//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999 // // File: oidmgr.cpp // // Contents: DS OID management functions. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "pch.cpp" #pragma hdrstop #include #include #include #include #include #include "csldap.h" #define __dwFILE__ __dwFILE_CERTCLIB_OIDMGR_CPP__ //the global critical section CRITICAL_SECTION g_csOidURL; extern BOOL g_fOidURL; ULARGE_INTEGER g_ftOidTime; BOOL g_fFailedTime=FALSE; //the # of seconds in which we will not re-find a DC #define CA_OID_MGR_FAIL_PERIOD 5 #define FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SECOND 10000000 //the cache of the enterprise root oid LPWSTR g_pwszEnterpriseRootOID=NULL; static WCHAR * s_wszOIDContainerSearch = L"(&(CN=OID)(objectCategory=" wszDSOIDCLASSNAME L"))"; static WCHAR * s_wszOIDContainerDN = L"CN=OID,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,"; WCHAR *g_awszOIDContainerAttrs[] = {OID_CONTAINER_PROP_OID, OID_CONTAINER_PROP_GUID, NULL}; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // myTimeOutRobustBind // // We will not attempt a LDAP bind if we have failed in the past pre-defined // seconds. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT myTimeOutRobustLdapBind(OUT LDAP **ppldap) { HRESULT hr=E_FAIL; FILETIME ftTime; //the critical section has to be initalized if (!g_fOidURL) return(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILED)); EnterCriticalSection(&g_csOidURL); //check if the previous failure has happened with 10 seconds if(TRUE == g_fFailedTime) { //get the current time GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ftTime); g_ftOidTime.QuadPart += FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SECOND * CA_OID_MGR_FAIL_PERIOD; if(0 > CompareFileTime(&ftTime, (LPFILETIME)&g_ftOidTime)) { g_ftOidTime.QuadPart -= FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SECOND * CA_OID_MGR_FAIL_PERIOD; hr=HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN); _JumpError2(hr , error, "myDoesDSExist", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN)); } else { //clear up the error recording g_fFailedTime=FALSE; } } //retrieve the ldap handle and the config string hr = myDoesDSExist(TRUE); _JumpIfError2(hr, error, "myDoesDSExist", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN)); hr = myRobustLdapBindEx( 0, // dwFlags1 RLBF_REQUIRE_SECURE_LDAP, // dwFlags2 LDAP_VERSION2, // uVersion NULL, // pwszDomainName ppldap, NULL); // ppwszForestDNSName _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myRobustLdapBindEx"); error: //remember the time if we failed due to lack of domain if((S_OK != hr) && (FALSE==g_fFailedTime)) { GetSystemTimeAsFileTime((LPFILETIME)&(g_ftOidTime)); g_fFailedTime=TRUE; } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csOidURL); return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CAOIDIsValidRootOID // // // Pre .Net RC1, the enterprise root OID is derived from the GUID of CN=OID // container in the format of DWORD.DWORD.DWORD.DWORD. The new Son of RFC2459 // defines a mandatory maximum length to the element of an OID of 2^28. // // The new format will be xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, each element is a 3 byte // date from the GUID (16 bytes). The last element is one byte only. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CAOIDIsValidRootOID(LPWSTR pwszOID) { BOOL fValid=FALSE; LPWSTR pwsz=NULL; DWORD dwCount=0; if(NULL == pwszOID) goto error; pwsz=pwszOID; while(L'\0' != (*pwsz)) { if(L'.' == (*pwsz)) { dwCount++; } pwsz++; } if(14 != dwCount) goto error; fValid=TRUE; error: return fValid; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CAOIDAllocAndCopy // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAOIDAllocAndCopy(LPWSTR pwszSrc, LPWSTR *ppwszDest) { if((NULL==ppwszDest) || (NULL==pwszSrc)) return E_INVALIDARG; *ppwszDest=(LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(pwszSrc) + 1)); if(NULL==(*ppwszDest)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; wcscpy(*ppwszDest, pwszSrc); return S_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CAOIDGetRandom // // We build a random x1.x2 string. X is a 32 bit unsigned integer. x1 > 1 // and x2 > 500. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAOIDGetRandom(LPWSTR *ppwszRandom) { HRESULT hr=E_FAIL; DWORD dwRandom1=0; DWORD dwRandom2=0; DWORD cbData=sizeof(DWORD); WCHAR wszRandom1[DWORD_STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR wszRandom2[DWORD_STRING_LENGTH]; HCRYPTPROV hProv=NULL; //there is a bug in cryptAcquireContextW that if container is NULL, provider //can not be ansi. if(!CryptAcquireContextA( &hProv, NULL, MS_DEF_PROV_A, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) { hr= myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "CryptAcquireContextA"); } //accoring to RFC2459 which bounds the OID size, //elements in an arc must be between 0->2^28. if(cbData > 3) cbData=3; if(!CryptGenRandom(hProv, cbData, (BYTE *)&dwRandom1)) { hr= myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "CryptGenRandom"); } if(!CryptGenRandom(hProv, cbData, (BYTE *)&dwRandom2)) { hr= myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "CryptGenRandom"); } if(dwRandom1 <= OID_RESERVE_DEFAULT_ONE) dwRandom1 +=OID_RESERVE_DEFAULT_ONE; if(dwRandom2 <= OID_RESERVR_DEFAULT_TWO) dwRandom2 += OID_RESERVR_DEFAULT_TWO; wszRandom1[0]=L'\0'; wsprintf(wszRandom1, L"%lu", dwRandom1); wszRandom2[0]=L'\0'; wsprintf(wszRandom2, L"%lu", dwRandom2); *ppwszRandom=(LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(wszRandom1) + wcslen(wszOID_DOT) + wcslen(wszRandom2) + 1)); if(NULL==(*ppwszRandom)) { hr= E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "CryptGenRandom"); } wcscpy(*ppwszRandom, wszRandom1); wcscat(*ppwszRandom, wszOID_DOT); wcscat(*ppwszRandom, wszRandom2); hr=S_OK; error: if(hProv) CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0); return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CAOIDMapGUIDToOID // // GUID (16 byte) string is in the form of 3_Byte.3_Byte.3_Byte.3_Byte.3_Byte.1_Byte // 12 characters are sufficient to present a 2^32 value. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAOIDMapGUIDToOID(LDAP_BERVAL *pGuidVal, LPWSTR *ppwszGUID) { HRESULT hr=E_INVALIDARG; DWORD iIndex=0; WCHAR wszString[DWORD_STRING_LENGTH]; DWORD dwData=0; BYTE *pbData=NULL; *ppwszGUID=NULL; //a GUID should be 16 byte if(16 != (pGuidVal->bv_len)) _JumpError(hr, error, "ArgumentCheck"); *ppwszGUID=(LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(WCHAR) * GUID_STRING_LENGTH); if(NULL==(*ppwszGUID)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } pbData=(BYTE *)(pGuidVal->bv_val); for(iIndex=0; iIndex < 6; iIndex++) { wszString[0]=L'\0'; dwData=0; //the 5th index (6th element) is only one byte 15th index (16th) bypte if(iIndex == 5) { dwData=(DWORD)(pbData[iIndex * 3]); } else { dwData=(((DWORD)(pbData[iIndex * 3])) << 16) + (((DWORD)(pbData[iIndex * 3 + 1])) << 8) + ((DWORD)(pbData[iIndex * 3 + 2])); } wsprintf(wszString, L"%lu", dwData); if(0==iIndex) { wcscpy(*ppwszGUID, wszString); } else { wcscat(*ppwszGUID, wszOID_DOT); wcscat(*ppwszGUID, wszString); } } hr = S_OK; error: return hr; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FormatMessageUnicode // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT FormatMessageUnicode(LPWSTR *ppwszFormat,LPWSTR pwszString,...) { va_list argList; DWORD cbMsg=0; // format message into requested buffer va_start(argList, pwszString); cbMsg = FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, pwszString, 0, // dwMessageId 0, // dwLanguageId (LPWSTR) (ppwszFormat), 0, // minimum size to allocate &argList); va_end(argList); if(0 != cbMsg) return S_OK; return E_INVALIDARG; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // DoesOIDExist // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL DoesOIDExist(LDAP *pld, LPWSTR bstrConfig, LPCWSTR pwszOID) { BOOL fExit=FALSE; struct l_timeval timeout; ULONG ldaperr=0; DWORD dwCount=0; LPWSTR awszAttr[2]; CERTSTR bstrDN = NULL; LDAPMessage *SearchResult = NULL; LPWSTR pwszFilter = NULL; if(NULL==pwszOID) goto error; bstrDN = CertAllocStringLen(NULL, wcslen(bstrConfig) + wcslen(s_wszOIDContainerDN)); if(NULL == bstrDN) goto error; wcscpy(bstrDN, s_wszOIDContainerDN); wcscat(bstrDN, bstrConfig); timeout.tv_sec = csecLDAPTIMEOUT; timeout.tv_usec = 0; awszAttr[0]=OID_PROP_OID; awszAttr[1]=NULL; if(S_OK != FormatMessageUnicode(&pwszFilter, L"(%1!s!=%2!s!)", OID_PROP_OID, pwszOID)) goto error; __try { ldaperr = ldap_search_stW( pld, (LPWSTR)bstrDN, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, pwszFilter, awszAttr, 0, &timeout, &SearchResult); if(LDAP_SUCCESS != ldaperr) goto error; dwCount = ldap_count_entries(pld, SearchResult); if(0 != dwCount) fExit=TRUE; } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { } error: if(pwszFilter) LocalFree((HLOCAL)pwszFilter); if(SearchResult) ldap_msgfree(SearchResult); if(bstrDN) CertFreeString(bstrDN); return fExit; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CAOIDUpdateDS // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAOIDUpdateDS(LDAP *pld, LPWSTR pwszConfig, ENT_OID_INFO *pOidInfo) { HRESULT hr=E_INVALIDARG; BOOL fNew=FALSE; ULONG ldaperr=0; LDAPMod modObjectClass, modCN, modType, modOID, modDisplayName, modCPS; LDAPMod *mods[OID_ATTR_COUNT + 1]; DWORD cMod=0; WCHAR wszType[DWORD_STRING_LENGTH]; LPWSTR awszObjectClass[3], awszCN[2], awszType[2], awszOID[2], awszDisplayName[2], awszCPS[2]; CHAR sdBerValue[] = {0x30, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION | OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION}; LDAPControl se_info_control = { LDAP_SERVER_SD_FLAGS_OID_W, { 5, sdBerValue }, TRUE }; LDAPControl permissive_modify_control = { LDAP_SERVER_PERMISSIVE_MODIFY_OID_W, { 0, NULL }, FALSE }; PLDAPControl server_controls[3] = { &se_info_control, &permissive_modify_control, NULL }; CHAR sdBerValueDaclOnly[] = {0x30, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION}; LDAPControl se_info_control_dacl_only = { LDAP_SERVER_SD_FLAGS_OID_W, { 5, sdBerValueDaclOnly }, TRUE }; PLDAPControl server_controls_dacl_only[3] = { &se_info_control_dacl_only, &permissive_modify_control, NULL }; CERTSTR bstrDN = NULL; LPWSTR pwszCN = NULL; if(NULL== (pOidInfo->pwszOID)) _JumpError(hr , error, "ArgumentCheck"); //if we are changing the OID value, we are creating a new oid fNew = OID_ATTR_OID & (pOidInfo->dwAttr); //set up the base DN if(S_OK != (hr = myOIDHashOIDToString(pOidInfo->pwszOID, &pwszCN))) _JumpError(hr , error, "myOIDHashOIDToString"); bstrDN = CertAllocStringLen(NULL, wcslen(pwszConfig) + wcslen(s_wszOIDContainerDN)+wcslen(pwszCN)+4); if(bstrDN == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "CertAllocStringLen"); } wcscpy(bstrDN, L"CN="); wcscat(bstrDN, pwszCN); wcscat(bstrDN, L","); wcscat(bstrDN, s_wszOIDContainerDN); wcscat(bstrDN, pwszConfig); //set up all the mods modObjectClass.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; modObjectClass.mod_type = L"objectclass"; modObjectClass.mod_values = awszObjectClass; awszObjectClass[0] = wszDSTOPCLASSNAME; awszObjectClass[1] = wszDSOIDCLASSNAME; awszObjectClass[2] = NULL; mods[cMod++] = &modObjectClass; modCN.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; modCN.mod_type = L"cn"; modCN.mod_values = awszCN; awszCN[0] = pwszCN; awszCN[1] = NULL; mods[cMod++] = &modCN; modOID.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; modOID.mod_type = OID_PROP_OID; modOID.mod_values = awszOID; awszOID[0] = pOidInfo->pwszOID; awszOID[1] = NULL; mods[cMod++] = &modOID; if(OID_ATTR_DISPLAY_NAME & (pOidInfo->dwAttr)) { modDisplayName.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; modDisplayName.mod_type = OID_PROP_DISPLAY_NAME; if(pOidInfo->pwszDisplayName) { modDisplayName.mod_values = awszDisplayName; awszDisplayName[0] = pOidInfo->pwszDisplayName; awszDisplayName[1] = NULL; } else modDisplayName.mod_values = NULL; if(!fNew) mods[cMod++] = &modDisplayName; } if(OID_ATTR_CPS & (pOidInfo->dwAttr)) { modCPS.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; modCPS.mod_type = OID_PROP_CPS; if(pOidInfo->pwszCPS) { modCPS.mod_values = awszCPS; awszCPS[0] = pOidInfo->pwszCPS; awszCPS[1] = NULL; } else modCPS.mod_values = NULL; if(!fNew) mods[cMod++] = &modCPS; } if(OID_ATTR_TYPE & (pOidInfo->dwAttr)) { modType.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; modType.mod_type = OID_PROP_TYPE; modType.mod_values = awszType; awszType[0] = wszType; awszType[1] = NULL; wsprintf(wszType, L"%d", pOidInfo->dwType); mods[cMod++] = &modType; } mods[cMod++]=NULL; //update the DS __try { if(fNew) { ldaperr = ldap_add_ext_sW(pld, bstrDN, mods, server_controls, NULL); _PrintIfError(ldaperr, "ldap_add_s"); } else { ldaperr = ldap_modify_ext_sW( pld, bstrDN, &mods[2], server_controls_dacl_only, NULL); // skip past objectClass and cn if(LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS == ldaperr) ldaperr = LDAP_SUCCESS; _PrintIfError(ldaperr, "ldap_modify_ext_sW"); } if ((LDAP_SUCCESS != ldaperr) && (LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS != ldaperr)) { hr = myHLdapError(pld, ldaperr, NULL); _JumpError(ldaperr, error, fNew? "ldap_add_s" : "ldap_modify_sW"); } hr=S_OK; } __except(hr = myHEXCEPTIONCODE(), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { } error: if(pwszCN) LocalFree(pwszCN); if(bstrDN) CertFreeString(bstrDN); return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CAOIDRetrieveEnterpriseRootWithConfig // // Get the enterpriseRoot from the displayName attribute of the container. // If the attribute is missing, add the one with GUID of the container. // // Free memory via LocalFree(). //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAOIDRetrieveEnterpriseRootWithConfig( LDAP *pld, LPWSTR pwszConfig, DWORD, // dwFlag LPWSTR *ppwszOID) { HRESULT hr=E_INVALIDARG; struct l_timeval timeout; ULONG ldaperr=0; DWORD dwCount=0; LDAPMessage *Entry=NULL; LDAPMod *mods[2]; LDAPMod modOIDName; LPWSTR valOIDName[2]; CHAR sdBerValueDaclOnly[] = {0x30, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION}; LDAPControl se_info_control_dacl_only = { LDAP_SERVER_SD_FLAGS_OID_W, { 5, sdBerValueDaclOnly }, TRUE }; LDAPControl permissive_modify_control = { LDAP_SERVER_PERMISSIVE_MODIFY_OID_W, { 0, NULL }, FALSE }; PLDAPControl server_controls_dacl_only[3] = { &se_info_control_dacl_only, &permissive_modify_control, NULL }; CERTSTR bstrOIDContainer = NULL; LDAPMessage *SearchResult = NULL; WCHAR **wszLdapVal = NULL; LDAP_BERVAL **pGuidVal = NULL; LPWSTR pwszGUID = NULL; __try { if(NULL==ppwszOID) _JumpError(hr , error, "ArgumentCheck"); *ppwszOID=NULL; //retrive the displayName attribute of the container if available bstrOIDContainer = CertAllocStringLen(NULL, wcslen(pwszConfig) + wcslen(s_wszOIDContainerDN)); if(NULL == bstrOIDContainer) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "CertAllocStringLen"); } wcscpy(bstrOIDContainer, s_wszOIDContainerDN); wcscat(bstrOIDContainer, pwszConfig); timeout.tv_sec = csecLDAPTIMEOUT; timeout.tv_usec = 0; ldaperr = ldap_search_stW( pld, (LPWSTR)bstrOIDContainer, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, s_wszOIDContainerSearch, g_awszOIDContainerAttrs, 0, &timeout, &SearchResult); if(LDAP_SUCCESS != ldaperr) { hr = myHLdapError(pld, ldaperr, NULL); _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_search_stW"); } dwCount = ldap_count_entries(pld, SearchResult); //we should only find one container if((1 != dwCount) || (NULL == (Entry = ldap_first_entry(pld, SearchResult)))) { // No entries were found. hr = myHLdapError(pld, LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT, NULL); _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_search_stW"); } wszLdapVal = ldap_get_values(pld, Entry, OID_CONTAINER_PROP_OID); //make sure the displayName is a valud enterprise OID if(wszLdapVal && wszLdapVal[0]) { if(CAOIDIsValidRootOID(wszLdapVal[0])) { hr=CAOIDAllocAndCopy(wszLdapVal[0], ppwszOID); //cache the enterprise root if((S_OK == hr) && (g_fOidURL)) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_csOidURL); CAOIDAllocAndCopy(*ppwszOID, &g_pwszEnterpriseRootOID); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csOidURL); } goto error; } } //no displayName is present or valid, we have to derive the displayName //from the GUID of the container pGuidVal = ldap_get_values_len(pld, Entry, OID_CONTAINER_PROP_GUID); if((NULL==pGuidVal) || (NULL==pGuidVal[0])) { hr = myHLdapError(pld, LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE, NULL); _JumpError(hr, error, "getGUIDFromDS"); } if(S_OK != (hr=CAOIDMapGUIDToOID(pGuidVal[0], &pwszGUID))) _JumpError(hr, error, "CAOIDMapGUIDToOID"); //contantenate the strings *ppwszOID=(LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(wszOID_ENTERPRISE_ROOT) + wcslen(wszOID_DOT) + wcslen(pwszGUID) + 1)); if(NULL==(*ppwszOID)) { hr=E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } wcscpy(*ppwszOID, wszOID_ENTERPRISE_ROOT); wcscat(*ppwszOID, wszOID_DOT); wcscat(*ppwszOID, pwszGUID); //cache the newly created displayName to the DS //no need to check for error since this is just a performance enhancement valOIDName[0]=*ppwszOID; valOIDName[1]=NULL; modOIDName.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; modOIDName.mod_type = OID_CONTAINER_PROP_OID; modOIDName.mod_values = valOIDName; mods[0]=&modOIDName; mods[1]=NULL; ldap_modify_ext_sW( pld, bstrOIDContainer, mods, server_controls_dacl_only, NULL); //cache the oid root in memory if (g_fOidURL) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_csOidURL); CAOIDAllocAndCopy(*ppwszOID, &g_pwszEnterpriseRootOID); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csOidURL); } hr = S_OK; } __except(hr = myHEXCEPTIONCODE(), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { } error: if(pwszGUID) LocalFree(pwszGUID); if(pGuidVal) ldap_value_free_len(pGuidVal); if(wszLdapVal) ldap_value_free(wszLdapVal); if(SearchResult) ldap_msgfree(SearchResult); if (bstrOIDContainer) CertFreeString(bstrOIDContainer); return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CAOIDRetrieveEnterpriseRoot // // Get the enterpriseRoot from the displayName attribute of the container. // If the attribute is missing, add the one with GUID of the container. // // Free memory via LocalFree(). //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAOIDRetrieveEnterpriseRoot(DWORD dwFlag, LPWSTR *ppwszOID) { HRESULT hr=E_INVALIDARG; LDAP *pld = NULL; CERTSTR bstrConfig = NULL; if(NULL==ppwszOID) _JumpError(hr , error, "ArgumentCheck"); *ppwszOID=NULL; //retrieve the memory cache if available if (g_fOidURL) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_csOidURL); if(g_pwszEnterpriseRootOID) { hr=CAOIDAllocAndCopy(g_pwszEnterpriseRootOID, ppwszOID); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csOidURL); goto error; } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csOidURL); } //retrieve the ldap handle and the config string if(S_OK != (hr = myTimeOutRobustLdapBind(&pld))) _JumpError(hr , error, "myTimeRobustLdapBind"); hr = CAGetAuthoritativeDomainDn(pld, NULL, &bstrConfig); if(S_OK != hr) { _JumpError(hr , error, "CAGetAuthoritativeDomainDn"); } hr = CAOIDRetrieveEnterpriseRootWithConfig(pld, bstrConfig, dwFlag, ppwszOID); error: if(bstrConfig) CertFreeString(bstrConfig); if (pld) ldap_unbind(pld); return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CAOIDBuildOIDWithRoot // // // Free memory via LocalFree(). //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAOIDBuildOIDWithRoot( DWORD, // dwFlag LPCWSTR pwszRoot, LPCWSTR pwszEndOID, LPWSTR *ppwszOID) { HRESULT hr=E_INVALIDARG; if(NULL==pwszRoot) _JumpError(hr , error, "ArgumentCheck"); *ppwszOID=NULL; *ppwszOID=(LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(pwszRoot) + wcslen(wszOID_DOT) + wcslen(pwszEndOID) + 1)); if(NULL==(*ppwszOID)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr , error, "LocalAlloc"); } wcscpy(*ppwszOID, pwszRoot); wcscat(*ppwszOID, wszOID_DOT); wcscat(*ppwszOID, pwszEndOID); hr= S_OK; error: return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CAOIDBuildOID // // // Free memory via LocalFree(). //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAOIDBuildOID(DWORD dwFlag, LPCWSTR pwszEndOID, LPWSTR *ppwszOID) { HRESULT hr=E_INVALIDARG; LPWSTR pwszRoot=NULL; if((NULL==ppwszOID) || (NULL==pwszEndOID)) _JumpError(hr , error, "ArgumentCheck"); *ppwszOID=NULL; if(S_OK != (hr=CAOIDRetrieveEnterpriseRoot(0, &pwszRoot))) _JumpError(hr , error, "RetrieveEnterpriseRoot"); hr= CAOIDBuildOIDWithRoot(dwFlag, pwszRoot, pwszEndOID, ppwszOID); error: if(pwszRoot) LocalFree(pwszRoot); return hr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Convert the byte to its Hex presentation. // // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ULONG ByteToHex(BYTE byte, LPWSTR wszZero, LPWSTR wszA) { ULONG uValue=0; if(((ULONG)byte)<=9) { uValue=((ULONG)byte)+ULONG(*wszZero); } else { uValue=(ULONG)byte-10+ULONG(*wszA); } return uValue; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ConvertByteToWstr // // If fSpace is TRUE, we add a space every 2 bytes. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT ConvertByteToWstr(BYTE *pbData, DWORD cbData, LPWSTR *ppwsz) { HRESULT hr=E_INVALIDARG; DWORD dwBufferSize=0; DWORD dwBufferIndex=0; DWORD dwEncodedIndex=0; LPWSTR pwszZero=L"0"; LPWSTR pwszA=L"A"; if(!pbData || !ppwsz) _JumpError(hr , error, "ArgumentCheck"); //calculate the memory needed, in bytes //we need 2 wchars per byte, along with the NULL terminator dwBufferSize=sizeof(WCHAR)*(cbData*2+1); *ppwsz=(LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwBufferSize); if(NULL==(*ppwsz)) { hr=E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr , error, "LocalAlloc"); } dwBufferIndex=0; //format the wchar buffer one byte at a time for(dwEncodedIndex=0; dwEncodedIndex>4, pwszZero, pwszA); dwBufferIndex++; //format the lower 4 bits (*ppwsz)[dwBufferIndex]=(WCHAR)ByteToHex( pbData[dwEncodedIndex]&LOWER_BITS, pwszZero, pwszA); dwBufferIndex++; } //add the NULL terminator to the string (*ppwsz)[dwBufferIndex]=L'\0'; hr=S_OK; error: return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // myOIDHashOIDToString // // Map the OID to a hash string in the format of oid.hash. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT myOIDHashOIDToString( IN WCHAR const *pwszOID, OUT WCHAR **ppwsz) { HRESULT hr=E_INVALIDARG; BYTE pbHash[CERT_OID_MD5_HASH_SIZE]; DWORD cbData=CERT_OID_MD5_HASH_SIZE; LPCWSTR pwszChar=NULL; DWORD dwIDLength=CERT_OID_IDENTITY_LENGTH; LPWSTR pwszHash=NULL; if((NULL==pwszOID) || (NULL==ppwsz)) _JumpError(hr , error, "ArgumentCheck"); *ppwsz=NULL; hr = myVerifyObjId(pwszOID); _JumpIfErrorStr2(hr, error, "myVerifyObjId", pwszOID, E_INVALIDARG); if(!CryptHashCertificate( NULL, CALG_MD5, 0, (BYTE * )pwszOID, sizeof(WCHAR) * wcslen(pwszOID), pbHash, &cbData)) { hr= myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr , error, "CryptHashCertificate"); } //convert the hash to a string if(S_OK != (hr=ConvertByteToWstr(pbHash, CERT_OID_MD5_HASH_SIZE, &pwszHash))) _JumpError(hr , error, "ConvertByteToWstr"); //find the last component of the oid. Take the first 16 characters pwszChar=wcsrchr(pwszOID, L'.'); if(NULL==pwszChar) pwszChar=pwszOID; else pwszChar++; if(dwIDLength > wcslen(pwszChar)) dwIDLength=wcslen(pwszChar); //the result string is oid.hash *ppwsz=(LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(WCHAR) * (dwIDLength + wcslen(pwszHash) + wcslen(wszOID_DOT) +1)); if(NULL==*ppwsz) { hr= E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr , error, "LocalAlloc"); } wcsncpy(*ppwsz, pwszChar, dwIDLength); (*ppwsz)[dwIDLength]=L'\0'; wcscat(*ppwsz, wszOID_DOT); wcscat(*ppwsz, pwszHash); hr=S_OK; error: if(pwszHash) LocalFree(pwszHash); return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // I_CAOIDCreateNew // Create a new OID based on the enterprise base // // Returns S_OK if successful. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT I_CAOIDCreateNew( DWORD dwType, DWORD, // dwFlag LPWSTR *ppwszOID) { HRESULT hr=E_INVALIDARG; ENT_OID_INFO oidInfo; DWORD iIndex=0; LDAP *pld = NULL; CERTSTR bstrConfig = NULL; LPWSTR pwszRoot = NULL; LPWSTR pwszNewOID = NULL; LPWSTR pwszRandom = NULL; if(NULL==ppwszOID) _JumpError(hr , error, "ArgumentCheck"); *ppwszOID=NULL; //retrieve the root oid if available if (g_fOidURL) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_csOidURL); if(g_pwszEnterpriseRootOID) { if(S_OK != (hr=CAOIDAllocAndCopy(g_pwszEnterpriseRootOID, &pwszRoot))) { LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csOidURL); goto error; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csOidURL); } //retrieve the ldap handle and the config string if(S_OK != (hr = myTimeOutRobustLdapBind(&pld))) _JumpError(hr , error, "myTimeRobustLdapBind"); hr = CAGetAuthoritativeDomainDn(pld, NULL, &bstrConfig); if(S_OK != hr) { _JumpError(hr , error, "CAGetAuthoritativeDomainDn"); } if(NULL==pwszRoot) { if(S_OK != (hr = CAOIDRetrieveEnterpriseRootWithConfig(pld, bstrConfig, 0, &pwszRoot))) _JumpError(hr , error, "CAOIDRetrieveEnterpriseRootWithConfig"); } //we try to generate a random x1.x2 oid. x > 1 and x2 > 500 for(iIndex=0; iIndex < OID_RANDOM_CREATION_TRIAL; iIndex++) { if(S_OK != (hr = CAOIDGetRandom(&pwszRandom))) _JumpError(hr , error, "CAOIDGetRandom"); if(S_OK != (hr = CAOIDBuildOIDWithRoot(0, pwszRoot, pwszRandom, &pwszNewOID))) _JumpError(hr , error, "CAOIDBuildOIDWithRoot"); if(!DoesOIDExist(pld, bstrConfig, pwszNewOID)) break; LocalFree(pwszRandom); pwszRandom=NULL; LocalFree(pwszNewOID); pwszNewOID=NULL; } if(iIndex == OID_RANDOM_CREATION_TRIAL) { hr=E_FAIL; _JumpError(hr , error, "CAOIDGetRandom"); } //update the oid information on the DS memset(&oidInfo, 0, sizeof(ENT_OID_INFO)); oidInfo.dwAttr=OID_ATTR_ALL; oidInfo.dwType=dwType; oidInfo.pwszOID=pwszNewOID; if(S_OK != (hr=CAOIDUpdateDS(pld, bstrConfig, &oidInfo))) _JumpError(hr , error, "CAOIDUpdateDS"); *ppwszOID=pwszNewOID; pwszNewOID=NULL; hr=S_OK; error: if(pwszRandom) LocalFree(pwszRandom); if(pwszNewOID) LocalFree(pwszNewOID); if(pwszRoot) LocalFree(pwszRoot); if(bstrConfig) CertFreeString(bstrConfig); if (pld) ldap_unbind(pld); return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CAOIDCreateNew // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAOIDCreateNew( IN DWORD dwType, IN DWORD dwFlag, OUT LPWSTR *ppwszOID) { return I_CAOIDCreateNew(dwType, dwFlag, ppwszOID); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // I_CAOIDSetProperty // Set a property on an oid. // // // Returns S_OK if successful. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT I_CAOIDSetProperty( IN LPCWSTR pwszOID, IN DWORD dwProperty, IN LPVOID pPropValue) { HRESULT hr=E_INVALIDARG; ENT_OID_INFO oidInfo; LDAP *pld = NULL; CERTSTR bstrConfig = NULL; if(NULL==pwszOID) _JumpError(hr , error, "ArgumentCheck"); //retrieve the ldap handle and the config string if(S_OK != (hr = myTimeOutRobustLdapBind(&pld))) _JumpError(hr , error, "myTimeRobustLdapBind"); hr = CAGetAuthoritativeDomainDn(pld, NULL, &bstrConfig); if(S_OK != hr) { _JumpError(hr , error, "CAGetAuthoritativeDomainDn"); } //make sure the OID exist on the DS if(!DoesOIDExist(pld, bstrConfig, pwszOID)) { hr=NTE_NOT_FOUND; _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "DoesOIDExist", pwszOID); } //update the oid information on the DS memset(&oidInfo, 0, sizeof(ENT_OID_INFO)); oidInfo.pwszOID=(LPWSTR)pwszOID; switch(dwProperty) { case CERT_OID_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME: oidInfo.dwAttr = OID_ATTR_DISPLAY_NAME; oidInfo.pwszDisplayName=(LPWSTR)pPropValue; break; case CERT_OID_PROPERTY_CPS: oidInfo.dwAttr = OID_ATTR_CPS; oidInfo.pwszCPS=(LPWSTR)pPropValue; break; default: hr=E_INVALIDARG; _JumpError(hr , error, "ArgumentCheck"); } hr=CAOIDUpdateDS(pld, bstrConfig, &oidInfo); error: if(bstrConfig) CertFreeString(bstrConfig); if (pld) ldap_unbind(pld); return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CAOIDSetProperty // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAOIDSetProperty( IN LPCWSTR pwszOID, IN DWORD dwProperty, IN LPVOID pPropValue) { return I_CAOIDSetProperty(pwszOID, dwProperty, pPropValue); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // I_CAOIDAdd // // Returns S_OK if successful. // Returns CRYPT_E_EXISTS if the OID alreay exits in the DS repository //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT I_CAOIDAdd( IN DWORD dwType, IN DWORD, // dwFlag IN LPCWSTR pwszOID) { HRESULT hr=E_INVALIDARG; ENT_OID_INFO oidInfo; LDAP *pld = NULL; CERTSTR bstrConfig = NULL; if(NULL==pwszOID) _JumpError(hr , error, "ArgumentCheck"); //retrieve the ldap handle and the config string if(S_OK != (hr = myTimeOutRobustLdapBind(&pld))) _JumpError(hr , error, "myTimeRobustLdapBind"); hr = CAGetAuthoritativeDomainDn(pld, NULL, &bstrConfig); if(S_OK != hr) { _JumpError(hr , error, "CAGetAuthoritativeDomainDn"); } //make sure the OID does not exist on the DS if(DoesOIDExist(pld, bstrConfig, pwszOID)) { hr=CRYPT_E_EXISTS; _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "OID Exists", pwszOID); } //update the oid information on the DS memset(&oidInfo, 0, sizeof(ENT_OID_INFO)); oidInfo.dwAttr=OID_ATTR_ALL; oidInfo.dwType=dwType; oidInfo.pwszOID=(LPWSTR)pwszOID; hr=CAOIDUpdateDS(pld, bstrConfig, &oidInfo); error: if(bstrConfig) CertFreeString(bstrConfig); if (pld) ldap_unbind(pld); return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAOIDAdd // // Returns S_OK if successful. // Returns CRYPT_E_EXISTS if the OID alreay exits in the DS repository //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAOIDAdd( IN DWORD dwType, IN DWORD dwFlag, IN LPCWSTR pwszOID) { return I_CAOIDAdd(dwType, dwFlag, pwszOID); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // I_CAOIDDelete // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT I_CAOIDDelete( IN LPCWSTR pwszOID) { HRESULT hr=E_INVALIDARG; ULONG ldaperr=0; LDAP *pld = NULL; CERTSTR bstrConfig = NULL; CERTSTR bstrDN = NULL; LPWSTR pwszCN = NULL; if(NULL==pwszOID) _JumpError(hr , error, "ArgumentCheck"); //retrieve the ldap handle and the config string if(S_OK != (hr = myTimeOutRobustLdapBind(&pld))) _JumpError(hr , error, "myTimeRobustLdapBind"); hr = CAGetAuthoritativeDomainDn(pld, NULL, &bstrConfig); if(S_OK != hr) { _JumpError(hr , error, "CAGetAuthoritativeDomainDn"); } //set up the base DN if(S_OK != (hr = myOIDHashOIDToString((LPWSTR)pwszOID, &pwszCN))) _JumpError(hr , error, "myOIDHashOIDToString"); bstrDN = CertAllocStringLen(NULL, wcslen(bstrConfig) + wcslen(s_wszOIDContainerDN)+wcslen(pwszCN)+4); if(bstrDN == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "CertAllocStringLen"); } wcscpy(bstrDN, L"CN="); wcscat(bstrDN, pwszCN); wcscat(bstrDN, L","); wcscat(bstrDN, s_wszOIDContainerDN); wcscat(bstrDN, bstrConfig); ldaperr = ldap_delete_s(pld, bstrDN); if(LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT == ldaperr) ldaperr = LDAP_SUCCESS; hr = myHLdapError(pld, ldaperr, NULL); error: if(pwszCN) LocalFree(pwszCN); if(bstrDN) CertFreeString(bstrDN); if(bstrConfig) CertFreeString(bstrConfig); if (pld) ldap_unbind(pld); return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CAOIDDelete // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAOIDDelete( IN LPCWSTR pwszOID) { return I_CAOIDDelete(pwszOID); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // I_CAOIDGetProperty // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT I_CAOIDGetProperty( IN LPCWSTR pwszOID, IN DWORD dwProperty, OUT LPVOID pPropValue) { HRESULT hr=E_INVALIDARG; ULONG ldaperr=0; DWORD dwCount=0; struct l_timeval timeout; LPWSTR awszAttr[4]; LDAPMessage *Entry=NULL; WCHAR **wszLdapVal = NULL; LPWSTR pwszFilter = NULL; LDAPMessage *SearchResult = NULL; LDAP *pld = NULL; CERTSTR bstrConfig = NULL; CERTSTR bstrDN = NULL; LPWSTR pwszCN = NULL; if((NULL==pwszOID) || (NULL==pPropValue)) _JumpError(hr , error, "ArgumentCheck"); //retrieve the ldap handle and the config string if(S_OK != (hr = myTimeOutRobustLdapBind(&pld))) _JumpError(hr , error, "myTimeRobustLdapBind"); hr = CAGetAuthoritativeDomainDn(pld, NULL, &bstrConfig); if(S_OK != hr) { _JumpError(hr , error, "CAGetAuthoritativeDomainDn"); } //set up the base DN if(S_OK != (hr = myOIDHashOIDToString((LPWSTR)pwszOID, &pwszCN))) _JumpError(hr , error, "myOIDHashOIDToString"); bstrDN = CertAllocStringLen(NULL, wcslen(bstrConfig) + wcslen(s_wszOIDContainerDN)+wcslen(pwszCN)+4); if(bstrDN == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "CertAllocStringLen"); } wcscpy(bstrDN, L"CN="); wcscat(bstrDN, pwszCN); wcscat(bstrDN, L","); wcscat(bstrDN, s_wszOIDContainerDN); wcscat(bstrDN, bstrConfig); //search for the OID, asking for all its attributes timeout.tv_sec = csecLDAPTIMEOUT; timeout.tv_usec = 0; awszAttr[0]=OID_PROP_TYPE; awszAttr[1]=OID_PROP_DISPLAY_NAME; awszAttr[2]=OID_PROP_CPS; awszAttr[3]=NULL; if(S_OK != (hr=FormatMessageUnicode(&pwszFilter, L"(%1!s!=%2!s!)", OID_PROP_OID, pwszOID))) _JumpError(hr , error, "FormatMessageUnicode"); ldaperr = ldap_search_stW( pld, (LPWSTR)bstrDN, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, pwszFilter, awszAttr, 0, &timeout, &SearchResult); if(LDAP_SUCCESS != ldaperr) { hr = myHLdapError2(pld, ldaperr, LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT, NULL); _JumpErrorStr2( hr, error, "ldap_search_stW", pwszFilter, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DS_OBJ_NOT_FOUND)); } dwCount = ldap_count_entries(pld, SearchResult); //we should only find one container if((1 != dwCount) || (NULL == (Entry = ldap_first_entry(pld, SearchResult)))) { // No entries were found. hr = myHLdapError(pld, LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT, NULL); _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_search_stW"); } switch(dwProperty) { case CERT_OID_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME: wszLdapVal = ldap_get_values(pld, Entry, OID_PROP_DISPLAY_NAME); if(wszLdapVal && wszLdapVal[0]) { hr=CAOIDAllocAndCopy(wszLdapVal[0], (LPWSTR *)pPropValue); } else hr = myHLdapError(pld, LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE, NULL); break; case CERT_OID_PROPERTY_CPS: wszLdapVal = ldap_get_values(pld, Entry, OID_PROP_CPS); if(wszLdapVal && wszLdapVal[0]) { hr=CAOIDAllocAndCopy(wszLdapVal[0], (LPWSTR *)pPropValue); } else hr = myHLdapError(pld, LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE, NULL); break; case CERT_OID_PROPERTY_TYPE: wszLdapVal = ldap_get_values(pld, Entry, OID_PROP_TYPE); if(wszLdapVal && wszLdapVal[0]) { *((DWORD *)pPropValue)=_wtol(wszLdapVal[0]); hr=S_OK; } else hr = myHLdapError(pld, LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE, NULL); break; default: hr=E_INVALIDARG; } if(hr != S_OK) _JumpError(hr , error, "GetAttibuteValue"); error: if(wszLdapVal) ldap_value_free(wszLdapVal); if(pwszFilter) LocalFree((HLOCAL)pwszFilter); if(SearchResult) ldap_msgfree(SearchResult); if(pwszCN) LocalFree(pwszCN); if(bstrDN) CertFreeString(bstrDN); if(bstrConfig) CertFreeString(bstrConfig); if (pld) ldap_unbind(pld); return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CAOIDGetProperty // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAOIDGetProperty( IN LPCWSTR pwszOID, IN DWORD dwProperty, OUT LPVOID pPropValue) { return I_CAOIDGetProperty(pwszOID, dwProperty, pPropValue); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // I_CAOIDFreeProperty // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT I_CAOIDFreeProperty( IN LPVOID pPropValue) { if(pPropValue) LocalFree(pPropValue); return S_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CAOIDFreeProperty // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAOIDFreeProperty( IN LPVOID pPropValue) { return I_CAOIDFreeProperty(pPropValue); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CAOIDGetLdapURL // // Get the LDAP URL for the DS OID repository in the format of // LDAP:///DN of the Repository/all attributes?one?filter. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAOIDGetLdapURL( IN DWORD dwType, IN DWORD, // dwFlag OUT LPWSTR *ppwszURL) { HRESULT hr=E_INVALIDARG; LPWSTR wszFilterFormat=L"ldap:///%1!s!%2!s!?%3!s!,%4!s!,%5!s!,%6!s!,%7!s!?one?%8!s!=%9!d!"; LPWSTR pwsz=NULL; LPWSTR pwszURL=NULL; LDAP *pld = NULL; CERTSTR bstrConfig = NULL; if(NULL==ppwszURL) _JumpError(hr , error, "ArgumentCheck"); //retrieve the ldap handle and the config string if(S_OK != (hr = myTimeOutRobustLdapBind(&pld))) _JumpError(hr , error, "myTimeRobustLdapBind"); hr = CAGetAuthoritativeDomainDn(pld, NULL, &bstrConfig); if(S_OK != hr) { _JumpError(hr , error, "CAGetAuthoritativeDomainDn"); } if(S_OK != (hr=FormatMessageUnicode( &pwszURL, wszFilterFormat, s_wszOIDContainerDN, bstrConfig, OID_PROP_TYPE, OID_PROP_OID, OID_PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, OID_PROP_CPS, OID_PROP_LOCALIZED_NAME, OID_PROP_TYPE, dwType ))) _JumpError(hr , error, "FormatMessageUnicode"); //we eliminate the filter if dwType is CERT_OID_TYPE_ALL if(CERT_OID_TYPE_ALL == dwType) { pwsz=wcsrchr(pwszURL, L'?'); if(NULL==pwsz) { //something serious is wrong hr=E_UNEXPECTED; _JumpError(hr , error, "FormatMessageUnicode"); } *pwsz=L'\0'; } *ppwszURL=pwszURL; pwszURL=NULL; hr=S_OK; error: if(pwszURL) LocalFree((HLOCAL)pwszURL); if(bstrConfig) CertFreeString(bstrConfig); if (pld) ldap_unbind(pld); return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CAOIDFreeLdapURL // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAOIDFreeLdapURL( IN LPCWSTR pwszURL) { if(pwszURL) LocalFree((HLOCAL)pwszURL); return S_OK; }