% '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' nfsusermap_prop.asp: Used for the Advanced mappping for the NFS users ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' ' Date Description ' 25-09-2000 Created date ' ' 03-04-2001 In order to implement an stable program, decide to ' rewrite the code of nfs mappings '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Form variables '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Used by user and group mappings ' Dim F_strSystemName ' Used by user mappings Dim F_strMapsToUser 'To store the mappings of user Dim F_strSysAccountToUser 'To store the system user account Dim F_strNisAccountToUser 'To store the Nis user account Dim F_strDomainUser 'To store the input of domain user mappings Dim F_strNisUserName 'Format: username:mapvalue Dim F_strNTSelectedIDToUser 'To store the selected index of NT user Dim F_strNISSelectedIDToUser 'To store the selected index of NIS user Dim F_strMapsSelectedToUser 'To store the selected index of maps 'init hidden form value F_strNTSelectedIDToUser = "-1" F_strNISSelectedIDToUser = "-1" F_strMapsSelectedToUser = "-1" ' Check whether the service is there or not if not isServiceStarted("mapsvc") then SA_ServeFailurePage L_SERVICENOTSTARTED_ERRORMESSAGE end if %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: ServeEXPUSERMAPPage(ByRef PageIn, ByVal bIsVisible) ' Description: Serves in displaying the page Header, Middle and ' Footer Parts (the User Interface) ' Input Variables: PageIn ' bIsVisible - the tab page be displayed? ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: None ' Global Variables: L_(*) - Localization content ' F_(*) - Form Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServeEXPUSERMAPPage(ByRef PageIn, ByVal bIsVisible) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear If bIsVisible Then mstrPageName = "Intro" %>
<% If CInt(F_intGen_SelectedRadio) <> CONST_RADIO_USE_NISSERVER Then %> |
<% Call SA_ServeOnClickButtonEx(L_LISTUNIXUSERS_TEXT, "", "GetUNIXUsers()", 110, 0, "","btnUNIXUsers") %> | |
<%=L_USERMAPINFO_TEXT%> <% Call SA_ServeOnClickButtonEx(L_ADD_LABEL_TEXT, "", "fnAddLocalUserMap()", 50, 0, "DISABLED","btnAddLocalUserMap") %> | |
<% Call SA_ServeOnClickButtonEx(L_ADD_LABEL_TEXT, "", "fnAddDomainUserMap()", 50, 0, "DISABLED","btnAddDomainUserMap") %> | |
<% Call SA_ServeOnClickButtonEx(L_SETPRIMARY_LABEL_TEXT, "", "fnSetUserPrimary()", 0, 0, "DISABLED","btnSetPrimary") %> <% Call SA_ServeOnClickButtonEx(L_REMOVE_LABEL_TEXT, "", "fnbRemove(document.frmTask.selMappedUsers,this,document.frmTask.btnSetPrimary);", 0, 0, "DISABLED","btnRemoveMappedUser") %> |