//**************************************************************************** // // Module: ISIGNUP.EXE // File: isignup.h // Content: This is the "main" include file for the internet signup "wizard". // History: // Sat 10-Mar-1996 23:50:40 -by- Mark MacLin [mmaclin] // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1991-1996 // //**************************************************************************** #ifndef ISIGNUP_H #define ISIGNUP_H #ifdef DEBUG #define DebugOut(sz) OutputDebugString(sz) void _ISIGN32_Assert(LPCTSTR, unsigned); #define ISIGN32_ASSERT(f) \ if (f) \ {} \ else \ _ISIGN32_Assert(TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__) #else #define DebugOut(sz) #define ISIGN32_ASSERT(f) #endif #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include #include //#include #include "ras2.h" #else #include #include #endif #ifdef WIN32 #define EXPORT #else //typedef DWORD HRESULT; #include #include #include #define CharPrev(start, current) (((LPTSTR)(current)) - 1) #define CharNext(current) (((LPTSTR)(current)) + 1) #define LocalAlloc(flag, size) MyLocalAlloc(flag, size) #define LocalFree(lpv) MyLocalFree(lpv) //#define ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ERROR_CANTOPEN #define EXPORT _export #endif #include "icwunicd.h" #include "..\inc\inetcfg.h" #include "extfunc.h" #include "rsrc.h" #define WM_PROCESSISP WM_USER + 1 //used by IE OLE Automation // 8/19/96 jmazner Normandy #4571 #ifdef WIN32 // Note that bryanst and marcl have confirmed that this key will work for IE 3 and IE 4 #define IE_PATHKEY TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\IEXPLORE.EXE") #define ICW20_PATHKEY TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\ICWCONN1.EXE") // Lowest IE we want to work with is IE 3, // which has major.minor.release.build version # > // (note that IE 2 has major.minor of 4.40) // // The HUMAN_READABLE string will be inserted into the IDS_IELOWVERSION string. Keep it in sync // with the major.minor version numbers #define IE_MINIMUM_VERSION_HUMAN_READABLE TEXT("3.0") #define IE_MINIMUM_MAJOR_VERSION (UINT) 4 #define IE_MINIMUM_MINOR_VERSION (UINT) 70 #define IE_MINIMUM_RELEASE_VERSION (UINT) 0 #define IE_MINIMUM_BUILD_VERSION (UINT) 1155 #define IE_MINIMUM_VERSIONMS (DWORD) ((IE_MINIMUM_MAJOR_VERSION << 16) | IE_MINIMUM_MINOR_VERSION) #define IE_MINIMUM_VERSIONLS (DWORD) ((IE_MINIMUM_RELEASE_VERSION << 16) | IE_MINIMUM_BUILD_VERSION) #define ICW20_MINIMUM_VERSION_HUMAN_READABLE TEXT("4.0") #define ICW20_MINIMUM_MAJOR_VERSION (UINT) 4 #define ICW20_MINIMUM_MINOR_VERSION (UINT) 72 #define ICW20_MINIMUM_RELEASE_VERSION (UINT) 0 #define ICW20_MINIMUM_BUILD_VERSION (UINT) 3012 #define ICW20_MINIMUM_VERSIONMS (DWORD) ((ICW20_MINIMUM_MAJOR_VERSION << 16) | ICW20_MINIMUM_MINOR_VERSION) #define ICW20_MINIMUM_VERSIONLS (DWORD) ((ICW20_MINIMUM_RELEASE_VERSION << 16) | ICW20_MINIMUM_BUILD_VERSION) #endif #define ACCTMGR_PATHKEY TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Internet Account Manager") #define ACCTMGR_DLLPATH TEXT("DllPath") #define MAX_URL 1024 //#define REGSTR_PATH_IEXPLORER "Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer" //#define REGSTR_PATH_IE_MAIN REGSTR_PATH_IEXPLORER "\\Main" #define SIZEOF_TCHAR_BUFFER(buf) ((sizeof(buf) / sizeof(TCHAR))) #define NULL_TERM_TCHAR_BUFFER(buf); {buf[SIZEOF_TCHAR_BUFFER(buf)-1] = TEXT('\0');} typedef struct { TCHAR szEntryName[RAS_MaxEntryName+1]; TCHAR szUserName[UNLEN+1]; TCHAR szPassword[PWLEN+1]; TCHAR szScriptFile[_MAX_PATH+1]; RASENTRY RasEntry; } ICONNECTION, FAR * LPICONNECTION; extern DWORD ConfigureClient( HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR lpszFile, LPBOOL lpfNeedsRestart, LPBOOL fConnectiodCreated, BOOL fHookAutodial, LPTSTR szConnectoidName, DWORD dwConnectoidNameSize ); extern DWORD ImportFile ( LPCTSTR lpszImportFile, LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszOutputFile); extern DWORD ImportConnection ( LPCTSTR szFileName, LPICONNECTION lpConnection); extern DWORD ImportClientInfo ( LPCTSTR lpszFileName, LPINETCLIENTINFO lpClientInfo); extern DWORD ImportCustomInfo ( LPCTSTR lpszImportFile, LPTSTR lpszExecutable, DWORD cbExecutable, LPTSTR lpszArgument, DWORD cbArgument); extern DWORD ImportCustomFile (LPCTSTR lpszFileName); extern DWORD ImportFavorites (LPCTSTR lpszFileName); extern DWORD ImportBrandingInfo (LPCTSTR pszIns, LPCTSTR lpszConnectoidName); #ifdef WIN32 extern DWORD CallSBSConfig(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR lpszINSFile); #endif //extern DWORD ImportProxySettings(LPCTSTR lpszFile); extern BOOL WantsExchangeInstalled(LPCTSTR lpszFile); extern BOOL ProcessISP(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR lpszFile); extern BOOL WarningMsg(HWND hwnd, UINT uId); extern void ErrorMsg(HWND hwnd, UINT uId); extern void ErrorMsg1(HWND hwnd, UINT uId, LPCTSTR lpszArg); extern void InfoMsg(HWND hwnd, UINT uId); extern BOOL PromptRestart(HWND hwnd); extern BOOL PromptRestartNow(HWND hwnd); extern VOID CenterWindow(HWND hwndChild, HWND hwndParent); // 8/16/96 jmazner Normandy #4593 This is what puts up the huge background "screen o death" //extern HWND SplashInit(HWND hwnd); extern HWND ProgressInit(HWND hwnd); extern DWORD SignupLogon(HWND hwndParent); extern TCHAR FAR cszWndClassName[]; extern TCHAR FAR cszAppName[]; extern HINSTANCE ghInstance; #ifdef WIN16 CHAR* GetPassword(); #else TCHAR* GetPassword(); BOOL IsRASReady(); #endif HWND GetHwndMain(); BOOL IsCurrentlyProcessingISP(); BOOL NeedBackupSecurity(); extern HRESULT WINAPI StatusMessageCallback(DWORD dwStatus, LPTSTR pszBuffer, DWORD dwBufferSize); extern HRESULT LoadDialErrorString(HRESULT hrIN,LPTSTR lpszBuff, DWORD dwBufferSize); #ifdef WIN16 extern LPVOID MyLocalAlloc(DWORD flag, DWORD size); extern LPVOID MyLocalFree(LPVOID lpv); #endif int DDEInit(HINSTANCE); void DDEClose(void); int OpenURL(LPCTSTR); #if !defined(WIN16) extern BOOL LclSetEntryScriptPatch(LPTSTR lpszScript,LPTSTR lpszEntry); extern DWORD ConfigRasEntryDevice( LPRASENTRY lpRasEntry ); extern BOOL IsNT(void); inline BOOL IsNT(void) { OSVERSIONINFO OsVersionInfo; ZeroMemory(&OsVersionInfo, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); OsVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&OsVersionInfo); return (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == OsVersionInfo.dwPlatformId); } #endif //!win16 typedef enum { UNKNOWN_FILE, INS_FILE, ISP_FILE, HTML_FILE } INET_FILETYPE; #define HARDCODED_IEAK_ISP_FILENAME TEXT("signup.isp") #endif /* ISIGNUP_H */