//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999 // // File: config.cpp // // Contents: Cert Server client implementation // // History: 24-Aug-96 vich created // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "pch.cpp" #pragma hdrstop #include "csdisp.h" #include "certca.h" #include "configp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define __dwFILE__ __dwFILE_CERTCLI_CONFIGP_CPP__ WCHAR g_wszConfigFile[] = L"\\certsrv.txt"; WCHAR const g_wszRegDirectory[] = wszREGDIRECTORY; extern "C" { HWND GetDeskTopWindow(VOID); } HRESULT certRequestGetConfigInfo( IN WCHAR *pwszSharedFolder, IN OUT LONG *pIndex, IN OUT LONG *pCount, OUT CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO **ppCertAuthorityInfo); VOID _CleanupCAInfo( IN OUT CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *pCA) { if (NULL != pCA->pwszSanitizedName) { LocalFree(pCA->pwszSanitizedName); } if (NULL != pCA->pwszSanitizedShortName) { LocalFree(pCA->pwszSanitizedShortName); } if (NULL != pCA->pwszSanitizedOrgUnit) { LocalFree(pCA->pwszSanitizedOrgUnit); } if (NULL != pCA->pwszSanitizedOrganization) { LocalFree(pCA->pwszSanitizedOrganization); } if (NULL != pCA->pwszSanitizedLocality) { LocalFree(pCA->pwszSanitizedLocality); } if (NULL != pCA->pwszSanitizedState) { LocalFree(pCA->pwszSanitizedState); } if (NULL != pCA->pwszSanitizedCountry) { LocalFree(pCA->pwszSanitizedCountry); } if (NULL != pCA->pwszSanitizedConfig) { LocalFree(pCA->pwszSanitizedConfig); } if (NULL != pCA->pwszSanitizedExchangeCertificate) { LocalFree(pCA->pwszSanitizedExchangeCertificate); } if (NULL != pCA->pwszSanitizedSignatureCertificate) { LocalFree(pCA->pwszSanitizedSignatureCertificate); } if (NULL != pCA->pwszSanitizedDescription) { LocalFree(pCA->pwszSanitizedDescription); } ZeroMemory(pCA, sizeof(*pCA)); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CCertConfigPrivate::~CCertConfigPrivate -- destructor // // free memory associated with this instance //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCertConfigPrivate::~CCertConfigPrivate() { LONG i; if (NULL != m_pCertAuthorityInfo) { if (0 != m_Count) { for (i = 0; i < m_Count; ++i) { _CleanupCAInfo(&m_pCertAuthorityInfo[i]); } } LocalFree(m_pCertAuthorityInfo); } if (NULL != m_pwszSharedFolder) { LocalFree(m_pwszSharedFolder); } if (NULL != m_hModuleCryptUI) { FreeLibrary(m_hModuleCryptUI); } } //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CCertConfigPrivate::_CryptUIDlgSelectCA // //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRYPTUI_CA_CONTEXT const * CCertConfigPrivate::_CryptUIDlgSelectCA( IN CRYPTUI_SELECT_CA_STRUCT const *pCryptUISelectCA) { HRESULT hr; HMODULE hModule = NULL; CRYPTUI_CA_CONTEXT const *pCAContext = NULL; if (NULL == m_hModuleCryptUI) { hModule = LoadLibrary(TEXT("cryptui.dll")); if (NULL == hModule) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "LoadLibrary(cryptui.dll)"); } m_pfnCryptUIDlgSelectCA = (FNCRYPTUIDLGSELECTCA *) GetProcAddress( hModule, "CryptUIDlgSelectCA"); if (NULL == m_pfnCryptUIDlgSelectCA) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "GetProcAddress(CryptUIDlgSelectCA)"); } m_pfnCryptUIDlgFreeCAContext = (FNCRYPTUIDLGFREECACONTEXT *) GetProcAddress( hModule, "CryptUIDlgFreeCAContext"); if (NULL == m_pfnCryptUIDlgFreeCAContext) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "GetProcAddress(CryptUIDlgFreeCAContext)"); } m_hModuleCryptUI = hModule; hModule = NULL; } CSASSERT(NULL != m_pfnCryptUIDlgSelectCA); CSASSERT(NULL != m_pfnCryptUIDlgFreeCAContext); pCAContext = (*m_pfnCryptUIDlgSelectCA)(pCryptUISelectCA); if (NULL == pCAContext) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "m_pfnCryptUIDlgSelectCA"); } hr = S_OK; error: if (NULL != hModule) { FreeLibrary(hModule); } if (NULL == pCAContext) { SetLastError(hr); } return(pCAContext); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CCertConfigPrivate::_CryptUIDlgFreeCAContext // //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CCertConfigPrivate::_CryptUIDlgFreeCAContext( IN CRYPTUI_CA_CONTEXT const *pCAContext) { BOOL b = FALSE; if (NULL != m_hModuleCryptUI && NULL != m_pfnCryptUIDlgFreeCAContext) { b = (*m_pfnCryptUIDlgFreeCAContext)(pCAContext); } return(b); } HRESULT fillEmptyField( WCHAR **ppwszField) { HRESULT hr; *ppwszField = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == *ppwszField) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } *ppwszField[0] = L'\0'; hr = S_OK; error: return(hr); } VOID dsFreeCAConfig( LONG cCA, CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *pCA) { LONG i; if (NULL != pCA && 0 < cCA) { for (i = 0; i < cCA; ++i) { if (NULL != pCA[i].pwszSanitizedName) { LocalFree(pCA[i].pwszSanitizedName); } if (NULL != pCA[i].pwszSanitizedShortName) { LocalFree(pCA[i].pwszSanitizedShortName); } if (NULL != pCA[i].pwszSanitizedConfig) { LocalFree(pCA[i].pwszSanitizedConfig); } if (NULL != pCA[i].pwszSanitizedOrganization) { LocalFree(pCA[i].pwszSanitizedOrganization); } if (NULL != pCA[i].pwszSanitizedOrgUnit) { LocalFree(pCA[i].pwszSanitizedOrgUnit); } if (NULL != pCA[i].pwszSanitizedLocality) { LocalFree(pCA[i].pwszSanitizedLocality); } if (NULL != pCA[i].pwszSanitizedState) { LocalFree(pCA[i].pwszSanitizedState); } if (NULL != pCA[i].pwszSanitizedCountry) { LocalFree(pCA[i].pwszSanitizedCountry); } } LocalFree(pCA); } } HRESULT ConfigGetCertNameDNInfo( IN CERT_NAME_INFO const *pCertNameInfo, IN CHAR const *pszObjId, IN OUT WCHAR **ppwszDNInfo) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR const *pwszProperty = NULL; if (NULL != *ppwszDNInfo && L'\0' != **ppwszDNInfo) { hr = S_OK; goto error; } hr = myGetCertNameProperty(FALSE, pCertNameInfo, pszObjId, &pwszProperty); if (CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY == hr) { hr = S_OK; goto error; } _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myGetCertNameProperty"); if (NULL != pwszProperty) { WCHAR *pwsz; hr = myDupString(pwszProperty, &pwsz); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myDupString"); if (NULL != *ppwszDNInfo) { LocalFree(*ppwszDNInfo); } *ppwszDNInfo = pwsz; } hr = S_OK; error: return(hr); } HRESULT ConfigLoadDNInfo( IN BYTE const *pbEncoded, IN DWORD cbEncoded, IN OUT CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *pCA) { HRESULT hr; CERT_NAME_INFO *pCertNameInfo = NULL; DWORD cbCertNameInfo; // decode to name info if (!myDecodeName( X509_ASN_ENCODING, X509_UNICODE_NAME, pbEncoded, cbEncoded, CERTLIB_USE_LOCALALLOC, &pCertNameInfo, &cbCertNameInfo)) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "myDecodeName"); } hr = ConfigGetCertNameDNInfo( pCertNameInfo, szOID_ORGANIZATION_NAME, &pCA->pwszSanitizedOrganization); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "ConfigGetCertNameDNInfo"); hr = ConfigGetCertNameDNInfo( pCertNameInfo, szOID_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NAME, &pCA->pwszSanitizedOrgUnit); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "ConfigGetCertNameDNInfo"); hr = ConfigGetCertNameDNInfo( pCertNameInfo, szOID_LOCALITY_NAME, &pCA->pwszSanitizedLocality); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "ConfigGetCertNameDNInfo"); hr = ConfigGetCertNameDNInfo( pCertNameInfo, szOID_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_NAME, &pCA->pwszSanitizedState); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "ConfigGetCertNameDNInfo"); hr = ConfigGetCertNameDNInfo( pCertNameInfo, szOID_COUNTRY_NAME, &pCA->pwszSanitizedCountry); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "ConfigGetCertNameDNInfo"); error: if (NULL != pCertNameInfo) { LocalFree(pCertNameInfo); } return(hr); } HRESULT dsGetCAConfig( OUT CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO **ppCAConfig, OUT LONG *pcCAConfig) { HRESULT hr; HCAINFO hCACurrent = NULL; HCAINFO hCANext = NULL; WCHAR **ppwszCommonName = NULL; WCHAR **ppwszSanitizedShortName = NULL; WCHAR **ppwszDescription = NULL; WCHAR **ppwszMachine = NULL; WCHAR **ppwszDN = NULL; LONG cCA; LONG iDst; LONG iSrc; CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *pCA = NULL; BYTE *pbEncoded = NULL; DWORD cbEncoded; *ppCAConfig = NULL; *pcCAConfig = 0; cCA = 0; hr = CAEnumFirstCA( NULL, CA_FIND_INCLUDE_UNTRUSTED | CA_FIND_INCLUDE_NON_TEMPLATE_CA, &hCACurrent); if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE) != hr) { _PrintIfErrorStr4( hr, "CAEnumFirstCA", L"Ignored!", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SERVER_DISABLED), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_WRONG_PASSWORD)); } cCA = CACountCAs(hCACurrent); // 0 on error if (0 < cCA) { pCA = (CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, cCA * sizeof(CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO)); if (NULL == pCA) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } for (iDst = 0, iSrc = 0; iSrc < cCA; iSrc++) { CSASSERT(NULL == ppwszCommonName); CSASSERT(NULL == ppwszSanitizedShortName); CSASSERT(NULL == ppwszDescription); CSASSERT(NULL == ppwszMachine); CSASSERT(NULL == ppwszDN); CSASSERT(NULL == pCA[iDst].pwszSanitizedName); CSASSERT(NULL == pCA[iDst].pwszSanitizedShortName); CSASSERT(NULL == pCA[iDst].pwszSanitizedConfig); hr = CAGetCAProperty( hCACurrent, CA_PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, &ppwszCommonName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAGetCAProperty(CA_PROP_DISPLAY_NAME)"); hr = CAGetCAProperty(hCACurrent, CA_PROP_NAME, &ppwszSanitizedShortName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAGetCAProperty(CA_PROP_NAME)"); hr = CAGetCAProperty(hCACurrent, CA_PROP_DESCRIPTION, &ppwszDescription); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAGetCAProperty(CA_PROP_DESCRIPTION)"); hr = CAGetCAProperty(hCACurrent, CA_PROP_DNSNAME, &ppwszMachine); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAGetCAProperty(CA_PROP_DNSNAME)"); hr = CAGetCAProperty(hCACurrent, CA_PROP_CERT_DN, &ppwszDN); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAGetCAProperty(CA_PROP_CERT_DN)"); if (NULL == ppwszCommonName || NULL == ppwszSanitizedShortName || NULL == ppwszMachine || NULL == ppwszDN) { _PrintError(E_INVALIDARG, "missing CA property"); goto skipca; // skip and don't take the CA } hr = mySanitizeName(*ppwszCommonName, &pCA[iDst].pwszSanitizedName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "mySanitizeName"); // already sanitized: hr = myDupString(*ppwszSanitizedShortName, &pCA[iDst].pwszSanitizedShortName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myDupString"); if (NULL != ppwszDescription) { hr = myDupString(*ppwszDescription, &pCA[iDst].pwszSanitizedDescription); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myDupString"); } pCA[iDst].pwszSanitizedConfig = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, (wcslen(*ppwszMachine) + wcslen(pCA[iDst].pwszSanitizedName) + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == pCA[iDst].pwszSanitizedConfig) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc(pwszSanitizedConfig)"); } wcscpy(pCA[iDst].pwszSanitizedConfig, *ppwszMachine); wcscat(pCA[iDst].pwszSanitizedConfig, L"\\"); wcscat(pCA[iDst].pwszSanitizedConfig, pCA[iDst].pwszSanitizedName); pbEncoded = NULL; while (TRUE) { // convert dn string to name blob if (!CertStrToName( X509_ASN_ENCODING, *ppwszDN, CERT_X500_NAME_STR, NULL, pbEncoded, &cbEncoded, NULL)) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CertStrToName"); } if (NULL != pbEncoded) { // get name break; } pbEncoded = (BYTE*)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, cbEncoded); if (NULL == pbEncoded) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } } hr = ConfigLoadDNInfo(pbEncoded, cbEncoded, &pCA[iDst]); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "ConfigLoadDNInfo"); // fill empty for the rest CSASSERT(NULL == pCA[iDst].pwszSanitizedExchangeCertificate); CSASSERT(NULL == pCA[iDst].pwszSanitizedSignatureCertificate); pCA[iDst].Flags = CAIF_DSENTRY; ++iDst; // free dn blobs if (NULL != pbEncoded) { LocalFree(pbEncoded); pbEncoded = NULL; } skipca: // free ds out properties if (NULL != ppwszCommonName) { CAFreeCAProperty(hCACurrent, ppwszCommonName); ppwszCommonName = NULL; } if (NULL != ppwszSanitizedShortName) { CAFreeCAProperty(hCACurrent, ppwszSanitizedShortName); ppwszSanitizedShortName = NULL; } if (NULL != ppwszDescription) { CAFreeCAProperty(hCACurrent, ppwszDescription); ppwszDescription = NULL; } if (NULL != ppwszMachine) { CAFreeCAProperty(hCACurrent, ppwszMachine); ppwszMachine = NULL; } if (NULL != ppwszDN) { CAFreeCAProperty(hCACurrent, ppwszDN); ppwszDN = NULL; } hr = CAEnumNextCA(hCACurrent, &hCANext); CACloseCA(hCACurrent); hCACurrent = hCANext; if (S_OK != hr || NULL == hCACurrent) { break; } } *pcCAConfig = iDst; *ppCAConfig = pCA; pCA = NULL; } hr = S_OK; error: if (NULL != hCACurrent) { CACloseCA(hCACurrent); } if (NULL != pbEncoded) { LocalFree(pbEncoded); } if (NULL != ppwszCommonName) { CAFreeCAProperty(hCACurrent, ppwszCommonName); } if (NULL != ppwszSanitizedShortName) { CAFreeCAProperty(hCACurrent, ppwszSanitizedShortName); } if (NULL != ppwszMachine) { CAFreeCAProperty(hCACurrent, ppwszMachine); } if (NULL != ppwszDN) { CAFreeCAProperty(hCACurrent, ppwszDN); } if (NULL != pCA) { dsFreeCAConfig(cCA, pCA); } CSASSERT(S_OK == hr || FAILED(hr)); return(hr); } BOOL FindSharedCAInDSList( IN CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *pDSCA, IN LONG countDSCA, IN CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO const *pCAFromShared, OUT CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO **ppDSCA) { BOOL found = FALSE; LONG i; *ppDSCA = NULL; for (i = 0; i < countDSCA; ++i) { if (0 == mylstrcmpiL(pDSCA[i].pwszSanitizedConfig, pCAFromShared->pwszSanitizedConfig) && 0 == mylstrcmpiL(pDSCA[i].pwszSanitizedName, pCAFromShared->pwszSanitizedName)) { *ppDSCA = &pDSCA[i]; found = TRUE; break; } } return(found); } HRESULT updateField( IN WCHAR const *pwszSource, OUT WCHAR **ppwszDest) { HRESULT hr; if (NULL != pwszSource && (NULL == *ppwszDest || L'\0' == **ppwszDest)) { if (NULL != *ppwszDest) { LocalFree(*ppwszDest); } hr = myDupString(pwszSource, ppwszDest); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myDupString"); } hr = S_OK; error: return(hr); } HRESULT mergeConfigFields( IN CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO const *pCAIn, IN OUT CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *pCA) { HRESULT hr; if (NULL == pCAIn || NULL == pCA) { hr = E_POINTER; _JumpError(hr, error, "Internal Error"); } hr = updateField(pCAIn->pwszSanitizedName, &pCA->pwszSanitizedName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "updateField(pwszSanitizedName)"); hr = updateField(pCAIn->pwszSanitizedOrgUnit, &pCA->pwszSanitizedOrgUnit); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "updateField(pwszSanitizedOrgUnit)"); hr = updateField(pCAIn->pwszSanitizedOrganization, &pCA->pwszSanitizedOrganization); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "updateField(pwszSanitizedOrganization)"); hr = updateField(pCAIn->pwszSanitizedLocality, &pCA->pwszSanitizedLocality); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "updateField(pwszSanitizedLocality)"); hr = updateField(pCAIn->pwszSanitizedState, &pCA->pwszSanitizedState); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "updateField(pwszSanitizedState)"); hr = updateField(pCAIn->pwszSanitizedCountry, &pCA->pwszSanitizedCountry); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "updateField(pwszSanitizedCountry)"); hr = updateField(pCAIn->pwszSanitizedConfig, &pCA->pwszSanitizedConfig); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "updateField(pwszSanitizedConfig)"); hr = updateField(pCAIn->pwszSanitizedExchangeCertificate, &pCA->pwszSanitizedExchangeCertificate); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "updateField(pwszSanitizedExchangeCertificate)"); hr = updateField(pCAIn->pwszSanitizedSignatureCertificate, &pCA->pwszSanitizedSignatureCertificate); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "updateField(pwszSanitizedSignatureCertificate)"); hr = updateField(pCAIn->pwszSanitizedDescription, &pCA->pwszSanitizedDescription); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "updateField(pwszSanitizedDescription)"); hr = mySanitizedNameToDSName(pCAIn->pwszSanitizedName, &pCA->pwszSanitizedShortName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "mySanitizedNameToDSName"); pCA->Flags |= pCAIn->Flags; error: return(hr); } HRESULT CCertConfigPrivate::_ResizeCAInfo( IN LONG Count) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (NULL == m_pCertAuthorityInfo) { m_pCertAuthorityInfo = (CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, Count * sizeof(CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO)); if (NULL == m_pCertAuthorityInfo) { _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } } else { CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *pCAI; pCAI = (CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *) LocalReAlloc( m_pCertAuthorityInfo, Count * sizeof(CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO), LMEM_MOVEABLE); if (NULL == pCAI) { _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalReAlloc"); } m_pCertAuthorityInfo = pCAI; // LocalReAlloc won't zero memory when old size was already > m_Count if (Count > m_Count) { ZeroMemory( &m_pCertAuthorityInfo[m_Count], (Count - m_Count) * sizeof(m_pCertAuthorityInfo[0])); } } hr = S_OK; error: return(hr); } HRESULT CCertConfigPrivate::_AddRegistryConfigEntry( IN WCHAR const *pwszDnsName, IN WCHAR const *pwszOldName, IN WCHAR const *pwszSanitizedCAName, IN BOOL fParentCA, OPTIONAL IN CERT_CONTEXT const *pccCAChild, OPTIONAL OUT CERT_CONTEXT const **ppccCAOut) // non-NULL means local CA { HRESULT hr; HCERTSTORE hMyStore = NULL; LONG i; BOOL fFoundCA = FALSE; WCHAR *pwszDescription = NULL; WCHAR *pwszSanitizedShortName = NULL; CERT_CONTEXT const *pccCA = NULL; CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *pCA = NULL; WCHAR *pwsz; WCHAR *pwszRegPath = NULL; HKEY hKey = NULL; if (NULL != ppccCAOut) { CSASSERT(NULL == pccCAChild); *ppccCAOut = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < m_Count; ++i) { BOOL fMachineNameMatch; hr = myIsConfigLocal2( m_pCertAuthorityInfo[i].pwszSanitizedConfig, pwszDnsName, pwszOldName, &fMachineNameMatch); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myIsConfigLocal2"); if (fMachineNameMatch) { if (!fParentCA) // Local CA { m_pCertAuthorityInfo[i].Flags |= CAIF_LOCAL; } if (0 == mylstrcmpiL( pwszSanitizedCAName, m_pCertAuthorityInfo[i].pwszSanitizedName)) { fFoundCA = TRUE; pCA = &m_pCertAuthorityInfo[i]; pCA->Flags |= CAIF_REGISTRY; if (fParentCA) { pCA->Flags |= CAIF_REGISTRYPARENT; } break; } } } if (!fFoundCA) { hr = _ResizeCAInfo(m_Count + 1); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "_ResizeCAInfo"); pCA = &m_pCertAuthorityInfo[m_Count]; hr = myFormConfigString( pwszDnsName, pwszSanitizedCAName, &pCA->pwszSanitizedConfig); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myFormConfigString"); hr = myDupString(pwszSanitizedCAName, &pCA->pwszSanitizedName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myDupString"); hr = mySanitizedNameToDSName( pwszSanitizedCAName, &pCA->pwszSanitizedShortName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "mySanitizedNameToDSName"); pCA->Flags = CAIF_REGISTRY; if (fParentCA) { pCA->Flags |= CAIF_REGISTRYPARENT; } else { pCA->Flags |= CAIF_LOCAL; } } CSASSERT(NULL != pCA); // either found or added if (NULL == pCA->pwszSanitizedDescription || L'\0' == *pCA->pwszSanitizedDescription) { if (!fParentCA) // Local CA { hr = myGetCertRegStrValue( pCA->pwszSanitizedName, NULL, NULL, wszREGCADESCRIPTION, &pwszDescription); _PrintIfErrorStr2( hr, "myGetCertRegStrValue", wszREGCADESCRIPTION, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); } else { hr = myRegOpenRelativeKey( pwszDnsName, L"ca", 0, &pwszRegPath, NULL, &hKey); _PrintIfErrorStr(hr, "myGetCertRegStrValue", wszREGCADESCRIPTION); if (S_OK == hr) { DWORD cb; DWORD cwc; DWORD dwType; hr = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, wszREGCADESCRIPTION, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &cb); if (S_OK == hr && REG_SZ == dwType && sizeof(WCHAR) < cb) { cwc = cb / sizeof(WCHAR); pwszDescription = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, (cwc + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == pwszDescription) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } hr = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, wszREGCADESCRIPTION, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *) pwszDescription, &cb); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx"); pwszDescription[cwc] = L'\0'; } } } if (NULL != pwszDescription) { hr = mySanitizeName(pwszDescription, &pwsz); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "mySanitizeName"); if (NULL != pCA->pwszSanitizedDescription) { LocalFree(pCA->pwszSanitizedDescription); } pCA->pwszSanitizedDescription = pwsz; } } if (fParentCA) { pccCA = pccCAChild; } else { DWORD ccert; CSASSERT(NULL == pccCAChild); hr = myGetCARegHashCount( pCA->pwszSanitizedName, CSRH_CASIGCERT, &ccert); _PrintIfError(hr, "myGetCARegHashCount"); if (S_OK == hr && 0 != ccert) { DWORD NameId; // open MY store hMyStore = CertOpenStore( CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_W, X509_ASN_ENCODING, NULL, // hProv CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE | CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG, wszMY_CERTSTORE); if (NULL == hMyStore) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "CertOpenStore"); } hr = myFindCACertByHashIndex( hMyStore, pCA->pwszSanitizedName, CSRH_CASIGCERT, ccert - 1, &NameId, &pccCA); } } if (NULL != pccCA) { CERT_NAME_BLOB *pName = !fParentCA? &pccCA->pCertInfo->Subject : &pccCA->pCertInfo->Issuer; hr = ConfigLoadDNInfo(pName->pbData, pName->cbData, pCA); _PrintIfError(hr, "ConfigLoadDNInfo"); } if (NULL == pCA->pwszSanitizedSignatureCertificate || L'\0' == *pCA->pwszSanitizedSignatureCertificate) { DWORD cwc; // pwszDnsName + "_" + pwszSanitizedCAName + ".crt" cwc = wcslen(pwszDnsName) + 1 + wcslen(pwszSanitizedCAName) + 4; pwsz = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (cwc + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == pwsz) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } wcscpy(pwsz, pwszDnsName); wcscat(pwsz, L"_"); wcscat(pwsz, pwszSanitizedCAName); wcscat(pwsz, L".crt"); CSASSERT(wcslen(pwsz) == cwc); if (NULL != pCA->pwszSanitizedSignatureCertificate) { LocalFree(pCA->pwszSanitizedSignatureCertificate); } pCA->pwszSanitizedSignatureCertificate = pwsz; } if (!fFoundCA) { m_Count++; } if (NULL != pccCA && NULL != ppccCAOut) { *ppccCAOut = CertDuplicateCertificateContext(pccCA); } DBGPRINT(( DBG_SS_CERTLIBI, "%ws %ws CA entry: %ws\n", fFoundCA? L"Merged" : L"Added", fParentCA? L"Parent" : L"Local", pCA->pwszSanitizedConfig)); pCA = NULL; hr = S_OK; error: if (NULL != hKey) { RegCloseKey(hKey); } if (NULL != pwszRegPath) { LocalFree(pwszRegPath); } if (!fFoundCA && NULL != pCA) { _CleanupCAInfo(pCA); } if (NULL != pwszDescription) { LocalFree(pwszDescription); } if (NULL != pwszSanitizedShortName) { LocalFree(pwszSanitizedShortName); } if (NULL != pccCA && pccCAChild != pccCA) { CertFreeCertificateContext(pccCA); } if (NULL != hMyStore) { CertCloseStore(hMyStore, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG); } return(hr); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CCertConfigPrivate::_LoadTable -- load config data into class instance // // Returns S_OK on success. //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CCertConfigPrivate::_LoadTable(VOID) { HRESULT hr; LONG Index; LONG CountShared = 0; LONG i; LONG actualSharedCount; CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *pCAFromShared = NULL; BOOL fDSCA = TRUE; WCHAR *pwszSanitizedCAName = NULL; WCHAR *pwszDnsName = NULL; WCHAR *pwszOldName = NULL; CERT_CONTEXT const *pccCA = NULL; WCHAR *pwszParentMachine = NULL; WCHAR *pwszParentMachineOld = NULL; WCHAR *pwszParentCAName = NULL; WCHAR *pwszParentSanitizedCAName = NULL; m_Index = -1; m_Count = 0; if (m_fUseDS) { hr = dsGetCAConfig(&m_pCertAuthorityInfo, &m_Count); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "dsGetCAConfig"); } DBGPRINT(( DBG_SS_CERTLIBI, "%x DS entries @%x\n", m_Count, m_pCertAuthorityInfo)); if (NULL == m_pCertAuthorityInfo && 0 == m_Count) { fDSCA = FALSE; } Index = 0; CountShared = INT_MAX; hr = certRequestGetConfigInfo( m_pwszSharedFolder, &Index, &CountShared, &pCAFromShared); // Don't fail if file not found or unc path is bad CSASSERT(S_OK == hr || FAILED(hr)); _PrintIfError4( hr, "certRequestGetConfigInfo", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_NETNAME)); DBGPRINT(( DBG_SS_CERTLIBI, "%x Shared Folder entries @%x\n", CountShared, pCAFromShared)); actualSharedCount = 0; if (0 < CountShared) { hr = _ResizeCAInfo(m_Count + CountShared); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "_ResizeCAInfo"); DBGPRINT(( DBG_SS_CERTLIBI, "%x %ws @%x\n", m_Count + CountShared, fDSCA? L"Total entries" : L"new Shared Folder entries", m_pCertAuthorityInfo)); for (i = 0; i < CountShared; ++i) { CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *pCAInDS = NULL; CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *pCAUpdate; if (fDSCA) { FindSharedCAInDSList( m_pCertAuthorityInfo, m_Count, &pCAFromShared[i], &pCAInDS); } if (NULL != pCAInDS) { pCAUpdate = pCAInDS; } else { pCAUpdate = &m_pCertAuthorityInfo[m_Count + actualSharedCount]; ZeroMemory(pCAUpdate, sizeof(*pCAUpdate)); } hr = mergeConfigFields(&pCAFromShared[i], pCAUpdate); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "mergeConfigFields"); DBGPRINT(( DBG_SS_CERTLIBI, "%hs CA entry: %ws\n", NULL != pCAInDS? "Merged" : "Added", pCAUpdate->pwszSanitizedConfig)); if (NULL == pCAInDS) { ++actualSharedCount; } } } m_Count += actualSharedCount; // Add local CA to the table. Merge entry if it already exists. // Also flags all local CAs. hr = myGetCertRegStrValue( NULL, NULL, NULL, wszREGACTIVE, &pwszSanitizedCAName); _PrintIfErrorStr(hr, "myGetCertRegStrValue", wszREGACTIVE); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = myGetComputerNames(&pwszDnsName, &pwszOldName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myGetComputerNames"); hr = _AddRegistryConfigEntry( pwszDnsName, pwszOldName, pwszSanitizedCAName, FALSE, // fParentCA NULL, &pccCA); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "_AddRegistryConfigEntry"); // Add parent CA to the table. Merge entry if it already exists. hr = myGetCertRegStrValue( pwszSanitizedCAName, NULL, NULL, wszREGPARENTCANAME, &pwszParentCAName); _PrintIfErrorStr2( hr, "myGetCertRegStrValue", wszREGPARENTCANAME, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = myGetCertRegStrValue( pwszSanitizedCAName, NULL, NULL, wszREGPARENTCAMACHINE, &pwszParentMachine); _PrintIfErrorStr(hr, "myGetCertRegStrValue", wszREGPARENTCAMACHINE); } if (NULL != pwszParentMachine && NULL != pwszParentCAName) { WCHAR *pwsz; hr = mySanitizeName(pwszParentCAName, &pwszParentSanitizedCAName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "mySanitizeName"); hr = myDupString(pwszParentMachine, &pwszParentMachineOld); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myDupString"); pwsz = wcschr(pwszParentMachineOld, L'.'); if (NULL != pwsz) { *pwsz = L'\0'; } hr = _AddRegistryConfigEntry( pwszParentMachine, pwszParentMachineOld, pwszParentSanitizedCAName, TRUE, // fParentCA pccCA, NULL); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "_AddRegistryConfigEntry"); } } hr = S_OK; error: if (NULL != pwszDnsName) { LocalFree(pwszDnsName); } if (NULL != pwszOldName) { LocalFree(pwszOldName); } if (NULL != pwszSanitizedCAName) { LocalFree(pwszSanitizedCAName); } if (NULL != pwszParentCAName) { LocalFree(pwszParentCAName); } if (NULL != pwszParentMachine) { LocalFree(pwszParentMachine); } if (NULL != pwszParentMachineOld) { LocalFree(pwszParentMachineOld); } if (NULL != pwszParentSanitizedCAName) { LocalFree(pwszParentSanitizedCAName); } if (NULL != pCAFromShared) { LocalFree(pCAFromShared); } if (NULL != pccCA) { CertFreeCertificateContext(pccCA); } CSASSERT(S_OK == hr || FAILED(hr)); return(hr); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CCertConfigPrivate::Reset -- load config data, reset to indexed entry, // return count // // Load the configuration data if not already loaded. To reload the data after // the data have changed, CCertConfigPrivate must be released and reloaded. // // Resets the current config entry to the Certification Authority configuration // listed in the configuration file, indexed by the Index parameter. 0 indexes // the first configuration. // // Upon successful completion, *pCount will be set to the number of Certificate // Authority configurations listed in the configuration file. // // Returns S_FALSE if no entries are available at or after the passed Index. // Returns S_OK on success. //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CCertConfigPrivate::Reset( /* [in] */ LONG Index, /* [retval][out] */ LONG __RPC_FAR *pCount) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (NULL == pCount) { hr = E_POINTER; _JumpError(hr, error, "pCount"); } if (NULL == m_pCertAuthorityInfo) { hr = _LoadTable(); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "_LoadTable"); } *pCount = m_Count; if (0 > Index || Index > m_Count) { Index = m_Count + 1; hr = S_FALSE; } m_Index = Index - 1; error: CSASSERT(S_OK == hr || S_FALSE == hr || FAILED(hr)); return(hr); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CCertConfigPrivate::Next -- skip to next config entry // // Changes the current config entry to the next Certification Authority // configuration listed in the configuration file. // // Upon successful completion, *pIndex will be set to the index of Certificate // Authority configurations listed in the configuration file. // // Returns S_FALSE if no more entries are available. *pIndex is set to -1. // Returns S_OK on success. *pIndex is set to index the current configuration. //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CCertConfigPrivate::Next( /* [retval][out] */ LONG __RPC_FAR *pIndex) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (NULL == pIndex) { hr = E_POINTER; _JumpError(hr, error, "pIndex"); } *pIndex = -1; if (NULL == m_pCertAuthorityInfo) { hr = _LoadTable(); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "_LoadTable"); } if (m_Index < m_Count) { m_Index++; } if (m_Index < m_Count) { *pIndex = m_Index; } else { hr = S_FALSE; } error: CSASSERT(S_OK == hr || S_FALSE == hr || FAILED(hr)); return(hr); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CCertConfigPrivate::GetField -- return a field from the current config entry. // // pstrOut points to a BSTR string filled in by this routine. If *pstrOut is // non-NULL and this method is successful, the old string is freed. If any // value other than S_OK is returned, the string pointer will not be modified. // // Upon successful completion, *pstrOut will point to a string that contains // the requested field from the current config entry. // // When the caller no longer needs the string, it must be freed by calling // SysFreeString(). // // Returns S_OK on success. //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CCertConfigPrivate::GetField( /* [in] */ BSTR const strFieldName, /* [retval][out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *pstrOut) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *pcai; BSTR bstr; DWORD cwc; WCHAR *pwsz = NULL; WCHAR *pwszRevert = NULL; WCHAR *pwszT = NULL; BOOL fDesanitize = TRUE; WCHAR awc[12]; if (NULL == pstrOut || NULL == strFieldName) { hr = E_POINTER; _JumpError(hr, error, "pstrOut|strFieldName"); } if (NULL != *pstrOut) { SysFreeString(*pstrOut); *pstrOut = NULL; } if (NULL == m_pCertAuthorityInfo) { hr = _LoadTable(); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "_LoadTable"); } if (-1 == m_Index) { m_Index++; // implicit Next() for compatibility with Version 1 } if (0 > m_Index || m_Index >= m_Count) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; _JumpError(hr, error, "m_Index"); } pcai = &m_pCertAuthorityInfo[m_Index]; bstr = strFieldName; if (0 == LSTRCMPIS(bstr, wszCONFIG_COMMONNAME)) { pwsz = pcai->pwszSanitizedName; } else if (0 == LSTRCMPIS(bstr, wszCONFIG_SANITIZEDNAME)) { pwsz = pcai->pwszSanitizedName; fDesanitize = FALSE; } else if (0 == LSTRCMPIS(bstr, wszCONFIG_SHORTNAME)) { pwsz = pcai->pwszSanitizedShortName; } else if (0 == LSTRCMPIS(bstr, wszCONFIG_SANITIZEDSHORTNAME)) { pwsz = pcai->pwszSanitizedShortName; fDesanitize = FALSE; } else if (0 == LSTRCMPIS(bstr, wszCONFIG_ORGUNIT)) { pwsz = pcai->pwszSanitizedOrgUnit; } else if (0 == LSTRCMPIS(bstr, wszCONFIG_ORGANIZATION)) { pwsz = pcai->pwszSanitizedOrganization; } else if (0 == LSTRCMPIS(bstr, wszCONFIG_LOCALITY)) { pwsz = pcai->pwszSanitizedLocality; } else if (0 == LSTRCMPIS(bstr, wszCONFIG_STATE)) { pwsz = pcai->pwszSanitizedState; } else if (0 == LSTRCMPIS(bstr, wszCONFIG_COUNTRY)) { pwsz = pcai->pwszSanitizedCountry; } else if (0 == LSTRCMPIS(bstr, wszCONFIG_CONFIG)) { pwsz = pcai->pwszSanitizedConfig; } else if (0 == LSTRCMPIS(bstr, wszCONFIG_EXCHANGECERTIFICATE)) { pwsz = pcai->pwszSanitizedExchangeCertificate; fDesanitize = FALSE; } else if (0 == LSTRCMPIS(bstr, wszCONFIG_SIGNATURECERTIFICATE)) { pwsz = pcai->pwszSanitizedSignatureCertificate; fDesanitize = FALSE; } else if (0 == LSTRCMPIS(bstr, wszCONFIG_DESCRIPTION) || 0 == LSTRCMPIS(bstr, wszCONFIG_COMMENT)) // obsolete { pwsz = pcai->pwszSanitizedDescription; } else if (0 == LSTRCMPIS(bstr, wszCONFIG_SERVER)) { pwsz = wcschr(pcai->pwszSanitizedConfig, L'\\'); if (NULL == pwsz) { cwc = wcslen(pcai->pwszSanitizedConfig); } else { cwc = SAFE_SUBTRACT_POINTERS(pwsz, pcai->pwszSanitizedConfig); } pwszT = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (cwc + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == pwszT) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } CopyMemory(pwszT, pcai->pwszSanitizedConfig, cwc * sizeof(WCHAR)); pwszT[cwc] = L'\0'; pwsz = pwszT; } else if (0 == LSTRCMPIS(bstr, wszCONFIG_AUTHORITY)) { pwsz = wcschr(pcai->pwszSanitizedConfig, L'\\'); if (NULL == pwsz) { pwsz = L""; } else { pwsz++; } } else if (0 == LSTRCMPIS(bstr, wszCONFIG_FLAGS)) { wsprintf(awc, L"%u", pcai->Flags); CSASSERT(ARRAYSIZE(awc) > wcslen(awc)); pwsz = awc; } if (NULL == pwsz) { hr = CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY; _JumpError2(hr, error, "ConvertWszToBstr", CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY); } if (fDesanitize) { hr = myRevertSanitizeName(pwsz, &pwszRevert); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myRevertSanitizeName"); pwsz = pwszRevert; } if (!ConvertWszToBstr(pstrOut, pwsz, -1)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "ConvertWszToBstr"); } error: if (NULL != pwszT) { LocalFree(pwszT); } if (NULL != pwszRevert) { LocalFree(pwszRevert); } CSASSERT(S_OK == hr || FAILED(hr)); return(hr); } HRESULT CCertConfigPrivate::GetConfigFromPicker( OPTIONAL IN HWND hwndParent, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszPrompt, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszTitle, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszSharedFolder, IN BOOL fUseDS, IN BOOL fSkipLocalCA, IN BOOL fCountOnly, OUT DWORD *pdwCount, OUT CRYPTUI_CA_CONTEXT const **ppCAContext) { HRESULT hr; CRYPTUI_CA_CONTEXT *prgCAC = NULL; CRYPTUI_CA_CONTEXT const **pprgCAC = NULL; CRYPTUI_SELECT_CA_STRUCT UISelectCA; CRYPTUI_CA_CONTEXT const *pCAContext = NULL; LONG realCount = 0; LONG cCA; LONG i; BSTR strFieldFlags = NULL; BSTR strFieldConfig = NULL; BSTR strValue = NULL; WCHAR *pwszPtr; WCHAR **ppwszCAName = NULL; WCHAR **ppwszCAMachineName = NULL; BSTR strFolder = NULL; if ((NULL == ppCAContext) || (NULL == pdwCount)) { hr = E_POINTER; _JumpError (hr, error, "NULL parm"); } *ppCAContext = NULL; *pdwCount = 0; m_fUseDS = fUseDS; if (NULL != pwszSharedFolder) { strFolder = SysAllocString(pwszSharedFolder); if (NULL == strFolder) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "SysAllocString"); } hr = SetSharedFolder(strFolder); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "configPrivate.SetSharedFolder"); } hr = Reset(0, &cCA); if (S_OK != hr && S_FALSE != hr) { _JumpError(hr, error, "configPrivate.Reset"); } hr = S_OK; // in case of S_FALSE; if (0 < cCA) { prgCAC = (CRYPTUI_CA_CONTEXT *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, cCA * sizeof(prgCAC[0])); if (NULL == prgCAC) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } pprgCAC = (CRYPTUI_CA_CONTEXT const **) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, cCA * sizeof(pprgCAC[0])); if (NULL == pprgCAC) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } ppwszCAName = (WCHAR **) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, cCA * sizeof(ppwszCAName[0])); if (NULL == ppwszCAName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } ppwszCAMachineName = (WCHAR **) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, cCA * sizeof(ppwszCAMachineName[0])); if (NULL == ppwszCAMachineName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } if (!ConvertWszToBstr(&strFieldFlags, wszCONFIG_FLAGS, -1)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "ConvertWszToBstr"); } if (!ConvertWszToBstr(&strFieldConfig, wszCONFIG_CONFIG, -1)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "ConvertWszToBstr"); } while (realCount < cCA) { hr = Next(&i); if (S_OK != hr) { if (S_FALSE == hr) { hr = S_OK; // no more entry is not an error } break; } hr = GetField(strFieldFlags, &strValue); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "configPrivate.GetField"); if (fSkipLocalCA && (CAIF_LOCAL & _wtoi(strValue))) { continue; } SysFreeString(strValue); strValue = NULL; hr = GetField(strFieldConfig, &strValue); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "configPrivate.GetField"); pwszPtr = wcsstr(strValue, L"\\"); if (NULL == pwszPtr) { continue; } // change \ to null terminator pwszPtr[0] = L'\0'; // point to CA name pwszPtr = &pwszPtr[1]; ppwszCAName[realCount] = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, (wcslen(pwszPtr) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == ppwszCAName[realCount]) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } ppwszCAMachineName[realCount] = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, (wcslen(strValue) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == ppwszCAMachineName[realCount]) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } prgCAC[realCount].dwSize = sizeof(CRYPTUI_CA_CONTEXT); wcscpy(ppwszCAName[realCount], pwszPtr); wcscpy(ppwszCAMachineName[realCount], strValue); prgCAC[realCount].pwszCAName = ppwszCAName[realCount]; prgCAC[realCount].pwszCAMachineName = ppwszCAMachineName[realCount]; ++realCount; SysFreeString(strValue); strValue = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < realCount; ++i) { pprgCAC[i] = &prgCAC[i]; } } *pdwCount = realCount; if (fCountOnly || 1 > realCount) { // done goto error; // normal return } ZeroMemory(&UISelectCA, sizeof(CRYPTUI_SELECT_CA_STRUCT)); UISelectCA.cCAContext = realCount; UISelectCA.rgCAContext = pprgCAC; UISelectCA.dwSize = sizeof(UISelectCA); UISelectCA.wszDisplayString = pwszPrompt; UISelectCA.wszTitle = pwszTitle; UISelectCA.hwndParent = hwndParent; // invoke dialog pCAContext = _CryptUIDlgSelectCA(&UISelectCA); if (NULL == pCAContext) // user cancel? { hr = myHLastError(); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED); } _JumpError(hr, error, "_CryptUIDlgSelectCA"); } *ppCAContext = pCAContext; hr = S_OK; error: // change to default m_fUseDS = TRUE; if (NULL != ppwszCAName) { for (i = 0; i < realCount; ++i) { if (NULL != ppwszCAName[i]) { LocalFree(ppwszCAName[i]); } } LocalFree(ppwszCAName); } if (NULL != ppwszCAMachineName) { for (i = 0; i < realCount; ++i) { if (NULL != ppwszCAMachineName[i]) { LocalFree(ppwszCAMachineName[i]); } } LocalFree(ppwszCAMachineName); } if (NULL != pprgCAC) { LocalFree(pprgCAC); } if (NULL != prgCAC) { LocalFree(prgCAC); } if (NULL != strFieldFlags) { SysFreeString(strFieldFlags); } if (NULL != strFieldConfig) { SysFreeString(strFieldConfig); } if (NULL != strValue) { SysFreeString(strValue); } if (NULL != strFolder) { SysFreeString(strFolder); } CSASSERT(S_OK == hr || FAILED(hr)); return(hr); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CCertConfigPrivate::GetConfig -- select a cert issuer, return config data. // // pstrOut points to a BSTR string filled in by this routine. If *pstrOut is // non-NULL and this method is successful, the old string is freed. If any // value other than S_OK is returned, the string pointer will not be modified. // // Flags must be set to 0. // // Upon successful completion, *pstrOut will point to a string that contains // the server name and Certification Authority name. // // When the caller no longer needs the string, it must be freed by calling // SysFreeString(). // // Returns S_OK on success. //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CCertConfigPrivate::GetConfig( /* [in] */ LONG Flags, /* [retval][out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *pstrOut) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR *pwszSanitizedConfig = NULL; BOOL fSanitizedConfigAlloced = FALSE; WCHAR *pwszConfigRevert = NULL; WCHAR *pwszSanitize = NULL; CRYPTUI_CA_CONTEXT const *pCAContext = NULL; DWORD dwCACount; LONG lIndex; LONG cCA; LONG i; if (NULL == pstrOut) { hr = E_POINTER; _JumpError(hr, error, "pstrOut"); } if (NULL != *pstrOut) { SysFreeString(*pstrOut); *pstrOut = NULL; } if (NULL == m_pCertAuthorityInfo) { hr = _LoadTable(); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "_LoadTable"); } if (0 > m_Count) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; _JumpError(hr, error, "m_Count"); } switch (Flags) { case CC_UIPICKCONFIG: case CC_UIPICKCONFIGSKIPLOCALCA: hr = GetConfigFromPicker( GetDesktopWindow(), // hDlg NULL, // pwszPrompt NULL, // pwszTitle m_pwszSharedFolder, TRUE, // fUseDS CC_UIPICKCONFIGSKIPLOCALCA == Flags, FALSE, // fCountOnly &dwCACount, &pCAContext); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetConfigFromPicker"); if (NULL == pCAContext) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS); _JumpError(hr, error, "No CA Config"); } // ca name in UI has been reverted so sanitize it hr = mySanitizeName(pCAContext->pwszCAName, &pwszSanitize); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "mySanitizeName"); pwszSanitizedConfig = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, (wcslen(pwszSanitize) + wcslen(pCAContext->pwszCAMachineName) + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == pwszSanitizedConfig) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } fSanitizedConfigAlloced = TRUE; wcscpy(pwszSanitizedConfig, pCAContext->pwszCAMachineName); wcscat(pwszSanitizedConfig, L"\\"); wcscat(pwszSanitizedConfig, pwszSanitize); for (lIndex = 0; lIndex < m_Count; ++lIndex) { if (0 == mylstrcmpiL(pwszSanitizedConfig, m_pCertAuthorityInfo[lIndex].pwszSanitizedConfig)) { // update index Reset(lIndex + 1, &cCA); break; } } break; case CC_LOCALCONFIG: case CC_LOCALACTIVECONFIG: case CC_DEFAULTCONFIG: if (NULL == m_pCertAuthorityInfo) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); _JumpError(hr, error, "no CAs"); } if (CC_LOCALCONFIG != Flags && CC_LOCALACTIVECONFIG != Flags) { // Make a recursive call to first look for a local pingable CA. // If that fails, pick any pingable CA. hr = GetConfig(CC_LOCALACTIVECONFIG, pstrOut); if (S_OK == hr) { break; } _PrintError(hr, "GetConfig(CC_LOCALACTIVECONFIG)"); } for (i = 0; i < m_Count; i++) { CSASSERT(NULL != m_pCertAuthorityInfo[i].pwszSanitizedConfig); pwszSanitizedConfig = m_pCertAuthorityInfo[i].pwszSanitizedConfig; if (CC_LOCALCONFIG == Flags || CC_LOCALACTIVECONFIG == Flags) { DWORD InfoFlags; InfoFlags = m_pCertAuthorityInfo[i].Flags; if (0 == (CAIF_LOCAL & InfoFlags)) { continue; } if (0 == (CAIF_REGISTRY & InfoFlags)) { LONG j; for (j = i + 1; j < m_Count; j++) { InfoFlags = m_pCertAuthorityInfo[j].Flags; if ((CAIF_LOCAL & InfoFlags) && (CAIF_REGISTRY & InfoFlags)) { break; } } if (j < m_Count) { i = j; } } } if (CC_LOCALCONFIG == Flags) { hr = S_OK; } else { hr = myRevertSanitizeName(pwszSanitizedConfig, &pwszConfigRevert); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myRevertSanitizeName"); hr = myPingCertSrv( pwszConfigRevert, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } if (S_OK == hr) { // update index Reset(i + 1, &cCA); break; // take it } if (NULL != pwszConfigRevert) { LocalFree(pwszConfigRevert); pwszConfigRevert = NULL; } } if (S_OK != hr || i >= m_Count) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS); _JumpError(hr, error, "No matching CA"); } break; case CC_FIRSTCONFIG: if (NULL == m_pCertAuthorityInfo) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); _JumpError(hr, error, "no CAs"); } pwszSanitizedConfig = m_pCertAuthorityInfo[0].pwszSanitizedConfig; // update index Reset(1, &cCA); break; default: hr = E_INVALIDARG; _JumpError(hr, error, "Flags"); } if(!*pstrOut) { if (NULL == pwszConfigRevert) { // always revert hr = myRevertSanitizeName(pwszSanitizedConfig, &pwszConfigRevert); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myRevertSanitizeName"); } if (!ConvertWszToBstr(pstrOut, pwszConfigRevert, -1)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "ConvertWszToBstr"); } } hr = S_OK; error: if (fSanitizedConfigAlloced && NULL != pwszSanitizedConfig) { LocalFree(pwszSanitizedConfig); } if (NULL != pwszConfigRevert) { LocalFree(pwszConfigRevert); } if (NULL != pwszSanitize) { LocalFree(pwszSanitize); } if (NULL != pCAContext) { _CryptUIDlgFreeCAContext(pCAContext); } CSASSERT(S_OK == hr || FAILED(hr)); return(hr); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CCertConfigPrivate::SetSharedFolder -- set the shared folder // // strSharedFolder is the new shared folder dorectory path. // // Returns S_OK on success. //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CCertConfigPrivate::SetSharedFolder( /* [in] */ const BSTR strSharedFolder) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR *pwsz; pwsz = NULL; if (NULL != strSharedFolder) { hr = myDupString(strSharedFolder, &pwsz); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myDupString"); } if (NULL != m_pwszSharedFolder) { LocalFree(m_pwszSharedFolder); } m_pwszSharedFolder = pwsz; hr = S_OK; error: CSASSERT(S_OK == hr || FAILED(hr)); return(hr); } HRESULT WINAPI certLoadFile( WCHAR const *pwszfn, BYTE **ppbData, DWORD *pcbData) { HANDLE hFile; DWORD cbLow, cbHigh, cbRead; HRESULT hr; hFile = CreateFile( pwszfn, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "CreateFile", pwszfn); } cbLow = GetFileSize(hFile, &cbHigh); if (0xffffffff == cbLow) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "GetFileSize"); } *ppbData = (BYTE *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cbLow + 1); if (NULL == *ppbData) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } if (!ReadFile(hFile, *ppbData, cbLow, &cbRead, NULL)) { hr = myHLastError(); LocalFree(*ppbData); *ppbData = NULL; _JumpError(hr, error, "ReadFile"); } (*ppbData)[cbLow] = '\0'; *pcbData = cbLow; hr = S_OK; error: if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) { CloseHandle(hFile); } CSASSERT(S_OK == hr || FAILED(hr)); return(hr); } // certTrimToken -- trim white space from the beginning and end of a line. // Bump caller's string pointer, reduce the caller's input buffer count, // and L'\0' terminate the result -- IN PLACE! VOID certTrimToken( WCHAR **ppwsz) { WCHAR *pwsz; WCHAR *pwszEnd; static WCHAR wszTrim[] = L" \t\r\n"; pwsz = *ppwsz; while (L'\0' != *pwsz) { if (NULL == wcschr(wszTrim, *pwsz)) { break; } pwsz++; } pwszEnd = wcschr(pwsz, L'\0'); assert(NULL != pwszEnd); while (pwsz < pwszEnd) { if (NULL == wcschr(wszTrim, *--pwszEnd)) { break; } *pwszEnd = L'\0'; } *ppwsz = pwsz; } BOOL certExtractToken( WCHAR **ppwszIn, WCHAR const **ppwszOut) { WCHAR *pwsz; WCHAR *pwszNext; BOOL fQuoted = FALSE; pwsz = *ppwszIn; while (L' ' == *pwsz || L'\t' == *pwsz) { pwsz++; } pwszNext = pwsz; if (L'"' == *pwsz) { fQuoted = TRUE; pwsz++; pwszNext++; while (TRUE) { // Find a mid-string escaped quote or the terminating quote. pwszNext = wcschr(pwszNext, L'"'); if (NULL == pwszNext) { break; // missing terminating quote! } // If a terminating quote, terminate the string with L'\0', // and point past the quoted string. Break to search for a comma. if (L'"' != pwszNext[1]) { *pwszNext++ = L'\0'; break; } // Found a mid-string escaped quote. Move the first part of the // string forward one character position, overwriting the first // quote character. Bump the string pointer to the new location, // point pwszNext past the remaining quote character, and loop. MoveMemory( &pwsz[1], pwsz, SAFE_SUBTRACT_POINTERS(pwszNext, pwsz) * sizeof(*pwsz)); pwsz++; pwszNext += 2; } } if (NULL != pwszNext) { pwszNext = wcschr(pwszNext, L','); } if (NULL != pwszNext) { *pwszNext++ = L'\0'; } else { pwszNext = wcschr(pwsz, L'\0'); assert(NULL != pwszNext); } certTrimToken(&pwsz); *ppwszOut = pwsz; *ppwszIn = pwszNext; return(fQuoted || L'\0' != *pwsz); } // certExtractLine -- convert one line to Unicode and return it in a L'\0' // terminated output buffer. Bump caller's input buffer pointer and reduce // the caller's input buffer count. HRESULT certExtractLine( IN char const **ppchLine, IN OUT LONG *pcchLine, OUT WCHAR *pwc, IN OUT LONG *pcwc) { char const *pch; char const *pchEnd; LONG cch; HRESULT hr = S_OK; int cwc; pch = *ppchLine; cch = *pcchLine; pchEnd = &pch[cch]; while (pch < pchEnd) { if ('\n' == *pch++) { pchEnd = pch; cch = SAFE_SUBTRACT_POINTERS(pchEnd, *ppchLine); break; } } do { cwc = MultiByteToWideChar(GetACP(), 0, *ppchLine, cch, pwc, *pcwc - 1); if (0 == cwc) { hr = myHLastError(); break; } pwc[cwc] = L'\0'; *pcwc = cwc; *pcchLine -= cch; *ppchLine = pchEnd; } while (FALSE); CSASSERT(S_OK == hr || FAILED(hr)); return(hr); } // Format of each line is: // , , , , , , , , , HRESULT certParseLine( char const **ppchLine, LONG *pcchLine, CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *pcai, WCHAR *pwsz, LONG *pcwc) { HRESULT hr; LONG cwc; do { if (0 == *pcchLine) { hr = S_OK; *pcwc = 0; goto error; } cwc = *pcwc; hr = certExtractLine(ppchLine, pcchLine, pwsz, &cwc); if (S_OK != hr) { goto error; } *pcwc = cwc + 1; certTrimToken(&pwsz); } while (L'\0' == *pwsz || L'#' == *pwsz); if (!certExtractToken(&pwsz, (WCHAR const **) &pcai->pwszSanitizedName) || !certExtractToken(&pwsz, (WCHAR const **) &pcai->pwszSanitizedOrgUnit) || !certExtractToken(&pwsz, (WCHAR const **) &pcai->pwszSanitizedOrganization) || !certExtractToken(&pwsz, (WCHAR const **) &pcai->pwszSanitizedLocality) || !certExtractToken(&pwsz, (WCHAR const **) &pcai->pwszSanitizedState) || !certExtractToken(&pwsz, (WCHAR const **) &pcai->pwszSanitizedCountry) || !certExtractToken(&pwsz, (WCHAR const **) &pcai->pwszSanitizedConfig) || !certExtractToken(&pwsz, (WCHAR const **) &pcai->pwszSanitizedExchangeCertificate) || !certExtractToken(&pwsz, (WCHAR const **) &pcai->pwszSanitizedSignatureCertificate)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); goto error; } certExtractToken(&pwsz, (WCHAR const **) &pcai->pwszSanitizedDescription); pcai->Flags = CAIF_SHAREDFOLDERENTRY; error: CSASSERT(S_OK == hr || FAILED(hr)); return(hr); } LONG certSkipLine( IN char const **ppchData, IN LONG *pcchData) { HRESULT hr; LONG cb = 0; CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO cai; WCHAR *pwszLine = NULL; LONG cwc; char const *pchData; LONG cchData; pchData = *ppchData; cchData = *pcchData; cwc = strcspn(pchData, "\n") + 2; // leave room for \n and \0 pwszLine = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cwc * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == pwszLine) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } hr = certParseLine(&pchData, &cchData, &cai, pwszLine, &cwc); if (S_OK != hr || 0 == cwc) { _PrintIfError(hr, "certParseLine"); goto error; } cb = sizeof(cai) + cwc * sizeof(WCHAR); *ppchData = pchData; *pcchData = cchData; error: //printf("certSkipLine: %u bytes\n", cb); if (NULL != pwszLine) { LocalFree(pwszLine); } CSASSERT(S_OK == hr || FAILED(hr)); return(cb); } VOID certAppendBSFileName( IN OUT WCHAR *pwszPath, IN WCHAR *pwszBSFN) // backslash + filename.ext { DWORD cwc; cwc = wcslen(pwszPath); if (0 < cwc--) { if (L'\\' == pwszPath[cwc]) { pwszPath[cwc] = L'\0'; } } wcscat(pwszPath, pwszBSFN); } HRESULT certGetConfigFileName( OUT WCHAR **ppwszFileConfig) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwLen; DWORD dwType; HKEY hKeyConfig = NULL; WCHAR *pwszFileName = NULL; *ppwszFileConfig = NULL; do { hr = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wszREGKEYCONFIGPATH, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyConfig); if (S_OK != hr) { _PrintErrorStr2( hr, "RegOpenKeyEx", wszREGKEYCONFIGPATH, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); break; } // Get the size of the value first hr = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyConfig, g_wszRegDirectory, 0, &dwType, NULL, &dwLen); if (S_OK != hr) { _PrintErrorStr2( hr, "RegQueryValueEx", g_wszRegDirectory, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); break; } if (0 == dwLen) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); _PrintErrorStr2(hr, "RegQueryValueEx", g_wszRegDirectory, hr); break; } // Allocate enough memory for the directory path plus the file name. pwszFileName = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, dwLen + (wcslen(g_wszConfigFile) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == pwszFileName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _PrintError2(hr, "LocalAlloc", hr); break; } hr = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyConfig, g_wszRegDirectory, 0, &dwType, (BYTE *) pwszFileName, &dwLen); if (S_OK != hr) { _PrintErrorStr(hr, "RegQueryValueEx", g_wszRegDirectory); break; } if (L'\0' == *pwszFileName) { hr = S_OK; break; } // Place config file name on end of path to open certAppendBSFileName(pwszFileName, g_wszConfigFile); *ppwszFileConfig = pwszFileName; pwszFileName = NULL; } while (FALSE); if (NULL != pwszFileName) { LocalFree(pwszFileName); } if (NULL != hKeyConfig) { RegCloseKey(hKeyConfig); } return(myHError(hr)); } HRESULT certLoadConfigFile( IN WCHAR const *pwszSharedFolder, OUT BYTE **ppchData, OUT DWORD *pcchData) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR *pwszfn = NULL; *ppchData = NULL; *pcchData = 0; if (NULL == pwszSharedFolder) { hr = certGetConfigFileName(&pwszfn); _JumpIfError2( hr, error, "certGetConfigFileName", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); } else { pwszfn = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, (wcslen(pwszSharedFolder) + wcslen(g_wszConfigFile) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == pwszfn) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } wcscpy(pwszfn, pwszSharedFolder); certAppendBSFileName(pwszfn, g_wszConfigFile); } if (NULL != pwszfn) { hr = certLoadFile(pwszfn, ppchData, pcchData); _JumpIfError3( hr, error, "certLoadFile", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_NETNAME)); } hr = S_OK; error: if (NULL != pwszfn) { LocalFree(pwszfn); } CSASSERT(S_OK == hr || FAILED(hr)); return(hr); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // certRequestGetConfig -- return config data for all requested authorities. // // *pIndex should be set to 0 prior to the first call. It will be modified by // certRequestGetConfig to index the next entry after those returned. // // *pCount is a pointer to the number of authorities for which information is // requested. Upon successful completion, *pCount will contain the number of // authorities for which information is returned. If the returned value is // less than requested (or 0) no more entries are available. // // ppCertAuthorityInfo is a pointer to an uninitialized pointer on input. // Upon successful completion, a pointer to an array of CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO // structures is returned. When the caller no longer needs the array, it must // be freed by calling CertFreeMemory. // // Returns S_OK on success. //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT certRequestGetConfigInfo( IN WCHAR *pwszSharedFolder, IN OUT LONG *pIndex, IN OUT LONG *pCount, OUT CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO **ppCertAuthorityInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG cSkip = *pIndex; LONG cLine = *pCount; DWORD cchData; char const *pchData = NULL; LONG cLineReturned = 0; CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *pcaiBase = NULL; *ppCertAuthorityInfo = NULL; do { char const *pch; LONG cch; char const *pchSave; LONG cchSave; LONG cbTotal; CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *pcai; WCHAR *pwc; LONG cwc; LONG cwcRemain; LONG i; hr = certLoadConfigFile(pwszSharedFolder, (BYTE **) &pchData, &cchData); if (S_OK != hr || (NULL == pchData && 0 == cchData)) { break; } pch = pchData; cch = cchData; // Skip cSkip entries: //printf("Skipping lines:\n"); for (i = 0; i < cSkip; i++) { if (0 == certSkipLine(&pch, &cch)) { break; // ran out of config data } } if (i < cSkip) { break; // no data to return } pchSave = pch; cchSave = cch; // Compute total size of cLine entries: //printf("Sizing lines:\n"); cbTotal = 0; for (i = 0; i < cLine; i++) { LONG cb; cb = certSkipLine(&pch, &cch); if (0 == cb) { cLine = i; // reduce return line count break; // ran out of config data } cbTotal += cb; } if (0 == cLine) { break; // no data to return } pcaiBase = (CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cbTotal); if (NULL == pcaiBase) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } //printf("Returning lines:\n"); pch = pchSave; cch = cchSave; pcai = pcaiBase; pwc = (WCHAR *) &pcai[cLine]; cwcRemain = (cbTotal - sizeof(*pcai) * cLine)/sizeof(*pwc); for (i = 0; i < cLine; i++) { cwc = cwcRemain; hr = certParseLine(&pch, &cch, pcai, pwc, &cwc); if (S_OK != hr) { break; } pcai++; pwc += cwc; cwcRemain -= cwc; } if (S_OK != hr) { break; } cLineReturned = cLine; *ppCertAuthorityInfo = pcaiBase; pcaiBase = NULL; hr = S_OK; } while (FALSE); *pIndex += cLineReturned; *pCount = cLineReturned; if (NULL != pcaiBase) { LocalFree(pcaiBase); } if (NULL != pchData) { LocalFree(const_cast(pchData)); } CSASSERT(S_OK == hr || FAILED(hr)); return(hr); } HRESULT myGetConfigFromPicker( OPTIONAL IN HWND hwndParent, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszPrompt, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszTitle, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszSharedFolder, IN DWORD dwFlags, // GCFPF_* IN BOOL fCountOnly, OUT DWORD *pdwCACount, OUT CRYPTUI_CA_CONTEXT const **ppCAContext) { HRESULT hr; CCertConfigPrivate configPrivate; if (~(GCFPF_USEDS | GCFPF_SKIPLOCALCA) & dwFlags) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; _JumpError(hr, error, "dwFlags"); } hr = configPrivate.GetConfigFromPicker( hwndParent, pwszPrompt, pwszTitle, pwszSharedFolder, (GCFPF_USEDS & dwFlags)? TRUE : FALSE, (GCFPF_SKIPLOCALCA & dwFlags)? TRUE : FALSE, fCountOnly, pdwCACount, ppCAContext); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "configPrivate.GetConfigFromPicker"); error: CSASSERT(S_OK == hr || FAILED(hr)); return(hr); }