//************************************************************* // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1998 // All rights reserved // // fdeploy.hxx // // Precompiled header file for appmgext project. // //************************************************************* #ifndef _FDEPLOY_HXX_ #define _FDEPLOY_HXX_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rsop.hxx" #include #include #include #include #define SECURITY_WIN32 #include #include #include #include "resource.h" #include "rdrschem.h" #include "fdevents.h" #include "events.hxx" #include "debug.hxx" #include "usrinfo.hxx" #include "redir.hxx" #include "log.hxx" #include "filedb.hxx" #include "util.hxx" #include "pcommon.h" #include #define STRSAFE_LIB #include #define TARGETPATHLIMIT MAX_PATH #define FDEPLOYEXTENSIONGUID L"{25537BA6-77A8-11D2-9B6C-0000F8080861}" extern HINSTANCE ghDllInstance; extern WCHAR gwszStatus[20]; extern WCHAR gwszNumber[20]; extern CSavedSettings gSavedSettings[]; //instantiated in fdeploy.cxx extern BOOL g_bCSCEnabled; //instantiated in fdeploy.cxx extern PFNSTATUSMESSAGECALLBACK gpStatusCallback; //instantiated in fdeploy.cxx extern CUsrInfo gUserInfo; extern const WCHAR * gwszUserName; inline void * __cdecl operator new (size_t Size) { return LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, Size); } inline void __cdecl operator delete (void * pMem) { LocalFree( pMem ); } inline WCHAR * StatusToString( DWORD Status ) { if ( SUCCEEDED(StringCchCopy(gwszStatus, 20, L"%%")) ) { // gwszStatus is 20 characters, while 2^32 is only 10, so we have enough space _ultow (Status, gwszStatus + 2, 10); } else { gwszStatus[0] = L'\0'; } return gwszStatus; } inline WCHAR * NumberToString( DWORD Number ) { // gwszNumber is 20 characters, while 2^32 is only 10, so we have enough space _ultow (Number, gwszNumber, 10); return gwszNumber; } DWORD ProcessGroupPolicyInternal ( DWORD dwFlags, HANDLE hUserToken, HKEY hKeyRoot, PGROUP_POLICY_OBJECT pDeletedGPOList, PGROUP_POLICY_OBJECT pChangedGPOList, ASYNCCOMPLETIONHANDLE pHandle, BOOL* pbAbort, PFNSTATUSMESSAGECALLBACK pStatusCallback, CRsopContext* pRsopContext ); void ReinitGlobals (void); #endif