!IF 0 Module Name: sources. Abstract: This file specifies the target component being built and the list of sources files needed to build that component. Also specifies optional compiler switches and libraries that are unique for the component being built. !ENDIF MAJORCOMP=VSSUI MINORCOMP=VSSUI TARGETNAME=VSSUI TARGETPATH=..\bin\$(_OBJ_DIR) TARGETTYPE=DYNLINK UMTYPE= windows DLLDEF= vssui.def DLLENTRY= _DllMainCRTStartup C_DEFINES= $(C_DEFINES) -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE USE_MFCUNICODE=1 INCLUDES = $(SHELL_INC_PATH); ..\inc; ..\..\inc\derived USE_NATIVE_EH=1 USE_MSVCRT=1 USE_ATL=1 ATL_VER=30 USE_STL=1 # # Shfusion.lib causes linker warnings. Ignore them. # LINKER_FLAGS=$(LINKER_FLAGS) -ignore:4049,4217 # # Enable Fusion Build Magic (preprocess the manifest, stick in resources) # SXS_ASSEMBLY_NAME=Microsoft.Windows.storage.vssui SXS_ASSEMBLY_LANGUAGE_INDEPENDENT=1 SXS_MANIFEST=vssui.manifest SXS_MANIFEST_IN_RESOURCES=1 SXS_NO_BINPLACE=1 # the resource ID here must be 2 SXS_MANIFEST_RESOURCE_ID=2 # ISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED ==> use ui themes C_DEFINES = $(C_DEFINES) -DISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED SOURCES= vssui.idl \ msgcomm.mc \ resource.rc \ stdafx.cpp \ vssui.cpp \ snapext.cpp \ shlext.cpp \ vssprop.cpp \ settings.cpp \ hosting.cpp \ remdlg.cpp \ utils.cpp TARGETLIBS= $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\kernel32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\user32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\gdi32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\comdlg32.lib \ $(SHELL_LIB_PATH)\shfusion.lib \ $(SHELL_LIB_PATH)\shlwapip.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\advapi32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\shell32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\ole32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\oleaut32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\uuid.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\odbc32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\winspool.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\mmc.lib \ $(DS_LIB_PATH)\netapi32p.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\mstask.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\mpr.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\wldap32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\version.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\vss_uuid.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\vssapi.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\clusapi.lib \ ..\lib\$(O)\tracing.lib \ ..\lib\$(O)\cluster.lib \ ..\lib\$(O)\registry.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\htmlhelp.lib \ $(COM_LIB_PATH)\prvidl.lib