#ifndef _MSGPRNT_H #define _MSGPRNT_H typedef struct _PrintInfo { // Public fields for use HDC hdcPrn; // The HDC to use for printing RECT rcMargin; // The margin settings for printing SIZE sizeInch; // Pixels to an inch SIZE sizePage; // Pixels to an page // Private fields used by the printing subroutines RECT rcBand; // The current drawing area BOOL fEndOfPage; // Whether rcBand represents the end of // of the page LONG lPageNumber; // The current page number LONG lPrevPage; // The last page we printed out so far TCHAR szPageNumber[20]; // Formatting string for page number INT yFooter; // Where to put the footer HFONT hfontSep; // Font for separator HFONT hfontPlain; // Font for footer HFONT hfontBold; // Font for footer ABORTPROC pfnAbortProc; // Pointer to our abort proc HWND hwnd; // Handle of our parent window TCHAR * szHeader; // Pointer to our header string HWND hwndRE; // RichEdit control for rendering HWND hwndDlg; // Handle of the original note form // Form mode print support //PRINTDETAILS * pprintdetails; } PRINTINFO; HRESULT HrPrintItems(HWND hWnd, LPADRBOOK lpIAB, HWND hWndListAB, BOOL bCurrentSortisByLastName); // STDMETHODIMP WABPrintExt(LPADRBOOK FAR lpAdrBook, LPWABOBJECT FAR lpWABObject, HWND hWnd, LPADRLIST lpAdrList); typedef HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE WABPRINTEXT)(LPADRBOOK FAR lpAdrBook, LPWABOBJECT FAR lpWABObject, HWND hWnd, LPADRLIST lpAdrList); typedef WABPRINTEXT FAR * LPWABPRINTEXT; #endif //_MSGPRNT_H