/*++ Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: rpcinit.c Abstract: DSROLE - RPC Server Initialization Author: Scott Birrell (ScottBi) April 29, 1991 Mac McLain (MacM) April 14, 1997 - Copied from lsa\server Environment: Revision History: --*/ #include #include #include #include "ds.h" #include "ophandle.h" VOID DSROLER_HANDLE_rundown( DSROLER_HANDLE LsaHandle ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is called by the server RPC runtime to run down a Context Handle. Arguments: None. Return Value: --*/ { } VOID DSROLER_IFM_HANDLE_rundown( DSROLER_IFM_HANDLE IfmHandle ) { BOOL fLostRace; fLostRace = InterlockedCompareExchange(&(DsRolepCurrentIfmOperationHandle.fIfmOpHandleLock), TRUE, FALSE); if (fLostRace || (DsRolepCurrentOperationHandle.OperationState != DSROLEP_IDLE)) { // Not safe to try to clean up here, but we've either lost the // race, or dcpromo is in the middle of consuming the IFM args. return; } DsRolepCurrentIfmOperationHandle.fIfmSystemInfoSet = FALSE; DsRolepClearIfmParams(); DsRolepCurrentIfmOperationHandle.fIfmOpHandleLock = FALSE; }