/*++ Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: frserror.c Abstract: FRS Error description tables. Contains tables for FRS Errors, Win32 Errors, Jet Errors and NT Status Codes. Author: Billy J. Fuller 01-Apr-1997 Temporary David A. Orbits 11-Jul-1999 Rewritten to integrate FrsError Codes with Billy's error codes and handle the problem in a more general way. Never enuf time to do it right, always enuf time to do it over. Environment User mode winnt --*/ #include #pragma hdrstop #include // // FRS Format Descriptors. // #define FFD_NONE NULL #define FFD_S "s" #define FFD_SS "ss" #define FFD_SSS "sss" #define FFD_SSSS "ssss" #define FFD_SSSSS "sssss" #define FFD_W "w" #define FFD_WW "ww" #define FFD_WWW "www" #define FFD_WWWW "wwww" #define FFD_WWWWW "wwwww" #define FFD_WWWWWW "wwwwww" #define FFD_D "d" #define FFD_DD "dd" #define FFD_DDD "ddd" #define FFD_DW "dw" #define FFD_WD "wd" #define FFD_WWD "wwd" typedef struct _FRS_ERROR_MSG_TABLE { ULONG ErrorCode; // Error code number for message lookup. //FRS_ERROR_SEVERITY FrsErrorSeverity; PCHAR ErrorMsg; // Error Message Code. PCHAR LongMsg; // Error Message String. //DWORD EventCode; // Event log error code //ULONG Flags; // See below. } FRS_ERROR_MSG_TABLE, *PFRS_ERROR_MSG_TABLE; /****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************* ** ** ** ** ** F R S E R R O R D E S C R I P T I O N T A B L E ** ** ** ** ** ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************/ FRS_ERROR_MSG_TABLE FrsErrorMsgTable[] = { {FrsErrorAccess, "FrsErrorAccess" , "couldn't access a file or the db"}, {FrsErrorBadOutLogPartnerData, "FrsErrorBadOutLogPartnerData" , "Either the data was corrupt, unavail or was wrong"}, {FrsErrorBadParam, "FrsErrorBadParam" , "Bad parameter to a function"}, {FrsErrorBadPathname, "FrsErrorBadPathname" , "Invalid path name" }, {FrsErrorBufferOverflow, "FrsErrorBufferOverflow" , "Buffer overflow NTSTATUS"}, {FrsErrorCantMoveOut, "FrsErrorCantMoveOut" , "Request for a Moveout of a non-empty directory failed"}, {FrsErrorChgOrderAbort, "FrsErrorChgOrderAbort" , "Change order processing has been aborted"}, {FrsErrorCmdPktTimeOut, "FrsErrorCmdPktTimeOut" , "Command packet timeout"}, {FrsErrorCmdSrvFailed, "FrsErrorCmdSrvFailed" , "A command server request failed to get submitted"}, {FrsErrorConflict, "FrsErrorConflict" , "Record or table create conflict"}, {FrsErrorDampened, "FrsErrorDampened" , "This request is suppressed because it has already been seen"}, {FrsErrorDatabaseCorrupted, "FrsErrorDatabaseCorrupted" , "not a db or a scrambled db"}, {FrsErrorDatabaseNotFound, "FrsErrorDatabaseNotFound" , "no db or path to db is in error"}, {FrsErrorDbWriteConflict, "FrsErrorDbWriteConflict" , "DB update conflict if two sessions try to update the same record"}, {FrsErrorDeleteRequested, "FrsErrorDeleteRequested" , "Enum function status return to delete entry"}, {FrsErrorDirCreateFailed, "FrsErrorDirCreateFailed" , "We failed to create a new DIR. This stops repl"}, {FrsErrorDirNotEmpty, "FrsErrorDirNotEmpty" , "Directory not empty" }, {FrsErrorDiskSpace, "FrsErrorDiskSpace" , "out of disk space"}, {FrsErrorEndOfTable, "FrsErrorEndOfTable" , "No next record, end of table hit"}, {FrsErrorFileExists, "FrsErrorFileExists" , "File already Eeists" }, {FrsErrorFoundKey, "FrsErrorFoundKey" , "The Key being searched by QHashEnumerateTable was found"}, {FrsErrorIdtFileIsDeleted, "FrsErrorIdtFileIsDeleted" , "File is marked deleted in IDTable"}, {FrsErrorInfo, "FrsErrorInfo" , "informational error, e.g. JET_errObjectNotFound"}, {FrsErrorInternalError, "FrsErrorInternalError" , "unexpected error occurred - catchall"}, {FrsErrorInvalidChangeOrder, "FrsErrorInvalidChangeOrder" , "Invalid change order"}, {FrsErrorInvalidGuid, "FrsErrorInvalidGuid" , "The generated Guid is missing the net address"}, {FrsErrorInvalidHandle, "FrsErrorInvalidHandle" , "Invalid File Handle"}, {FrsErrorInvalidOperation, "FrsErrorInvalidOperation" , "Invalid operation requested"}, {FrsErrorInvalidRegistryParam, "FrsErrorInvalidRegistryParam" , "Invalid registry parameter"}, {FrsErrorJetSecIndexCorrupted, "FrsErrorJetSecIndexCorrupted" , "Jet (upgrade, collating, jet err -1414)"}, {FrsErrorJournalInitFailed, "FrsErrorJournalInitFailed" , "The NTFS journal failed to initialize"}, {FrsErrorJournalPauseFailed, "FrsErrorJournalPauseFailed" , "The NTFS journal failed to Pause, could be timeout"}, {FrsErrorJournalReplicaStop, "FrsErrorJournalReplicaStop" , "Failed to detatch the replica from The journal"}, {FrsErrorJournalStartFailed, "FrsErrorJournalStartFailed" , "The NTFS journal failed to start"}, {FrsErrorJournalStateWrong, "FrsErrorJournalStateWrong" , "The NTFS journal is in an unexpected state"}, {FrsErrorJournalWrapError, "FrsErrorJournalWrapError" , "Initial NTFS journal record not present. Journal has wrapped"}, {FrsErrorKeyDuplicate, "FrsErrorKeyDuplicate" , "An attempt to insert a record with a duplicate key"}, {FrsErrorMoreWork, "FrsErrorMoreWork" , "There is more work to do on this command / operation"}, {FrsErrorNameMorphConflict, "FrsErrorNameMorphConflict" , "File name morph conflict was detected"}, {FrsErrorNoOpenJournals, "FrsErrorNoOpenJournals" , "Can't start replication because no journals were opened"}, {FrsErrorNoPrivileges, "FrsErrorNoPrivileges" , "Couldn't get the necessary privileges to run"}, {FrsErrorNotFound, "FrsErrorNotFound" , "Record or table not found"}, {FrsErrorNotInitialized, "FrsErrorNotInitialized" , "Function called without proper initialization"}, {FrsErrorOplockNotGranted, "FrsErrorOplockNotGranted" , "Op lock not granted" }, {FrsErrorPartnerActivateFailed, "FrsErrorPartnerActivateFailed", "Failed to activate an outbound partner"}, {FrsErrorPreInstallDirectory, "FrsErrorPreInstallDirectory" , "creating preinstall directory"}, {FrsErrorPreinstallCreFail, "FrsErrorPreinstallCreFail" , "Failed to create the pre-install dir"}, {FrsErrorPrepareRoot, "FrsErrorPrepareRoot" , "Could not prepare the root dir for replication, bad path? share viol?"}, {FrsErrorQueueIsRundown, "FrsErrorQueueIsRundown" , "The request queue has been rundown"}, {FrsErrorRecordLocked, "FrsErrorRecordLocked" , "The record being accessed is locked"}, {FrsErrorReplicaPhase1Failed, "FrsErrorReplicaPhase1Failed" , "Phase 1 of replica set init failed"}, {FrsErrorReplicaPhase2Failed, "FrsErrorReplicaPhase2Failed" , "Phase 2 of replica set init failed"}, {FrsErrorReplicaRootDirOpenFail,"FrsErrorReplicaRootDirOpenFail", "Failed to open the replica tree root dir"}, {FrsErrorReplicaSetTombstoned, "FrsErrorReplicaSetTombstoned" , "Replica set is marked for deletion"}, {FrsErrorRequestCancelled, "FrsErrorRequestCancelled" , "Request Cancelled" }, {FrsErrorResource, "FrsErrorResource" , "Resource limit e.g. handles or memory hit"}, {FrsErrorResourceInUse, "FrsErrorResourceInUse" , "A resource required by this operation is in use"}, {FrsErrorRetry, "FrsErrorRetry" , "Error Retry" }, {FrsErrorSessionNotClosed, "FrsErrorSessionNotClosed" , "Failed to close all RtCtx's in replica set"}, {FrsErrorSharingViolation, "FrsErrorSharingViolation" , "File sharing violation" }, {FrsErrorShuttingDown, "FrsErrorShuttingDown" , "Service shutdown in progress"}, {FrsErrorStageDirOpenFail, "FrsErrorStageDirOpenFail" , "Failed to open the staging dir"}, {FrsErrorStageFileDelFailed, "FrsErrorStageFileDelFailed" , "An attempt to delete the staging file failed"}, {FrsErrorSuccess, "FrsErrorSuccess" , "Success"}, {FrsErrorTerminateEnum, "FrsErrorTerminateEnum" , "Enum function status return to end enumeration"}, {FrsErrorTunnelConflict, "FrsErrorTunnelConflict" , "oid conflict with id table entry (resolved)"}, {FrsErrorTunnelConflictRejectCO,"FrsErrorTunnelConflictRejectCO", "oid conflict with id table entry (CO rejected)"}, {FrsErrorUnjoining, "FrsErrorUnjoining" , "cxtion is still unjoining"}, {FrsErrorUnsupportedFileSystem, "FrsErrorUnsupportedFileSystem", "The file system on this volume does provide the features required by FRS"}, {FrsErrorVVSlotNotFound, "FrsErrorVVSlotNotFound" , "VVSlot not found on VVretire of Out of Order CO"}, {FrsErrorVolumeRootDirOpenFail, "FrsErrorVolumeRootDirOpenFail", "Failed to open the volume root directory for this replica set"}, {FrsErrorVvChecksum, "FrsErrorVvChecksum" , "version vector checksum mismatch"}, {FrsErrorVvLength, "FrsErrorVvLength" , "vers vector length mismatch"}, {FrsErrorVvRevision, "FrsErrorVvRevision" , "Vers Vector revision mismatch"}, {FRS_ERROR_LISTEN , "FrsErrorListen" , "FrsErrorListen" }, {FRS_ERROR_REGISTEREP , "FrsErrorRegisterP" , "FrsErrorRegisterP" }, {FRS_ERROR_REGISTERIF , "FrsErrorRegisterIF" , "FrsErrorRegisterIF" }, {FRS_ERROR_INQ_BINDINGS , "FrsErrorIngBindings" , "FrsErrorIngBindings" }, {FRS_ERROR_PROTSEQ , "FrsErrorProtSeq" , "FrsErrorProtSeq" }, // // New error codes that trigger a non_auth restore. // {FrsErrorMismatchedVolumeSerialNumber , "FrsErrorMismatchedVolumeSerialNumber" , "The Volume serial number from DB does not match the one from FileSystem." }, {FrsErrorMismatchedReplicaRootObjectId, "FrsErrorMismatchedReplicaRootObjectId", "The Replica root's ObjectID from DB does not match the one from FileSystem." }, {FrsErrorMismatchedReplicaRootFileId , "FrsErrorMismatchedReplicaRootFileId" , "The Replica root's FID from DB does not match the one from FileSystem." }, {FrsErrorMismatchedJournalId , "FrsErrorMismatchedJournalId" , "The Journal ID from DB does not match the one from FileSystem." }, {MAXULONG, NULL, NULL} }; // // If code does not appear in above list it gets added to this list. // #define SIZE_OF_FRS_EXTENDED_MSG_TABLE 20 FRS_ERROR_MSG_TABLE FrsErrorMsgTableExt[SIZE_OF_FRS_EXTENDED_MSG_TABLE]; ULONG FrsErrorMsgTableExtUsed = 0; /****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************* ** ** ** ** ** W I N 3 2 E R R O R D E S C R I P T I O N T A B L E ** ** (Internal Short Version for Trace Log Only) ** ** ** ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct _FRS_WIN32_ERROR_MSG_TABLE { ULONG ErrorCode; // Error code number for message lookup. PCHAR ErrorMsg; // Error Message String. } FRS_WIN32_ERROR_MSG_TABLE, *PFRS_WIN32_ERROR_MSG_TABLE; // // Some names for the Win32 Error codes. // FRS_WIN32_ERROR_MSG_TABLE FrsWin32ErrorMsgTable[] = { {E_UNEXPECTED ,"E_UNEXPECTED"}, {EPT_S_NOT_REGISTERED ,"EPT_S_NOT_REGISTERED"}, {ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ,"ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED"}, {ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ,"ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS"}, {ERROR_BAD_COMMAND ,"ERROR_BAD_COMMAND"}, {ERROR_BADKEY ,"ERROR_BADKEY"}, {ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME ,"ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME"}, {ERROR_BUSY ,"ERROR_BUSY"}, {ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ,"ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED"}, {ERROR_CANCELLED ,"ERROR_CANCELLED"}, {ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE ,"ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE"}, {ERROR_CANTREAD ,"ERROR_CANTREAD"}, {ERROR_CANT_ACCESS_FILE ,"ERROR_CANT_ACCESS_FILE"}, // 0xc0000279 STATUS_IO_REPARSE_TAG_NOT_HANDLED {ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE ,"ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE"}, {ERROR_COMMITMENT_LIMIT ,"ERROR_COMMITMENT_LIMIT"}, {ERROR_CRC ,"ERROR_CRC"}, // STATUS_DATA_ERROR from journal read {ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORY ,"ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORY"}, {ERROR_DIRECTORY ,"ERROR_DIRECTORY"}, {ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY ,"ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY"}, {ERROR_DISK_FULL ,"ERROR_DISK_FULL"}, {ERROR_DUP_NAME ,"ERROR_DUP_NAME"}, {ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND ,"ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND"}, {ERROR_FILE_EXISTS ,"ERROR_FILE_EXISTS"}, {ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ,"ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND"}, {ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE ,"ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE"}, {ERROR_GEN_FAILURE ,"ERROR_GEN_FAILURE"}, {ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL ,"ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL"}, {ERROR_HANDLE_EOF ,"ERROR_HANDLE_EOF"}, {ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ,"ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER"}, {ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS ,"ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS"}, {ERROR_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME ,"ERROR_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME"}, {ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS ,"ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS"}, {ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK ,"ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK"}, {ERROR_INVALID_COMPUTERNAME ,"ERROR_INVALID_COMPUTERNAME"}, {ERROR_INVALID_DATA ,"ERROR_INVALID_DATA"}, {ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION ,"ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION"}, {ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE ,"ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE"}, {ERROR_INVALID_NAME ,"ERROR_INVALID_NAME"}, {ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION ,"ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION"}, {ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ,"ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER"}, {ERROR_INVALID_STATE ,"ERROR_INVALID_STATE"}, {ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER ,"ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER"}, {ERROR_IO_DEVICE ,"ERROR_IO_DEVICE"}, {ERROR_IO_PENDING ,"ERROR_IO_PENDING"}, {ERROR_JOURNAL_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS ,"ERROR_JOURNAL_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS"}, {ERROR_JOURNAL_ENTRY_DELETED ,"ERROR_JOURNAL_ENTRY_DELETED"}, {ERROR_JOURNAL_NOT_ACTIVE ,"ERROR_JOURNAL_NOT_ACTIVE"}, {ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION ,"ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION"}, {ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE ,"ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE"}, {ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND ,"ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND"}, {ERROR_MORE_DATA ,"ERROR_MORE_DATA"}, {ERROR_NETWORK_BUSY ,"ERROR_NETWORK_BUSY"}, {ERROR_NOLOGON_INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT ,"ERROR_NOLOGON_INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT"}, {ERROR_NONE_MAPPED ,"ERROR_NONE_MAPPED"}, {ERROR_NOT_AUTHENTICATED ,"ERROR_NOT_AUTHENTICATED"}, {ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ,"ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY"}, {ERROR_NOT_FOUND ,"ERROR_NOT_FOUND"}, {ERROR_NOT_READY ,"ERROR_NOT_READY"}, {ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ,"ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED"}, {ERROR_NOACCESS ,"ERROR_NOACCESS (AccessViolation)"}, {ERROR_NO_DATA ,"ERROR_NO_DATA"}, {ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES ,"ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES"}, {ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ,"ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS"}, {ERROR_NO_SECURITY_ON_OBJECT ,"ERROR_NO_SECURITY_ON_OBJECT"}, {ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN ,"ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN"}, {ERROR_NO_SUCH_USER ,"ERROR_NO_SUCH_USER"}, {ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES ,"ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES"}, {ERROR_NO_TOKEN ,"ERROR_NO_TOKEN"}, {ERROR_OPEN_FAILED ,"ERROR_OPEN_FAILED"}, {ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED ,"ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED"}, {ERROR_OPLOCK_NOT_GRANTED ,"ERROR_OPLOCK_NOT_GRANTED"}, {ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ,"ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY"}, {ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY ,"ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY"}, {ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ,"ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND"}, {ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED ,"ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED"}, {ERROR_PROCESS_ABORTED ,"ERROR_PROCESS_ABORTED"}, {ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED ,"ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED"}, {ERROR_RETRY ,"ERROR_RETRY"}, {ERROR_REVISION_MISMATCH ,"ERROR_REVISION_MISMATCH"}, {ERROR_SEEK ,"ERROR_SEEK"}, {ERROR_SEM_OWNER_DIED ,"ERROR_SEM_OWNER_DIED"}, {ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT ,"ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT"}, {ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING ,"ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING"}, {ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST ,"ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST"}, {ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS ,"ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS"}, {ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE ,"ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE"}, {ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE ,"ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE"}, {ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT ,"ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT"}, {ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR ,"ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR"}, {ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION ,"ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION"}, {ERROR_SUCCESS ,"ERROR_SUCCESS"}, {ERROR_TIMEOUT ,"ERROR_TIMEOUT"}, {ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES ,"ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES"}, {ERROR_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_FAILURE ,"ERROR_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_FAILURE"}, {ERROR_UNEXP_NET_ERR ,"ERROR_UNEXP_NET_ERR"}, {FRS_ERR_INVALID_API_SEQUENCE ,"FRS_ERR_INVALID_API_SEQUENCE"}, {FRS_ERR_STARTING_SERVICE ,"FRS_ERR_STARTING_SERVICE"}, {FRS_ERR_STOPPING_SERVICE ,"FRS_ERR_STOPPING_SERVICE"}, {FRS_ERR_INTERNAL_API ,"FRS_ERR_INTERNAL_API"}, {FRS_ERR_INTERNAL ,"FRS_ERR_INTERNAL"}, {FRS_ERR_SERVICE_COMM ,"FRS_ERR_SERVICE_COMM"}, {FRS_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV ,"FRS_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV"}, {FRS_ERR_AUTHENTICATION ,"FRS_ERR_AUTHENTICATION"}, {FRS_ERR_PARENT_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV ,"FRS_ERR_PARENT_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV"}, {FRS_ERR_PARENT_AUTHENTICATION ,"FRS_ERR_PARENT_AUTHENTICATION"}, {FRS_ERR_CHILD_TO_PARENT_COMM ,"FRS_ERR_CHILD_TO_PARENT_COMM"}, {FRS_ERR_PARENT_TO_CHILD_COMM ,"FRS_ERR_PARENT_TO_CHILD_COMM"}, {FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_POPULATE ,"FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_POPULATE"}, {FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_POPULATE_TIMEOUT ,"FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_POPULATE_TIMEOUT"}, {FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_IS_BUSY ,"FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_IS_BUSY"}, {FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_DEMOTE ,"FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_DEMOTE"}, {FRS_ERR_INVALID_SERVICE_PARAMETER ,"FRS_ERR_INVALID_SERVICE_PARAMETER"}, {RPC_S_CALL_CANCELLED ,"RPC_S_CALL_CANCELLED"}, {RPC_S_CALL_FAILED ,"RPC_S_CALL_FAILED"}, {RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE ,"RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE"}, {RPC_S_CANNOT_SUPPORT ,"RPC_S_CANNOT_SUPPORT"}, {RPC_S_SEC_PKG_ERROR ,"RPC_S_SEC_PKG_ERROR"}, {RPC_S_SERVER_TOO_BUSY ,"RPC_S_SERVER_TOO_BUSY"}, {RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE ,"RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE"}, {RPC_S_UNKNOWN_IF ,"RPC_S_UNKNOWN_IF"}, {EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION ,"EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION"}, {EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT ,"EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT"}, {EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT ,"EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT"}, {EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP ,"EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP"}, {EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED ,"EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED"}, {EXCEPTION_FLT_DENORMAL_OPERAND ,"EXCEPTION_FLT_DENORMAL_OPERAND"}, {EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO ,"EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO"}, {EXCEPTION_FLT_INEXACT_RESULT ,"EXCEPTION_FLT_INEXACT_RESULT"}, {EXCEPTION_FLT_INVALID_OPERATION ,"EXCEPTION_FLT_INVALID_OPERATION"}, {EXCEPTION_FLT_OVERFLOW ,"EXCEPTION_FLT_OVERFLOW"}, {EXCEPTION_FLT_STACK_CHECK ,"EXCEPTION_FLT_STACK_CHECK"}, {EXCEPTION_FLT_UNDERFLOW ,"EXCEPTION_FLT_UNDERFLOW"}, {EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO ,"EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO"}, {EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW ,"EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW"}, {EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION ,"EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION"}, {EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR ,"EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR"}, {EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION ,"EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION"}, {EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION ,"EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION"}, {EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW ,"EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW"}, {EXCEPTION_INVALID_DISPOSITION ,"EXCEPTION_INVALID_DISPOSITION"}, {EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE ,"EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE"}, {EXCEPTION_INVALID_HANDLE ,"EXCEPTION_INVALID_HANDLE"}, {CONTROL_C_EXIT ,"CONTROL_C_EXIT"}, {WAIT_OBJECT_0 ,"WAIT_OBJECT_0"}, {WAIT_FAILED ,"WAIT_FAILED"}, {WAIT_ABANDONED ,"WAIT_ABANDONED"}, {WAIT_TIMEOUT ,"WAIT_TIMEOUT"}, {MAXULONG , NULL} }; // // If code does not appear in above list it gets added to this list. // #define SIZE_OF_FRSWIN32_EXTENDED_MSG_TABLE 50 FRS_WIN32_ERROR_MSG_TABLE FrsWin32ErrorMsgTableExt[SIZE_OF_FRSWIN32_EXTENDED_MSG_TABLE]; ULONG FrsWin32ErrorMsgTableExtUsed = 0; typedef struct _FRS_NT_ERROR_MSG_TABLE { NTSTATUS Status; FRS_ERROR_CODE FrsErrorCode; FRS_ERROR_SEVERITY FrsErrorSeverity; PCHAR ErrorMsg; } FRS_NT_ERROR_MSG_TABLE, *PFRS_NT_ERROR_MSG_TABLE; /****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************* ** ** ** ** ** N T E R R O R D E S C R I P T I O N T A B L E ** ** ** ** ** ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************/ // // This error table translates NT Status codes to an FRS_ERROR_CODE class and an // associated severity level. It also has a message string. See frserror.h // // NT Status code FRS Error Code FRS Severity NT Error message // FRS_NT_ERROR_MSG_TABLE FrsNtErrorMsgTable[] = { {STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED ,FrsErrorAccess ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED"}, {STATUS_BAD_WORKING_SET_LIMIT ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_BAD_WORKING_SET_LIMIT"}, {STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ,FrsErrorBufferOverflow ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW"}, {STATUS_CANCELLED ,FrsErrorRequestCancelled,FrsSeverityInfo, "STATUS_CANCELLED"}, {STATUS_DATA_ERROR ,FrsErrorNotFound ,FrsSeverityInfo, "STATUS_DATA_ERROR"}, {STATUS_DELETE_PENDING ,FrsErrorNotFound ,FrsSeverityInfo, "STATUS_DELETE_PENDING"}, {STATUS_FILE_DELETED ,FrsErrorNotFound ,FrsSeverityInfo, "STATUS_FILE_DELETED"}, {STATUS_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR"}, {STATUS_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY ,FrsErrorConflict ,FrsSeverityInfo, "STATUS_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY"}, {STATUS_DUPLICATE_NAME ,FrsErrorConflict ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_DUPLICATE_NAME"}, {STATUS_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY ,FrsErrorConflict ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY"}, {STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_FILE_MAP ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_FILE_MAP"}, {STATUS_INVALID_ADDRESS ,FrsErrorInternalError ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_ADDRESS"}, {STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS"}, {STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityInfo, "STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST"}, {STATUS_INVALID_CID ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_CID"}, {STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER"}, {STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_1 ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_1"}, {STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_2 ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_2"}, {STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_3 ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_3"}, {STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_4 ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_4"}, {STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_5 ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_5"}, {STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_6 ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_6"}, {STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_7 ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_7"}, {STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_8 ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_8"}, {STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_9 ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_9"}, {STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_10 ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_10"}, {STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_11 ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_11"}, {STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_12 ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_12"}, {STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_MIX ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_MIX"}, {STATUS_INVALID_PAGE_PROTECTION ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_PAGE_PROTECTION"}, {STATUS_IO_REPARSE_TAG_INVALID ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_IO_REPARSE_TAG_INVALID"}, {STATUS_IO_REPARSE_TAG_MISMATCH ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_IO_REPARSE_TAG_MISMATCH"}, {STATUS_IO_REPARSE_TAG_NOT_HANDLED,FrsErrorAccess ,FrsSeverityInfo, "STATUS_IO_REPARSE_TAG_NOT_HANDLED"}, {STATUS_IO_REPARSE_DATA_INVALID ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_IO_REPARSE_DATA_INVALID"}, {STATUS_JOURNAL_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS,FrsErrorInvalidOperation,FrsSeverityInfo, "STATUS_JOURNAL_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS"}, {STATUS_JOURNAL_NOT_ACTIVE ,FrsErrorInvalidOperation,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_JOURNAL_NOT_ACTIVE"}, {STATUS_JOURNAL_ENTRY_DELETED ,FrsErrorNotFound ,FrsSeverityInfo, "STATUS_JOURNAL_ENTRY_DELETED"}, {STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES ,FrsErrorNotFound ,FrsSeverityInfo, "STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES"}, {STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ,FrsErrorInvalidOperation,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED"}, {STATUS_NOT_LOCKED ,FrsErrorInvalidOperation,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_NOT_LOCKED"}, {STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION ,FrsErrorConflict ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION"}, {STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID"}, {STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND ,FrsErrorNotFound ,FrsSeverityInfo, "STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND"}, {STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND ,FrsErrorNotFound ,FrsSeverityInfo, "STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND"}, {STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_SYNTAX_BAD ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_INVALID_ADDRESS"}, {STATUS_OBJECT_TYPE_MISMATCH ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_OBJECT_TYPE_MISMATCH"}, {STATUS_OBJECTID_EXISTS ,FrsErrorConflict ,FrsSeverityInfo, "STATUS_OBJECTID_EXISTS"}, {STATUS_OBJECTID_NOT_FOUND ,FrsErrorNotFound ,FrsSeverityInfo, "STATUS_OBJECTID_NOT_FOUND"}, {STATUS_OPLOCK_NOT_GRANTED ,FrsErrorAccess ,FrsSeverityInfo, "STATUS_OPLOCK_NOT_GRANTED"}, {STATUS_PORT_ALREADY_SET ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_PORT_ALREADY_SET"}, {STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD ,FrsErrorNoPrivileges ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_SYNTAX_BAD"}, {STATUS_SECTION_NOT_IMAGE ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_SECTION_NOT_IMAGE"}, {STATUS_SECTION_PROTECTION ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_SECTION_PROTECTION"}, {STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION ,FrsErrorAccess ,FrsSeverityInfo, "STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION"}, {STATUS_UNABLE_TO_FREE_VM ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_UNABLE_TO_FREE_VM"}, {STATUS_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_SECTION ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_SECTION"}, {STATUS_WORKING_SET_LIMIT_RANGE ,FrsErrorBadParam ,FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "STATUS_WORKING_SET_LIMIT_RA"}, {STATUS_SUCCESS ,FrsErrorSuccess ,FrsSeverityIgnore , "STATUS_SUCCESS"} // MUST BE LAST. }; // // If code does not appear in above list it gets added to this list. // #define SIZE_OF_NT_EXTENDED_MSG_TABLE 20 FRS_NT_ERROR_MSG_TABLE FrsNtErrorMsgTableExt[SIZE_OF_NT_EXTENDED_MSG_TABLE]; ULONG FrsNtErrorMsgTableExtUsed = 0; /****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************* ** ** ** ** ** J E T E R R O R D E S C R I P T I O N T A B L E ** ** ** ** ** ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************/ // // This error table translates Jet Errors to an FRS_ERROR_CODE class and an // associated severity level. It also has a message string. See frserror.h // typedef struct _FRS_JET_ERROR_MSG_TABLE { LONG JetErrorCode; PCHAR JetErrorMsgTag; FRS_ERROR_CODE FrsErrorCode; FRS_ERROR_SEVERITY FrsErrorSeverity; PCHAR JetErrorMsg; } FRS_JET_ERROR_MSG_TABLE, *PFRS_JET_ERROR_MSG_TABLE; // // JET error code Error Msg Tag FRS Error Code FRS Severity JET Error message // FRS_JET_ERROR_MSG_TABLE FrsJetErrorMsgTable[] = { { JET_errAccessDenied ,"AccessDenied" ,FrsErrorAccess , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Cannot access file, the file is locked or in use"}, { JET_errBadDbSignature ,"BadDbSignature" ,FrsErrorDatabaseCorrupted, FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Bad signature for a db file"}, { JET_errBadLogSignature ,"BadLogSignature" ,FrsErrorDatabaseCorrupted, FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Bad signature for a log file"}, { JET_errBadLogVersion ,"BadLogVersion" ,FrsErrorDatabaseCorrupted, FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Version of log file is not compatible with Jet version"}, { JET_errCannotDisableVersioning ,"CannotDisableVersioning" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Cannot disable versioning for this database"}, { JET_errColumnNotFound ,"ColumnNotFound" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "No such column"}, { JET_errDatabaseCorrupted ,"DatabaseCorrupted" ,FrsErrorDatabaseCorrupted, FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Non-db file or corrupted db"}, { JET_errDatabaseDuplicate ,"DatabaseDuplicate" ,FrsErrorAccess , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Database already exists"}, { JET_errDatabaseFileReadOnly ,"DatabaseFileReadOnly" ,FrsErrorAccess , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Attach a readonly database file for read/write operations"}, { JET_errDatabaseInUse ,"DatabaseInUse" ,FrsErrorAccess , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Database in use"}, { JET_errDatabaseInconsistent ,"DatabaseInconsistent" ,FrsErrorDatabaseCorrupted, FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Database is in inconsistent state"}, { JET_errDatabaseInvalidName ,"DatabaseInvalidName" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Invalid database name"}, { JET_errDatabaseInvalidPages ,"DatabaseInvalidPages" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Invalid number of pages"}, { JET_errDatabaseLocked ,"DatabaseLocked" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Database exclusively locked"}, { JET_errDatabaseNotFound ,"DatabaseNotFound" ,FrsErrorDatabaseNotFound , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "No such database"}, { JET_errFileNotFound ,"FileNotFound" ,FrsErrorDatabaseNotFound , FrsSeverityWarning, "Database File not found"}, { JET_errDiskFull ,"DiskFull" ,FrsErrorDiskSpace , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "No space left on disk"}, { JET_errDiskIO ,"DiskIO" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Disk IO error"}, { JET_errKeyDuplicate ,"KeyDuplicate" ,FrsErrorKeyDuplicate , FrsSeverityWarning, "Illegal duplicate key"}, { JET_errFileAccessDenied ,"FileAccessDenied" ,FrsErrorAccess , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Cannot access file"}, { JET_errIllegalOperation ,"IllegalOperation" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Operation not supported on table"}, { JET_errIndexInvalidDef ,"IndexInvalidDef" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Illegal/invalid index definition"}, { JET_errInvalidBufferSize ,"InvalidBufferSize" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Data buffer doesn't match column size"}, { JET_errInvalidColumnType ,"InvalidColumnType" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Invalid column data type"}, { JET_errInvalidDatabase ,"InvalidDatabase" ,FrsErrorDatabaseCorrupted, FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Not a database file"}, { JET_errInvalidFilename ,"InvalidFilename" ,FrsErrorAccess , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Filename is invalid"}, { JET_errInvalidName ,"InvalidName" ,FrsErrorAccess , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Invalid name"}, { JET_errInvalidObject ,"InvalidObject" ,FrsErrorAccess , FrsSeverityWarning, "Object is invalid for operation"}, { JET_errInvalidParameter ,"InvalidParameter" ,FrsErrorBadParam , FrsSeverityReplicaFatal, "Invalid API parameter"}, { JET_errInvalidPath ,"InvalidPath" ,FrsErrorAccess , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Invalid file path"}, { JET_errInvalidSesid ,"InvalidSesid" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityReplicaFatal, "System parameters were set improperly"}, { JET_errInvalidSettings ,"InvalidSettings" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityReplicaFatal, "Invalid session handle"}, { JET_errInvalidTableId ,"InvalidTableId" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityReplicaFatal, "Invalid table id"}, { JET_errLogCorrupted ,"LogCorrupted" ,FrsErrorDatabaseCorrupted, FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Logs could not be interpreted"}, { JET_errLogDiskFull ,"LogDiskFull" ,FrsErrorDiskSpace , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Log disk full"}, { JET_errLogWriteFail ,"LogWriteFail" ,FrsErrorDiskSpace , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Fail when writing to log file"}, { JET_errMissingLogFile ,"MissingLogFile" ,FrsErrorDatabaseNotFound , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "current log file missing"}, { JET_errNoCurrentRecord ,"NoCurrentRecord" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityWarning, "Currency not on a record"}, { JET_errNotInitialized ,"NotInitialized" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityReplicaFatal, "JetInit not yet called"}, { JET_errObjectNotFound ,"ObjectNotFound" ,FrsErrorNotFound , FrsSeverityInfo , "No such table or object"}, { JET_errOutOfCursors ,"OutOfCursors" ,FrsErrorResource , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Out of table cursors"}, { JET_errOutOfDatabaseSpace ,"OutOfDatabaseSpace" ,FrsErrorDiskSpace , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Maximum database size reached"}, { JET_errOutOfFileHandles ,"OutOfFileHandles" ,FrsErrorResource , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Out of file handles"}, { JET_errOutOfMemory ,"OutOfMemory" ,FrsErrorResource , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Out of Memory"}, { JET_errOutOfSessions ,"OutOfSessions" ,FrsErrorResource , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Out of sessions"}, { JET_errPermissionDenied ,"PermissionDenied" ,FrsErrorAccess , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Permission denied"}, { JET_errReadVerifyFailure ,"ReadVerifyFailure" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Read verification error"}, { JET_errRecordDeleted ,"RecordDeleted" ,FrsErrorNotFound , FrsSeverityInfo , "Record has been deleted"}, { JET_errRecordPrimaryChanged ,"RecordPrimaryChanged" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Primary key may not change"}, { JET_errRecordNotFound ,"RecordNotFound" ,FrsErrorNotFound , FrsSeverityInfo , "The key was not found"}, { JET_errRecordTooBig ,"RecordTooBig" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityReplicaFatal, "Record larger than maximum size"}, { JET_errSecondaryIndexCorrupted ,"SecondaryIndexCorrupted" ,FrsErrorJetSecIndexCorrupted, FrsSeverityWarning , "Jet non-error (upgrade/collating thing)"}, { JET_errTableLocked ,"TableLocked" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityReplicaFatal, "Table is exclusively locked"}, { JET_errTableDuplicate ,"TableDuplicate" ,FrsErrorConflict , FrsSeverityInfo , "Table already exists"}, { JET_errTableInUse ,"TableInUse" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityIgnore , "Table is in use, cannot lock"}, { JET_errTempFileOpenError ,"TempFileOpenError" ,FrsErrorAccess , FrsSeverityReplicaFatal, "Temp file could not be opened"}, { JET_errTermInProgress ,"TermInProgress" ,FrsErrorShuttingDown , FrsSeverityReplicaFatal, "Termination in progress"}, { JET_errTooManyAttachedDatabases ,"TooManyAttachedDatabases" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Too many attached databases"}, { JET_errTooManyOpenDatabases ,"TooManyOpenDatabases" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Too many open databases"}, { JET_errTooManyOpenTables ,"TooManyOpenTables" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Cannot open any more tables"}, { JET_errVersionStoreOutOfMemory ,"VersionStoreOutOfMemory" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Version store out of memory"}, { JET_errWriteConflict ,"WriteConflict" ,FrsErrorDbWriteConflict , FrsSeverityInfo , "Write lock failed due to outstanding write lock"}, { JET_wrnBufferTruncated ,"BufferTruncated" ,FrsErrorInfo , FrsSeverityInfo , "Buffer too small for data"}, { JET_wrnColumnNull ,"ColumnNull" ,FrsErrorNotFound , FrsSeverityInfo , "Column is NULL-valued"}, { JET_wrnDatabaseAttached ,"DatabaseAttached" ,FrsErrorInternalError , FrsSeverityReplicaFatal, "Database is already attached"}, { JET_wrnFileOpenReadOnly ,"FileOpenReadOnly" ,FrsErrorAccess , FrsSeverityServiceFatal, "Database file is read only"}, { JET_wrnSeekNotEqual ,"SeekNotEqual" ,FrsErrorInfo , FrsSeverityInfo , "SeekLE or SeekGE didn't find exact match"}, { JET_wrnTableEmpty ,"TableEmpty" ,FrsErrorAccess , FrsSeverityIgnore , "Open an empty table"}, { JET_errSuccess ,"Success" ,FrsErrorSuccess , FrsSeverityIgnore , "Success"} // MUST BE LAST. }; // // If code does not appear in above list it gets added to this list. // #define SIZE_OF_JET_EXTENDED_MSG_TABLE 20 FRS_JET_ERROR_MSG_TABLE FrsJetErrorMsgTableExt[SIZE_OF_JET_EXTENDED_MSG_TABLE]; ULONG FrsJetErrorMsgTableExtUsed = 0; // // Win32 to FRS error code translation table. // typedef struct _FRS_WIN32_ERROR_MAP { DWORD Win32ErrorCode; FRS_ERROR_CODE FrsErrorCode; } FRS_WIN32_ERROR_MAP, *PFRS_WIN32_ERROR_MAP; FRS_WIN32_ERROR_MAP FrsWin32ErrorMap[] = { { ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ,FrsErrorAccess }, { ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME ,FrsErrorBadPathname }, { ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY ,FrsErrorDirNotEmpty }, { ERROR_DISK_FULL ,FrsErrorDiskSpace }, { ERROR_FILE_EXISTS ,FrsErrorFileExists }, { ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ,FrsErrorNotFound }, { ERROR_GEN_FAILURE ,FrsErrorInternalError }, { ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL ,FrsErrorDiskSpace }, { ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ,FrsErrorBufferOverflow }, { ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION ,FrsErrorInvalidOperation }, { ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ,FrsErrorBadParam }, { ERROR_MORE_DATA ,FrsErrorBufferOverflow }, { ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED ,FrsErrorRequestCancelled }, { ERROR_OPLOCK_NOT_GRANTED ,FrsErrorOplockNotGranted }, { ERROR_RETRY ,FrsErrorRetry }, { ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION ,FrsErrorSharingViolation }, { ERROR_SUCCESS ,FrsErrorSuccess } // MUST BE LAST. }; FRS_ERROR_CODE FrsTranslateWin32Error( IN DWORD WStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine translates a Win32 error code to an FRS error code. It returns the FRS error code. Arguments: WStatus - The Win32 error code. Return Value: FRS error code. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB #define DEBSUB "FrsTranslateWin32Error:" PFRS_WIN32_ERROR_MAP FrsErrTable = FrsWin32ErrorMap; // // skip lookup if called with success status. // if (WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus)) { return FrsErrorSuccess; } // // Look thru the table for a match on the Win32 error code. // The table ends with a ERROR_SUCCESS entry in the Win32ErrorCode field. // while (FrsErrTable->Win32ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (FrsErrTable->Win32ErrorCode == WStatus) { break; } FrsErrTable += 1; } if (FrsErrTable->Win32ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FrsErrTable->FrsErrorCode; } // // Win32 error code not in the table. // DPRINT1(1, "Win32 Error code, %08x, Not present in FrsWin32ErrorMap.\n", WStatus); return FrsErrorInternalError; } FRS_ERROR_CODE FrsTranslateNtError( IN NTSTATUS Status, IN BOOL BPrint ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine translates NT error codes to a smaller set of FRS error codes and optionally prints a message. It returns the FRS error code. Arguments: Status - The NT error code. BPrint - If true print the error message. Return Value: FRS error code. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB #define DEBSUB "FrsTranslateNtError:" USHORT Severity; USHORT Level[FRS_MAX_ERROR_SEVERITY]; PFRS_NT_ERROR_MSG_TABLE FrsErrTable = FrsNtErrorMsgTable; // // skip lookup if called with success status. // if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return FrsErrorSuccess; } // // Look thru the table for a match on the NT error code. // The table ends with a STATUS_SUCCESS entry in the Status field. // while (FrsErrTable->Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (FrsErrTable->Status == Status) { break; } FrsErrTable += 1; } if (FrsErrTable->Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { // // Found a match. // if (BPrint) { // // Translate the FRS severity to a DPRINT serverity level // Level[FrsSeverityServiceFatal] = 0; Level[FrsSeverityReplicaFatal] = 0; Level[FrsSeverityException] = 1; Level[FrsSeverityWarning] = 3; Level[FrsSeverityInfo] = 5; Level[FrsSeverityIgnore] = 5; Severity = Level[FrsErrTable->FrsErrorSeverity]; DPRINT2(Severity, "NTStatus %08x -- %s\n", Status, FrsErrTable->ErrorMsg); } return FrsErrTable->FrsErrorCode; } // // NT error code not in the table so be happy. // DPRINT1(1, "NT Error: %08x, Not present in FrsNtErrorMsgTable. \n", Status); return FrsErrorInternalError; } ULONG DisplayNTStatusSev( IN ULONG Sev, IN NTSTATUS Status ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine translates NT error codes to a smaller set of FRS error codes and prints a message describing the NT status. It returns the FRS error code. Nothing is printed if NT_SUCCESS(Status) is true. If NT_SUCCESS(Status) is not TRUE then GetLastError is called and the Win32 message is printed. The message is printed at the indicated severity level. Arguments: Sev - dprint severity Status - The NT error code. Return Value: FRS error code. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB #define DEBSUB "DisplayNTStatusSev:" ULONG WStatus; ULONG FStatus; FStatus = FrsTranslateNtError(Status, TRUE); if (FStatus != FrsErrorSuccess) { // // Check for a win32 error. // WStatus = GetLastError(); if (!WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus)) { DPRINT1(Sev, "GetLastError returned (dec): %d\n", WStatus ); DisplayErrorMsg(Sev, WStatus); } return FStatus; } return FrsErrorSuccess; } ULONG DisplayNTStatus( IN NTSTATUS Status ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine translates NT error codes to a smaller set of FRS error codes and prints a message describing the NT status. It returns the FRS error code. Nothing is printed if NT_SUCCESS(Status) is true. If NT_SUCCESS(Status) is not TRUE then GetLastError is called and the Win32 message is printed. Arguments: Status - The NT error code. Return Value: FRS error code. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB #define DEBSUB "DisplayNTStatus:" return (DisplayNTStatusSev(0, Status)); } ULONG FrsSetLastNTError( NTSTATUS Status ) /*++ Routine Description: Translate NT status codes to WIN32 status codes for those functions that make NT calls. Map a few status values differently. Arguments: Status - the NTstatus to map. Return Value: The WIN32 status. Also puts this into LastError. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB #define DEBSUB "FrsSetLastNTError:" ULONG WStatus; // // Do the standard system mapping first. // WStatus = RtlNtStatusToDosError( Status ); // // If we try to generate a staging file and get the NT status that delete // is pending or the file is deleted then treat it as file not found // rather than Access Denied. The later is a hard failure that will stop // file replication if it happens on a directory. FileNotFound just means // the user deleted the file before we could do the propagation. // // Currently (March, 98) the following NT errors map into ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. // STATUS_INVALID_LOCK_SEQUENCE STATUS_THREAD_IS_TERMINATING // STATUS_INVALID_VIEW_SIZE STATUS_DELETE_PENDING // STATUS_ALREADY_COMMITTED STATUS_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY // STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED STATUS_PROCESS_IS_TERMINATING // STATUS_PORT_CONNECTION_REFUSED STATUS_CANNOT_DELETE // STATUS_FILE_DELETED // Update: Currently (Feb, 2001) STATUS_DELETE_PENDING maps to // ERROR_DELETE_PENDING. This change has broken some code. We need to // handle it here. The macro WIN_NOT_FOUND was updated too. // if (WStatus == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { if (Status == STATUS_FILE_DELETED) { WStatus = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } else if (Status == STATUS_DELETE_PENDING) { WStatus = ERROR_DELETE_PENDING; } } SetLastError( WStatus ); return WStatus; } // // Dump out the windows error message string. // VOID DisplayErrorMsg( IN ULONG Severity, IN ULONG WindowsErrorCode ) { #undef DEBSUB #define DEBSUB "DisplayErrorMsg:" LPVOID lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, WindowsErrorCode, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); DPRINT1(Severity, "Msg: %S\n", lpMsgBuf); LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); } PCHAR ErrLabelW32( ULONG WStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: Return a ptr to the Win32 error code label. Arguments: WStatus - a win32 error status. Return Value: Ptr to the win 32 error status label string. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB #define DEBSUB "ErrLabelW32:" PFRS_WIN32_ERROR_MSG_TABLE Entry; ULONG i; Entry = FrsWin32ErrorMsgTable; // // Scan table looking for match. Null msg ends table. // while (Entry->ErrorMsg != NULL) { if (Entry->ErrorCode == WStatus) { return Entry->ErrorMsg; } Entry++; } // // Scan the extended error table where new entries are put. // Entry = FrsWin32ErrorMsgTableExt; for (i = 0; i < FrsWin32ErrorMsgTableExtUsed; i++) { if (Entry->ErrorCode == WStatus) { return Entry->ErrorMsg; } Entry++; } // // Out of space? // if (FrsWin32ErrorMsgTableExtUsed >= SIZE_OF_FRSWIN32_EXTENDED_MSG_TABLE) { return "???"; } i = InterlockedIncrement(&FrsWin32ErrorMsgTableExtUsed) - 1; if (i >= SIZE_OF_FRSWIN32_EXTENDED_MSG_TABLE) { return "???"; } // // Create new entry. // Entry = &FrsWin32ErrorMsgTableExt[i]; Entry->ErrorCode = WStatus; Entry->ErrorMsg = FrsAlloc(16); _snprintf(Entry->ErrorMsg, 16, "%d-???", WStatus); Entry->ErrorMsg[15] = '\0'; return Entry->ErrorMsg; } PCHAR ErrLabelNT( NTSTATUS Status ) /*++ Routine Description: Return a ptr to the NT error code label. Arguments: Status - an NTStatus error status. Return Value: Ptr to the NT error status label string. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB #define DEBSUB "ErrLabelNT:" PFRS_NT_ERROR_MSG_TABLE Entry; ULONG i; Entry = FrsNtErrorMsgTable; // // skip lookup if called with success status. // if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { return "Success"; } // // Look thru the table for a match on the NT error code. // The table ends with a STATUS_SUCCESS entry. // while (Entry->Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (Entry->Status == Status) { return Entry->ErrorMsg; } Entry += 1; } // // Scan the extended error table where new entries are put. // Entry = FrsNtErrorMsgTableExt; for (i = 0; i < FrsNtErrorMsgTableExtUsed; i++) { if (Entry->Status == Status) { return Entry->ErrorMsg; } Entry += 1; } // // Out of space? // if (FrsNtErrorMsgTableExtUsed >= SIZE_OF_NT_EXTENDED_MSG_TABLE) { return "???"; } i = InterlockedIncrement(&FrsNtErrorMsgTableExtUsed) - 1; if (i >= SIZE_OF_NT_EXTENDED_MSG_TABLE) { return "???"; } // // Create new entry. // Entry = &FrsNtErrorMsgTableExt[i]; Entry->Status = Status; Entry->ErrorMsg = FrsAlloc(16); _snprintf(Entry->ErrorMsg, 16, "%08x-???", Status); Entry->ErrorMsg[15] = '\0'; return Entry->ErrorMsg; } PCHAR ErrLabelFrs( ULONG FStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: Return a ptr to the Frs error code label. Arguments: FStatus - an FRS error status. Return Value: Ptr to the Frs error status label string. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB #define DEBSUB "ErrLabelFrs:" PFRS_ERROR_MSG_TABLE Entry; ULONG i; Entry = FrsErrorMsgTable; // // Scan table looking for match. Null msg ends table. // while (Entry->ErrorMsg != NULL) { if (Entry->ErrorCode == FStatus) { return Entry->ErrorMsg; } Entry++; } // // Scan the extended error table where new entries are put. // Entry = FrsErrorMsgTableExt; for (i = 0; i < FrsErrorMsgTableExtUsed; i++) { if (Entry->ErrorCode == FStatus) { return Entry->ErrorMsg; } Entry++; } // // Out of space? // if (FrsErrorMsgTableExtUsed >= SIZE_OF_FRS_EXTENDED_MSG_TABLE) { return "???"; } i = InterlockedIncrement(&FrsErrorMsgTableExtUsed) - 1; if (i >= SIZE_OF_FRS_EXTENDED_MSG_TABLE) { return "???"; } // // Create new entry. // Entry = &FrsErrorMsgTableExt[i]; Entry->ErrorCode = FStatus; Entry->ErrorMsg = FrsAlloc(16); _snprintf(Entry->ErrorMsg, 16, "%d-???", FStatus); Entry->ErrorMsg[15] = '\0'; return Entry->ErrorMsg; } PCHAR ErrLabelJet( LONG jerr ) /*++ Routine Description: Return a ptr to the Jet error code label. Arguments: jerr - the jet error status. Return Value: Ptr to the jet error status label string. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB #define DEBSUB "ErrLabelJet:" PFRS_JET_ERROR_MSG_TABLE Entry = FrsJetErrorMsgTable; ULONG i; // // skip lookup if called with success status. // if (JET_SUCCESS(jerr)) { return "Success"; } // // Look thru the table for a match on the jet error code. // The table ends with a JER_errSuccess entry in the JetErrorCode field. // while (!JET_SUCCESS(Entry->JetErrorCode)) { if (Entry->JetErrorCode == jerr) { return Entry->JetErrorMsgTag; } Entry += 1; } // // Scan the extended error table where new entries are put. // Entry = FrsJetErrorMsgTableExt; for (i = 0; i < FrsJetErrorMsgTableExtUsed; i++) { if (Entry->JetErrorCode == jerr) { return Entry->JetErrorMsgTag; } Entry += 1; } // // Out of space? // if (FrsJetErrorMsgTableExtUsed >= SIZE_OF_JET_EXTENDED_MSG_TABLE) { return "???"; } i = InterlockedIncrement(&FrsJetErrorMsgTableExtUsed) - 1; if (i >= SIZE_OF_JET_EXTENDED_MSG_TABLE) { return "???"; } // // Create new entry. // Entry = &FrsJetErrorMsgTableExt[i]; Entry->JetErrorCode = jerr; Entry->JetErrorMsgTag = FrsAlloc(16); _snprintf(Entry->JetErrorMsgTag, 16, "%d-???", jerr); Entry->JetErrorMsgTag[15] = '\0'; return Entry->JetErrorMsgTag; } FRS_ERROR_CODE DbsTranslateJetError0( IN JET_ERR jerr, IN BOOL BPrint ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine translates jet error codes to a smaller set of FRS error codes and optionally prints a message. It returns the FRS error code. Arguments: jerr - The jet error code. BPrint - If true print the error message. Return Value: FRS error code. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB #define DEBSUB "DbsTranslateJetError0:" USHORT Severity; USHORT Level[FRS_MAX_ERROR_SEVERITY]; PFRS_JET_ERROR_MSG_TABLE FrsErrTable = FrsJetErrorMsgTable; // // skip lookup if called with success status. // if (JET_SUCCESS(jerr)) { return FrsErrorSuccess; } // // Look thru the table for a match on the jet error code. // The table ends with a JER_errSuccess entry in the JetErrorCode field. // while (FrsErrTable->JetErrorCode != JET_errSuccess) { if (FrsErrTable->JetErrorCode == jerr) { break; } FrsErrTable += 1; } if (!JET_SUCCESS(FrsErrTable->JetErrorCode)) { // // Found a match. // if (BPrint) { // // Translate the FRS severity to a DPRINT serverity level // Level[FrsSeverityServiceFatal] = 0; Level[FrsSeverityReplicaFatal] = 0; Level[FrsSeverityException] = 1; Level[FrsSeverityWarning] = 3; Level[FrsSeverityInfo] = 5; Level[FrsSeverityIgnore] = 5; Severity = Level[FrsErrTable->FrsErrorSeverity]; DPRINT2(Severity, "Jet related FRS error: %d - %s\n", jerr, FrsErrTable->JetErrorMsg); } return FrsErrTable->FrsErrorCode; } // // Jet error code not in the table so be happy. // DPRINT1(0, "Jet Error: %d, Not present in FrsJetErrorMsgTable. Treated as service fatal.\n", jerr); return FrsErrorInternalError; }