rem rem Determine the directory that this file was executed from. The rem %~p0 is supposed to return the path less the file name, however rem if a UNC path was used it also strips the leading "\\". rem rem The following hack is to check for this and put the "\\" back rem if necessary. rem setlocal enabledelayedexpansion if "%1"=="runninglocalcopy" goto :runninglocalcopy set BINDIR=%~p0 if "%BINDIR%files.cmd"=="%0" goto :gotbindir set BINDIR=\\%BINDIR% :gotbindir set SDXROOT=%BINDIR%\..\..\.. set SXSOFFLINEINSTALL=%SDXROOT%\tools\x86\sxsofflineinstall.exe copy %BINDIR%\files.cmd . 1>NUL 2>NUL call files.cmd runninglocalcopy %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 erase files.cmd goto :eof :runninglocalcopy set _TEMPLATE_FILE=%BINDIR%\files.template shift if "%1"=="setup" %BINDIR%\setup.cmd rem rem Five variables are required to be set at this point: rem rem IMAGE_DRIVE rem IMAGE_PATH rem SOURCE_1 rem if "%IMAGE_DRIVE%"=="" goto usage if "%IMAGE_PATH%"=="" goto usage if "%SOURCE_1%"=="" goto usage set SOURCE_2=%BINDIR%\bins set SOURCE_32=%SOURCE_1% set SOURCE_WOW64=%SOURCE_1%\wowbins echo. echo Binary file source: %BINDIR% echo Primary file source: %SOURCE_1% echo Secondary file source: %SOURCE_2% echo 32-bit loader source: %SOURCE_32% echo Image drive: %IMAGE_DRIVE% echo Image path: %IMAGE_PATH% echo Template file: %_TEMPLATE_FILE% echo. set _TARGET_FILE= set _FP=%1 if "%_FP%"=="sxs" goto copysxs if "%_FP%"=="settings" goto copydocumentsandsettings if "%_FP%"=="" goto newtree rem ********************************************************************** rem rem Just copy one file rem rem ********************************************************************** set _TARGET_FILE=%_FP% find /I "%_FP%" %_TEMPLATE_FILE% > files.temp.template set _TEMPLATE_FILE=files.temp.template goto justonefile rem ********************************************************************** rem rem Rebuild the entire tree rem rem ********************************************************************** :newtree echo Deleting target tree... rd %IMAGE_DRIVE%\windows /s /q rd "%IMAGE_DRIVE%\documents and settings" /s /q erase files.missing erase files.copied rem rem Copy wow64 binaries rem call :copywow64 :justonefile rem rem first copy the hal that we require to the generic name rem echo Copying to target tree ... rem rem go through all of the files in the template file rem for /F %%F in (%_TEMPLATE_FILE%) do call :placefile %%~pF %%~nxF rem rem copy some boot files rem call :copyfile %SOURCE_2%\boot.ini %IMAGE_DRIVE%\ boot.ini call :copyfile %SOURCE_32%\ntldr %IMAGE_DRIVE%\ ntldr call :copyfile %SOURCE_32%\ %IMAGE_DRIVE%\ call :copyfile %SOURCE_2%\autoexec.bat %IMAGE_DRIVE%\ autoexec.bat rem rem other misc files rem call :copyfile %SOURCE_1%\asms\1000\msft\windows\gdiplus\gdiplus.dll %IMAGE_DRIVE%\windows\system32 gdiplus.dll :makeimage rem rem make sure the syswow64 and other directories exist rem md %IMAGE_DRIVE%\windows\temp > NUL 2> NUL rem rem if copying just one file, skip the sxs stuff rem if NOT "%_TARGET_FILE%"=="" goto skipsxs rem rem Copy the sxs tree rem call :copysxs rem rem Also copy "documents and settings" rem call :copydocumentsandsettings rem rem now create the image rem :skipsxs echo check disk for %IMAGE_DRIVE% chkdsk %IMAGE_DRIVE% rem rem This is no longer needed as we are now using hives generated rem as a result of a 64-bit setup process rem rem echo %BINDIR%regprep %IMAGE_DRIVE%\windows\system32\config\system rem %BINDIR%regprep %IMAGE_DRIVE%\windows\system32\config\system if "%NO_IMAGE%"=="1" goto :eof echo create disk image %BINDIR%dskimage %IMAGE_DRIVE% %IMAGE_PATH% %BINDIR%dskimage %IMAGE_DRIVE% %IMAGE_PATH% goto :eof rem ********************************************************************** rem rem Copy a file from the appropriate source to the appropriate rem destination rem rem %1 is the template path, sans file name rem %2 is the file name rem rem ********************************************************************** :placefile set dest=%IMAGE_DRIVE%%1%2 md %IMAGE_DRIVE%%1 > NUL 2> NUL rem rem first look in source_2 and copy if found rem set _src=%SOURCE_2%\%2 if not exist %_src% goto placefile1 call :copyfile %_src% %dest% %2 goto :eof rem rem otherwise look in source_1 and copy if found rem :placefile1 set _src=%SOURCE_1%\%2 if not exist %_src% goto placefile_missing call :copyfile %_src% %dest% %2 goto :eof rem rem the file could not be found, log it in files.missing rem :placefile_missing echo %dest% >> files.missing goto :eof rem ********************************************************************** rem rem Copy one file. rem rem %1 is full path of source rem %2 is full path of destination rem %3 is the file name, used in compare if only copying one file rem rem ********************************************************************** :copyfile if "%_TARGET_FILE%"=="" goto :copyit if "%_TARGET_FILE%"=="%3" goto :copyit goto :eof :copyit echo %1 - %2 echo %1 - %2 >> files.copied copy %1 %2 > NUL goto :eof :copysxs rem rem This is temporarily disabled as this will break for a bit. rem JayKrell will notify us in a few days when it's safe to do rem this again (1/15/2002) rem rem call %BINDIR%\get_and_update_amd64_winsxs.bat rem rem Instead, perform the following two lines rem md %IMAGE_DRIVE%\windows\winsxs xcopy %BINDIR%\winsxs %IMAGE_DRIVE%\windows\winsxs /IERKYH goto :eof rem ********************************************************************** rem rem Display usage rem rem ********************************************************************** echo Missing one or more of the following variables: echo IMAGE_DRIVE echo IMAGE_PATH echo SOURCE_1 echo goto :eof :copydocumentsandsettings rd /s /q "%IMAGE_DRIVE%\Documents and settings" xcopy /IS "%BINDIR%\Documents and settings" "%IMAGE_DRIVE%\Documents and settings" 1>NUL attrib +S +H "%IMAGE_DRIVE%\Documents and settings\desktop.ini" /s erase /s "%IMAGE_DRIVE%\Documents and settings\placeholder" /s 1>NUL goto :eof rem rem Copy Wow64 binaries rem :copywow64 echo Copying Wow64 binaries... md %IMAGE_DRIVE%\windows\SysWow64 > NUL 2> NUL for %%a in (%SOURCE_WOW64%\*) do ( set src=%%a set destname=%%~nxa set dest=!destname:~1! if /i not "!destname!" == "w!dest!" ( set dest=!destname! ) echo %IMAGE_DRIVE%\WINDOWS\SysWow64\!dest! copy !src! %IMAGE_DRIVE%\WINDOWS\SysWow64\!dest! /y > NUL ) goto :eof