// SafeReg.cpp
//		Functions to ensure strings read from the registry are null-terminated.
// History:
//		2002-03-20  KenSh     Created
// Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SafeReg.h"

// SafeRegQueryValueCchHelper [private]
//		Implementation of both "safe" kinds of string registry reads.
static HRESULT SafeRegQueryValueCchHelper
		IN DWORD dwExpectedType,
		IN HKEY hkey,
		IN LPCTSTR pszValueName,
		OUT LPTSTR pszBuf,
		IN int cchBuf,
		OUT OPTIONAL int* pcchValueSize,
	int cchValueSize = 0;
	BOOL fExpandSz = FALSE;

		if ((!pszBuf && cchBuf != 0) || cchBuf < 0) // note: pszValueName can be null
			goto done;

		DWORD dwType;
		DWORD cbData = cchBuf * sizeof(TCHAR);
		DWORD dwResult = RegQueryValueEx(
							hkey, pszValueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pszBuf, &cbData);
		if (dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS)
			hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwResult);
		else if (!pszBuf && cbData > 0)

		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			fExpandSz = (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ);

			if ((dwType != dwExpectedType) &&
			    !(dwExpectedType == REG_SZ && dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ))

			// Add 1-2 extra chars in case the registry data is not big enough.
			cchValueSize = cbData / sizeof(TCHAR);
			cchValueSize += (dwExpectedType == REG_MULTI_SZ) ? 2 : 1;
		else if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			cchValueSize = cbData / sizeof(TCHAR);

			// check for lack of null-termination
			if (cchValueSize == 0 || pszBuf[cchValueSize-1] != _T('\0'))

			// check for lack of double null-termination (multi-sz only)
			if (dwExpectedType == REG_MULTI_SZ && (cchValueSize < 2 || pszBuf[cchValueSize-2] != _T('\0')))

			// check for overflow
			if (cchValueSize > cchBuf)
				cchValueSize--;  // when successful, count doesn't include trailing null
				pszBuf[cchValueSize] = _T('\0');

				if (dwExpectedType == REG_MULTI_SZ)
					pszBuf[cchValueSize-1] = _T('\0');
	} // end BLOCK

	if (FAILED(hr) && pszBuf && cchBuf > 0)
		pszBuf[0] = _T('\0');
	if (pcchValueSize)
		*pcchValueSize = cchValueSize;
	if (pfExpandSz)
		*pfExpandSz = fExpandSz;

	return hr;

// SafeRegQueryValueCchAllocHelper [private]
//		Implementation of the 2 "alloc" versions of the safe reg string functions.
HRESULT WINAPI SafeRegQueryValueCchAllocHelper
		IN DWORD dwExpectedType,
		IN HKEY hkey,
		IN LPCTSTR pszValueName,
		OUT LPTSTR* ppszBuf,
		OUT OPTIONAL int* pcchValueSize,
	LPTSTR pszResult = NULL;
	int cchValueSize = 0;
	BOOL fExpandSz = FALSE;

		if (!ppszBuf)
			goto done;  // hr is already E_INVALIDARG

		DWORD cbNeeded = 0;
		DWORD dwErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, pszValueName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cbNeeded);
		if (dwErr != 0 && dwErr != ERROR_MORE_DATA)
			hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr);
			goto done;

		int cchBuf = (cbNeeded / sizeof(TCHAR)) + 2;
		pszResult = (LPTSTR)SafeRegMalloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * cchBuf);
		if (!pszResult)
			goto done;

		hr = SafeRegQueryValueCchHelper(dwExpectedType, hkey, pszValueName, pszResult, cchBuf, &cchValueSize, &fExpandSz);

	if (FAILED(hr))
		pszResult = NULL;

	if (ppszBuf)
		*ppszBuf = pszResult;
	if (pcchValueSize)
		*pcchValueSize = cchValueSize;
	if (pfExpandSz)
		*pfExpandSz = fExpandSz;

	return hr;

// SafeRegQueryStringValueCch [public]
//		Reads a string out of the registry and ensures the result is null-
//		terminated. Optionally returns the number of characters retrieved,
//		excluding the trailing null.
//		If the buffer is not big enough, the function returns REG_E_MORE_DATA
//		and stores the required size, in characters, in the pcchValueSize
//		parameter (including room for the trailing null). Note that the size
//		returned may be bigger than the actual size of the data in the registry.
HRESULT WINAPI SafeRegQueryStringValueCch
		IN HKEY hkey,
		IN LPCTSTR pszValueName,
		OUT LPTSTR pszBuf,
		IN int cchBuf,
		OUT OPTIONAL int* pcchValueSize, // S_OK: chars written, excluding trailing null
		                                 // REG_E_MORE_DATA: required size, including null
		OUT OPTIONAL BOOL* pfExpandSz    // TRUE if reg string is actually REG_EXPAND_SZ
	return SafeRegQueryValueCchHelper(REG_SZ, hkey, pszValueName, pszBuf, cchBuf, pcchValueSize, pfExpandSz);

HRESULT WINAPI SafeRegQueryStringValueCb
		IN HKEY hkey,
		IN LPCTSTR pszValueName,
		OUT LPTSTR pszBuf,
		IN int cbBuf,
		OUT OPTIONAL int* pcbValueSize, // S_OK: bytes written, excluding trailing null
		                                // REG_E_MORE_DATA: required size, including null
		OUT OPTIONAL BOOL* pfExpandSz   // TRUE if reg string is actually REG_EXPAND_SZ
	int cchBuf = cbBuf / sizeof(TCHAR); // note: odd #'s for cbBuf are rounded down
	HRESULT hr = SafeRegQueryValueCchHelper(REG_SZ, hkey, pszValueName, pszBuf, cchBuf, pcbValueSize, pfExpandSz);
	if (pcbValueSize)
		*pcbValueSize *= sizeof(TCHAR);
	return hr;

// SafeRegQueryMultiStringValueCch [public]
//		Reads a multi-string out of the registry and ensures the result is double
//		null-terminated. Optionally returns the number of characters retrieved,
//		excluding the second trailing NULL.
//		If the buffer is not big enough, the function returns REG_E_MORE_DATA
//		and stores the required size, in characters, in the pcchValueSize
//		parameter (including room for the trailing nulls). Note that the size
//		returned may be bigger than the actual size of the data in the registry.
HRESULT WINAPI SafeRegQueryMultiStringValueCch
		IN HKEY hkey,
		IN LPCTSTR pszValueName,
		OUT LPTSTR pszBuf,
		IN int cchBuf,
		OUT OPTIONAL int* pcchValueSize // S_OK: chars written, excluding final trailing null
		                                // REG_E_MORE_DATA: required size, including nulls
	return SafeRegQueryValueCchHelper(REG_MULTI_SZ, hkey, pszValueName, pszBuf, cchBuf, pcchValueSize, NULL);

HRESULT WINAPI SafeRegQueryMultiStringValueCb
		IN HKEY hkey,
		IN LPCTSTR pszValueName,
		OUT LPTSTR pszBuf,
		IN int cbBuf,
		OUT OPTIONAL int* pcbValueSize // S_OK: bytes written, excluding final trailing null
		                               // REG_E_MORE_DATA: required size, including nulls
	int cchBuf = cbBuf / sizeof(TCHAR); // note: odd #'s for cbBuf are rounded down
	HRESULT hr = SafeRegQueryValueCchHelper(REG_MULTI_SZ, hkey, pszValueName, pszBuf, cchBuf, pcbValueSize, NULL);
	if (pcbValueSize)
		*pcbValueSize *= sizeof(TCHAR);
	return hr;

// SafeRegQueryStringValueCchAlloc [public]
//		Allocates room for the registry string via SafeRegMalloc, and returns
//		the resulting string. Caller should free via SafeRegFree.
HRESULT WINAPI SafeRegQueryStringValueCchAlloc
		IN HKEY hkey,
		IN LPCTSTR pszValueName,
		OUT LPTSTR* ppszBuf,
		OUT OPTIONAL int* pcchValueSize, // chars written, excluding trailing null
		OUT OPTIONAL BOOL* pfExpandSz    // TRUE if reg string is actually REG_EXPAND_SZ
	return SafeRegQueryValueCchAllocHelper(REG_SZ, hkey, pszValueName, ppszBuf, pcchValueSize, pfExpandSz);

HRESULT WINAPI SafeRegQueryStringValueCbAlloc
		IN HKEY hkey,
		IN LPCTSTR pszValueName,
		OUT LPTSTR* ppszBuf,
		OUT OPTIONAL int* pcbValueSize, // bytes written, excluding trailing null
		OUT OPTIONAL BOOL* pfExpandSz   // TRUE if reg string is actually REG_EXPAND_SZ
	HRESULT hr = SafeRegQueryValueCchAllocHelper(REG_SZ, hkey, pszValueName, ppszBuf, pcbValueSize, pfExpandSz);
	if (pcbValueSize)
		*pcbValueSize *= sizeof(TCHAR);
	return hr;

// SafeRegQueryMultiStringValueCchAlloc [public]
//		Allocates room for the registry string via SafeRegMalloc, and returns
//		the resulting string. Caller should free via SafeRegFree.
HRESULT WINAPI SafeRegQueryMultiStringValueCchAlloc
		IN HKEY hkey,
		IN LPCTSTR pszValueName,
		OUT LPTSTR* ppszBuf,
		OUT OPTIONAL int* pcchValueSize // chars written, excluding final trailing null
	return SafeRegQueryValueCchAllocHelper(REG_MULTI_SZ, hkey, pszValueName, ppszBuf, pcchValueSize, NULL);

HRESULT WINAPI SafeRegQueryMultiStringValueCbAlloc
		IN HKEY hkey,
		IN LPCTSTR pszValueName,
		OUT LPTSTR* ppszBuf,
		OUT OPTIONAL int* pcbValueSize // bytes written, excluding final trailing null
	HRESULT hr = SafeRegQueryValueCchAllocHelper(REG_MULTI_SZ, hkey, pszValueName, ppszBuf, pcbValueSize, NULL);
	if (pcbValueSize)
		*pcbValueSize *= sizeof(TCHAR);
	return hr;