/*++ Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: log.c Abstract: Implementation of the internal debug and support routines Author: Colin Brace April 5, 1999 Environment: User Mode Revision History: --*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define UNICODE_BYTE_ORDER_MARK 0xFEFF // // Global handle to the log file // HANDLE DsRolepLogFile = NULL; CRITICAL_SECTION LogFileCriticalSection; #define LockLogFile() RtlEnterCriticalSection( &LogFileCriticalSection ); #define UnlockLogFile() RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &LogFileCriticalSection ); // // log file name // #define DSROLEP_LOGNAME L"\\debug\\DCPROMO.LOG" #define DSROLEP_BAKNAME L"\\debug\\DCPROMO.BAK" DWORD DsRolepInitializeLogHelper( IN DWORD TimesCalled ) /*++ Routine Description: Initializes the debugging log file used by DCPROMO and the dssetup apis N.B. This will not delete a previous log file; rather it will continue to use the same one. Arguments: None Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS - Success --*/ { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; WCHAR LogFileName[ MAX_PATH + 1 ]; WCHAR bakLogFileName[ MAX_PATH + 1 ]; WCHAR cBOM = UNICODE_BYTE_ORDER_MARK; BOOLEAN fSuccess; ASSERT(TimesCalled <= 2 && L"MoveFile failed to move file but reported success."); if (TimesCalled > 2) { DsRoleDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "MoveFile failed to move file but reported success.\n", dwErr )); return ERROR_GEN_FAILURE; } LockLogFile(); // // Construct the log file name // if ( !GetWindowsDirectoryW( LogFileName, sizeof(LogFileName)/sizeof(*LogFileName) ) ) { dwErr = GetLastError(); DsRoleDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "GetWindowsDirectory failed with %lu\n", dwErr )); goto Exit; } wcsncat( LogFileName, DSROLEP_LOGNAME, MAX_PATH-wcslen(LogFileName) ); DsRoleDebugOut(( DEB_TRACE, "Logfile name: %ws\n", LogFileName )); // // Open the file // DsRolepLogFile = CreateFileW( LogFileName, GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if ( DsRolepLogFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { dwErr = GetLastError(); DsRoleDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CreateFile on %ws failed with %lu\n", LogFileName, dwErr )); DsRolepLogFile = NULL; goto Exit; } if ( ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS != GetLastError() ) { //This is a unicode file so if it was just //created the Byte-order Mark needs to be //added to the beginning of the file. DWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten = 0; if ( !WriteFile(DsRolepLogFile, (LPCVOID)&cBOM, sizeof(WCHAR), &lpNumberOfBytesWritten, NULL) ) { dwErr = GetLastError(); DsRoleDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "WriteFile on %ws failed with %lu\n", LogFileName, dwErr )); goto Exit; } ASSERT(lpNumberOfBytesWritten == sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { //See if the opened file is UNICODE //if not move it and create a new file. WCHAR wcBuffer = 0; DWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead = 0; if ( !ReadFile(DsRolepLogFile, (LPVOID)&wcBuffer, sizeof(WCHAR), &lpNumberOfBytesRead, NULL) ) { dwErr = GetLastError(); DsRoleDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "ReadFile on %ws failed with %lu\n", LogFileName, dwErr )); goto Exit; } ASSERT(lpNumberOfBytesRead == sizeof(WCHAR)); if (cBOM != wcBuffer) { //This is not a UNICODE FILE Move it. //Create a New Dcpromo Log // // Construct the bak log file name // if ( !GetWindowsDirectoryW( bakLogFileName, sizeof(bakLogFileName)/sizeof(*bakLogFileName) ) ) { dwErr = GetLastError(); DsRoleDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "GetWindowsDirectory failed with %lu\n", dwErr )); goto Exit; } wcsncat( bakLogFileName, DSROLEP_BAKNAME, MAX_PATH-wcslen(bakLogFileName) ); DsRoleDebugOut(( DEB_TRACE, "Logfile name: %ws\n", bakLogFileName )); if ( DsRolepLogFile ) { CloseHandle( DsRolepLogFile ); DsRolepLogFile = NULL; } //move the file if ( !MoveFile(LogFileName, bakLogFileName) ) { dwErr = GetLastError(); DsRoleDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "MoveFile From %ws to %ws failed with %lu\n", LogFileName, bakLogFileName, dwErr )); goto Exit; } UnlockLogFile(); return DsRolepInitializeLogHelper(TimesCalled+1); } } //No longer need read access so reopen the file //with just write access. if ( DsRolepLogFile ) { CloseHandle( DsRolepLogFile ); DsRolepLogFile = NULL; } DsRolepLogFile = CreateFileW( LogFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); // // Goto to the end of the file // if( SetFilePointer( DsRolepLogFile, 0, 0, FILE_END ) == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { dwErr = GetLastError(); DsRoleDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "SetFilePointer failed with %lu\n", dwErr )); goto Exit; } // // That's it // ASSERT( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr ); Exit: if ( (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) && (NULL != DsRolepLogFile) ) { CloseHandle( DsRolepLogFile ); DsRolepLogFile = NULL; } UnlockLogFile(); return( dwErr ); } DWORD DsRolepInitializeLog( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Initializes the debugging log file used by DCPROMO and the dssetup apis N.B. This will not delete a previous log file; rather it will continue to use the same one. Arguments: None Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS - Success --*/ { //caller the helper function for the first time. return DsRolepInitializeLogHelper(1); } DWORD DsRolepCloseLog( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Closes the debugging log file used by DCPROMO and the dssetup apis Arguments: None Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS - Success --*/ { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; LockLogFile(); if ( DsRolepLogFile != NULL ) { CloseHandle( DsRolepLogFile ); DsRolepLogFile = NULL; } UnlockLogFile(); return( dwErr ); } // // Stolen and hacked up from netlogon code // VOID DsRolepDebugDumpRoutine( IN DWORD DebugFlag, IN LPWSTR Format, va_list arglist ) { #define DsRolepDebugDumpRoutine_BUFFERSIZE 1024 WCHAR OutputBuffer[DsRolepDebugDumpRoutine_BUFFERSIZE]; ULONG length; DWORD BytesWritten; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; static BeginningOfLine = TRUE; // // If we don't have an open log file, just bail // if ( DsRolepLogFile == NULL ) { return; } length = 0; // // Handle the beginning of a new line. // // if ( BeginningOfLine ) { CHAR *Prolog; if ( FLAG_ON( DebugFlag, DEB_ERROR ) ) { Prolog = "[ERROR] "; } else if ( FLAG_ON( DebugFlag, DEB_WARN ) ) { Prolog = "[WARNING] "; } else if ( FLAG_ON( DebugFlag, DEB_TRACE ) || FLAG_ON( DebugFlag, DEB_TRACE_DS ) ) { Prolog = "[INFO] "; } else { Prolog = ""; } // // Put the timestamp at the begining of the line. // GetLocalTime( &SystemTime ); length += (ULONG) wsprintfW( &OutputBuffer[length], L"%02u/%02u %02u:%02u:%02u %S", SystemTime.wMonth, SystemTime.wDay, SystemTime.wHour, SystemTime.wMinute, SystemTime.wSecond, Prolog ); } // // Put a the information requested by the caller onto the line // length += (ULONG) wvsprintfW(&OutputBuffer[length], Format, arglist); BeginningOfLine = (length > 0 && OutputBuffer[length-1] == L'\n' ); if ( BeginningOfLine ) { OutputBuffer[length-1] = L'\r'; OutputBuffer[length] = L'\n'; OutputBuffer[length+1] = L'\0'; length++; } ASSERT( length <= sizeof( OutputBuffer ) / sizeof( WCHAR ) ); // // Grab the lock // LockLogFile(); // // Write the debug info to the log file. // if ( !WriteFile( DsRolepLogFile, OutputBuffer, length*sizeof(WCHAR), &BytesWritten, NULL ) ) { DsRoleDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Log write of %ws failed with %lu\n", OutputBuffer, GetLastError() )); } DsRoleDebugOut(( DebugFlag, "%ws", OutputBuffer )); // // Release the lock // UnlockLogFile(); return; } VOID DsRolepLogPrintRoutine( IN DWORD DebugFlag, IN LPSTR Format, ... ) { PWCHAR WFormat = NULL; va_list arglist; DWORD WinErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD Bufsize = strlen(Format)+1; WFormat = (PWCHAR)malloc(Bufsize*sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( WFormat ) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, Format, -1, WFormat, Bufsize ); } else { DsRoleDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Log write failed with %lu\n", ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY )); } va_start(arglist, Format); if ( WFormat ) { DsRolepDebugDumpRoutine( DebugFlag, WFormat, arglist ); } va_end(arglist); if (WFormat) { free(WFormat); } } DWORD DsRolepSetAndClearLog( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Flushes the log and seeks to the end of the file Arguments: None Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS - Success --*/ { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; LockLogFile(); if ( DsRolepLogFile != NULL ) { if( SetFilePointer( DsRolepLogFile, 0, 0, FILE_END ) == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { dwErr = GetLastError(); } if( FlushFileBuffers( DsRolepLogFile ) == FALSE ) { dwErr = GetLastError(); } } UnlockLogFile(); return( dwErr ); }