;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// ;// Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. ;// ;// FILE ;// ;// adminweb.mc ;// ;// SYNOPSIS ;// ;// NAS Server resources - English ;// ;// MODIFICATION HISTORY ;// ;// 19 Oct 2000 Original version ;// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; ;// please choose one of these severity names as part of your messages ; SeverityNames = ( Success = 0x0:SA_SEVERITY_SUCCESS Informational = 0x1:SA_SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL Warning = 0x2:SA_SEVERITY_WARNING Error = 0x3:SA_SEVERITY_ERROR ) ; ;// The Facility Name identifies the Alert ID range to be used by ;// the specific component. For each new message you add choose the ;// facility name corresponding to your component. If none of these ;// correspond to your component add a new facility name with a new ;// value and name FacilityNames = ( Facility_AdminWeb = 0x045:SA_FACILITY_ADMINWEB ) ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// adminweb_prop.asp ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 1 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_ALLIPADDRESS_TEXT Language = English All IP addresses . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 2 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_JUSTTHIS_IP_ADDRESS_TEXT Language = English Just this IP address: . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 3 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_PORT_TEXT Language = English Port for non-encrypted access: . ;//Error messages ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 4 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_IIS_WEBSERVERCONNECTION_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Could not connect to Web Server. . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 5 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_COULDNOT_IIS_WEBSERVERSETTING_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Could not set the Server Settings. . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 7 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_COULDNOT_IIS_WEBSERVER_OBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Could not get the Server Settings. . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 8 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_WMICONNECTIONFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Connection to WMI failed. . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 9 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_COMPUTERNAME_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Error occurred while getting Computer Name. . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 10 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_SSLPORT_TEXT Language = English Port for encrypted (SSL) access: . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 11 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_PAGETITLE_ADMIN_TEXT Language = English Administration Web Site Properties . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 12 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_ADMINUSAGE_TEXT Language = English Select which IP addresses and port can be used to access the administration Web site. . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 13 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_ADMINNOTE_TEXT Language = English The changes you make affect the Web site you are currently accessing. After making a change, remember to access the Web site using the new IP address or port. . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 14 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_ENTERPORTNUMBER_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Please enter a positive integer as port number. . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 15 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_VALIDENTERPORTNUMBER_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Please enter an integer between 1 and 65535. . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 18 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_IIS_WEBSERVER_COULDNOTSET_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English The combination of IP address and port %1 is already in use. . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 19 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_COULDNOT_ADMIN_WEBSITE_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English The Administration web site is not found. . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 20 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_INVALID_IPADDRESS_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English IP address is not valid. Please select valid IP address. . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 21 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_FAILEDTOGET_IPADDRESS_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Failed to get the NIC IP addresses from the system. . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 22 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_FAILEDTO_VERIFY_IPADD_PORT_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Unable to verify IP address and port number. . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 24 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_REGISTRYCONNECTIONFAIL_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Error in connecting to the registry through WMI. . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 25 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_REGISTRY_PORT_NUMBERS_NOTSET_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Error in updating the port entries in the registry. . ;// adminweb_prop.asp MessageId = 26 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_AdminWeb SymbolicName = L_PORTNUMBERS_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Port numbers for encrypted and non-encrypted sites must be different. .