/******************************************************************* * * File : dump.cxx * Author : Eyal Schwartz * Copyrights : Microsoft Corp (C) 1996 * Date : 7/15/1998 * Description : implentation of dump routines * * Revisions : *******************************************************************/ #ifndef DUMP_CXX #define DUMP_CXX // include // // common #include "common.h" #include "util.hxx" #include #include #include // dns structures #include "dns.h" #include "tree.h" // Ignore zero sized array warnings. #pragma warning (disable : 4200) #include "dnsrpc.h" #include "name.h" #include "record.h" #include "update.h" #include "dpart.h" #include "EventControl.h" #include "zone.h" #include "msginfo.h" // local #include "dump.hxx" // types // // // Protos for exported functions // DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_DNS_MSGINFO ); DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_DS_SEARCH ); DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_Help ); DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_SockAddr ); DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_DB_NODE ); DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_COUNT_NAME ); DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_ZONE_INFO ); DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_DB_RECORD ); DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_IP_ARRAY ); DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_UPDATE ); DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_UPDATE_LIST ); DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_DNS_WIRE_QUESTION ); DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_LOOKUP_NAME ); DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_DNS_HEADER ); DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_HEAP_HEADER ); // // Private protos // DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_ADDITIONAL_INFO ); DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_COMPRESSION_INFO ); DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_Record_SOA ); DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_SID ); VOID DumpBuffer( PVOID Buffer, DWORD BufferSize ); // // Dispatch table // DUMPENTRY gfDumpTable[] = { "COUNT_NAME" , Dump_COUNT_NAME, "DB_NODE" , Dump_DB_NODE, "DB_RECORD" , Dump_DB_RECORD, "DNS_HEADER" , Dump_DNS_HEADER, "DNS_WIRE_QUESTION" , Dump_DNS_WIRE_QUESTION, "DS_SEARCH" , Dump_DS_SEARCH, "HEAP_HEADER" , Dump_HEAP_HEADER, "HELP" , Dump_Help, "IP_ARRAY" , Dump_IP_ARRAY, "LOOKUP_NAME" , Dump_LOOKUP_NAME, "MSGINFO" , Dump_DNS_MSGINFO, "SOCKADDR" , Dump_SockAddr, "UPDATE" , Dump_UPDATE, "UPDATE_LIST" , Dump_UPDATE_LIST, "ZONE_INFO" , Dump_ZONE_INFO, "SID" , Dump_SID }; const INT gcbDumpTable = (sizeof(gfDumpTable) / sizeof(DUMPENTRY) ); // functions // /*+++ Function : Dump_Help Description: print out dump usage Parameters : none. Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_Help) { Printf( "dnsexts.dump
:= any hex debugger valid address\n" ); Printf( " :=\n" ); Printf( "\tCOUNT_NAME: Counted name definition.\n" ); Printf( "\tDB_NODE: Tree node definition.\n" ); Printf( "\tDB_RECORD: RR structure.\n" ); Printf( "\tDNS_HEADER: DNS Header.\n" ); Printf( "\tDNS_WIRE_QUESTION: DNS Question.\n" ); Printf( "\tHEAP_HEADER: DNS heap header.\n" ); Printf( "\tHELP: print this screen.\n" ); Printf( "\tIP_ARRAY: IP Address Array type.\n" ); Printf( "\tLOCK_TABLE: Debug lock tracking table.\n" ); Printf( "\tLOOKUP_NAME: Lookup name definition.\n" ); Printf( "\tMSGINFO: DNS Server Message Info structure.\n" ); Printf( "\tSOCKADDR: Winsock address.\n" ); Printf( "\tUPDATE: Update list entry.\n" ); Printf( "\tUPDATE_LIST: Update list table.\n" ); Printf( "\tZONE_INFO: Zone information type.\n" ); Printf( "\tSID: Dump given SID.\n" ); Printf( "---\n" ); return TRUE; } /*+++ Function : Dump_DNS_MSGINFO Description: dumps out message info Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_DNS_MSGINFO ) { Printf( "DNS_MSGINFO(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if ( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } // // DNS_MSGINFO header // PDNS_MSGINFO pMsg = (PDNS_MSGINFO) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(DNS_MSGINFO) );; Printf( " ListEntry = {Flink=0x%p, Blink=0x%p}\n", pMsg->ListEntry.Flink, pMsg->ListEntry.Blink ); Printf( " Socket = 0x%x\n", (DWORD)pMsg->Socket ); #if 0 Printf( " RemoteAddressLength = 0x%x (%d)\n", pMsg->RemoteAddressLength, pMsg->RemoteAddressLength ); Printf( " RemoteAddress -- " ); Dump_SockAddr((LPVOID)&(pMsg->RemoteAddress) ); #endif Printf( " BufferLength = 0x%x\n", pMsg->BufferLength ); Printf( " pBufferEnd = 0x%p\n", pMsg->pBufferEnd ); Printf( " pCurrent = 0x%p\n", pMsg->pCurrent ); Printf( " pnodeCurrent = 0x%p\n", pMsg->pnodeCurrent ); Printf( " pzoneCurrent = 0x%p\n", pMsg->pzoneCurrent ); Printf( " pnodeDelegation = 0x%p\n", pMsg->pnodeDelegation ); Printf( " wTypeCurrent = 0x%x\n", pMsg->wTypeCurrent ); Printf( " wOffsetCurrent = 0x%x\n", pMsg->wOffsetCurrent ); Printf( " pNodeQuestion = 0x%p\n", pMsg->pNodeQuestion ); Printf( " pNodeNodeQuestionClosest = 0x%p\n", pMsg->pNodeQuestionClosest ); Printf( " pQuestion = 0x%p\n", pMsg->pQuestion ); Printf( " wQuestionType = 0x%x\n", pMsg->wQuestionType ); Printf( " wQueuingXid = 0x%x\n", pMsg->wQueuingXid ); Printf( " dwQueryTime = 0x%x\n", pMsg->dwQueryTime ); Printf( " dwQueuingTime = 0x%x\n", pMsg->dwQueuingTime ); Printf( " dwExpireTime = 0x%x\n", pMsg->dwExpireTime ); Printf( " pRecurseMsg = 0x%p\n", pMsg->pRecurseMsg ); Printf( " pnodeRecurseRetry = 0x%p\n", pMsg->pnodeRecurseRetry ); Printf( " pNsList = 0x%p\n", pMsg->pNsList ); Printf( " pConnection = 0x%p\n", pMsg->pConnection ); Printf( " pchRecv = 0x%p\n", pMsg->pchRecv ); Printf( " UnionMarker = 0x%x\n", pMsg->UnionMarker ); // // Union -- should get a union tag // { // // For now, print both Nbstat & Xfr images // Printf( " Union:\n" ); // // WINS info // { Printf( " (U.Wins):\n" ); Printf( " pWinsRR = 0x%x\n", pMsg->U.Wins.pWinsRR ); Printf( " WinsNameBuffer = 0x%x\n", RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, pMsg, pMsg->U.Wins.pWinsRR) ); Printf( " cchWinsName = %d\n", pMsg->U.Wins.cchWinsName ); } // // Nbstat info // { Printf( " (U.Nbstat):\n" ); Printf( " pRR = 0x%p\n", pMsg->U.Nbstat.pRR ); Printf( " pNbstat = 0x%p\n", pMsg->U.Nbstat.pNbstat ); Printf( " ipNbstat = 0x%x\n", pMsg->U.Nbstat.ipNbstat ); Printf( " dwNbtInterfaceMask = 0x%x\n", pMsg->U.Nbstat.dwNbtInterfaceMask ); Printf( " fNbstatResponded = %s\n", pMsg->U.Nbstat.fNbstatResponded? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); } // // Xfr // { Printf( " (U.Xfr):\n" ); Printf( " dwMessageNumber = 0x%x\n", pMsg->U.Xfr.dwMessageNumber ); Printf( " dwSecondaryVersion = 0x%x\n", pMsg->U.Xfr.dwSecondaryVersion ); Printf( " dwMasterVersion = 0x%x\n", pMsg->U.Xfr.dwMasterVersion ); Printf( " dwLastSoaVersion = 0x%x\n", pMsg->U.Xfr.dwLastSoaVersion ); Printf( " fReceivedStartSoa = %s\n", pMsg->U.Xfr.fReceivedStartSoa?"TRUE":"FALSE" ); Printf( " fBindTransfer = %s\n", pMsg->U.Xfr.fBindTransfer?"TRUE":"FALSE" ); Printf( " fMsTransfer = %s\n", pMsg->U.Xfr.fMsTransfer?"TRUE":"FALSE" ); Printf( " fLastPassAdd = %s\n", pMsg->U.Xfr.fLastPassAdd?"TRUE":"FALSE" ); } // // Forward // { Printf( " (U.Forward):\n" ); Printf( " OriginalSocket = 0x%x\n", pMsg->U.Forward.OriginalSocket ); Printf( " ipOriginal = 0x%x\n", pMsg->U.Forward.ipOriginal ); Printf( " wOriginalPort = 0x%x\n", pMsg->U.Forward.wOriginalPort ); Printf( " wOriginalXid = 0x%x\n", pMsg->U.Forward.wOriginalXid ); } } Printf( " pLooknameQuestion = 0x%p\n",pMsg->pLooknameQuestion ); Printf( " FlagMarker = 0x%x\n", pMsg->FlagMarker ); Printf( " fDelete = 0x%x\n", pMsg->fDelete ); Printf( " fTcp = 0x%x\n", pMsg->fTcp ); Printf( " fMessageComplete = 0x%x\n", pMsg->fMessageComplete ); Printf( " Section = %d\n", pMsg->Section ); Printf( " fDoAdditional = 0x%x\n", pMsg->fDoAdditional ); Printf( " fRecurseIfNecessary = 0x%x\n", pMsg->fRecurseIfNecessary ); Printf( " fRecursePacket = 0x%x\n", pMsg->fRecursePacket ); Printf( " fQuestionRecursed = 0x%x\n", pMsg->fQuestionRecursed ); Printf( " fQuestionCompleted = 0x%x\n", pMsg->fQuestionCompleted ); Printf( " fRecurseQuestionSent = 0x%x\n", pMsg->fRecurseQuestionSent ); Printf( " fRecurseTimeoutWait = 0x%x\n", pMsg->fRecurseTimeoutWait ); Printf( " nForwarder = 0x%x\n", pMsg->nForwarder ); Printf( " fReplaceCname = 0x%x\n", pMsg->fReplaceCname ); Printf( " cCnameAnswerCount = %d\n", pMsg->cCnameAnswerCount ); Printf( " fNoCompressionWrite = 0x%x\n", pMsg->fNoCompressionWrite ); Printf( " fWins = 0x%x\n", pMsg->fWins ); Printf( " fQuestionWildcard = 0x%x\n", pMsg->fQuestionWildcard ); Printf( " Additional --\n" ); Dump_ADDITIONAL_INFO( (LPVOID)&pMsg->Additional ); Printf( " Compression --\n" ); Dump_COMPRESSION_INFO( (LPVOID)&pMsg->Compression ); #if DBG Printf( " DbgListEntry = {Flink=0x%p; Blink=0x%p}\n", pMsg->DbgListEntry.Flink, pMsg->DbgListEntry.Blink ); #endif Printf( " dwForceAlignment = 0x%x\n", pMsg->dwForceAlignment ); Printf( " BytesToReceive = 0x%x\n", pMsg->BytesToReceive ); Printf( " MessageLength = 0x%x\n", pMsg->MessageLength ); Printf( " Head --\n" ); Dump_DNS_HEADER((LPVOID)&pMsg->Head ); Printf( " MessageBody -- " ); DumpBuffer((LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, pMsg, pMsg->MessageBody), pMsg->MessageLength ); PopMemory( (PVOID)pMsg ); return TRUE; } /*+++ Function : DumpSockAddr Description: dumps sockaddr structure Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_SockAddr) { Printf( "SockAddr(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } // // print sockaddr structure // PSOCKADDR_IN paddr = (PSOCKADDR_IN) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN) );; Printf( " family = %d, port = %d, address = [%d:%d:%d:%d]\n", paddr->sin_family, paddr->sin_port, paddr->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, paddr->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, paddr->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, paddr->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4 ); PopMemory( (PVOID)paddr ); return TRUE; } /*+++ Function : Dump_DB_NODE Description: Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_DB_NODE) { Printf( "DB_NODE(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if ( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } // // print node structure // PDB_NODE pnode = (PDB_NODE) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(DB_NODE) );; Printf( " pParent = 0x%p\n", pnode->pParent ); Printf( " pSibUp = 0x%p\n", pnode->pSibUp ); Printf( " pSibLeft = 0x%p\n", pnode->pSibLeft ); Printf( " pSibRight = 0x%p\n", pnode->pSibRight ); Printf( " cChildren = %lu\n", pnode->cChildren ); Printf( " pChildren = 0x%p\n", pnode->pChildren ); Printf( " pZone = 0x%p\n", pnode->pZone ); Printf( " pRRList = 0x%p\n", pnode->pRRList ); Printf( " dwCompare = 0x%x\n", pnode->dwCompare ); Printf( " cReferenceCount = %lu\n", pnode->cReferenceCount ); Printf( " dwNodeFlags = 0x%x\n", pnode->dwNodeFlags ); Printf( " uchAuthority = 0x%x\n", pnode->uchAuthority ); Printf( " uchAccessbin = %d\n", (INT)pnode->uchAccessBin ); Printf( " cchLabelLength = %d\n", (INT)pnode->cchLabelLength ); Printf( " szLabel -- \n" ); // JBUGBUG: this looks dubious if node bad\broken DumpBuffer( (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS( lpVoid, pnode, pnode->szLabel ), ((INT)pnode->cchLabelLength < DNS_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH) ? (INT)pnode->cchLabelLength : DNS_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH ); PopMemory( (PVOID)pnode ); return TRUE; } /*+++ Function : Dump_COUNT_NAME Description: Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_COUNT_NAME) { Printf( "COUNT_NAME(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if ( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } // // print count name // PCOUNT_NAME pname = (PCOUNT_NAME) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(COUNT_NAME) ); Printf( " Length = %d\n", pname->Length ); Printf( " LabelCount = %d\n", pname->LabelCount ); Printf( " RawName -- \n" ); DumpBuffer( (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, pname, pname->RawName), pname->Length > DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH ? DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH : pname->Length ); PopMemory( (PVOID)pname ); return TRUE; } /*+++ Function : Dump_ZONE_INFO Description: Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_ZONE_INFO ) { Printf( "ZONE_INFO(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if ( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } // // print structure // PZONE_INFO pzone = (PZONE_INFO) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(ZONE_INFO) ); Printf( " ListEntry = [Flink=%p, Blink=%p]\n", pzone->ListEntry.Flink, pzone->ListEntry.Blink ); Printf( " pszZoneName = %p\n", pzone->pszZoneName ); Printf( " pwsZoneName = %p\n", pzone->pwsZoneName ); Printf( " pCountName = %p\n", pzone->pCountName ); Printf( " pZoneRoot = %p\n", pzone->pZoneRoot ); Printf( " pTreeRoot = %p\n", pzone->pTreeRoot ); Printf( " pZoneTreeLink = %p\n", pzone->pZoneTreeLink ); Printf( " pLoadZoneRoot = %p\n", pzone->pLoadZoneRoot ); Printf( " pLoadTreeRoot = %p\n", pzone->pLoadTreeRoot ); Printf( " pLoadOrigin = %p\n", pzone->pLoadOrigin ); Printf( " pOldTree = %p\n", pzone->pOldTree ); Printf( " ---\n" ); Printf( " pszDataFile = %p\n", pzone->pszDataFile ); Printf( " pwzDataFile = %p\n", pzone->pwsDataFile ); Printf( " pDelayedUpdateList = %p\n", pzone->pDelayedUpdateList ); Printf( " pSoaRR = %p\n", pzone->pSoaRR ); Printf( " pWinsRR = %p\n", pzone->pWinsRR ); Printf( " pLocalWInsRR = %p\n", pzone->pLocalWinsRR ); Printf( " pSD = %p\n", pzone->pSD ); Printf( " ---\n" ); Printf( " fZoneType = %d\n", pzone->fZoneType ); Printf( " fDsIntegrated = %s\n", pzone->fDsIntegrated ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " fAllowUpdate = %d\n", pzone->fAllowUpdate ); Printf( " iRRCount = %d\n", pzone->iRRCount ); Printf( " ---\n" ); #if 0 Printf( " ipReverse = 0x%x\n", pzone->ipReverse ); Printf( " ipReverseMask = 0x%x\n", pzone->ipReverseMask ); #endif Printf( " dwSerialNo = %lu\n", pzone->dwSerialNo ); Printf( " dwLoadSerialNo = %lu\n", pzone->dwLoadSerialNo ); Printf( " dwLastXfrSerialNo = %lu\n", pzone->dwLastXfrSerialNo ); Printf( " dwNewSerialNo = %lu\n", pzone->dwNewSerialNo ); Printf( " dwDefaultTtl = 0x%x\n", pzone->dwDefaultTtl ); Printf( " dwDefTtlHostOrder = %lu\n", pzone->dwDefaultTtlHostOrder ); Printf( " ---\n" ); Printf( " Master Info:\n" ); Printf( " aipSecondaries = %p\n", pzone->aipSecondaries ); Printf( " aipNotify = %p\n", pzone->aipNotify ); Printf( " aipNameServers = %p\n", pzone->aipNameServers ); Printf( " ---\n" ); Printf( " Primary Info:\n" ); Printf( " pwzLogFile = %p\n", pzone->pwsLogFile ); Printf( " hfileUpdateLog = 0x%x\n", pzone->hfileUpdateLog ); Printf( " iUpdateLogCount = %d\n", pzone->iUpdateLogCount ); Printf( " bAging = %s\n", pzone->bAging ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " dwNoRefreshInterval = %lu\n", pzone->dwNoRefreshInterval ); Printf( " dwRefreshInterval = %lu\n", pzone->dwRefreshInterval ); Printf( " dwRefreshTime = %lu\n", pzone->dwRefreshTime ); Printf( " dwAgingEnabledTime = %lu\n", pzone->dwAgingEnabledTime ); Printf( " aipScavengeServers = %p\n", pzone->aipScavengeServers ); Printf( " DS Primary Info:\n" ); Printf( " pwsZoneDN = %p\n", pzone->pwszZoneDN ); // FIXME Printf( " llSecureUpdateTime = %p\n", pzone->llSecureUpdateTime ); Printf( " fDsRelaod = %s\n", pzone->fDsReload ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " fInDsWrite = %s\n", pzone->fInDsWrite ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " ucDsRecordVersion = %d\n", pzone->ucDsRecordVersion ); Printf( " fLogUpdates = %d\n", pzone->fLogUpdates ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " szLastUsn = %p\n", RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, pzone, pzone->szLastUsn) ); Printf( " ---\n" ); Printf( " Secondary Info:\n" ); Printf( " aipMasters = %p\n", pzone->aipMasters ); // Printf( " MasterInfoArray = %p\n", pzone->MasterInfoArray ); Printf( " pszMasterIpString = %p\n", pzone->pszMasterIpString ); Printf( " ipPrimary = 0x%x\n", pzone->ipPrimary ); Printf( " ipNotifier = 0x%x\n", pzone->ipNotifier ); Printf( " ipFreshMaster = 0x%x\n", pzone->ipFreshMaster ); Printf( " ipXfrBind = 0x%x\n", pzone->ipXfrBind ); Printf( " ipLastAxfrMaster = 0x%x\n", pzone->ipLastAxfrMaster ); Printf( " dwLastSoaCheckTime = %d\n", pzone->dwLastSoaCheckTime ); Printf( " dwNextSoaCheckTime = %d\n", pzone->dwNextSoaCheckTime ); Printf( " dwExpireTime = %d\n", pzone->dwExpireTime ); Printf( " dwZoneRecvStartTime = %d\n", pzone->dwZoneRecvStartTime ); Printf( " dwBadMasterCount = %d\n", pzone->dwBadMasterCount ); Printf( " dwNextTranserTime = %d\n", pzone->dwNextTransferTime ); Printf( " fStale = %s\n", pzone->fStale ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " fNotified = %s\n", pzone->fNotified ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " fNeedAxfr = %s\n", pzone->fNeedAxfr ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " fSkipIxfr = %s\n", pzone->fSkipIxfr ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " fSlowRetry = %s\n", pzone->fSlowRetry ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " cIxfrAttempts = %d\n", (INT)pzone->cIxfrAttempts ); Printf( " fEmpty = %s\n", pzone->fEmpty ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " ---\n" ); Printf( " Locking:\n" ); Printf( " dwLockingThreadId = 0x%x\n", pzone->dwLockingThreadId ); Printf( " fLocked = %d\n", (INT)pzone->fLocked ); Printf( " fUpdateLock = %d\n", pzone->fUpdateLock ); Printf( " fXfrRecvLock = %d\n", pzone->fXfrRecvLock ); Printf( " fFileWriteLock = %d\n", pzone->fFileWriteLock ); Printf( " ---\n" ); Printf( " Flags:\n" ); Printf( " cZoneNameLabelCount = %d\n", (INT)pzone->cZoneNameLabelCount ); Printf( " fReverse = %s\n", pzone->fReverse ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " fAutoCreated = %s\n", pzone->fAutoCreated ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " fSecureSecondaries = %d\n", pzone->fSecureSecondaries ); Printf( " fNotifyLevel = %d\n", pzone->fNotifyLevel ); Printf( " fPaused = %s\n", pzone->fPaused ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " fShutdown = %s\n", pzone->fShutdown ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " fDirty = %s\n", pzone->fDirty ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " fRootDirty = %s\n", pzone->fRootDirty ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " fLocalWins = %s\n", pzone->fLocalWins ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); Printf( " ---\n" ); Printf( " UpdateList = %p\n", pzone->UpdateList ); PopMemory( (PVOID)pzone ); return TRUE; } /*+++ Function : Dump_DB_RECORD Description: Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_DB_RECORD) { Printf( "DB_RECORD(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if ( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } // // print record // PDB_RECORD prr = (PDB_RECORD) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(DB_RECORD) ); Printf( " pRRNext = 0x%p\n", prr->pRRNext ); Printf( " RecordRank = %d\n", prr->RecordRank ); Printf( " Reserved = 0x%x\n", (BYTE)( prr->Reserved.Source| prr->Reserved.Reserved| prr->Reserved.StandardAlloc) ); Printf( " wRRFlags = 0x%x\n", prr->wRRFlags ); Printf( " wType = 0x%x\n", prr->wType ); Printf( " wDataLength = 0x%x\n", prr->wDataLength ); Printf( " dwTtlSeconds = 0x%x\n", prr->dwTtlSeconds ); Printf( " dwTimeStamp = %lu\n", prr->dwTimeStamp ); Printf( " Data ---" ); switch (prr->wType) { case DNS_TYPE_A: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_A):\n" ); Printf( " IpAddr = 0x%x\n", (DWORD)prr->Data.A.ipAddress ); break; case DNS_TYPE_AAAA: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_AAAA):\n" ); Printf( " IP6Addr = [%x:%x:%x:%x;%x;%x;%x;%x]\n", prr->Data.AAAA.Ip6Addr.IP6Word[0], prr->Data.AAAA.Ip6Addr.IP6Word[1], prr->Data.AAAA.Ip6Addr.IP6Word[2], prr->Data.AAAA.Ip6Addr.IP6Word[3], prr->Data.AAAA.Ip6Addr.IP6Word[4], prr->Data.AAAA.Ip6Addr.IP6Word[5], prr->Data.AAAA.Ip6Addr.IP6Word[6], prr->Data.AAAA.Ip6Addr.IP6Word[7] ); break; case DNS_TYPE_SOA: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_SOA):\n" ); Dump_Record_SOA( (LPVOID)&(prr->Data.SOA) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_PTR: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_PTR):\n" ); Printf( " nameTarget = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.PTR.nameTarget) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_NS: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_NS):\n" ); Printf( " nameTarget = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.NS.nameTarget) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_CNAME: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_CNAME):\n" ); Printf( " nameTarget = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.CNAME.nameTarget) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_MB: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_MB):\n" ); Printf( " nameTarget = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.MB.nameTarget) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_MD: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_MD):\n" ); Printf( " nameTarget = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.MD.nameTarget) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_MF: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_MF):\n" ); Printf( " nameTarget = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.MF.nameTarget) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_MG: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_MG):\n" ); Printf( " nameTarget = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.MG.nameTarget) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_MR: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_MR):\n" ); Printf( " nameTarget = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.MR.nameTarget) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_MINFO: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_MINFO):\n" ); Printf( " nameMailbox = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.MINFO.nameMailbox) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_RP: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_RP):\n" ); Printf( " nameMailbox = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.RP.nameMailbox) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_MX: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_MX):\n" ); Printf( " wPreference = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.MX.wPreference ); Printf( " nameExchange = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.MX.nameExchange) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_AFSDB: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_AFSDB):\n" ); Printf( " wPreference = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.AFSDB.wPreference ); Printf( " nameExchange = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.AFSDB.nameExchange) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_RT: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_RT):\n" ); Printf( " wPreference = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.RT.wPreference ); Printf( " nameExchange = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.RT.nameExchange) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_HINFO: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_HINFO):\n" ); Printf( " chData = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, prr->Data.HINFO.chData) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_ISDN: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_ISDN):\n" ); Printf( " chData = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, prr->Data.ISDN.chData) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_TEXT: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_TEXT):\n" ); Printf( " chData = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, prr->Data.TXT.chData) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_NULL: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_NULL):\n" ); Printf( " chData = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, prr->Data.Null.chData) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_WKS: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_WKS):\n" ); Printf( " ipAddress = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.WKS.ipAddress ); Printf( " chProtocol = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.WKS.chProtocol ); Printf( " bBitMask = @ 0x%p\n", RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, prr->Data.WKS.bBitMask) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_SIG: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_SIG):\n" ); Printf( " nameSigner = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.SIG.nameSigner) ); Printf( " wTypeCovered = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.SIG.wTypeCovered ); Printf( " chAlgorithm = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.SIG.chAlgorithm ); Printf( " chLabelCount = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.SIG.chLabelCount ); Printf( " dwOriginalTtl = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.SIG.dwOriginalTtl ); Printf( " dwSigExpiration = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.SIG.dwSigExpiration ); Printf( " dwSigInception = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.SIG.dwSigInception ); Printf( " wKeyTag = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.SIG.wKeyTag ); Printf( " Signature = 0x%p\n", RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, ( PBYTE ) &prr->Data.SIG.nameSigner + DBASE_NAME_SIZE( &prr->Data.SIG.nameSigner ) ) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_KEY: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_KEY):\n" ); Printf( " wFlags = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.KEY.wFlags ); Printf( " chProtocol = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.KEY.chProtocol ); Printf( " chAlgorithm = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.KEY.chAlgorithm ); Printf( " Key = 0x%p\n", RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, prr->Data.KEY.Key) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_LOC: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_LOC):\n" ); Printf( " wVersion = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.LOC.wVersion ); Printf( " wSize = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.LOC.wSize ); Printf( " wHorPrec = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.LOC.wHorPrec ); Printf( " wVerPrec = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.LOC.wVerPrec ); Printf( " dwLatitude = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.LOC.dwLatitude ); Printf( " dwLongitude = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.LOC.dwLongitude ); Printf( " dwAltitude = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.LOC.dwAltitude ); break; case DNS_TYPE_NXT: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_NXT):\n" ); Printf( " nameNext = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.NXT.nameNext) ); Printf( " bTypeBitMap = @ 0x%p\n", RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, prr->Data.NXT.bTypeBitMap) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_SRV: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_SRV):\n" ); Printf( " wPriority = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.SRV.wPriority ); Printf( " wWeight = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.SRV.wWeight ); Printf( " wPort = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.SRV.wPort ); Printf( " nameTarget = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.SRV.nameTarget) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_TSIG: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_TSIG):\n" ); Printf( " dwTimeSigned = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.TSIG.dwTimeSigned ); Printf( " dwTimeExpire = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.TSIG.dwTimeExpire ); Printf( " wSigLength = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.TSIG.wSigLength ); Printf( " bSignature = @ 0x%x\n", RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, prr->Data.TSIG.bSignature) ); Printf( " nameAlgorithm = @ 0x%p\n", RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.TSIG.nameAlgorithm) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_TKEY: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_TKEY):\n" ); Printf( " wKeyLength = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.TKEY.wKeyLength ); Printf( " bKey = @ 0x%p\n", RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, prr->Data.TKEY.bKey) ); break; case DNS_TYPE_WINS: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_WINS):\n" ); Printf( " dwMappingFlag = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.WINS.dwMappingFlag ); Printf( " dwLookupTimeout = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.WINS.dwLookupTimeout ); Printf( " dwCacheTimeout = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.WINS.dwCacheTimeout ); Printf( " cWinsServerCount = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.WINS.cWinsServerCount ); Printf( " aipWinsServers = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.WINS.aipWinsServers ); break; case DNS_TYPE_WINSR: Printf( " (DNS_TYPE_WINSR):\n" ); Printf( " dwMappingFlag = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.WINSR.dwMappingFlag ); Printf( " dwLookupTimeout = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.WINSR.dwLookupTimeout ); Printf( " dwCacheTimeout = 0x%x\n", prr->Data.WINSR.dwCacheTimeout ); Printf( " nameResultDomain = 0x%p\n", (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, prr, &prr->Data.WINSR.nameResultDomain) ); break; default: Printf( "\n Error: Unknown wType value (0x%x).\n", prr->wType ); } PopMemory( (PVOID)prr ); return TRUE; } /*+++ Function : Dump_IP_ARRAY Description: Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_IP_ARRAY) { Printf( "IP_ARRAY(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if ( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } // // print structure // PIP_ARRAY pIp = (PIP_ARRAY) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(IP_ARRAY) ); INT iMax= pIp->AddrCount > MAX_TINY_LIST ? MAX_TINY_LIST : (INT)pIp->AddrCount; Printf( " AddrCount = 0x%x\n", pIp->AddrCount ); PIP_ADDRESS addr = (PIP_ADDRESS) PushMemory( (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, pIp, pIp->AddrArray), sizeof(IP_ADDRESS)*iMax ); for(INT i=0; i< iMax; i++){ Printf( " AddrArray[%2d] = 0x%x\n", addr[i] ); } PopMemory( (PVOID)addr ); if(pIp->AddrCount > MAX_TINY_LIST){ Printf( " (truncated)...\n" ); } PopMemory( (PVOID)pIp ); return TRUE; } /*+++ Function : Dump_UPDATE Description: Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_UPDATE) { Printf( "UPDATE(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if ( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } // // print structure // PUPDATE p = (PUPDATE) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(UPDATE) ); Printf( " pNext = 0x%x\n", p->pNext ); Printf( " pNode = 0x%p\n", p->pNode ); Printf( " pAddRR = 0x%p\n", p->pAddRR ); Printf( " pDeleteRR =0x%p\n", p->pDeleteRR ); Printf( " dwVersion = 0x%x\n", p->dwVersion ); Printf( " wDeleteType = 0x%x\n", p->wDeleteType ); Printf( " wAddType = 0x%x\n", p->wAddType ); PopMemory( (PVOID)p ); return TRUE; } /*+++ Function : Dump_UPDATE_LIST Description: Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_UPDATE_LIST) { Printf( "UPDATE_LIST(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if ( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } PUPDATE_LIST p = (PUPDATE_LIST) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(UPDATE_LIST) ); Printf( " pListHead = 0x%p\n", p->pListHead ); Printf( " pCurrent = 0x%p\n", p->pCurrent ); Printf( " pTempNodeList = 0x%p\n", p->pTempNodeList ); Printf( " pNodeFailed = 0x%p\n", p->pNodeFailed ); Printf( " pMsg = 0x%x\n", p->pMsg ); Printf( " Flag = 0x%x\n", p->Flag ); Printf( " dwCount = 0x%x\n", p->dwCount ); Printf( " dwStartVersion = 0x%x\n", p->dwStartVersion ); Printf( " dwHighDsVersion = 0x%x\n", p->dwHighDsVersion ); PopMemory( (PVOID)p ); return TRUE; } /*+++ Function : Dump_DNS_WIRE_QUESTION Description: Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_DNS_WIRE_QUESTION) { Printf( "DNS_WIRE_QUESTION(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if ( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } PDNS_WIRE_QUESTION p = (PDNS_WIRE_QUESTION) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(DNS_WIRE_QUESTION) ); Printf( " QuestionType = 0x%x\n", p->QuestionType ); Printf( " QuestionClass = 0x%x\n", p->QuestionClass ); PopMemory( (PVOID)p ); return TRUE; } /*+++ Function : Dump_DNS_HEADER Description: dumps sockaddr structure Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_DNS_HEADER) { Printf( "DNS_HEADER(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if ( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } PDNS_HEADER p = (PDNS_HEADER) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(DNS_HEADER) ); Printf( " Xid = 0x%x\n", p->Xid ); Printf( " RecursionDesired = 0x%x\n", p->RecursionDesired ); Printf( " Truncation = 0x%x\n", p->Truncation ); Printf( " Authoritative = 0x%x\n", p->Authoritative ); Printf( " Opcode = 0x%x\n", p->Opcode ); Printf( " IsResponse = 0x%x\n", p->IsResponse ); Printf( " ResponseCode = 0x%x\n", p->ResponseCode ); Printf( " Reserved = 0x%x\n", p->Reserved ); Printf( " RecursionAvailable = 0x%x\n", p->RecursionAvailable ); Printf( " QuestionCount = 0x%x\n", p->QuestionCount ); Printf( " AnswerCount = 0x%x\n", p->AnswerCount ); Printf( " NameServerCount = 0x%x\n", p->NameServerCount ); Printf( " AdditionalCount = 0x%x\n", p->AdditionalCount ); PopMemory( (PVOID)p ); return TRUE; } /*+++ Function : HEAP_HEADER Description: dumps out additional message info Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_HEAP_HEADER) { // from heapdbg.h #define HEAP_HEADER_FILE_SIZE (16) struct _HEAP_HEADER { // // Note, if move or add fields, MUST update list entry offset below // ULONG HeapCodeBegin; ULONG AllocCount; ULONG RequestSize; ULONG AllocSize; // // Put LIST_ENTRY in middle of header // - keep begin code at front // - less likely to be corrupted // LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; DWORD AllocTime; DWORD LineNo; CHAR FileName[ HEAP_HEADER_FILE_SIZE ]; ULONG TotalAlloc; ULONG CurrentAlloc; ULONG FreeCount; ULONG CurrentAllocCount; ULONG HeapCodeEnd; }; Printf( "HEAP_HEADER(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if ( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } _HEAP_HEADER *p = (_HEAP_HEADER*) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(_HEAP_HEADER) ); Printf( " HeapCodeBegin = 0x%x\n", p->HeapCodeBegin ); Printf( " AllocCount = 0x%x\n", p->AllocCount ); Printf( " RequestSize = 0x%x\n", p->RequestSize ); Printf( " AllocSize = 0x%x\n", p->AllocSize ); // // Put LIST_ENTRY in middle of header // - keep begin code at front // - less likely to be corrupted // Printf( " ListEntry = 0x%x\n", p->ListEntry ); Printf( " AllocTime = 0x%x\n", p->AllocTime ); Printf( " LineNo = %lu\n", p->LineNo ); Printf( " FileName -- \n", p->FileName ); DumpBuffer((LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, p, p->FileName), HEAP_HEADER_FILE_SIZE ); Printf( " TotalAlloc = 0x%x\n", p->TotalAlloc ); Printf( " CurrentAlloc = 0x%x\n", p->CurrentAlloc ); Printf( " FreeCount = 0x%x\n", p->FreeCount ); Printf( " CurrentAllocCount = 0x%x\n", p->CurrentAllocCount ); Printf( " HeapCodeEnd = 0x%x\n", p->HeapCodeEnd ); PopMemory( (PVOID)p ); return TRUE; } /*+++ Function : Dump_Record_SOA Description: Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_LOOKUP_NAME){ Printf( "LOOKUP_NAME(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if ( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } PLOOKUP_NAME p = (PLOOKUP_NAME) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(LOOKUP_NAME) ); Printf( " cLabelCount = %d\n", p->cLabelCount ); Printf( " cchNameLength = %d\n", p->cchNameLength ); Printf( " pchLabelArray --\n" ); // if cLableCountis bad, forget about it. INT iMax; iMax = p->cLabelCount < DNS_MAX_NAME_LABELS ? p->cLabelCount : 0; INT i; for(i=0;ipchLabelArray[i] ); } Printf( " cchLabelArray -- \n" ); iMax = p->cchNameLength < DNS_MAX_NAME_LABELS ? p->cchNameLength : DNS_MAX_NAME_LABELS; DumpBuffer((LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, p, p->cchLabelArray), iMax ); PopMemory( (PVOID)p ); return TRUE; } /*+++ Function : Dump_SID Description: Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_SID) { #define MAX_SID_STR_LENGTH 1024 Printf( "SID(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if ( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } PSID pSid = (PSID) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(SID) ); CHAR szSid [ MAX_SID_STR_LENGTH ]; DWORD cbSid = GetLengthSid(pSid ); if ( !cbSid || !IsValidSid(pSid) ) { Printf( "Formatting aborted. Invalid SID\n" ); } else { CHAR buffer[ 1024 ]; UCHAR authCount = *GetSidSubAuthorityCount(pSid ); strcpy ( szSid, "S-" ); for (INT i=0; i<(INT)authCount; i++) { DWORD dwAuth = *GetSidSubAuthority(pSid, i ); sprintf( buffer, "%X", dwAuth ); if ( strlen(szSid) + strlen(buffer) > MAX_SID_STR_LENGTH - 5 ) { strcat ( szSid, "..." ); break; } strcat ( szSid, buffer ); if (i < (INT)authCount-1) { strcat ( szSid, "-" ); } } } Printf ( "SID = %s\n", szSid ); PopMemory( (PVOID)pSid ); return TRUE; #undef MAX_SID_STR_LENGTH } /*+++ Function : Dump_ADDITIONAL_INFO Description: dumps out additional message info Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_ADDITIONAL_INFO) { Printf( "ADDITIONAL_INFO(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if ( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } if(!lpVoid){ Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } // // print structure // PADDITIONAL_INFO p = (PADDITIONAL_INFO) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(ADDITIONAL_INFO) ); INT i=0, iMax=0; Printf( " cMaxCount = 0x%x\n", p->cMaxCount ); Printf( " cCount = 0x%x\n", p->cCount ); Printf( " iIndex = 0x%x\n", p->iIndex ); iMax = p->cCount <= MAX_ADDITIONAL_RECORD_COUNT? p->cCount : MAX_ADDITIONAL_RECORD_COUNT; PDB_NAME* pnames = (PDB_NAME*) PushMemory( (LPVOID) RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, p, p->pNameArray), sizeof(PDB_NAME)*iMax ); for(i=0; i MAX_TINY_LIST){ Printf( " (truncated)...\n" ); } WORD* poffsets = (WORD*) PushMemory( (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, p, p->wOffsetArray), sizeof(WORD)*iMax ); for(i=0; i MAX_ADDITIONAL_RECORD_COUNT){ Printf( " (truncated)...\n" ); } PopMemory( (PVOID)p ); return TRUE; } /*+++ Function : Dump_COMPRESSION_INFO Description: dumps out additional message info Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_COMPRESSION_INFO) { Printf( "COMPRESSION_INFO(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if ( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } if(!lpVoid){ Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } // // print structure // PCOMPRESSION_INFO p = (PCOMPRESSION_INFO) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(COMPRESSION_INFO) ); INT i=0, iMax=0; Printf( " cCount = 0x%x\n", p->cCount ); PDB_NODE* pnodes = (PDB_NODE*) PushMemory( (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, p, p->pNodeArray), sizeof(PDB_NODE)*iMax ); iMax = p->cCount <= MAX_COMPRESSION_COUNT? p->cCount : MAX_COMPRESSION_COUNT; for(i=0; i MAX_COMPRESSION_COUNT){ Printf( " (truncated)...\n" ); } WORD* poffsets = (WORD*) PushMemory( (LPVOID)RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, p, p->wOffsetArray), sizeof(WORD)*iMax ); for(i=0; i MAX_COMPRESSION_COUNT){ Printf( " (truncated)...\n" ); } PopMemory( (PVOID)p ); return TRUE; } /*+++ Function : Dump_DS_SEARCH Description: Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_DS_SEARCH) { // from DS.c struct _DnsDsEnum { PLDAPSearch pSearchBlock; // ldap search result on zone PLDAPMessage pResultMessage; // current page of message PLDAPMessage pNodeMessage; // message for current node PZONE_INFO pZone; LONGLONG SearchTime; LONGLONG TombstoneExpireTime; DWORD dwSearchFlag; DWORD dwLookupFlag; DWORD dwHighestVersion; DWORD dwTotalNodes; DWORD dwTotalTombstones; DWORD dwTotalRecords; #if 0 DWORD dwHighUsnLength; CHAR szHighUsn[ MAX_USN_LENGTH ]; // largest USN in enum #endif CHAR szStartUsn[ MAX_USN_LENGTH ]; // USN at search start // node record data PLDAP_BERVAL * ppBerval; // the values in the array PDB_RECORD pRecords; DWORD dwRecordCount; DWORD dwNodeVersion; DWORD dwTombstoneVersion; }; Printf( "DS_SEARCH(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if ( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } // // print structure // struct _DnsDsEnum *p = (struct _DnsDsEnum*) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(struct _DnsDsEnum) ); Printf( " pSearchBlock = 0x%p\n", p->pSearchBlock ); Printf( " pResultMessage = 0x%p\n", p->pResultMessage ); Printf( " pNodeMessage = 0x%p\n", p->pNodeMessage ); Printf( " pZone = 0x%p\n", p->pZone ); Printf( " SearchTime = 0x%x:0x%x\n", (DWORD)(p->SearchTime>>32), (DWORD)(p->SearchTime & 0x00000000ffffffff) ); Printf( " TombstoneExpireTime = 0x%x:0x%x\n", (DWORD)(p->TombstoneExpireTime>>32),(DWORD)(p->TombstoneExpireTime & 0x00000000ffffffff) ); Printf( " dwSearchFlag = 0x%x\n", p->dwSearchFlag ); Printf( " dwLookupFlag = 0x%x\n", p->dwLookupFlag ); Printf( " dwHighestVersion = 0x%x\n", p->dwHighestVersion ); Printf( " dwTotalNodes = 0x%x\n", p->dwTotalNodes ); Printf( " dwTotalTombstones = 0x%x\n", p->dwTotalTombstones ); Printf( " dwTotalRecords = 0x%x\n", p->dwTotalRecords ); #if 0 Printf( " dwHighUsnLength = 0x%x\n", p->dwHighUsnLength ); Printf( " szHighUsn = 0x%p\n", RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, p, p->szHighUsn) ); #endif Printf( " szStartUsn = 0x%p\n", RELATIVE_ADDRESS(lpVoid, p, p->szStartUsn) ); // node record data Printf( " ppBerval = 0x%p\n", p->ppBerval ); Printf( " pRecords = 0x%p\n", p->pRecords ); Printf( " dwRecordCount = 0x%x\n", p->dwRecordCount ); Printf( " dwNodeVersion = 0x%x\n", p->dwNodeVersion ); Printf( " dwTombstoneVersion = 0x%x\n", p->dwTombstoneVersion ); PopMemory( (PVOID)p ); return TRUE; } /*+++ Function : Dump_Record_SOA Description: Parameters : Return : Remarks : none. ---*/ DECLARE_DUMPFUNCTION( Dump_Record_SOA) { struct SOA { PDB_NODE pnodePrimaryServer; PDB_NODE pnodeZoneAdmin; DWORD dwSerialNo; DWORD dwRefresh; DWORD dwRetry; DWORD dwExpire; DWORD dwMinimumTtl; }; Printf( "DB_RECORD.SOA(0x%p):\n", lpVoid ); if ( !lpVoid ) { Printf( "Cannot process [%p] pointer\n", lpVoid ); return FALSE; } struct SOA *psoa = (struct SOA*) PushMemory( lpVoid, sizeof(struct SOA) ); Printf( " pnodePrimaryServer = 0x%p\n", psoa->pnodePrimaryServer ); Printf( " pnodeZoneAdmin = 0x%p\n", psoa->pnodeZoneAdmin ); Printf( " dwSerialNo = 0x%x\n", psoa->dwSerialNo ); Printf( " dwRefresh = 0x%x\n", psoa->dwRefresh ); Printf( " dwRetry = 0x%x\n", psoa->dwRetry ); Printf( " dwExpire = 0x%x\n", psoa->dwExpire ); Printf( " dwMinimumTtl = 0x%x\n", psoa->dwMinimumTtl ); PopMemory( (PVOID)psoa ); return TRUE; } /*++ Routine Description: Dumps the buffer content on to the debugger output. Arguments: Buffer: buffer pointer. BufferSize: size of the buffer. Return Value: none Author: borrowed from MikeSw --*/ VOID DumpBuffer(PVOID Buffer, DWORD BufferSize){ #define DUMPBUFFER_NUM_CHARS 16 DWORD i, limit; CHAR TextBuffer[DUMPBUFFER_NUM_CHARS + 1]; LPBYTE BufferPtr = (LPBYTE) PushMemory( Buffer, BufferSize ); Printf( "----------------(0x%p)--------------\n", Buffer ); // // Hex dump of the bytes // limit = ((BufferSize - 1) / DUMPBUFFER_NUM_CHARS + 1) * DUMPBUFFER_NUM_CHARS; for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) { if (i < BufferSize) { Printf( "%02x ", BufferPtr[i] ); if (BufferPtr[i] < 31 ) { TextBuffer[i % DUMPBUFFER_NUM_CHARS] = '.'; } else if (BufferPtr[i] == '\0') { TextBuffer[i % DUMPBUFFER_NUM_CHARS] = ' '; } else { TextBuffer[i % DUMPBUFFER_NUM_CHARS] = (CHAR) BufferPtr[i]; } } else { Printf( " " ); TextBuffer[i % DUMPBUFFER_NUM_CHARS] = ' '; } if ((i + 1) % DUMPBUFFER_NUM_CHARS == 0) { TextBuffer[DUMPBUFFER_NUM_CHARS] = 0; Printf( " %s\n", TextBuffer ); } } Printf( "------------------------------------\n" ); PopMemory( (PVOID)BufferPtr ); #define DUMPBUFFER_NUM_CHARS 16 } #endif // DUMP_CXX