#ifndef PP_H #define PP_H #define SERIAL_ADVANCED_SETTINGS #include "msports.h" #ifdef USE_P_TRACE_ERR #define P_TRACE_ERR(_x) MessageBox( GetFocus(), TEXT(_x), TEXT("ports traceerr"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ); #define W_TRACE_ERR(_x) MessageBox( GetFocus(), _x, TEXT("ports traceerr"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ); #else #define P_TRACE_ERR(_x) #define W_TRACE_ERR(_x) #endif #define DO_COM_PORT_RENAMES #define RX_MIN 1 #define RX_MAX 14 #define TX_MIN 1 #define TX_MAX 16 TCHAR m_szDevMgrHelp[]; // // Structures // typedef struct _PORT_PARAMS { HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet; PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData; HCOMDB hComDB; PBYTE PortUsage; DWORD PortUsageSize; BOOL ShowStartCom; DWORD NumChildren; TCHAR szComName[20]; } PORT_PARAMS, *PPORT_PARAMS; typedef struct { TCHAR szComName[20]; HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet; SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData; HKEY hDeviceKey; DWORD NewComNum; } CHILD_DATA, *PCHILD_DATA; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Cyclades-Z Property Page Prototypes /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void InitOurPropParams( IN OUT PPORT_PARAMS Params, IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, IN PTCHAR StrSettings ); HPROPSHEETPAGE InitSettingsPage( PROPSHEETPAGE * Psp, OUT PPORT_PARAMS Params ); UINT CALLBACK PortSettingsDlgCallback( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPPROPSHEETPAGE ppsp ); INT_PTR APIENTRY PortSettingsDlgProc( IN HWND hDlg, IN UINT uMessage, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ); BOOL SavePortSettings( IN HWND DialogHwnd, IN PPORT_PARAMS Params ); BOOL SavePortSettingsDlg( IN HWND DialogHwnd, IN PPORT_PARAMS Params ); //Cyclades-Z void RestoreDefaults( HWND DialogHwnd, PPORT_PARAMS Params ); ULONG FillNumberOfPortsText( IN HWND DialogHwnd, IN PPORT_PARAMS Params ); BOOL FillStartComCb( HWND ParentHwnd, PPORT_PARAMS Params ); ULONG GetPortName( IN DEVINST PortInst, IN OUT TCHAR *ComName, IN ULONG ComNameSize ); DWORD CheckComRange( HWND ParentHwnd, PPORT_PARAMS Params, DWORD nCom ); // Return codes for CheckComRange: #define COM_RANGE_OK 0 #define COM_RANGE_TOO_BIG 1 #define COM_RANGE_MEM_ERR 2 BOOL TryToOpen( IN PTCHAR szCom ); BOOL NewComAvailable( IN PPORT_PARAMS Params, IN DWORD NewComNum ); ULONG GetPortData( IN DEVINST PortInst, OUT PCHILD_DATA ChildPtr ); void ClosePortData( IN PCHILD_DATA ChildPtr ); void EnactComNameChanges( IN HWND ParentHwnd, IN PPORT_PARAMS Params, IN PCHILD_DATA ChildPtr ); // Context help header file and arrays for devmgr ports tab // Created 2/21/98 by WGruber NTUA and DoronH NTDEV // // "Port Settings" Dialog Box // #if 0 #define IDH_NOHELP ((DWORD)-1) #define IDH_DEVMGR_PORTSET_ADVANCED 15840 // "&Advanced" (Button) #define IDH_DEVMGR_PORTSET_BPS 15841 // "" (ComboBox) #define IDH_DEVMGR_PORTSET_DATABITS 15842 // "" (ComboBox) #define IDH_DEVMGR_PORTSET_PARITY 15843 // "" (ComboBox) #define IDH_DEVMGR_PORTSET_STOPBITS 15844 // "" (ComboBox) #define IDH_DEVMGR_PORTSET_FLOW 15845 // "" (ComboBox) #define IDH_DEVMGR_PORTSET_DEFAULTS 15892 // "&Restore Defaults" (Button) // // "Advanced Communications Port Properties" Dialog Box // #define IDH_DEVMGR_PORTSET_ADV_USEFIFO 16885 // "&Use FIFO buffers (requires 16550 compatible UART)" (Button) #define IDH_DEVMGR_PORTSET_ADV_TRANS 16842 // "" (msctls_trackbar32) #define IDH_DEVMGR_PORTSET_ADV_DEVICES 161027 // "" (ComboBox) #define IDH_DEVMGR_PORTSET_ADV_RECV 16821 // "" (msctls_trackbar32) #define IDH_DEVMGR_PORTSET_ADV_NUMBER 16846 // "" (ComboBox) #define IDH_DEVMGR_PORTSET_ADV_DEFAULTS 16844 #endif #include "cyzhelp.h" #endif // PP_H