatus ); } #endif //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Services.exe simulation // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //HANDLE //TrkSvcAddWorkItem ( // IN HANDLE hWaitableObject, // IN PSVCS_WORKER_CALLBACK pCallbackFunction, // IN PVOID pContext, // IN DWORD dwFlags, // IN DWORD dwTimeout, // IN HANDLE hDllReference // ); //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Time // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // CGuid // // // //-------------------------------------------------------------------// #define MAX_STRINGIZED_GUID 35 // not including NULL void HexStringizeGuid(const GUID &g, TCHAR * & rptsz ); void HexStringizeGuidA(const GUID &g, char * & rpsz); BOOL HexUnstringizeGuid(const TCHAR * &ptsz, GUID * pg); //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CVolumeSecret inlines // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline CVolumeSecret::CVolumeSecret() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } inline CVolumeSecret::operator == (const CVolumeSecret & other) const { return memcmp( _abSecret, other._abSecret, sizeof(_abSecret) ) == 0; } inline CVolumeSecret::operator != (const CVolumeSecret & other) const { return memcmp( _abSecret, other._abSecret, sizeof(_abSecret) ) != 0; } inline void CVolumeSecret::Stringize(TCHAR * & rptsz) const { wsprintf( rptsz, TEXT("%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X"), _abSecret[0], _abSecret[1], _abSecret[2], _abSecret[3], _abSecret[4], _abSecret[5], _abSecret[6], _abSecret[7] ); rptsz += 16; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // CObjId inlines // // //-------------------------------------------------------------------// inline void CObjId::DebugPrint(const TCHAR *ptszName) { TCHAR tsz[256]; TCHAR *ptsz = tsz; Stringize(ptsz); printf("%s=%s", ptszName, tsz); } inline void CObjId::Stringize(TCHAR * & rptsz) const { HexStringizeGuid(_object, rptsz); } inline BOOL CObjId::Unstringize(const TCHAR *&rptsz) { return( HexUnstringizeGuid( rptsz, (GUID*)&_object )); } inline RPC_STATUS CObjId::UuidCreate() { return(::UuidCreate(&_object)); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // CVolumeId inlines // // //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // Convert a zero-relative drive letter index into a TCHAR inline TCHAR VolChar( LONG iVol ) { if( 0 > iVol || 26 <= iVol ) return( TEXT('?') ); else return static_cast( TEXT('A') + (TCHAR)iVol ); } // Initialize a volid from a stringized representation of a GUID inline CVolumeId::CVolumeId(const TCHAR * ptszStringizedGuid, HRESULT hr) { if ( _tcslen(ptszStringizedGuid) < 32) { TrkRaiseException(hr); } HexUnstringizeGuid( ptszStringizedGuid, &_volume ); } // Initialize a volid from the result of an // NtQueryVolumeInformationFile(FileFsObjectIdInformation) inline CVolumeId::operator FILE_FS_OBJECTID_INFORMATION () const { FILE_FS_OBJECTID_INFORMATION ffoi; memset( ffoi.ExtendedInfo, 0, sizeof(ffoi.ExtendedInfo) ); memcpy( ffoi.ObjectId, &_volume, sizeof(ffoi.ObjectId) ); return(ffoi); } // Write out the volid as a hex string. inline void CVolumeId::Stringize(TCHAR * & rptsz) const { HexStringizeGuid(_volume, rptsz); } // Read in the volid from a hex string. inline BOOL CVolumeId::Unstringize(const TCHAR * & rptsz) { return( HexUnstringizeGuid( rptsz, (GUID*)&_volume )); } // // We use bit 0 of the volume id as a flag that indicates // the file has been moved across volumes. // inline BOOL CVolumeId::GetUserBitState() const { return(_volume.Data1 & 1); } // Create a volume ID, ensuring that the cross-volume // bit is clear. inline RPC_STATUS CVolumeId::UuidCreate() { RPC_STATUS Status; int l=0; do { Status = ::UuidCreate(&_volume); l++; // UuidCreate uses the new randomized algorithm, // so we shouldn't get a net-based value any longer. TrkAssert( RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY != Status ); } while (l<100 && Status == RPC_S_OK && (_volume.Data1 & 1)); if (l==100) { return(CO_E_FAILEDTOGENUUID); } return(Status); } inline CVolumeId:: operator == (const CVolumeId & Other) const { return( 0 == memcmp( &_volume, &Other._volume, sizeof(_volume) ) ); } inline CVolumeId:: operator != (const CVolumeId & Other) const { return ! (Other == *this); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // CMachineId inlines // // //-------------------------------------------------------------------// #define MCID_BYTE_FORMAT_STRING TEXT("(%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X)") // Initialize from a char buffer. inline CMachineId::CMachineId(const char * pb, ULONG cb, HRESULT hr) { if (cb < sizeof(_szMachine)) { TrkRaiseException(hr); } memcpy(_szMachine, pb, sizeof(_szMachine)); } // Return the mcid's computer name in Unicode. inline void CMachineId::GetName(TCHAR *ptsz, DWORD cch) const { RaiseIfInvalid(); TrkAssert(cch >= sizeof(_szMachine)); mbstotcs(ptsz, _szMachine); } // Dump the mcid as a string inline void CMachineId::Stringize(TCHAR * & rptsz) const { RaiseIfInvalid(); mbstotcs( rptsz, _szMachine ); rptsz += _tcslen(rptsz); } // Dump the mcid as a GUID inline void CMachineId::StringizeAsGuid(TCHAR * & rptsz) const { _stprintf(rptsz, TEXT("\\%02x\\%02x\\%02x\\%02x\\%02x\\%02x\\%02x\\%02x") TEXT("\\%02x\\%02x\\%02x\\%02x\\%02x\\%02x\\%02x\\%02x"), (BYTE)_szMachine[0], (BYTE)_szMachine[1], (BYTE)_szMachine[2], (BYTE)_szMachine[3], (BYTE)_szMachine[4], (BYTE)_szMachine[5], (BYTE)_szMachine[6], (BYTE)_szMachine[7], (BYTE)_szMachine[8], (BYTE)_szMachine[9], (BYTE)_szMachine[10], (BYTE)_szMachine[11], (BYTE)_szMachine[12], (BYTE)_szMachine[13], (BYTE)_szMachine[14], (BYTE)_szMachine[15]); rptsz += 3 * 16; } inline void CMachineId::RaiseIfInvalid() const { if( !IsTerminated() ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_WARNING, TEXT("Invalid CMachineId: ") MCID_BYTE_FORMAT_STRING, _szMachine, (BYTE)_szMachine[0], (BYTE)_szMachine[1], (BYTE)_szMachine[2], (BYTE)_szMachine[3], (BYTE)_szMachine[4], (BYTE)_szMachine[5], (BYTE)_szMachine[6], (BYTE)_szMachine[7], (BYTE)_szMachine[8], (BYTE)_szMachine[9], (BYTE)_szMachine[10], (BYTE)_szMachine[11], (BYTE)_szMachine[12], (BYTE)_szMachine[13], (BYTE)_szMachine[14], (BYTE)_szMachine[15] )); TrkRaiseWin32Error( ERROR_INVALID_COMPUTERNAME ); } } inline BOOL CMachineId::IsTerminated() const { // We're valid if we're terminated. return('\0' == _szMachine[sizeof(_szMachine)-1] ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // CDomainRelativeObjId inlines // // //-------------------------------------------------------------------// #if DBG inline CDomainRelativeObjId::CDomainRelativeObjId(const TCHAR * ptszTest) { // test constructor only char * pszWrite = (char*)&_object; do { *pszWrite = (char) *ptszTest; } while (*pszWrite != '\0' && ptszTest[1] != TEXT(' ') && pszWrite++ && ptszTest++); } #endif inline void CDomainRelativeObjId::Init() { _volume.Init(); _object.Init(); } inline CDomainRelativeObjId::operator == (const CDomainRelativeObjId &Other) const { return(_volume == Other._volume && _object == Other._object); } inline CDomainRelativeObjId::operator != (const CDomainRelativeObjId &Other) const { return !(*this == Other); } inline void CDomainRelativeObjId::DebugPrint(const TCHAR *ptszName) { TCHAR tsz[256]; TCHAR *ptsz = tsz; _volume.Stringize(ptsz); *ptsz++ = TEXT('-'); _object.Stringize(ptsz); _tprintf(TEXT(" %s=%s\n"), ptszName, tsz); } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class CTrkRpcConfig // // Base class for RPC configuration. This is inherited by CRpcClientBinding // and CRpcServer. This class inherits from CTrkConfiguration, which // represents the base key in the registry of the service's configuration. // This class represents the custom DC name values, the presence of which // controls whether secure RPC is used. // //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CTrkRpcConfig : protected CTrkConfiguration { protected: CTrkRpcConfig(); public: friend void ServiceStopCallback( PVOID pContext, BOOLEAN fTimeout ); friend VOID SVCS_ENTRY_POINT( DWORD NumArgs, LPTSTR *ArgsArray, PSVCHOST_GLOBAL_DATA pSvcsGlobalData, IN HANDLE SvcRefHandle ); static BOOL RpcSecurityEnabled() { return( 0 == _mtszCustomDcName.NumStrings() ); } static BOOL UseCustomDc() { return( 0 != _mtszCustomDcName.NumStrings() ); } static BOOL UseCustomSecureDc() { return( 0 != _mtszCustomSecureDcName.NumStrings() ); } static const TCHAR *GetCustomDcName() { return( _mtszCustomDcName ); } static const TCHAR *GetCustomSecureDcName() { return( _mtszCustomDcName ); } protected: // Since this class is used in multiple places as a base // class, the data members are static so that we only // read the registry once. static BOOL _fInitialized; // List of DC names to use. If this exists, then we're // not using secure RPC. static CMultiTsz _mtszCustomDcName; // List of DC names to use. If this exists, then we // are using security RPC (this has priority over the // previous value). static CMultiTsz _mtszCustomSecureDcName; }; // class CTrkRpcConfig //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CObjIdEnumerator // // Enumerate the object IDs on a given volume. This uses the // FindFirst/FindNext model, and automatically ignores the volume // ID (which is stored in the NTFS object ID index). // //------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following defines shows how to determine if a filereference // in the enumeration is actually the volume ID. #define FILEREF_VOL 3 #define FILEREF_MASK 0x0000ffffffffffff inline BOOL IsVolumeFileReference( LONGLONG FileReference ) { return (FileReference & FILEREF_MASK) == FILEREF_VOL; } class CObjIdEnumerator { private: BOOL _fInitializeCalled:1; // Handle to the object ID index directory HANDLE _hDir; // Count of bytes returned by NtQueryDirectoryFile ULONG _cbObjIdInfo; // Buffer of data returned from an enumeration of the object ID index, // and a pointer into that buffer that represents the current location // (i.e. the cursor). FILE_OBJECTID_INFORMATION _ObjIdInfo[32]; FILE_OBJECTID_INFORMATION * _pObjIdInfo; public: CObjIdEnumerator() : _fInitializeCalled(FALSE), _hDir(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { } ~CObjIdEnumerator() { UnInitialize(); } BOOL Initialize( const TCHAR *ptszVolumeDeviceName ); void UnInitialize(); inline BOOL FindFirst( CObjId * pobjid, CDomainRelativeObjId * pdroidBirth ); inline BOOL FindNext( CObjId * pobjid, CDomainRelativeObjId * pdroidBirth ); private: static inline void UnloadFileObjectIdInfo( const FILE_OBJECTID_INFORMATION & ObjIdInfo, CObjId * pobjid, CDomainRelativeObjId * pdroidBirth ); BOOL Find( CObjId * pobjid, CDomainRelativeObjId * pdroidBirth, BOOL fRestart ); }; //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CObjIdEnumerator inlines // //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void CObjIdEnumerator::UnloadFileObjectIdInfo( const FILE_OBJECTID_INFORMATION & ObjIdInfo, CObjId * pobjid, CDomainRelativeObjId * pdroidBirth ) { pdroidBirth->InitFromFOI( ObjIdInfo ); *pobjid = CObjId( FOI_OBJECTID, ObjIdInfo ); } // Get the first entry in the object ID index inline BOOL CObjIdEnumerator::FindFirst( CObjId * pobjid, CDomainRelativeObjId * pdroidBirth ) { return( Find( pobjid, pdroidBirth, TRUE ) ); } // Get the next entry in the object ID index. inline BOOL CObjIdEnumerator::FindNext( CObjId * pobjid, CDomainRelativeObjId * pdroidBirth ) { TrkAssert(_cbObjIdInfo % sizeof(_ObjIdInfo[0]) == 0); // Start by looking to see // if there's another entry in the _ObjIdInfo buffer. while (_pObjIdInfo < &_ObjIdInfo[_cbObjIdInfo / sizeof(_ObjIdInfo[0])]) { // There's an entry in the buffer. Is it a real entry, or the // volume ID? if( !IsVolumeFileReference( _pObjIdInfo->FileReference )) { // It's a real file entry. Return it to the user. UnloadFileObjectIdInfo( *_pObjIdInfo, pobjid, pdroidBirth ); _pObjIdInfo ++; return(TRUE); } else { // It's the volume ID. Go on to the next entry in // the buffer. TrkLog((TRKDBG_GARBAGE_COLLECT|TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("CObjIdEnumerator::FindNext() skipping volume id."))); _pObjIdInfo++; } } // If we get here, there are no more entries in the _ObjIdInfo buffer. // Query the object ID index directory for a new set of records. return(Find(pobjid, pdroidBirth, FALSE)); // don't restart scan } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CRpcServer // // This class maintains a server interface handle. It registers // the server, registers the endpoint (if it's dynamic), and // registers authentication info if necessary. // // This class is always used as a base class. The derived class // is responsible for the RpcUseProtseq calls. // //------------------------------------------------------------------- enum RPC_WAIT_FLAG { DONT_WAIT, WAIT }; class CRpcServer : public CTrkRpcConfig { public: CRpcServer() : _ifspec(NULL), _fEpRegister(FALSE) {} ~CRpcServer() { UnInitialize(); } void Initialize( RPC_IF_HANDLE ifspec, ULONG grfRpcServerRegisterInterfaceEx, UINT cMaxCalls, BOOL fSetAuthInfo, const TCHAR *ptszProtSeqForEpRegistration ); void UnInitialize(); private: RPC_IF_HANDLE _ifspec; BOOL _fEpRegister; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // PWorkItem - Virtual function which is called by the CWorkManager // // when the corresponding waitable handle is signalled. // // Handles are registered using RegisterWorkItem // // // //-------------------------------------------------------------------// EXTERN DWORD g_cThreadPoolMaxThreads; EXTERN DWORD g_cThreadPoolThreads; #if DBG EXTERN LONG g_cThreadPoolRegistrations; #endif // Callback functions for the Win32 thread pool services. // Call a PWorkItem VOID NTAPI ThreadPoolCallbackFunction( PVOID pvWorkItem, BOOLEAN fTimeout ); VOID NTAPI ThreadPoolWorkItemFunction( PVOID pvWorkItem ); #ifdef PRIVATE_THREAD_POOL #include "workman2.hxx" #endif // Wrapper for [Un]RegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx inline HANDLE TrkRegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx( HANDLE hObject, WAITORTIMERCALLBACK Callback, PVOID Context, ULONG dwMilliseconds, ULONG dwFlags ) { HANDLE hWait; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; #ifdef PRIVATE_THREAD_POOL hWait = g_pworkman2->RegisterWait( hObject, Callback, Context, dwMilliseconds, dwFlags ); #else Status = RtlRegisterWait( &hWait, hObject, Callback, Context, dwMilliseconds, dwFlags ); if( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { SetLastError( RtlNtStatusToDosError( Status )); hWait = NULL; } #endif #if DBG if( NULL != hWait ) InterlockedIncrement( &g_cThreadPoolRegistrations ); #endif TrkLog(( TRKDBG_WORKMAN, TEXT("hWait=%p registered with thread pool (%08x)"), hWait, Status )); return( hWait ); } inline BOOL TrkUnregisterWait( HANDLE hWait, HANDLE hCompletionEvent = (HANDLE)-1 ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; IFDBG( InterlockedDecrement( &g_cThreadPoolRegistrations )); #ifdef PRIVATE_THREAD_POOL fRet = g_pworkman2->UnregisterWait( hWait ); #else Status = RtlDeregisterWaitEx( hWait, hCompletionEvent ); if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) fRet = TRUE; else SetLastError( RtlNtStatusToDosError( Status )); #endif TrkLog(( TRKDBG_WORKMAN, TEXT("hWait=%p %s unregistered from thread pool"), hWait, fRet ? TEXT("successfully"):TEXT("unsuccessfully") )); return( fRet ); } inline NTSTATUS TrkQueueWorkItem( PVOID Context, ULONG dwFlags ) { return RtlQueueWorkItem( ThreadPoolWorkItemFunction, Context, dwFlags ); } class PWorkItem { public: virtual void DoWork() = 0; #if DBG TCHAR _tszWorkItemSig[48]; PWorkItem() { _tszWorkItemSig[0] = TEXT('\0'); } #endif }; //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: CCriticalSection // // This class wraps a CRITICAL_SECTION, and exists to ensure that // InitializeCriticalSection is properly handled (that API can // raise STATUS_NO_MEMORY). That is, the critsec is only deleted // if it has been properly initialized. // //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CCriticalSection { private: BOOL _fInitialized; CRITICAL_SECTION _cs; public: CCriticalSection() { _fInitialized = FALSE; } ~CCriticalSection() { UnInitialize(); } public: void Initialize() { TrkAssert( !_fInitialized ); #if DBG __try { InitializeCriticalSection( &_cs ); _fInitialized = TRUE; } __finally { if( AbnormalTermination() ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_WARNING, TEXT("InitializeCriticalSection raised") )); } } #else InitializeCriticalSection( &_cs ); _fInitialized = TRUE; #endif } BOOL IsInitialized() { return _fInitialized; } void UnInitialize() { if( _fInitialized ) { _fInitialized = FALSE; DeleteCriticalSection( &_cs ); } } void Enter() { if( !_fInitialized ) TrkRaiseException( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ); else EnterCriticalSection( &_cs ); } BOOL TryEnter() { if( !_fInitialized ) { TrkRaiseException( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ); return 0; // Make compiler happy } else return TryEnterCriticalSection( &_cs ); } void Leave() { TrkAssert( _fInitialized ); if( _fInitialized ) LeaveCriticalSection( &_cs ); } }; // CCriticalSection //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: CActiveThreadList // // This class is used to maintain a list of all active threads, be they from // the NTDLL thread pool or from the RPC thread pool. When such a thread // begins executing (within the context of this service), Add is called, // and on completion Remove is called. The reason this class exists is // for the CancelAllRpc method; this is used during service stop to call // RpcCancelThread on all active threads. // //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial size of the array to hold the active threads #define NUM_ACTIVE_THREAD_LIST 10 // Incremental size by which that array grows #define INCREMENT_ACTIVE_THREAD_LIST 2 class CActiveThreadList { private: ULONG _cMaxThreads; ULONG _cActiveThreads; DWORD *_prgdwThreadIDs; CCriticalSection _cs; public: inline CActiveThreadList(); inline ~CActiveThreadList(); public: inline void Initialize(); HRESULT AddCurrent( ); // Add the current thread to the list HRESULT RemoveCurrent( ); // Remove the current thread void CancelAllRpc(); // Cancel RPCs on all threads in list inline ULONG GetCount() const; private: HRESULT Grow(); }; // class CActiveThreadList // ------------------------------------ // // CActiveThreadList::CActiveThreadList // // Initialize the thread list // // ------------------------------------ CActiveThreadList::CActiveThreadList() { _cActiveThreads = _cMaxThreads = 0; // Allocate an array for the thread IDs. If this alloc fails, // we'll try to realloc in the AddCurrent method. _prgdwThreadIDs = new DWORD[ NUM_ACTIVE_THREAD_LIST ]; if( NULL != _prgdwThreadIDs ) { _cMaxThreads = NUM_ACTIVE_THREAD_LIST; memset( _prgdwThreadIDs, 0, sizeof(_prgdwThreadIDs[0]) * _cMaxThreads ); } else TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't alloc CActiveThreadList in constructor") )); } inline void CActiveThreadList::Initialize() { _cs.Initialize(); } // ------------------------------------- // // CActiveThreadList::~CActiveThreadList // // Frees the thread list // // ------------------------------------- CActiveThreadList::~CActiveThreadList() { if( NULL != _prgdwThreadIDs ) delete [] _prgdwThreadIDs; _prgdwThreadIDs = NULL; _cActiveThreads = _cMaxThreads = 0; } // --------------------------- // CActiveThreadList::GetCount // --------------------------- ULONG CActiveThreadList::GetCount() const { return( _cActiveThreads ); } // Global pointer to the one-and-only CActiveThreadList instantiation extern "C" CActiveThreadList *g_pActiveThreadList INIT(NULL); //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // SThreadFromPoolState // // This structure stores useful thread state information, which is // really just the HardErrorMode. When we get a thread from one of // the thread pools, we save this value, then modify it so that // we don't get hard errors. When we're done with the thread we // restore it. // // E.g.: // SThreadFromPoolState state = InitializeThreadFromPool(); // ... // UnInitializedThreadFromPool( state ); // //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct SThreadFromPoolState { ULONG HardErrorMode; }; inline SThreadFromPoolState InitializeThreadFromPool() { SThreadFromPoolState state; // Disable the hard error popup dialog RtlSetThreadErrorMode(RTL_ERRORMODE_FAILCRITICALERRORS, &state.HardErrorMode); // Set the RPC cancel timeout so that RpcCancelThread takes immediate effect. RPC_STATUS rpcstatus = RpcMgmtSetCancelTimeout( 0 ); if( RPC_S_OK != rpcstatus ) { // There's no reason this call should fail, and it's not important enough // to justify an abort. TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Ignoring RpcMgtSetCancelTimeout error, %lu"), rpcstatus )); } // Add this thread to our list of actively-running threads. if( NULL != g_pActiveThreadList ) g_pActiveThreadList->AddCurrent( ); return( state ); } inline void UnInitializeThreadFromPool( SThreadFromPoolState state ) { if( NULL != g_pActiveThreadList ) g_pActiveThreadList->RemoveCurrent( ); RtlSetThreadErrorMode(state.HardErrorMode, NULL); } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Begin/EndSingleInstanceTask // // Based on a counter that counts active instances of a type of tasks, // and based on the atomicity of Interlocked*, determine if this // is the first instance of this task. If so, return TRUE, if not, // restore the counter, and return FALSE. // //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline BOOL BeginSingleInstanceTask( LONG *pcInstances ) { LONG cInstances = InterlockedIncrement( pcInstances ); TrkAssert( 1 <= cInstances ); if( 1 < cInstances ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_LOG, TEXT("Skipping single instance task (%d)"), cInstances-1 )); #if DBG TrkVerify( 0 <= InterlockedDecrement( pcInstances )); #else InterlockedDecrement( pcInstances ); #endif return( FALSE ); } else return( TRUE ); } // After a successful call to BeginSingleInstanceTask, the following // should eventually be called. inline void EndSingleInstanceTask( LONG *pcInstances ) { #if DBG TrkVerify( 0 <= InterlockedDecrement( pcInstances )); #else InterlockedDecrement( pcInstances ); #endif } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CommonDllInit/CommonDllUnInit // // Services.exe never unloads service DLLs, so we can't count on dll init // to init global non-const variables. // //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void CommonDllInit( LONG *pcServiceInstances ) { // Ensure that we're the only copy of this service that has been started. // If we're not, raise. if( !BeginSingleInstanceTask( pcServiceInstances )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Two copies of service have been started") )); TrkRaiseWin32Error( ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING ); } IFDBG( g_cThreadPoolThreads = g_cThreadPoolMaxThreads = g_cThreadPoolRegistrations = 0; ) g_fRestorePrivilegeEnabled = FALSE; // Create the object that tracks all threads that are running // in this service. g_pActiveThreadList = new CActiveThreadList(); if( NULL != g_pActiveThreadList ) g_pActiveThreadList->Initialize(); #if DBG if( NULL == g_pActiveThreadList ) TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't alloc ActiveThreadList") )); #endif } inline void CommonDllUnInit( LONG *pcServiceInstances ) { // Delete the list of active threads (should be empty by now). // Make sure all thread pool threads go away. All are implemented // so that they never run for a long time. if( NULL != g_pActiveThreadList ) { for( int i = 0; i < 5 && 1 < g_pActiveThreadList->GetCount(); i++ ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_WARNING, TEXT("Waiting for work items to complete (%d)"), g_pActiveThreadList->GetCount() )); Sleep( 1000 ); } } TrkAssert( NULL == g_pActiveThreadList || 0 == g_pActiveThreadList->GetCount() ); if( NULL != g_pActiveThreadList ) delete g_pActiveThreadList; g_pActiveThreadList = NULL; // Show that there is no instace of this service running. EndSingleInstanceTask( pcServiceInstances ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CSvcCtrlInterface // // This class manages the SCM for both services. It implements // the default ServiceHandler routine for the services, but // calls to the service to do the service-specific work. // // ** Note ** There can only be once instance of this class // per DLL, because of the static _fStoppedOrStopping member. // //------------------------------------------------------------------- enum PROCESS_TYPE { STANDALONE_DEBUGGABLE_PROCESS, SERVICE_PROCESS }; // The services implement this callback to receive // ServiceHandler calls class IServiceHandler { public: virtual DWORD ServiceHandler(DWORD dwControl, DWORD dwEventType, PVOID EventData, PVOID pData) = 0; }; #define DEFAULT_WAIT_HINT 30000 class CSvcCtrlInterface { private: BOOL _fInitializeCalled:1; // This flag is set if the service has received a service_stop // or service_shutdown request. This is used by tasks that run for an extended // period to determine if they should abort. // This is static so that we can handle a PNP timing problem // (see the comment in CSvcCtrlInterface::ServiceHandler). static BOOL _fStoppedOrStopping; // Service-specific callback IServiceHandler * _pServiceHandler; // Values to pass to the SCM on SetServiceStatus DWORD _dwState; DWORD _dwCheckPoint; DWORD _dwControlsAccepted; public: inline CSvcCtrlInterface() : _fInitializeCalled(FALSE), _ssh(NULL) {} inline ~CSvcCtrlInterface() { UnInitialize(); } public: void Initialize(const TCHAR *ptszServiceName, IServiceHandler *pServiceHandler); inline void UnInitialize(); void SetServiceStatus(DWORD dwState, DWORD dwControlsAccepted, DWORD dwWin32ExitCode); void UpdateWaitHint(DWORD dwMilliseconds); friend DWORD WINAPI ServiceHandler(DWORD dwControl, DWORD dwEventType, PVOID EventData, PVOID pData); inline DWORD GetState(); inline const BOOL * GetStopFlagAddress() const; inline BOOL IsStopping() const; SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE _ssh; // used for registering for PnP notification for volume mount/dismount, lock/unlock. private: static DWORD ServiceHandler(DWORD dwControl, DWORD dwEventType, PVOID EventData, PVOID pData); }; inline DWORD CSvcCtrlInterface::GetState() { return(_dwState); } inline const BOOL * CSvcCtrlInterface::GetStopFlagAddress() const { return(&_fStoppedOrStopping); } inline BOOL CSvcCtrlInterface::IsStopping() const { return _fStoppedOrStopping; } inline void CSvcCtrlInterface::UnInitialize() { } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CNewTimer // // This class wraps the NT timer object. It adds the ability // to make a timer persistent (using the registry), and to perform // retries with random or exponential backoff (possibly subject // to a max lifetime). // // When a CNewTimer is initialized, the caller provides a PTimerCallback // pointer. The Timer method on this abstract base class is called // when the NT timer fires. // //------------------------------------------------------------------- class PTimerCallback { public: // Enumeration of what the timer should do after it has // fired and the Timer method has been called. enum TimerContinuation { CONTINUE_TIMER, // Set a recurring timer again BREAK_TIMER, // Stop the timer RETRY_TIMER // Retry the timer }; public: virtual TimerContinuation Timer( ULONG ulTimerContext ) = 0; }; EXTERN_C void __cdecl _tmain( int argc, TCHAR **argv ); // for ttimer test class CNewTimer : public PWorkItem { public: // Specifies how Retries should be handled. enum TimerRetryType { NO_RETRY, RETRY_RANDOMLY, RETRY_WITH_BACKOFF }; private: // For persistent timers, the following structure is saved to the // registry. struct PersistentState { CFILETIME cftSet; // When the timer was set CFILETIME cftDue; // When it's next due ULONG ulCurrentRetryTime; // If applicable, the current retry value }; private: BOOL _fInitializeCalled:1; // Critical section has be initialized BOOL _fRunning:1; // Timer is running BOOL _fRecurring:1; // SetRecurring was called (not SetSingleShot) BOOL _fTimerSignalInProgress:1; // We're in the call to pTimerCallback->Timer #if DBG mutable LONG _cLocks; #endif mutable CCriticalSection _cs; // Protects this class HANDLE _hTimer; // The NT timer const TCHAR * _ptszName; // If non-null, this is persistent timer TimerRetryType _RetryType; // How to handle Retries // Cookie from RegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx HANDLE _hRegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx; PTimerCallback * _pTimerCallback; // Who to call in DoWork ULONG _ulTimerContext; // Passed to timer callback // All the following are in seconds ULONG _ulPeriodInSeconds; ULONG _ulLowerRetryTime; ULONG _ulUpperRetryTime; ULONG _ulMaxLifetime; ULONG _ulCurrentRetryTime; CFILETIME _cftDue; // When the timer is due CFILETIME _cftSet; // When the timer was set public: inline CNewTimer(); inline ~CNewTimer() { UnInitialize(); } public: void Initialize( PTimerCallback *pTimerCallback, const TCHAR *ptszName, ULONG ulTimerContext, ULONG ulPeriodInSeconds, TimerRetryType retrytype, ULONG ulLowerRetryTime, ULONG ulUpperRetryTime, ULONG ulMaxLifetime ); void UnInitialize(); public: // Start the timer, and when it fires it's done; it doesn't get reset. void SetSingleShot(); // Start the timer, and when it fires, start it again. void SetRecurring(); // Change the period on the timer. inline void ReInitialize( ULONG ulPeriodInSeconds ); #if DBG // Show the state of the timer (for debug) void DebugStringize( ULONG cch, TCHAR *ptsz ) const; #endif // Stop the timer. inline void Cancel( ); // When was the timer originally due to expire? inline CFILETIME QueryOriginalDueTime( ) const; // What is the period of this timer? inline ULONG QueryPeriodInSeconds() const; // PWorkItem overload: called by the thread pool when the timer handle signals void DoWork(); // Is this a recurring timer? inline BOOL IsRecurring() const; // Does this use exponential, random, or no retries? inline TimerRetryType GetRetryType() const; private: inline void Lock() const; inline void Unlock() const; #if DBG inline LONG GetLockCount() const; #endif inline const TCHAR *GetTimerName() const; // Dbg only void SetTimer(); void SaveToRegistry(); void LoadFromRegistry(); void RemoveFromRegistry(); // Test friends friend BOOL IsRegistryEntryExtant(); friend BOOL IsRegistryEntryCorrect( const CFILETIME &cftExpected ); friend void __cdecl _tmain( int argc, TCHAR **argv ); friend class CTimerTest; friend class CTimerTest1; friend class CTimerTest2; friend class CTimerTest3; friend class CTimerTest4; friend class CTimerTest5; friend class CTimerTest6; }; inline CNewTimer::CNewTimer() : _cftDue(0), _cftSet(0) { _fInitializeCalled = _fTimerSignalInProgress = FALSE; _cftDue = 0; _cftSet = 0; _fRunning = _fRecurring = FALSE; _hTimer = NULL; _ptszName = NULL; _ulPeriodInSeconds = 0; _ulLowerRetryTime = _ulUpperRetryTime = _ulMaxLifetime = 0; _ulCurrentRetryTime = 0; _pTimerCallback = NULL; _ulTimerContext = 0; _hRegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx = NULL; IFDBG( _cLocks = 0 ); } #if DBG inline LONG CNewTimer::GetLockCount() const { return( _cLocks ); } #endif inline const TCHAR * CNewTimer::GetTimerName() const { return (NULL == _ptszName) ? TEXT("") : _ptszName; } inline CFILETIME CNewTimer::QueryOriginalDueTime() const { // When was this timer originally due? We can't look at _cftDue, // because we could be retry mode. TrkAssert( _fInitializeCalled ); CFILETIME cft = _cftSet; cft.IncrementSeconds( _ulPeriodInSeconds ); return(cft); } inline ULONG CNewTimer::QueryPeriodInSeconds() const { TrkAssert( _fInitializeCalled ); return _ulPeriodInSeconds; } inline void CNewTimer::Lock() const { TrkAssert( _fInitializeCalled ); _cs.Enter(); IFDBG( _cLocks++ ); } inline void CNewTimer::Unlock() const { TrkAssert( _fInitializeCalled ); IFDBG( _cLocks-- ); _cs.Leave(); } inline CNewTimer::TimerRetryType CNewTimer::GetRetryType() const { return( _RetryType ); } inline BOOL CNewTimer::IsRecurring() const { return( _fRecurring ); } inline void CNewTimer::SetRecurring() { // Start the timer, and record that it should // be started again after firing. TrkAssert( _fInitializeCalled ); Lock(); IFDBG( LONG cLocks = GetLockCount(); ) __try { _fRecurring = TRUE; SetTimer(); } __finally { TrkAssert( GetLockCount() == cLocks ); Unlock(); } } inline void CNewTimer::SetSingleShot() { // Start the timer, and record that it should not start // again after firing. TrkAssert( _fInitializeCalled ); Lock(); IFDBG( LONG cLocks = GetLockCount(); ) __try { _fRecurring = FALSE; SetTimer(); } __finally { TrkAssert( GetLockCount() == cLocks ); Unlock(); } } inline void CNewTimer::ReInitialize( ULONG ulPeriodInSeconds ) { TrkAssert( _fInitializeCalled ); Lock(); __try { _ulPeriodInSeconds = ulPeriodInSeconds; Cancel(); } __finally { Unlock(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PShareMerit // // This abstract base class should be used by classes which can // calculate the merit of a share. A share's merit is a linear // value which accounts for the access on the share (more is better), // a share's hidden-ness (visible is better), and the share's coverage // of the volume (more is better). // // These share attributes are mapped onto a Merit value in the form // of: // // 0x00AAHCCC // // where: // // "AA" represents the access level // "H" represents the hidden-ness // "CC" represents the coverage of the disk // // This is structured so as to give highest priority to the access // level, next highest priority to the hidden-ness, and least // priority to the share's coverage of the volume. The coverage // of the volume is represented as 0xFFF minus the share path's // length. // //------------------------------------------------------------------- // This class prototype maps the various aspects of a share // into a linear measure of its worthiness. class PShareMerit { public: PShareMerit() {}; ~PShareMerit() {}; public: // The access level is the most significant attribute. enum enumAccessLevels { AL_UNKNOWN = 0x00010000, AL_NO_ACCESS = 0x00020000, AL_WRITE_ACCESS = 0x00030000, AL_READ_ACCESS = 0x00040000, AL_READ_WRITE_ACCESS = 0x00050000, AL_FULL_ACCESS = 0x00060000 }; // The hidden-ness is the second most significant // attribute enum enumHiddenStates { HS_UNKNOWN = 0x00001000, HS_HIDDEN = 0x00002000, HS_VISIBLE = 0x00003000 }; // The volume coverage is the least significant // attribute enum enumSharePathCoverage { SPC_MAX_COVERAGE = 0x00000fff }; public: virtual ULONG GetMerit() = 0; // The minimum merit is guaranteed to be >= 1 inline ULONG GetMinimumMerit() { return( AL_WRITE_ACCESS | HS_HIDDEN ); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CShareEnumerator // // This class represents the enumeration of a network share. It // can be queried for attributes of a share (share name, covered // path, etc.). // // Note that each of these methods may raise an exception. // // Also note that this implementation is LanMan-specific. When/if we // add support for Netware shares, we should rename this class to // CLMShareEnumerator, and add two new classes - CNWShareEnumerator, // and CShareEnumerator (which would wrap the other two). // //------------------------------------------------------------------- class CShareEnumerator : public PShareMerit, public CTrkRpcConfig { // ------------ // Constructors // ------------ public: CShareEnumerator() { InitLocals(); } inline ~CShareEnumerator() { UnInitialize(); }; // -------------- // Public Methods // -------------- public: VOID Initialize( RPC_BINDING_HANDLE IDL_handle, const TCHAR *ptszMachineName = NULL ); VOID UnInitialize(); VOID InitLocals() { _fInitialized = FALSE; _cchSharePath = 0; _cEntries = 0; _enumHiddenState = HS_UNKNOWN; _iCurrentEntry = 0; _IDL_handle = NULL; _prgshare_info = NULL; _tszMachineName[0] = TEXT('\0'); } BOOL Next(); inline const TCHAR *GetMachineName() const; inline const TCHAR *GetShareName() const; inline const TCHAR *GetSharePath(); inline ULONG QueryCCHSharePath(); BOOL CoversDrivePath( const TCHAR *ptszDrivePath ); BOOL GenerateUNCPath( TCHAR *ptszUNCPath, const TCHAR * ptszDrivePath ); // Override the PShareMerit method. ULONG GetMerit(); // --------------- // Private Methods // --------------- private: VOID _ClearCache(); BOOL _IsValidShare(); BOOL _IsHiddenShare(); BOOL _IsAdminShare(); enumAccessLevels _GetAccessLevel(); void _AbsoluteSDHelper( const PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSDRelative, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *ppSDAbs, ULONG *pcbSDAbs, PACL *ppDaclAbs, ULONG *pcbDaclAbs, PACL *ppSaclAbs, ULONG *pcbSaclAbs, PSID *ppSidOwnerAbs, ULONG *pcbSidOwnerAbs, PSID *ppSidGroupAbs, ULONG *pcbSidGroupAbs ); // ------------ // Private Data // ------------ private: BOOL _fInitialized; ULONG _cEntries; ULONG _iCurrentEntry; SHARE_INFO_502 *_prgshare_info; TCHAR _tszMachineName[ MAX_PATH + 1 ]; ULONG _cchSharePath; ULONG _ulMerit; enumHiddenStates _enumHiddenState; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE _IDL_handle; }; // class CShareEnumerator // --------------------------------- // CShareEnumerator::QueryCCHSharePath // --------------------------------- // Determine the character-count of the share's path, and // cache a copy for subsequent calls. inline ULONG CShareEnumerator::QueryCCHSharePath() { if( (ULONG) -1 == _cchSharePath ) _cchSharePath = _tcslen( GetSharePath() ); return( _cchSharePath ); } // -------------------------------- // CShareEnumerator::GetMachineName // -------------------------------- inline const TCHAR * CShareEnumerator::GetMachineName() const { return( _tszMachineName ); } // ------------------------------ // CShareEnumerator::GetShareName // ------------------------------ // Return the share's name from the current entry // in the SHARE_INFO structure. inline const TCHAR * CShareEnumerator::GetShareName() const { TrkAssert( _fInitialized ); TrkAssert( _iCurrentEntry < _cEntries ); return( _prgshare_info[ _iCurrentEntry ].shi502_netname ); } // ------------------------------ // CShareEnumerator::GetSharePath // ------------------------------ // Get the path name covered by the share from the // SHARE_INFO structure. inline const TCHAR * CShareEnumerator::GetSharePath() { TrkAssert( _fInitialized ); TrkAssert( _iCurrentEntry < _cEntries ); return( _prgshare_info[ _iCurrentEntry ].shi502_path ); } enum RC_AUTHENTICATE { NO_AUTHENTICATION, PRIVACY_AUTHENTICATION, INTEGRITY_AUTHENTICATION }; const extern TCHAR s_tszTrkWksLocalRpcProtocol[] INIT( TEXT("ncalrpc") ); const extern TCHAR s_tszTrkWksLocalRpcEndPoint[] INIT( TRKWKS_LRPC_ENDPOINT_NAME ); const extern TCHAR s_tszTrkWksRemoteRpcProtocol[] INIT( TEXT("ncacn_np") ); const extern TCHAR s_tszTrkWksRemoteRpcEndPoint[] INIT( TEXT("\\pipe\\trkwks") ); const extern TCHAR s_tszTrkWksRemoteRpcEndPointOld[] INIT( TEXT("\\pipe\\ntsvcs") ); const extern TCHAR s_tszTrkSvrRpcProtocol[] INIT( TEXT("ncacn_ip_tcp") ); const extern TCHAR s_tszTrkSvrRpcEndPoint[] INIT( TEXT("") ); //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CRpcClientBinding // // This class represents an RPC client-side binding handle. The // RcInitialize method creates the binding handle, and optionally sets // the appropriate security. // //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CRpcClientBinding : public CTrkRpcConfig { private: BOOL _fBound; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE _BindingHandle; public: inline CRpcClientBinding() { _fBound = FALSE; } ~CRpcClientBinding() { UnInitialize(); } void RcInitialize(const CMachineId &mcid, const TCHAR *ptszRpcProtocol = s_tszTrkWksRemoteRpcProtocol, const TCHAR *ptszRpcEndPoint = s_tszTrkWksRemoteRpcEndPoint, RC_AUTHENTICATE auth = INTEGRITY_AUTHENTICATION ); void UnInitialize(); inline BOOL IsConnected(); inline operator RPC_BINDING_HANDLE () const; }; inline BOOL CRpcClientBinding::IsConnected() { return(_fBound); } inline CRpcClientBinding::operator RPC_BINDING_HANDLE () const { TrkAssert(_fBound); return(_BindingHandle); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CTrkRegistryKey // // This class represents the registry key for this service // (either trkwks or trksvr). Use its methods to read/write // registry values. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- class CTrkRegistryKey { private: HKEY _hkey; CCriticalSection _cs; public: inline CTrkRegistryKey(); inline ~CTrkRegistryKey(); public: void Initialize(); LONG SetDword( const TCHAR *ptszName, DWORD dw ); LONG GetDword( const TCHAR *ptszName, DWORD *pdwRead, DWORD dwDefault ); LONG Delete( const TCHAR *ptszName ); private: inline LONG Open(); inline void Close(); }; inline CTrkRegistryKey::CTrkRegistryKey() { _hkey = NULL; } inline void CTrkRegistryKey::Initialize() { _cs.Initialize(); } inline CTrkRegistryKey::~CTrkRegistryKey() { Close(); _cs.UnInitialize(); } inline void CTrkRegistryKey::Close() { if( NULL != _hkey ) { RegCloseKey( _hkey ); _hkey = NULL; } } inline LONG CTrkRegistryKey::Open() { if( NULL != _hkey ) return( ERROR_SUCCESS ); else return( RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_tszKeyNameLinkTrack, &_hkey )); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CRegBoolParameter // // This class represents a bool parameter stored in the registry. // //------------------------------------------------------------------- class CRegBoolParameter : private CTrkRegistryKey { private: BOOL _fSet:1; // We're fully initialized when Initialize() has been called, // and Set, Clear, or IsSet has been called. BOOL _fFullyInitialized:1; const TCHAR *_ptszName; public: inline CRegBoolParameter( const TCHAR *ptszName ); inline void Initialize(); public: inline HRESULT Set(); inline HRESULT Clear(); inline BOOL IsSet(); }; inline CRegBoolParameter::CRegBoolParameter( const TCHAR *ptszName ) { _ptszName = ptszName; _fSet = _fFullyInitialized = FALSE; } inline HRESULT CRegBoolParameter::Set() { HRESULT hr = SetDword( _ptszName, TRUE ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != hr ) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(hr); _fFullyInitialized = TRUE; _fSet = TRUE; return( hr ); } inline HRESULT CRegBoolParameter::Clear() { HRESULT hr = Delete( _ptszName ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != hr ) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(hr); _fFullyInitialized = TRUE; _fSet = FALSE; return( hr ); } inline BOOL CRegBoolParameter::IsSet() { if( !_fFullyInitialized ) { DWORD dw; LONG lRet = GetDword( _ptszName, &dw, FALSE ); TrkAssert( ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet ); _fSet = dw; } return( _fSet ); } inline void CRegBoolParameter::Initialize() { CTrkRegistryKey::Initialize(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CRegDwordParameter // // This class represents a DWORD parameter stored in the registry. // //------------------------------------------------------------------- class CRegDwordParameter : private CTrkRegistryKey { private: DWORD _dwValue; // We're fully initialized when Initialize() has been called, // and Set, Clear, GetValue has been called. BOOL _fFullyInitialized:1; const TCHAR *_ptszName; public: inline CRegDwordParameter( const TCHAR *ptszName ); inline void Initialize(); public: inline HRESULT Set( DWORD dw ); inline HRESULT Clear(); inline DWORD GetValue(); }; inline CRegDwordParameter::CRegDwordParameter( const TCHAR *ptszName ) { _dwValue = 0; _ptszName = ptszName; _fFullyInitialized = FALSE; } inline HRESULT CRegDwordParameter::Set( DWORD dw) { HRESULT hr = SetDword( _ptszName, dw ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != hr ) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(hr); _fFullyInitialized = TRUE; _dwValue = dw; return( hr ); } inline HRESULT CRegDwordParameter::Clear() { HRESULT hr = Delete( _ptszName ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != hr ) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(hr); _fFullyInitialized = TRUE; _dwValue = 0; return( hr ); } inline DWORD CRegDwordParameter::GetValue() { if( !_fFullyInitialized ) { DWORD dw = 0; LONG lRet = GetDword( _ptszName, &dw, FALSE ); TrkAssert( ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet ); _fFullyInitialized = TRUE; _dwValue = dw; } return( _dwValue ); } inline void CRegDwordParameter::Initialize() { CTrkRegistryKey::Initialize(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // CSID // // // //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // Wrapper class for NT Security IDs class CSID { public: CSID() { memset( this, 0, sizeof(*this) ); } ~CSID() { UnInitialize(); } public: // Standard Authorities enum enumCSIDAuthority { CSID_NT_AUTHORITY = 0 }; public: // The primary Initialize method (takes a SID count as the first parameter). VOID Initialize( enumCSIDAuthority enumcsidAuthority, BYTE cSubAuthorities , DWORD dwSubAuthority0, DWORD dwSubAuthority1, DWORD dwSubAuthority2, DWORD dwSubAuthority3, DWORD dwSubAuthority4, DWORD dwSubAuthority5, DWORD dwSubAuthority6, DWORD dwSubAuthority7 ); // Helper Initialize methods (these do not take a SID count). inline VOID Initialize( enumCSIDAuthority csidAuthority, DWORD dwSubAuthority0, DWORD dwSubAuthority1, DWORD dwSubAuthority2, DWORD dwSubAuthority3, DWORD dwSubAuthority4, DWORD dwSubAuthority5, DWORD dwSubAuthority6, DWORD dwSubAuthority7 ); inline VOID Initialize( enumCSIDAuthority csidAuthority, DWORD dwSubAuthority0, DWORD dwSubAuthority1, DWORD dwSubAuthority2, DWORD dwSubAuthority3, DWORD dwSubAuthority4, DWORD dwSubAuthority5, DWORD dwSubAuthority6 ); inline VOID Initialize( enumCSIDAuthority csidAuthority, DWORD dwSubAuthority0, DWORD dwSubAuthority1, DWORD dwSubAuthority2, DWORD dwSubAuthority3, DWORD dwSubAuthority4, DWORD dwSubAuthority5 ); inline VOID Initialize( enumCSIDAuthority csidAuthority, DWORD dwSubAuthority0, DWORD dwSubAuthority1, DWORD dwSubAuthority2, DWORD dwSubAuthority3, DWORD dwSubAuthority4 ); inline VOID Initialize( enumCSIDAuthority csidAuthority, DWORD dwSubAuthority0, DWORD dwSubAuthority1, DWORD dwSubAuthority2, DWORD dwSubAuthority3 ); inline VOID Initialize( enumCSIDAuthority csidAuthority, DWORD dwSubAuthority0, DWORD dwSubAuthority1, DWORD dwSubAuthority2 ); inline VOID Initialize( enumCSIDAuthority csidAuthority, DWORD dwSubAuthority0, DWORD dwSubAuthority1 ); inline VOID Initialize( enumCSIDAuthority csidAuthority, DWORD dwSubAuthority0 ); VOID UnInitialize(); inline operator const PSID(); private: BOOL _fInitialized; PSID _psid; }; // ------------------------ // CSID::Initialize methods // ------------------------ // Each of these methods simply calls the primary Initialize // method, with the appropriate cSID value. inline VOID CSID::Initialize( enumCSIDAuthority csidAuthority, DWORD dwSubAuthority0, DWORD dwSubAuthority1, DWORD dwSubAuthority2, DWORD dwSubAuthority3, DWORD dwSubAuthority4, DWORD dwSubAuthority5, DWORD dwSubAuthority6, DWORD dwSubAuthority7 ) { Initialize( csidAuthority, 8, dwSubAuthority0, dwSubAuthority1, dwSubAuthority2, dwSubAuthority3, dwSubAuthority4, dwSubAuthority5, dwSubAuthority6, dwSubAuthority7 ); } inline VOID CSID::Initialize( enumCSIDAuthority csidAuthority, DWORD dwSubAuthority0, DWORD dwSubAuthority1, DWORD dwSubAuthority2, DWORD dwSubAuthority3, DWORD dwSubAuthority4, DWORD dwSubAuthority5, DWORD dwSubAuthority6 ) { Initialize( csidAuthority, 7, dwSubAuthority0, dwSubAuthority1, dwSubAuthority2, dwSubAuthority3, dwSubAuthority4, dwSubAuthority5, dwSubAuthority6, 0 ); } inline VOID CSID::Initialize( enumCSIDAuthority csidAuthority, DWORD dwSubAuthority0, DWORD dwSubAuthority1, DWORD dwSubAuthority2, DWORD dwSubAuthority3, DWORD dwSubAuthority4, DWORD dwSubAuthority5 ) { Initialize( csidAuthority, 6, dwSubAuthority0, dwSubAuthority1, dwSubAuthority2, dwSubAuthority3, dwSubAuthority4, dwSubAuthority5, 0, 0 ); } inline VOID CSID::Initialize( enumCSIDAuthority csidAuthority, DWORD dwSubAuthority0, DWORD dwSubAuthority1, DWORD dwSubAuthority2, DWORD dwSubAuthority3, DWORD dwSubAuthority4 ) { Initialize( csidAuthority, 5, dwSubAuthority0, dwSubAuthority1, dwSubAuthority2, dwSubAuthority3, dwSubAuthority4, 0, 0, 0 ); } inline VOID CSID::Initialize( enumCSIDAuthority csidAuthority, DWORD dwSubAuthority0, DWORD dwSubAuthority1, DWORD dwSubAuthority2, DWORD dwSubAuthority3 ) { Initialize( csidAuthority, 4, dwSubAuthority0, dwSubAuthority1, dwSubAuthority2, dwSubAuthority3, 0, 0, 0, 0); } inline VOID CSID::Initialize( enumCSIDAuthority csidAuthority, DWORD dwSubAuthority0, DWORD dwSubAuthority1, DWORD dwSubAuthority2 ) { Initialize( csidAuthority, 3, dwSubAuthority0, dwSubAuthority1, dwSubAuthority2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } inline VOID CSID::Initialize( enumCSIDAuthority csidAuthority, DWORD dwSubAuthority0, DWORD dwSubAuthority1 ) { Initialize( csidAuthority, 2, dwSubAuthority0, dwSubAuthority1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } inline VOID CSID::Initialize( enumCSIDAuthority csidAuthority, DWORD dwSubAuthority0 ) { Initialize( csidAuthority, 1, dwSubAuthority0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } // ------------------- // CSID::OPERATOR PSID // ------------------- inline CSID::operator const PSID() { return( _psid ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // // CACL // // This class wraps a DACL, providing methods to add ACEs, // and a conversion operator to get the PACL. The current // implementation only supports a 128 byte buffer size. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // Wrapper for an Access Control List #define MIN_ACL_SIZE 128 class CACL { public: CACL() { memset( this, 0, sizeof(*this) ); } ~CACL() { UnInitialize(); } public: VOID Initialize(); VOID UnInitialize(); //VOID SetSize( const PSID psid ); operator const PACL() const; inline VOID SetDirty(); inline VOID ClearDirty(); inline BOOL IsDirty(); inline BOOL IsInitialized(); inline BOOL AddAccessAllowed( ACCESS_MASK access_mask, const PSID psid ); inline BOOL AddAccessDenied( ACCESS_MASK access_mask, const PSID psid ); private: PACL _pacl; ULONG _cbacl; BOOL _fInitialized:1; BOOL _fDirty:1; }; // ---------------------- // CACL Dirty Bit methods // ---------------------- inline VOID CACL::SetDirty() { _fDirty = TRUE; } inline VOID CACL::ClearDirty() { _fDirty = FALSE; } inline BOOL CACL::IsDirty() { return( _fDirty ); } // ------------------- // CACL::IsInitialized // ------------------- inline BOOL CACL::IsInitialized() { return( _fInitialized ); } // ------------------------- // CACL::operator const PACL // ------------------------- inline CACL::operator const PACL() const { return( _pacl ); } // -------------------- // CACL Add ACE methods // -------------------- inline BOOL CACL::AddAccessAllowed( ACCESS_MASK access_mask, const PSID psid ) { TrkAssert( _fInitialized ); return( AddAccessAllowedAce( _pacl, ACL_REVISION, access_mask, const_cast(psid) )); } inline BOOL CACL::AddAccessDenied( ACCESS_MASK access_mask, const PSID psid ) { TrkAssert( _fInitialized ); return( AddAccessDeniedAce( _pacl, ACL_REVISION, access_mask, const_cast(psid) )); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // CSecDescriptor // // Wrapper class for a security descriptor. // // //-------------------------------------------------------------------// class CSecDescriptor { // ------------ // Construction // ------------ public: CSecDescriptor() { memset( this, 0, sizeof(*this) ); } ~CSecDescriptor() { UnInitialize(); } public: // Types of ACEs enum enumAccessType { AT_ACCESS_ALLOWED, AT_ACCESS_DENIED }; // Types of ACLs enum enumAclType { ACL_IS_SACL, // System (Audit) ACL ACL_IS_DACL // Discretionary ACL }; public: VOID Initialize(); VOID UnInitialize(); void AddAce( const enumAclType AclType, const enumAccessType AccessType, const ACCESS_MASK access_mask, const PSID psid ); inline operator const PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(); private: VOID _Allocate( ULONG cb ); VOID _ReloadAcl( enumAclType AclType ); private: BOOL _fInitialized; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR _psd; CACL _cDacl; CACL _cSacl; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------- // CSecDescriptor::operator const PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR() // ---------------------------------------------------------- inline CSecDescriptor::operator const PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR() { if( _cDacl.IsDirty() ) _ReloadAcl( ACL_IS_DACL ); if( _cSacl.IsDirty() ) _ReloadAcl( ACL_IS_SACL ); return( _psd ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // CSystemSD // // Wrapper specifically for a security descriptor that allows // access only to Administrators and System. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------// #define MAX_SYSTEM_ACL_LENGTH 32 class CSystemSD { public: enum ESystemSD { SYSTEM_AND_ADMINISTRATOR = 0, SYSTEM_ONLY = 1 }; public: void Initialize( ESystemSD = SYSTEM_AND_ADMINISTRATOR ); void UnInitialize(); inline operator const PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(); private: CSecDescriptor _csd; CSID _csidAdministrators; CSID _csidSystem; }; inline CSystemSD::operator const PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR () { return(_csd.operator const PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR()); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // CSystemSA // // sets up System-and-admin security attributes // //-------------------------------------------------------------------// class CSystemSA { public: inline void Initialize(); inline void UnInitialize(); inline operator LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(); private: CSystemSD _ssd; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES _sa; }; inline void CSystemSA::Initialize() { _ssd.Initialize(); _sa.nLength = sizeof(_sa); _sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = _ssd.operator const PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(); _sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE; } inline void CSystemSA::UnInitialize() { _ssd.UnInitialize(); } inline CSystemSA::operator LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES() { return(&_sa); } /* //+------------------------------------------------------------------ // // CRpcPipeControl // //+------------------------------------------------------------------ template class TPRpcPipeCallback { public: virtual void Pull( T_PIPE_ELEMENT *pElement, unsigned long cbBuffer, unsigned long * pcElems ) = 0; virtual void Push( T_PIPE_ELEMENT *pElement, unsigned long cElems ) = 0; virtual void Alloc( unsigned long cbRequested, T_PIPE_ELEMENT **ppElement, unsigned long * pcbActual ) = 0; }; // template <...> class TPRpcPipeCallback template class TRpcPipeControl { public: TRpcPipeControl( T_C_CALLBACK *pCallback ) { _pipe.state = reinterpret_cast(pCallback); _pipe.pull = &Pull; _pipe.push = &Push; _pipe.alloc = &Alloc; } operator T_PIPE() { return( _pipe ); } private: static void Pull( char * state, T_PIPE_ELEMENT * buf, unsigned long esize, unsigned long * ecount ) { reinterpret_cast(state)->Pull( buf, esize, ecount ); } static void Push( char * state, T_PIPE_ELEMENT * buf, unsigned long ecount ) { reinterpret_cast(state)->Push( buf, ecount ); } static void Alloc( char * state, unsigned long bsize, T_PIPE_ELEMENT ** buf, unsigned long * bcount ) { reinterpret_cast(state)->Alloc( bsize, buf, bcount ); } private: T_PIPE _pipe; }; // class CRpcPipeControl */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // CDebugString // // This class provides conversion routines for use in dbg output. // // //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // This struct stringizes a service state value. It's a struct so that it // can be used as an overload to CDebugString, and it's all inline so that // it doesn't compile into the free non-test code. struct SServiceState { DWORD _dwState; SServiceState( DWORD dwState ) { _dwState = dwState; } void Stringize( ULONG cch, TCHAR *ptsz ) const { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(cch); switch( _dwState ) { case SERVICE_STOPPED: _tcscpy( ptsz, TEXT("Service Stopped") ); break; case SERVICE_START_PENDING: _tcscpy( ptsz, TEXT("Service Start Pending") ); break; case SERVICE_STOP_PENDING: _tcscpy( ptsz, TEXT("Service Stop Pending") ); break; case SERVICE_RUNNING: _tcscpy( ptsz, TEXT("Service Running") ); break; case SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING: _tcscpy( ptsz, TEXT("Service Continue Pending") ); break; case SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING: _tcscpy( ptsz, TEXT("Service Pause Pending") ); break; case SERVICE_PAUSED: _tcscpy( ptsz, TEXT("Service Paused") ); break; default: _tcscpy( ptsz, TEXT( "Service State UNKNOWN") ); break; } } }; //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CStringize // // Create a string representation of various input types. The resulting // string is contained within this object, so this is a convenient // stack-based means of creating a string. For example: // // _tprintf( TEXT("VolId = %s\n"), (TCHAR*)CStringize(volid) ); // // This class also handles un-stringization. For example: // // _stscanf( TEXT("VolId = %s\n"), tszVolId ); // CStringize strVolId; // strVolId.Use( tszVolId ); // CVolumeId volid = strVolId; // // BUGBUG: Merge this with CDebugString. // //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CStringize { // ---- // Data // ---- protected: // Buffer for the string TCHAR _tsz[ 2*MAX_PATH ]; // The current string. May or may not point to _tsz. const TCHAR *_ptsz; // ------------ // Constructors // ------------ public: // Default CStringize() { _ptsz = _tsz; _tsz[0] = TEXT('\0'); } // TCHAR CStringize( TCHAR tc ) { new(this) CStringize; _stprintf(_tsz, TEXT("%c"), tc); } // int CStringize( int i ) { new(this) CStringize; _stprintf( _tsz, TEXT("%d"), i ); } // ULONG CStringize( unsigned long ul ) { new(this) CStringize; _stprintf( _tsz, TEXT("%lu"), ul ); } // CVolumeId CStringize( const CVolumeId &volid ) { new(this) CStringize; StringizeGUID( static_cast(volid), &_tsz[0], sizeof(_tsz)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); } // CVolumeSecret CStringize( const CVolumeSecret &volsecret ) { new(this) CStringize; TCHAR *ptsz = _tsz; volsecret.Stringize(ptsz); } // CObjId CStringize( const CObjId &objid ) { new(this) CStringize; StringizeGUID( static_cast(objid), &_tsz[0], sizeof(_tsz)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); } // CFILETIME CStringize(const CFILETIME &cft) { cft.Stringize( sizeof(_tsz), _tsz ); } // GUID CStringize( const GUID &guid ) { new(this) CStringize; StringizeGUID( guid, &_tsz[0], sizeof(_tsz)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); } // CMachineId CStringize( const CMachineId &mcid ) { new(this) CStringize; mcid.GetName(_tsz, ELEMENTS(_tsz)); } // CDomainRelativeObjId CStringize( const CDomainRelativeObjId &droid ) { new(this) CStringize; ULONG cch = StringizeGUID( droid.GetVolumeId(), _tsz, sizeof(_tsz) ); StringizeGUID( droid.GetObjId(), &_tsz[cch], sizeof(_tsz)-cch*sizeof(WCHAR) ); } // ----------- // Conversions // ----------- public: operator const TCHAR*() const { return( _tsz ); } operator CVolumeId() const { CVolumeId volid; if( !UnStringizeGUID( _ptsz, reinterpret_cast(&volid) )) { // TrkRaiseException TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't UnStringizeGUID in CStringize::operator CVolumeId") )); } return( volid ); } operator CObjId() const { CObjId objid; if( !UnStringizeGUID( _ptsz, reinterpret_cast(&objid) )) { // TrkRaiseException TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't UnStringizeGUID in CStringize::operator CObjId") )); } return( objid ); } operator CDomainRelativeObjId() const { CDomainRelativeObjId droid; CVolumeId volid; CObjId objid; if( !UnStringizeGUID( _ptsz, reinterpret_cast(&volid) )) TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't UnStringizeGUID in CStringize::operator CDomainRelativeObjId") )); else { const TCHAR *ptszObjId = _tcschr( &_ptsz[1], TEXT('{') ); if( NULL == ptszObjId ) TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't UnStringizeGUID in CStringize::operator CDomainRelativeObjId") )); else { if( !UnStringizeGUID( ptszObjId, reinterpret_cast(&objid) )) TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't UnStringizeGUID in CStringize::operator CDomainRelativeObjId") )); else droid = CDomainRelativeObjId( volid, objid ); } } return( droid ); } public: // Use a special caller-provided string, rather than _tsz inline void Use( const TCHAR *ptsz ) { _tsz[0] = TEXT('\0'); _ptsz = ptsz; } private: inline ULONG StringizeGUID( const GUID &guid, TCHAR *ptsz, ULONG cchMax ) const { TCHAR *ptszT = NULL; RPC_STATUS rpc_status; rpc_status = UuidToString( const_cast(&guid), &ptszT ); if( NULL != ptszT ) { _tcscpy( ptsz, TEXT("{") ); _tcscat( ptsz, ptszT ); _tcscat( ptsz, TEXT("}") ); RpcStringFree( &ptszT ); return( _tcslen(ptsz) ); } else { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Failed StringizeGUID (%lu)"), rpc_status )); _tcscpy( ptsz, TEXT("") ); return( 0 ); } } inline BOOL UnStringizeGUID( const TCHAR *ptsz, GUID *pguid ) const { RPC_STATUS rpc_status; TCHAR tszTemp[ MAX_PATH ]; TCHAR *ptszTemp = NULL; if( TEXT('{') != ptsz[0] ) return( FALSE ); _tcscpy( tszTemp, &ptsz[1] ); ptszTemp = _tcschr( tszTemp, TEXT('}') ); if( NULL == ptsz ) return( FALSE ); *ptszTemp = TEXT('\0'); if( RPC_S_OK == UuidFromString( tszTemp, pguid ) ) { return( TRUE ); } else return( FALSE ); } }; //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CDebugString // // This class has constructors for various common types. For each type, // it stringizes the input, and puts it in the _tsz member. That member // is public for easy access. // // The intent of this class is to provide an easy, stack-based mechanism // to stringize a value for a debug output. E.g.: // // CObjId objid; // objid = ... // TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("objid = %s"), CDebugString(objid)._tsz )); // //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if DBG class CDebugString : public CStringize { public: CDebugString(const CObjId &objid ) : CStringize( objid ) {}; CDebugString(const CMachineId & mcid) : CStringize( mcid ) {}; CDebugString(const CFILETIME & cft) : CStringize( cft ) {}; CDebugString(const CVolumeSecret & secret) : CStringize( secret ) {}; CDebugString(const CVolumeId & volume) : CStringize( volume ) {}; CDebugString(const CDomainRelativeObjId &droid) : CStringize( droid ) {}; CDebugString(const GUID &guid ) : CStringize( guid ) {}; CDebugString(const enum WMNG_STATE state ); CDebugString(const SServiceState sServiceState ); CDebugString(LONG iVolume, const PFILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION ); CDebugString(const TRKSVR_MESSAGE_TYPE MsgType); CDebugString(const CNewTimer &ctimer ); }; inline CDebugString::CDebugString(const CNewTimer & ctimer) { ctimer.DebugStringize( ELEMENTS(_tsz), _tsz ); } inline CDebugString::CDebugString( const SServiceState sServiceState ) { sServiceState.Stringize( ELEMENTS(_tsz), _tsz ); } #endif // #if DBG //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // CVolumeMap // // Note - not currently used. // // //-------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifdef VOL_REPL class CVolumeMap { public: CVolumeMap() : _pVolumeMapEntries(NULL), _cVolumeMapEntries(0), _iNextEntry(0) { } ~CVolumeMap() { TrkAssert(_pVolumeMapEntries == NULL); } void CopyTo( CVolumeMap * p ) const; void MoveTo( CVolumeMap * p ); void MoveTo( ULONG * pcVolumeMapEntries, VolumeMapEntry ** ppVolumeMapEntries ); void Initialize( ULONG cVolumeMapEntries, VolumeMapEntry ** ppVolumeMapEntries ); void UnInitialize( ); void SetSize( ULONG cVolumeMapEntries ); // can throw void Add( const CVolumeId & volume, const CMachineId & machine ); void Compact(); inline int Reset(); inline const VolumeMapEntry & Current(); inline void Next(); BOOL Merge( CVolumeMap * pOther ); // destroys the contents of pOther, TRUE if changed #if DBG inline ULONG Count() const; #endif protected: ULONG _cVolumeMapEntries; VolumeMapEntry * _pVolumeMapEntries; ULONG _iNextEntry; }; inline int CVolumeMap::Reset() { _iNextEntry = 0; return(_cVolumeMapEntries); } inline void CVolumeMap::Next() { _iNextEntry++; } inline const VolumeMapEntry & CVolumeMap::Current() { return(_pVolumeMapEntries[_iNextEntry]); } #if DBG inline ULONG CVolumeMap::Count() const { return(_cVolumeMapEntries); } #endif #endif // // QueryVolumeId // // Get the CVolumeId from a file handle. // inline NTSTATUS QueryVolumeId( const HANDLE hFile, CVolumeId *pvolid ) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; IO_STATUS_BLOCK Iosb; FILE_FS_OBJECTID_INFORMATION fsobOID; status = NtQueryVolumeInformationFile( hFile, &Iosb, &fsobOID, sizeof(fsobOID), FileFsObjectIdInformation ); if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) goto Exit; *pvolid = CVolumeId( fsobOID ); Exit: #if DBG if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) && STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND != status ) TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("QueryVolumeId failed (status=%08x)"), status )); #endif return( status ); } // // QueryVolumeId // // Get the CVolumeId from a file name. // inline NTSTATUS QueryVolumeId( const WCHAR *pwszPath, CVolumeId *pvolid ) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; HANDLE hFile = NULL; status = TrkCreateFile( pwszPath, FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_DELETE, FILE_OPEN, FILE_OPEN_NO_RECALL | FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT, NULL, &hFile ); if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { hFile = NULL; goto Exit; } status = QueryVolumeId( hFile, pvolid ); if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) goto Exit; Exit: if( NULL != hFile ) NtClose( hFile ); return( status ); } // // QueryVolumeId // // Get the CVolumeId from a drive letter index. // inline NTSTATUS QueryVolumeId( ULONG iVol, CVolumeId *pvolid ) { TCHAR tszPath[] = TEXT("A:\\"); tszPath[0] += static_cast(iVol); return QueryVolumeId(tszPath, pvolid); } // // QueryVolRelativePath // // Get the volume-relative path of a file from its handle. // // inline NTSTATUS QueryVolRelativePath( HANDLE hFile, TCHAR *ptszVolRelativePath ) { NTSTATUS status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK Iosb; // FILE_NAME_INFORMATION buffer. This size allows for a MAX_PATH path, // plus a string terminator (because sizeof FILE_NAME_INFORMATION already // has a character for the name). BYTE rgbFileNameInformation[ 2 * MAX_PATH + sizeof(FILE_NAME_INFORMATION) ]; FILE_NAME_INFORMATION *pfile_name_information = (FILE_NAME_INFORMATION*) rgbFileNameInformation; // Get the volume-relative path. status = NtQueryInformationFile( hFile, &Iosb, pfile_name_information, sizeof(rgbFileNameInformation), FileNameInformation ); #ifndef UNICODE #error Only Unicode supported #endif if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) goto Exit; pfile_name_information->FileName[ pfile_name_information->FileNameLength / sizeof(WCHAR) ] = L'\0'; _tcscpy( ptszVolRelativePath, pfile_name_information->FileName ); Exit: #if DBG if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Failed QueryVolRelativePath, status=%08x"), status )); #endif return( status ); } // // FileIsDirectory // // Determine if a file is a directory file. // inline BOOL FileIsDirectory( HANDLE hFile ) { NTSTATUS status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK Iosb; FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION file_basic_information; // Get the volume-relative path. status = NtQueryInformationFile( hFile, &Iosb, &file_basic_information, sizeof(file_basic_information), FileBasicInformation ); return( 0 != (file_basic_information.FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ); } // // Generate a "random" dword, based primarily on the // performance counter. // inline DWORD QuasiRandomDword() { DWORD dwRet; CFILETIME cftNow; LARGE_INTEGER li; QueryPerformanceCounter( &li ); dwRet = li.HighPart ^ li.LowPart; dwRet ^= cftNow.LowDateTime(); dwRet ^= cftNow.HighDateTime(); return( dwRet ); } // // TrkCharUpper // // Convert to upper case. // inline WCHAR TrkCharUpper( WCHAR wc ) { if( !LCMapStringW( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LCMAP_UPPERCASE, (LPWSTR)&wc, 1, (LPWSTR)&wc, 1 )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Failed LcMapStringW ('%c', %lu)"), wc, GetLastError() )); } return( wc ); } // These are the errors that we see when we attempt to use a volume // that has been dismounted and locked from under us. inline BOOL IsErrorDueToLockedVolume( NTSTATUS status ) { return( STATUS_VOLUME_DISMOUNTED == status // Handle has been broken || STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED == status // Volume locked, couldn't open a handle || ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == status || HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) == status || HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_OPEN_FAILED) == status ); } // These are the errors that we get from a disk operation that // are in some way recoverable. inline BOOL IsRecoverableDiskError( NTSTATUS status ) { return( TRK_E_CORRUPT_LOG == status || ERROR_NOT_READY == status || HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_READY) == status || STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_READY == status || IsErrorDueToLockedVolume( status )); } // Check to see if the current thread token is a member // of the Authenticated Users group. This class is never // instantiated, it's just a static helper class. class CVerifyAuthentication { private: // The SID for the built-in Authenticated Users group. static PSID _psidAuthenticatedUsersGroup; private: // Constructor is private; this is just a static helper class. CVerifyAuthentication() { } public: // Initialization static void Initialize() { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY NtAuthority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; // We shouldn't already be initialized if( NULL != _psidAuthenticatedUsersGroup ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_WARNING, TEXT("InitForIsAuthenticatedUser called multiple times") )); TrkRaiseWin32Error( ERROR_INTERNAL_DB_CORRUPTION ); } // Allocate the Authenticated Users SID if( !AllocateAndInitializeSid( &NtAuthority, 1, SECURITY_AUTHENTICATED_USER_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &_psidAuthenticatedUsersGroup )) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_WARNING, TEXT("InitForIsAuthenticatedUser failed (%lu)"), GetLastError() )); TrkRaiseLastError(); } } // Uninitialization static void Uninitialize() { if( NULL != _psidAuthenticatedUsersGroup ) { FreeSid( _psidAuthenticatedUsersGroup ); _psidAuthenticatedUsersGroup = NULL; } } // Verify that the caller on this RPC handle is authenticated, // by verifying that they're a member of the Authenticated Users // group. Raise if not. static void VerifyAuthentication( handle_t IDL_handle ) { BOOL fAuthenticatedUser = FALSE; // Impersonate the user so we can get their user token. RPC_STATUS rpc_status = RpcImpersonateClient( IDL_handle ); if( S_OK == rpc_status ) { #if DBG TCHAR tszCurrentUser[ 200 ] = { TEXT("") }; ULONG cchCurrentUser = sizeof(tszCurrentUser); GetUserName( tszCurrentUser, &cchCurrentUser ); TrkLog(( TRKDBG_MEND, TEXT("\nCall from %s"), tszCurrentUser )); #endif // See if this user is authenticated if( IsAuthenticatedUser() ) fAuthenticatedUser = TRUE; // Stop impersonating RpcRevertToSelf(); } else { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_WARNING, TEXT("VerifyAuthentication couldn't impersonate") )); } if( !fAuthenticatedUser ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_WARNING, TEXT("Attempt at unauthenticated access") )); TrkRaiseWin32Error( ERROR_NOT_AUTHENTICATED ); } } private: // Check if the current user on this thread is a member // of the Authenticated Users group. static BOOL IsAuthenticatedUser() { BOOL fAuthenticatedUser = FALSE; TrkAssert( NULL != _psidAuthenticatedUsersGroup ); if( NULL == _psidAuthenticatedUsersGroup ) return FALSE; if( !CheckTokenMembership( NULL, _psidAuthenticatedUsersGroup, &fAuthenticatedUser ) ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_WARNING, TEXT("Failed CheckTokenMembership (%lu)"), GetLastError() )); } return fAuthenticatedUser; } }; // CVerifyAuthentication //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CHexStringize // // Create a string with a hex representation of the input. E.g.: // // _tprintf( TEXT("1234 in hex is 0x%s\n"), CHexStringize(1234)._tsz ); // //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CHexStringize { public: TCHAR _tsz[ MAX_PATH ]; public: // Stringize a long CHexStringize( long l) { _stprintf(_tsz, TEXT("%08x"), l); } // Stringize a long, and take a caller-specified prefix CHexStringize( TCHAR *ptsz, long l ) { _stprintf( _tsz, TEXT("%s%08x"), ptsz, l ); } operator const TCHAR*() const { return( _tsz ); } }; // Event logging prototypes HRESULT TrkReportRawEvent(DWORD EventId, WORD wType, DWORD cbRawData, const void *pvRawData, va_list pargs ); inline HRESULT TrkReportRawEventWrapper( DWORD EventId, WORD wType, DWORD cbRawData, const void *pvRawData, ... ) { va_list va; va_start( va, pvRawData ); return TrkReportRawEvent( EventId, wType, cbRawData, pvRawData, va ); } inline HRESULT TrkReportEvent( DWORD EventId, WORD wType, ... ) { va_list va; va_start( va, wType ); return TrkReportRawEvent( EventId, wType, 0, NULL, va ); } HRESULT TrkReportInternalError(DWORD dwFileNo, DWORD dwLineNo, HRESULT hr, const TCHAR* ptszData = NULL ); #define TRKREPORT_LAST_PARAM NULL //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // COperationLog // // This class represents a simple, optional, circular log of events that have // occurred in the service. By default this log is off, but it can be turned // on with a registry setting. // //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define OPERATION_LOG_VERSION 1 class COperationLog { public: // The shutdown bit is set in the log header on a clean // service stop. enum EHeaderFlags { PROPER_SHUTDOWN = 0x1 }; // The following operations are defined. These are the "opcode" // for an entry in the log. enum EOperation { TRKSVR_START = 1, TRKSVR_SEARCH, TRKSVR_MOVE_NOTIFICATION, TRKSVR_REFRESH, TRKSVR_SYNC_VOLUMES, TRKSVR_DELETE_NOTIFY, TRKSVR_STATISTICS, TRKSVR_QUOTA, TRKSVR_GC }; private: // The small log header. struct SHeader { DWORD dwVersion; DWORD iRecord; DWORD grfFlags; DWORD dwReserved; }; // The structure of a record in the log. struct SRecord { DWORD dwOperation; FILETIME ftOperation; CMachineId mcidSource; HRESULT hr; DWORD rgdwExtra[8]; }; private: #ifndef NO_OPLOG // Has the class been initialized? BOOL _fInitialized:1; // Has the log file itself been intiailize (it is // initialized lazily)? BOOL _fLogFileInitialized:1; CCriticalSection _critsec; // Handles to the file HANDLE _hFile; HANDLE _hFileMapping; // Record-granular index into the file. DWORD _iRecord; ULONG _cRecords; // Mapped views of the file SHeader *_pHeader; SRecord *_prgRecords; // File name const TCHAR *_ptszOperationLog; #endif public: COperationLog( ) { #ifndef NO_OPLOG _fInitialized = _fLogFileInitialized = FALSE; _iRecord = 0; _hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; _hFileMapping = NULL; _ptszOperationLog = NULL; _pHeader = NULL; _prgRecords = NULL; _ptszOperationLog = NULL; #endif } ~COperationLog() { #ifndef NO_OPLOG if( NULL != _pHeader ) { TrkLog(( TRKDBG_VOLUME, TEXT("Flushing operation log with index at %d"), _iRecord )); Flush(); _pHeader->grfFlags |= PROPER_SHUTDOWN; Flush(); UnmapViewOfFile( _pHeader ); } if( NULL != _hFileMapping ) CloseHandle( _hFileMapping ); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != _hFile ) CloseHandle( _hFile ); _critsec.UnInitialize(); #endif } // Return TRUE if logging is turned on inline BOOL Logging() { #ifndef NO_OPLOG return( NULL != _ptszOperationLog ); #else return( FALSE ); #endif } // Enter the critsec void Lock() { #ifndef NO_OPLOG _critsec.Enter(); #endif } // Leave the critsec void Unlock() { #ifndef NO_OPLOG _critsec.Leave(); #endif } private: // Initialize the log file when it's actually needed HRESULT InitializeLogFile(); public: // Initialize the class inline HRESULT Initialize( const TCHAR *ptszOperationLog ); // Flush the log/mappings to disk. void Flush(); // Add an entry inline void Add( DWORD dwOperation, HRESULT hr = S_OK, const CMachineId &mcidSource = CMachineId(MCID_INVALID), DWORD dwExtra0 = 0, DWORD dwExtra1 = 0, DWORD dwExtra2 = 0, DWORD dwExtra3 = 0, DWORD dwExtra4 = 0, DWORD dwExtra5 = 0, DWORD dwExtra6 = 0, DWORD dwExtra7 = 0 ); // Wrapper to add an mcid/droid inline void Add( DWORD dwOperation, HRESULT hr, const CMachineId &mcidSource, const CDomainRelativeObjId &droid ); // Wrapper to add an mcid/volid inline void Add( DWORD dwOperation, HRESULT hr, const CMachineId &mcidSource, const CVolumeId &volid, DWORD dwExtra ); private: #ifndef NO_OPLOG void InternalAdd( DWORD dwOperation, HRESULT hr, const CMachineId &mcidSource, DWORD dwExtra0, DWORD dwExtra1, DWORD dwExtra2, DWORD dwExtra3, DWORD dwExtra4, DWORD dwExtra5, DWORD dwExtra6, DWORD dwExtra7 ); #endif }; inline void COperationLog::Add( DWORD dwOperation, HRESULT hr, const CMachineId &mcidSource, DWORD dwExtra0, DWORD dwExtra1, DWORD dwExtra2, DWORD dwExtra3, DWORD dwExtra4, DWORD dwExtra5, DWORD dwExtra6, DWORD dwExtra7 ) { #ifndef NO_OPLOG if( !Logging() ) return; InternalAdd( dwOperation, hr, mcidSource, dwExtra0, dwExtra1, dwExtra2, dwExtra3, dwExtra4, dwExtra5, dwExtra6, dwExtra7 ); #endif } #define DROID_DWORD(droid,i) ( ((const DWORD*)(&(droid)))[i] ) inline void COperationLog::Add( DWORD dwOperation, HRESULT hr, const CMachineId &mcidSource, const CDomainRelativeObjId &droid ) { #ifndef NO_OPLOG // Parameter validation (protect against attack) // mcidSource is generated by us, not the client, so it's safe. if (!((const void*)(&(droid)))) { return; } Add( dwOperation, hr, mcidSource, DROID_DWORD( droid, 0 ), DROID_DWORD( droid, 1 ), DROID_DWORD( droid, 2 ), DROID_DWORD( droid, 3 ), DROID_DWORD( droid, 4 ), DROID_DWORD( droid, 5 ), DROID_DWORD( droid, 6 ), DROID_DWORD( droid, 7 ) ); #endif } #define GUID_DWORD(guid,i) ( ((const DWORD*)(&(guid)))[i] ) inline void COperationLog::Add( DWORD dwOperation, HRESULT hr, const CMachineId &mcidSource, const CVolumeId &volid, DWORD dwExtra ) { #ifndef NO_OPLOG // Parameter validation (protect against attack) // mcidSource is generated by us, not the client, so it's safe. if (!((const void*)(&(volid)))) { return; } Add( dwOperation, hr, mcidSource, GUID_DWORD( volid, 0 ), GUID_DWORD( volid, 1 ), GUID_DWORD( volid, 2 ), GUID_DWORD( volid, 3 ), dwExtra ); #endif } inline HRESULT COperationLog::Initialize( const TCHAR *ptszOperationLog ) { #ifndef NO_OPLOG HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if( NULL == ptszOperationLog || TEXT('\0') == *ptszOperationLog ) return( S_OK ); _critsec.Initialize(); _fInitialized = TRUE; _ptszOperationLog = ptszOperationLog; TrkLog(( TRKDBG_ERROR, TEXT("Operation log = %s"), _ptszOperationLog )); hr = S_OK; return( hr ); #else return( S_OK ); #endif }