//************************************************************* // // Microsoft Confidential. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1999. All rights reserved // // File: RsopDbg.cpp // // Description: // // History: 8-20-99 leonardm Created // //************************************************************* #include #include #include "RsopUtil.h" #include "smartptr.h" #include "RsopDbg.h" #include //************************************************************* // // Function: // // Description: // // Parameters: // // Return: // //************************************************************* CDebug::CDebug() : _bInitialized(false) { #if DBG _dwDebugLevel = DEBUG_LEVEL_WARNING | DEBUG_DESTINATION_LOGFILE | DEBUG_DESTINATION_DEBUGGER; #else _dwDebugLevel = DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE; #endif } //************************************************************* // // Function: // // Description: // // Parameters: // // Return: // //************************************************************* CDebug::CDebug( const WCHAR* sRegPath, const WCHAR* sKeyName, const WCHAR* sLogFilename, const WCHAR* sBackupLogFilename, bool bResetLogFile) : _sRegPath(sRegPath), _sKeyName(sKeyName), _sLogFilename(sLogFilename), _sBackupLogFilename(sBackupLogFilename) { #if DBG _dwDebugLevel = DEBUG_LEVEL_WARNING | DEBUG_DESTINATION_LOGFILE | DEBUG_DESTINATION_DEBUGGER; #else _dwDebugLevel = DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE; #endif Initialize(bResetLogFile); } //************************************************************* // // Function: // // Description: // // Parameters: // // Return: // //************************************************************* bool CDebug::Initialize( const WCHAR* sRegPath, const WCHAR* sKeyName, const WCHAR* sLogFilename, const WCHAR* sBackupLogFilename, bool bResetLogFile) { if (!xCritSec) return FALSE; XEnterCritSec xEnterCS(xCritSec); _sRegPath = sRegPath; _sKeyName = sKeyName; _sLogFilename = sLogFilename; _sBackupLogFilename = sBackupLogFilename; return Initialize(bResetLogFile); } //************************************************************* // // Function: // // Description: // // Parameters: // // Return: // //************************************************************* bool CDebug::Initialize(bool bResetLogFile) { // // reinitialize the default value // #if DBG _dwDebugLevel = DEBUG_LEVEL_WARNING | DEBUG_DESTINATION_LOGFILE | DEBUG_DESTINATION_DEBUGGER; #else _dwDebugLevel = DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE; #endif _bInitialized = false; // // Check the registry for the appropriate debug level. // HKEY hKey; LONG lResult = RegOpenKey (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _sRegPath, &hKey); if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwSize = sizeof(_dwDebugLevel); DWORD dwType; RegQueryValueEx(hKey,_sKeyName,NULL,&dwType,(LPBYTE)&_dwDebugLevel,&dwSize); RegCloseKey(hKey); } // // If a new log file has been requested, copy current log file to backup // file by overwriting then start a new log file. // if (bResetLogFile) { WCHAR szExpLogFileName[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szExpBackupLogFileName[MAX_PATH+1]; CWString sTmp; sTmp = L"%systemroot%\\debug\\UserMode\\" + _sLogFilename; if(!sTmp.ValidString()) { return false; } DWORD dwRet = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( sTmp, szExpLogFileName, MAX_PATH+1); if ( dwRet == 0 || dwRet > MAX_PATH) { return false; } sTmp = L"%systemroot%\\debug\\UserMode\\" + _sBackupLogFilename; if(!sTmp.ValidString()) { return false; } dwRet = ExpandEnvironmentStrings ( sTmp, szExpBackupLogFileName, MAX_PATH+1); if ( dwRet == 0 || dwRet > MAX_PATH) { return false; } dwRet = MoveFileEx( szExpLogFileName, szExpBackupLogFileName, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING); XHandle hFile = CreateFile( szExpLogFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return false; } } _bInitialized = true; return _bInitialized; } //************************************************************* // // Function: // // Description: // // Parameters: // // Return: // //************************************************************* void CDebug::Msg(DWORD dwMask, LPCTSTR pszMsg, ...) { // // Save the last error code (so the debug output doesn't change it). // DWORD dwErrCode = GetLastError(); if(!_bInitialized) { return; } // // Display the error message if appropriate // bool bDebugOutput = (_dwDebugLevel & 0xFFFF0000 & DEBUG_DESTINATION_DEBUGGER) != 0; bool bLogfileOutput = (_dwDebugLevel & 0xFFFF0000 & DEBUG_DESTINATION_LOGFILE) != 0; if(!bDebugOutput && !bLogfileOutput) { // // No output // CleanupAndCheckForDbgBreak(dwErrCode, dwMask); return; } // // Determine the correct amount of debug output // bool bOutput; switch(_dwDebugLevel & 0x0000FFFF) { // // No output // case DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE: bOutput = false; break; // // Asserts and warnings // case DEBUG_LEVEL_WARNING: bOutput = dwMask & (DEBUG_MESSAGE_ASSERT | DEBUG_MESSAGE_WARNING) ? true : false; break; // // Asserts, warnings and verbose // case DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE: bOutput = dwMask & (DEBUG_MESSAGE_ASSERT | DEBUG_MESSAGE_WARNING | DEBUG_MESSAGE_VERBOSE) ? true : false; break; // // No output // default: bOutput = false; break; } if(!bOutput) { CleanupAndCheckForDbgBreak(dwErrCode, dwMask); return; } WCHAR* pszMessageLevel; if((dwMask & 0x0000FFFF) == DEBUG_MESSAGE_ASSERT) { pszMessageLevel = L" [ASSERT] "; } else if((dwMask & 0x0000FFFF) == DEBUG_MESSAGE_WARNING) { pszMessageLevel = L" [WARNING] "; } else if((dwMask & 0x0000FFFF) == DEBUG_MESSAGE_VERBOSE) { pszMessageLevel = L" [VERBOSE] "; } else { pszMessageLevel = L" [] "; } SYSTEMTIME systime; GetLocalTime (&systime); const DWORD dwDbgTitleLength = 128; WCHAR szDebugTitle[dwDbgTitleLength]; HRESULT hr = StringCchPrintf ( szDebugTitle, dwDbgTitleLength, L"[%x.%x] %2d/%02d/%4d %02d:%02d:%02d:%03d ", GetCurrentProcessId(), GetCurrentThreadId(), systime.wMonth, systime.wDay, systime.wYear, systime.wHour, systime.wMinute, systime.wSecond,systime.wMilliseconds); if(FAILED(hr)) return; const int nDebugBufferWChars = 2048; XPtrLFxpDebugBuffer = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc (LPTR, nDebugBufferWChars * sizeof(WCHAR)); if(!xpDebugBuffer) { CleanupAndCheckForDbgBreak(dwErrCode, dwMask); return; } va_list marker; va_start(marker, pszMsg); hr = StringCchVPrintf(xpDebugBuffer, nDebugBufferWChars, pszMsg, marker); if(FAILED(hr)) return; if(bDebugOutput) { OutputDebugString(szDebugTitle); OutputDebugString(pszMessageLevel); OutputDebugString(xpDebugBuffer); OutputDebugString(L"\r\n"); } va_end(marker); if(bLogfileOutput) { WCHAR szExpLogFileName[MAX_PATH+1]; CWString sTmp = L"%systemroot%\\debug\\usermode\\" + _sLogFilename; if(!sTmp.ValidString()) { return; } DWORD dwRet = ExpandEnvironmentStrings ( sTmp, szExpLogFileName, MAX_PATH+1); if(dwRet == 0 || dwRet > MAX_PATH) { CleanupAndCheckForDbgBreak(dwErrCode, dwMask); return; } HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( szExpLogFileName, FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE_APPEND_DATA, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); XHandle autoCloseHandle(hFile); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); CleanupAndCheckForDbgBreak(dwErrCode, dwMask); return; } if(SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END) == INVALID_FILE_SIZE) { CleanupAndCheckForDbgBreak(dwErrCode, dwMask); return; } DWORD dwBytesWritten; WriteFile(hFile, (LPCVOID) szDebugTitle,lstrlen (szDebugTitle) * sizeof(WCHAR),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); WriteFile(hFile, (LPCVOID) pszMessageLevel,lstrlen (pszMessageLevel) * sizeof(WCHAR),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); WriteFile(hFile, (LPCVOID) xpDebugBuffer,lstrlen (xpDebugBuffer) * sizeof(WCHAR),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); WriteFile(hFile, (LPCVOID) L"\r\n",lstrlen (L"\r\n") * sizeof(WCHAR),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); } CleanupAndCheckForDbgBreak(dwErrCode, dwMask); return; } //************************************************************* // // Function: // // Description: // // Parameters: // // Return: // //************************************************************* void CDebug::CleanupAndCheckForDbgBreak(DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwMask) { SetLastError(dwErrorCode); // Break to the debugger if appropriate #ifdef DEBUG if((dwMask & 0x0000FFFF) == DEBUG_MESSAGE_ASSERT) { DebugBreak(); } #endif }