/* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996-1999. All rights reserved. */ /* ASN.1 definitions for X509 v3 certificates */ #include #include "prvtkey.h" ASN1module_t PRVTKEY_Module = NULL; static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_AlgorithmIdentifier(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, AlgorithmIdentifier *val); static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_AttributeSetValue(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, AttributeSetValue *val); static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_Attributes(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, Attributes *val); static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_RSAPrivateKey(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, RSAPrivateKey *val); static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier *val); static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_PrivateKeyInfo(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, PrivateKeyInfo *val); static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier *val); static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *val); static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_Attribute(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, Attribute *val); static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_AlgorithmIdentifier(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, AlgorithmIdentifier *val); static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_AttributeSetValue(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, AttributeSetValue *val); static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_Attributes(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, Attributes *val); static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_RSAPrivateKey(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, RSAPrivateKey *val); static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier *val); static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_PrivateKeyInfo(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, PrivateKeyInfo *val); static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier *val); static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *val); static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_Attribute(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, Attribute *val); static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_AlgorithmIdentifier(AlgorithmIdentifier *val); static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_AttributeSetValue(AttributeSetValue *val); static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_Attributes(Attributes *val); static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_RSAPrivateKey(RSAPrivateKey *val); static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier(PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier *val); static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_PrivateKeyInfo(PrivateKeyInfo *val); static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier(EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier *val); static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *val); static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_Attribute(Attribute *val); typedef ASN1BerEncFun_t ASN1EncFun_t; static const ASN1EncFun_t encfntab[4] = { (ASN1EncFun_t) ASN1Enc_RSAPrivateKey, (ASN1EncFun_t) ASN1Enc_PrivateKeyInfo, (ASN1EncFun_t) ASN1Enc_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo, (ASN1EncFun_t) ASN1Enc_Attribute, }; typedef ASN1BerDecFun_t ASN1DecFun_t; static const ASN1DecFun_t decfntab[4] = { (ASN1DecFun_t) ASN1Dec_RSAPrivateKey, (ASN1DecFun_t) ASN1Dec_PrivateKeyInfo, (ASN1DecFun_t) ASN1Dec_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo, (ASN1DecFun_t) ASN1Dec_Attribute, }; static const ASN1FreeFun_t freefntab[4] = { (ASN1FreeFun_t) ASN1Free_RSAPrivateKey, (ASN1FreeFun_t) ASN1Free_PrivateKeyInfo, (ASN1FreeFun_t) ASN1Free_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo, (ASN1FreeFun_t) ASN1Free_Attribute, }; static const ULONG sizetab[4] = { SIZE_PRVTKEY_Module_PDU_0, SIZE_PRVTKEY_Module_PDU_1, SIZE_PRVTKEY_Module_PDU_2, SIZE_PRVTKEY_Module_PDU_3, }; /* forward declarations of values: */ /* definitions of value components: */ /* definitions of values: */ void ASN1CALL PRVTKEY_Module_Startup(void) { PRVTKEY_Module = ASN1_CreateModule(0x10000, ASN1_BER_RULE_DER, ASN1FLAGS_NOASSERT, 4, (const ASN1GenericFun_t *) encfntab, (const ASN1GenericFun_t *) decfntab, freefntab, sizetab, 0x74767270); } void ASN1CALL PRVTKEY_Module_Cleanup(void) { ASN1_CloseModule(PRVTKEY_Module); PRVTKEY_Module = NULL; } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_AlgorithmIdentifier(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, AlgorithmIdentifier *val) { ASN1uint32_t nLenOff; if (!ASN1BEREncExplicitTag(enc, tag ? tag : 0x10, &nLenOff)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncObjectIdentifier2(enc, 0x6, &(val)->algorithm)) return 0; if ((val)->o[0] & 0x80) { if (!ASN1BEREncOpenType(enc, &(val)->parameters)) return 0; } if (!ASN1BEREncEndOfContents(enc, nLenOff)) return 0; return 1; } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_AlgorithmIdentifier(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, AlgorithmIdentifier *val) { ASN1decoding_t dd; ASN1octet_t *di; ASN1uint32_t t; if (!ASN1BERDecExplicitTag(dec, tag ? tag : 0x10, &dd, &di)) return 0; ZeroMemory((val)->o, 1); if (!ASN1BERDecObjectIdentifier2(dd, 0x6, &(val)->algorithm)) return 0; if (ASN1BERDecPeekTag(dd, &t)) { (val)->o[0] |= 0x80; if (!ASN1BERDecOpenType2(dd, &(val)->parameters)) return 0; } if (!ASN1BERDecEndOfContents(dec, dd, di)) return 0; return 1; } static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_AlgorithmIdentifier(AlgorithmIdentifier *val) { if (val) { if ((val)->o[0] & 0x80) { } } } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_AttributeSetValue(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, AttributeSetValue *val) { ASN1uint32_t nLenOff; void *pBlk; ASN1uint32_t i; ASN1encoding_t enc2; if (!ASN1BEREncExplicitTag(enc, tag ? tag : 0x11, &nLenOff)) return 0; if (!ASN1DEREncBeginBlk(enc, ASN1_DER_SET_OF_BLOCK, &pBlk)) return 0; for (i = 0; i < (val)->count; i++) { if (!ASN1DEREncNewBlkElement(pBlk, &enc2)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncOpenType(enc2, &((val)->value)[i])) return 0; if (!ASN1DEREncFlushBlkElement(pBlk)) return 0; } if (!ASN1DEREncEndBlk(pBlk)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncEndOfContents(enc, nLenOff)) return 0; return 1; } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_AttributeSetValue(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, AttributeSetValue *val) { ASN1decoding_t dd; ASN1octet_t *di; ASN1uint32_t t; ASN1uint32_t n; if (!ASN1BERDecExplicitTag(dec, tag ? tag : 0x11, &dd, &di)) return 0; (val)->count = n = 0; (val)->value = NULL; while (ASN1BERDecNotEndOfContents(dd, di)) { if (!ASN1BERDecPeekTag(dd, &t)) return 0; if ((val)->count >= n) { void *pvASN1DecRealloc; n = n ? (n << 1) : 16; if (!(pvASN1DecRealloc = ASN1DecRealloc(dd, (val)->value, n * sizeof(*(val)->value)))) return 0; (val)->value = (NOCOPYANY *) pvASN1DecRealloc; } if (!ASN1BERDecOpenType2(dd, &((val)->value)[(val)->count])) return 0; ((val)->count)++; } if (!ASN1BERDecEndOfContents(dec, dd, di)) return 0; return 1; } static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_AttributeSetValue(AttributeSetValue *val) { ASN1uint32_t i; if (val) { for (i = 1; i < (val)->count; i++) { } ASN1Free((val)->value); } } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_Attributes(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, Attributes *val) { ASN1uint32_t nLenOff; void *pBlk; ASN1uint32_t i; ASN1encoding_t enc2; if (!ASN1BEREncExplicitTag(enc, tag ? tag : 0x11, &nLenOff)) return 0; if (!ASN1DEREncBeginBlk(enc, ASN1_DER_SET_OF_BLOCK, &pBlk)) return 0; for (i = 0; i < (val)->count; i++) { if (!ASN1DEREncNewBlkElement(pBlk, &enc2)) return 0; if (!ASN1Enc_Attribute(enc2, 0, &((val)->value)[i])) return 0; if (!ASN1DEREncFlushBlkElement(pBlk)) return 0; } if (!ASN1DEREncEndBlk(pBlk)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncEndOfContents(enc, nLenOff)) return 0; return 1; } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_Attributes(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, Attributes *val) { ASN1decoding_t dd; ASN1octet_t *di; ASN1uint32_t t; ASN1uint32_t n; if (!ASN1BERDecExplicitTag(dec, tag ? tag : 0x11, &dd, &di)) return 0; (val)->count = n = 0; (val)->value = NULL; while (ASN1BERDecNotEndOfContents(dd, di)) { if (!ASN1BERDecPeekTag(dd, &t)) return 0; if ((val)->count >= n) { void *pvASN1DecRealloc; n = n ? (n << 1) : 16; if (!(pvASN1DecRealloc = ASN1DecRealloc(dd, (val)->value, n * sizeof(*(val)->value)))) return 0; (val)->value = (Attribute *) pvASN1DecRealloc; } if (!ASN1Dec_Attribute(dd, 0, &((val)->value)[(val)->count])) return 0; ((val)->count)++; } if (!ASN1BERDecEndOfContents(dec, dd, di)) return 0; return 1; } static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_Attributes(Attributes *val) { ASN1uint32_t i; if (val) { ASN1Free_Attribute(&(val)->value[0]); for (i = 1; i < (val)->count; i++) { ASN1Free_Attribute(&(val)->value[i]); } ASN1Free((val)->value); } } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_RSAPrivateKey(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, RSAPrivateKey *val) { ASN1uint32_t nLenOff; if (!ASN1BEREncExplicitTag(enc, tag ? tag : 0x10, &nLenOff)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncS32(enc, 0x2, (val)->version)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncSX(enc, 0x2, &(val)->modulus)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncS32(enc, 0x2, (val)->publicExponent)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncSX(enc, 0x2, &(val)->privateExponent)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncSX(enc, 0x2, &(val)->prime1)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncSX(enc, 0x2, &(val)->prime2)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncSX(enc, 0x2, &(val)->exponent1)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncSX(enc, 0x2, &(val)->exponent2)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncSX(enc, 0x2, &(val)->coefficient)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncEndOfContents(enc, nLenOff)) return 0; return 1; } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_RSAPrivateKey(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, RSAPrivateKey *val) { ASN1decoding_t dd; ASN1octet_t *di; if (!ASN1BERDecExplicitTag(dec, tag ? tag : 0x10, &dd, &di)) return 0; if (!ASN1BERDecS32Val(dd, 0x2, &(val)->version)) return 0; if (!ASN1BERDecSXVal(dd, 0x2, &(val)->modulus)) return 0; if (!ASN1BERDecS32Val(dd, 0x2, &(val)->publicExponent)) return 0; if (!ASN1BERDecSXVal(dd, 0x2, &(val)->privateExponent)) return 0; if (!ASN1BERDecSXVal(dd, 0x2, &(val)->prime1)) return 0; if (!ASN1BERDecSXVal(dd, 0x2, &(val)->prime2)) return 0; if (!ASN1BERDecSXVal(dd, 0x2, &(val)->exponent1)) return 0; if (!ASN1BERDecSXVal(dd, 0x2, &(val)->exponent2)) return 0; if (!ASN1BERDecSXVal(dd, 0x2, &(val)->coefficient)) return 0; if (!ASN1BERDecEndOfContents(dec, dd, di)) return 0; return 1; } static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_RSAPrivateKey(RSAPrivateKey *val) { if (val) { ASN1intx_free(&(val)->modulus); ASN1intx_free(&(val)->privateExponent); ASN1intx_free(&(val)->prime1); ASN1intx_free(&(val)->prime2); ASN1intx_free(&(val)->exponent1); ASN1intx_free(&(val)->exponent2); ASN1intx_free(&(val)->coefficient); } } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier *val) { if (!ASN1Enc_AlgorithmIdentifier(enc, tag, val)) return 0; return 1; } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier *val) { if (!ASN1Dec_AlgorithmIdentifier(dec, tag, val)) return 0; return 1; } static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier(PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier *val) { if (val) { ASN1Free_AlgorithmIdentifier(val); } } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_PrivateKeyInfo(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, PrivateKeyInfo *val) { ASN1uint32_t nLenOff; if (!ASN1BEREncExplicitTag(enc, tag ? tag : 0x10, &nLenOff)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncS32(enc, 0x2, (val)->version)) return 0; if (!ASN1Enc_PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier(enc, 0, &(val)->privateKeyAlgorithm)) return 0; if (!ASN1DEREncOctetString(enc, 0x4, ((val)->privateKey).length, ((val)->privateKey).value)) return 0; if ((val)->o[0] & 0x80) { if (!ASN1Enc_Attributes(enc, 0x80000000, &(val)->privateKeyAttributes)) return 0; } if (!ASN1BEREncEndOfContents(enc, nLenOff)) return 0; return 1; } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_PrivateKeyInfo(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, PrivateKeyInfo *val) { ASN1decoding_t dd; ASN1octet_t *di; ASN1uint32_t t; if (!ASN1BERDecExplicitTag(dec, tag ? tag : 0x10, &dd, &di)) return 0; ZeroMemory((val)->o, 1); if (!ASN1BERDecS32Val(dd, 0x2, &(val)->version)) return 0; if (!ASN1Dec_PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier(dd, 0, &(val)->privateKeyAlgorithm)) return 0; if (!ASN1BERDecOctetString2(dd, 0x4, &(val)->privateKey)) return 0; ASN1BERDecPeekTag(dd, &t); if (t == 0x80000000) { (val)->o[0] |= 0x80; if (!ASN1Dec_Attributes(dd, 0x80000000, &(val)->privateKeyAttributes)) return 0; } if (!ASN1BERDecEndOfContents(dec, dd, di)) return 0; return 1; } static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_PrivateKeyInfo(PrivateKeyInfo *val) { if (val) { ASN1Free_PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier(&(val)->privateKeyAlgorithm); if ((val)->o[0] & 0x80) { ASN1Free_Attributes(&(val)->privateKeyAttributes); } } } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier *val) { if (!ASN1Enc_AlgorithmIdentifier(enc, tag, val)) return 0; return 1; } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier *val) { if (!ASN1Dec_AlgorithmIdentifier(dec, tag, val)) return 0; return 1; } static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier(EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier *val) { if (val) { ASN1Free_AlgorithmIdentifier(val); } } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *val) { ASN1uint32_t nLenOff; if (!ASN1BEREncExplicitTag(enc, tag ? tag : 0x10, &nLenOff)) return 0; if (!ASN1Enc_EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier(enc, 0, &(val)->encryptionAlgorithm)) return 0; if (!ASN1DEREncOctetString(enc, 0x4, ((val)->encryptedData).length, ((val)->encryptedData).value)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncEndOfContents(enc, nLenOff)) return 0; return 1; } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *val) { ASN1decoding_t dd; ASN1octet_t *di; if (!ASN1BERDecExplicitTag(dec, tag ? tag : 0x10, &dd, &di)) return 0; if (!ASN1Dec_EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier(dd, 0, &(val)->encryptionAlgorithm)) return 0; if (!ASN1BERDecOctetString2(dd, 0x4, &(val)->encryptedData)) return 0; if (!ASN1BERDecEndOfContents(dec, dd, di)) return 0; return 1; } static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *val) { if (val) { ASN1Free_EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier(&(val)->encryptionAlgorithm); } } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Enc_Attribute(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, Attribute *val) { ASN1uint32_t nLenOff; if (!ASN1BEREncExplicitTag(enc, tag ? tag : 0x10, &nLenOff)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncObjectIdentifier2(enc, 0x6, &(val)->type)) return 0; if (!ASN1Enc_AttributeSetValue(enc, 0, &(val)->values)) return 0; if (!ASN1BEREncEndOfContents(enc, nLenOff)) return 0; return 1; } static int ASN1CALL ASN1Dec_Attribute(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, Attribute *val) { ASN1decoding_t dd; ASN1octet_t *di; if (!ASN1BERDecExplicitTag(dec, tag ? tag : 0x10, &dd, &di)) return 0; if (!ASN1BERDecObjectIdentifier2(dd, 0x6, &(val)->type)) return 0; if (!ASN1Dec_AttributeSetValue(dd, 0, &(val)->values)) return 0; if (!ASN1BERDecEndOfContents(dec, dd, di)) return 0; return 1; } static void ASN1CALL ASN1Free_Attribute(Attribute *val) { if (val) { ASN1Free_AttributeSetValue(&(val)->values); } }