<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' telnetadmin_prop.asp : get's and set's the telnet service properties. ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' ' Date Description ' 28-Feb-01 Creation date '------------------------------------------------------------------------- %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Global Constants and Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim rc 'framework variables Dim page 'framework variables Dim idTabGeneral 'framework variables Const WBEMFLAG = 131072 'Wmi constant to save wmi settings '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Global Form Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim F_strTelnetSvc 'contains Value True if telnet service is running ' else contains false Dim F_strEnableTelnetAccess 'Used to set the Telnet Service properties '------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Start of localization content '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dim L_PAGETITLE_TEXT 'Page title text Dim L_GENERALTAB_TEXT 'General Tab text Dim L_ENABLETELNETACCESS_TEXT 'Enable telnet access checkbox text 'error messages Dim L_TELNETSERVICENOTINSTALLED_ERRORMESSAGE 'if telnet service is not installed 'this error message will be displayed Dim L_UNABLETOSETTHEPROPERTIES_ERRORMESSAGE 'if unable to set properties 'this error message will be displayed L_PAGETITLE_TEXT = GetLocString("telnet.dll", "&H40360003", "") L_GENERALTAB_TEXT=GetLocString("telnet.dll", "&H40360004", "") L_ENABLETELNETACCESS_TEXT=GetLocString("telnet.dll", "&H40360005", "") L_TELNETSERVICENOTINSTALLED_ERRORMESSAGE=GetLocString("telnet.dll", "&HC0360007", "") L_UNABLETOSETTHEPROPERTIES_ERRORMESSAGE=GetLocString("telnet.dll", "&HC0360006", "") '------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'END of localization content '------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Create a Tabbed Property Page rc = SA_CreatePage(L_PAGETITLE_TEXT,"", PT_TABBED, page ) ' Add one tab rc = SA_AddTabPage( page, L_GENERALTAB_TEXT, idTabGeneral) ' Show the page rc = SA_ShowPage( page ) '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnInitPage() 'Description: Called to signal first time processing for this page. ' Use this method to do first time initialization tasks 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: In:L_TELNETSERVICENOTINSTALLED_ERRORMESSAGE-Displays ' error message when telnet service is not installed. '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnInitPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg) Call SA_TraceOut( "telnetadmin_prop.asp", "OnInitPage") 'checking whether Telnet service is installed or not. If Not isServiceInstalled(getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE),"TlntSvr") Then Call SA_TraceOut( "telnetadmin_prop.asp", "Telnet service is not Installed") Call SA_ServeFailurePage( L_TELNETSERVICENOTINSTALLED_ERRORMESSAGE) Exit Function OnInitPage=False End If 'getting default telnet service properties GetTelenetSvcProp() OnInitPage = TRUE End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnPostBackPage() 'Description: Called to signal that the page has been posted-back. 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: In:F_strTelnetSvc ' Out:F_strEnableTelnetAccess '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnPostBackPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg) Call SA_TraceOut( "telnetadmin_prop.asp", "OnPostBackPage") 'getting the value when the form is submitted F_strTelnetSvc= Request.form("chkEnableTelnetAccess") 'checking whether the enable telnet checkbox is enabled or not If F_strTelnetSvc then F_strEnableTelnetAccess="CHECKED" Else F_strEnableTelnetAccess="" End If OnPostBackPage = TRUE End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnServeTabbedPropertyPage() 'Description: Called when the page needs to be served.Use this ' method to serve content 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg,iTab,bIsVisible 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None ' TRUE to indicate not problems occured. FALSE to indicate errors. ' Returning FALSE will cause the page to be abandoned. '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnServeTabbedPropertyPage(ByRef PageIn, _ ByVal iTab, _ ByVal bIsVisible, ByRef EventArg) Call SA_TraceOut( "telnetadmin_prop.asp", "OnServeTabbedPropertyPage") ' Emit Web Framework required functions If (iTab = 0) Then Call ServeCommonJavaScript() End If ' Emit content for the requested tab Select Case iTab Case idTabGeneral Call ServeTab1(PageIn, bIsVisible) Case Else SA_TraceOut "telnetadmin_prop.asp", _ "OnServeTabbedPropertyPage unrecognized tab id: " + CStr(iTab) End Select OnServeTabbedPropertyPage = TRUE End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnSubmitPage() 'Description: Called when the page has been submitted for processing. ' Use this method to process the submit request. 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnSubmitPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg) Call SA_TraceOut( "telnetadmin_prop.asp", "OnSubmitPage") OnSubmitPage =SetTelenetSvcProp() End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnClosePage() 'Description: Called when the page is about closed.Use this method ' to perform clean-up processing 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnClosePage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg) Call SA_TraceOut( "telnetadmin_prop.asp", "OnClosePage") OnClosePage = TRUE End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: GetTelenetSvcProp 'Description: Get TelnetService properties from the appliance 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: In:L_(*)-Localization content ' Out:F_strTelnetSvc ' Out:F_strEnableTelnetAccess '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetTelenetSvcProp Err.Clear on Error resume next Dim objService 'To get wmi connection Dim strWMIpath 'To get wmi path Dim objTelnetSvc 'To get wmi class instance 'Getting wmi connection Set objService=GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) If Err.number<>0 then Call SA_TraceOut( "telnetadmin_prop.asp", "Wmi connection Failed-GetTelenetSvcProp()") Call SA_ServeFailurePage( L_WMI_CONNECTIONFAIL_ERRORMESSAGE) GetTelenetSvcProp=False Exit Function End If 'Telnet service path strWMIpath = "Win32_Service.Name='TlntSvr'" 'taking the instance of telnet service class Set objTelnetSvc=objService.get(strWMIpath) If Err.number<>0 then Call SA_TraceOut( "telnetadmin_prop.asp", "Wmi Class Instance Failed-GetTelenetSvcProp()") Call SA_ServeFailurePage( L_WMI_INSTANCEFAIL_ERRORMESSAGE) GetTelenetSvcProp=False Exit Function End If 'objTelnetSvc.Started returns true if telnet service is running. ' otherewise returns false F_strTelnetSvc=objTelnetSvc.Started If F_strTelnetSvc then F_strEnableTelnetAccess="CHECKED" Else F_strEnableTelnetAccess="" End If GetTelenetSvcProp=True 'Destroying dynamically created objects Set objService=Nothing Set objTelnetSvc=Nothing End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: SetTelenetSvcProp 'Description: Setting the properties of the Telnet service 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: (True / Flase ) 'Global Variables: In:F_strTelnetSvc-'contains Value True if telnet service ' is running else contains false ' In:L_(*)-Localization content '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetTelenetSvcProp Err.Clear on Error resume next Dim objService 'To get wmi connection Dim strWMIpath 'To get wmi path Dim objTelnetSvc 'To get wmi class instance 'Getting wmi connection Set objService=GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) If Err.number<>0 then Call SA_TraceOut( "telnetadmin_prop.asp", "Wmi connection Failed-SetTelenetSvcProp()") Call SA_ServeFailurePage( L_WMI_CONNECTIONFAIL_ERRORMESSAGE) SetTelenetSvcProp=False Exit Function End If 'Telnet service path strWMIpath = "Win32_Service.Name='TlntSvr'" 'taking the instance of telnet service instance Set objTelnetSvc=objService.get(strWMIpath) If Err.number<>0 then Call SA_TraceOut( "telnetadmin_prop.asp", "Wmi Class Instance Failed-SetTelenetSvcProp()") Call SA_ServeFailurePage(L_WMI_INSTANCEFAIL_ERRORMESSAGE) SetTelenetSvcProp=False Exit Function End If 'setting the telnet service properties If F_strTelnetSvc then 'if enable telnet access checkbox is checked,setting the telnet service to automatic, ' and starting the service. If Lcase(objTelnetSvc.StartMode) <> Lcase("Auto") then objTelnetSvc.ChangeStartMode("Automatic") end If objTelnetSvc.StartService() Else 'if enable telnet access checkbox is not checked,setting the telnet service to disabled, ' and stopping the service. objTelnetSvc.ChangeStartMode("Disabled") objTelnetSvc.StopService() End If 'saving the wmi settings 'objTelnetSvc.Put_(WBEMFLAG) If Err.number <> 0 then Call SA_TraceOut( "telnetadmin_prop.asp", "Failed to Set TelnetService Properties" ) SetErrMsg L_UNABLETOSETTHEPROPERTIES_ERRORMESSAGE SetTelenetSvcProp = false Exit function End If SetTelenetSvcProp=True 'Destroying dynamically created objects Set objService=Nothing Set objTelnetSvc=Nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: ServeTab1 'Description: Serves in getting the page for tab1 'Input Variables: PageIn,bIsVisible 'Output Variables: PageIn 'Returns: gc_ERR_SUCCESS 'Global Variables: L_(*)All ' F_(*) All '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServeTab1(ByRef PageIn, ByVal bIsVisible) If ( bIsVisible ) Then %>
onclick="storeEnableAccessVals()"> <%=L_ENABLETELNETACCESS_TEXT%>
<%else%> <% End If ServeTab1 = gc_ERR_SUCCESS End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: ServeCommonJavaScript 'Description: Serves in initialiging the values,setting the form ' data and validating the form values 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: None 'Global Variables: L_PASSWORDNOTMATCH_ERRORMESSAGE '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServeCommonJavaScript() %> <% End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: isServiceInstalled 'Description:helper Function to chek whether the function is there or not 'Input Variables: objService - object to WMI ' strServiceName - Service name 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: (True/Flase) 'GlobalVariables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function isServiceInstalled(ObjWMI,strServiceName) Err.clear on error resume next Dim strService strService = "name=""" & strServiceName & """" isServiceInstalled = IsValidWMIInstance(ObjWMI,"Win32_Service",strService) end Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: IsValidWMIInstance 'Description: Checks the instance for valid ness. 'Input Variables: objService - object to WMI ' strClassName - WMI class name ' strPropertyName - Property name of the class ' 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: Returns true on Valid Instance , ' False on invalid and also on Error ' Checks whether the given instance is valid in WMI.Returns true on valid ' false on invalid or Error. '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsValidWMIInstance(objService,strClassName,strPropertyName) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim strInstancePath Dim objInstance strInstancePath = strClassName & "." & strPropertyName Set objInstance = objservice.Get(strInstancePath) if NOT isObject(objInstance) or Err.number <> 0 Then IsValidWMIInstance = FALSE Err.Clear Else IsValidWMIInstance = TRUE End If 'clean objects Set objInstance=nothing End Function %>