//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1996 // // File: tx500str.cpp // // Contents: X500 Certificate Name String API Tests // // See Usage() for list of test options. // // // Functions: main // // History: 18-Feb-97 philh created // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include "wincrypt.h" #include "certtest.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ALL_STR_TYPES 0xFFFFFFFF static BOOL fVerbose = FALSE; static void FormatAndParseCertNames( IN LPCSTR pszCertFilename, IN DWORD dwStrType, IN BOOL fSubject ); static void GetCertNameFromFile( IN LPCSTR pszCertFilename, IN DWORD dwGetNameStringType, IN LPSTR pszAttrOID, IN DWORD dwStrType, IN BOOL fSubject, IN DWORD dwExpectedErr ); static void ParseX500Name( IN LPCSTR pszName, IN DWORD dwStrType, IN DWORD dwExpectedErr, IN int iExpectedErrOffset ); static void ParsePredefinedX500Names(); #define CROW 8 void PrintWords(LPCSTR pszHdr, WORD *pw, DWORD cwSize) { ULONG cw, i; while (cwSize > 0) { printf("%s", pszHdr); cw = min(CROW, cwSize); cwSize -= cw; for (i = 0; i= 0x20 && pw[i] <= 0x7f) printf("%C", pw[i]); else printf("."); pw += cw; printf("'\n"); } } static void Usage(void) { int i; printf("Usage: tx500str [options]\n"); printf("Options are:\n"); printf(" -h - This message\n"); printf(" -n - For example \"CN=Joe Cool, O=Microsoft\"\n"); printf(" -e - Expected Error\n"); printf(" -o - Expected Error Offset\n"); printf(" -c - Read encoded cert file for names\n"); printf(" -S - Format cert's Subject (default)\n"); printf(" -I - Format cert's Issuer\n"); printf(" -f - Name string formatting type\n"); printf(" -fAll - Name string formatting (All types)\n"); printf(" -v - Verbose\n"); printf(" -g - CertGetNameString(SIMPLE_DISPLAY)\n"); printf(" -g - CertGetNameString type\n"); printf(" -a - Attribute OID, for example, -a2.5.4.3\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Default: Cycle through predefined list of X500 test names\n"); } int _cdecl main(int argc, char * argv[]) { LPSTR pszName = NULL; LPSTR pszCertFilename = NULL; DWORD dwStrType = 0; DWORD dwExpectedErr = 0; int iExpectedErrOffset = -1; BOOL fSubject = TRUE; BOOL fGetCertName = FALSE; DWORD dwGetNameStringType = CERT_NAME_SIMPLE_DISPLAY_TYPE; LPSTR pszAttrOID = NULL; while (--argc>0) { if (**++argv == '-') { switch(argv[0][1]) { case 'c': pszCertFilename = argv[0]+2; if (*pszCertFilename == '\0') { printf("Need to specify filename\n"); goto BadUsage; } break; case 'n': pszName = argv[0]+2; if (*pszName == '\0') { printf("Need to specify X500 name\n"); goto BadUsage; } break; case 'f': if (argv[0][2]) { if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+2, "ALL")) dwStrType = ALL_STR_TYPES; else dwStrType = (DWORD) strtoul(argv[0]+2, NULL, 0); } else { printf("Need to specify -fALL or -f\n"); goto BadUsage; } break; case 'e': if (argv[0][2]) dwExpectedErr = (DWORD) strtoul(argv[0]+2, NULL, 0); else { printf("Need to specify -e\n"); goto BadUsage; } break; case 'o': if (argv[0][2]) iExpectedErrOffset = strtol(argv[0]+2, NULL, 0); else { printf("Need to specify -o\n"); goto BadUsage; } break; case 'v': fVerbose = TRUE; break; case 'S': fSubject = TRUE; break; case 'I': fSubject = FALSE; break; case 'g': fGetCertName = TRUE; if (argv[0][2]) dwGetNameStringType = (DWORD) strtoul(argv[0]+2, NULL, 0); break; case 'a': pszAttrOID = argv[0]+2; break; case 'h': default: goto BadUsage; } } else goto BadUsage; } printf("command line: %s\n", GetCommandLine()); if (pszName) { printf("Parsing "); ParseX500Name( pszName, dwStrType, dwExpectedErr, iExpectedErrOffset ); } else if (pszCertFilename) { printf("Reading encoded certificate file: %s\n", pszCertFilename); if (fGetCertName) GetCertNameFromFile( pszCertFilename, dwGetNameStringType, pszAttrOID, dwStrType, fSubject, dwExpectedErr ); else FormatAndParseCertNames( pszCertFilename, dwStrType, fSubject ); } else { printf("Parsing predefined X500 test names\n", pszName); ParsePredefinedX500Names(); } CommonReturn: return 0; BadUsage: Usage(); goto CommonReturn; } static void *TestDecodeObject( IN LPCSTR lpszStructType, IN const BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD cbEncoded ) { DWORD cbInfo; void *pvInfo; // Set to bogus value. pvInfo == NULL, should cause it to be ignored. cbInfo = 0x12345678; CryptDecodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, lpszStructType, pbEncoded, cbEncoded, 0, // dwFlags NULL, // pvInfo &cbInfo ); if (cbInfo == 0) { if ((DWORD_PTR) lpszStructType <= 0xFFFF) printf("CryptDecodeObject(StructType: %d, pvInfo == NULL)", (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR) lpszStructType); else printf("CryptDecodeObject(StructType: %s, pvInfo == NULL)", lpszStructType); PrintLastError(""); return NULL; } if (NULL == (pvInfo = TestAlloc(cbInfo))) return NULL; if (!CryptDecodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, lpszStructType, pbEncoded, cbEncoded, 0, // dwFlags pvInfo, &cbInfo )) { if ((DWORD_PTR) lpszStructType <= 0xFFFF) printf("CryptDecodeObject(StructType: %d)", (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR) lpszStructType); else printf("CryptDecodeObject(StructType: %s)", lpszStructType); PrintLastError(""); TestFree(pvInfo); return NULL; } return pvInfo; } static BOOL DecodeName(BYTE *pbEncoded, DWORD cbEncoded, DWORD dwStrType) { BOOL fResult; PCERT_NAME_INFO pInfo = NULL; DWORD i,j; PCERT_RDN pRDN; PCERT_RDN_ATTR pAttr; CERT_NAME_BLOB Name; DWORD cwsz; LPWSTR pwsz; if (NULL == (pInfo = (PCERT_NAME_INFO) TestDecodeObject( X509_NAME, pbEncoded, cbEncoded ))) goto ErrorReturn; for (i = 0, pRDN = pInfo->rgRDN; i < pInfo->cRDN; i++, pRDN++) { for (j = 0, pAttr = pRDN->rgRDNAttr; j < pRDN->cRDNAttr; j++, pAttr++) { LPSTR pszObjId = pAttr->pszObjId; if (pszObjId == NULL) pszObjId = ""; printf(" [%d,%d] %s ValueType: %d\n", i, j, pszObjId, pAttr->dwValueType); if (pAttr->Value.cbData) PrintBytes(" ", pAttr->Value.pbData, pAttr->Value.cbData); else printf(" NO Value Bytes\n"); } } if (dwStrType == 0xFFFFFFFF) goto GoodReturn; Name.pbData = pbEncoded; Name.cbData = cbEncoded; if (0 == (dwStrType & 0xFFFF)) dwStrType |= CERT_X500_NAME_STR; cwsz = CertNameToStrW( dwCertEncodingType, &Name, dwStrType, NULL, // pwsz 0); // cwsz if (pwsz = (LPWSTR) TestAlloc(cwsz * sizeof(WCHAR))) { CertNameToStrW( dwCertEncodingType, &Name, dwStrType, pwsz, cwsz); printf(" %S\n", pwsz); TestFree(pwsz); } GoodReturn: fResult = TRUE; goto CommonReturn; ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; CommonReturn: if (pInfo) TestFree(pInfo); return fResult; } static void ParseUnicodeX500Name( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN DWORD dwStrFlags ) { BOOL fResult; DWORD i; BYTE *pbEncoded; DWORD cbEncoded; CERT_NAME_BLOB Name; DWORD cwsz; LPWSTR pwsz; printf("Unicode name::\n"); PrintWords(" ", (WORD *) pwszName, wcslen(pwszName)); fResult = CertStrToNameW( dwCertEncodingType, pwszName, dwStrFlags | 0, // dwStrType NULL, // pvReserved NULL, // pbEncoded &cbEncoded, NULL // pwszError ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError("CertStrToNameW"); return; } if (NULL == (pbEncoded = (BYTE *) TestAlloc(cbEncoded))) return; if (!CertStrToNameW( dwCertEncodingType, pwszName, dwStrFlags | 0, // dwStrType NULL, // pvReserved pbEncoded, &cbEncoded, NULL // pwszError )) PrintLastError("CertStrToNameW"); else if (fVerbose) DecodeName(pbEncoded, cbEncoded, 0xFFFFFFFF); // Decode name to see if we come up with what was passed in Name.pbData = pbEncoded; Name.cbData = cbEncoded; cwsz = CertNameToStrW( dwCertEncodingType, &Name, dwStrFlags | CERT_X500_NAME_STR, NULL, // pwsz 0); // cwsz if (pwsz = (LPWSTR) TestAlloc(cwsz * sizeof(WCHAR))) { cwsz = CertNameToStrW( dwCertEncodingType, &Name, dwStrFlags | CERT_X500_NAME_STR, pwsz, cwsz); cwsz--; if (cwsz != wcslen(pwszName)) { printf(" failed => CertNameToStrW length of %d != %d\n", cwsz, wcslen(pwszName)); PrintWords(" ", (WORD *) pwsz, cwsz); } else if (0 != memcmp(pwsz, pwszName, cwsz * sizeof(WCHAR))) { printf(" failed => CertNameToStrW didn't match input\n"); PrintWords(" ", (WORD *) pwsz, cwsz); } TestFree(pwsz); } TestFree(pbEncoded); } typedef struct _X500_NAMES { LPCSTR pszName; DWORD dwStrType; DWORD dwErr; // 0 => expect success int iErrOffset; // -1 => expect NULL pszError } X500_NAMES, *PX500_NAMES; // 1 2 3 4 5 6 // 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 static const X500_NAMES rgX500Names[] = { "CN=Joe Cool", 0, 0, -1, "CN=Joe Cool;", 0, 0, -1, "CN=Joe Cool,", 0, 0, -1, "CN=Joe Cool+ ", 0, 0, -1, "Cn=Joe Cool+T= + ", 0, 0, -1, "cn=Joe Cool+t= , ", 0, 0, -1, "cn=\"Joe Cool ,;+\"\"-#\t<>=\"", 0, 0, -1, "cN=Joe Cool + T = Programmer; OU= Micro , OiD. 02", 0, 0, -1, " = # 0123456789abcdef 13 + SN = wow", 0, 0, -1, "\"# 0123456789abcdef 13 string not octet\" + oid. + SN = wow", 0, 0, -1, "oiD.\t34 \t45 \t 78;1.2.3=#45;", 0, 0, -1, "C=US; L=Internet; St=Washington + Street=Microsoft Way", 0, 0, -1, "C=U#; L=Internet; Street=Microsoft Way", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_PRINTABLE_STRING, 3, "Email=joeC@microsoft.com", 0, 0, -1, "Email=joe\xB0oeC@microsoft.com", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING, 9, "C=US; OU=Microsoft; St=Way + L= Internet + Email=joe\xB0oeC@microsoft.com", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING, 53, "C=US; OU=Microsoft; St=Way + L= Internet + Email=joejoeC@microsoft.com", 0, 0, -1, "Email=\"\"\"Cool\"\" Guy\xB0@microsoft.com\"", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING, 19, "C=US; OU=Microsoft; St=Way + L= Internet + Email=\"\"\"Cool\"\" Guy\xB0@microsoft.com\"", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING, 64, "C=US; OU=Microsoft; St=Way + L= Internet + Email=\"\"\"Cool\"\" Guy@microsoft.com\"", 0, 0, -1, "T = Numeric ; 0123456789", 0, 0, -1, "T = Bad Numeric ; 0123456789", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_NUMERIC_STRING, 37, " CN = \" Joe \"\"Cool\"\"\" ", 0, 0, -1, " CN = \" Joe \"\"Cool\"\" \" ;T=quoted lead and trail spaces ", 0, 0, -1, "CN = Joe \"Cool\" ", (DWORD) CERT_NAME_STR_NO_QUOTING_FLAG, 0, -1, "CN=Joe \"\"Cool\"\" ", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING, 7, " CN = \"Joe \"\"Cool\"\" ", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING, 9, "CM=Joe Cool", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING, 0, "Cn=Joe Cool, Ox=wrong", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING, 13, "OID.1.2=#01 02 g", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING, 8, "1.2=# ; T= empty ascii hex", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING, 4, "OID.1.2=#00; OID.1..3.1=#01; T=Consecutive dots", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING, 13, "1.2=#f; T= Odd ascii hex", 0, 0, -1, "1.2=#12e; T= Odd ascii hex", 0, 0, -1, "CN = Joe, Cool ; OU = Microsoft, xyz; T=CERT_NAME_STR_SEMICOLON_FLAG", CERT_NAME_STR_SEMICOLON_FLAG, 0, -1, "CN = Joe, Cool ; OU = Microsoft, xyz", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING, 10, "CN = Joe; Cool , OU = Microsoft; xyz, T=CERT_NAME_STR_COMMA_FLAG", CERT_NAME_STR_COMMA_FLAG, 0, -1, "CN = Joe; Cool , OU = Microsoft; xyz", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING, 10, "CN = Joe, Cool ; More stuff \n OU = Microsoft; xyz \nT=CERT_NAME_STR_CRLF_FLAG", CERT_NAME_STR_CRLF_FLAG, 0, -1, "CN = Joe, Cool ; More stuff \n OU = Microsoft; xyz", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING, 10, "CN = Joe Cool + more cool ; L= Wa + more local; T=CERT_NAME_STR_NO_PLUS_FLAG", CERT_NAME_STR_NO_PLUS_FLAG, 0, -1, "CN = Joe Cool + more cool ; L= Wa + more local;", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING, 16, "CN = Joe Cool , OU = Microsoft xyz T=IgnoredEqualDelimiter", 0, 0, -1, "CN = Joe Cool; T=CERT_SIMPLE_NAME_STR", CERT_SIMPLE_NAME_STR, (DWORD) E_INVALIDARG, -1, "CN=xyz; =; T=EmptyX500Key", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING, 8, "O", 0, (DWORD) CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING, 0, "", 0, 0, -1 }; #define NX500NAMES (sizeof(rgX500Names) / sizeof(rgX500Names[0])) static void ParsePredefinedX500Names() { // Note, fffe and ffff aren't valid UTF8 characters LPWSTR pwszUnicodeName = L"DC=microsoft, " L"DC=com, " L"DC=\x0001 \x0002 \x007e \x007f, " L"DC=\x0080 \x0081 \x07fe \x07ff, " L"DC=\x0800 \x0801 \xfffc \xfffd, " L"CN=UNICODE, " L"OID.\x0001 \x0002 \x007e \x007f, " L"OID.\x0080 \x0081 \x07fe \x07ff, " L"OID.\x0800 \x0801 \xfffc \xfffd" ; WCHAR rgwszUnicode[3 + 1 + 0xFFFC + 1 + 1 + 1]; DWORD i; DWORD j; wcscpy(rgwszUnicode, L"CN=\""); j = 4; for (i = 1; i <= 0xFF; i++) { rgwszUnicode[j++] = (WCHAR) i; if ((WCHAR) i == L'\"') rgwszUnicode[j++] = L'\"'; } for (i = 0x7E0; i <= 0x820; i++) rgwszUnicode[j++] = (WCHAR) i; for (i = 0xFFE0; i <= 0xFFFD; i++) rgwszUnicode[j++] = (WCHAR) i; rgwszUnicode[j] = L'\0'; wcscat(rgwszUnicode, L"\""); for (i = 0; i < NX500NAMES; i++) ParseX500Name( rgX500Names[i].pszName, rgX500Names[i].dwStrType, rgX500Names[i].dwErr, rgX500Names[i].iErrOffset ); for (i = 0; i < NX500NAMES; i++) ParseX500Name( rgX500Names[i].pszName, rgX500Names[i].dwStrType | CERT_NAME_STR_REVERSE_FLAG, rgX500Names[i].dwErr, rgX500Names[i].iErrOffset ); ParseUnicodeX500Name(pwszUnicodeName, 0); ParseUnicodeX500Name(pwszUnicodeName, CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_T61_UNICODE_FLAG); ParseUnicodeX500Name(pwszUnicodeName, CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_T61_UNICODE_FLAG | CERT_NAME_STR_DISABLE_IE4_UTF8_FLAG); ParseUnicodeX500Name(pwszUnicodeName, CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_UTF8_UNICODE_FLAG); ParseUnicodeX500Name(pwszUnicodeName, CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_T61_UNICODE_FLAG | CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_UTF8_UNICODE_FLAG); ParseUnicodeX500Name(rgwszUnicode, 0); ParseUnicodeX500Name(rgwszUnicode, CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_UTF8_UNICODE_FLAG); ParseUnicodeX500Name(rgwszUnicode, CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_T61_UNICODE_FLAG | CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_UTF8_UNICODE_FLAG); } static void ParseX500Name( IN LPCSTR pszName, IN DWORD dwStrType, IN DWORD dwExpectedErr, IN int iExpectedErrOffset ) { BOOL fResult; DWORD i; BYTE *pbEncoded; DWORD cbEncoded; LPCSTR pszError; printf("<%s>\n", pszName); fResult = CertStrToNameA( dwCertEncodingType, pszName, dwStrType, NULL, // pvReserved NULL, // pbEncoded &cbEncoded, &pszError ); if (!fResult) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); if (0 == dwExpectedErr) printf(" failed => unexpected error %d 0x%x\n", dwErr, dwErr); else if (dwErr != dwExpectedErr) printf(" failed => expected error %d 0x%x got %d 0x%x\n", dwExpectedErr, dwExpectedErr, dwErr, dwErr); if (pszError) { int iErrOffset = (int)(INT_PTR) (pszError - pszName); LPSTR pszNameErr = (LPSTR) _alloca(iErrOffset + 1 + 1); memcpy(pszNameErr, pszName, iErrOffset + 1); pszNameErr[iErrOffset + 1] = '\0'; printf(" Error at offset %d <%s\n", iErrOffset, pszNameErr); if (iExpectedErrOffset < 0) printf(" failed => unexpected error offset\n"); else if (iExpectedErrOffset != iErrOffset) printf(" failed => expected error offset %d\n", iExpectedErrOffset); } else if (iExpectedErrOffset >= 0) printf(" failed => expected error offset %d\n", iExpectedErrOffset); } else if (dwExpectedErr) printf(" failed => expected error %d 0x%x\n", dwExpectedErr, dwExpectedErr); else { if (NULL == (pbEncoded = (BYTE *) TestAlloc(cbEncoded))) return; if (!CertStrToNameA( dwCertEncodingType, pszName, dwStrType, NULL, // pvReserved pbEncoded, &cbEncoded, &pszError )) PrintLastError("CertStrToName"); else { if (pszError != NULL) printf(" failed => expected NULL pszError\n"); if (fVerbose) DecodeName(pbEncoded, cbEncoded, dwStrType); } TestFree(pbEncoded); } } static LPWSTR NameToStr( IN PCERT_NAME_BLOB pName, IN DWORD dwStrType ) { DWORD cwsz; LPWSTR pwsz; cwsz = CertNameToStrW( dwCertEncodingType, pName, dwStrType, NULL, // pwsz 0); // cwsz if (cwsz <= 1) { PrintLastError("CertNameToStr"); return NULL; } if (pwsz = (LPWSTR) TestAlloc(cwsz * sizeof(WCHAR))) { cwsz = CertNameToStrW( dwCertEncodingType, pName, dwStrType, pwsz, cwsz); } return pwsz; } static BOOL StrToName( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN DWORD dwStrType, OUT PCERT_NAME_BLOB pName ) { BOOL fResult; LPCWSTR pwszError; memset(pName, 0, sizeof(*pName)); fResult = CertStrToNameW( dwCertEncodingType, pwszName, dwStrType, NULL, // pvReserved NULL, // pbEncoded &pName->cbData, &pwszError ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError("CertStrToNameW"); if (pwszError) { int iErrOffset = (int)(INT_PTR) (pwszError - pwszName); LPWSTR pwszNameErr = (LPWSTR) _alloca((iErrOffset + 1 + 1) * 2); memcpy(pwszNameErr, pwszName, (iErrOffset + 1) * 2); pwszNameErr[iErrOffset + 1] = L'\0'; printf("Error at <%S\n", pwszNameErr); } return FALSE; } if (NULL == (pName->pbData = (BYTE *) TestAlloc(pName->cbData))) return FALSE; fResult = CertStrToNameW( dwCertEncodingType, pwszName, dwStrType, NULL, // pvReserved pName->pbData, &pName->cbData, NULL // pwszError ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError("CertStrToNameW"); TestFree(pName->pbData); pName->pbData = NULL; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void FormatAndParseName( IN PCERT_NAME_BLOB pName, IN DWORD dwStrType ) { LPWSTR pwszName = NULL; CERT_NAME_BLOB Name2; memset(&Name2, 0, sizeof(Name2)); LPWSTR pwszName2 = NULL; pwszName = NameToStr(pName, dwStrType); if (NULL == pwszName) goto ErrorReturn; printf("<%S>\n", pwszName); if (!StrToName(pwszName, dwStrType, &Name2)) goto ErrorReturn; pwszName2 = NameToStr(&Name2, dwStrType); if (NULL == pwszName2) goto ErrorReturn; if (wcslen(pwszName) != wcslen(pwszName2) || 0 != wcscmp(pwszName, pwszName2)) { printf("failed => re-formatted name mismatch\n"); printf("Re-formatted::\n"); printf("<%S>\n", pwszName2); } if (pName->cbData != Name2.cbData || 0 != memcmp(pName->pbData, Name2.pbData, Name2.cbData)) { printf("failed => re-encoded name mismatch\n"); printf("Input::\n"); PrintBytes(" ", pName->pbData, pName->cbData); DecodeName(pName->pbData, pName->cbData, 0xFFFFFFFF); printf("Re-encoded::\n"); PrintBytes(" ", Name2.pbData, Name2.cbData); DecodeName(Name2.pbData, Name2.cbData, 0xFFFFFFFF); } ErrorReturn: if (pwszName) TestFree(pwszName); if (pwszName2) TestFree(pwszName2); if (Name2.pbData) TestFree(Name2.pbData); } static void FormatAndParseCertNames( IN LPCSTR pszCertFilename, IN DWORD dwStrType, IN BOOL fSubject ) { CERT_BLOB Cert; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext = NULL; PCERT_NAME_BLOB pName; static DWORD rgdwStrType[] = { CERT_OID_NAME_STR, CERT_X500_NAME_STR, CERT_OID_NAME_STR | CERT_NAME_STR_SEMICOLON_FLAG | CERT_NAME_STR_NO_QUOTING_FLAG, CERT_X500_NAME_STR | CERT_NAME_STR_NO_QUOTING_FLAG | CERT_NAME_STR_CRLF_FLAG, CERT_X500_NAME_STR | CERT_NAME_STR_REVERSE_FLAG, CERT_X500_NAME_STR | CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_T61_UNICODE_FLAG | CERT_NAME_STR_DISABLE_IE4_UTF8_FLAG, CERT_X500_NAME_STR | CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_UTF8_UNICODE_FLAG, 0 }; DWORD *pdwStrType; if (!ReadDERFromFile(pszCertFilename, &Cert.pbData, &Cert.cbData)) return; if (NULL == (pCertContext = CertCreateCertificateContext( dwCertEncodingType, Cert.pbData, Cert.cbData))) { PrintLastError("CertCreateCertificateContext"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (fSubject) { printf("Subject::\n"); pName = &pCertContext->pCertInfo->Subject; } else { printf("Issuer::\n"); pName = &pCertContext->pCertInfo->Issuer; } if (fVerbose) DecodeName(pName->pbData, pName->cbData, 0xFFFFFFFF); if (dwStrType != 0xFFFFFFFF) { if (dwStrType == 0) dwStrType = CERT_X500_NAME_STR; FormatAndParseName(pName, dwStrType); } else { pdwStrType = rgdwStrType; while (dwStrType = *pdwStrType++) { FormatAndParseName(pName, dwStrType); printf("\n"); } } ErrorReturn: CertFreeCertificateContext(pCertContext); TestFree(Cert.pbData); } static void GetCertNameFromFile( IN LPCSTR pszCertFilename, IN DWORD dwGetNameStringType, IN LPSTR pszAttrOID, IN DWORD dwStrType, IN BOOL fSubject, IN DWORD dwExpectedErr ) { CERT_BLOB Cert; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext = NULL; LPWSTR pwsz = NULL; LPSTR psz = NULL; DWORD cch; DWORD dwFlags; void *pvTypePara; dwFlags = dwGetNameStringType & 0xFFFF0000; dwGetNameStringType &= 0x0000FFFF; switch (dwGetNameStringType) { case CERT_NAME_RDN_TYPE: pvTypePara = &dwStrType; break; case CERT_NAME_ATTR_TYPE: pvTypePara = pszAttrOID; break; default: pvTypePara = NULL; } if (!ReadDERFromFile(pszCertFilename, &Cert.pbData, &Cert.cbData)) return; if (NULL == (pCertContext = CertCreateCertificateContext( dwCertEncodingType, Cert.pbData, Cert.cbData))) { PrintLastError("CertCreateCertificateContext"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (fSubject) { printf("Unicode Subject::\n"); dwFlags |= 0; } else { printf("Unicode Issuer::\n"); dwFlags |= CERT_NAME_ISSUER_FLAG; } cch = CertGetNameStringW( pCertContext, dwGetNameStringType, dwFlags, pvTypePara, NULL, // pwsz 0); // cch if (cch <= 1) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); printf(" CertGetNameStringW returned empty string\n"); if (0 == dwExpectedErr) printf(" failed => unexpected error %d 0x%x\n", dwErr, dwErr); else if (dwErr != dwExpectedErr) printf(" failed => expected error %d 0x%x got %d 0x%x\n", dwExpectedErr, dwExpectedErr, dwErr, dwErr); } else if (dwExpectedErr) printf(" failed => expected error %d 0x%x\n", dwExpectedErr, dwExpectedErr); else if (pwsz = (LPWSTR) TestAlloc(cch * sizeof(WCHAR))) { cch = CertGetNameStringW( pCertContext, dwGetNameStringType, dwFlags, pvTypePara, pwsz, cch); printf(" <%S>\n", pwsz); } if (!fVerbose) goto CommonReturn; if (fSubject) { printf("ASCII Subject::\n"); dwFlags = 0; } else { printf("ASCII Issuer::\n"); dwFlags = CERT_NAME_ISSUER_FLAG; } cch = CertGetNameStringA( pCertContext, dwGetNameStringType, dwFlags, pvTypePara, NULL, // psz 0); // cch if (cch <= 1) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); printf(" CertGetNameStringA returned empty string\n"); if (0 == dwExpectedErr) printf(" failed => unexpected error %d 0x%x\n", dwErr, dwErr); else if (dwErr != dwExpectedErr) printf(" failed => expected error %d 0x%x got %d 0x%x\n", dwExpectedErr, dwExpectedErr, dwErr, dwErr); } else if (dwExpectedErr) printf(" failed => expected error %d 0x%x\n", dwExpectedErr, dwExpectedErr); else if (psz = (LPSTR) TestAlloc(cch)) { cch = CertGetNameStringA( pCertContext, dwGetNameStringType, dwFlags, pvTypePara, psz, cch); printf(" <%s>\n", psz); } CommonReturn: ErrorReturn: CertFreeCertificateContext(pCertContext); TestFree(Cert.pbData); TestFree(pwsz); TestFree(psz); }