<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' user_delete.asp : Deletes the specified user ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' ' Date Description ' 15-jan-01 Creation date '------------------------------------------------------------------------- %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Global Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim rc 'framework variables Dim page 'framework variables Dim G_strUserName 'To save logged-in client user '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Global Form Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Dim F_strUsername 'To save the user name got from the prevoius selected form '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Start of localization content '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim L_PAGETITLE 'Dim L_DELETETHEUSERMESSAGE Dim L_NOTE Dim L_NOTEBODY Dim L_COULDNOTDELETEUSER_ERRORMESSAGE Dim L_COULDNOTDELETEBUILTINACCOUNTS_ERRORMESSAGE Dim L_USERNOTFOUND_ERRORMESSAGE Dim L_CANNOTDELETETHEUSERMESSAGE Dim L_UNABLETOGETSERVERVARIABLES Dim L_COMPUTERNAME_ERRORMESSAGE Const N_COULDNOTDELETEBUILTINACCOUNTS_ERRNO =&H8007055B L_PAGETITLE = objLocMgr.GetString("usermsg.dll","&H4030003B", varReplacementStrings) 'L_DELETETHEUSERMESSAGE = objLocMgr.GetString("usermsg.dll","&H4030003C", varReplacementStrings) L_NOTE = objLocMgr.GetString("usermsg.dll","&H4030003D", varReplacementStrings) L_NOTEBODY = objLocMgr.GetString("usermsg.dll","&H4030003E", varReplacementStrings) L_COULDNOTDELETEUSER_ERRORMESSAGE = objLocMgr.GetString("usermsg.dll","&HC030003F", varReplacementStrings) L_COULDNOTDELETEBUILTINACCOUNTS_ERRORMESSAGE = objLocMgr.GetString("usermsg.dll","&HC0300040", varReplacementStrings) L_USERNOTFOUND_ERRORMESSAGE = objLocMgr.GetString("usermsg.dll","&HC0300041", varReplacementStrings) L_CANNOTDELETETHEUSERMESSAGE = objLocMgr.GetString("usermsg.dll","&HC0300042", varReplacementStrings) L_UNABLETOGETSERVERVARIABLES = objLocMgr.GetString("usermsg.dll","&H40300043", varReplacementStrings) L_COMPUTERNAME_ERRORMESSAGE = objLocMgr.GetString("usermsg.dll","&HC0300044", varReplacementStrings) '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'END of localization content '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Create a Property Page rc = SA_CreatePage( L_PAGETITLE, "", PT_PROPERTY, page ) ' Serve the page rc = SA_ShowPage( page ) '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnInitPage() 'Description: Called to signal first time processing for this page. ' Use this method to do first time initialization tasks 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: IN:G_strUserName '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnInitPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg) SA_TraceOut "TEMPLATE_PROPERTY", "OnInitPage" 'Fucntion call to Get the logged in username G_strUserName=GetUsername() OnInitPage = TRUE End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnServePropertyPage() 'Description: Called when the page needs to be served.Use this ' method to serve content 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: L_(*) ' G_strUserName ' F_strUsername '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnServePropertyPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg) SA_TraceOut "TEMPLATE_PROPERTY", "OnServePropertyPage" ' Emit Functions required by Web Framework Call ServeCommonJavaScript() Response.Write "" Dim itemCount Dim itemKey Dim bHave Dim x Dim sessionItem Dim arrStrings(1) Dim strParam Dim strDeleteMsg bHave = false itemCount = OTS_GetTableSelectionCount("") For x = 1 to itemCount If ( OTS_GetTableSelection("", x, itemKey) ) Then Response.Write "" If VerifyUserAccount(itemKey) Then bHave = true arrStrings(0) = itemKey strParam = arrStrings strDeleteMsg = SA_GetLocString("usermsg.dll","&H4030003C", strParam) Response.Write "" Else Response.Write "" End If Response.Write "" End If sessionItem = "Item" + CStr(x) Session(sessionItem) = itemKey Next If bHave=true Then %> <%End If%>
<% OnServePropertyPage = TRUE End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnPostBackPage() 'Description: Called to signal that the page has been posted-back. 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnPostBackPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg) OnPostBackPage = TRUE End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnSubmitPage() 'Description: Called when the page has been submitted for processing. ' Use this method to process the submit request. 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnSubmitPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg) SA_TraceOut "TEMPLATE_PROPERTY", "OnSubmitPage" OnSubmitPage= DeleteUser() End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnClosePagee() 'Description: Called when the page has been submitted for processing. ' Use this method to process the submit request. 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnClosePage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg) SA_TraceOut "TEMPLATE_PROPERTY", "OnClosePage" OnClosePage = TRUE End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: DeleteUser() 'Description: Serves in Updating users list 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: True or false 'Returns: ( True / Flase ) ' True: If suceeds in updating the list ' False:If fails in updating the list 'Global Variables: In:L_USERNOTFOUND_ERRORMESSAGE ' In:L_COULDNOTDELETEUSER_ERRORMESSAGE ' In:L_COULDNOTDELETEBUILTINACCOUNTS_ERRORMESSAGE ' 'This function updates Serves in Updating users lists by deleting selected user ' 'If an error occurs, in getting the users list calls ServeFailurePage with 'the error string L_USERNOTFOUND_ERRORMESSAGE ' 'If an error occurs, in deleting the built-in account calls SetErrMsg with 'the error string L_COULDNOTDELETEBUILTINACCOUNTS_ERRORMESSAGE ' 'If an error occurs, in deleting the user, calls SetErrMsg with 'the error string L_COULDNOTDELETEUSER_ERRORMESSAGE '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function DeleteUser Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim nretval Dim strComputerName Dim objUser Dim objComputer DeleteUser = FALSE 'Gets the ComputerName from the system strComputerName = GetComputerName() 'Gets the UserNameObject from the system Set objComputer = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputerName & ",computer") If Err.number <> 0 Then ServeFailurePage L_COMPUTERNAME_ERRORMESSAGE,1 Exit Function End If Dim x Dim itemCount Dim itemKey Dim sessionItem itemCount = OTS_GetTableSelectionCount("") For x = 1 to itemCount If ( OTS_GetTableSelection("", x, itemKey) ) Then 'Checking for the existence of the user Set objUser = objComputer.GetObject("User",itemKey) If Err.number <> 0 Then SetErrMsg L_USERNOTFOUND_ERRORMESSAGE Exit Function End If 'deletes the Username from the System nretval = objComputer.Delete("User" , itemKey) If Err.Number <> 0 Then If Err.Number = N_COULDNOTDELETEBUILTINACCOUNTS_ERRNO Then SetErrMsg L_COULDNOTDELETEBUILTINACCOUNTS_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & itemKey & ")" Else SetErrMsg L_COULDNOTDELETEUSER_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & itemKey & ")" End IF Exit Function End If End If sessionItem = "Item" + CStr(x) Session(sessionItem) = itemKey Next Set objUser= Nothing Set objComputer =Nothing DeleteUser = TRUE End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: GetUsername() 'Description: Serves in getting the logged-in client user 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: string -Either Logged in username or null 'Global Variables: In:L_UNABLETOGETSERVERVARIABLES 'If an error occurs, in getting ServerVariables calls SetErrMsg with 'the error string L_UNABLETOGETSERVERVARIABLES '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetUsername() Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim strDomainUserName Dim strUserName strDomainUserName = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_USER") If Err.Number <> 0 Then SetErrMsg L_UNABLETOGETSERVERVARIABLES GetUsername = "" End if If InStr(strDomainUserName, "\") Then strUserName = Split(strDomainUserName,"\") GetUsername = strUserName(1) Else GetUsername = strDomainUserName End If End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: VerifyUserAccount() 'Description: Serves in verifying the logged-in client user 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: True or false 'Returns: ( True / Flase ) ' True: If selected user is logged-in client user ' False:If selected user is not logged-in client user 'Global Variables: In:F_strUsername - selected user for deletion ' In:G_strUserName - logged-in client user 'This function Serves in verifying the logged-in client user 'by comparing it with the selected user for deletion ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function VerifyUserAccount(strUserName) 'verifying the logged-in client user If strUserName=G_strUserName then VerifyUserAccount=false else VerifyUserAccount=true end if End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: ServeCommonJavaScript 'Description: Serves in initialiging the values,setting the form ' data and validating the form values 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: None 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServeCommonJavaScript() %> <% End Function %>