#include "pefile.h" // #include HANDLE hDll; /* BOOL WINAPI DLLEntry ( HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwFunction, LPVOID lpNot) { hDll = hModule; return TRUE; } */ /* copy dos header information to structure */ BOOL WINAPI GetDosHeader ( LPVOID lpFile, PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pHeader) { /* dos header rpresents first structure of bytes in file */ if (*(USHORT *)lpFile == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) CopyMemory ((LPVOID)pHeader, lpFile, sizeof (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER)); else return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* return file signature */ DWORD WINAPI ImageFileType ( LPVOID lpFile) { /* dos file signature comes first */ if (*(USHORT *)lpFile == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) { /* determine location of PE File header from dos header */ if (LOWORD (*(DWORD *)NTSIGNATURE (lpFile)) == IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE || LOWORD (*(DWORD *)NTSIGNATURE (lpFile)) == IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE_LE) return (DWORD)LOWORD(*(DWORD *)NTSIGNATURE (lpFile)); else if (*(DWORD *)NTSIGNATURE (lpFile) == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) return IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE; else return IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE; } else /* unknown file type */ return 0; } /* copy file header information to structure */ BOOL WINAPI GetPEFileHeader ( LPVOID lpFile, PIMAGE_FILE_HEADER pHeader) { /* file header follows dos header */ if (ImageFileType (lpFile) == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) CopyMemory ((LPVOID)pHeader, PEFHDROFFSET (lpFile), sizeof (IMAGE_FILE_HEADER)); else return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* copy optional header info to structure */ BOOL WINAPI GetPEOptionalHeader ( LPVOID lpFile, PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER pHeader) { /* optional header follows file header and dos header */ if (ImageFileType (lpFile) == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) CopyMemory ((LPVOID)pHeader, OPTHDROFFSET (lpFile), sizeof (IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER)); else return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* function returns the entry point for an exe module lpFile must be a memory mapped file pointer to the beginning of the image file */ LONG_PTR WINAPI GetModuleEntryPoint ( LPVOID lpFile) { PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER poh = (PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER)OPTHDROFFSET (lpFile); if (poh != NULL) return (LONG_PTR)(poh->AddressOfEntryPoint); else return 0L; } /* return the total number of sections in the module */ int WINAPI NumOfSections ( LPVOID lpFile) { /* number os sections is indicated in file header */ return ((int)((PIMAGE_FILE_HEADER)PEFHDROFFSET (lpFile))->NumberOfSections); } /* retrieve entry point */ LPVOID WINAPI GetImageBase ( LPVOID lpFile) { PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER poh = (PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER)OPTHDROFFSET (lpFile); if (poh != NULL) return (LPVOID)(poh->ImageBase); else return NULL; } /* return offset to specified IMAGE_DIRECTORY entry */ LPVOID WINAPI ImageDirectoryOffset ( LPVOID lpFile, DWORD dwIMAGE_DIRECTORY) { PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER poh = (PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER)OPTHDROFFSET (lpFile); PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER psh = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)SECHDROFFSET (lpFile); int nSections = NumOfSections (lpFile); int i = 0; LONG_PTR VAImageDir; /* must be 0 thru (NumberOfRvaAndSizes-1) */ if (dwIMAGE_DIRECTORY >= poh->NumberOfRvaAndSizes) return NULL; /* locate specific image directory's relative virtual address */ VAImageDir = (LONG_PTR)poh->DataDirectory[dwIMAGE_DIRECTORY].VirtualAddress; /* locate section containing image directory */ while (i++VirtualAddress <= (DWORD)VAImageDir && psh->VirtualAddress + psh->SizeOfRawData > (DWORD)VAImageDir) break; psh++; } if (i > nSections) return NULL; /* return image import directory offset */ return (LPVOID)(((LONG_PTR)lpFile + (LONG_PTR)VAImageDir - psh->VirtualAddress) + (LONG_PTR)psh->PointerToRawData); } /* function retrieve names of all the sections in the file */ int WINAPI GetSectionNames ( LPVOID lpFile, HANDLE hHeap, char **pszSections) { int nSections = NumOfSections (lpFile); int i, nCnt = 0; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER psh; char *ps; if (ImageFileType (lpFile) != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE || (psh = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)SECHDROFFSET (lpFile)) == NULL) return 0; /* count the number of chars used in the section names */ for (i=0; iName, szSection)) { /* copy data to header */ CopyMemory ((LPVOID)sh, (LPVOID)psh, sizeof (IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)); return TRUE; } else psh++; } } return FALSE; } /* get import modules names separated by null terminators, return module count */ int WINAPI GetImportModuleNames ( LPVOID lpFile, // HANDLE hHeap, char* SectionName, char **pszModules) { PIMAGE_IMPORT_MODULE_DIRECTORY pid = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_MODULE_DIRECTORY) ImageDirectoryOffset (lpFile, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT); IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER idsh; BYTE *pData = (BYTE *)pid; int nCnt = 0, nSize = 0, i; char *pModule[1024]; /* hardcoded maximum number of modules?? */ char *psz; /* locate section header for ".idata" section */ if (!GetSectionHdrByName (lpFile, &idsh, SectionName /*".idata" "INIT"*/)) return 0; /* extract all import modules */ while (pid->dwRVAModuleName) { /* allocate temporary buffer for absolute string offsets */ pModule[nCnt] = (char *)(pData + (pid->dwRVAModuleName-idsh.VirtualAddress)); nSize += strlen (pModule[nCnt]) + 1; /* increment to the next import directory entry */ pid++; nCnt++; } /* copy all strings to one chunk of heap memory */ *pszModules = HeapAlloc (GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, nSize); psz = *pszModules; for (i=0; idwRVAModuleName && strcmp (pszModule, (char *)(pid->dwRVAModuleName+dwBase))) pid++; /* exit if the module is not found */ if (!pid->dwRVAModuleName) return 0; /* count number of function names and length of strings */ dwFunction = pid->dwRVAFunctionNameList; while (dwFunction && *(DWORD *)(dwFunction + dwBase) && (!IsBadReadPtr ( (char *)((*(DWORD *)(dwFunction + dwBase)) + dwBase+2), 1 ) ) && *(char *)((*(DWORD *)(dwFunction + dwBase)) + dwBase+2)) /* while (dwFunction && *(DWORD *)(dwFunction + dwBase) && *(char *)((*(DWORD *)(dwFunction + dwBase)) + dwBase+2)) */ { nSize += strlen ((char *)((*(DWORD *)(dwFunction + dwBase)) + dwBase+2)) + 1; dwFunction += 4; nCnt++; } /* allocate memory off heap for function names */ *pszFunctions = HeapAlloc (GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, nSize); psz = *pszFunctions; /* copy function names to mempry pointer */ dwFunction = pid->dwRVAFunctionNameList; while (dwFunction && *(DWORD *)(dwFunction + dwBase) && (!IsBadReadPtr ( (char *)((*(DWORD *)(dwFunction + dwBase)) + dwBase+2), 1 ) ) && *(char *)((*(DWORD *)(dwFunction + dwBase)) + dwBase+2)) /* while (dwFunction && *(DWORD *)(dwFunction + dwBase) && *((char *)((*(DWORD *)(dwFunction + dwBase)) + dwBase+2))) */ { strcpy (psz, (char *)((*(DWORD *)(dwFunction + dwBase)) + dwBase+2)); psz += strlen ((char *)((*(DWORD *)(dwFunction + dwBase)) + dwBase+2)) + 1; dwFunction += 4; } // fprintf (stderr, "nCnt = %d\n", nCnt); return nCnt; } /* get exported function names separated by null terminators, return count of functions */ int WINAPI GetExportFunctionNames ( LPVOID lpFile, HANDLE hHeap, char **pszFunctions) { IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER sh; PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY ped; char *pNames, *pCnt; int i, nCnt; /* get section header and pointer to data directory for .edata section */ if ((ped = (PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)ImageDirectoryOffset (lpFile, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT)) == NULL) return 0; GetSectionHdrByName (lpFile, &sh, ".edata"); /* determine the offset of the export function names */ pNames = (char *)(*(int *)((int)ped->AddressOfNames - (int)sh.VirtualAddress + (int)sh.PointerToRawData + (LONG_PTR)lpFile) - (int)sh.VirtualAddress + (int)sh.PointerToRawData + (LONG_PTR)lpFile); /* figure out how much memory to allocate for all strings */ pCnt = pNames; for (i=0; i<(int)ped->NumberOfNames; i++) while (*pCnt++); nCnt = (int)(pCnt - pNames); /* allocate memory off heap for function names */ *pszFunctions = HeapAlloc (hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, nCnt); /* copy all string to buffer */ CopyMemory ((LPVOID)*pszFunctions, (LPVOID)pNames, nCnt); return nCnt; } /* return the number of exported functions in the module */ int WINAPI GetNumberOfExportedFunctions ( LPVOID lpFile) { PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY ped; /* get section header and pointer to data directory for .edata section */ if ((ped = (PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)ImageDirectoryOffset (lpFile, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT)) == NULL) return 0; else return (int)ped->NumberOfNames; } /* return a pointer to the list of function entry points */ LPVOID WINAPI GetExportFunctionEntryPoints ( LPVOID lpFile) { IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER sh; PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY ped; /* get section header and pointer to data directory for .edata section */ if ((ped = (PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)ImageDirectoryOffset (lpFile, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT)) == NULL) return NULL; GetSectionHdrByName (lpFile, &sh, ".edata"); /* determine the offset of the export function entry points */ return (LPVOID) ((int)ped->AddressOfFunctions - (int)sh.VirtualAddress + (int)sh.PointerToRawData + (LONG_PTR)lpFile); } /* return a pointer to the list of function ordinals */ LPVOID WINAPI GetExportFunctionOrdinals ( LPVOID lpFile) { IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER sh; PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY ped; /* get section header and pointer to data directory for .edata section */ if ((ped = (PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)ImageDirectoryOffset (lpFile, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT)) == NULL) return NULL; GetSectionHdrByName (lpFile, &sh, ".edata"); /* determine the offset of the export function entry points */ return (LPVOID) ((int)ped->AddressOfNameOrdinals - (int)sh.VirtualAddress + (int)sh.PointerToRawData + (LONG_PTR)lpFile); } /* determine the total number of resources in the section */ int WINAPI GetNumberOfResources ( LPVOID lpFile) { PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY prdRoot, prdType; PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY prde; int nCnt=0, i; /* get root directory of resource tree */ if ((prdRoot = (PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY)ImageDirectoryOffset (lpFile, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE)) == NULL) return 0; /* set pointer to first resource type entry */ prde = (PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY)((LONG_PTR)prdRoot + sizeof (IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY)); /* loop through all resource directory entry types */ for (i=0; iNumberOfIdEntries; i++) { /* locate directory or each resource type */ prdType = (PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY)((LONG_PTR)prdRoot + (LONG_PTR)prde->OffsetToData); /* mask off most significant bit of the data offset */ prdType = (PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY)((LONG_PTR)prdType ^ 0x80000000); /* increment count of name'd and ID'd resources in directory */ nCnt += prdType->NumberOfNamedEntries + prdType->NumberOfIdEntries; /* increment to next entry */ prde++; } return nCnt; } /* name each type of resource in the section */ int WINAPI GetListOfResourceTypes ( LPVOID lpFile, HANDLE hHeap, char **pszResTypes) { PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY prdRoot; PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY prde; char *pMem; int nCnt, i; /* get root directory of resource tree */ if ((prdRoot = (PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY)ImageDirectoryOffset (lpFile, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE)) == NULL) return 0; /* allocate enuff space from heap to cover all types */ nCnt = prdRoot->NumberOfIdEntries * (MAXRESOURCENAME + 1); *pszResTypes = (char *)HeapAlloc (hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, nCnt); if ((pMem = *pszResTypes) == NULL) return 0; /* set pointer to first resource type entry */ prde = (PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY)((LONG_PTR)prdRoot + sizeof (IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY)); /* loop through all resource directory entry types */ for (i=0; iNumberOfIdEntries; i++) { if (LoadString (hDll, prde->Name, pMem, MAXRESOURCENAME)) pMem += strlen (pMem) + 1; prde++; } return nCnt; } /* function indicates whether debug info has been stripped from file */ BOOL WINAPI IsDebugInfoStripped ( LPVOID lpFile) { PIMAGE_FILE_HEADER pfh; pfh = (PIMAGE_FILE_HEADER)PEFHDROFFSET (lpFile); return (pfh->Characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DEBUG_STRIPPED); } /* retrieve the module name from the debug misc. structure */ int WINAPI RetrieveModuleName ( LPVOID lpFile, HANDLE hHeap, char **pszModule) { PIMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY pdd; PIMAGE_DEBUG_MISC pdm = NULL; int nCnt; if (!(pdd = (PIMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY)ImageDirectoryOffset (lpFile, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG))) return 0; while (pdd->SizeOfData) { if (pdd->Type == IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_MISC) { pdm = (PIMAGE_DEBUG_MISC)((DWORD)pdd->PointerToRawData + (LONG_PTR)lpFile); *pszModule = (char *)HeapAlloc (hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, (nCnt = (lstrlen (pdm->Data)*(pdm->Unicode?2:1)))+1); CopyMemory (*pszModule, pdm->Data, nCnt); break; } pdd ++; } if (pdm != NULL) return nCnt; else return 0; } /* determine if this is a valid debug file */ BOOL WINAPI IsDebugFile ( LPVOID lpFile) { PIMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_HEADER psdh; psdh = (PIMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_HEADER)lpFile; return (psdh->Signature == IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_SIGNATURE); } /* copy separate debug header structure from debug file */ BOOL WINAPI GetSeparateDebugHeader ( LPVOID lpFile, PIMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_HEADER psdh) { PIMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_HEADER pdh; pdh = (PIMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_HEADER)lpFile; if (pdh->Signature == IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_SIGNATURE) { CopyMemory ((LPVOID)psdh, (LPVOID)pdh, sizeof (IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_HEADER)); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }