@echo off REM chkgpttmpl domain_name REM e.g. chkgpttmpl africa.corp.microsoft.com REM REM Check version of policy template file. REM REM "\\\ REM sysvol\ REM northamerica.corp.microsoft.com\ REM Policies\ REM {6AC1786C-016F-11D2-945F-00C04fB984F9}\ REM Machine\ REM Microsoft\ REM Windows NT\ REM SecEdit\ REM GPTTMPL.INF" if "%1"=="" goto :USAGE set dom_name=%1 set filename=sysvol\%dom_name%\Policies\{6AC1786C-016F-11D2-945F-00C04fB984F9}\Machine\Microsoft\Windows NT\SecEdit\GPTTMPL.INF REM get list of DCs in a domain with: REM REM >nltest /dclist:africa REM Get list of DCs in domain 'africa' from '\\AFRICA-DC-03'. REM AFRICA-DC-04.africa.corp.microsoft.com [DS] Site: NA-WA-EXCH REM AFRICA-DC-03.africa.corp.microsoft.com [PDC] [DS] Site: NA-WA-RED REM JOB-DC-01.africa.corp.microsoft.com [DS] Site: AF-ZA-JOB REM nltest /dclist:%dom_name% > dclist.tmp type dclist.tmp FOR /F "eol=; tokens=1 delims=, " %%i in (dclist.tmp) do ( if /i not "%%i"=="get" ( if /i not "%%i"=="the" ( @echo %%i dir "\\%%i\%filename%" sc \\%%i query ntfrs ) ) ) goto :QUIT :USAGE echo chkgpttmpl domain_name echo e.g. chkgpttmpl africa.corp.microsoft.com :QUIT