// // Microsoft Corporation - Copyright 1997 // // // TEXTPARS.CPP - Parses text/plain submissions // #include "pch.h" // // Constructor / Destructor // CTextPlainParse::CTextPlainParse( LPECB lpEcb, LPSTR *lppszOut, LPSTR *lpszDebug, LPDUMPTABLE lpDT ) :CBase( lpEcb, lppszOut, lpszDebug, lpDT ) { DebugMsg( lpszOut, g_cszTableHeader, "
\ (NOTE: To turn on detailed debugging information, add '?debug' to the end of action URL in the orginating HTML file.)\


\ ", "TBLMULTIFORM" ); } // CTextPlainParse( ) CTextPlainParse::~CTextPlainParse( ) { } // ~CTextPlainParse( ) CTextPlainParse::Parse( LPBYTE lpbData, LPDWORD lpdwParsed ) { BOOL fReturn = TRUE; TraceMsg( TF_FUNC | TF_PARSE, "Parse()" ); _lpbParse = _lpbData = lpbData; while ( (DWORD)(_lpbParse - _lpbData) < lpEcb->cbTotalBytes ) { LPSTR lpszName = NULL; // points to the "name" field LPSTR lpszValue = NULL; // points to the "value" field LPSTR lpszEqual = NULL; // points to the "=" sign CHAR cTmp; lpszName = (LPSTR) _lpbParse; while (( *_lpbParse != '=' && (DWORD)(_lpbParse - _lpbData) < lpEcb->cbTotalBytes )) _lpbParse++; if ( *_lpbParse != '=' ) { DebugMsg( lpszDebug, "Expected to find an '=' after %u (0x%x) bytes.", (LPBYTE)lpszName - _lpbData, (LPBYTE)lpszName - _lpbData ); fReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } lpszEqual = (LPSTR) _lpbParse; *lpszEqual = 0; // terminate (save) _lpbParse++; // move past lpszValue = (LPSTR) _lpbParse; while (( *_lpbParse != '\r' && *_lpbParse != '\n' && (DWORD)(_lpbParse - _lpbData) < lpEcb->cbTotalBytes )) _lpbParse++; if (( *_lpbParse != '\r' ) && ( *_lpbParse != '\n' )) { DebugMsg( lpszDebug, "Expected to find a CR, LF, CRLF or LFCR after %u (0x%x) bytes.", (LPBYTE)lpszValue - _lpbData, (LPBYTE)lpszValue - _lpbData ); fReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } cTmp = *_lpbParse; // save *_lpbParse = 0; // terminate DebugMsg( lpszOut, "%s%s", lpszName, lpszName, lpszName, lpszName, lpszValue ); *_lpbParse = cTmp; // restore *lpszEqual = '='; // restore _lpbParse++; // move past // A possible combination of CR, LF, CRLF or LFCR are acceptable. if (( *_lpbParse = '\r' ) || ( *_lpbParse = '\n' )) { _lpbParse++; // move past } } DebugMsg( lpszDebug, "Parsed %u (0x%x) bytes.", ( _lpbParse - _lpbData ), ( _lpbParse - _lpbData ) ); Cleanup: // End table output StrCat( lpszOut, g_cszTableEnd ); *lpdwParsed = _lpbParse - _lpbData; // indicates EOTable, this will be an empty table for text/plain lpDT[ 0 ].lpAddr = NULL; TraceMsg( TF_FUNC | TF_PARSE, "Parse() Exit = %s", BOOLTOSTRING( fReturn ) ); return fReturn; } // Parse() /***************************************************************************** // // FUNCTION TEMPLATE // // *************************************************************************** // // What: // // Desc: // // In: // // Out: // // Return: // BOOL CTextPlainParse::( ) { BOOL fReturn = TRUE; TraceMsg( TF_FUNC | TF_PARSE, "()" ); TraceMsg( TF_FUNC | TF_PARSE, "() Exit = %s", BOOLTOSTRING( fReturn ) ); return fReturn; } // ( ) ******************************************************************************/