# # The TARGETNAME variable is defined by the developer. It is the name of # the target (component) that is being built by this makefile. It # should NOT include any path or file extension information. # TARGETNAME=UsersInitialAlert # The TARGETPATH and TARGETTYPE varialbes are defined by the developer. # The first specifies where the target is to be build. The second specifies # the type of target (either PROGRAM, DYNLINK or LIBRARY) # TARGETPATH=$(SASS_BINDIR) TARGETTYPE=DYNLINK DLLENTRY=_DllMainCRTStartup DLLDEF=UsersInitialAlert.def USE_STATIC_ATL=1 USE_VCCOM=1 USE_NATIVE_EH=1 # # The INCLUDES variable specifies any include paths that are specific to # this source directory. Separate multiple directory paths with single # semicolons. Relative path specifications are okay. # INCLUDES=\ $(SASS_INC);\ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\inc\atl21; \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\inc\mfc42; \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\inc\crt; \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\inc\ # # Compile for UNICODE # C_DEFINES=$(C_DEFINES) -DUNICODE C_DEFINES=$(C_DEFINES) -DEHsc MIDL_OPTIMIZATION=-Oicf -robust -no_format_opt -error all # # If you wish to generate assemply listings, uncomment the following line. # #USER_C_FLAGS=/Fa TARGETLIBS= \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\kernel32.lib \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\user32.lib \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\gdi32.lib \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\advapi32.lib \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\ole32.lib \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\oleaut32.lib \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\winmm.lib \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\uuid.lib \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\ActiveDS.Lib \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\adsiid.lib \ $(SASS_LIB)\debug.lib \ $(SASS_LIB)\sauuid.lib \ $(SASS_LIB)\satrace.lib \ # # The SOURCES variable is defined by the developer. It is a list of all the # source files for this component. Each source file should be on a separate # line using the line continuation character. This will minimize merge # conflicts if two developers adding source files to the same component. # # Whitespace is not permitted between the SOURCES keyword and the '='. # (Courtesy of BUILD.EXE) # SOURCES=\ UsersInitialAlert.idl \ stdafx.cpp \ UsersInitialAlert.cpp \ CUsersInitialAlert.cpp \ UsersInitialAlert.rc \