/* ** d e m a n d . c p p ** ** Purpose: implement the loader functions for defer/demand -loaded libraries ** ** Creators: jimsch, brimo, t-erikne ** Created: 5/15/97 ** ** Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1997 */ #include "_apipch.h" // W4 stuff #pragma warning(disable: 4201) // nameless struct/union #pragma warning(disable: 4514) // unreferenced inline function removed #include #define IMPLEMENT_LOADER_FUNCTIONS #include "demand.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Macros #define CRIT_GET_PROC_ADDR(h, fn, temp) \ temp = (TYP_##fn) GetProcAddress(h, #fn); \ if (temp) \ VAR_##fn = temp; \ else \ { \ AssertSz(VAR_##fn TEXT(" failed to load")); \ goto error; \ } #define RESET(fn) \ VAR_##fn = LOADER_##fn; #define GET_PROC_ADDR(h, fn) \ VAR_##fn = (TYP_##fn) GetProcAddress(h, #fn); \ Assert(VAR_##fn != NULL); \ if(NULL == VAR_##fn ) { \ VAR_##fn = LOADER_##fn; \ } #define GET_PROC_ADDR3(h, fn, varname) \ VAR_##varname = (TYP_##varname) GetProcAddress(h, #fn); \ Assert(VAR_##varname != NULL); #define GET_PROC_ADDR_FLAG(h, fn, pflag) \ VAR_##fn = (TYP_##fn) GetProcAddress(h, #fn); \ *pflag = (VAR_##fn != NULL); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Variables static HMODULE s_hCrypt = 0; static HMODULE s_hAdvApi = 0; static HMODULE s_hPstoreC = 0; static HMODULE s_hCryptDlg = 0; static HMODULE s_hWinTrust = 0; static HMODULE s_hVersion = 0; static HMODULE s_hImm32 = 0; static HMODULE s_hWininet = 0; static HMODULE s_hUrlmon = 0; static HMODULE s_hShlwapi = NULL; #ifdef USE_CRITSEC static CRITICAL_SECTION cs = {0}; #endif #ifdef DEBUG static BOOL s_fInit = FALSE; #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Management functions void InitDemandLoadedLibs() { #ifdef USE_CRITSEC InitializeCriticalSection(&cs); #endif #ifdef DEBUG s_fInit = TRUE; #endif } void FreeDemandLoadedLibs() { #ifdef USE_CRITSEC EnterCriticalSection(&cs); #endif if (s_hCrypt) FreeLibrary(s_hCrypt); if (s_hAdvApi) FreeLibrary(s_hAdvApi); if (s_hPstoreC) FreeLibrary(s_hPstoreC); if (s_hCryptDlg) FreeLibrary(s_hCryptDlg); if (s_hWinTrust) FreeLibrary(s_hWinTrust); if (s_hVersion) FreeLibrary(s_hVersion); if (s_hImm32) FreeLibrary(s_hImm32); if (s_hWininet) FreeLibrary(s_hWininet); if (s_hUrlmon) FreeLibrary(s_hUrlmon); if (s_hShlwapi) FreeLibrary(s_hShlwapi); #ifdef DEBUG s_fInit = FALSE; #endif #ifdef USE_CRITSEC LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); DeleteCriticalSection(&cs); #endif } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Loader functions /* sample loader with critical proc addrs ** but not thread-safe BOOL DemandLoadFoo() { FARPROC fp; if (0 == g_hFoo) { g_hFoo = LoadLibrary("FOO.DLL"); if (0 == g_hFoo) return FALSE; CRIT_GET_PROC_ADDR(NeededFunction1, fp); CRIT_GET_PROC_ADDR(NeededFunction2, fp); GET_PROC_ADDR(OptionalFunction); } return TRUE; error: FreeLibrary(g_hFoo); g_hFoo = NULL; RESET(NeededFunction1) RESET(NeededFunction2) RESET(OptionalFunction) return FALSE; } */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL DemandLoadCrypt32() { BOOL fRet = TRUE; Assert(s_fInit); #ifdef USE_CRITSEC EnterCriticalSection(&cs); #endif if (0 == s_hCrypt) { s_hCrypt = LoadLibrary(TEXT("CRYPT32.DLL")); AssertSz((NULL != s_hCrypt), TEXT("LoadLibrary failed on CRYPT32.DLL")); if (0 == s_hCrypt) fRet = FALSE; else { GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hCrypt, CertFreeCertificateContext) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hCrypt, CertDuplicateCertificateContext) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hCrypt, CertFindCertificateInStore) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hCrypt, CertVerifyTimeValidity) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hCrypt, CertOpenSystemStoreA) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hCrypt, CertCloseStore) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hCrypt, CertGetCertificateContextProperty) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hCrypt, CertOpenStore) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hCrypt, CertCompareCertificate) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hCrypt, CryptMsgClose) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hCrypt, CryptDecodeObjectEx) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hCrypt, CryptMsgGetParam) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hCrypt, CryptMsgUpdate) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hCrypt, CryptMsgOpenToDecode) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hCrypt, CertAddCertificateContextToStore) } } #ifdef USE_CRITSEC LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); #endif return fRet; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL DemandLoadAdvApi32() { BOOL fRet = TRUE; Assert(s_fInit); #ifdef USE_CRITSEC EnterCriticalSection(&cs); #endif if (0 == s_hAdvApi) { s_hAdvApi = LoadLibrary(TEXT("ADVAPI32.DLL")); AssertSz((NULL != s_hAdvApi), TEXT("LoadLibrary failed on ADVAPI32.DLL")); if (0 == s_hAdvApi) fRet = FALSE; else { GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hAdvApi, CryptAcquireContextA) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hAdvApi, CryptAcquireContextW) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hAdvApi, CryptReleaseContext) } } #ifdef USE_CRITSEC LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); #endif return fRet; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL DemandLoadPStoreC() { BOOL fRet = TRUE; Assert(s_fInit); #ifdef USE_CRITSEC EnterCriticalSection(&cs); #endif if (0 == s_hPstoreC) { s_hPstoreC = LoadLibrary(TEXT("PSTOREC.DLL")); AssertSz((NULL != s_hPstoreC), TEXT("LoadLibrary failed on PSTOREC.DLL")); if (0 == s_hPstoreC) fRet = FALSE; else { GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hPstoreC, PStoreCreateInstance) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hPstoreC, PStoreEnumProviders) } } #ifdef USE_CRITSEC LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); #endif return fRet; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static BOOL s_fCertViewPropertiesCryptUIA = FALSE; BOOL DemandLoadCryptDlg() { BOOL fRet = TRUE; Assert(s_fInit); #ifdef USE_CRITSEC EnterCriticalSection(&cs); #endif if (0 == s_hCryptDlg) { s_hCryptDlg = LoadLibrary(TEXT("CRYPTDLG.DLL")); AssertSz((NULL != s_hCryptDlg), TEXT("LoadLibrary failed on CRYPTDLG.DLL")); if (0 == s_hCryptDlg) fRet = FALSE; else { GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hCryptDlg, GetFriendlyNameOfCertA) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hCryptDlg, CertViewPropertiesA) } } #ifdef USE_CRITSEC LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); #endif return fRet; } BOOL CryptUIAvailable(void) { DemandLoadCryptDlg(); return(s_fCertViewPropertiesCryptUIA); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL DemandLoadWinTrust() { BOOL fRet = TRUE; Assert(s_fInit); #ifdef USE_CRITSEC EnterCriticalSection(&cs); #endif if (0 == s_hWinTrust) { s_hWinTrust = LoadLibrary(TEXT("WINTRUST.DLL")); AssertSz((NULL != s_hWinTrust), TEXT("LoadLibrary failed on WINTRUST.DLL")); if (0 == s_hWinTrust) fRet = FALSE; else { GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hWinTrust, WinVerifyTrust) } } #ifdef USE_CRITSEC LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); #endif return fRet; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL DemandLoadVersion() { BOOL fRet = TRUE; Assert(s_fInit); #ifdef USE_CRITSEC EnterCriticalSection(&cs); #endif if (0 == s_hVersion) { s_hVersion = LoadLibrary(TEXT("VERSION.DLL")); AssertSz((NULL != s_hVersion), TEXT("LoadLibrary failed on VERSION.DLL")); if (0 == s_hVersion) fRet = FALSE; else { GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hVersion, GetFileVersionInfoSizeW) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hVersion, GetFileVersionInfoW) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hVersion, VerQueryValueW) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hVersion, GetFileVersionInfoSizeA) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hVersion, GetFileVersionInfoA) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hVersion, VerQueryValueA) } } #ifdef USE_CRITSEC LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); #endif return fRet; } BOOL DemandLoadImm32() { BOOL fRet = TRUE; Assert(s_fInit); #ifdef USE_CRITSEC EnterCriticalSection(&cs); #endif if (0 == s_hImm32) { s_hImm32 = LoadLibrary(TEXT("IMM32.DLL")); AssertSz((NULL != s_hImm32), TEXT("LoadLibrary failed on IMM32.DLL")); if (0 == s_hImm32) fRet = FALSE; else { GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hImm32, ImmAssociateContext) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hImm32, ImmGetContext) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hImm32, ImmGetCompositionStringW) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hImm32, ImmReleaseContext) } } #ifdef USE_CRITSEC LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); #endif return fRet; } BOOL DemandLoadWininet() { BOOL fRet = TRUE; Assert(s_fInit); #ifdef USE_CRITSEC EnterCriticalSection(&cs); #endif if (0 == s_hWininet) { s_hWininet = LoadLibrary(TEXT("wininet.dll")); AssertSz((NULL != s_hWininet), TEXT("LoadLibrary failed on Wininet.DLL")); if (0 == s_hWininet) fRet = FALSE; else { GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hWininet, InternetCanonicalizeUrlW) GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hWininet, InternetGetConnectedState) } } #ifdef USE_CRITSEC LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); #endif return fRet; } BOOL DemandLoadURLMON(void) { BOOL fRet = TRUE; Assert(s_fInit); #ifdef USE_CRITSEC EnterCriticalSection(&cs); #endif if (0 == s_hUrlmon) { s_hUrlmon = LoadLibrary(TEXT("URLMON.DLL")); AssertSz((NULL != s_hUrlmon), TEXT("LoadLibrary failed on Urlmon.DLL")); if (0 == s_hUrlmon) fRet = FALSE; else { GET_PROC_ADDR(s_hUrlmon, ObtainUserAgentString); } } #ifdef USE_CRITSEC LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); #endif return fRet; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DemandLoadShlwapi() // // Only load version 5.0 or greater /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static const TCHAR c_szShlwapiDll[] = TEXT("shlwapi.dll"); HINSTANCE DemandLoadShlwapi() { Assert(s_fInit); #ifdef USE_CRITSEC EnterCriticalSection(&cs); #endif if (!s_hShlwapi) s_hShlwapi = LoadLibrary(c_szShlwapiDll); #ifdef USE_CRITSEC LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); #endif return s_hShlwapi; }