//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995. // // File: cbinding.cxx // // Contents: // // Classes: // // Functions: // // History: 11-11-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <trans.h> PerfDbgTag(tagCBSC, "Urlmon", "Log CBSC", DEB_BINDING); CBSC::CBSC(Medium medium) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_TRANS, None, "CBSC::CBSC", "this=%#x, %#x", this, medium )); PerfDbgLog(tagCBSC, this, "+CBSC::CBSC"); _cRef = 1; _pBdg = NULL; _fBindToObject = (medium == Medium_Unknown) ? TRUE : FALSE; _fGotStopBinding = FALSE; _Medium = medium; _pStm = NULL; _pStg = NULL; _pUnk = NULL; _hrResult = NOERROR; PerfDbgLog(tagCBSC, this, "-CBSC::CBSC"); DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } CBSC::~CBSC() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_TRANS, None, "CBSC::~CBSC", "this=%#x", this )); PerfDbgLog(tagCBSC, this, "+CBSC::~CBSC"); if (_pStm) { _pStm->Release(); } if (_pUnk) { _pUnk->Release(); } PerfDbgLog(tagCBSC, this, "-CBSC::~CBSC"); DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } HRESULT CBSC::GetRequestedObject(IBindCtx *pbc, void **ppvObj) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_TRANS, Hresult, "CBSC::GetRequestedObject", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x", this, pbc, ppvObj )); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; PerfDbgLog1(tagCBSC, this, "+CBSC::GetRequestedObject (_wzPath:%ws)", _wzPath); if (_Medium == Medium_Stream) { *ppvObj = _pStm; //TransAssert((_pStm)); if (_pStm) { _pStm->AddRef(); } else if (_hrResult != NOERROR) { hr = _hrResult; } else { hr = E_FAIL; } } else if (_Medium == Medium_Storage) { BIND_OPTS bindopts; bindopts.cbStruct = sizeof(BIND_OPTS); hr = pbc->GetBindOptions(&bindopts); if (hr == NOERROR) { hr = StgOpenStorage(_wzPath, NULL, bindopts.grfMode, NULL, 0, (LPSTORAGE FAR*)ppvObj ); if (hr != NOERROR) { hr = StgOpenStorage(_wzPath, NULL, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_DENY_NONE, NULL, 0, (LPSTORAGE FAR*)ppvObj ); } if (hr != NOERROR) { hr = StgOpenStorage(_wzPath, NULL, STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_DENY_WRITE, NULL, 0, (LPSTORAGE FAR*)ppvObj ); } } } else if (_Medium == Medium_Unknown) { *ppvObj = _pUnk; TransAssert((_pUnk)); if (_pUnk) { _pUnk->AddRef(); } else { hr = E_FAIL; } } PerfDbgLog1(tagCBSC, this, "-CBSC::GetRequestedObject hr:%lx", hr); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CBSC::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObj) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_TRANS, Hresult, "CBSC::IUnknown::QueryInterface", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x", this, &riid, ppvObj )); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; PerfDbgLog(tagCBSC, this, "+CBSC::QueryInterface"); if ( IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IBindStatusCallback) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) { _cRef++; // A pointer to this object is returned *ppvObj = (void *)(IBindStatusCallback *)this; } else { *ppvObj = NULL; hr = E_NOINTERFACE; } PerfDbgLog1(tagCBSC, this, "-CBSC::QueryInterface hr:%lx", hr); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CBSC::AddRef(void) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_TRANS, Dword, "CBSC::IUnknown::AddRef", "this=%#x", this )); ULONG cRef = ++_cRef; PerfDbgLog1(tagCBSC, this, "CBSC::AddRef (cRef:%ld)", cRef); DEBUG_LEAVE(cRef); return cRef; } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CBSC::Release(void) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_TRANS, Dword, "CBSC::IUnknown::Release", "this=%#x", this )); ULONG cRef = 0; PerfDbgLog(tagCBSC, this, "+CBSC::Release"); cRef = --_cRef; if (cRef == 0) { delete this; } PerfDbgLog1(tagCBSC, this, "-CBSC::Release cref:%ld", cRef); DEBUG_LEAVE(cRef); return cRef; } STDMETHODIMP CBSC::GetBindInfo( /* [out] */ DWORD *grfBINDINFOF, /* [out] */ BINDINFO *pbindinfo) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_TRANS, Hresult, "CBSC::IBindStatusCallback::GetBindInfo", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x", this, grfBINDINFOF, pbindinfo )); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; PerfDbgLog(tagCBSC, this, "+CBSC::GetBindInfo"); if ( (grfBINDINFOF == NULL) || (pbindinfo == NULL) || (pbindinfo->cbSize == 0) ) { DEBUG_LEAVE(E_INVALIDARG); return E_INVALIDARG; } // Nuke BINDINFO preserving cbSize; DWORD cbSize = pbindinfo->cbSize; memset(pbindinfo, 0, cbSize); pbindinfo->cbSize = cbSize; if (_Medium == Medium_Storage) { *grfBINDINFOF = 0; } else { *grfBINDINFOF = 0; *grfBINDINFOF |= BINDF_ASYNCSTORAGE; *grfBINDINFOF |= BINDF_PULLDATA; *grfBINDINFOF |= BINDF_NEEDFILE; } PerfDbgLog1(tagCBSC, this, "-CBSC::GetBindInfo hr:%lx", hr); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CBSC::OnStartBinding(DWORD grfBINDINFOF, IBinding *pib) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_TRANS, Hresult, "CBSC::IBindStatusCallback::OnStartBinding", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x", this, grfBINDINFOF, pib )); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; PerfDbgLog(tagCBSC, this, "+CBSC::OnStartBinding"); if (pib) { _pBdg = pib; _pBdg->AddRef(); } PerfDbgLog1(tagCBSC, this, "-CBSC::OnStartBinding hr:%lx", hr); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CBSC::GetPriority( /* [out] */ LONG *pnPriority) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_TRANS, Hresult, "CBSC::IBindStatusCallback::GetPriority", "this=%#x, %#x", this, pnPriority )); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; PerfDbgLog(tagCBSC, this, "+CBSC::GetPriority"); if (pnPriority == NULL) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { *pnPriority = THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL; } PerfDbgLog1(tagCBSC, this, "-CBSC::GetPriority hr:%lx", hr); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CBSC::OnProgress( /* [in] */ ULONG ulProgress, /* [in] */ ULONG ulProgressMax, /* [in] */ ULONG ulStatusCode, /* [in] */ LPCWSTR szStatusText) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_TRANS, Hresult, "CBSC::IBindStatusCallback::OnProgress", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x, %#x, %.80wq", this, ulProgress, ulProgressMax, ulStatusCode, szStatusText )); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; PerfDbgLog4(tagCBSC, this, "+CBSC::OnProgress (StatusCode:%ld/%lx, Progress:%ld ProgressMax:%ld))", ulStatusCode, ulStatusCode, ulProgress, ulProgressMax); PerfDbgLog1(tagCBSC, this, "-CBSC::OnProgress hr:%lx", hr); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CBSC::OnDataAvailable( /* [in] */ DWORD grfBSC, /* [in] */ DWORD dwSize, /* [in] */ FORMATETC *pFmtetc, /* [in] */ STGMEDIUM *pstgmed) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_TRANS, Hresult, "CBSC::IBindStatusCallback::OnDataAvailable", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x, %#x, %#x", this, grfBSC, dwSize, pFmtetc, pstgmed )); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; HRESULT hr1 = NOERROR; PerfDbgLog(tagCBSC, this, "+CBSC::OnDataAvailable"); UrlMkAssert((dwSize > 0)); UrlMkAssert((pFmtetc != NULL && pstgmed != NULL)); // if this is the first notification then make sure that the proper formatetc // is passed in. if (grfBSC & BSCF_FIRSTDATANOTIFICATION) { if (pFmtetc->tymed & TYMED_ISTREAM || pstgmed->tymed == TYMED_ISTREAM ) { STATSTG statstg; PerfDbgLog1(tagCBSC, this, "CBSC::OnDataAvailable - received IStream %lx", pstgmed->pstm); _pStm = pstgmed->pstm; _pStm->AddRef(); if (pstgmed->pUnkForRelease) { _pUnk = pstgmed->pUnkForRelease; _pUnk->AddRef(); } } } if (grfBSC & BSCF_LASTDATANOTIFICATION) { // if this is the final notification then get the data and display it if (_pStm) { UrlMkAssert((pFmtetc->tymed & TYMED_ISTREAM)); //_pStm->Release(); //_pStm = 0; } // if this is the final notification then get the data and display it if (pFmtetc->tymed & TYMED_FILE) { PerfDbgLog1(tagCBSC, this, "CBSC::OnDataAvailable - received File:%ws", pstgmed->lpszFileName); wcscpy(_wzPath, pstgmed->lpszFileName); } UrlMkAssert((_wzPath )); } PerfDbgLog1(tagCBSC, this, "-CBSC::OnDataAvailable hr:%lx", hr); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CBSC::OnLowResource( /* [in] */ DWORD reserved) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_TRANS, Hresult, "CBSC::IBindStatusCallback::OnLowResource", "this=%#x, %#x", this, reserved )); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; PerfDbgLog(tagCBSC, this, "+CBSC::OnLowResource"); PerfDbgLog1(tagCBSC, this, "-CBSC::OnLowResource hr:%lx", hr); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CBSC::OnStopBinding(HRESULT hresult, LPCWSTR szError) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_TRANS, Hresult, "CBSC::IBindStatusCallback::OnStopBinding", "this=%#x, %#x, %.80wq", this, hresult, szError )); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; PerfDbgLog1(tagCBSC, this, "+CBSC::OnStopBinding (hresult:%lx)", hresult); _fGotStopBinding = TRUE; _hrResult = hresult; if (_pBdg) { _pBdg->Release(); _pBdg = NULL; } PerfDbgLog2(tagCBSC, this, "-CBSC::OnStopBinding (hresult:%lx) hr:%lx", hresult, hr); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CBSC::OnObjectAvailable(REFIID riid, IUnknown *punk) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_TRANS, Hresult, "CBSC::IBindStatusCallback::OnObjectAvailable", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x", this, &riid, punk )); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; PerfDbgLog(tagCBSC, this, "+CBSC::OnObjectAvailable"); UrlMkAssert((_Medium == Medium_Unknown)); UrlMkAssert((punk)); punk->AddRef(); _pUnk = punk; PerfDbgLog1(tagCBSC, this, "-CBSC::OnObjectAvailable hr:%lx", hr); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }