use Time::Local; printf "Configuration generated at %s\n\n", scalar localtime; $stage = "D:\\staging"; ## NOTE: double slash needed when variable is used. $DC_OU_DN = "ou=domain controllers,dc=frs1221,dc=nttest,dc=microsoft,dc=com"; # # The server table # HUB: FRS_SERVER (/RP="E:\RSB" /SP="$stage" /COMPUTER='frs1221\sudarctest1$' ## note use of single quote because of $ /DNS_NAME="" /MNAME="hub0") HUB: FRS_SERVER (/RP="E:\RSB" /SP="$stage" /COMPUTER='frs1221\sudarctest2$' /DNS_NAME="" /MNAME="hub1") # #HUB: FRS_SERVER (/RP="E:\RSB" /SP="$stage" /COMPUTER='frs1221\sudarctest3$' # /DNS_NAME="" /MNAME="hub2") # #HUB: FRS_SERVER (/RP="E:\RSB" /SP="$stage" /COMPUTER='frs1221\sudarctest1$' # /DNS_NAME="" /MNAME="hub3") # #HUB: FRS_SERVER (/RP="E:\RSB" /SP="$stage" /COMPUTER='frs1221\sudarctest1$' # /DNS_NAME="" /MNAME="hub4") # #foreach $b ("sudarctest4", "DREWSAM-SRV", "sudarctest3", "DREWSAM-SRV" ) { # # $Nt4Acct = "frs1221\\$b\$"; # # BCH: FRS_SERVER (/RP="D:\RSB" /SP="D:\staging" # /COMPUTER=$Nt4Acct # /id="-$b" # /DNS_NAME="$" # ) #} for $b (0 .. 200) { $bchname = "Branch-$b"; $Nt4Acct = "frs1221\\$b\$"; BCH: FRS_SERVER (/RP="D:\RSB" /SP="D:\staging" /COMPUTER=$Nt4Acct /id="-$b" /DNS_NAME="$" ) } # The FRS_SCHEDULE command does not actually create any FRS objects in the DS, # rather it defines the parameters to use when creating a schedule. # # Restriction: Any time with a ":" must be enclosed in quotes. See /REPL_DURATION, # /TIME_ZONE and /DISABLE below. # # This schedule replicates for 1.5 hours every 4 hours. Each time the schedule is # updated by FRS_STAGGER it is advanced by 15 min. So it repeats every 16 updates # which is the 4 hour period divided by the 15min stagger adjustment. In the case # of 200 branches, and two hubs at most 7 branches will start replication in any # single 15 min period. Since the duration is 1.5 hours then at most 42 branches # (6 * 7) will be replicating in any given 15 min period. # # The blackout period is mon thru fri from 7:30 AM to 6PM. # The time zone is GMT-5:00 hours or Eastern US Time. # PRIMARY_SCH: FRS_SCHEDULE (/REPL_INTERVAL=4 /REPL_DURATION="1:30" /TIME_ZONE="-5:00" /REPL_OFFSET=0 /STAGGER="0:15" /METHOD=1 /NAME='Primary Sched' /DISABLE="mo:07:30-mo:18:00,tu:07:30-tu:18:00,we:07:30-we:18:00,th:07:30-th:18:00,fr:07:30-fr:18:00" ) # # The following function creates the connection objects for a hub spoke topology. # FRS_SUB CREATE_HUB_SPOKE_CONN(/HUBSET=SET_REF_SET # Hubs /BCHSET=SET_REF_SET # Branches /SC1=SCHEDULE ) $Hx = 0; $NHub = FRS_COUNT_SET(/SET=%HUBSET%); print " NHUB = $NHub\n\n"; # # RESTRICTION: don't PUT FRS FUNCTION REFS INSIDE A QUOTED STRING. # print " NBCH FRS _COUNT_SET( /SET= % BCHSET % ) ", FRS_COUNT_SET(/SET= %BCHSET% ), "\n" ; # # Create the topology # foreach $bch (FRS_ARRAY(/SET=%BCHSET%)) { print "working on branch: $bch->{ONAME}\n"; $hubsrv = %HUBSET%[$Hx]; # # RESTRICTION: need braces around ONAME and MNAME. # FRS_CONNECTION (/TO=$bch /FROM=%HUBSET%[$Hx] /SCHED=%SC1% /ONAME="FROM-".$hubsrv->{MNAME}."-TO-".$bch->{ONAME} ) FRS_CONNECTION (/TO=%HUBSET%[$Hx] /FROM=$bch /SCHED=%SC1% /ONAME="FROM-".$bch->{ONAME}."-TO-".$hubsrv->{MNAME} ) $Hx=($Hx+1) % $NHub; if ($Hx == 0) { FRS_STAGGER (/SCHED=%SC1%) } } FRS_END_SUB # # The following function creates the connection objects for a ring topology. # FRS_SUB CREATE_RING_CONN(/HUBSET=SET_REF_SET ) FRS_SHOW(/SET=%HUBSET%) $Ringx = 0; $RingCount = FRS_COUNT_SET(/SET=%HUBSET%); print " RingCount = $RingCount\n\n"; # # Create the topology # for ($Ringx=0; $Ringx < $RingCount-1; $Ringx++) { $RM1 = %HUBSET%[$Ringx]; $RM2 = %HUBSET%[($Ringx+1) % $RingCount]; # # RESTRICTION: need braces around ONAME and MNAME. # FRS_CONNECTION (/TO=$RM1 /FROM=$RM2 /SCHED=ON /ONAME="FROM-".$RM2->{MNAME}."-TO-".$RM1->{MNAME} ) FRS_CONNECTION (/TO=$RM2 /FROM=$RM1 /SCHED=ON /ONAME="FROM-".$RM1->{MNAME}."-TO-".$RM2->{MNAME} ) } FRS_END_SUB # # The following function builds the member objects for a hub spoke topology # and creates the connection objects. # FRS_SUB CREATE_HUB_SPOKE(/HUBSET=SET_REF_SET # Hubs /BCHSET=SET_REF_SET # branches /SC1=SCHEDULE /REPSETDN=SET_ELEMENT) FRSSUP::PrintHash(\%__args); FRS_SHOW(/SET=%HUBSET%) # # Create the hub member objects # # Restriction: All subroutine argument refs are surrounded by "%". # References to parameters in other objects use the # notation "->{...}". e.g. COMPUTER, MNAME, id # foreach $hub (FRS_ARRAY(/SET=%HUBSET%)) { MOBJHUB: FRS_MEMBER (/UNDER=%REPSETDN% /SERVER=$hub /COMPUTER=$hub->{COMPUTER} /ONAME=$hub->{MNAME} ) } # # create the branch member objects. # foreach $bch (FRS_SET(/SET=%BCHSET%)) { MOBJBCH: FRS_MEMBER (/UNDER=%REPSETDN% /SERVER=$bch /COMPUTER=$bch->{COMPUTER} /ONAME="B".$bch->{id} ) } CREATE_RING_CONN(/HUBSET= ) CREATE_HUB_SPOKE_CONN(/HUBSET= # Hubs /BCHSET= # Branches /SC1=%SC1% ) FRS_END_SUB # # Create the replica set under the FRS Settings object. # SETTINGS: FRS_SETTINGS (/DN="cn=services,cn=configuration,dc=frs1221,dc=nttest,dc=microsoft,dc=com" /ONAME="cn=ntfrs test settings") SET: FRS_REPLICASET (/UNDER= /TYPE=DFS /ONAME="HubSpokeRepSet") CREATE_HUB_SPOKE(/HUBSET= # Hubs /BCHSET= # backup hub /SC1= /REPSETDN=)