/*++ Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999 Module Name: device.cpp Abstract: This module contains the device implementation for audio.sys. Author: Frank Yerrace (FrankYe) 18-Sep-2000 Dale Sather (DaleSat) 31-Jul-1998 --*/ #include "private.h" // // Filters table. // const KSFILTER_DESCRIPTOR* FilterDescriptors[] = { NULL // Placeholder for DRM fitler descriptor }; const KSDEVICE_DESCRIPTOR DeviceDescriptor = { NULL, SIZEOF_ARRAY(FilterDescriptors), FilterDescriptors }; NTSTATUS __stdcall DriverEntry ( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPathName ) /*++ Routine Description: Sets up the driver object. Arguments: DriverObject - Driver object for this instance. RegistryPathName - Contains the registry path which was used to load this instance. Return Values: Returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the driver was initialized. --*/ { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("[DrmkAud:DriverEntry]")); const KSFILTER_DESCRIPTOR * pDrmFilterDescriptor; DrmGetFilterDescriptor(&pDrmFilterDescriptor); FilterDescriptors[0] = pDrmFilterDescriptor; return KsInitializeDriver(DriverObject, RegistryPathName, &DeviceDescriptor); }