//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998. // // cs.idl // // Methods for the class store // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- import "unknwn.idl"; import "wtypes.idl"; import "appmgmt.h"; // // Package Information consists of one or more // PACKAGEDETAIL - Info about an implemetation code package // // // Package Flag Values returned in PACKAGEDETAIL // // Please note that the ACTFLG_ExcludeX86OnWin64 flag's value is not arbitrary. This value was // chosen for NT 5.1 because NT 5.0 preserves this value in class store operations. In NT 5.0, // this value was assigned to ACTFLG_X86OnAlpha. Since alpha support was removed later on in // NT 5.0, this flag has no meaning for NT 5.0. We want to re-use it though since if we used // some value that NT 5.0 didn't use, NT 5.0 class store tools called by admin components // would not preserve the value (they would reset it). Using a value that NT 5.0 thinks it owns // means that it will be preserved even when NT 5.0 tools are used to manage NT 5.1 deployments // with this flag set. // // special activation flags // const DWORD UNUSED = 0x1; // const DWORD UNUSED = 0x2; const DWORD ACTFLG_UninstallUnmanaged = 0x4; // no longer used by clients as of xpsp1, still set by the ui to clear flags for backwards compat reasons -- uninstall unmanaged version before assigning const DWORD ACTFLG_Published = 0x8; // this is a Published app const DWORD ACTFLG_POSTBETA3 = 0x10; // this package was deployed after Beta 3 of Win2k const DWORD ACTFLG_UserInstall = 0x20; // this app may be installed via Add/Remove programs const DWORD ACTFLG_OnDemandInstall = 0x40; // this app may be auto installed OnDemand const DWORD ACTFLG_Orphan = 0x80; // this app is Orphaned const DWORD ACTFLG_Uninstall = 0x100; // this app is to be treated as Uninstalled const DWORD ACTFLG_Pilot = 0x200; // this app is available as a Pilot Only. const DWORD ACTFLG_Assigned = 0x400; // this is an Assigned app const DWORD ACTFLG_OrphanOnPolicyRemoval = 0x800; // Orphaned when Policy is Removed const DWORD ACTFLG_UninstallOnPolicyRemoval = 0x1000; // Uninstall when Policy is Removed const DWORD ACTFLG_InstallUserAssign = 0x2000; // do full install for user assigned app const DWORD ACTFLG_ForceUpgrade = 0x4000; // require older versions to be upgraded to this version const DWORD ACTFLG_MinimalInstallUI = 0x8000; // this package only supports minimal UI const DWORD ACTFLG_ExcludeX86OnWin64 = 0x10000; // this is an x86 package that should not be executed on Win64 const DWORD ACTFLG_IgnoreLanguage = 0x20000; // this package is suitable for any language const DWORD ACTFLG_HasUpgrades = 0x40000; // this package has upgrades const DWORD ACTFLG_FullInstallUI = 0x80000; // this package has full install ui instead of basic const DWORD ACTFLG_PreserveClasses = 0x100000; // preserves classes during a redeploy operation during a redeploy in a domain rename // // APPQUERY flags // const DWORD APPQUERY_ALL = 1; // retrieves every app object in the class store const DWORD APPQUERY_ADMINISTRATIVE = 2; // retrieves apps suitable for administration const DWORD APPQUERY_POLICY = 3; // retrieves apps suitable for policy const DWORD APPQUERY_USERDISPLAY = 4; // retrieves apps suitable for display to the user const DWORD APPQUERY_RSOP_LOGGING = 5; // retrieves apps to be logged by RSOP const DWORD APPQUERY_RSOP_ARP = 6; // retrieves apps to be logged by RSOP // upgrade type flags const DWORD UPGFLG_Uninstall = 0x1; // The app upgrades this script and requires an Uninstall const DWORD UPGFLG_NoUninstall = 0x2; // The app upgrades this script and does not require an Uninstall const DWORD UPGFLG_UpgradedBy = 0x4; // This is an UpgradedBy relationship. The application is upgraded const DWORD UPGFLG_Enforced = 0x8; // autodetected upgrades. // types of package formats typedef [v1_enum] enum _CLASSPATHTYPE { ExeNamePath, DllNamePath, TlbNamePath, CabFilePath, InfFilePath, DrwFilePath, SetupNamePath } CLASSPATHTYPE; typedef struct tagUPGRADEINFO { LPOLESTR szClassStore; GUID PackageGuid; GUID GpoId; DWORD Flag; } UPGRADEINFO; const DWORD CLSCTX64_INPROC_SERVER = 0x10000000; const DWORD CLSCTX64_INPROC_HANDLER = 0x20000000; typedef struct tagCLASSDETAIL { CLSID Clsid; CLSID TreatAs; DWORD dwComClassContext; DWORD cProgId; DWORD cMaxProgId; [size_is(cProgId)] LPOLESTR *prgProgId; } CLASSDETAIL; // // PACKAGEDETAIL structure // typedef struct tagACTVATIONINFO { UINT cClasses; [size_is(cClasses)] CLASSDETAIL *pClasses; UINT cShellFileExt; [size_is(cShellFileExt)] LPOLESTR *prgShellFileExt; [size_is(cShellFileExt)] UINT *prgPriority; UINT cInterfaces; [size_is(cInterfaces)] IID *prgInterfaceId; UINT cTypeLib; [size_is(cTypeLib)] GUID *prgTlbId; BOOL bHasClasses; } ACTIVATIONINFO; typedef struct tagINSTALLINFO { DWORD dwActFlags; CLASSPATHTYPE PathType; LPOLESTR pszScriptPath; LPOLESTR pszSetupCommand; LPOLESTR pszUrl; ULONGLONG Usn; UINT InstallUiLevel; GUID *pClsid; GUID ProductCode; GUID PackageGuid; GUID Mvipc; DWORD dwVersionHi; DWORD dwVersionLo; DWORD dwRevision; UINT cUpgrades; [size_is(cUpgrades)] UPGRADEINFO *prgUpgradeInfoList; ULONG cScriptLen; } INSTALLINFO; typedef struct tagPLATFORMINFO { UINT cPlatforms; [size_is(cPlatforms)] CSPLATFORM *prgPlatform; UINT cLocales; [size_is(cLocales)] LCID *prgLocale; } PLATFORMINFO; typedef struct tagPACKAGEDETAIL { LPOLESTR pszPackageName; LPOLESTR pszPublisher; UINT cSources; [size_is(cSources)] LPOLESTR *pszSourceList; UINT cCategories; [size_is(cCategories)] GUID *rpCategory; ACTIVATIONINFO *pActInfo; PLATFORMINFO *pPlatformInfo; INSTALLINFO *pInstallInfo; } PACKAGEDETAIL; //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Contents: Enum Interfaces for Class Store //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPCSADMNENUM_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPCSADMNENUM_DEFINED") typedef struct tagPACKAGEDISPINFO { LPOLESTR pszPackageName; DWORD dwActFlags; CLASSPATHTYPE PathType; LPOLESTR pszScriptPath; LPOLESTR pszPublisher; LPOLESTR pszUrl; UINT InstallUiLevel; GUID ProductCode; GUID PackageGuid; ULONGLONG Usn; DWORD dwVersionHi; DWORD dwVersionLo; DWORD dwRevision; GUID GpoId; UINT cUpgrades; [size_is(cUpgrades)] UPGRADEINFO *prgUpgradeInfoList; LANGID LangId; BYTE* rgSecurityDescriptor; UINT cbSecurityDescriptor; WCHAR* pszGpoPath; DWORD MatchedArchitecture; UINT cArchitectures; [size_is(cArchitectures)] DWORD* prgArchitectures; UINT cTransforms; [size_is(cTransforms)] LPOLESTR* prgTransforms; UINT cCategories; [size_is(cTransforms)] LPOLESTR* prgCategories; } PACKAGEDISPINFO; // // IEnumPackage // ============ // [ local, object, uuid(00000193-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IEnumPackage : IUnknown { //---- Next() // // Arguments: celt number of elements to fetch // pceltFetched number fetched // rgelt contents of fetch // // Returns: S_OK // S_FALSE (Not enough elements fetched.) HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG celt, [out, size_is(celt), length_is(*pceltFetched)] PACKAGEDISPINFO *rgelt, [out] ULONG *pceltFetched); //---- Skip() // // Arguments: celt number of elements to skip. // // Returns: S_OK // S_FALSE (Not enough elements skipped.) HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG celt); //---- Reset() HRESULT Reset(); // The clone method is unneeded and thus not implemented // HRESULT Clone( // [out] IEnumPackage **ppenum); } cpp_quote("#endif") //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The Class Store Access Interface. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ local, object, uuid(00000190-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IClassAccess : IUnknown { // GetAppInfo // // Class Store look up method used by OLE and Shell for auto install of missing // apps and components. // HRESULT GetAppInfo( [in] uCLSSPEC * pClassSpec, // Class Spec (CLSID/Ext/MIME) [in] QUERYCONTEXT * pQryContext, // Query Attributes [out] PACKAGEDISPINFO * pPackageInfo ); // // EnumPackages // // Class Store package enumeration. // This method returns an Enumerator for the list of application // packages in the class store. // HRESULT EnumPackages ( [in, unique] LPOLESTR pszPackageName, [in, unique] GUID *pCategory, [in, unique] ULONGLONG *pLastUsn, [in] DWORD dwAppFlags, [out] IEnumPackage **ppIEnumPackage ); HRESULT SetClassStorePath ( [in, unique] LPOLESTR pszClassStorePath, [in, unique] void* pRsopUserToken ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The Class Store Admin Interface. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // IClassAdmin // =========== // [ local, object, uuid(00000191-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IClassAdmin : IUnknown { HRESULT GetGPOInfo( [out] GUID *pGPOId, [out] LPOLESTR *pszPolicyName ); HRESULT AddPackage( [in] PACKAGEDETAIL *pPackageDetail, [out] GUID *pPkgGuid ); HRESULT RemovePackage( [in] LPOLESTR pszPackageName, [in] DWORD dwFlags ); HRESULT ChangePackageProperties( [in] LPOLESTR pszPackageName, [in, unique] LPOLESTR pszNewName, [in, unique] DWORD *pdwFlags, [in, unique] LPOLESTR pszUrl, [in, unique] LPOLESTR pszScriptPath, [in, unique] UINT *pInstallUiLevel, [in, unique] DWORD *pdwRevision ); HRESULT ChangePackageCategories( [in] LPOLESTR pszPackageName, [in] UINT cCategories, [in, size_is(cCategories), unique] GUID *rpCategory ); HRESULT ChangePackageSourceList( [in] LPOLESTR pszPackageName, [in] UINT cSources, [in, size_is(cSources), unique] LPOLESTR *pszSourceList ); HRESULT ChangePackageUpgradeList( [in] LPOLESTR pszPackageName, [in] UINT cUpgrades, [in, size_is(cUpgrades), unique] UPGRADEINFO *prgUpgradeInfoList ); HRESULT ChangePackageUpgradeInfoIncremental( [in] GUID PkgGuid, [in] UPGRADEINFO UpgradeInfo, [in] DWORD OpFlags ); HRESULT SetPriorityByFileExt( [in] LPOLESTR pszPackageName, [in] LPOLESTR pszFileExt, [in] UINT Priority ); HRESULT EnumPackages( [in, unique] LPOLESTR pszFileExt, [in, unique] GUID *pCategory, [in] DWORD dwAppFlags, [in, unique] DWORD *pdwLocale, [in, unique] CSPLATFORM *pPlatform, [out] IEnumPackage **ppIEnumPackage ); HRESULT GetPackageDetails ( [in] LPOLESTR pszPackageName, [out] PACKAGEDETAIL *pPackageDetail ); HRESULT GetPackageDetailsFromGuid ( [in] GUID PkgGuid, [out] PACKAGEDETAIL *pPackageDetail ); HRESULT GetAppCategories ( [in] LCID Locale, [out] APPCATEGORYINFOLIST *pAppCategoryList ); HRESULT RegisterAppCategory ( [in] APPCATEGORYINFO *pAppCategory ); HRESULT UnregisterAppCategory ( [in] GUID *pAppCategoryId ); HRESULT Cleanup ( [in] FILETIME *pTimeBefore ); HRESULT GetDNFromPackageName( [in] LPOLESTR pszPackageName, [out] LPOLESTR *szDN ); HRESULT RedeployPackage( [in] GUID *pPackageGuid, [in] PACKAGEDETAIL *pPackageDetail ); } cpp_quote("//------------------------- Priorities and weights") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// ") cpp_quote("// File Extension priority") cpp_quote("// ") cpp_quote("// 1 bit (0)") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("#define PRI_EXTN_FACTOR (1 << 0)") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// CLSCTX priority") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// 2 bits (7:8)") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("#define PRI_CLSID_INPSVR (3 << 7)") cpp_quote("#define PRI_CLSID_LCLSVR (2 << 7)") cpp_quote("#define PRI_CLSID_REMSVR (1 << 7)") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// UI Language priority") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// 3 bits (9:11)") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("#define PRI_LANG_ALWAYSMATCH (4 << 9)") cpp_quote("#define PRI_LANG_SYSTEMLOCALE (3 << 9)") cpp_quote("#define PRI_LANG_ENGLISH (2 << 9)") cpp_quote("#define PRI_LANG_NEUTRAL (1 << 9)") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// Architecture priority") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// 2 bits (12:13)") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("#define PRI_ARCH_PREF1 (2 << 12)") cpp_quote("#define PRI_ARCH_PREF2 (1 << 12)")